TAR DAILY WHIG, SAaTy RDAY, SEPTEMBER 27. We . carry a. large line of Seats and Racks. This handsome design in. quarter cut oak only $6.50, others for less and some at $9.80, $10.00 up, to $18.00. This Beautiful Hanging Rack British hevel Mirror, only $5. We carry the latest suggestions. rErEEE Carpats, Curtains, Oil Goths and Lincleums, All new and personally selected by our C. E. Taylor from the best English and Scotch mills. WINDOW SHADES AND POLES. Yours, T. F. Harrison Co. DIRECT IMPORTERS. Undertaking, etc. Telephone Nos, 90-91. Wie tb ARPLTS | Every purchaser of Carpets, whether for the smallest room or | the largest hotel wants his mind satisfied on three points, namely, price+quality--style. It is because we convince our customers as to every one of these requirements that we confidently expect your patronage. RR McFaul Kingston Carpet Warehouse. Beg Mayoraity 1983. To Tha Elsciors of Kingston: LADIES AND GUNTLEMEN IT am acan- didate for the mayoralty for the vear 1903, and respectfully ask for your votes and io- fluence on my behall. J 1. WHITE. Mayoralty 1903. To the Electors of Kingston: LADIES AND GENTLEMEN :=t- respects fully solicit" your votes and iiflicuce" to" cht 'me as Mayor for 1903. J H BELL. Cook's Cotton Root Compound. Ladies' Favorite, Is the oniy safe, reliable regulator on which woman can depend "in the hour and time of need." Y'repared in two degrees of strength. No. 1 and No. 2. No, l.--For ordinary ¢ Ses far the "best dolla icine known. No. o--For si cages 10 degrees ronger--three has per box. os vour druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Compound. Take no other as all pil mixtures "and imitations are dangerous. No. 1 and No, 2 are sold and recommended by all druggists in the Do- minton of Cana Mailed to any adress on receipt of pT ee A 2-06! BE popiage 2 y e Coo! ompany, StnDs Windsor, Ont. Sold in Kingston by all responsible drug gis sts, IE FINEST PIPE MALE, PERFECT _ SHAPES. ST FINISH. Guarante od not to burn. Sold in Vulcanite, Horn or Amber by WM. BAKER BOTH. fused Location in Diocese -- Clergyman to the Pope. Bobcaygeon have extended a jfiom gu Kingston p i church, at Granth } ty. Unt. ! Rev. Thomas Cochrane, minister the United Free Church "of Se who died at bdinbargh, marred {000 couples, which is the record for i Hershel Island, NWP. we > five days on the journey fr rtv-one days of actual vel, fifty-four days waiting for 1 church. Toror nl ong those plesent were seventy ANYTHING TO SELL, MAM ? This is what the second-hand dealer says when he callg at your door, sod you promptly soy no, without thought. The Kingston "Bag and Ve. tal Co. only ask you to drop them a card to 389 Princess street " have sorted over all you and they will pay you highest cash i -- STRAIGHT SINESS| Murray, Jr. * Auctioneer and Commission Mer- chant, ket Square, charge, in July. I'he announcement Sidaey Goodman, of 8 Luke' in Toronto, has receivtd a call Cleveland church. Ihe fe ilowing is a i: that 'vou know, vou th sistahee in purchas ing new Rev. James Nn lion, of ! ton, has accepted a perman nt pointment as pa tor of the that country. Viseount Halifax | has i home for the new Anglican ! Benedictines at Painsthrope Hall, hire Wold: the remote Yorl Stanford Bridge Rev. CO Whit: kor, mi tario--t port. Rev. J.J. Teasdale rever Fredericton. The congrecation of the Church St. Thomay, of Hamilton, on T day, bade farewell 10 Rev. . Toronto, he has accepted the -rectorship of the Church of the Redeemer. = It ix announced at Rome that Count gift te the who is leaving for Adami he his mag made § nt villa near © therein. The money value of On Wednes ops will with Mer. Faleonio on peeting the ie in the Dominion: Among those to attend will bishop Gauthier of Kingston. The Canadian Ang board is appealing for a lady an missionary,. of either medical { or hospital experience, to undertake evancelistic. work at Nagano, in conjunction with Hamaguchi in Ningston. who was t Rev. Dr. Vancouver for position of corresponding secretary of Preshyterian missions, was by presentations The congregation a St. gave him a purse conthining a gold fountain pen. Mrs, Si laren® was the recipient of a gold Ministers of all denominations present. A meeting of the congrégation Knox church, Ottawa, has been called for October lst, for to extend to a pastor: A large munher didates have been heard, and there are at least _four of them 'whose will come up, among them be Mr. Hendry, of Brandon, Man Mr. Allison, Southampton; Glasford, Guelph; and Rev. X of Brampton. Rev. James Allan, M.A Methodist Missions in' New was formerly pastor of churches Montréal, Hamilton, Cobourg, ' to. Brockville, and Winnipeg. (". Buchanan, of Edmonton, thé new superinter anid the North-West tori former member of the Montreal ference, a native of Carleton Religions com Frante by the law of associations, have made applisation "to Archbishop Bohai for | the archdioce 1 to ecclesiasti is presrequ > \ : archbishop Ras refused the asked for. Some nor munities are -so effected, hop svmpathizes with the ord but sees --nho i their distress their services in his archdiocese. A farewell =ery Mrs. Mackay. cao, South Cl mn al es of . the 3 Canada, was mn i who presented M e book of Ching ' . Rav w and Mr. ddress. Mr. ionaries to. go to Macao. Church Services To-morrow. chur Bethel: Conan Morden, M oifer, " My mother was trout] i i Se for . At last'she was g o die. Then she IN THE PULPIT AND THE "PEW - NEWS OF Expelled French -Communities Re- : Money From Carnegie--A Giit cand all are welcome The Presbyterian congregation Rev. Mr. Smith, of Callender. Bishop Mills, of Kingston, will con- duct the Quiet Hour oi the alumni of Wycliffe college, Toronto, Oct. 7 Rev. Dr. Courtice will tinue as editor oi the Christian Guar- dian until the new editor some a count of the conference at Wirnij -! on Wednesday, at 8 pm. All wel come. ade that Rev. day school, 2:45 pam. Pastor's bible class, 1:13 pm. Week n 'nt utterance 1k you know, | ! vou don't know, doa"t vou Know." William Mowat, of Siratford, sts that Shiehus 'of that uld approach Andrew Carnegie ™ tian © Ilndeavo cizht o'clock, | Rev. J). Philp, M.A., D.D. Re-opening Sunday, | Rept. 25th--11 am. and 7 pone. sermoiis by Reve Dre Potts, edu carte church. Collections aid of church improvements, in Oxford cout church. Platform meeting sat cight oelock, Choice "music and brief hesses, after which a social hour fi m nine to - ten o'clock. Licht refresh ments will be sérved by the ladi in the Sunday school hall: no charge. The ladic and trustees invite all 3 nds from all the Munday nikon, onary ¥ GQ NAL has declined the invitation to the pastorate of { Nethodist church, Charlottetown, {lv on account of impaired health, T : entleman will remain vs (ion wd colo 1} Good Shepherd, Barri, Mr. Craig violin Miss Armstrong: flut R Skinner; organist and nusical divec Ald. Tait Wants Information terworks committee afte warrior has a habit of following up his ideas, and making the most out of them. He was looking for infor mation yesterday, but there was ne one on the commitdse who could en lichten him. some G00 , works of art ec perh gift is estimated at S1L000,000. ay next a number Canadian Roman Catholic archbish- toed in Lttawa and f surance know something about I= it possible 7 Would it be pr hle *"° Chairman «king ed that ht thought it was possible, but that it was a_ large question to handle. bro Ald. Tait's anywhere that carvies- on municipal onto, t assume 0 ae contin tried. Ald. Scars was of thé opinion that municipal insurance was 'a go oll me: here,' he aemarked, although we need it. Jt would be fought by.every fire insurance agent in the country. They would all condemn it. Our "chair man represents a fire insure pany, and he might oppose the scheme, too" city had an insurance company of its own. The rates charged by 'the 'tom panies were too high altogethér, and there should be some velief Rev. all the time with them," was the graphic wav in which All. Tait sum med up. the situation. "bk while thé companies = raise the rate and you've got to pay Tt. This is a Sault Ste. Maric, appointed super intendent want cheaper rates here. If municipal insurance was adopted the citizens would be more, careful in the matter of fires, because. then the money would! come out of their- own pockets.' » nts for HA nities, éxpelled fron; Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By rmission to locate of Ottawa. According aw such permission site. of Aid, Eh S Powder dusted in the bath softens the water at the same time that it disinfects. 16 lic school and colle with an exp 1 Mrs. Mackay woo fiest Canadian Presbhyteny ye not advanced the price of ur weos! Amber smokl tobac- co A ency and Fair Play hy t SHA the same J. CATER C2, Lowell, Mass will prea bin -the morning and Rev. T. W. Savary in the evening. Har: est 'Thanksgiving, St. church, Holy communion, 11; service, 7: thank oliering for repai fund. All welcome: First Congregationalist church, cor Wellington and Johnston streets, Sotandt, B.A., acting pastor. | ices, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sab bath and pastor's bible class at 3 p.m. Prayer meeting Weduesday even- ing at eight o'clock. Seats are frec Queen street Methotlist church, Sept. 23th. --Rev. J. Looper Antlifi; M.A. D.D., will preach at lI a.m. and 7 p. ni." At the evening service he will giv nt general Sunday school at 2:45 p.m. Midweek service Iirock street Methodist church, Rev. Fier Crummy, B.A. | . Sunday services: Morning and even ;, eleven and seven o'clock. ch at both. San pastor. g [rv The pastor wil pre in t soevice Monday evening, eight o'clock, Ch Wednesday evening, aver meeting. Sydenham street Methodist church, al secretary of the Method nusic hy the choir. All made we ye. 2:13 pam. an. open meeting + Sunday school. Monday eveni al re-union will be held in the ant nod; solo, Mr. Thou Weary." -N "Changcless the 'Love of the Mastor." ie: Mrs, Kerr: anthem, "San > tor, Miss Shaw. MUNICIPAL INSURANCE. About It. The discussion was dragging wearily me near: the close of the civie wa ceting yesterday oon, when an idea eatered Ald. "head. The Avontenac ward 1 i "What about a scheme of municipal © he enquired. Crd like te © beer 'Tharger questions hts into a smaller Timi," was reply. "ls there any city urance ! y one. knew of any city on this t where the scheme 'had been =h concern ha numberof Eng : - "It would be pretty hard to get i ¢ com AIL, Graham stated it "wa§ thane the "It's a case of 'stand and deliver' ery little matter we ought to look into. Wi --- INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Reporters On Their Rounds. Lever's V-Z (Wise Hegd) Disinfectant Soap 1 ply and Yesterday was pay day other emg ption for the 1 < cathedral will of the church before all tary for burg Street car No. branch, struck the Timperial steam Taw afternoon at the Queen street Y The rio escaped with slight and th was unin ! was ier the aue i Alban hurch,, Odessa av ng whit rovidl ot bn 1 rr» pl 1 W i kh Sy thiz city steel in th "we mh nd scored a <t and price We for the re mortoa NMontreal Baseball Team Brockville junior to play in Gananoque this afternoon. Sullivan's pitching record with Pro- { i eight- S1,000 on the season. Boucker wii not Hkely Plog with Ot- + golden the J two games this season. an, has pitched in ny a ine aside of the has announced hasehall r all and Ful he will team made suflicient money Neat Rally Cards. aims of the school. card goes on to say, i Evervone present who is en- i per cent rallv Rol with + auditorium word thee the school room at 2: friends and visitor A Demand For' Coke. here is a steadily coke to take the place of coal. YWOA. Re Open re-opening of the Y.W.C./ Monday afternoon, Sept- at hali past three o'cloc k. es and greetings i will he given. friends For Fancy Cakes. assorted cakes at Laxative Quinine Tablets. hours; head. Java and Mocha AGAIN _ SIGNED. | PROVI * DENCE NEXT SEASON. Out of Na- # tional League--Rough Riders' , the great Ottawa hali-back, All form line. was the Philadel lose {ell probably holds the f r. having in AL TR? ott Wai with Mana ger again. pitched good ball ook season though last whacked the ball for over mat- fers have just asi 1 that stage hn the or or and and he Tr bine of the but of actual work the re<ults are summed up in two words of dis over dav Queen ) have i-sued a neat and attractive little card 5 d iP the in Let ure the at- sold clerovman who lives ont on the line of the K. r will use in place of that demand will all His and ston dairy vitley Joave s Mon the way to New York, where she will take the SS. Celtic for Ker home. Her father will accompany here to New York. 2 raised the hulls of eight dereli sels from the walers of river, below the brid, beached them near the where the owners will cut ahem up? into fuenwood. Vessel pleased to know that tho old ! ships which were d have been removed, morning, said ; the city council choose some spot in the harbor as a giaveya lite. Such a place is badly jon. Mu has a grave) and the city should have one, too. Or if the derclicts were gaken out in to deep water and sunk it serio ate a al cup ol tor--heet ete? notes. To Stay at Post While Others Got uo 1s f of Frank, of Covington, probably familiar many. and most that a too he I happen to think He was vseli com case had the larg and treatment of consumption =u throat and lung troubles without los= ing its great populdrity all these v vour stiention to Boschee's German Svrun. There a others that Tight colts FEW LINE INTERVIEWS. # i Judge Price--Wood owners: aleng the Rideau will not set a price upon their fuel. They see $15 a -cord before the winter is hali through. of + Lieut.-Col. Hunter--In their final land- ing place "the members of the fourth estate and the limbs of the law will get all their firing for nothing. But like us good' men, they have to pay ior their coal here. PERSONAL MENTION. Movements Of The People--What They Are Saying And Doing. J. R, Kilborn, Cape Vincent, spent yesterday in the eéity. Mrs. Hemsley, I'remont | Park, is visiting Mrs. Savage, Vine street. (. C. Chadwicks Brock street, leaves to-morrow to atgend Chicago Dental college. Robert Graham, oraduate of King- school, has carried off first buttér-making at Gx Bow, Boe Milne and Louis Hoppins returned to day from a pleasant ca- noe trip up the Rideau: They were absent several days. G. W. Bell. V.~. left this morning for Centreville, to act as a judge of horses at thi fair being held there to-day. Dr. Bell practised there when a student, and this ig his fizst visit to 'the village in twenty-three years. Ay on a long visit to M. W. Maclean, Bello- lay for Kingston, on A MAR INE GRAVEYARD. Harbormaster Thinks It Is Neces- sary Here. < Clancy and his partner have t Ves Cataragui and have Lotton ni Thom: ¢ nen are very us to navigation, anger arbor Master McCammon, in com- on] the matter, on Saturday : ' 3 . I would like to' sec d for dere ols have For years old, worn-out ves heen towed to various parts of the harbor and th lefe. In all sueh ws thev are a menace to naviga tion. Skills and yachts--and evan the larce steamers--are liable to run into the wi on a dark night. and he not sunk, Hiv the collis- lin, at Garden Island, ard for such old vessels, iamag wonld not be so ball 'We have hal a lot of troublg with these old tubs in the past. Everyone remembers the cll wmer City of Kingston, and all the de she caused before she was tL tt finally disposed of. In my opinion it would be a wise nove on the part' of the city to choose 3 place as a grave- vard for old vessels, and then" made it compulsory for every derelict to be buried there." AT THE GRAND. ! "Guy PBrés." Minstrels." Monday night the favorite Guy Pros". will hold the boards at the wd Opera house. Their new first art, "The Hunters' Rest," or the Stag at Bay," will be given for the first time in Kingston, <A Hot Scotch Major." In. A. Hot Scotch Major' one doesn't have to he told to. laugh. Ri- diculously funny situations, punctuat- ed by the wittiest of dialogue, bring the most obstinate smiles to the sur- face. It appears at the Grand on Wednesday next, October lst: '" Alaska. " "Alaska," Lincoln J; Carter's new melodrama that will be presented at the Grand Opera house Thursday, Oc: tober 2nd, is a melodrama with a plot that is both natural and effective. The story deals with a class of people that becomes interesting to the audience from the rise "of the @mtain to ies fall. Some of the most beautiful and picturesque scenery is used in this production, showing the trading posts in the north land and. the crater of an old volcano that is more than rich with gold. Caution ! This 1s not a gentle word--but when vou think how liable you are not to purchase for Tic. the only remedy uni- versaily Ano n and a remedy that has sale of any nedicine e 1368 for the cure in the world s rs, vou will be thankful we called so many ordinary : made by druggists and p and: good for cough remedi ar I coughs, bro 1 croup-- and, es pecially for conNumption," w hte there is diffeult expectoration sng eongh and mornin German Syrup. $18 in the civilized n, Woodbury, N.J. inc during the $; there is nothing Soll by all tir world. G. G. ( The Scores Made. Herewith is given the scores made ronto \ rv camp by the units Ju nang tar t prac- Montreal Hamilton 1 ' $ Se LF Steamer North King leave ston at 5 p.m., for Rochester, N.X., calling at Bay of Quinte ports. A ot for severe "THAT'S A LIE" THE SHORT-METRE PHRASE OF ALD. TAIT He and Alderman Graham Cross Swords--J. A. Gardiner Ad- vises City Fathers to Pluck Up Courage -- Water Works Committee Meets. The civic waterworks committee met in the city engineer's office at 4:30 p. m. yesterday. There were present, Chairman King, Aldermen Graham. Sears and Tait, and Superintendent Hewitt. I'he chairman stated 'that the new boiler for the waterworks' pumping station had twice been tested, and found to stand 250 lbs. of steam. It was now being delivered. St. Andrew's church authorities ask- ed the committee for 3 reduction in the cost of water for lawn hose, the hose not being used in July and only two or three times in August. All. Tait thought that because Pro- vidence had provided lots of water was no reason why the rate should be cut. The church was able to pay it. His motion that the letters be fyled was carried. The aldermen did not believe in es- sablishing a precedent in such mat- ters. x A large batch of accounts were found satisfactary, and ordered to be puid. Mrs. A. Wilder, Williamsville, desir- ed, to have water connections on her premises, and agreed to pay the ex- penses, It was pointed out by the superin- tendent that the property is outside the city, and that it vould require considerable rock excavation. a the field back of the water towes in order to supply the wat: 0. G, Johnston, florist, has been de } a water supply, as his propecty was outside the city. . Ald. Graham, claimed Mrs. Wilder should be given~the water, as it has heen given in several similar instaic es. He moved that the water be furn- ished. Ald. Sears moved in ametidinent that the superintendent prepare a re- | port on the matter re consumption of water and revenue to be derived from its supply. Ald. Graham claimed that the two Wilder families owned property with in the city, and that they should have the water supply. The superintendent was only losing time in getting par- ticulars ? Ald. Sears' amendment was carried. A short but spicy little dialogue then followed hetween Ald. Graham and Ald. Tait. It concluded bv the utterance of some personal references "I never go back upon my word; anvway, declared Ald. Tait. "I've seen vou do it many a time." 1 Ald. Graham. hat's a lie," reiterated Ald. Tait. as he struck the table with his fist. "That's it, in short metre." John A. Gardiner wrote recardina the: system on which fire insurance rates are basiéd, pointing ont rome defects in the city waterworks, which, if remedied, would reslt in a lever rate being obtained. The Ictter also vised the city fathers to pluck up éourage. and do something. The let ter, was briefly considered. The city clerk will he asked, according to Ald. Graham's motion, to write to the se- cretary, of the Underwriters' Associa tion, Toronto, for details concerning instances in' which the service can be improved. They Pass The Entrance Young. Some very young chile iren succeed in pass the entrance examinations in this city. This summer 2}1 pupits wrote, and *they were of the following ages. Two at "eleven years; twenty- three at twelve years, forty-five at thirteen vears; seventy five at fourteen vears, forty-three at fifteen ypars, eigh teen at sixteen years, four at seven teen years, and one at eighteen years That two should pass at the carly ave of eleven years and twen three at -only twelve vears of age, shows that there are some very 4 il er pupils it the Iingston public schools. The avérage age of the successful fu. pils, Inspector Kidd has ficurod out ty he 13.9 vears--a pretty good showing in itsell. The average age of the boys who pass 5 was 13.68 vears, and of the girls 1h2 vears Thus Hu fats seem to have been a little eleverer than the girls. t Spends Money Freely. The Rafferty party, of Isle bmperiak Alexandria Bay, which, as stated in vecterday's * Whig, has just returned from a trip no the: Rideau on the vacht Jessie 'N., made some splenlid catches of fish, which are very plenti ful just now in those beautiful waters. Pass weighing five and one-half and six and one-half pounds were quite fre- quently landed, They were "reg gular snowshoes," as one member f the party! remarked. Mr. Rafierty is £ millionai in fact, he is reported to he worth 2.000.000. 1 spends i money freely, pays good wages to help and is very popular "with es one. His daily expenses awhile up the | Rideanexceed ayer 830, The part) turns on Monday for another mor raort. a United Statesers Cannot Cheer. In i mintasthy editor of the Whigs, of King ton, one of the -Canadians | whe found himself cheering for Presi lent Roe eh Monday's 1 iew. He say Lbhration was | yeh th as his fellom-conntry men accor no Viditing prince Cor ernor, except that Detroiters dont know how to cheer -------------- m-- '0' Wad Some Pow' r,' Ete. Hamnlton Ti The ! hitetligenecer never oR about B Cer tainty it = growing city = growing | 8 and ' . ry lav Ch, Precious Coal 1 (Coal Dealer How lo vou t ir coal delivered ( i (i | k | ! pe Dall in Bibby's.. Oak Hall. Bibby's. New hats in all the--fashionable shapes, and colors, $1, 3 22. The H..D. Bibby Co. WHO TOLD YOU astile Soap? Why, we are selling it as fast as we can at 20 cts, a Bar. H. B. TAYLOR, Chemist aad Optician, 124 Princess St. * Successor to E. C. Mitchell. This Line Complete .. NCW... HARRY WEBB'S CHOCOLATES, FINE STATIONERY. PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY E. L. EBBELS, Chemist and Drugglst, King and Mark+t Sts. 200404999 9 0® Swiit's Scranton $0000000000000000 ALL SIZES. JAMES SWIFT & $0. 'Phone 135. ©0669090900060600 Our Coal it as Clean as Though It Were Wash- ed and Brushed. EACH ,LUMP STANDS BY ITSELF, GOON eolid ooal--so much .solid fire. After mines, impurities are Thereafter it is screene: it reaches you, and dirt, have no chance, il the dealers are Foot tol Queen St.--'Phonme 9. NOTICE Is hereby given the public that 1 purpose making it warm for ail persons using 'my coal next wim: Your omder is solicited. P. WALSH 55-57 Barrack St. A Cosy Bright Fire Is an atiraction for every one. intense heat of our with pleasure during just the kind to oooh Let us fill vour vin with 'BOOTH'S COAL. 'Phone 133, Foot Auction Sales. Save Money by Employing ALLEN & BROWN, Auctioneers. thas xy sy ALL Se ana absolute cure for ea and every form of ftching bleadingand Drotiuding » eo manufacturers have guaranteed the dally press ask a gogo er think of it. You can Bash ¢ ja moncy back if not eured. 1 or EDMANSON, BATES & Ky, 7 Chase's Gwmtmant