~medy a - stamps. TOO GREAT EXPENSE Not The Reason. id File Cure people de- but because reat a 8X on their feredulity too ches that the published Jetiors bearing testimony 10 the merit of this remeay @ ,enuine and bona fide; especially" to lized the sultering it in edible that affticted twentyvoine and with the worst for: and bleeding piles should the apph n a when ti physician has a that the only relici i operation. This is by" all tho the least a gn the nervous system, with possibility of utter death; in the majority there i return owing fact not remo ed. The {ure ag dollars to It i SO s not because Pyre expensive that 1 cline to give it trial, they fina it tou a those who have rea incident to piles is anyone who has been thirty years oi protruding be cured by It medy . ured them na surgical vightivlly viewed alfiicted, as 1t at shock to than a collapse = and of ca 100, the complaint. the cause 1» of "in ix with dread leans at more of the that Pyramid Pile to forfeit one thousand anyone who will shew a sincle published testimonial to be not genuine and unsolicited; this latter most gratifying, inasmuch Jotters are written solely out and with the hope that afllicted as the writers learn: that relief is at trifiing , ex is for sale proprietors of feature is thes of gratitude, those whe are have been may hand, at a comparatively pense. Pyramid Pile Cure hy at firty cents or wil be mailed hy whe any address wpon receipt of Win, Lichtenwalter, head of the largest printing house in Canten, Ohio, lt the utmost } leakure and satisfaction that | can suv 1 believe 1 cured of protrad; ine and bleeding after | have been hed time. 1 have not Tor year, arng ts 8 lo price. SVS with am piles, suliering more than 25 years in for suffered i Pvramic AN in the least used only three fifty -cent 1 Pile Cure, | ying with this complamt te ne two over a boxes of advise every pet ny dist this re 1 wv contidens id Drug Co for their book on the on pau i trial. 1 Ww in at vite the 1' MArshail, Mich. causes and cur Furniture: We carry a large line of Seats and Racks. This handsome design in quarter cut ocak only. $6.50, others for less and some at $9.50, $10.00 up to $18.00. This Beautiful Hanging Rack British bevel Mirror, only $5. We carry 'the Iatest suggestions. EEREES . Garpats, Curtains, Oi Cloins and Linofewins, "al new and personally by C. E. best English and Scotch mills. selected our Taylor from the WINDOW SHADES AND POLES. Yours, T. E. Harrison Co. DIRECT IMPORTERS. Undertaking, etc. Telephone Nos. 9091. Every purchaser of Carpets, whether for the smallest room or the largest hotel wants his mind satisfied on three poiats, namely, price--quality--style. It is because we convincd, our customers as to every ome of these requirements that we confidently expect your patronage. ety R. McFaul Kingston Carpet Warehouse. Root Compound. Ladies® Favorite, safe, reliable which weman "in the hour Cotton Is the only regulator on can depend and time of need Prepared In two degrees of strength. No. 1 and No. 2. No. 1.--For ordinary cases is 'by far the best. dollar : medicine known. No. 2--For special cases--10 degrees stronger--three dollars per box. . Tadies--ask your druggist for Cook's Cottom Root C¢ mpound. Take no other .as all pills, mixtures and imitations are jangerous. No. 1 and No, 2 are sold wad Te ommended by all druggists in the Do- minion of Cans . Mailed to any address on receipt of price and four 2-cent postage he Cook Company, Windsor, Ont. Qold in Kingston by all. res msible druggists. BOARD. . LARGE FON ROOM, ALSO TWO SINGLE rooms, with modern conver tral, not far from City and parks. Suitable lor a party of an five, 19% Farl street © ee ------eer TO COIN COLLECTORS. * CABINET OF U.S. SILVER COINS FOR ele Address at Whig Office. nee M from three SHORT SESSION OF CITY FATHERS Queen's Athletic Committee Wants Street Car Track Laid to Athletic Grounds--Reports Re- ceived From Different Commit- tees. Around the horseshoe in the council chamber were last ivht the following aldermen. when nk Ireland, acting clerk, called the 'voll : Mayor Shaw, Alds. Bell, Craig, farrell, Graham, Harkness, Hipson, Kent, Kinz, Knapp, McCammon, ME Leod, Sears, Wcliem, White. On motion of Aids. Walkem Bell, the minutes, as printed, of last mveting, were confirmed. € ity seated and the Communications Considered. Macdonnell & Farrell--In behalf trustees of Queen's. University, asking for remission of taxation of women <tudents' residence, 170 Earl street, and on Queen's athletic grounds-- Court of Revision. City 'Engineer Kirkpatrick--Pointing out that in order to carry on city work next year more yard accommo- dation will be necessary and suggest- ing that the Donnelly Salvage and Wrecking company be asked to va- of + yard :) 13 ing tof Albert street, calling attention cate that portion of the water works now occupied by them----Board of works and water works cammittee. D. M. Solandt, acting secretary Queen's Athletic association, request that the street railway company he allowed to lay trackk on Macdon- nell street in order tha adequate atreet car accommodation may furnished those who desire to attend athlotic contests in Queen's Athletic orounds --Reforred to chairman board of works and city "engineer, with power to act, on 'motion of Ald. Farrell and King. J. Macpilliveay and other residents to unsafe condition that thoroughrare he the impassable and of certain parts of Board of works. Petitions Presented. From John Hazlett, struction tile Board of works. SQears-- Prom" Joseph Franklin, taxation Court of Ald. asking in lark for 1 Broek street Ald, asking for remission wount of on. L of sewer of vacancy on Ie ---- Finance Committee Report. Ald. Walkem presented the of the committee finance, mending payment these accounts : May Shaw, expenses at convention, $1 Howland Bros., 83: R. £5. F. Gallagher, 81; Crawford & Walsh, 819: Livingston & Bro., [20, J. P. Hanley, 34.70: W. Richardson, 5; parks pay roll, £19.95: Huch Johnston, $43: Nt. John Railway Co., : : K. Railway Co. 85.15: Nolan & McFadden, labor pay list, $082.48: J. £14.05: T. Wellwood, Conley, in- . J. Hamer, $27 J. Me- 0: W. Abernethy, $112.10: A. I. Smythe, 87.69. Water works departme kv Wood Manufacturi Sle: T. Hewett, $16: 8. Anglin & Co, SUES, Al: GTR. Co. S105: ('anadian press Col, 50c.: Watts & Morley i." A. Wiicht, $70.50; , Selby & den, Oleg T McAuley, $11.50: Williamson, $58.64; labor pay {INK 460: Canada Foundiy Co., 3: IY, Tracy, ¥6.51. The committee further recomuwnded ne-aetion on the communication Catharine Morrison, asking to be lieveil. of local improvement tax asphalt walk, -elaimed to be of report on of recom- Jovd, MeCambridee, 3 Conley, Carnovs Ex S15: Youl A. list, |110. of re- on no benefit to her property. Adopted motion of Alds. Walkem and Bell. Ald. Whitd presented the report the city property committee, published. Adopted on and Nears, Ald. Kino had a report ready from the water works committee, but as at was signed hy" three members only, it could not he placed before the coun- on of already Alds. White cil. All. Mcleod presented the report of the hoard of works; already pablich- ed. Adopted on motion of Alds, Me- toot ands MeCammon. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Notes Regarding the Movements o Vessels. ('raiv's wharf : ups Steamers Lake Michi Al andria down. Sugit's wharf: Steamers King fram Ottawa: Montreal to-night. Richardsons' elevator: Steambarge John Milne from Gananoque; schooner Highland Beauty from bay ports. »- _. 1. company elevator. Tog Thonigon, Charlotte to Montreal with two har coal laden; steambarge Hinckley from Detroit with rye. The steamer Bothnia is at Montreal with a cargo damaged orain; - which-.she Carried from upper lake ports. The Bothnia was enraged all summer in - the coal and timber trade, and was put into thes grain trade this fall. Arriving . at Montreal her cargo was found to he damaged. The grain was surrendered to the in- tSirance underwriters; --whe--aifter qurvev, » disclaimed all liability the {7.000, will fall upon owners of the steamer. ohn Rideau Spartan from of a and loss, the PE---- Fall Importation Of 1802. the New Yark clothing store. Drock_ street, has received all Lis fall importations for oraer work in his = tailoring department. ready-made dej artifient is well assc i od ant a large assort ment "to ct 1 } from. For low price, and durability ! ha defies competition. «+ eet «Bibby's.' Prevost, of Oak Hall. \ style bany, { "Bit { ; \ oe The little ore died soo 1 ' were warn |, dp ed tt arrival. Nr. Stiles much prov on im COUNCIL SITS | | Notes About the Various Sport: TAR DAILY WHIG, SPORT IN GENERAL. } ing Fields. Peterboro will not enter a tedm in, the jumior series. - Toronto Argonauts: are in need ofa good quarter-back. What's the salary? The O.R.FA very anxious "to have Lindsay enter a team in the n- jor series. Now that baseball is done, "Chau or" Eliott and 'Jerry' Hunt will 1e- «ume their places on. the Ping-Pong field. F."R. Martin, Hamilton, won the amateur golf championship of Cana- da, by defeating R. GC. H. Cassels, "Toronto. Bowmanville and @Qshawa played a deciding match for the championship of the Midland baseball league. Bow- manville won by eight to three. Merrill, formerly of Queen's rughy and hockey teams, will likely play full-back for Ottawa Rough Riders. Ishester, formerly of Varsity, will be one of the scrimmage. Richards, formerly legei who was expected to be with Queen's this fall has thrown in his lot with McGill, on whose rughy team be will likely play centre-halif. Hon. J. R. Stratton has offered a cup or shield or an equivadent of that description to be decided upon, to the Peterborough Ritle Association, to be competed for at the coming and fu ture annual competitions. Toronto Argonauts have completed arrangements for a match with an All Rochester team at Toronto, on Octo- ber 11th. The game will be played half under United States rules and half under Canadian rules. At. a meeting last nivht of the Rambler football club, John Porter was lected captain. The members are turning out to practice well and will meet the Limestones Saturday in the first of the O.R.F.U. matches. J. T. Sutherland states that he will umpire no more baseball. For three years he has made a competent official, being a past master of base hallology. «" Jim' will now hegsin to fioure on kis Frontenac hockey team for this winter. ' The Montreal Star publishes a story to the effect that the senior lacrosse clubs are prepared to bid defiance to the CLA.AU. A leading member of one of the clubs is quoted as saving that Quinn, having been reinstated bv the C. L. A., the ultimatum of the C: A. AU. that all "clubs playing him will be tossionalized will he disregarded 3 yamrocks, Capitals and Cornwalls/ They will play against anv team of whidh he is a member, and if the C.A.A.U. acts they will draw, out of the N.A.L.U. and form a new association, leaving Toronto and Montrealers to play by themselves. is of Ottawa Col- again PERSONAL MENTION. pe ---- Movements Of The People--What They Are Saying And Doing. A. C. od this morning he went to attend the orandfather. br. A. W. Winnett, General Hospital, where His many recovery. Alderman Fait's many "iriends will regret to learn of his zen illness. The Frontenac ward warrior is very low and his attending physician says his condition is critical. Perey Murray, a former Kingstonian now successfully conducting in Westport. returned after spending tv with old friends. Semple & Minne- Dunbar, Queen street, return from Stratford, where funerad of his dentist, is in the he is ill of appendiciti friends hope for a.speedy us who is a drug business home vesterday, or two in the W. R. Taylor, of Janney, (o's hardware establishment, apolis, Minn., is renewing old ac aunintanceg. His father was at time loeal inspector for Inland Lloyds. Last_evoning J. McKinnon and 0. C. Bissell entertained a fow-Melends in their rooms, University avenue. A jolly timé was spent, the hosts pro- ving thetselves capable entertainers. Arthur, Holmes, or anizer for the International Machi ts' ~union, ar rived in the city to-day, and will talk over matters with the striking ma- few' of whom are now in - the a day cl one chinists, city. Kenneth. Berney, Athens, al in the city to take a mechanical and mining engineering course at Queen's coldege. H. Moore, another Athenian, has arrived for his last vear's work .in medicine. * James McArthur, manager of the Ontario Building and Savings * s0 ciety, moved back to the city to-day from his summer home, Thorn Cot tace, Wolie Island, where he and his family spent the summer. -- Slack--Leeder. Wednesday sorbing interest has arriv morning aa event" of al took place at St. James' charch, Trevelyan, when Rev Father Crowley united in' marriage Frank" Slack, Long Point, and XN Maggie Leeder, Caintown. The bride, 'who is very popular, looked charm- ing in a travelling suit of fawn ehe- viot with velvet hat. She was assist- ed by the sister, Miss May Leddgr, neatly dressed in a travelling suit of ¥. J. O'Connor, comsin of the groom, was hect man: The ceremony \ the bridal party, accompanied bv a few of 'their most intimate friends, repaired to s the honie of the hride's parents, where an alogant wed- ding breakfast was } 1 f. Rev. Father Crowley spoke very of -the merits of the Bride ant Frak O'Connor r in hehal the The happy conple left at one rice grey. over, nitably yonded of aroom. o'clock, amid good wishes, for a {o- Watertown, Tots points. The popularity of the shi received SNOW other bride and the was shown by anv useful and 3 costly presents TUESDAY. HAND IN HAND WOMEN BANDED TOGETHER FOR GOOD CAUSE To Mark the Opening of the Young Women's Christian As- sociation--A Good Work in Sight. : The opening of the fall and winter work of the Y.W.C.A. of Kingston. was marked by a large and enthusi- | astic gathering of ladies at the bright and commodions rooms, corner Prin. cess and Sydenham streets, on Non- day afternoon. An air of activity and earnestness pervaded the scene, show- ing that the women of Kingston are taking a great interest in the work of helping their younger sisters to reach a higher and fuller degree of woman- hood. Every woman's society in the city had it representative or, repress entati the sterday, making it in GEN. G. W. DAVIS, Of Mindanao fame; who succeeds Gen. Chafive in the Philippines today, almost cosmopolitan sc truth an co. the Na- Groetings were extended from tional council of Women, Woman's Christian = Temperance Union, Wom- Missionary Soc ety, Froehel Un- Y.M.CA, i Y W.CA,, Club, "Dorcas ans jon, Sketching Club, arv. Queen's College Poor Relief, Woman's Society, King's Daughters, Daughters of Rebecca, Infants' Howe, Orphans' Nome, Mothers' Club and others. Mrs. (Rev.) MacCallum, in ther ab- cence of the president, Mrs. Carr-Har- i read a comprehensive address, aling with she work ac omplizhed in the past, and outlining the plans for the future. Charming were dered by Mra. Fraser t mond. after which refreshments served. The rooms have been vastly improv- ed this year, rendering them much more useiul and cheerful. The room for physical culture Las heen enlarged and another room has been admirably fitted up for thé domestic science clase. Pretty decorations charm the eve, and here and there bright flowers shed their sweet fragrance over the seone; Miss Harriet Rutherford, = the seneral seeretary who has charge of . work, has certainly, with the as- cistance of her associates, done. her They naturally hope that the ork of this winter will be a success, as no doubt it will be, When the: re: <« of all the - above men: : put their shoulders to bound to hie 'a 2 kas a noble task to efforts deserve tle solos Miss presentative tioned sori the wheel, it's the Y.W.CA, and its oo. perform best 7th. S4. New York Excursion, Oct. from Kingston voing on New York Cen train. leaving Kingston. pm: 7 \ her retin aing New including Oc sleeping cars and i through J Folger; ticket agent, for _inrther infor- Also folaer giving train schedule, eontaining map of York city and excellent illustrations oi seenes. about New York. -------- The Good Roads Plan. A. W. Campbell, er of public worl meeting of the c nox-and Addington and of the various municipalities of 'the county §in Napanee, on October Tth. The meeting has been called to ratiy a- by-law. drawm up by the county, siving a system of roads to the coun tv under' the provincial government's good roads act. Round trip Tickets good tral specia rate and 5 . o sored York to and Pullman parlor' ana handsome coaches without NYG mation. change. ask for deputy commission- ke, will addre: a yunty council. of Len- the wouncils eee Wood Is Very Dear. A couple of citizens yesterday drove ont into the country in search of cord wood, but were unable to purchase any. Farmers are determined to pro- fit by the coal strike and refuse to sell wood except at greatly ads anced prices. The two citizens drove all dav but returned home without a single purchaft, considering prices too high. im ---- The management committee of the Board of Education" met last night, and held. a long discussion over the echool supplies problem. 1t -is con tended that the r qupplies cost too much, and an effort will be made to reduce the expense, h cure will cure street. coll Princess Magis vour cough. 124 If You have Weak Lungs Angier's Petroleum Emulsion will benefit them immediately. By its Tavior's Molly's Sad Farewell.' wily w -- * The libby ve. Bibby wages' ease Oc the attention of the assix court all Monday afternoon and 'this i The jury retired at hali-past o'clock. aler recently refused £100 for ten tons eof coal. The would-be purchaser was.a_ citizen. He could not cup ied soothing, healing and antiseptic action, it cleansés and heals the sore, irritated and diseased mem- branes, stops the cough, revitalizes the blood, creates healthy flesh and strengthens the whole system. Angier's Petroleum Emulsion is pleasant to take, agrees with weak stomachs, promotes a healthy appe- tite and keeps the digestive organs in a healthy condition so that the food is properly digested and assimilated. A gain in weight always follows its use. All druggists sell it. ANGIER CHEMICAL CO. BosTdn, MASS. have secured ten tons for' $500. 'SEPTEMBER SO. FIVE HAVE PAID. } Mayor Says All Butchers Must Pay Up. Bafore council adjourned last night, Ald. Harkness asked Mayor Shaw how many butchers had paid the full b- conse of $40 jor the current year. Mayor Shaw replied that five bad paid the regulation iee, and one had paid the former foe of $2. Md. Harkness then asked what steps] would be taken to collect the ice the others. The mayor replied that he was not im pn position to say what steps would be taken to collect the fee. owing to thé absence from the city of she city solicitor. Upen his return, however, action would be tak- te compel the delinquent butchers pay up. ¢ mavor further stated that he re- ' to say that members of the council. were advising the butchfrs and meat dealirs not to pay foe. He considered the not according to ordinary cotincil. fs. ? All. Harkness 1 had been talking to a number of 'butchers and not ene had saiq anything about re fusing to pay the fee. All. Waikem sted that per- Raps if was the mayoralty candidates who were advising, the butchers withhold payment. Ald. White straichiway put Himself on record ps not heing the guilty one; he world not go back on any report he sioned and brought before the council, Ald. Bell followed, and said he had always upheld any measures adopted by council. Ald. Scars swegested an open cons jession all around. but the mayor said euch confession was unnecessary. feo from orettea license sage ol to AN UNEEALTHY ROOM. Magistrate Wants Police Tidied Up. At last night's meeting of city coun- ¢il the following communication from Lient.-Col. John Duff, magis- trate, was read nd jo the y property committee for action : SAS you are pware, thes police court in a very untidy and disgraceful condition and, my un healthy in its present state, will yon kindly have the room purified and Court to cost, is fit for use? Ald. Walkem--"Did - you experience amv discomfiture when you sat i went, Mr. Mavor ¥" : Mayor Shaw in "None whatever." + A Successful Gardener. At the annual exhibition of the Deseronto Horticuttural Society a for- mer Kingstonian, George ( swept the - hoard 'of « prizes in the show of § garden vegetables. He carried off twenty-iwo prizes, nearly all firsts, in the flower and fruit classes he sec prizes in every department in which he entered. * He was awarded an ex- tra certificate of merit for the hest collection of pears.. The many King «ton fricnds of Mr. Croft jwill be pleased to learn of his continued suc- cess. As a practical gardener he has few equals in Ontario. A Present For Andrew. . Sone nivnths ago the city council appointed Mayor. Shaw and Ald. Wal- kem a committee to suggest a suitable gift for Andrew Lanigan, for so many vears the faithful city messenger. Ald. Walken reported to council last night that gold watch, which they had DAYS EPISODES PARAGRAPHS PICKED UP BY OUR BUSY REPORTERS. The Spice of Every Day Life -- What the People Are Talking Aboiit--Nothing Escapes At- tention. ) Would it be right to call this coal famine a "'burning question." The G.T.R. is handling quantity of through days. Kingston's population: increased 260 during the past year. heep it movi upward, Lhree + applications of Peck's Corn Salve will cute ard or soft corns. In big boxes, lic. at Wade's drug store. There will be a big demand "on the gas supply, this winter, if the famine continues. In washing woollens and flannels, Levers Dry Soap (a powder) will be found very satisfactory. a8 . l'o call coal *'dusky diamonds" used to be pretty. Now it is solemn, se ous, solid prose. Steamer North King leaves King- ston at 3 p.m., for Rochester, N.Y., calling at Bay of Quinte ports. . Castile soap at McLeod's drug store, white mottled and green, 15c. and 25¢. bars. See window. Queen's university has a supply of coal stored, but it is not nearly sui- ficient to last during the whole ses- sion. Thursday will be the first day of the Jewish year 5663, and the feast wil be celebrated with unusual cese monic Queen's students are ing. Ireshmen are trains by seniors, and curing lodging. The 14th Regiment bandsmen con tem) late having a re union of "old Boys © of the hand, of whom there are a score or more in the city. The sight of Justice Britton Judge Price sitting on the bench to- oether recalls the past when they were law partners. THe friendships of yeuth have never been broken. My friend, look here! you know how weak and nervous your wife i and you know that C will relieve her, now about it and buy her The carpenters are working hard to have the new hardwood floor in the YMCA. gvinpasium laid before the big reception or Thursday evening. The work will be finished in time. Smith's White Liniment is the most penetrating liniment- known, and a positive cure for sprains, swellings, inflammation, neuralgia, rheumatism, and lumbago. In bottles, 25c., at Wade's drug store. Several boys bave been so annoying and stroublesome at the Y.M.C.A. that thew will probably be expelled. Such lads destroy more property in one night than their year's membership fee would pay for. An old schoolmaster remarks boys and girls do not now pass entrance examination as early as years gone by. He knows some who passed when nine of age, and many others at ten and eleven years. it ven are nervous or dyspeptic try Cartor's-Little Nerve Pills, Dyspepsi vou nervous, and nervousn makes vou: dyspeptic; either. one ren and these little a freight these S coal steadily arriv- met at the assisted in se an! is, arter's Iron Pills why not be fair a hox ? that the in years makes vou serable, enre both chosen; wonld be a suitable gift, and the council confirmed the choice of the committee. Mayor Shaw, Alds. Farrell and Walkem. were appointed a commitwee to wait upon Mr. Lanigan at his home on some night when con- venient and make the | ntation. eee mmm To Ask For Tenders. The council has given the city pro- perty. commil toe authority to call for tenders for fuel for the city buildings? fire department and House of Industry. Ald. King informed council that ing to the {ores t of the energetic superintendent. of the water partment, the water®vorks committee had secured its supply of coal at £3.95 a toh, ow- works de-" edt The Jewish New Year. The Jewish New Year begins on Wednesday night and lasts for two days, or until Friday night. During that. period all Jewish places of busi- ness. will be_closed, for this is one of the most sacred of Hebrew holidays. The Dav of Atonement, another holv. day with the Jews, falls 'on -a week from Saturday. It will he observed as a day of festivity. 1 ee ena Wealth, Happiness, Health. s A person may have wealth and wis- dom. yet feel most dejected Apacmia or general aebility, happiness eo assured hv Tonic which make new. blood. cleanse the system and tone up the: nerves. Each box con- aine seventeen treatment. Price 95 cents; at Wade's drug store. because Health using of ana ron rich pills, days' eee Littered The Street. Yesterday a farmer who brought a load of straw into the city had the load so badly 'arranged: that it kept dropping off all along the streets, lit tering the thoroughfares ana giving them an. untidy. appearance. City sca Attwood it will take hum «wk to clean Prificess street: een Is Going To New York. Fred. T. waterworks department, save un Smith, book-keeper in the took the city council by, surprise. last nicht by pre- hit resignation, which he de: cires to go into effect the middle of October. He says he has acquired an inter New York bankingfinm and intends locating in that city, e------------ Must Use Soft Coal. "Ol ke \ | ! } : senting wt in a 1 lv have «Bibby's."'. Oak Hall. "Bibby's."' > coats, 6H The H 3 rain £12 celebrated . Sho, . S50 chould form an expedi tion and ryeover coal from sufiken ves- cels in the neighborhood of this port. " At the request of A. B. Cunning liam, the city council has amended the hy-law defining: the Timits wherein cabs may stand. Hereafter cabs mitist not stand 'on Clarence street west of the building occupied by the inspector of weights and measures. The soaring prices of conl and wood have driven many, people to purchass coal "oil heateYs. One: merchant, who had a big supply en hand. sold every heater on Saturday night. His cus- tomers included all classes--from.. col: lege professors te labore A Wildcat Adventure. Lanark Era. Messrs. Thomas Webster, Sr., Thoin- as Webster, Jr., and J. B. Grant, Oso, went coon hunting one night last week." They were not, long out when their dogs began to bark, a hissing noise was heard, and the chase began. The dogs ran for about two acres and then started to bark fiercely up, a scrubby maple tree, which branched almost to the ground, ~ but nothing sould be seen. Mr. Webster, Jr, with lantern and gun in hand bravely climbed up among the branches, and cottled- himself in 'a position to let licht shine on what he thought would be a raceson, He was horrified to find himself face to face with a ferocious looking wildcat. With hig lantern on his arm he prepared to shoot, and the wildeat grappled the muzzle of the oun in his teeth. The cat was stand- ing on a limb. Webster, slightly over him, -on the opposite cide of the tree, fired 'quickly and brought the animal to the- ground. The little dog at the root of the tree was keeping--up- a continuous howling and evidently thought he had nothing. to do but seize a racoon, but he; too, was dis- appointed when one stroke from the wildeat's paw broke every tooth out of oné jaw and left him laid ont for dead. The wildcat then made a hasty exit into the thick woods. The little dog was carried home, - more dead than alive, and was hle to eat anything for three davs. Mr. Webster says-if the dog recovers he will be isfied. - ! emmma------------ King Coal Up-To-Date. Hamilton Spectator : + Old King Coal Is an avaricious And a stingy old soul is he ; He called for six plunks-- Then raised it to eight, And wants three times three. Tired Out Tired when you go to bed, tired when you get up, tired Il the time. Why? Your, 1ood is impure. You are on he border line of nerve ex- t haustion. Take Ayer's Sarsa- parilla and be quickly cured. sonl, There's money in the scheme. £1. All druggists. 4. CG. AYER CO., Lowell, Mass. large Result of New York Expert's Analyses of Canadian-Mate Soaps. Dr. Delmel Linen-Mesh Co. writes: "te sent samples of the leading « soaps made in Canada to an expert «jn New York, and had them thor- " oughly analyzed. As 8 alt of « this analysis, we find your ' Sun- "light Soap' to thoroughly cleanse « without danger to the clothes, and « we are therefore pleased to recom- " mend wearers -of Pr. Déimel « Underwear to use Sunlight Soap "for washing." i Try Sunlight Soap--Octagon Bar-- and you will see for yourself. 224 THIS DAMP WEATHER GAVE YOU THAT COUGH. Try Taylor's Meh Cure IT WILL CURE YOU. eee H. B. TAYLOR, Chemist and Optician, i 124 Princess St. 'Phoae 59. Successor to E. C. Mitchell. TOO LATE "saw BATHING. So get a SPONGE for the morning bath. NATURE'S BEST TONIC ALL NEW STOCK : FROM (6c. TO $2. E. L. EBBELS, CHEMISE dais, King and Market Sts., Kingston. 0000060400060 Sw fi's. 3 3 i Scranton Coal A High Class Fuel. ALL SIZES. © JAMES SWIFT & £0. "Phone 135. 9099009060000 0 Our Coal ix as Clean as Though It Were Wash- ed and Brushed. EACH LUMP STANDS BY ITSELF, aoon solid coal--so m! solid fire. Abter ool renches the surldcs of the earth from the mines, impurities are cked out by band. Thereafter it is scree! several times before it reaches you, have no chance, We are very Foot of Queen St.--'Fhome 9. NOTICE Is hereby given the publio tha¥ I purpose making it warm for sll persons using my coal next wins ter. Your order is solicited. P. WALSH 55.57 Barrack St. A Cosy Bright Fire The chews Is an attraction for every one. ziow _and imense heat of eur Coal will make itsel! felt = with pleasure during ihe weather. It's just the kind to oooh 100. Let us fill vour Lin with BOOTH'S COAL." Phone 133, Foot | West Btrest STAMPS AND MARKERS RUBBER STAMPS OF ALL KINDS, SELY Inkers, Lipen Markers, Dates, Seals, Stencile, with, Bank, Ticket and Office Stamps, eto. Weness gromgt. JOHN OFFORD. "Whié Offa.