THR. DAILY WHIG, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 1 Where thereis a Baby, there should be Nesti¢'s Food | " For'more than 35 yetrs Nestlé's Food has been the favorite of the Intelligent physician, and a hetse« hold word the world over. Nestlé's Food makes vigorous, healthy children and keeps them so. No other food is so readily digested and assimi- lated. Nestlé's Food is purity itself and requires the addition of water only (no milk) to pre- pare it for use. Sample free to any address. SOLUTE SECURITY. Ga 20 uine Carier's Little Liver Pills Must Bene Signa. ure of Soe Fac.Slmtls Wespper Below. Yory small and as evny te take as svgur. RTERS FON HEADACHE, w FOR DIZZINESS. 3d FOR RILIDUSHISS. FOR TORFID LIVER, FOR CONSTIPATION, TOR SALLLW SKIN. FOR TNE COMPLEXIOR GEUTLUNNTD puey viva IWATURT, Purely Yepetanic, Chonitiose] - TNT ATTTRRRS ™ CURE SICK HEADAGHE. \ Mayoralty 1903. To The Flectors of Kingsion LADIES AND GENTLEMEN :--I am a can- dilate for tha mavoralty for the vear 1903, votes and "ine ask for your my behalf, J. T. WHITE. and respeotiuily fluence on Mayoralty 1903. To the Electors of Kingston: LADIES AND GENTEEMEN =I respects hilly solicit your votes and influence to ehut me .as Mayor for 1903. JT H-BELL THE GENUINE CALEDONIA SPRINGS WATER HAS THE WORD MAGI PROMINENT ON THE LABEL OF EVERY BOTTLE. DISCOURAGE THE PREVALENT FRADULENT SUBSTITUTION. rrita.ionsy or of mae v2 mena 5 FERENCE TIICEE III sTOLDINTHE } 7 TWILIGHT About fifty vears-ago a present, re- sident of St. Louis visited and the late Dr. Yates pointed out a cottage, which the poet Tom Moore | had in view when he wrote : ; ! "IL know by the smoke which ldzily curled Above the green elms that a cottage was | near, This gentleman now asks if the cot- | tage exists. He cannot "find from the published biographies or works of | Moore that he ever visited Kingston. + It has been confidently asserted that he did, and that the cottage in ques- tion was known as the Cunningham | homestead. Who can offer testimony | or records on these points ? A New York clubman claims that Gotham's maidens are rivals of Paris dames, in dressing the head and feet and in variety of smart costumes. They are not tawdry or bedizzened, | but contentedly a la" mode : nor do they seem to be dressed within an | inch of their lives. They are thorough- | breds, to use a man's phrase, being | healthy, happy and wholesome. A | { | i Kingston, | dozen lor so together do not give an effect of a job-lot rush for hats, shoes or gowns. In half an hour on a fine day, on Broadway or the Fifth, the whole, infinite kaleidescopic whirl of | the milliner's and modiste's illimitable i fancies can be seen. { The Bishop of Ontario completed | two weeks of toilsome visitation on | Monday and left on Tuesday for Mon- { treal, to conduct: a quiet dav at the theological college! for which his in- tensity of feeling and warmth of ex- pression are so well fitted. With His Lordship there is no relaxing of pur- | pose or energy and on Saturday he | will begin a tour lasting throughout | October and punctuated with an aver- ! age of two services daily. Wolie and Simcoe islands have leased their summier sojourners, re- pleasures. September has been for sev- eral years in succession a month of mildness and comfort, and the busi- school" and college. resumptions seem almost to have been an intrusion on nature's kindliest St. Ness, mood. George's cathedral congregation resumed its activities in hearty this week, no than three noon gatherings for ladies heen appointed. Daily prayer is also being held morning and after- noon. form after- having service less but | Nilton island still attracts by autumn | | | | ! | - - - » The wedding of a citizen of Kings- ton, Mr. .J. Wylie, now of Syracuse. *N.Y., to Miss Mary (Polly) McKay, took 'place in the charming room of | Rev. Dr. Ure's residence, West street, | Goderich, on Wednesday evenine last. i The bride wore stylish made suit of | navy blue ladies' cloth, the skirt be- | ing trinmmed with folds, and the tilion jacket having a collar reached down like a fold, with top strap, which crossed the front, buttoned. The other two straps were fastened under, and crosséd over in a diagonal form. Her blue velvet bic- ture hat" had facing of white = felt. The happy couple drove to the brides residence, for the supper. Miss Me Kay, the bride, is a favorite and valuable ts were sent her hy, well wishers, The bridal party 1 next | morning for Syracuse, where they mot by friends, who literally | them with shredded asters. Mr. Wylie was much esteemed at the | elevator where he was employed after | | | | pos- which the were covered first leaving Kingston. And now felicitations over new-found happiness of Mr. A. | J: Small ot «the Grand, opera | Mav the stage present--no | more charming romance than will he | Mr. and Mrs. Small's good fortune in | vane and happy life The captivating aoddess has shafls for all and rumor speaks - of. a Prospec nntort between g widower, | by hrevet, who has - made Kingston his home, , and a f voung widow. "Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved gt all, when | it leaves the heart still yvonng, with a faith the devotion of wo- | manhood | i, Edith T.aura" daugh- John, of Bletsoe, to Johnston, son of Mr Lawson Johnston. formerly of Mo treal. Mice Rose Lechtenheim, Toro to, to Alr. 'Leon Goldsmith, Cincinna- ti. | The marriage of Miss® Edna Me: | Laughlin! of Guelph, to 'Mr. Edward | \ ram, of Waterloowill - occur tober Sth, at St, Andrew's church, in | are in order less house. mw |trons in ents | Lord Georoe ter ot. AL. Mr. of | Mac!Inn R.E.. who defenders of Kimber | from Knglana for his marriage with Mise Millicent "Phiomas, | danghter of the late Wolferstan | Thomas, of Montreal, on October 20th. | The colony of weervied ladies: | at Dawson has received a bright ad dition "through the marries of Miss | Annie Forbes, of Woodstock, and Mr. John Mekav. barrister. { To-morrow, at St. George's church. . Trenton, occurs the nrarviage. of Mr, | J. Herbiert Redpath.' Montreal, to Hazel! second daughter Mr. David titln Trenton, and niece Mrs. W. 2 Clouston, of Montreal: Church irom Bath cohtain | proclamation © "Have vou called! on the bride ? "There 4s almost as much religion in calling on 5 bride as to church yegularly.," Ex- tions are in order, - - » roval city Duncan ot the arrived the Capt. was one lev, has yn of Our, ol | notes Ths m going m Quel adhe gall "leat os visit fittawa On Saturday tor a Painless, wud 1 gent or pot Seld by Druggis or gent {un Hain § Cen agian, x48 Gemica, Og atch. Ahey will then journey to create Jor the "Dominion champion: | hip under auspices of' the Canadian Golf association. Hora will attend from Kingston no Kingston lady 'who ames, ne time To prove to yous that Dg Chase's Ointment Is a certaig absolute cure for each every form of itching . bleedingand Drotriuling vile $e manufacturers have guaranteed it. tes | monials in thy daily press and ask your neigh ' rs what they think of it, You can use it ang t your money back if not cured. 60c a box, of | 5 hs or Epmansox, Bates & Co, Taronte ! Or. Chase's Ointm ent | AuctionSales.! Save Money s by Employing ALLEN & BROWN, ' Auctioneers. \ woula attend rformance, but eradually have beén toned 2d the attendance of fair ones ha intil was an ordinary ! I a mee on Wedne Oro $Y wm and diva > ave has ww public respect srammes 1: day QVven tr A Stone | ife of the *.Yukon 'ter- 3 at Daw-! friends. ' A on the barrack option, Md ited o police 1 i ibned at After luncheon, and upon Mrs, Wood's mvitation, 'a rugby football § match was played, the teams repre- was os | is still with 4 government su | summer here. { the telephone. | first { endon parishes, has returned | the | rence | tained | jaunt to the bar | t the other, but senting England and Canada- Eadie Senkler, hero of many eastern match- es, captained the Canucks, "and they won, Il to 8, their second victory over the dear old tnothér land. which is not respectful, don't vou know. . ue . es The little daughter of Dr. Wood has fully" resoveradt wher iliness shortened by the good eficcts of anti- i toxin, which has robbed a once-much- dreaded discase of part of its serious | ness, Mr. Fairlie, of Merchants bank, Ga- nanoque, brought home because of a serious attack of typhoid fever, on the confident road to recovery. Rev. Mr. Fairlie, his father, hat been a sui- jerer for a week past from blood poi- soning in the hand, the injury having been incurred without knowledge of accident or danger. . Mr. J. Af Timmerman, superintepa- ent, C--P.orailway, Mrs: Timmerman and son, whose home is in Nova Sco- tia, spent several days, beginning with Friday, in Kingston and Odessa. Master Grover, William street, has entered upon a course at Trinity col- lege, Port Hope. ° Mr. George Grover i ev par- tv in the North-West, and finding the ozoné wholesome. Archdeacon Carey visited Napanee on Tuesday. : Mise Ferrier, who has been a visitor at Bishop's Court and faves to-mor- is i row for Montreal, will, with Mrs. Fer rier, spend the winter in England. Miss Daintry Yates is enjoving, with relatives, a railway tour westward by private car, to be supplemented by- a coaching tour in New England. 2 Mrs. Frank Strange leaves to-mor- row for Ottawa to h®a guest at Sir Sandford Fleming's, taking: with hér Miss Marjorie Fleming, who spent the Mr. Huch Fleming™has returned to Ottawa with Mrs. Grace Fleming, and her mother, Mrs. Davis. Rev. M. M. Harding left to day for Brandon, with friendships renewed. and well fortified with good wishes for a happy return next general synod. Miss Olive Bradshaw will leave for England" next week. Mrs. Lewiswvsailed for L iverpool the 24th. on man- be has happily abscess in the le William Stewart, forwarding ager, Montreal, who can -almost claimed as a Kingstonian, recovered from an which completely prostrated him, though pluckily 'from his couch he kept in touch with business through He is in distingnished company, in having President velt for a fellow sufierer, Lieutenant A. C. Caldwell's removal to Ottawa is to be a permanency. He is connected with headquarters intel ligence department, for which his * ex perience with the British force South Africa, has, in addition to his natural qualities, fitted him. His po pularity with the Ottawa company of contingent in Africa presaged a hearty welcome to the Ottawa Roose- en | gineer corps as lieutenant. Mr. J. Dixon, student, who has heen assisting Rev, C. J. Young at Shar bot Lake, and who left pleasant im pressions also in Westport and Clar to col- lege. A young Kingstonian, A. the, of Bank B.N.A., been promoted to branch. H. Smy- Brandon, has the Winnipeg »- - - - As "The Marchioness" aptly puts it, the well known fable of "LaCieale™ bitterly brought to mind now hy thosa persons who neglected to eet in their supply of winter's coal last spring, when there was. coal to be had. And never was there a' more unsvmpathetie "ant" than-.the man who listened to the dealer's warnings last July, and has now his cellar well fillod with hard coal. He listens to the grumb- Tings of his friends with ill-concealed smile: later no doubt he will bask in the warnith. of his furnace without even a thought for his umhappy neigh bor: "Madge Merton' takes a philoso- phical view of the fuel famine. 8 reasons that health. would iw jwerter if we provided our bodies with more fuel and our furnaces with less. Our homes are usually unbearably hot, for wo men who don't take enough exercise to keep warm are many.- More frosh air. ~ more sensible clothing, walking, "more work. would make many a shivering pallid woman a osy-cheeked one, who couldn't believe she had ever been a victim to chilly feeling. 4 . Mr. John Charles Beat{yv., son of Inte Dr. Beatty, of Cobourg, died Tuesday at Ottawa. He was a lof, superannuated from the civil vice, and iss mourned by five si ters, Mrs, (Hon) William MacDaucall, My Girouard, Mrs. C. A. E Harriss. Ottawa, Mrs. Daintry, of. Cobouryr, and Mrs. Egerton Ryerson," of Toron to: : The cabinet ministers and thei fm ilies are returning to Ottawa for the weary season that stretches far next summer. Hon. Clifford and Mrs. Sifton, have loft their St. Law home. with the pleasantest impressions, and mav 'he counted am ong the fast friends of the dimpled lake 'of .the Thonsand Isles. The Hon. Justice Macanlav (from Jelleville) and a party of a dozen~en route to Dawson, were rovally enter at White Horse by. Inspect Fitz Horrican, of the mounted police A" jolly dance, a drive to the mines, a . Inncheon suppers were pleasurable breaks the tedious journey, on hache ser of upon Thespians In Dispute. Two members of the "Hot Scotch Major" theatrical company, who have bean inseparable. iriends for over five vears, became invohed. in a i pute in a downtown hotel this afternoon One' of them "shied" an ink bottle at the missed © ts mark. However, it made its "Mark." as the ink bespattered the walls, ce and floor, while the ortls missle he "its flicht by «| The laimage paid voung up the | Made Absolute. Oct. 1.--The , 21st. by Lord Mav Yoke, morning London. di obtained M He al absol this "Bibby's." Oak Hall. You never? miss your rains. Umber s, 30 D.| Bibby Co. ------ Oct, lst, H Write ic hein more that. of into ancy NEWS OF WORLD TELEGRAMS FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF EARTH. Matters That Interest Exerybody --Notes From all Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered. : The potato crop is reported rotting badly in New York State and Ver. mont. An effort is being made to have Po- lish immigrants return to their own country. : A fine committee will arrange for a national memorial to the late Cecil Rhodes. In New Orleans owing to" the strike not a passenger car has moved since Sunday. The Norwegian barque Winona was abandoned at sea, after having been set on fire. Plans are under way for improved postal facilities between the © United States and Newfoundland. French wealth invested abroad to- tals, §6,000,000,000, of which £200,- 000 are invested in Great Dritain. Marconi, ,it is stated, will this month, send messages across the At- lantic from Cape Breton ta Cornwall. Dr. Echlin, Ottawa, was elected president of the Ottawa Amateur As- sociation, and J. P. Dickson, vice- president. Hon. Mr. Tarte has accepted an in- vitation to attend the industrial ban- quet, Berlin, Ont., to be held on Oc- tober 10th. At New Westminster, B.C: the Montreal Shamrocks met defeat at the hands of Westminster to the tune of ten to two. They were never really dangerous. Norwegian barque Bothnia was ab- andoned by the crew after they work- ed seventeen days and nichts at the pump. The S.8. Pennsylvania picked up the crew, TO SETTLE STRIKE. Operators Said to be Drafting an Agreement. N.Y.. Oct. 1.--A News Philadelphia says : "Infiu- from Washington bear upen the with the result Duffalo, cial from ences emanating have been brought anthracite coal trust that a meeting of the railroads' and independent operators has been held in New York, and an agreement gs to a settlement with the men has been formulated. The operators' position has heen given to the miners' officers, and it remains be seen how the men's executive hoards will act. The United mine workers, are preparing to vote as they have-Struck--as 3g unit. Their vote will be determined hy the of events." spe- to to progress Conference Over. Washington. Oect. 1. ~The president, Secretary Root, Secretary Moody, At- tornev-General Knox and Postman Payne resumed their conference on the strike situation this morning The conference shortly beiore noon. It was understood that y de- cision was arrived at, for it was an nounced that there would he no more conferences held on the question, By direction of the president, an official statement will be issued at the tempo rary White House this afternoon. coal closed Will Be Plenty. New "York, Oct. 1.--<President Racer was asked if . thers would be enouch in this city to supply the de mand before winter sets in. **Oh, cer tainly," "he "This idea that there is going to he a scarcity of coal this winter is simply a There will be' plenty York betare the cold weather coal sais scare, of coal in New Killed A Big Bear. Flinton, Sept. 29.---On the of September 21th, as George F. Turner; son of Edward Turner, his rifle on his shoulder to co after away in the woods. On the bank of the stream, Partridge Creek. he discovered a hear with his toward him, but hic head turned looking at Turmer across the stream, George fired, and the bear turned ar- ound several times as though te thought something had stung him Then he laid down and died. The car case weighed about 200 the. = Alot two gallons of ofl were taken out of it. to be quite plentiful around vear, and several! have at. Jt is not to into gthe woods without armed with a cun. There. are many lynx here. Younes Turner at midstream in a boat when ~one--on--the-bank Jdoekine--at -him=F ner thinks he has about every «ort of wild animal inhabit the woods 'here. ------ Sharbot"Lake Locals. Sharbot - Lakei Sept. 30.---0n Sept. "21th, Miss Kate Flyn.. this place, and Frank Judge, Smith's Falls, wer P married in the Catholic church. © M Flynn was attired in white brocade satin. Miss Jennie Allan, spend Sundav with her parents turned to her school at Lavant dav. Marion Burleich slowly re covering after an attack of pneumo- nia. Wilfred Campbell is very sick. "0s car and Willian Knapp, Crow Lake, have taken up residence, in our vil lage. Visitors: Mrs. Eugene Perey at W. Burleigh's: Dr. Kilborn visiting his son in Detroit: Mrs. H. Lemmon, Wil ton, and Mrs. C. Garrison, Colebrook, at J. Revnolds'; Mrs. Mamie Grev at Mrs. Lewin's. evening A. took cows back Bears seem here this been shot 00 seen that here, | to Tourists Linger On The Rideau. Williara, Laishley, the propristor of "ldyl Wild" hotel, Chaffey' *-- in the--eitv Wednesday still .quite a number of gn . and ex ts fourteen more arrive fre Toronto on Thursday. Duck hunting is berinning to bees neral alon Ki lean, the cold ither bringing the ducks Me shlexv has hag good season at his hotgl Locks, He has Was pe to m a the He Has Recévered. Oo®. 1. --Heutck has completed kis which at Ihsen, Christiana. hor, bv f inh , ry from the intfinenza, him some time ago. at I=iting 1 Chicaso returned. to Wednesday, 4 12 Clarified Milk Co., |" Famous asiaric pELLE. Her Style of Beauty is Full Innocency. In Asia there are beautiful than those who homes in the Schan gion, and t uceompanving picture shows young lady who is now the acknowl- cdged belle of that district. Her style of beanty, as may he ecen, differs widely from that of the Buropean or American belle, and hér gostume and ornaments would certainly attract of no women more considerable attention if worn in pub- lic by one of her western sisters. This young lady is the aaughter of a local potentate and has many suit As vet, however, she has shown no preference for any one of then ana gossipmongers say that the rea on is because she knows that as soon as she mavries she will cease to be re- the ors, rded most beautiful girl in Schan. as ---- i. Forrest Weatherhead, B.A., hav- ing passed his final examinations in medicine at Quéen's, purposes stuayv- ing with Dr, Moore. Brockville. The many friends this popular voun» athlete join in congratulating him on his success. at "In perfection of make-up IRON-OX TABLETS SE -- ARE ABSOLUTELY UNIQUE ' From the first they have sold as readily as the oldest estab- lished remedies. My customers are de- lighted with them." --H. "A. DUPER, Druggist Bridge- port, Conn. A TONIC LAXATIVE Price 25 Certs COMMERCIAL, NEW YORK STOCK MARKETS Oct. Sell. 1063 23 18 Buy Union Pacific ..,.. 1063 St. Paul 14 Manhattan B. R: Transit Sugar Feople's S, 8 Gas Bid. 2 Coal Iron Pacific + Souther Pacifie Ontario & Wester Western Union ple chidweon N Ce 3 . American Loco Amal. Copper " 4 MONTREAL STOCKS. Oct Open. 130d Toldo L Montreal Torong St. John Twin City Rich. «&« Ont. Montreal: Teleg Boll 'Telophane . .... Montreal Power Dom. Stel &. Iron Dom. Steel & ron, Montreal Cotton Dominion Cotton Detroit Unite 0 ilvie Flour Mill Laurentide Pulp Nava Scotia Steel Ir donial WN Street Pid eR se Be DIET = - = A Thirsty Child { Can have no "better drink than glass of PURE,? CLXRIFIED WILK ] is the natural! food. relieve of "all: tht impnre sane harmiui. 'That 1s the best of food, Toe) Te T52 0) - why it is TAU oa a E td Zin % 'Phone 567. Brock & Bagot Sts. Jaton fou a ON pe oF veo) oe TR BOARD. ARGE FRONT ROOM, ALSO TWO SINGLE rooms, with modern ocoaveniences, cen tral, rot far from Ciw and Maedoneld parks, Suitable for a party of from three vy fiva, UE Farl street * L TO RENT. FURNISHED ROOMS located. First desired. | Appiv at IMFORTABLY and airy, eeutrally « table board if Brock street * 244 have. their § the | | "gives by doing y other king of s A Ventilated Oven Pv that does admit frosh, ¥. hot air, and passes off all the roasting: fumes. sik "McClary's =~ Grates, and MB. longer and piv with Duplex FAT Cast-iron Linings, which wear or sausfaction than the brick and that registers the exact heat of the oven; and 'a practical basting door, just large enough to baste a fowl or roast, and yet too small to admit. enough cold air to chill the oven. We fully guarantee ths "Fama The "Sunshine" Furnace and "Cornwall" Steel Range are Iso two of our guaranteed spacialties.q "Clarys |B t . ] N * Lonoor, Toronto, MONTREAL, Wuoswees, Vancouvszr, St. Jouw, N.B. LEMMON, CLAXTON & LAWRENSON, AGENTS. ge B Are ma 41% ED LUMBER - Steel B. Eddy's a. Steel Wire Hooped PAILS and TUBS de frorh thé BEST SELECT. with Galvanized Spring Wire, electrically welded Hoops, which being corrugated allows for expansion or contraction, sp no {I matter what the weather is they keep in PERFECT CONDITION. GIVE THEM A TRIAL. Kingston Agency, No. 75 Princess Street. Kingston. - va J. A. HENDRY, Agent, We Are ee TITIIII-- Selling So Many Shoes These Days is Because We Sell Good Shoes VV 'SUTHERLAND S SHOE STORE. FALL OPENING of Ghe Leading Shoe Styles of Canada and the United States. We are showing in our windows this week samples of the best and of Men's, Women's and 'Misses Fall Shoes of the best makers in America, a few of the names of the up-to-date manufac- tures here given will be positive proof of the excellence of our im- nense 'Stock now open for inspec: latest \ styles tion : ORNE & Miss. GROVER, KROHN & FECHHEIMER, incinnatti Cc WALKER & WEITHAM, 'Cam- pello, Mass. The famous Crossett Shoe A. ABERNETHY, Boston, | " Men made in North Abington, Mass. FLORISHEIM & CO., Chicago. GEO. A. SLATER, Montreal, Que. J.D. King & CO., Toronto, Ont, VICTORIA SHOE CO., Torom- to, Ont. Le SOVEREIGN BRAND, London: JAS. McCREADY, Montreal. J. & T. BELL, Montreal. SON & CO, amilton. We have just received a carload of Trunks and Valises, which we | will sell at a very low price for | the next two weeks. JOHN McPHE H for 123 and 125 Princess Street,