¢ TEHRAN AT rir TE Some comes ORTY THE DAILY W HIG. FRIDAY. yr OCTOBER 3 ~~ Singe ging Lamp,325¢. Makes Your 'Horse Clean and Comfortable, TRY ONE FROM CORBETT'S HARDWARE. Carriages Carriages EVERYBODY Who has 'rubber tires on then carriages are well pleased with the ease 'and comfort they enjoy in driving, if you have not got them on your carriage you should send to LATURNEY and have them on and enjoy your drives. JAMES LATUGNEY, CARRIAGE MAKER, 390 Priucess St. « Right Now Is the grate. Wi ! will sell The Yotto Lamp Is the solid. It hich wed see BRECK & HALLIDA Next Week Only! And the peach-preserving = season will be over. time to purchase a gas have a Ifrge stock and them cheb oe Lamp the Call Inca thre the be st gives one-hall it. sent times at cost. Princess Street. 'Late Crawford Peaches Are now arriving. They are the best. Buy early. Also call and see our fine, sweet potatoes. A. J. REES, Princess St SAVE YOUR COAL, furnaces," Cover . your and heaters with HOOPER'S ASBESTOS CEMENT. Thus save fuel and get better distribution of heat. REQUIRES NO EXPERIENCE TO APPLY. Send card to 'our address stating surface to cover and we Wilk advise you amount of material required and piice. HOOPER BROS., ** ®*%% STREET. 0000000000000 000000000 BLINDS, GRILLES, STORM SASHES, Aad all kinds of Interior and Exterlor WOOD WORKING §S. ANGLIN"& co. Pipes S0esancanotngmagne ss INFANTS' DELIGHT SOAP Superior te all other forthe Toilet and Nursery. Made by Johm Taylor & Co., Toronto. + HARDWARE PAINTS OILS GLASS and CUTLERY Etc A. STRAGHAN & CO. ANYTHING TO SELL, MAM Yhis is what the second-hand deal says when he calls at your door, an you promptly say no, without thought. 'The Kingston Rag and Me tal Co. only ask you to drop then] a card tg 389 Princess street after vou have sorted over. all your old | gtur and they will pay you highest 'cust prices. INVESTMENTS --IN--- REAL ESTATE Mining and Oil Stocks See GEO.CLIFF, 115 BROCK STREET. STRAIGHT BUSINESS W. Murray, Jr, Auctioneer and Commission Mer- shant, Magket Square, Kingston. | THE WHIG -- 68TH YEAR. DAILY BRITISH WHId, published each evening, at 306-310 King Street, a $6 year. Editions at 2.30 and 4 oc . WFEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 12 pages, published every Thursday morning at $1 » Toten is one of the best Job Printing cflices in Canada; JR. Satish and cheaj work; mmne improved pi EDW. J. B. PENSE. PROPRIETOR tHE DAILY WHIG. Opster per Orbem Dicor.! ONWARD MARCH OF WOMEN. There is considerable strife between the young men and young women who ! are attending the western universities and as a means of stopping or ending sit «the proposition is to separate the students, The somewhat conditions of the present are i I'ime was when the young women were encouraged to higher longings of the first unexpected. aspire unto education, and the few, for know- ledge beyond that which could be re- quired in the high school and acade- as a happy sign. my, was welcomed Now the rush to the universities is that ed that co-education js not wise, that the 3 educated such have deecid- and be the authorities men and women should in different institutions. It is alleged that the freshman class and that less subject to of the sometimes generally is a lively one, its members are more or the, temperate | correct ions The They cannot be dealt with SO- phomores. women are in the way. like the be ignored. young men and they cannot Their refining influence is but it and. limited in the halls, seems infinitismal when there is indisputable, is class * room college and occa- sion to indulge in the diversions of the the junior when the Again the letie In other words the ardour of has is day. collegian freer play girl student not about. the class supplies to the ath- for freshman material which goes teams and contends honors on the football fields. The girls, gener- ally, do not take exercise in' violent a large of teams have no use for them be happier if their places But the change is Colleges do not exist primarily for the of athletes, some of them would do more for form and they are becoming and exempted class. The captains football and would were filled by men. not possihle;-<nor probable: train- ing and the education of the age if they suppressed the things that go towards a development of than of mind. of the higher education for our girls, muscle rather The demand age is for a and it There may. be a separation of the but does not ix bountl to be satisfied. reason for sexes in the medical classes, in the arts seem to be the young department there any strong argument - against and the too many men that in the long run, comingling of The may usurp, of the occupations voung women. fear is eirls have been The greater which monopolized by the men. future the in every avenue that, and because they will have the more will see women in evi- dence is open to them, education. They are. generally ambitious than the men PUBLIC OPINION. against' the kEnglish forward with very The fight primarily DEFYING The education bifl campaign goes disturbing effects. the education to the chugch party. The bidl empowers the authorities to levy the been against giving over of juvenile rates for the maintenance of Tokentary schools which have maintained hitherto by "donations and only the con ontributions, and provides that the one-third of bogies who have shall representatives the the renfaining two-thirds being of the of Eng- I, which owns practically the whole This held the primary rights of expenditure the honey ist of of paying public, the nominee Church lan the 'an the di de- of schools. is to be invasion of people ro--controttheir Own Tie rectly and freely in the importaint and secondary held to and partment ot elementary education." 1t is farther be Cmienace to the enjoyment ex ; TO varie of full liberty of conscience, the maintenance of constitutional law in the procedure of government, the eth the the sple's schools and the of people, continuance pe caiiipment dency the com teaching from the of the pro fession and their deliverance ological and ecclesiastical tests. in the Church of England itselt is a formidable opposivion to the lt the ther measure owes jis existence to the prime minister, while vhitertaining no positive belief in the mn the utility of the measure, has been fluenced the, framing" of it hy Bishop of . Lord Hugh amid other Hextn Church pe In many wavs, and on many oc caslons, the government has been warned of the danger of passing this legislation. But Mr. Balfour is firm, and so_are his colleagues, and. they are disposed "to follow their inclina- 'tions and broek all opposition. De- feat is promised hy the non-comform- ists and their allies, and their agita- tions are most general and most ac- tive. And yet the government holds firmly to its purpose. It is acting on the presumption that whatever is bad bad for its suecessor, bold because he 'is is no hope of a liberal while the liberal party is disorganized. There is force in the contention. The British opposition has been strangely disunited It is in need of some for it will be and its leader is that there government assured some in recent years. one who can magnetize the forces and lead them by his masterly personality. The man is being sought for. Mean- Ceeil, | eo Hight 1 while the Baltour government is act- ing with more or less recklessness and in defiance of public opinion. THE VALUE OF AUDITS It is offered, in mitigation of an of- funds, that the him considerable ficial's deficiency in government allowed latitude. Why ? The books and counts of every official should be care- fully checked over by some indepen- dent person. The audit, to any value, should be searching. effect that carefulness which finds expre "examined and found correct' The latitude given Toronto official, . who short in his funds $40,000, has led to his undoing. What + precipitated -the crisis we do not know. Nor does it matter. It sufficient to that the strict surveillance of the au- ac- of The detail the the the said to be be is to ion usually in of auditors. is is observe ditor being removed the temptation to do wrong had the mastery, and by another be one indiscretion was followed until the crash came. There can no apology for a.defalcation, nor for the absence of the audits that = per- mitted it. is ------------ EDITORIAL NOTES. The mayoralty election will be citing this All the candidates are not yet announced. So the report ¢X- year. goes, The increased attendance at all the colleges indicates' that the people are circumstances and able to for in easier indulge their desire education. There is a gredt run on the gas and coal oil stoves for heating purposes. Oil as fuel very largely. And the supply seems to promises to supplant coal be inexhaustible. ia---- John Ewen's letters to the Globe re- one to the coal miners' side The conditions of labor conciles of the strike. at the mines have sive. The Globe's much appreciated. ---- The Boers have come to Canada a to "ee the crops at their been very: oppres- enterprise is very little late best. They satisfy themselves however, this will see enough, to that land to-which $6me- of them can trek 15 a with perfect safety. is undet- of the World, for Mr. Maclean, Stood to be again eager With Mr. the third the people a mayor- Howland as a there may do. alty conte candidate for time is no telling what But they are not apparently looking Mr. Maclean's direction. Phonic the work not being, Certain wore New Cannot - the in ? The little hook, barring this in Ontario Primer has The heen deauthorized, as alleged, entirely Canadian. illustrations printed - ih York. ('anada work 'be done one deficit, is 4 very superior work. The Montreal Herald, an enlightened adlvocate of liberal politics, has enter- | its seventh vear as an even- It bright, attractive. © Better still, it a public-morality which Montreal too much. ed upon ing paper. is newsy, and represents cof cannot have More power to it. PRESS OOMMENTS. The One Consolation. Toronto Star. It is only the very rich who will he able to be suffocated to death by coal gas thiz winter. Are They Really ? Hamilton Spectator. The tories continue to be deluded hy Tarte' words, printeill and spoken, into the\belief that he's a protection- 1st, omising Of What ? Herald - Sir Thomas Lipton is going to cross the English Channel in a Well, we are sorry. Such a promising man, too, : Montreal Source Of Comfort. News election lawyer knows that he frieze this winter when he list of protests set for trial. Toronto The won't reads the Merit In Advertising. * Gazette Chicago departmental addition vesterday, in advertising it. does not advertise tion that he Montreal A big opened a amd spent lhe man should gid <ome wrong in this large 10,000 who convi fact. Talk And Its Effect. { Toramto Mail I ew cisgn than did the tourished he cvnerally criti He to: hostile Emile Zola. works were The moral ouvht not to he » about it the het | Taylor sells men owe more lute his condemned. Caps that if a book read, {the less said purest drug balloon. | 192 i | dity. store ! | prices | situated NEWS;OF WORLD TELEGRAMS FROM THE FOUR} QUARTERS OF EARTH. -- Matters That Interest Everybody --Notes From all Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered by the Dear Public. The Boer delegates who are to in- spect the farming processes 'in the do- minion havé arrived at Quebec. Fourteen men were killed by the ex- plosion of fire damp in a mine at Black Diamond; Washington territory. Premier Balfour and Hon. Joseph Chamberlain deny the rumors that the education bill will be withdrawn. Mrs. Michael McAskell, aged 105 yea died at Sydney Mines, C.B. She was the olde st resident in Cape Breton. Premier Laurier and Lady Laurier have left Paris for Scotland, where they will he the guests of Lord Aber- deen. Miss Minnie Coudy, aged" seventeen years, of London, Cnt.. poisoned her- self on account of 'a quarrel with her lover. A foreign woman, who arrived in New York on Monday last had $750 wogth of fine ostrich feathers sewed in her petticoats. <The presidents of the coal companies and officials of the miners' union have leit for Washington to confer with President Roosevelt. Two of the religious expelled from France by associations, have received from Avchhishop Langevin in Manitoba. The revenue of Newfoundland, for the quarter ending September 30th, was 855,000, the largest amount col- lected in any similar period in the colony's history. The average temperature of Great Britain has risen nearly one and-one- half degrees within the last half cen- tury. Januarv is now nearly three de- grees warmer than it was. While Walter Todd, Weyburn, N.W. ., was engaged in hauling wheat, one of his horses swerved, knocking him down, and a wheel passed over his head, causing instant death. Christopher Ingles, a farmer of Sul- livan neat Chesley, while digging post-holes, fouiid what looked and burns like anthracite, and some Ches- lev men are investigating the matter. Sixteen officers of the Roval Canadi- an Regiment, at Halifax, have applied for commissions in the imperial armv,, and Gen. Pearson has promised to do what he can to forward their desire. Councillor Gustave Kanfmann dead. He was twice elected as second burgomaster of Berlin, bv the liberal municipality. On each occasion the kaiser refused to sanction the election. Miss Amy Card, Woodbridge, was fatally burned bv the explosion of a lantern, w hich she was carrying. Her sister, Aggie Card, received seri- ous injur in trying to extinguish the flames. The "Temiscamingue railway mission has awarded the contract for the construction of the line to A. R. Macdonell, the lowest tenderer. Sixty miles are to be 'completed by Decem- ber 31st, 1903, Hon. J. lsraél Tarte .visitea Osha wa, inspected the manufacturing tablishments and. laia the corner stone of the addition te - the Me- Laughlin carriage works. He was ban queted in the evening. , ' The advance in the Bank of England rate vesterday was a concession to nervousness rather than a necessary precaution. There has been 5 slow outflow of gold for export, but it has not been ga, serious drain upon the re- sources of the hank. The czar has granted the request of the Finnish senate to permit it to draws up a bill detailing what mat- ters are regarded as appertainine 'to imperial legislation. Two Finnish iud- ges, seven aSsessors, and other judigi- al officers have been dismissed. At - Shamokin, Pa., on Wednesday night the miners were in such -a law- less state that the military had to patrol ~ the streets. 'The sheriff had charge of the place and did all that was possible to calm the excited peo ple. No confirmation communities, the law of permission to locate T ie com- es- is obtainable in London * of the Cape Breton report that Signor Marconi has succeeded in transmitting a complete wireless mess- age across the Atlantic. Reticence observed at Marconi"s London office pending the verification of the des- patch. . Bible Society's Notes. The Upper Canada Bible Society has appointed Rev. J. A. McDonald, B.A. of St. John's, Pittsburg, to visit the branch =ocieties in Kingston district. The visitations are arranged as fol lows: Sunbury, Monday, October 6th; Pittsburg North, Springfield church, Tuesday, October 7th: Pitts- burg Sonth, 'Woodburn church, Wed nesday, October Sth; Battersea, Thurs day, October 9th: Inverary, Friday, October 10th; Sydenham, Monday, Oc tober 13th; Wilmur and Perth Road. Tuesday, October 11th; Verona, Wed nesday, October 15th: Harrowsmith., Thursday, October 16th: Wuton, Fri day, October 17th: Bath, Monday, Oc tober 20th: Odessa, Tuesday, October 21<t; Cataragui,, Wednesday, October 22nd: Elginbure and Glenvale, at nburg, Thursday, October 23rd; Garden Island, Saturday, October 25th; Wolie Island, Monday, October | 27th, The annual meetings of the hranch societies of these places will he held on the above dates if agree able to the officers of societies. the A Big Glengarry Timber Limit. Lancaster,. Ont., Oct. 3.--In this eastern part of Ontario' fine timber land is a somewhdt scarce commo However, there are still a Tew of bush land in old Glengarry mill owners will offer tempting to obtain. 'This week the wel known lumber firm of South® Messrs. A. McArthur & wherein they obtained timber landg of Martintown. 12 000), spots which Lameas Lt Son. clos ed a pogrsession of not fice 1 contract SOO acres. of thwest was RX The * Oak Hall. store for «Bibby's."' eV ery Ong "Bibby's.' A warm who wears our arment, tine an imderwe Cale. to X2 50 a ---- Lal and winter underwear. Jenkins: | I SPLENDID IMPRESSION Was Made at the Court by Justice --- Britton. "Justice Britton, on hi: first appear- ance on the bench in Kingston, sue- ceeded in thoroughly pleasing his former comrades at the bar, and when} he was cypable of doing that his suc- cess as an admi: tstrator of fjustice is assured. It no easy matter for a newly appointed Judge to satisfy the ~ - JUSTICE BRITTON. lawyers. with whom he formerly -- as- sociated, but "when he can do 59, it redounds to his...credit. Justice Brit- ton in his address to the Kingston bar members on Monday pointed out that no hedge should exist between judge and counsel, for the former al- ways required the aid of the latter in interpreting the law. And so the most cordial feeling existed through out the assi between bench and bar, the lawyers on both sides being well satisfied with all rulings of his Ibrdship. Justice Britton was re markably fair, and his manner was much more pleasant than that of most judges who sit upon the bench. His return to hold court here will be wel- comed. NAPANEE NEWS NOTES Numerous Visitors in Town -- A Handsome Store. Napanee, Oct. 3.--Chief Adams, Jrockville, spent several days this week visiting his daughter, Mrs. H. Collier, Newburgh, and shaking hands with his numerous Napanee nds. The chief kindly remembered by scorés of Napancceans. Mrs. James Scott, formerly Dora Cliff, and little son, of New York, arrivea last week to spend some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. A, Clifi. William Kent left yesterday for Winnipeg. Mrs. James Blewett, who resides over the Dominion bank, lies at the point of death from a stroke of appoplexy. A. E. Rikely is visiting friends in De- troit ~ this week. Ms. (Dr.) Ming, John str has been confined to the house for the past weck with 5 severe cold. The Guy were Tuesday night, and as greeted with a full house. recital, held in 'the Eastern church on Monday evening, was an unqualified success. A large "audience greeted the popular baritone, Mr. Eaton, of New York, who was ably assisted by Miss L. M. Hall, of Na pance, Nothing but. praife was, ex pressed 'by all who had the pleasure of hearing the two talented musicians The teachers" convention in this wee Quite 5 full attendance of teachers is present. The meetings an held in the assembly hall of the Col legiate Institute A. Cathro very near the point of death at his father's home in Lindsay. Friends say that no hope: is entertainea of his recovery. levine Parks, county treasurer, able "to be about again after being confined to the house for the t week 'with an attack of bronchitis. Charles Knight continues in a very weak con dition. "William Ferguson moved' into his new barber shor, on John street. near Dundas street, this week. Fo W. Sinith & Bro. will occupy their new premis coiner of John and Dunda's They wil! have one of the finest jewellery shop: in Eastern Ontario. They will have new fittings "and when their complete stock isedisplayed, few city shops will he its equal. 4 of 1s in town usual were The song Methodist Bros. on = SEeSS101 lies is also soon on the streets, ' A Pleasant Assembly. The first weekly assembly of the sea son was 'given in Miss McGlade's dane ing academy, William street, on Wed nesday evening. with a v large at. tendance. Dancing was in progress un til twelve when refreshments were served. after which dancing was resumed and continued until nearly two o'clock, when the pleasant affair terminated, all - present being delight od with © the enjoyable time spent. Guestst were present from Toronto and Brockville. } Who Is Responsible ? council committee bridges met Thursday to decide what getion should regarding 4 small bridge on boundary of Portland and Cam townships, which is in a bad con and liable to cause an acci The bridee, it private belonging to or the townships, The however, to Visit taking action. o'clock, The roads morning taken county and Oli he the den dition, dent. property, connties mittee, bridge the cont aecided the before Young Men. Fit-Reform are still, are well R12. Jenkins. saving dressed. wear and S10 and Wha money Suits school teachers of Tor- holiday to™visit De- 24th. The public onto will have a troit on October Gray. ? The color of seventy years in your hair? Perhaps you are seventy, and you like your gray hair! If not, use Avyer's Hair Vigor. In less than a month your gray hair | will be rich and dark. 31. All druggists. a 3. C. AYER CO., Lowell, Mass. RR lH uN OUR BRANDS : 3g B Don't be induc- "King Edward" ed to experiment No Salphur = PARLOR BATCHES inferior brands, "Headlight" No Disagreeable Fumes 500. USE "Eagle" 1' EDDY. The B. B. EDDY CO., Limited, Hull, Canada. J. A. HENDRY, Agent. Kingston. "Yictoria," Try our new brands, "King Edward' and "Hzadlight." SIRI PPVVIIP vv POPVY + SPI PLPC PIES Eg i Ji i 1 i 4 i | i October is here. Our crop of fall suits is the finest in our his- tory. The richest plums drop first. GET THE NEW SUIT NOW. There is a dash and style about our Garments that appeals to every man who enjoys the appearance oi success. And the appear- ance of" success often-leads to it. : We believe we have the best, $10 Suit in town We believe we have the best $12 Suit in town. We believe we have the best $15 Suit in town. Come in and see if you don't believe as we do. THE H. D. BIBBY CO., Suits and Overcoats. OAK HALL. ---------------------- cin ---- ES We Are Selling. So Many Shoes These Days is Because We Sell Good Shoes VUES THERLAND'S SHOE STORE.' 5351 3 Reba' The Happiest Home 1s Your Own. Be No Longer Homeless Buy master and can vourseli. Provide a her own for the sell the street, then vous and. fot, movi house Cand It is im possible to feel perfectly dwelling at home the house. of another. partner of ! | The only perfect hqme feeling i | comes to those who own the " "| place where they live. We'll help to give you the real home 'feeling. The plan is simply i the cost reasonable. D. A . CAYS, Real Estate Tor, 346 Sing Street, Kingston. not mose place Vou in call We can 143 Pine a home Giher Open Saturday evenin JS. R. McCANN. 51 Brock Street. Nextto Wade's. ou] ex [3] a [| A Thirsty Child Can have better drinl sir hot in anv un SL uo i than a glass of PURE, CLARTRIED WILK It is the natural food, relieved of ull that ig impure and harmful. 'That isswhy it is the best of food. Clarified Milk Co., 'Phone 567. Brock' & Bagot Sts. Transfer of Tavern Licsnse, NOTE IS «lEREBY (dN " 5 = ¥ | CRIMSTIAW, | NSA RS A OAT | Fo