pr THE DAILY WRHIG. TUESDAY. OCTOBER 7 THE WORLD'S MEDICINE. BEEFILAMS BILIOUS and NERVOUS DISORDERS, Sick Headache, Constipation, Wind, Weak Stomach, Impaired Digestion, Disordered Liver & Female Ailments. Prepared only by the Proprietor, THOMAS BEECHAM, St. Helens, Eng. Sold Everywhere in Canada and U. S. America. In boxes, 25 cents. Jus t Arrived Another Large Shipment of Fast Selling Couches. Prices Same as Last Lot, Also Boarding House Furnishings, Study Tables, Bookshelves, Springs, Mat- tresses, Etc. JAMES REID, THE LEADING UNDERTAKER, 'PHONE '147. " wns DLOVES Smokeless, Odorless, Cleanly, Economical. Will Warm Rooms 20 feet Square In Cold Weather |THE WHIG -- 68TH YEAR, WIIG, published each Ring Street, at $6 per 2:30 and 4 'aelock, WHIG, 12 pages, pub mornin at §1 a te best Job Printing da: rapt stylish and cheap R i nine mmproved pro s EDW. J. B. PENSE, PROPRIETOR {HE DAILY WHIG. Opiter per Orbem Dicor.' A MOST INSPIRING SPEECH. Hon. Mr. Ross, the Premier of On- tavio, attended the. complimentary banquet which was tendered to Hon. I. .h. Davis in North York, and made ust such a deliverance as one would expegt from him at the present time. tle was hopeful, he was confident, he was courageous in his address, and one cannot read it without reaching the conclusion that he understood his place and duty, and will fill the one { and discharge the other with his old time cheerfulness. He alluded, of course, to his small EDITORIAL NOTES. "Wood is $10 a cord in Toronto. The council that permits the people to be robbed in this way expect a serious time when they ask the people for their votes by and bye. The Ogdensburg man who said he would sell his coal at the. usual price to the poor, because it cost him no more than usual, is one of the most popular men in America. -- Public opinion in England is forcing the government to /recognize this one fict--that in education the people, through their representatives, must prevail. Secular education to be sat- i factory, must be free of church in- fluence of every sort. ii The special court has confirmed the taxation of gas, telephone and el ectric light plants in Toronto, and by the decison the Queen City gains to the extent of $27,000 a year. Still Mayor Howland is dissatisfied with the assessment department. -- Capt. Hobson, writing to the North American Review, refers to America as the "Mistress of the Seas." The Montreal Star, after reading the same, says the impression has been deepened that "his. forte is either swimming or kissing." A man cannot he an expert in everything. When Hon. Mr. Ross became pre- mier in 1898 there were 135 out of the 181 books used in the schools that were written in the United Sta- tes and Britain. Now all our school hooks are of Canadian authorship and manufacture. The liberal govern- ment is working for the Canadian people. The Mail has come .to the conclu- sion that nobody knows what Mr. Ross meant by his recent reference to the tariii. So that he did not favour immediate revision, and did not en- dorse Mr. Tarte! Will the conserva- tive papers recall their eulogies in consequence ? Or will they take warn- ing and avoid going off at half-cock in future ? : The premier of Ontario has made one serious mistake., When called up- on by the Tory members in Toronto and asked to provide wood for the people he should have given each one an axe and saw and told them to go to work. The M.P's. are expeeted to serve the people occasionally, and it is time the Toronto chaps did something. The Dominion Coal company has contracted to deliver 10,000 tons of SLEW FAMILY. | -- THE WORK OF A' VIENNA HOTEL KEEPER -- His Troubles Affected Him And He Entered Upon the Work of Annihilation -- Took Only a Few Minutes. "Vienna. Oct, 7.--Johannan Foercht- gott, a hotel proprietor, killed his en- tire family here yesterdav. Foercht- gott had been on the verge of bank- ruptey for some time gnd his troubles haa preyed upon | his mind until he became mentally unbalanced. He spent Sunday night playing cards and, ap- parently, was in the best of spirits. He leit the card table at daybreak, going home, entered the room where his family were assembled, locked the door, and shot his wife dead with a revolver. His eldest son, seventeen years old, tried to take the revolver PROCLAMATION. Fo-the - clergy and Jaity of the-Pro- vince -of Ontario: To all to whom These Presents shall come, Greeting-- We, the saints on earth, satisfied be- vond the least doubt of the surety of our exalted position, and considering the unlimited power that we hold over the minds of the people, announce to the government ti:xt we will not be satisfied with, any half measures, or halirway doings, in this campaign. We tell the government that if they do not submit to our dictation that they cah go out of offic They have tried too long to be friends of prohibition and liguor"at the same time. We are the Puritan root-and-branch men. raised up for the special purpose of ruling this evil generation and dicta- ting to the people who have no minds |. of their own what they shalF eat, what thev shall drink, and what they shall wen. ' We repeat. we will he satisfied with no hali-wav measures or half-way do- ings, and the people who refuse to be guided by us are sunk in iniguity, b3 "ones TEE MISS MARIE TEMPEST His Clothes Seem Part of Him. This is the remark that is so often made about the man wear- ing a suit bought here. It's the utter absence of the ready-made look that does the business. The new swagger cut garments in the latest fabrics are here. Suitings this season are hand- some, but not loud in style. Our Suits are equal to any high- price tailor-made garments. Everyone bears the stamp of "merit. 'ELECANT SUITS $15, $14, $13.50, $12.50, $12, $10, $9, $8, $7.50, $7, $6.50. THE H. D. BIBBY CO,, One Price Clothing House, Qak Hall. ---- -- SPOOL SILK. For dress making and family sewing, Corticelii Silk i the best silk made. For hand or machine use it has no equal. Corticelli runs smooth- lyin the needle! it is always even in size, and always full length and full strength. Ask your Cealer for Corticelli. inaloritv. and pointed ow sw silly | coal to Boston, but when asked by : : : 3 ¢ . : PC nt ab how silly ee A alle She is scoring a success in Lond on in her new play, 'The Mar- vas the assumption of his opponents | Toronto for a supply of coal said it : : ittv.?? rE Ne riage oi Kitty. hat he should resign. The practice had none for sale.-Is the Afferican -- - -- in Foneland and Canada was to resign membersship of the company capable Simplest, Safest and 4 % . from him, but Focrchtgott overpower- | anc are in the bonds of wicked- vhen a minittry found itself in a} ©! making it serve the Americans | ed the hoy ana shot him through the | ness. The idea-of the great mass of ahh H pinority so far as the complexion of first and only ? What about the po- Jorehend. Ben burned on bs i people Saring os Jeli to Bynt 3 \ 1 F 1 . Y x t ny ors ONE HALL ee € 4) or themselves S mwepostrous, 8 CORBETT S ardware. | . new parliament was concerned. The | licy a Copnda' Tor The CHENG i ga | th oi pry a In bred a by the great- ase was not on record in which a | now? both. Then he placed the barrel of | est medical authorities in the world . . rovernment resioned when it had a the revolver in his mouth and killed | that there ave too many ills resulting Right Now najority of the house behind it, hows PRESS NOTES. himself. The entire slaughter occupied | from overeating. of - too hurried eat- y aver small that majority was. As for > only a few minutes: ng. of eating too great a variety ot 5% : oli) They're The Quacks. jood, and that the. people eat too Toronto Globe. : much meat. They, the people, from wr ouse for it. "I am speaking for, the Some of the tariff doctors seem to Mountain Grove Persoiifls. _ | {his time forth, must submit to the the think Canada needs a cure "for Mountain Grove, Oct. 6.--Rev. EF. | il] of fare that will soon he issued Lawson, Sharbot Lake, pr ached a | hy our authority. Woe to the-people ing missionary sermon in| «ho dare transgress this, our rule. Best, WASH SILKS are put up in patent holders, which prevents waste by tangles or soiling ; keeps each shade separate and anto- matically measures a correct needleful. It is recommended as the only proper way to put up filo aad flo silk, and used by art societies everywhere. : Is - the time to purchase a gas | 1 coalition government he had no call grate. We have a large stock amd will sell them cheap. iiberal party," said he, "and for 3 id he, Tan 1 SKIRT PROTECTOR is of firm and even tex- ture. When soiled a sponge or brush makes it clean again, TT the growing pains, p 0 0 amp arty" in_Untario, and I want you to So Say We All Is the best Incandescent Lamp sofil. It gives three times the light at one-hali the costs Cali and sce it. BRECK & HALLIDAY, ""s¢2... SAVE YOUR COAL. Cover your furnaces, pipes and heaters with HOOPER'S ASBESTOS CEMENT. Thus save fuel and get better" distribution of heaty, REQUIRES NO EXPERIENCE TO APPLY. Send card to our address stating surface to cover and we will advisé you amount of material required and price. HOJPER BROS., *' "Ter. HARDWARE PAINTS GLASS and CUTLERY Ete A. STRACHAN & CO. OILS ANYTHING TO SELL, MAM ? * This is what the seeond-hand dealer says when he calls at your door, aud you promptly say no, without thought. The Kingston Rag and Me tal Co. only ask you to drop _ them a card to 35) Princess street, aitér yo have sorted over all your old stuf and they will 'pay you highest cash prices. ANOTHER SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT | TO THE-P UBLIC. MYERS WILL IMHAVE ON SALE SATUR dav, fresh sausage, tenderloin, blood 1 nderstand that 1 have confidence that the Jiberal party has within its--own "anks thy capacity and the power to arry on the government of this coun- try for some time longer. I think we Save the men: 1 think we will have the votes: 1 think we will have a ma ority suflicient when the house meets, wd am not going to admit for one doment that we are not capable of riverning the country ourselves." What of the outlook ? Mr. Ross in- timatea that the party purposed to lofend its position with all the vie- our at its command. Tt would "fight" n the courts, in the bye-clections," wyvw here and evervwhere where fight- me would be necessary. "The liberal arty is im power," he remarked, 'and so Tar as 1 gm concerned it is roleg to remain in power until there is a majority of the house against =. Words, well and fittingly spok- n. Mr. Ross said it was not of much wail to discuss the canses which wonght abot the geate political con- lition which today existed in _ On o. The issues of the last Tocal tion were strangely complicated, ind they produced complicated re sults." The air has been ¢ Misunderstandines have been noved. 'The conviction has decpen- that haa the hatte to be fought ner 'the liberal party would have an overwhelming majority. All the'c umistances give a ance that the ; approve of the policy. of the Untario government and desire to see t continue in power, for the sake of New Cntarig and' the policy that is aldulated ta develop to the fullest mineral, agricultural and indus- wealth of the provinces, ch altocether had the richt wared since, Toronto Telegram. ~ If Old 'King Coal is a merry old soul, he has a grim sense of humor these days. The Strike Predicted. Hamilton Times. "There shall not be a coal to warm at, nor fire to sit before it." Isaiah, xvii, 14. A Delicate Question. St. John Telegraph, A Montreal contemporary is asking, "when is a man old?' It is well to be cautious in these matters but we venture the assertion that Adam is no longer-in the first 'flush of youth. We Are More Fortunate. Victoria, (B.€.) Colonist. S1,000,000,000 a vear. 1t has been es- timated that the United States could afford to pension her ¢ériminals "with 00 a month a head to live out of + country. Why Editors Get Rich. After a great deal of study and worry we have 'figgered" out why so many country editors get rich. Here is the secret of their success. A child is born in the neighborhood; the at- tending physician gets 810, the editor givis the loud-lung voungster and the "happy parents" a send-off and gets 80. It is 'christened and the minister gets 81 and the editor gets S00, It crows up and marries; the editor pub- lishes a flowery article and tells a dozen lies about the *'beautiful and accomplished . bride." Minister gets 210 and a piece of cake, and the edi tor gets 2000, In the course of time it dies, and the doctor gets jrom $ to R100, the undertaker gets from 850 to $160¢ the editor publishes an obi- tuary two columns long, lodg¢ and so- ciety resolutions, and gets 80000, No wonder country editors get rich. Visited At Fair View. Fair View, Oct. 6.--Fall plo and potatoe digging is the order of ithe day. John Loucks and Miss Criminals cost the United - States Lodirey, at XN. Cowdy's. ist church on Sunday. Miss | (up paid spies gnd informers will have Dickson has returned to Kings ton, sre she has secured a pésition in yvLaaiesl College. Miss GA. Donovan, B.A. taken her place. Mrs. A. H. Rogers and J. W. Laidley took in the excursion to Manitoba last Tuesday. Miss 'Mabel Gates, Westbrook, called at her sister's; Mrs: D. McDonald, 'while on her way to take charge of Ardoch school. Howard and Miss Angie Goafrey visited friends at Godirev last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. Miller and Mrs. Joseph Coulter are visiting Meso A. Reynolds, at Oak Flats. Mrs. Samuel Abbott is visit ing relatives on Wolfe! Island. Mi Haeg. has returned © to. her home in Havelock, accompanied by her iether, G. Flynn. Mrs. W. Flynn and children are spenaing a few weeks with her parents, near Harlowe. Howard God rev left on Thursday for Chaypleau, where he has Secured a position as brakesman. A young danghter has come to stay at Samuel Dawson's. Visitors : Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Cowdy. Down The River Notes. Thousand Island Park, Oct. 6.--The cottagers are nearly all gone. The as sociation is, removing all builaings irom the New Encland, on St. Law rence avenue, to the®corner of Rain- how and St. Lawrence avenues, ana thence to the Park View honse, and will erect a three-storey block, 100 feet on St. Lawrence avenue and nine ty feet on Rainhow avenne. Work will he started inmmedintely so"a¢ to haw the building enclosed before the severe | weather begins. The contractors are | not vet known. William James is huilaing a new cottace on the corner | of Rainbow and United States ave nies. and also another on the corner | of United States and Paradise ave nies. H.. V. Moore has sold the ine | View store to W.. J. Newton, jfost master at this place, and has rediv Sanford Kemp is running the Fin View: meat market, Miszs Lillian Hut chison has cone tp Syracuse for the winter, . 1. RK. Bohinson huilding » wing 8n Mrs. Child's cottage on Isl and avenue power to have all delinquents 'sum- marity dealt with, and if they persist in refusing to obey «these our behests they will be put in prison. Whereas; one of our great lights has declared that it Christ turned water ivto intoxicating wine at the marri- ave in Cana of Galilee, he would not have Him for his Saviour, we hereby declare that the priests of the Catho- lic church, no matter hy what name they may be known, English, Greek, or. Roman, must not celebrate the sacred mysteries of Christ's aeath and passion forthwith hy using anything but uniermented wine at their peril of being heavily fined, and ii the. fault is persistea in, being cast into prison, The place where the sin is committed will be ealled a public house and be jiable to 4 tine of one hundred dollars ov three months in jail. There will be immediately issned a mirror of fash: jon suited to the sober wants of men and women. The women on account of the abuse of corsets must not be | allowed to wear them. They are the cause of a great many diseas and they profane the body by making it look like a wasp. Woe unto the wo- men who despise this ordinance of ours. Our special female officers will have power to remove the corsets and burn : The men too must give ip stoking or using--tobacco-in apy f We are bound to have a reign samts oh earth: and that we submit tomo dictation or thwart- | of our wiitl, - Di ed by the com- | of public safe for the saints i I'vovinge of Ontario. the Editor: In due line with, a | liscussion precipitated by that valiant i crusader, Rev. J. R. Forster, of Walle Island, | submit the above pronuncia | mento to the good people of this, | county for adoption. in view of the | exalted opinions heing imposed upon | then © one party to the great de- | wan. Goold oil prospects arg reported from \ | Wheatley, Ont. and no damage done. It has peculiar wearing qualities, and perfectly straight selvage. Corticelli Skirt Protector is a great favorite with carcful and fashionable dressers, For sale everywhare. "THE PEOPLE'S PROOF r to convince of the merit of any article in daily wse than the unsolicited testimony of the people who've used it? The Sotvenir Want anything stronge: has all Canada to its back in testifying to its merits in everything that goes to 'baker? If you re thinking of a new range question yourself a bit--then 'put the * Souvenir" to the test. Sold everywhere. One will last a lifetime. . J. HORSEY, Local Agent, Princess Street, Kingston. Mads fy THE GURNEY-TILDEN CO, Limited, Hamion, Canada Range make it the most perfect -- stove in the world of stoves "tg-day--and the army of " Souvenir" owners recruits by the thousands every year. Would that be the case if it had not been proven "the best by test" -- for. appear- ance -- for durability -- for convernience--for up-to- dateness in appomntments-- improvement economy in fue! and general good ser- vice as a heater, cookerand ET FETT LG CN AN TET Stove, Range and Radiator Manufacturers. $100 Wholesale Branches--Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg. i a . sausaye, brankiorts, home-made brawn, and i . ; is ow . is . nll cooked meats. Just revived n-new lot it, and it has inspired the | Loucks attended Tamworth fair. Mr. | The Mac in agifat e] 7 of Windsor Deamon], and, brook xepns ibera a with fresh nerve and ond Mrs. 7. Bennett attended Odessa {veloping ito volt. The {to} hore is at t one dreaded "1 A . wiv. 'N x t Ya : x i \ : ANY r 1 i 1 Ttis nd nueyey, , Don't fo hr Myers', 56 Broek rage. fair. Miss Ethel Gilmour, Kingston, | Russian government = as port tar Riel tre 0 Sure Among The Advertisers. } 1 aavertising strect. 'T'hone 370 i \ Hall's The Troy, N.Y... Budget I : Tey S100 REWARD wi be pleased = -- nd George Close, Gananoque, spent a-| that adequate steps He now - i : 4 2 fow davs last week at John Pennett's. | store order in the Dallens, i Ii k 1 « ion] frave Caturrh Years ola. a H i many will do INVESTMENTS ident Roosevelt, in summoning © Mr! and Mes. A.D. Fraser attended | loved that Toikey na oq aL tHonsl djscs Res a col The Globe, Maton City, Towa. op ; bart of toiiiir this 8 $ we coal barons before hin. and seck- | Cdessa fair. Archie Heso moved lastIthe dngurrection, and Rus<ia's v- vo actly dh LUD oe | Its cirenlation books to adyertisers a : : Nw San + --AN-- Ri tlatent of the coal strike: tW kon to Victoria 4, Mr. ference pave ad to complication logd ous sur of the syste ' the Whig. | a sid L honest ' ew ' , Foor REAL ESTATE <nid he act th terest Re Hallv has moyed his house ont tg the It i< runored that Hon, ro i sichy dost vind the foundation of the 4 saline. : ; S ol : ¥ iS : " : the = os : : road. ' - , MP 13° to, marry . Twp 1 tion. ah r J : Slat. x In Ty ! 120 N nnk elenuan: who Mining and Oil Stocks vay hab. ix pe o horro them t T what Vande k See GEO. CLIFF, ion Hy not angerously injared on Natur . ie 'ha 1. who lived York. hi . day by the overturning of an aunto-| at Vv, wa . o deat in re 115 BROCK STREET. 2 : ne Lon ' . ---------- N--------------------------------------_ y i \ 1 Know NOE " Crown Prince Constantin, of Creeke, Ret 1% 1 the : \ Duke of Sparta, was "painfully, mt fo to visitors from all ! Wh t , OU Send for hist com vith ROLOY vk and u ha CHENEY 8 CO.. T vow it has 15.000 2 gaists, Me ] ' | hig. ndvertisngT pg Hall's Family dills are the best. i pixel 5 3 la cianding a new last pre Sold hv dr '