~ grapes g "here, -Big-10-l1bs baskets oF, /) small fancy baskets for of table use. 'Fresh grapes are arriving daily. Call TRAVELLING. Kingston . Pelbroks & Capadias : Pacific Railways Will Issue Return Tickets THANKSGIVING BAY, 1902, SINGLE "5% FARE CLASS Goad going October 15th and 16th. Good to return™up to and including October 20th. Full particulars at K. & P. and C. P. R. Ticket Oflice, Ontario St. F. CONWAY, F. A. FOLGER, JR. Gen. Pass. Agt. Gen. Supt. ALBERT TOILET Specially adapted for children, on account of its absolute purity. Baby's Own Soap is used by young and old alike and commands an immense sale, Dont trifle with imitations. MONTREAL. SOAP CO., MFns. 5-2 [HE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY NEW SHORT LINE FUR Tweed, Ni PA points. Train lee: 3 bs R.°J. WILSON, C.P.R. Telegraph Of- EI EE Thanksgiving Day Excursions SINGLE FARE FOR ROUND TRIP, BETWEEN ALL STATIONS. Going Dates, Oct. 15th and 16th. Valid returning on or before Oct. 20th. J. IP. HANLEY, Agent, City Passenger DOMINION LINE Depot. MALL SEs. LIVERPOOL SERVICE Colonian ...0ot. 11th *Irishman Oct. 18th Californian Sept. 26th *Norseman.. *Turcoman Colonian Se Nov. Steamers marked * do not Carry passengers. RATES oF PASSAGE---Salcon. $65 and upwards, single according to steamer and service, Second Saloon, $37.50 and up wards, single, according to steamer and ser- vice. Third class, $26. FROM MONTREAL, . « Oct. 11th *Ottoman Ii8 ..Oct. 18th *Roman ... -. aes FROM BOSTON. Commonwealth Oct. 8th .. Ost. 15th Boston to the NEW SERVIC Mediterrancan. Vancouver, Oct. 18th; Cambroman, Nov. 8th. Midship, Saloon, Eleotrbo light, Spacious promenade decks. J. P. Hanley, J. P. Gildersleeve, 42 Clarence Bt. Agt. G.T.R. Station, D. TORRANCE & Cu., Gen. Agts. Montreal and Portland. Lake Ontario & Bay of Quinte Steamboat Co., Limited. STEAMER NORTH KING ROCHESTER ROUTE Steamer leaves Sundays at 5 p.m. for Redener, N.Y., calling at Bay of Quinte BAY OF QUINTE RONNE STEAMER ALETHA Commencing Sept. 2nd, leaves week days at 8 p.m., for Picton and intermediate Bay of Quinte ports. On -Tucedays, Thursdays end Saturdays. steamer calls at Degeronto and Belleville. For full information apply to J. P. HANLEY, J. P. GILDERSLEEVE,§ Ticket Agents. Jam:s Swift & Co., Freight Agents. Liverpool and Al lan Lire Londonderry Royal Mail Steamers. ' From Mcntreal. From Quebec. Tunisian, Sept. 27, 9 am. Sept. 27, 7 p.m. Corinthian, Oct. 4, 5 am. Oct. 4, 3. p.m. Pretorian, Oct. 11, § a.m. Oct. 11, 4 p.m. Parisian, Oct. 18, 5 am. Oct. 18, 4 p.m. First cabin, $63 and upwards, to Oct. lst, after Oct. 1st, $50 and upwards: second ca- bin, 8: to £10, London $1.50 extra; third dlaxs, 825 and $26; Liverpool, Derry, Bel fast, Glasgow and London. New York to-Glesgow & Londonderry. Laurentian ...... = Sept. - 24th Mongolian > Oct. 1st Montreal to ilgagow Direct. '88. - Sicilian from Montreal to Glasgow di- rect, Oct. 8th and Nov. 12th, at daylight. First cabin £30. Sccond cabin $35. Third- Hanley, Agent, On class S , City Passenger De pot, Johnston and tario atreets, J. P. Qilderslaeva, Clarance sires Carriages Carriages EVERYBODY Who has rubber tires on their carriages are well pleased with the ease and comfort they enjoy 25. in driving, if you have not - got them on your carriage you 'should send to LATURNEY and have them on and enjoy your drives. JAMES LATURNET, CARRIAGE MAKER, 390 Princess St. . Kingston. oO Or OPO OOF OO OG ORO Red, Blue . Or Green --Every kind of oO Of OJ OOO and 'see them. A J. BEES, Princess sil" good baking and, if you If you want to do the best baking -- baking that is light, delicious and health- ful--you must use EMPIRE SODA Best for Baking. Remember you can't get as any other leavening agent, your grocer can get Empire Soda. for: you from any wholesaler within an hour. Price 5c. per packet. results with insist on it, WORD MAGI PREVALENT THE GENUINE CALEDONIA SPRINGS WATER HAS THE ON THE LABEL OF EVERY BOTTLE. DISCOURAGE THE SUBSTITUTION. PROMINENT FRADULENT EDUCATIONAL. SCHOOL Atternoons of Monda, dav, Saturday mornings, Classes Re-opened on MONDAY, Oct. 6th, 1902. from 2:30 to 4:30. CHAS. E. OF ART v, Wednesday and Fri- o 12 o'clock. WRENSHALL, Principal. 10 _t vw MU classes in ber 1st. 211° University Avenue. Miss C. M. Cleril MRS. CLERIHEW WILL lstcher Music Method on Septem- For terms and particulars PIANO LESSONS ow, o College of Music, 211 University SIC %- RE-OPEN HER apply at undercraduate Taron- Avenue. KINGSTON TO RONTO Une. ualled facilities 821 Queen Street, SEND FOR Confederation Life 007) FURNISHED BN BUSINESS TORONTO. Lary st and best equipment im Canada TO-LET. without board, 101 COLLEGE TON. COLLEGE for securing positions Kingwton. CATALOGUE Buildings, Tonto. ROOMS, WITH OX Queen streat. HOUSE. 191 BROCK All modern Livingston & Bro. STREET, 9 ROOMS improvenients. Apply to C. ROOMS WITE modara eon a FOUR . GOOD FURNISHED , with 191 University Avenue. situated, facing the and taxes. Apply & Nickle. 43 KING STREET, WEST, BEAUTIFULLY Harbor. Rent $240 to Kirkpatrick, Rogers me to BCE~8 A 1 condition; A 12 WEST STREET, 5 ROOMS: 183 COL- horr 6 rooms; so other dwell iy and offic J. 8, Me KR streg uJ BROCK STREET, The H. D. it. 11 rn improvements: street. STORE OCCUPIED "BY 1 il Brock street, res; etc. ply to John POSSESSION AT ONG sirable house on th Gore streets, near every wav. Daisy Shr OOOO Or Cobre Oe Cafe Cols in perfuct order. 115 Bagot street. with for pork and meat trade McKav, Jr., RR ALEXANDER, refrigerator, NO. fix- Ap- 151 Brock E, THAT AIRY DE e corner of Bagot and the park. Modern hot water heating and Bibby Co. } 'BOOM ONTARIO] WHAT THE © GOVERNMENT HAS BEGUN Hon. Mr. Ross Tells of the: Work Undertaken--He Believes His Administration Has Public Confidence. Hon. G. W. Ross at Newmarket. We have in the last few years jected some very largé measures for the improvement of the country, and it is natural to suppose that those who projected measures of that kind could be most safely entrusted to work them out. In the first place, we projected the beet "root sugar 'indus- dustry, by means of which we desired to direct agriculture into a new chan- nel and to make ourselves independ- 'ent of a foreign market for our sup- i ply of sugar. We have already secur- ed the establishment of four sugar , factoriks, which will produce this year at least 25,000,600 pounds of su- gar, and bring under cultivation in a new form nearly 20,000 acres of land, vielding a clear. profit to the farm- ers jinterested at $20 an acre oi $400,- 000. This for one season's work is not 'a bad record. When we remember, however, that we consume 300,000,000 pounds of sugar in Canada, vou will see that this industry is still in its infancy. Why not allow the govern- ment with whom this idea oricinated to advance it still further in its ca- reer? Second. we undertook the improve- ment of our highways by a grant of $1,000,000. Already four or five large counties have accepted the proposition pro- of the government in this respect. Why not let us complete this move- ment by promoting its extension throughout the whole province ? New Ontario. Third, we resolved that new Ontario should be opened up by a railroad at the expense of the province, and close- ly connected with existing railway systems. We have already located the line of this railroad from North Bay to the head of Lake Temiscamingue, a distance of 110 miles, and two days woo the contract was let for the con- struction of sixty miles of the rail- way next year, and its completion carly in 1904, thus connecting eastern Ontario, by way of the Pacific railway with the fertile belt north of the height of land, and also connecting western Ontario, through the Grand Trunk system, with the same dis- trict. This railway we expect to build entirely out of our lands and timber and sales of town sites in its imme- diate vicinity, without imposing a di- rect charge of a single dollar upon the provincial treasury: Why should we not be allowed to secure to the pro vince the advantages of this great scheme of transportation, which we carried through the house in the face of the criticism of an opposition too feeble to grasp a project of such vast importance to the whole of On- tario ? Fourth, we undertook with the ap- proval of parliament to recognize the services of the veterans, who at the ¢ of health and life raliied to the defence of their country over thirty vears ago. Under this act of parlia- ment there will probably be appropri- ated 1,000,080 acres of land in this wav. This appropriation we expect will sérve the double purpose of re warding men who deseme well of their country, and of securing the settle ment of a large area of land hitherto entirely. unproductive. In a few weeks the certificates to those entitled to them under the act will be issued, un der the Crown "Lands Department. Is this an opportune time to transfer this task to the hands of strangers ? Mineral Development. if » Fifth, for several years we have given special attention to the devel opment of the mineral wealth of the province. As a result of these efforts, permit 'me to submit a few figures. In 18398 the entire produce of our mines as compared with 1901 was as fol lows : Production. 1901. Gokd.. $ 244,443 Silver. 84,830 Copper 559,08¢ 1,859.970 1,108 530,789 ZG Ore vrvvvene Total nn. 81,689,002 $5,016,734 Men employ ed in 1901, 3,884; wages paid, 81,874, 678. Iron ore raised, 93,- 155 tons in 1898, against 326, 915 > tons in 1901. % Canadians Rank First. If we have iron ore to make ow own pig-iron, let us make it. If we have sugar beet to make our own su var, let us use it, If we have lumber. let us use it in our own factories; and let us fill our whole land -with an in dustrial population that will furnish market for the producer in our own home, and give employment to his family and to 'himself, apd in = that way retain to ourselves the advantag ¢s to be derived from our great re- sources. No better man can be pul SO VERY DIFFERENT Some people condemn our pdvesisiag, because it isso very different from other al dvertising, Many 2y people Dis preles on cine, : ig very different - other Medicines, * The difference in each case is intentional, IRON-OX TABLETS ARE AN INVALUABLE NERVE TONIC, A GENTLE BUT EFFECTIVE LAXATIVE Try Them Your health will be so very different. Apply to Felix Shaw, 'prefactory DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 8. in_any position in Canada, as I und- erstand him, than a Canadian, (Ap- plause). The best men to go to the northwest, would be men tom the older provinces; the best man to put in the factory, ordinarily, speaking, is the man educated in Canadian schools, and the best man to make a farmer is the man brought up on our Cangdian farms. The Development Of Agriculture. Then we have set ourselves to de- velop in a special way the agricultur- al industries of this country, and in that respect the result has been most satisfactory. For instance, we have increased the area under crop in the last ten years by about one million acres; we have increased the area un- der orchard by 40,000 acres, the va- lue of farm buildings by $35,000,000, and of farm implements be $9,000,000, and of live stock by $20,000,000, and last year the live stock slaughtered and sold realized for the people of Ontario $46,592,000, Now, how has this been brought about ? Tt did not happen, it did not come 'to us by accident; it was brought about by the attention that the government gavé to the agricultural industry, aided and supported by the intelligence of the Ontario farmer. In the last ten years we have spent $2,000,000 through the Department of Agriculture, and our farms, farm buildings, implements and stock are to-day, worth about $l, 060,000,000 and a little over. 8 CS ke Corfidence. I say that the government that ap- plies itself to the development of new Ontario, and the construction of a railWay into new Ontario, which is now under contract, and will be run- ning within a year and a half, and that sets itself to the development of the mineral and farming resources of the country, is a government that is entitled to and, we believe still "has, the confidence of the majority of the people. And whether we win or lose, whatever our fate may be, we are con- filent of one thing; that we can look back to our legislation and the man- accment of our finances, we can look back to our record _and be assured that in the estimation of the loyal liberal-minded and impartial critics our record and financial administra- tion will command their implicit con- fidence. "As Mr. Davis says, we are serving the people, and hope to serve them on those progressive lines which we believe the people approve. MAY BE THEIR LAST. The Parade of the Grand Army Veterans. Washington, D.C., Oct. 8.--"Let's brave it, comrades; it may be the last march we will ever take part in." This was what a gray-haired veteran lowa saia this morning at the hour announced for the different state departments. of the G.A.R. to move toward their formation places for the hig paraaes The belief, that it might he their last chance to march again shoulder to shoulder is what led many of the age-worn veterans to brave the torture that followec for several long lrours. Iortunate it was that no serious results followed, and much of the credit of that is due to the physi- cians of Washington, who, almost to a man, volunteered. their services for the occasion. Following each division there was the surgeons' corps of strong young men and the army am- bulances. of Numerically, Pennsylvania and New York carriea offi the palm in the pa- rade, though Illinois, Inaiang and Ohio did not fall far below in the number of vetérans in line. The entire route Avas decorated la- Vithly, every building, public and pri- vate, being adorned with stars and of red, white ana stripes, bunting blue, and the insignig of the G. A. R., and the various army corps, until the eve of the spéctator was satea with the varied display. It is estimated that 500,000 persons: witnessed the pageant. The morning trains brought hunareds of visitors - from all points within a radius of 3 hundred miles of Washington, and =eldom has the capi- tal entertained a larger crowd. The parade was the feature of. the day. Everything else gave way to .it, and when the march was over the vet- erans were in.» no mood to do: any- thing but rest, ani endeavor to recu- perate sufficiently to enjoy some of the public functions arranged for fhe evening. Episcopal Bishop Of Alabama. Montgomery, Ala., Oct. 8.--A spe- cial council of the Episcopal diocese of Alabama convenea in . St. John's!' church to-day for the purpose of elect- ing a successor to the late Bishop Parnwell. Three men are prominently mentioned for the place, they being the Rev. Jobn Gardiner Murray, of Birmingham; the Rev. William Alex- ander Guerry, chaplain of the Uni- versity of the South, at Sewance, Tenn., and the Rev. Dr. William Tho- was Manning, of Nashville, Tenn. Should the offices not be bestowed up- on one of these it may fall to the Rev. Matthew Brewster, of Mobile; the Rev. C. B. Wilmer, of Atlanta, or the Rev. A. W. Knight, of Atlanta, dean if the cathedral. . Celebration At' Oxford. London, Oct. S8~--Eminent educators and savants from niany parts of the world gathered at Oxford University for the celebration of the three hun- dredth anniversary the establish- ment of the Bodleian library. The celebration commenced to-day ana will continue through the remainder of the week. Prominent among those in at- tendance are James "H. Canfeld, of Columbia University, and Andrew D. White, the United ates ambassador to Germany, who is present as the reg presentative of Yale 'Cniversity. of Honor St. Andrew. Boston, Mass., Oct. RS. --The sn teenth annual cdnvention of the bBro- therhoodiof Ste Andrew pegan with a nie seriice this CHOPPED OFF SOAS TO GET RELIEF FROM TASKS. Convicts Adopt Heroic Methods of Obtaining Respite From Duties That Were Very Irk- some. Chester, Ill, Oct. 8.--Two convicts named Reagdon and Rose, in the Southern lilinois Penitentiary here, chopped offi three fingers each their right hands in order to avoid working in the foundry, . where they say the demands made upon them were beyond their strength. Rose and Reagdon are not: robust physically, and thei} tasks, they de- clare were entirely unsuited to their strength. They said, however, that any complaint 'would "be punished by confinement in solitary, so they re- sorted to the expedient of inflicting painful wounds on themselves in order to obtain at least a temporary re- lief. They procured an old rusty hat- chet in some manner and each delib- erately chopped qff three fingers on the right hand. from Killed In Minnesota. Sangster, Oct. S.--Farmers are ab- out through with their potato dig- ging, which is a very good yield. A good deal of fall ploughing is done and grain sown. Fermoy fair takes place next Monday, the 12th inst. Cattle seem to be in great demand. J. Whitmarsh, Salem; Hugh Burns, Canoe Lake, and Owen Kelley, 1 ich borne, have been through here buying up for the Montreal market. The Ded- ford social on the 30th inst. was a success, The selections given on the gramaphone were highly appreciated. Winners of prizes were : Mrs. Patricks Corcoran, a beputiful cake; T. Fraw- lev, a silver watch. J. H. Murphy. tailor, of Watertown, after spending a few weeks' vacation here, has roturn- ed home, much benefitted in health. J. Goodheart lost a valuable cow by it falling into a well. T. Young is en- teams are busy taking out the rock. Alexander Thompson, with his team, has "gone to draw the ore. James Young has gone on a visifing tour. Miss Minnie Barrett has been engaged by I. Mulville, general merchant.. Fer- moy, as an assistant clerk. Confirma tion will_be given by Archbishop Gau- thier in the Sacred Heart church here on the 12th inst. Mrs. William Mur: phy. ill for somd time, is convales- cent. Nicholas Hall, a boy, has been playing truant lately, causing his friends great anxiety, until he was found near Syaenham. Mr. McNamee and a Utica-culler, Mr. Perth, are en- gaged here culling his mica, taken out of the Murphy Bros." mine some time ago. We regret to hear of the sad news sent to Mrs. Sarah Murphy here, announcing that her son, Edward, was killed while in the employment of Thomas Nester, lumber merchant, in Minnesota. The remains will be-here in a few days for interment. Visitors : Mr. and Mrs. William Craig, Verona, at T. Young's; Mr. and Mrs. J. Cor- coran, Glenvale, at their daughter's, Mrs. Willie Judge; J. O'Connor "and wife with her mother, Mrs. P'." -Bren- nan; 8. Warren, Fermoy, at G. Ham- iiton's; Frank Rilley at P. Corcoran's. in this vicinity. P'. Fodey talks of selling his property at Woodvale and moving to Gananoque. James Fodey is doing a good bus in the har ness 'trade, having disposed of a num- ber of sets in Zhe past two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Vanderburg, War- burton. and Nis. EB Vanderburg, of this place, were guesfs of Mr. and Mrs. William Sliter, Dulcemaine, on Friday. Miss Mammie Fodey intends spending the 'winter at Montreal. James and Max Greer visited their The hopeless heart sickness that set- tles on a man or woman whose nertes Church 'fs tha the Rev. Floyd afternoon o the Messiah, conducted Ly W. Tompkins, of Philadelphia. The regular sessions will commenc to- morrow, hy which it is"expected 1,501 delegates will be in attendance. Jis- | hop Dr. Rainsford John R. Mott, Dr. | Howdrd A. Kelly and James | i hiacling® will be. amongs th 1 Leal speakers | Fit-Reform Overcoats. | The long swagger coats with silk facings, $10, $12, 815. Jenkins. "BibBy's. with female troubles, would suffer intensely. could not sleep at night. bearing-down back and womb pains. visits a wee beiter. now Il am quite well, MRS. JOHN WAY, 39 Church St. Verdun, Montreal. There may be a better way of curing female ailments than by Ozone, we don't believe there's a quicker or safer method or ene that gives such perma- l ¥ - , Mad ®. de i » Female Disorders. For the past two years I have been afllicted I had serious bladder disorder; inflammation would set in and I Sometimes I could not urinate and the pain was so severe I I always had heavy I went to the hospital for three months, paid twe AY but got no relief. I was advised te try Powley's Liquifiad Ozone and before I had "finished the first bottle I began to feel I have taken in all three bottles and nent beneficial results. Two Sizes, soc. and $1.08. So NATURAL, still so ARTFUL: can't help PRISE to any LADY or GENTLEMAN so With samples of Ladies and Gents' Wigs, or whole heads. Bangs, long Hair, ete. He will demonstrate, call on him who are Baldor free gagea drawing lumber for building | inventions, how health, comfort and younger appearance 1 " : : " v turers urposes to 3 ping rg tained. The manv devices he manufac 5 L 0 the Hop ng Mines, principles, but are durable, can be securely adjusted, where a great - number of men and | detection. Remember, B. A. Hotel, Thursday, Oot. date. See yourse'f HE XMIT-10: PIT ki £0. Outlet Occurrences. $ OUR BRANDS : 8g Outlet, Oct. 7.~The rain has come $ "King Edward" to fit the roads for Lansdowne fair. 3 1.000, Mr." and Mrs." W. T." Parsons are) o a £1 ming the week with friends at Bel- ["¢ "Headlight" lemay's We are glad to see Mrs. > 500. James Patience, Dulcemaine, out | » again after her long illness. Mrs. A. | » "Eagle" Clendenning, Fairfax, w the guest . 100 and 200. of her daughter;- Mrs. W. Sliter, Dul- + ey cemaine, on. Friday and Saturday § "Victoria, p Mrs. George Bradley and little son, > "Little Cornet." Clifiord, spent 4 few days with friends --_---- - : J. A. HENDRY. OOP P ivi VY- Powley's Liguified Ozone adapted for disorders of the mucous membrane. once you will make use of it regulatly. THE OZONE CO., OF TORONTO, LIMITED, TORONTO AND CHICAGO. HAIR! HAIR! A Desirable Transformation From Baldness to Hair on the Head PROF. DORENWEND, OF TORONTO, THURSDAY, OLTOBER 9th Wavy and Plain Fronts, Switches of even and all | have Thin Hair, why they should wear his Don't miss seeing him and procure one of his produc tions Oth. Cut Hair taken in ex- change or Cash paid for it, especially white. BE UP-TO-DATE The old style two piece suits are out of They are uncomfortable and clumsy, No Sulphur PARLOR BATCHES No Disagreeable Fumes , The KE. B. EDDY CO., Limited, Hull, Canade, Try our new brands, "King Edward" and "Headlight." O00 0b 000008080 bod 2540000310 Fy SHOE EIPLOP g eouleiy At all Druggists or from us. HAIR | but be a PLEASANT SUR- afilicsed. whore SKILL in these lines is recognized all over the GLUBE, is coring. He will be at BRITISH - AMERI- CAN HOTEL, Ripgs ton, on Ifair Coverings for part or of charge, to those who be ob- on latest and are beyond can are constructed il Combination Underwear For men, women and children It is made of the finest material and superbly finished but above all it is most comfortable See it for MANUFACTURED BY 93 Lagan. hatiere Se Montreal. S000 00900000 PL PRNVOP OOP FHP PINP IP LPL 000004 004190 Don't be induc- ed to experiment with other and inferior brands. LO0Y's. p Agent. Kingston. CVE HPP IPT 2000000020000 00 i. \ J. H. McMillan, Miss L. J. Norr occurred in Brockville on Tuesday. home. Mrs. W. Bygrove, in » Gilbert "H. Marsh, a former Belle- ville for three months, is home much | villian, died at his home in Frank- improved in health. Mis¢ Lena and | jord én Monday. Mrs. Marsh survives. Vincent Mcnzies are spending a few | John S. Marsh, turnkey at Belleville days with their parents, While walk- jail, is a brother. : ing through his field George - Four- David Whitcher, son of Mr. and Mrs. j Nier picked a branch of ripe raspber | C, H. Witcher, Carleton Place, writes ries; they were - heautiful red and | from the Philippines, where he is ser plump. This is quite rare ju October. | vine with! the United. States army, : that he isswell and likely to return Twitchy Muscles And Sleepless- [home within a few months. { ness. Oil drilling at Melrose has --been | stopped on account of the machin ery being too light for the depth that ; 3 . s bee k. Mr. Rosenzi are shattered by discase can best be the well bas ee n un : x \ a + : " g : y 8 & Oo ge v +Y pictured in contrast with a patient Sr or (oans y Bn & who has been in the "depths' and has De an I auigr app "" vi ' Mus , 1 ; . 3 o ) been dragged from them by South Am Ral A: a8. Xa H Bah ns ot erican Nervine. George Webster, of | (AF, ne of the moncer seil ' wrest, Ont., says : "I owe mv. life: to 3 lgin. Few knew of his illnes , 'as he E verything else failed to cure. atte 'nded a threshing a week prior to | his death, A widow and grown up fa I cll by H. B. Taylor and Henry Wa io | . h overcoats that " Oak Hall. "Bibby's." 1'. milyv sur Archie, a former; Geo {ov theesem: er; Robert - at-home mer, in New . York city, and Mi Inve Those long, swagger the voung men delight to wear ari Fit Reform: Bits. heve, £3, 810, £12.50, 815. The. H.vb | : : : Bibby ( | t, guarantied to keen then Bibby Co { : * the latest maténa 510, , . fe .: i419 $15. Jenkins. Take the Rideau Ring ror Uttawa | $12, 815. Jenkins every Tuesday and Friday, at 1 po Jawes Swift & Co., agents. Taylor sells purest drugs. (0 J rE 4 ™. EEE STEREOTYPE mache Rockport, on Saturday and Sundav. : »~ MACHINE METALS Mrs. Stunden, Gananoque, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs: A. Greer 1 Hi i i d 6 di | d lit ih { d d Ratnniny. on Ignasi graua Lanadian, value amd quality ne Sianuard, . 5 . . y et CANADA METAL €0., WILLIAM STREET, TORONTO, ONT, Althorpe, Oct. .6.--A. Rice and - re er ee ------------------------------ - George Palmer are doing a rushing} = = : . business with their mill. McGuire Ba IN OUR OWN CIRCUIT. ARCHITECTS. : dour is talking of giving up his farm WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT OFFICE. and kaving for other quarters. A. . YLANDE, a) ro : 5 i H i i secon M Dru tore, Menzies traded his Kate Allan. mare | NoWs of The Districts On Both found Praveen tad tas, 2 Ba. for a fine roan; it takes the Althorpe Sides Of The Line. trance on Bapot strest. * men to beat the gypsies. A gdod The home of Henry Pearson, Lan, ry many from here attended the fair at| Ont., 'was destroyed by fire on Sat- POWER I WC RR Maberly. A gang of men is at work' | urday. Loss $3600. Wellingten streets. Phone 212 on the Westport road leading to James Mallory, while trawling re- Althorpe. There is quite a sum of |.ceutly at Mallorvtown Landing, cap- ARTHUR Ls, a OFFICE monev to be spent in grading ard fix tured "seven nice pike vite of lew Dri al near ooromg 1 3 I g ] i + ce . ucen and Montreal Strects. mg up. It will be one of the best The marriage of Miss Fannie Mur- 9 an on roe roads in the country. Visitors : Mise | yay and John R. Lee, of Rochester, | HENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT, p10, Winnie O'Brien, Perth: Mr. and Mrs. | NY. formerly of the Brockville Times, Anchor Building, Market Sguare. Auction Sales. Save Money by Bmploylug. ALLEN & BROWN, Auctioneers. STAMPS AND MARKERS. | RUBBER STAMPS OF ALL KINDS, SKIP | tnkers, Linen Markers, Datos, Seals, Stencils | Bunk, Ticket and Office Stamps, eto. vrompt. JOHAN OFFORD Whig (Ma AVOID DIRTY THEATRES. | Playhouses Are Continually Get- ting Worse. New York, Oct. S.---Rev." Dr. Louis Albert Banks said last night : "Good ndges declare that instead of get- ting better the moral quality of the theatre in New York is steadily grov are true to life there i 1) g in human nature, no honor in men and no virtvee in. wo- men, But we all know this is a lie. {New York's dirty theatre of to-day is exactly the place to which decent | Christians should give a wide berth,"