Smokeless, Odorless, Cleanly, Ecenomical. Wil Warm' Rooms 20 feet. Square In Cold Weather Simplest Safest and Best, --AT-- ~ CORBETT'S Hardware. stamped on cvery garment, insures H -L you genuine EALTH UNDERWEAR the most periict, most heal tiul, ully de. = Stores oor ait range. #f WIRE BARREL COVER To Protect Fruit. Wire Guards, Railings, of wire work manufactured by F. A large number of flower pots of all kept in stock very olieap. Crescent Wire Works, 273 XING Right Now timé Fencing and all kinds Partridoe. kinds Is the to purchase a rae grate. We have a lar stack and will sell them cheap. Is the best Incandescent Lamp ofl. It "gives three times the licht at one-hali the cost. Call and sce it. BRECK & HALLIDAY, regen A Street. SAVE YOUR GOAL: Cover "your furnaces, pipes and heaters with KOOPER'S ASBESTOS CEMENT gut better distribution Thusosare fuel and of heat. - REQUIRES NO EXPERIENCE TO APPLY. Send card to our address stating surface to cover and we will advise veu amount of material required and price. HOOPER BROS., * °*%h SI REET 00060000 0°VP000COCOOOOOY BLINDS, GRILLES, STORM SASHES, And all klads of Taterior and Hxterlor sWGOD WORKING Well Manufactured by is. ANGLIN & CO. TTPO OSIEITET VO acnansnresssasnde ¢ 9000000200 0000000000000 HARDWARE PAINTS. OILS GLASS and CUTLERY Etc A. STRACHAN & CO. ANYTHING TO SELL, MAM ? This i$ what the second-hand deales says when he calls at your door, and you promptly say Ge, without & i Hm Stoves thought. The kingston Rag and Me tal Co. only ask you to drop them a card to 380 Princess street after you By sorted over all vour old stuf and they will pay you highest cas! prices. REAL ESTATE 'Mining and Qil Stocks See GEO. CLIFF, 115 BROCK STREET. THE WHIG -- 68TH YEAR. DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published each evening, at 306-310 King Street, at $6 per year. Editions at 2:30 and 4 o'clock. WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 12 pages, pub- li-hed every 7Phursday morninc at $1 a year. Attached is one of the best Job Printing OF oes in Canada: rapid, stvlish . and cheap work; pine improved presses. EDW. J. B. PENSE, PROPRIETOR. CONSIGNE n TO MISE RY. A Lansdowne farmer, whose wife de- wrted him -hav- ins taken r up with another woman-- refused seventeen years ago- which it provides, and :'anada makes no provision, reasonably, for cellation of bonds which are «ide and become a burden to who, by one the other. © The one for cause, can appeal to the Senate and lay his tomestic troubles before it can get if he cannot afford it he can en- his misery to the end. There is such that relief; dure about something a case puts the church's reasoning to shame. FORESTALLING IN KINGSTON. The city solicitor in Ottawa has been moved to recommend the repeal of a by-law which has been in exist- ence but not in force for a very long time. This by-law has reference to the forestalling of -poods offered for sele upon public markets. The origin of it is not easily defined. Apparently the fecling was that those who bought and sold the articles required for family use should not be allowed to make their selection before the good housewife had an opportunity to pick and carry off what she desired. So in Ottawa the hour at which the butcher, grocer, huckster and runner was free to begin operations was fix- d for nine o'clock, while in Kingston it was set at ten o'clock. However well-meant the by-law may have been it has never been fairly or fully observed. Occasionally] at long intervals, some one was accused of iolating its provisions, was sun moned before the magistrate, and ined. Put generally the by-law has been regarded as if it were not, and people have bought and sold with- out serious check or restraint. It is, indeed, quite impossible to stop the infringement of the law, is the to SO pressing temptation the and ignore it and of sellers <0 difficult enforcing it. The got to know cach other pretty well, and deals task buyers have are some times made without the ex- Winks mean pression of a sound. and nods much as the and signs which as many words, do the work, and huckstering goes on. For the repeal of the by-law many aldermen have moved in vears, to past and no purpose. Useless as the by- law may be it has had many defend- ors, But to vo thin Its very antiquity has saved it. the time has come when it ought with so many other venerable The market should If the cit free of be all restrictions. finances permitted the market should be exept Cer- after from tax and toll of every kind. tainly the man who comes to it, hours, should forced to wait until ten o'clock the of the belated he can dispose of long drive of many not be to meet wants house-wife, before his produce to whomsoever he will. the theught that the city solicitor of Ottawa, that mind of many here. hat» is dominates and it is the Let the by-law be the thought is uppermost in cpealed. RUNNING THE COAL MINES. The New York has made a ten strike by demanding, that the condemn or seize democratic * party of as a plank in its platform, anatiopal government and go into the coal busi- The popular the mines, on its own account. idea is calculated the coal crisis that is now on, and so the ness to become in republican press attacks it. The Post-Standard not to and to do death to Svracuse does the government become 1 aes socialistic in its tendencies, ruin and private "Mi "hard coal is to be manufactured and sold by then all oth- er importance, that which means enterprise. obiserves; the government, products of similar oil, sugar and gram, would naturally become in thine government monopol ies also. MWhen the government goes into the business of mining and sell- ing H0.000.000 tons of coal a year, there is no limit that can be set to the swallowing up of private enters vrises by the government. Besides, even if jcongréss and the president were in favor of it, and the constitu tion would permit it, the thing could until the need of the freshets not be done erving solution of coal problem had ted with the of the spring of 103. It is a Guistic n of expediency. The average men is not a socialist in his thoughts, desives and aspirations, and is not, in this matter, influenced by langerons doctrine. But he is impress «dl with the fact that a- few million sires are in-a-position; to inflict great ufiering and "distress upon the, peo- le. and that it is the duty of some ower to avert the calamity if "it an be done. Lan he operated successfully and pro- fitablv by private enterprise, and so long as the people were being served "with fuel, even at high prices, I'HE DAILY WHIG. was marriage by a Brockville clergyman. The man' had not the | means and disposition to go to the United States and eficct the divorce | "and the can- Ir he people, ienored | heen able to manage railways and in "dustries *most The coal lands of the United States | THE DAILY WRIG, WEDNESDAY, they were satisfied. But when a difficulty has occurred which ends in a coal famine; when millions are forced to face the rigours of winter without fuel; when, to the appeals made . to them, the coal barons turn a deaf ear; when they practically insult the president, as he tenders his good of- fices, and tell him there can be no + peace until he puts unionism to fiizht by the mighty power of the nation; ! when the industries are being crippled * and closed, and the people must have fuel or starve and freeze it is simply rot to talk of letting things drift. Socialism may or may not be the cure for some. of this life's ills. It is "1iot the question before the people, is mot subject to discussion now. through the courts, have which have, for various caus- into the hands ceivers and these have been carried on with satisfactory results. The Presi- dent the United States is not in- clined to wait until next spring, as Post-Standard suggests, lo to make re- . been put of the Syracuse before trying what he can d the coal barons respectful. Thev have defiant. They impertinent, repent of it to been saucy, sion may have oces very soon. ee eer EDITORIAL NOTES. to resign, It did not to be so aesperately Mr. Ross refuses and the Mail him, apparently, horrified. expect is hard-hearted. ------ The Allans are going to have a fast Atlantic service too. Between them and the Canadian Pacific company the country will be pretty well served without the subsidized line. ne Mr. Clergue. Sault Ste. Marie, supply Toronto with 10,000 cords of laid down, at $8 per cord. the price would be will hardwood, Cut and delivered be cheap at £10.25. It will, later on, any price. ---- What about the four scholarships which the city was to have at its dis- 250,000 to posal when it granted Queen's College art building ? Is the council not going to have the free nominations ? -- The Ontario government has agreed to make provision in its next budget deficit in the running for last year's of Toronto University. That is very nice. It is one of the advantages of a state aided institution. -- Mr. Ross tells the people that a coalition government is not approved by him and was never proposed. The tories are very mad about it. 'They talkea and acted as if somebody were pushing the thing upon them ---------- The aemana for Englich coal, to help out the Americans during the strike, has had the efiect of raising prices at home. It is expected that coal will be selling in London at 810 a ton curing the next few weeks. i---- The government has been driven out of the binder by the present hich There is a great amount of speculation ab- stand, twine business price of manilla. out the business as things now and the government is well out of it: -- Sir' Charles Tupper is still thinking hard thines about Lora Aberdeen. The nohle earl would not let any man -fill the and public offices with his cronies "aiter the people dismissed him in JSO6. senate His offencé>will never be for- oiven. The Review of Reviews editorially favours negotiations looking to the revival of reciprocal relations = be- tween Canada and the United States. Canada made the last advances; and was repulsed. Will the United States now hold out the-olive branch ? J. W. Gregson, the former editor of the Hamilton Times, the Brantiord Expositor, and St. Catharines News, has passed away at the ripe age of eighty-four. The Whig knew He a venial associate, a companionable person, .a a- somewhat poetic Peace him well. was most writer of fancy to force, with and liking for reminiscence. his ashes. ---- It is said that the municipality and constitutionally, the province cannot. vo into the fuel business. They can't, ¢h? Let some one test this question now, by attempting burk the ef- people to save themselves and mark the efiect. talked of is ip sight-- And it will jorts of the from freezing, The thing long the municipal wood yard. to coine stay. American . Christian Convention. +» Let. S. ninetesnth =¢ sion of American fonvention, ran in to day, has the men of parts, ~The the which he attracted the denominn of the Unite wada, © The delegates 600 and represent The meet 2 than usual inter- first held by. the in the south. Noriolk, V qua lrenni: C hristian Norfoll, talented from all and Ug more than conferences. with it Is denom tien States nimber n nety reoarded ost, Ch is mors the ination as stian Excursion To Watertown, Thanksgiving: Dav. Tickets, 81.25; good going Wdnesday, Oct. 15th 2.30 pan. oF Thursidp: at 5 a.m., aml returning until' 6.40 p.m. train, Thurs- i day. Jenkins' For Underwear. All the many and .qualities in natural wool and hined, 50c., $1 and up. kinds fleece wd. OCTOBER 8 £5 NEWS OF WORLD TELEGRAMS FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF EARTH. -------- Matters That Interest Everybody --Notes From all Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered by the Dear Public. Thomas Dalev, a farmer Maid- stone, was killed on the railway. J. W. St. John, M.P.P., West York, savs he will vote for prohibition on December 4h, 'The Hamburg newspapers deny the report that the Atlantic combine is to raise second cabin rates. Hamilton and London have appoint- edd municipal committees to look after a supply, of fuel for the citizens. W. C. Edwards has tendered Otta- wa, free of charge, 2500 cords of wood from his Rockland mills. Lancashire coal, which, last week, was ten shillings a ton at the pits mouth, is now quoted at thirteen shil- lings. The population of Qttawa is 61,137 according to the assessment just com- pleted. the increase over last year be- ing 445. : Sir Wilirid and Laay Laurier and Hon. Mr. Fielding sailed from Liver- pool on the Lake Erie for Canada on Tuesday. Thomas Kil Windsor, agent for the People's Life Insurance company, has been arrested on a charge of em- bezzlement. At Si. John, N.B., Frank~Higgins was sentenced to be hanged on De- cember 1Sth,-for the murder of Wil- liam Doherty. London householders are . warned that if the American strike lasts they will have to pay forty shillings a ton for coal at Christmas. Miss Mattie Strong, daughter of Mr. and M William R. Strong, York. was married to-day to Capt. Mereton Gage, 7th Dragoon Guards, British army. Mr. Balfour, playing goli with un- diminished zeal in the north, isl ex- pected in London by the close of the week, and will have an early confer- ence with Mr. Chamberlain. British exports of coal last month chowed an increase of = fully 100,000 tons, and the shipments to America are expected to have a marked efiect on the export figures for October. A military wedding of note to-day at Fort Hamilton was that of Miss l.onisa Rodgers, daughter of Gen. John I. Rodgers, U.S.A., and Lieut. Harrison Tall, of the artillery corps. The Miners' Federation, of Britain, has voted £5,000 fron the central fund for the striking United States miners and the districts of the or- canization also will send contribu- tions. Hall Caine, tisfaction with who professes entire sa- the prospects of his play. although it has been universal- lv condemned by the critics in Lon- con. will sail for America on Satur- dav. There shionable Ardsley, Eleanor Samuel Thomas. Yecckman. William Carpenter, was killed near Barnes' Corners, N.Y, hy being draceed two miles by his horses. Carpenter sold a load of wood at Watertown and became intoxicated with the money. Right Hon. Joseph: Chamberlain has d Lora Minto to convey to his minist the thanks of his majesty's government for arranging a military contingent to take part in the corona- tion ceremonies, Hon. Mr: Tarte does not go to Spencerwood the nost may be offered to Sie Alphonse Pelletier. late sneaker of the senate, and one of 'the most re- spected members of the ministerial fol lowing in Quebec. Thee Hamburg-American steamshin Alexander, from Hamburg for Balti- more. went ashore on thé Gooawin Sands, on Tueésdav.® She jetisioned coment from her Largo and was pulled off uninjured. It is officiallv announced that Presi- dent Roosevelt has wrged the miners: to return to work, promising the ap- pointment of a commission to investi cate the questions at and an effort to secure g settlement consistent with the report. was a large eathering of fa- New York society to-day at N.Y.. at the wedding of Miss Thomas, daughter of Gen. and © R. Livingston aged thirty-five, re son issue, Riots are revorted to have broken out again in St. Petersburg and Pal fava, while - politienl murders have heen commitiea at Lodez. [It is ru- mored that several dfficers of the first regiment of. the, Imperial Guard have Leen arrested for a conspiracy against the czar. PRESS GOMMENTS. They'll Meet It Soon. Syracuse Post-Standard Apparently the Pennsylvania coal marching" forward brisk- ed finish. operators are lv to g steep and jag Wants More Thgn Talk. Montreal Herald. , When our chief weather guesser pre- dicts snow with np coal in sight, it is about timeLfor citizens to take aid guesser out at the back of the talk to him. Louse and Biggest Man In The Lot. Hamilton Herald. . . Unee again John Mitchell, the strike leader. has demonstrated that he has head than any ef magnates who 1 for and millionaire coal are pitted against him. a cooler the Very Properly Named.® Montreal Star. In New York they now have a nev winter heverage, according to the pa pers. ea'led ping-pong punch. It is probably named because it .make j cople, gu. from to SO side side. Height Of Their Ambition. Toronto Stor. By gainin + the ill now two card t the cauens coats in the Quel conservatives in th crous ¢hough to = going 'at one roount. wo cizlatir he n loi be kasp tire in An Old, Old Story Azein Aready Star this hunter. near shot 'at a move and killed his bro wer he sufficient] such work as ¢ason a warned gun RUPERT OF HENTZATU. A Fine Production at the Grand Opera House. Last evening in the Grand opera house, a good sized audience witnessed the production of Anthony Hope's great romance. "Rupert of Hentzau." The play throughout was beautifully and appropriately staded, the scene in the palace of Straleau, with the moon light on the water, being, very artis- tic. The story of Rupert' of Hent- zau,"' is a sequel to "The Prisoner of Zenda," the same charhcters pre- dominating, especially Rucolph Ros- sendvll. The king, who was drugged on the eve of his coronation and held a prisoner in the castle of Zenda, was impersonated by Rudolph Rossendyll, who bore a marked resemblance to the monarch, and only Col. Sapt, Fritz Yon Tarlenheim. and a few others are in the secret. . The Queen Flavia, in love with Rosséndyll, has sent him a rose each year, but deciding this dan- ous, wrote a farewell letter. This falls into the hands of Rupert of Pentzau, who endeavors to give it to the king. To this end hangs the whole thread of the romance. Rupert murders the monarch hefore giving the letter, and in' g duel with Rudolph is, himself, killed, and the missive reaches the rightful-own It is essentially a man's play, and the parts 'are hard to particularize, as there was not an inferior member in the company. The highly strung nerv- ous irritibility of the king was splen- didly portrayed: George B. Miller, as the "Colonel," was 5 favorite from the first. Ethel Barrington, as "Queen Flavia," was very graceful ana pathetic. The little dash of life to the play was supplied by Theodory Dudley, as "Rosa Hol," who was very bright. "Mother Holi" was also good. Cecil Owen, as "Rupert of Hentzau," was a fine speciman of military manhood, and acted the cool. cold-hearted villian to perfection. In the laxt scene, the silent struggle be- tween love and honor, hy "Rossen- dyll," was a masterpiece and elicited enthusiastic applause. "New York Day By Day." There are few spots where so many 1: : . diferent nationalities meet, where so many foreign tongues are heard, where so many }jeculiar and pio turesque peo- ple are seen as in the old Battery Park, New York. This is one of the interesting scenes shown in 'New York Day by Day," at the Grand, on Thursday, October 9th. ; Theatrical Comments. The Grand Opera House prices have heen lowered this season. Nothing will be lost by the change as the at- tendance in certain parts of, the house will increase. Late-comers still disturb the © first act at the Grand Opera House. Last night those in the parquette were es- pecially annoyed and greatly disturb- ed. There is but one remedy. At lcast three of the English stars e¢othing into America have been here before, without their names posted in big letters. Martin Harvey played small parts with Siv Henry drving. An English critic pays this warm compliment : "The American play- wright keeps on in the beaten path of old and outworn endeavor, or if he looks about him for something new, deliberately ighores whay is real and true for the easy" and the obvious and the ineffectual falsehood.' Blanche Walsh to, have Daughter of Hamilear," by laus Stange, a drama founded Flaubert's "*'Salambo." It is said resemble Maeterlinck's "Monna na," which the London censor not allow publicly performed, which Mrs. Patrick Campbell may here. : "The Stanis on to. Van- would and do 18 ward H. Sothern is encouraging American dramatists, as well as pub- lic love for Shakespeare, in his prepar- ations. for the season after the one that he is about to start with "Ham let," and "If I were King." Besides reviving "Romeo and Juliet," he will do" one of three new dramas, - two of which are home-made. FE. S. Willard, the English who. plaved "The Cardinal." Middleman" and "David Garric the. Montreal Academy last ranks with Sir Henry Irving. His plays are brilliantly staged, He will make a tour of Canada and the Unit- od States, and it is to be hoped that he will be secured to "appear at the Kingston Grand. The Montreal Sun has {his skit up- actor, "The Jat wee k, on the leading lady: **She has holes all ovér her clothing where" she has been hanging medals on herself. She throws bouquets at the side of the stage to let them bounce back and hit her. She dodges the camera every two weeks. But she comes back at it with the velocity of a 'pom-pom shell ii she thinks the public are forgetting her. And in that she is right. Out of sight is out of mind like vesterday's dinner. The girl who does not switch the current oh to herself until the public has to wear binders is no use on the stage of to-day.' QUEEN'S SPORTS. Of the Morning Events Given. Que n's annual athletic games open- ed in the City Park Tuesday morn- ing. a large number of students | be- ing in attendance. This afternoon the chief portion of the events took place at 'the fair grounds. The morning re- sults were : Throwing 9% feet Y feet 5 inches; D. 51 inches. Mile race--. and 33 seconds; Results hammer--A. D. Falkner, inches: G. A. Watson, MM M. Solandt, 83 feet Gillespie, 5 minutes R. W. Beveridge; Solandt, 5 fect 24 A. J. Milden. shot--A. J. Philp, ich jump--D. M. inches; E. H. Pense, P uttir 16- pound den, 34 feet 1'inch; J. I. Solandt. Mil D. M. ------------ Mallory Hats Are always stylish, the Tatedt 2 of the large cities. them. es ---------- Lynch. Smith's Falls, land 'pear 'Sanit Ste: Alcoma Central RR. will permit the cony the nkins sells has 160 Marie: and he John acres. bi on the announces he covernt 2.000 cords which is map! Mrs. Kills after spending a of four needd fie], to cut mantle woor, bird's eve Robert and turned home foot gr have re- pleasant <n he thi<? week's visit at Chicago. oni = 1 EC -- BE TURE 1 guarantee my Latest Method Treatment to be a permanent aud positive cure for 1 { Borden vl without cutting, stretching or loss of tie. absorbs the begxing, or wormy condition, equalises circulation, stops pains iz the groins, 8)! drains, thercby giving the organs their proper nutrition, vi* alizes the parisand re- storesfost powers; In Stricture it absorbs the Stricture tissue, sw ps smarting sensation, ckache. etc., while in all prostatio troublas It is the trest ment var excellence. So positive am I that my trealumens will cure you, you wt MY. WHEN ou are convinced that a thorough nd complete cure has convince you that [ have confidence rvousness, weakness, in my Latest Method Treatments, i 1 could not make you proposition. It makes no difference whe bua failed to cure you, call or write me. Each Time You Call You Ses' wie Personally, ¢ Or each time you write it receives my personal attention. The number established in Detrois, and the cures [ accomplished after given up by otk placed me as the foremost specialist of the county. QSONSULT A TION F write for blank for blank for home, treatment. those "io cannot call. nt, Pertecs Fasten of one rextment ror medicines for Canadian patients 8 Windsor, Can. All duty -F express charges prepaid. D. DR.®30LDBERG, 208 youre AVE, COR. W'LCOX ST. 3.3 His Clothes Seem Part of Him. remark that is often made about the man wear- ing a suit bought here. It's the utter absence of ready-made look that does The new swagger cut garments in the latest fabrics are here. Suitings this season are hand- some, but not loud in style. price tailor-made garments. Everyone bears ELEGANT SUITS $15, $14, $13.50, $12.50, $12, $10, $9, $8, $7.50, $7, $6.50. THE H. D. BIBBY CO., _ One Price Clothing House, Oak Hall. GIVEN AWAY IN PRIZES BY THE MAKERS CF -- £3 rue > WEN PAS oy Ho : THEA S sion. § UNDERTAKERS HAS A WARM TIME. Elements Against '1 Fy. _ HARBISON Fiomar arerooms, LCORNE TT, FUNERAL DIRECTOR, 281 ment to enact the educ ation bail, creating a revolt f | onalists weighing i SUBSTANTIAL BU ILDING ON KING In "rota condition. Mi sl Davitt in opposite sod Michael a Tillie Sand floor longed | for a long term. Ap. with the Baptist torether at Birmingham to follow Congregationalists and with the " WANT THE SHIPS. ed rd catechis min church "choo there is no Jack of ec tics in the United Kingdom Pell Rock Briefs. escaped altogether and tomatoes, , ir a mised freight i fiplay of good hore Ontario { <4 nent or any municipality which | 71 the. haraest |