fa . 7 ~ vi Rn » - CATARRH OF THE STOMACH. A Pleasant, Simple, But Safe and Effectual Cure For It. Catarrh of the sfomach has long * been considered the next thing to in- curable, The vsual symptoms are 8 full. or blo. .ag sensation after eat: ing, accompanied sometimes with sour or watery risings, a formation of | gases, causing pressure on the heart and Jungs and difficult breathing,' headaches, fickle appetite, nervousacss | and a general. played out, languid feeling. . . There is often a foul taste in the mouth, coated tongue and if the in- terior of the stomach could be seen it would show a stuny, inflamed condi- tion. 3 The ture for this common and obsti- nate trouble is found in a treatment which causes the food to be readily, thoroughly digested before it has time WILL BUY {WOOD FOR USE OF CITIZENS WHO NEED IT | Property Committee Decides to . Purchase 1,000 Cords and Sell it at Cost--Three Aldermen Heve ' Options '--To Repair the Police Court Chamber. A regular meeting of the dvic pro- i h + oe perty committee was held in the engi- neers ofiice on 'Lhursday afternoon, to open tenders for the suppiy of coal for the city buildings,--but, alas, there were no tenders to open. {jus no cne | was, surprised at that. Nothing in the fuel situation causes surprise now. There were present at the meeting : Chairman White, Alds. Hipson, Gra- i to' ferment and lrritate the delicate ham, hnapp, bears and Abbott and mucous surfaces of the stomach. To | the. city englueer, gecure a prompt and healthy diges- A communication - was read from Licut.-Col. Dufi, asking the committee to put the police court chamber into a decent condition. 'ihe letter char- acterized the jlace as unhealthy and dis:raceful. : : Chairman White--Col. Duff i right. If I were a magistrate 1 would refuse to sit in such a place. The paper is falling offi the walls, and the whole room is dirty. We have plenty: "of funds with whith to do the work. All the committee members thought the magistrate's request was a timely tion ix the one necessary thing to do and when normal digestion is secured the catarrhal condition will have dis- appeared. . . According to Dr. Harlanson the saf- est and hest treatment is to use after cach meal a tablet, composed of Dias: {ase, Aseptic Pepsin, a little Nux, Golden Seal and! fruit acids. These tablets can now be found at all drug stores under the name of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets and not being a patent medicine can be used with per- fect safety and assurance that heal- one. thy appeatite and thorough digestion it transpired that tenders for this will follow their regular use after work had already been asked for; meals, t three tenders had been received, and R. Workman, Chicago, 11., | they where now at the chairman's writes: "Catarrh is a local condition | hou "Well, vou'd better let us see them," * yesulting from a neelected cold in the t Ald. Graham. head, whereby the lining membrane of suogested the nose becomes inflamed and the The chairman agreed to produce poisonous discharge therefrom passing | them. "the lowest tenderer, he said, backward into the throat reaches.the | was that of Andrew McMahon. The work could he done for about $21, stomach, this producing catarrh of the stomach. Medical authorities pre All. Kiapp moved that the contract scribed for me for three vears for ca- be eiven to the lowest tenderer. Cai- tarrh of stomach without cure, but vied, to-day I am the hapniest of men after Tenders were then opened for the work of 'pointing the rear wall of the market building. Following are the names of the tenderers" and their of fers : Alexander McCartaey, £ Watts & Morlédy, $18; Langdon Hamilion, $13 William Snowden, $! The tender of Watts & Moreley, being the lowest was accepted. The question of fuel was next taken usine only one hox of Stuart's Dvs: pepsia Tablets I can not {ind appro- priate words to express mv vood feel ine. T have found flesh, appetite and sound rest from their use." Stuart's: Dyspepsia Tablets is the | safest preparation as well as the sim- plest and most convenient remedy for | forni of -- indigestion, Catarrh ot | any stomach, biliousness, sour stomach; | up. Ihe cheirman announced that heart burn, and bloating after meals. | tenders for coal had been 'asked for, but thats none were received. He had an option on 230 cords of hard wool which could be delivered at $6 a cord, and also a partial option on 600 cords | of soft wood at '$3.50 a cord. Ald. Harkness, who was present as | on spectator, had hette prospects still | He could buy 1,000 cords or more and have it delivered here at $5.50 a cord. This wood. would be green, however, and could not be delivered hefore the first week of December. Announcement No. 3 eclipsed them and put Chairman White's option clear out of husinéss. It was made by Ald. | Graham, who told the committee that | he conld purchase several hundred . KASY CHAIRS for thee: long tvenin-s. We | cords of mixéd wood at $5 » cord, de have a lar Jection--81 to $10--Handsome, | livered -intthe city. Comfortable, Durable aml Cheap That com- | It was the universally expressed bination will: please you. { opinion of the committee that wood { | should he purchased for the relief ol HANDSOME RATTAN CHAIRS One should | nerdy citizens who could not buy wood be in every parlor if voy want style: amd | or coal in the city. After consider- beauty' Our line runs from $250 to §15 | able disc sion, Ald. Hipson moved cach. { that th committee purchase 1,000 cords of dry hard wood at the Jowest We imported dircet from Austria, Germany, | ible cost, and that it he® sold te England, ard 1 ad - Stntes', oo Waaksome | citlzens at cost price. This was un etock of" Carpe Po, Linoleuns, Curtains, eto IL animously carried. " Our prices are low, qualities Wh, wuricty | Phe chuleman--1 | Befievs the tue . | has come when. we should open a sch selction. good, municipal wood yard for the benefit our window of White Enameled Bed | of neady citizens. In my opinion we room Furniture. It's worth looking at | should cooperate with Toronto, | Brantford and other cities in this MISTAKE IN CARPET, 132°x 15-6 Best matter. z Balmoral, green Worth sewed with | There were only. two accounts befor border all mady to lay. We offer this for | the committee, and these were ordered £26. : | te be paid. Our' loss is your gain. Board. Of Works. had Alds. Dunlop, McCammon and Board of Works meeting Mcleod and Walkem, i {| The Chairman | Harkness, | Craig in -atfendance. i The petition of John Hazlett, Brock street; for a tile sqwer into Frontenac | | T. F. Harrison Co. Undertaking, etc. Telephone Nos. 90-91. street, was oranted. Ald. Dunlop said that lower Albert «treet was in a bad condition and that the swidents' petition for improvement fshould he grantedi It was decided N that work on the road should be con | tinued. The city engincer stated that | work had been begun sincn the recent DOWN Al rains which were required inorder to | mule plough ihe possibl . | \ com ication was read from the tating that quired more vard room, and advised that the Donnell "Wrecking company heasked ~to-remove their plant," ete, city engineer, the city re COMFORTERS Filled with the best quality | fom the Water works property to the snow white carded Cotton, 2 yds. | wharf. Such removal would give the wide and 2! yds. long, Peity what space was required. It was h i the thint the engineer consult " | company: and the wat @ L . = committee chairman, ? 5 hairthan . McLeod stated that, the | street railwa track extension to « These Comforters are in all re- | (Queen's atheltic grounds was being laid under the supervision of the city The ,company had dep any extra the spects equal to the best Eider- | down at a very much lower price. | engineer. SiO for work o1ty er 7 ' might reqmire to do. a) & | Archdeacon Uareyv appeared before R. McFaul 5 in «rect wat Fs church. which not want it. The the archdeacon to ' » matter before the city conncil. A report of the city engineer show- that $10,011.60 of the appropri 1 heen expended so far committ 1 aronnd PB ration d n advised Kingston Carpet Warehouse. Wood's Phosphodine 'The Great English Remedy {ed Is an old, well established and re- liable preparatioh. Has Leen. pre- ont and scribed used over #0 years, All that $1.30 was still Jert, druggists in the Dominion of Cana- ethan that was needed. fo da sell and recommend as being the | Tita Before. only medicine of its kind that cures the t necessitle *%* and gives universal satisfaction, | It promptly andl pe rmanen cures all forms i . 5 of Nervous Weakness ons, Spermator- Waterworks Committee. a potency, an 'ts of Abuse or 5 . ig Vg of Tobacco, Opium The third commit tee to meet. was or Stimulants: Mental and Brain the water works: Chairman King ane lead to In- Al Graham. Malldn, Abbott, Consumption Price $1 for $5. One plemse; six will cure. Malle romptly on receipt of price. Send or pamphlet--free toany address. The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont., Canads. Wood's Phosphodme ell. drug stores 2 in: attendancg. 1 yt wn heing girat with t tion l "is sold .in" . CURE YOURSELF Uso Big & for uuaat a discharges in amt th irrita.dons or crativog of mac Ga membranes, A Jaa, and Dot 28LND. gent or polsdious. Sold by Drugxists, obo . 'gr gent in aio apper. | eel. . iad ; 5 SXpreas, repaid, for | F. . Smith's resignation as office va I'clerk was accepted; The chajrman foe rus Evase Catmeat So he SINNATY, 0. stated that he had received.a dozen applications for the position. Tem porary assistance will be employed if the position is not filled by the 15th. The petition asking for \a water works pipe on Johnston street from Collingwood to Macdonnell streets, was granted on condition that each 'ant | ay $3.40 a year, the lowest rate. Most of the lots are va- Body Reached Home. The remains of the late James Sughrte, who died suddenly on . the ath inst., in Chicago, of heart trou- le; reached the city Thursday after noon and were takén to Howe Island, where the d sed was born, for buri- al. The sed, aged about forty years, wag a son of the late, William Sughrue, Howe Island, and was well known in this city, holding the re ct of all who had the pleasure oi his lacquaintance. His sudden demise came as_a great shock to relatives and friends. He is survived by his mother, three sisters' and foar bro- the Kingston; Thomas and Cornelius, on Howe Island; Mrs. Rushford, Kings ton: wand Nellie and Katie, at home. The afilicted relatives have received many sincere expressions of sympathy from friends. CH Want To Buy It Back. At last night's meeting. of the Board of Pducation the following pe- duliar letter lay on the secrefary's desk: "We will give the Board of Educa- tien $9 per ton for ull the hard coal hoord with sell. Kindly let us have an answer to this by Monday morning. Yours truly, Th Kingston Coal Co." Rebuilding His Residence. Thomas Inverary, whose residence was destroyed by fire Sherwood, . of about a month ago, has decided to vehuild. Plans prepared by. E. M, Storey, architect, this city, have been accep and the contract for doing the work awarded to Riley Smith, Kingston's non-union contractor. The tinsmithing, heating and plumbing work 'will be done by Lemmon, Clax- ton & Lawrenson. Work will be com- menced on Monday. The house will be a fine, two-storey brick one, of modern design. Manly Strength And Womanly Beauty Depend on purity of the blood, and much of that purity depends on per- fect kidney filtering. If these organs are diseased and will not perform their functions, man will seek in vain for strength and woman for beauty. South American Kidney Cure drives out all impurities through the body's "filterérs"--repairs weak spots. For sale by H. B. Taylor and Henry Wade.--46. to McLeod's Rum and Quinine Hair Tonic. (Cleanses the chead from' dandrufi, prevents the hair from falling off, pro- motes the growth of new hai not a dye. 50c. a bottle, at drug McLeod's store. Fit Reform Suits. For the dressy man who wants to save money there is only one clothing to buy and that is Fit-Reform. Scotch I'weeds, Enclish Worsteds, Botany Ser- 0, R12, 815. Jenkins, Bibby's. Oak Hall. Bibby's. Try our all we 1 unshrinkable un lerwear. Dbe., Toe., 81, 81.25; $1.00, $1.75;-82, $2.50. The H. D. Bibby Co. Taylor sell§ purest drugs. A NEW TEXT. Southern Preacher Gives Food for Thought. Coffee works in many different' and unsuspected ways. LK. L. Wesson, pas- tor of Baptist church of Sardis, Miss., writes " *1 loved cofiee from my infancy, and never knew of it hurting until "1 was thirty-three years old. 1 sufiered ne with headaches if forced to do with- out it, and sometimes used it - three times a day, but headache had been one of the ills of our family, and, therefore, 1" thought it was an inherit- ed evil for which colice was a special remedy, but about nine. ago, 1 began to suffer from sleeplessness which continued until it seemed as i my nerves would wreck for want of sleep, and yet 1-could not sleep. A friend sugested that 1 quit cof foe except for breakfast which | did, and so found that I could sleep a lit Ue better, but my headaches, continue ed, and my - nervous system would sometimes scem as ify the very hbres of my flesh moting within me. It went on until three years age | be van to satier at with an itching ensation on my limbs below: my knees my the elbows, and sometimes all over my b but there was no eruption on the skin: the {leash was smooth and white. | copsult- were night and on arms below bib several good physicians, but with no avail. I had no idea that the coffee 1 but a drank in the morning caused it, finally decided to stop coffee fe while, and try Postum Food ( Wife "made it accordi to. directions, ! was ed using ased. in some wag pre drink Postum thr as' well 1 ng « hea hes any hundreds of pre: inchgestion, never hav linve that fier from and sxorry, would find rest and. health NervRusness if they would quit cofice and use Pos tum,' THE DAILY WHIG, FRIDAY, BOARD MEETING John and William, residing in | they will let us take away from the public schools. We will take all the tock of hard coal! on hand at 'the schools, or anv part of it that the! 1 | flee. | « | | necespary | charged a ' TWO OFFICIALS WILL GO TO TORONTO To Study the Method of Furnish- ing Supplies to School Children--Opening of Night Classes -- What Becomes of Those Who Pass the Entrance. A regular meeting of the Board of Education was held last evening. There were present : Chairman Sears, Mes RK: Meek, Joseph Wilson, J. 4. Elliott, R. J, Mciseivey, Dr. Fee, Thomas Lambert, H. Richardson, W. H. Wormwith, D. A. Shaw, Edward Jennett, J. S. R. McCann, William Kelly, John Melntyre and VW. H. God- win. "Phe following communications were read and referred : : From Hannah E. Barney, suggesting as Newlands & Row's copy-books can- not be secured, that the board secure the exercise books for pupils taking writing.--Referred to management committee. From W. N. Anderson, assistant pro- vincial treasurer, inclosing cheque for $67.60, the amount of kindergarten grant.--Fyled. The Finance Report. Mr. Lahert presented the report of the (inancd committee, recommending payment of the following accounts : (i. Y. Chown, rent of old Collegiate building, $60; R. Crawford, wood, | $111.78; Rathbun Co., $5.80, J. H. Johns, sundries, £9.84; May E. Mar- tin, kindergarten supplies, $23 96; 1D. Hutchinson, seed, $1.30; J. W. Clark, labor, $3.28; Map and School Supply company, 40: H. Skinner & Co., supplie Oram & Carter, print ing, $96.55; F. Partridge, baskets, - Strange & Strange, insurance, ¥. McAuley, sundries, $1.80; Hope & Sons, technical sup 3 & Co.. kinderg . Thomas Henry, 50; £10.50; James plies, $6.50; Selby ten supplies, technical supplies, $15.20; Lemmon, Claxton & Lawrenson, labor, 97.95: Taylor & Hamilton, 219.10; John Pollie, labor,. $80.1 A. Strachan, cundries, $9.70. W. K. Smith, cart- ing, $4.75; Thomas Milo, contract. ole... ¥396.21; Orain & Carter, print- ing, $4.75. Mr. Lambert moved, seconded by Dr. Fee, that the report: be adopted.-- Carried. Management Committee. Mr. McKelvey presented the report of the management committee, necom- mending: (1) That the ommercial form in the Collegiate be furnished with the book-keeping supplies and fee to cover the expense. (2) That the night the Collegiate be held on Tuesdays 'and Thursdays during the coming season that the teachers be W. R. Si ls, ma- thematics, and George Lee, mechanic- al drawing; sahwry of each to be $2 50 a night. (3) Your committee has had under consideration the quantity of supplies furnished the pupils of the public schools, and at the _ per pupil in Kingston elusive of kinder classes in cost dergarten, is 63c., as compared with 22%¢. in Toronto, recommends inspector "and secretary © go to Toronto with a view to securing information that will assist the board in making arrangements to materially the cost of supplies here. (4) Mr. Godwin, re that the. reduce On the motion of questing information concerning the pupils who | ed the "lyst entrance examinations, your comihitted: Rre ports as follows: The number that passed is 111, all of whom are in the Collegiate except twent) "twelve girls and eicht boys Of 'the girls three are at work, 'four at home, two in the Business College, _one_in the Ladies' College, one has left the city, and the whereabouts of one is unknown. Of the hoyvs, three are at work, one is at' home, three have left the atv. and the whereabouts of one 1s unknown. Your committee further recommends mo acs tion on the communication of T. J. Rignev, asking that the pupils of the Convent de Notre Dame be allowed to use the physical apparatus in the Col- eoate frée of charge. At the request of Mr. McKelvey, In- spector Kidd gave later details as to what had become of the 141 pupils who passed the entrance Jast sum- mer At-the Collegiate there are HR: three others will soon attend, leaving Awenty pupils not in attend Of these twenty, five are wor in chops; "two are-in the Business Col loge, one in the Ladies' College; one has left: the city, two are an offices, and five are at home. Mr. McKelvey moved the adontion of the report, and then went into a minute explanation of the various clauses in hig report. The teachers of the ovenine classes were the same as last vear: they had given cood satis faction then. The two officers of the Toronto, are to hoard, 'who will visit study there in. regard to <chool If Toronto's nietho ls are the . then: Kingston may dopt them. The report was then adopted with out TATECUESION: ~ . -- The Inspector's Report. *| Inspector Kidd presented this re- port fo the month of Qeptember : To tal attendance, 2.232; last year, 2. 315: decreas 3. Average daily at 2 2.054: last year, 2.087: de- 33. In the kindergarten theen crease, rolled attendance was 192, and the average attendance was 19 and the avers , 154. There were 202 new pu Sils 'admitted, of whom 41 were recent arrivals in the city. There w even {cases of traa three uspended. were 'absent or so that I liked it v as well as ofite. I had no idea that it would re Lieve the awiul itching deep dowg in mv flesh, but thought would try At to see if there was virtue in it. } I had used it ouly a day when | I discovered that the Line was not oO severe When | had used it ten | day my wife said, 'What i= the mat rv owith you? ao com gn be teoub bad with ching a. 1 told t I in know whe were a days Ellis'. Report. reported the attend Institute wa Enrolled at In 1900, en In 1902, en There + ¢ ounty than < © one more the other counties. aoa The board then adjourned, = OCTOBER 10. "Han rer "~SPORT IN GENERAL ¥ \ Notes About the Various Sport- * ing Fields. Ottawa College expects the game with Brockville to be the hardest of the season. 'Varsity, like Queen's, is weak in the scrimmage. The Toronto team is very light this season. Fourteen errorless matches have been played this season in the National basehatl league. Ea : Tosduy: 2. C. Calvin dismantled his trim little vacht, Cock Robin, ani put her into winter quarters. ihe Ottawa Journal has put a de- tective on the track of *Fergie'" Carr: the ex-Queen's scrimmager. Poconto Varsity rugby have dis- carded signal play. They evidently do not believe in the efficacy of numbers. At Terre - Haute, Ind., on a track between two and three seconds slow, Dan Patch went an exhibition mile in 2:01 flat. Fl Hal Walters was tril at «quarter with the Rough Riders and made a splendid showing. ture in the position. Dr. Ftherington, and J. M. Young, of Queen's, leave to-night, for Mon- troal, to officiate at the 'Varsity-Mc- Gill match to-morrow. Ottawa College has commenced its annual campaign to get Gleason to play. They want him to again win the championship for them. French, who played last vear with Ottawa College, ix attending. the Den- tal College' in Toronto: and turned out with "Varsity yesterday. The named race, to have taken place at Cataraqui driving park this after noon, was postponed till next Wed- nesday. The track was in poor con dition. > Two -Kingston carrier pi let go in Tweed lie may. be a fix ons were on Sunday morhing. They covered the distance between there and Kingston in than an hour and three-quarters. less John FE. Madden's famous trotting stallion Ad. Bell, world's yearling re cord of 2:28, while playing in his paddock broke his left foreleg, at Lexington. He cost 810,000. Football on Saturday ve. Ramblers: RM.C. 1 at Deseronto: "Varsity at McGill; Hamilton Tigers at 'Ottawa: Ottawa College at Brock ville; Montreal vs. Britannias. It has heen «decided to seat all spectators possible at Queen's athle- tie grounds. Accordingly, a bleacher that will hold about 500 will be erect- Limestones the ott-on- the eastside of the field, = for twenty-five cents ticket holders. Brother "Jim" Sutherland to-day celebrated his ?----? birthday, and received congratulations. He is near- ing the half-centurv mark, of course, but is a few vards off it! yet. The Knocker's Club presented him with an address, A. Clifford Jack, Montreal, has written Queen's' and Granite ruchy clubs, asking for. the names of plav- ers- who may desire a place on the all-Canadian team for the proposed nolish trip. It will be necessary for each player to,furnish $115 and cost of transportation to the seaboard, the amount being later remitted. Players selected must report in Montreal by November 25th. The team will retnrn February 20th. If there are any King- ston players ready for this trip, let them rais¢ their hands and voices. BUTCHERS ARRAINGED. Cases Held Over for a Week--Oth- er Cases Dismissed. A long array af distinguished names decorated the docket in the police court this morning. Reventeen butch- ers were arrainged for selling meat without" a license, thereby committing a beach of the by-law governing the sale of meat. Twelve delinquents were represented by T. J. Rigney, who ask- ed for an adjournment; which was aranted to all * seventeen; Wednesday next being named as the dav of trial. Those who received summonses are: A, Mclean, F. Lalonde, J. Lem- mon, E. Robbs, J. MeCulla, P. H. Hafner: H. Myers; ---D=Millan,= Jd. Blakely, B. McConville, T. James, P, Hafiner, M. Walsh, M. A. Metcalfe, WwW. Jones, J. Gowdey, T. McConville. { drunk was discussed. Cases acainst two license holders, charged with non-compliance with pravisions of license law, were dismissed. Drilled By Sergt.-Maj. Prince. the 14th Regi the armour: Four companies of ment were on parade at The attendance of ies last even vohmteers was very fair. Sergt. Maj. the--new -Roval Military Col physical instructor put the com s "'throuch their facings," To Cure A Cold In One Day. Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab drageeists refund the money to cure. EK. nature is on each box. Take Grove's ¢ Oak :Hall." all wool underwear, minus the the soft az velvet Mons sticks and burs, Jumble Sale On Saturdav. in aid of Flower Mis sion for hospital, at store on Princess street, lately occupied by RB. Uglow. for stylish hats; all the l in hard or soft, 82, 832.50. 7 bars Star soap, 2c. Saturday only. at Mullin-, Stomach and Bowels out of Order Angier's Petroleum Emulsion, by its, antiseptic properties and its wonderful soothing and healing effect upon the mucous membrane of the stomach and bowels, is of special value in intestinal disorders, cuch as Gastric Catarrh, Fermen- tation of the Bowels, Diarrhcea, (acute and chronic, ) Summer Com-' plaints of Children, Constipation, etc. In fact, in nearly all cases where the bowelsare " out of order" it restores them to their normal condition often after other reme- dies have failed. Al druggists sell it. ANGIER CHEMICAL CO., BOSTON, MASS. 75¢.. 81 'a garment. The Hg PARAGRAPHS PICKED UP BY OUR 'BUSY REPORTERS. Spice of Every Day Life -- What the People Axe Talking About--Nothing Escapes At- tention. Cogl ! We want it. Boys' heavy sweaters, 0c. Jenkins'. 'lake the Rideunu ixiug 10r vitawe every Tuesday and Iriday, at 1 pau Swift. & Un. agents. - children will have holi- days on Thursday and Friday of next: week. This morning the thermometer was forced to register thirty-two degrees, the freezing point. 0 "What's the use of a pair of trou- sers if there's not a man inside,' shrieks the Believille girl. Monkey Drand Soap cleans kitchen uten- sils, steel, iron and tinware, knives and forks, and all kinds of cutlery. 7 Queen's engineering builuing will be closed to-morrow to receive a floor painting. Then it will be complete. How would you like to be the coal man! We wouldn't, for he goes home tired every night from his wrestlings with the public. Steamer North King leaves King- ston at 3 p.m., for Rochester, N.Y.,' calling at Bay of Quinte ports.' H. Cunningham, piano tuner frome] Chickering's, New York. Orders re- ceived" at McAuley's bookstore. The Kingston teachers' institute will hold a convention on October 16th and 17th. Prof. Halton, Toronto, will he the lecturer on October 17th. "If every voter were to demand a ton of coal for his ballot, I can see the firish- of our mayoralty candi dates," remarks the philosophic police man. The arbitration between hun company, Deseronto, Standard Chémical company, The the Rath and the Toron- to, is proceeding. Tt has already cost {7.000 Five companies of the 14th Regi ment drilled last night, having their ranks fairly well filled. **E" company wili parade to-night. The companies are preparing for annual inspection. The oflicers of the Board of Educa tion, commissioned by the board to go to Toronto to study the school supply question, will probably leave on Monday next for the Queen eity The civic finance committee was summoned to meet to-night rat eight o'clock. The fire and light committee did not meet to-day, there not being anv business to bring before the mem bers. ' The members of the "Day By Day" company, aiter the performance last nicht, had a wordy battle in the cor ridor of a Princess street hotel. "The scrap furnished amusement to a large crowd of spectators. PERSONAL MENTION. Movements Of The People--What They Are Saying And Doing. Mrs. W. Way, Kingston, is visiting friends in Belleville, Mi Rachael McClellan, is visiting friends in Picton. Kingston, v lobert Moore, Kingston, in- to take up residence in Belle: Beaupre spent Thursday on Louchhoro lake, fishing and shooting He had splendid luck. Kdward - McCarthy, Wolfe Island, on Friday, left for Three Rivers, Mich., to visit a brother-who has his. home there. Capt. W. 8. Hughes, of the Kings ton penitentiary stall, to-day received from a friend in Cornwall, a valuable deer hound, In this Utica, N.Y., Globe appears an excellent likeness of Police Magistrate Duff, accompanied by "a brief sketch of his career. Rev. Henry Wilson, D.D., will be in, Montreal on October 27th and follow- ing dave, conducting a convention. for the déepening of spivitual life. Thomas Buckley, Verona, left Thurs day night for montreal. en" route to Belfast, Ireland, the city of his na- tivity, to spend a week or two with friends. _William Stitt, steward on the steam- er Bohemian, having laid up that boat for the summer, has taken over the duties of head steward on the steam- er Corsican. week's The Misses Leahy, Cleveland, Ohio, vigiting friend here for: some days were entertained Weanesday evening hy a number of young friends "in thi parlor of Hotel Beanpre. Games, mu dancing, 'ete;, helped pass the time: pleasantly. The Mayoralty Candidates. The mavoralty candidate, whg can not promise an option on a thousand cords of wood, is a back number these Aldermen _ Graham _and White have done so, and now it's up to Al derman Dell to go them one better. The people expect" great things of the mayoralty candidates, and the latter should not disappoint them. > days. 'Buying New Equipment. The finance committes of the Board of Education met last "evening after the board had adjourned. [It was de F cided to purchgge six n work ben ches, tables apd the necessary instru ments and tools that form their equip ment. These. are required because cf the increased atte we in the wechni cal classes _at the institute. On A Hunting Trip. On Saturday a party of hupters, consisting of Capt. W. 3. Hughes, H S.. Folger, H. bB. Mills and Rob Cretchton will leave for a ti week iting on the game reserve of the Bourbonnars Hunt Cl in Que bev province. The flarty fe join eed there Ly ther member i the McLeod's Witch Hazel Cream. Nothir and hands, alter bottle. Me r chapped wllent to 1 1 | 1 I Seounce - : ' Note By Belleville Idiot. Pelleville /In : i hires Prockvills invane gsyvlum. They are supposed work in the 1 DAY'S EPISODES} : printed instructions on Every Woman Should Know. That Prof. W. Hodgson Ellis, Official Analyst to the Dominion Gov- ernment, has recently made-a number of analyses of soaps, and reports that " Sunlight Soap contains that high " percentage of oils or fats necessary "to a good laundry soap" What every woman does not know is that in col | soaps she fre- quently pays for adulterations at the price of oils and fats. y Sun- light Soap--Oc Bar--next wash day, and you will see that Prof. Ellis is right. He should know. 206 Don't Cough Magic Cough - H. B. TAYLOR, 124 Princess St. hone 39. Pharmaceutical Chemist. FOR THAT COUCH DR. HOWARD'S SYRUP OF TAR AND WILD CHERRY THE BEST COMPOUND EVER MADE FOR COUGHS, COLDS AND BRONCHIAL: AFFECTIONS. FOR SALE BY E. L. EBBELS, cuBmisT ana King and Market Sts., Kingston. Best Call and get our the use of Soft Coal for furnace, range and heater. . : JAMES SWIFT & 90. $ "Phone 135. $960060660606000 Out Coal i= as Clean as Though It Were Wash-. ed and Brushed. "ACH LUMP STANDS BY ITSELF, GOOR wild conl--s0 much solid fre. After coal coaches the surface of the from the mines, impurities are I'hereafter it is screene several it - reaches you, and dirt, ave no chance, if the dealers are careful. Wa are very . (COAL . En Toot of Queen St.--'Phone 9. epee -- a -- 1s hereby given the publie that I purpose making it warm for all persons using my coal next wip ter. Your order is solicited. 55-57 Barrack St. A Cosy Is an attraction for svery one. The cheery dow and intense heat of our Coal will make itsell felt th pleasure during the sold weather. It's just the kind to coud with, 100. Let us 811 vour hin with BOOTH'S COAL. "Phooe 133. Foot 1 West Stree FOR SALE. THE SUBSTANTIAL BUILDING ON KING Street, between. Wade's Drug store and Congress Hotel. In excellent condition. Second floor leased for a long term. Ap- Boys winter caps, dlc, Jenkins, ply to A. Cays, real eeinte agent, Bee ; Pa Cure 3 P. WALSH Bright Fire . \