Sa m---- MEAT MAKES IT FAMOUS./CAT WAS INWAY The Only Remedy in the World. | ¢1 / ; J Brcepts vo i y al Operation, STORY SOLD IN OTTAWA BY That Will Certaialy Cure RETURNED SHANTYMAN Any Form of Piles. - -- The study "of physcians, the experi- Says the Animal 'Lacerated His joeiss 5 Shemisis' the Joudly Siar Arm and Tore His Clothes Be- ons of quacks, have n : 3 . . for ho a. one direction; fore he Killed it: With His 'to find a pile cure that would cure: Pocket Knife. A The results have 'been a number of Ottawa, Oct. 10.--Joseph Paquette, harmless and in most cases useless | Who came down from one of the Ex- ointments, suppositories and ven in- | port Lumber company's shanties on the Desert River, yesterdav. with his ternal remedies, which the publie have ) weighed in the balance of expefience f arm in a sling, and who is boarding and found wanting; nearly all of them at a lodging house on Murray street, gave some relief, but nothing ap- i tells of an exciting experience with a proaching a radical cure resulted from | Wild cat. Paquette tells the following these preparations. 1 story : The remedy required is: one which "1 was out in the bush on the trail will immediately stop the pain so se- from one of the shanties to another vere ia many cases of piles, and then : With a message to the foreman, when by contracting the small blopd ves-|I was caught in the dark. 1.was ab. sels (capillaries) to their normal size, | out three miles from the shanty and produces a radical cure by reducing | thought that I could easily reach it and finally absorbing the tumors and | before it grew too dark. All at once healing the inflamed, raw mucous sur- | there was a hellish yell, and a big r faces. : cat jumped into the path. I stopped Until a few years ago, no such re- | and looked at it, and it looked at me medy had been produced, but at that | and crouched. Holy Mary, said I to time a suppository was placed upon {myself "it's coming at me, and I had the market, which has since proven [not time to think when the beast itself to be the long sought, permanent | sprang and caught me by the arm. It cure for this common and distressing | sunk its teeth into my arm and start- trouble; it has rapidly become + fam- | ed to claw the clothes off me. I kick- ous throughout the United States and ; ed it in stomach and caught it by Canada, and is now-sold by all drug- | the neck.'I wrestled with the brute gists under the name of Pyramid Pile ! for about two minutes, and it was Cure. only when T stuck my large pocket It is now the best known, because | knife into his side that he let go and its merit and safety have advertised it | fell over. T never was so scared in my wherever used. It has been advertised | life, and I don't know vet how I man- by word of mouth, from one sufferer | aged to fight the beast. I made my to another; people who have tried ev- | way to the shanty and had my arm ervthing else, even submitting to | fixed up and was sent out by the first painful .and dangerous surgical opera- { team going to the railway." tions without avail have finally found Mr. Paquette's arm is healing quick- that piles can he cured without pain {ly. Tt was badly torn, however. and without expense practically, as He says the woods are full of bears, the Pyramid Pile Cure is sold for the | but the wild eat was the only one nominal price Qf 50 cents and $1 per} he had heard of in that vicinity. Mr. package. Paquette will go to his home in St. The Pyramid instantly all § Joseph this afternoon, where he will pain and at the same time contains await the healing of his arm, » no cocaine, morphine or narcotics; the acids and healing properties contained in the remedy speedily remove, cause a healthful, natural contraction ang ah- sorption of the tumors: it will cure any form of rectal trouble except can- cer and advanced fistula, which, bv the way nearly always result from neglectmg proper and timely treat- ment for piles. | A hook on cause and cure of "piles sent free by addressing Pyramid Drug Co., Marshall, Mich. stops Accident To a Plumber. While W. D. Muckler, 4 plumber in the employment of Tavlor & Hamil ton, was working at the resicence of F. 'W. Albree. Emily street, early on Thursday evening, he met with 'a se vere accident. A lather was at work directly over his head. and Mr. Muck ler had just warned him to be careful not to drop anything. The lather laid down his hatchet, and a' second later his foot accidentally knocked it off the scaffold. The sharp point struck Mr. Muckler on the head, penetrating to the bone. A nasty cut was inflict- ed, which required several stitches to draw it together. Such a blow. in al most nine out of ten. would have killed a man. and Mr. Muckler is rejoicing at his lucky escape. Back of Ma- terial and style there is a sweep cases A Good Option On Wood. Alderman Graham, stated this after noon that he had just arranged 'for ay an option on 1,000 cords of hard, dry wood at a price lower than the «i zens had been favored with in many years. This wobd, »which had Leen cut into twelve inch lengths, could ie delivered at once. The option expires on Tuesday. Alderman Graham ex- pects that, on the recommendation of thé property committee; the council will accept this ofiqr. "It will enable the poor people of the city to secure their fuel at 'way down prices, such as~ they have not had in years be- fore," coneluded the man from Vie- toria ward, of experience in Shirts that pleases the most fastidious Building |At Thousand Island Park Ogdensburg "Journal. Now that the suminer dresser. on is over gnd the : TUeSLS gone, huilding Look for this name inside the Collie. For sale by all best dealers. > Park, the [sland SOON at Thousand and spring as and snow are thawed. before city people think of seeking the egol breezes of the St. Lawrence, building will be resumed and Thousand Island Park, in com mon with the othér "river resorts, will be made ready for the ever increasing crowds as ice HAN Mayoralty 1903. -To The Electors of Kingston: LADIES AND GENTLEMEN :--I am a can- didate for the mayoralty for the vear 1903, and respeotfully ask for your votes and fiiience on my behalf. J. T. WHITE. Queen's Trustees. Queen's © trustees" "adjourned takes place next Thursday, Thanks giving Day. Only a quorum will pro- bably be present, and a further ad- journment will be made till two weeks later. The trustees still- intend: to have the corner stone of the Grant Convg: cation =all laid next month. On the same day will be held a memorial ser- meeting in- Vice. The Students' Parade! Queen's students evidently intend to have their annual parade on the 16th, as a notice to that effect ap Son the bulletins. However, the Alma Ma ter society will Tikely decide that this noisy function be eliminated: this ve respect to the late Principe Mayoralty 1903. To the 'Electors of Kingston: LADIES AND GENTLEMEN :--1 respoet- fully solicit your votes and 'influence to elect we as Mavor for 1903. J H BELL FO OB OOH HOA Ob FOE | | ] Red, Blue .Or Green --Every kind of grapes j Big 10-1b. baskets or ¢ fancy baskets for Fresh grapes Call J { Same | - ¥ out of Gr Chalmers* Trustees. Chalieers: church trus met Thurs- i and awarded a contract of granolithic steps and at the tower entrance. Men- was made that twenty tons « coal were stored in the cellar, sufficient to last till mext May. Appetizing Sweet Potatoes. Just twenty-five barrels of the best, and mealiést Jersey sweet vey Kingston at Uarnovsky's. Ary. here. small soundest table fora y are arriving daily. and see them. GA J BEES, Princess St. OefeOsfe Orfeo Onde rata tere Ooh > "MONEY AND BUSINESS, use Jo jot rought to ed to-day for the wer price as or ** Westminster."' Oak Hall. : Westminsie swell, sway 12.50, to see our They are 810, D. Bibby Co LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE FIRE Insurance Company. Available assts, $61,187,218. n addition to which the ! policy holders have for security the wum-! limited lability of all the stockholdars. Farm and|Citv Property insured at lowest | possible rates. fore renewing old or giving pew business get ra from STRANGE & STRANGE. Agents. awaiting Ontario ar the land they local "veterans wmation from ent upon When it will probab to proceed out the will pick ur MONEY TO LOAN IN IARGE 'OR SMALL sums, at low rates of interest om city and farm property. Loans granted on! city and county debentures. Applv to 8. C. McGILL, manager of Frontenae Loan and lnvestment Society. Office op posite the Post Office. . 1 nsing jon Fon Bros Gas street, overcoats ' Livingston Brock street. heater - fur TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS IN! some from one thousand to ten thous and dollars For patticulars anol A GODWIN'S INSURANCE EMPORIUM, over Express Office. Market Sovare. ale at Jl operations have commenced in egrnest, | his hair removed, he preferred, to take in the! i | { crown « | strenuously objected. grants' | DAILY WHIG. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 10 mi m-- : ram Tomes © [HISTORIC COAL Respected Township Clerk of § amare : Howe Island no More. The death is announced on Howe Is- land' of . Michadl Melville, which sad event took place on the lst inst. The deceased syfiered from a severe cold, which carried him off in. the course of 'a few days. The late Mr. Melville was a native of the county of Gaiway, Ire- land, where he was born seventy-five vears ago. Together with two ' bro- thers and a sister he came to Canada over fifty years ago, settling on Howe Island.For twenty-seven years he filled the important office of township clerk, with continued satisfaction of the en- HAS BEEN RELEASED BY THE RISE , Bought Thirty Years Ago at $15, Owner Vowed to Keep it Till Price Was Same. New York, Oct. 10.--Stored in bins ; at the home of Hasley Corwin, Brook- :lvn avenue and Pacific street, Brook- lyn, are twenty tons of coal that have a history. This coal was bought iby Mr. Corwin's father thirty years tire community. The late Mr. Melville >, when the price of coal was as r s it is - 7. The. s was a kindly neighbor, ever ready to High ns Jo day. The story goes sist the needy. i | that Mr. Corwin resolved never to S He was a man of Ii . piety and of few words, but his judg- barn a lump of this coal until the Meht was sound and opinient-y al- | time came when prices would again be ways carried Weight, * as high as when he purchdised it. This Surviving him are his wife, two sons resolution Mr. Corwin faithfully _ad- and three daughters : Mrs. H. Hogan, , hered to through life. He paid $15 a Wolfe Island; Mrs. iton for the coal, it is said. John Goodiriend, : 3 Howe Island, and Mrs. James Brown. 1 After his father's death young Cor- win continued to buy coal as it was Wolfe Island; Patrick, at home, and ; . C Dr. Edward Melville, of Bakersville, | needed without disturbing the supply Vt., and one brother, Martin, of Os- With which his father had stocked the wego, N.Y. The deceased was a faith- cellar a generation ago. "This old time coal," said My Cor- ful attendant of St. Philomena's|. i : church. Many floral offerings were | Win yesterday, "I am drawing) upon now by force of circumstances. It has sent by friends and relatives and many NY. expressions of condolence werk receiv- | 1ain in the cellar as long as my re- cd by sorrowing relatives. The remains | collection goes back. It must - have were placed in St. Philomena's vault. | een purchased about the time I was The pall-beafers were his son. three horn. It is furnace coal and stands sons-in-law, John Cox, and John Hal- {me in good stead to-day." lig { Kingston. ' mm" gan, of Kingstc ; OTTAWA MAY AID. FATALITY AT CORNWALL. 3 Y in Doukhobors are Doing Well North-West. Ottawa, Oct. 10.--The Allied Trades and Labor Association will, at its next meeting, consider the -question of taking up a subscription for the min- ers who are on strike Sergt. Lake, oi the Duck Lake de- tachment of Mounted Police, reports, through Mr. Perry, commissioner, that he recently visited the Doukhobor set- tlement and found the people com- fortably situated and doing very well. A memper of the Dominion govern- ment is authority for the statement that there a good demand for Canadian hay this season across the international border. It is selling there at seven to eight dollars a ton. Lieut.-Col. Macpherson has received a circular from Australia which says that Canadian corps are eligible to compete in matches organized by the Rupanyup Rifle Club, of Victoria. The dates ave from September 15th to Oc tober 31st, 1902, and competing teams are to shoot on their own ranges. The teams are to be of ten men each, and the ranges are two, five and six hun- dred vards, seven shots at each. It is understood that Alexander Fraser has disposed of the water pow- er on the Hull side of the Chaudiere Falls to the Hull Lumber company for 886,174: This was the site former- lv occupied hy Hurdman's mill. Table Rock is not included in the transac tion. It is announced that the SS. Erie, with Sir Wilfrid Laurier on board, will reach Rimouski on the morning of Thursday, October 16th, and Quebec the same evening. A deal of considerable magnitude has just about heen concluded, whereby the handsome Currie residence and valuable property on Sussex street, New Edinbugh, passes into the hands of W. C. Edwards, M.P. The purchase price said to he $31,000 "and. it is stated, that Mr. Edwards will occupy the house during the winter months and parliamentary sessions. The department of militia is still re- ceiving, at a rate of a dozen claims a day, claims for gratuities sent in by Canadians lately returned from South Africa. In all the claim- ants are referred to' the imperial pay- master of Halifax, the militia depart- ment having no jurisdiction in the mater. Hon. Mr. Paterson, toms, is in the maritime He was in Sidney on Wednesday look ing over the works of the Dominion Steel company; Collingwood ister of railways Quebec 'on a jission of inspection. Alexander Smith, liberal oreanizer for= Ontario, was in the city. vester- day, and had an interview with Sir Richard Cartwright. Michael Snetsinger Killed by the Fast Express. Cornwall, Oct. 10.--Michael Snet- singer, a brother of John G. Snet- singer, of Colborne, Ont.. was in- stantly killed yesterday by the G. T. R. international limited. The acci- dent took place within 100 vards of the Cornwall station. He was drivi from town to his home at the toll- gate. A west-bouna freicht train was pulling out and prevented him from seeing the express approaching on the north track. When the freight had passed he started across and was struck. The horse was killed and the buggy smashed, while Nr. Snet singer's body was carried on the cow- catcher almost to the depot. The de- ceased was a highly respected farmer. He was in his seventy-fifth vear and leaves one son. Mattie Snetsinger, and one daughter, Mrs. George Gosling. is ------------------ When Mark Was Young. Senator Stewart, Mf Nevada, tells this story of Mark Twain's journalis tic days in Carson City : "He boarded at the home of his bro- ther, who was a model citizen and a Christian. One morning 1 was a guest of this brother at breakfast. We had just seated ourselves at the table when & voice drawled from the stair way above : 'Have you read 'to Scrip: ture lesson this morning ? 'Yes,' was the reply. 'Had the family prayers?' continued the voice from above, 'Yes,' Sam," said the host, smiling at me. There was a pause, and then in the now well-known drawl came the fur- ther question : 'Said grace ¥ 'Yes,' 'responded the patient head of the household. 'All right, then," came the cheerful comment frei the stairway; 'I'll be right down." And presently the irreverent youth, who in a few years was to promote the gayety: of nations, joined us at the breakfast table." Lake 1s Preferred His Queue To -His Life. Pittsburgh Posty Wing Leels refusal to allow , physi- cian at the Homeopathic Hospital to remove his queue to dress a wound, may. result in his death. He 'was struck on the head with a stool and his skull fractured. Rather than have cases the chances with death from less ef ve dressing of his injury. I'he doctor who was called to dress the man's wound started to shave the of his head that a proper could be made. To this Lee : In his broken tongue he intimated that rather than have his queue removed, without which he can never again return to China, he would take his chances with death. minister of eus- provinces. sO Iressing Schreiber, deputy" min- and canals, is in Russian Tenriperance Theatre. A' theatre of an entiyely novel kind has just been opened © in Peters- bure:--1t a large establishment nec after the Czar Nicholas 11, and one of 'the most elaborate places of in Russia. And it con ductea a temperance society as part of the society's propaganaa. In addition to hich class dramatic and musical performances, there is in connection withg the theatre a restau in which food of the best kind drinks are sold at the first of a series of theatres are to be built throughout with the idea of helping the cause of temperance. STREET 'TALK. Se. 4 What One Hears on Down Town Corners. That Alderman Craig was right when he declared at the hoard works' meeting that the first duty of that body was to keep the in a respectable condition, -and clear of The -Svdenham ward alder nan. it might be mentioned, reminded Chairman MeLeoa. of this duty, and hoped theft in future the streets' chair and the city encineer 'would keep view amusement is . of streets weeds, rant and cost non-alcoholic It which Russia price. is nan it in : That the water works committee the wandering tramp--it has broom Yesterday chairman sent Alderman G to spy land, .and the Victoria ward comrades the Cita office, which atigosphere" lil an icethonse That coal may he is no King the le 10 lke out man saricito Has Been Arrested. Puffalg, N.Y.. Oct. 10.--Ernest Stan- ton. colored, the alleged murderer of Fred. A Metiregor, also colored, in a { Broadway saloon, last night, has been | arrested _ at Niagara Falls and brought to this city. Stanton's home neans of furthering church union. is in Hamilton, Ont. least half the churches have no so perhaps these will unite with more fortunate. That county Mozier has a finc chance to cain a hearing ling hig theory Wolfe Island. «lif he would into had his an the At 1 coal, the the strike 'To Wait On His Brother. Daniel Germaine. guard in, the Kings thn penitentiary, left to-day for West crn Ontario to attend his brother, a conductor on the Grand Trunk rail read. who met with an accident ves } \ terday. | ' Councillor now from the people recar that coal beds exist on He would be inm bring forth his divin rod and show where the precious | are 3 to be 1 ted, 'and xe 1,000 tons Pickling And Preserving Pears. to mysteriously appear. « We have the Seekel, Keifer, Duchess, That the identity Ritson, Louise, © Bonne, Sheldon and | ionth philostphey other varieties, all sound and in good tery to. the condition. Prices at Car wonld diamonds the Port remains at hold of a the of vouns ladies reasonable who like to get novshy's, ----e--e---- government of Honduras has a subvention of 'S100 a month $1. Excursion To Rochester. $1. On Sunday, Oct. 12th, steamer North King leaves'at 5 p.m. Mondav n Rochester. - H Tuesday morn ing. Fare, 81. The { pranted } a college for women, and has g ilding with ac 200 scholars. wdatior omme families met Men wh ' { 18} Y The expprime und railroa ari suvcessf h tavo added to nn The arpet such low prices $0 ortant ! branches during them and relays at u that it does not to do its thems year, pay Rock for householders Ontario street, ed house wanted; no childeen 51 Brock street, ! Phone 74, ~ Perfect Man Cur "Restor: -o CURES ar: The TEST. Nort Bay, Ox~., July 31st, 1900, Dear Siv:-- Have fin- ished taking your 30 days : treatment. aud aminevery wy im . T weigh more, 'and am much nger, and ny nerves very much better, Yours sincerely, IL N. (Sworn Testimonial.) the depletio ef mn. Health of body, strength of mis tvoves are the best and most precios 127 upon the altar of his wo lave r - 'in d perfect manhood { it is t} sense' of restored vitality amd. weak when yoh 'caw s T'roofs are the test. Sworn t¢ oneonreceiptof name. Five seat absolutery free. Writs TG hy 'Readiness' of us gifts mancan ine operatés on {he mefves 3 Sou R : c-xualsysttm, anddnfuselinto it, power: ig No such thing as failure in : ce fn Ti i Rous sible: Toe nd '} man to a i of sexual cstorine- uy me als sent Ti sO { Pr. Hohr Medicine Co © TM IN OUR OWN CIRCUIT, News Of The Districts On Both Sides Of The Line. Westport is shortly tot be lighted by electricity. E. W. Sheriff has sold his Picton re- sidence to Lewis Williams. It is reported that the Hotel Strath- cona, Brockville, has been leased to a Montreal man. : A'rugby team has been organized in Trenton, with Percy Davis, of Syra- cuse, N.Y., as coacher. ! It is likely that the Boulter canning factory, Picton, will support a hoc- key team this winter. Mr." Morgan, residing near Elgin, has disposed of his fine farm to J. Edgar Beach for $5,000. Benson Bongard, , Picton, mate on the steamer ° Corona, was presented with two elegant meerschaum pipes in an alligator case, and an address from members of the crew. : Gilbert Storey, Almonte, in the em- ploy oi the Richelien & Ontario Na- vigation company all summer, is cri- tically ili of typhoid fever. Mrs. John Carrington has purchased a frame cottage in Picton from Charles Wright who has moved to Wellington. The price was $600. Relatives have received word of the death in a southern hospital of Miss Bernice Carpenter, daughter of Gideon Carpenter, Elizabethtown. The deceas- ed Fad been in ill-health for some time. Capt. Michael H. Bell, one of Perth's oldest residents, having been horn in the town in 1519, died Saturday night, Deceased was owner of the Bell farm, on which the county House of Indus- try -is being erected. . At South Mountain, on October 6th, the marriage took place, in St. Peter's church, of Miss Anna Winifred Steacy, only daughter of Dr. Steacy, to Dr. Ernest A. Martin. only son of the late Samuel Martin, Kemptville. Orilla Bull, wife of Albert Bull, who died September 24th, 1902, at Logansport, Ind., was the daughter of the late Lewis Winter, a respected resident of Bloomfield. She was one of a family of thirteen, ten daughters and three sons. . William Vance, Picton, a lad about eighteen years who about three weeks ago was shot in the foot by the acci- dental discharging of his gin, died on Tuesday from lock jaw. The' wound had apparently healed up when blood poisoning set in. TO CALL IN LOUBET. General to Lecture in France. Paris, Oct. _10.--Senator Pauliatt announces that Gens. Botha, Dewet and Delavey will probably leave their cards for President Loubet and For- eign Minister__Deleasse on Monday, after which they will go to Berlin, w he a reception. will be given in their honor on «Qetober 17th. They will- return to Paris anda will speak in the largest hall in the city. ~~ They will make a tour "of France lasting cichteen davs. and. will then go. to England, thence to the United States. The Boer 50 MILES 'AN HOUR- Engine Will Drive Them Twice as Fast as-Any Go. London. Oct, 10.--A despatch to the Express from Lisbon says that Senhor Carvalho. an engineer, has invented » , i which, he asserts, will a speea of fifty miles an hoyr. " The experiments with the invention have been successind and, according to correspondent, it has heen sola to New York co any. It. is expected at the invention will revolutionize ine propulsion. the a Arrival Of Siamese Prince. New York. Oct. 10.-~The Haimburg- American line steamship Furst. Bis which is. due arrive at to-cay, has. amonc 'her the. Crown Prince of Siam, Chowia Maha Vajiravuah, and his The royal visitor will be met here by representatives of the state departinent and: escorted to Washington After his official recep tion by President Roosevelt, which will take place carly in the: coming the crown prince ana his party will start tour of the country, visiting a number the chief cities and other places of interest marck, to le passengers suite, week. of Convicts Escape, Sante Ie N.M..-0Oct. 10. convicts at the penitentigry in a quargy two miles north east Santa overpowered their two Is and took their guns away from Two of the gang made their escape. "while the sothers re- mained and liberated "the guards azain. A posse with bloodhounds pursiiit of the two fugzitives, who made for the mountains. Fifteen working stone of gua them. isin A Canadian" Smuggler. Auburn: N.Y., Oet, first United 10 term of the adjourned Cleltand, a sentenced and siti ) Canad; to was fined a Syrian, R10, K12 50, Bibby Co cough, Taylor el gic Cough Cure ' We are showing in our windows this week samples of- the best and latest styles of Men's, Women's and Misses Fall Shoes of the best ! makers in America, a few of the names of the up-to-date manufac- tures here given will be positive proof of the excellence of our im- { mense Stock now open for inspec- tion : ORNE & GROVER, Boston, Mass. KROHN Cincinnatti. WALKER & WHITHAM, Cam- pello, Mass. The famous Crossett Shoe & FECHHEIMER, for nireal. | ~~ FALL OPENING . of Ghe Leading Shoe Styles of Canada : and the United States. Men made in North Abington, Mass. FLORISHEIM & CO., Chicago. GEO. A. SLATER, Montreal, . Que. ; J. D. King & CO., Toronto, Ont. VICTORIA SHOE CO., Toron- to, Ont. : SOVEREIGN BRAND, London. JAS. McCREADY, Montreal. J. & T. BELL, Montreal. JOHN McPHERSON '& CO. Hamilton. : a We have just received a carload of Trunks and Valises, which we will sell at a very low price for the next two weeks. 123 and 125 -_ Princess Street. A. ABERNETHY, ee ---- gow, Scotland. These two lots belonged to the firm of Starr & Sutcliffe, and were pur- chased in bond not being in stock prior to our purchase. No dang- er of being faded or shop-worn. New Freize Suitings. New Homespun Suitings, Boxeloth Suitines. Pirle Finish Suitint Mix Tweed Poplin Suitings. Venetian Suitings. Camel's Hair Cloth Suitings. Zibeline Suitings. Serge Syitinos, by us Suitings. New New CRUMLEY BROS., New Icea Magazine Just Received for November. MAMMOTH STOCK Of Fine Imported Dress Goods, Suit- ings and Trimmings on Sale at 132-134 Princess St. LOT I--$3,100 worth of New Dress Goods, Silks and Suitings, purchased from J. & W. Campbell Co., of Glas- LOT 2 $1,500 worth of Dress Goods, Jackets, Wrappers, etc., from J. & W, Campbell and others. New Fine Satin Cloths. New Satin Soleils. New Fine Serges. New Henriettas, New Alapacas. New Cravanettes, New Brocade Cloths. New French Flannels. New Wool Challies. New Gimps and Silks. Having a double stock of dress goods, we have marked these two lots at a slight advance on cost, so dress good buyers 'will find it. to their: -ad-- vantage to purchase here. oi Coal Costs Money But it doesn't need 'very much coin to buy one of our Second-hand Stoves or Ranges. We have a few Heaters 'Ranges which we. will sell cheap. and wHave Them at All Prices. Our Famous Active Range Is unequalled on the market. Will burn hard coal, soft coal or wood. Is durable, strong, satis- . factory, but yet reasomable in price. Hundreds of them are im , use in Kingston. Lemmon, Claxton & Lawrenson, King St. The Ideal Beverage JOHN LABATT'S [ .ondon Porter Full of the Virtue of Malt and Hops. ) Perfectly Agreeable; to the Most Delicate Palate. JAS. TIcPARLAND, AGENT, KING STREET, KINGSTON.