Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Oct 1902, p. 1

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THE 69TH YEAR. NO. 241. What Do you pay coat ? WIT Fit-R efor | : : Bay POS!t {rs pe HE J Per Cent for the appearance H m Overcoats un pay only for hone sk value in a hing and mak v charge vou nothine for the Fit, Per fect Style $10, $12, $15. S JENKINS 3 114 Princess Strest of a | | 2 : : TCV VVV VV TVVARVT CVU "Kingston to Alexandria A SET OF NEW Souvenir Post Cards LY THE BEST EVER OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC. Sold in Sets or Singly. JK irkpatrick's Art Store NOTICE. TO USERS OF ELECTRIC CURRENT. Owing to changes bein made at power house there will be no current furnished from 12 o'clock Saturday night until Mon- daw night. F. A. FOLG ER. RNO( Will ON SUNDAY AN BRACELET. at this office. IN A G finder kindly leave A BLACK AND WHITE BITCH, about ten will be rewarded on Clergy street west. COCKER SPANIEL thonths old, The finder returning her to 89 Anyone detaining her after this notice wiil be prosecuted. TO LE T. ROOMS, N 6 Bagot and Ridvau stable and sheds in rear. liam eet. A BRICK HOUS Breet, NO. 2 3 A eight BAY STR also Wil Blreets; Apply 15 near Brock rooms, rent oheap. Apply No. 43 William strees, near hing etreet. 11 AND 13 YEST STREET, 5 ROOMS: 113 $ rt, Rooms; also other dwellings, Ji SU RU MeCaun, 51 NO. 167 FRONTENAC ST., COR ORNE I BROCK, Furnished or unfurn « Il modern improvements. Possession. immediately. Apply 428 Brock Street. WANTED. COOR---ALD, LY TO MRS: NIC KLE, 130 EARL street. A HOUSEMAID. APPLY TO MKS. R. T. Walkem, Arch street. A HOUSEMAID. APPLY IN THE EVENING to Mrs. Clements, 254 King street FURNISHED HOUSE IN A PL E ASANT "loeality, oe the winter. Address C. A. S,, Whig oft A FEW INTELLIGENT LADIES AND G straight salary. Apply Box 33: On To RENT AT MODERATE - TERMS A piano for eight months. =Apply by lettin wt . this oflice. AGENTS TO! HANDLE .OUR SPECIAL brand Teas, Coffees, Etc. The Starr Co., 183 Wellington street, Kinawten: T0 INVEST. IN REAL I to 12 per cent. net. J. 51 Brock Sueet AN eal 1C MAN CAN FEAR LOCAL MEMORANDA. The Daily Note Book For Whig Readers to Pcst Themselves By. Thursday Thanksgiving The Whig will not be issued Thursday. is dav. County toll-gates sold, Friday, at noon. Quecni's trustees meet Thursday at 3 p.m. Friendship you have to buy is dear at any price County property counmitte meets Friday, 10 a.m. An eclipse of the moon will take place Thirsday night. The sun rises Thursday at 6:15 am., and sets .at-5:16 p.m. i 1 man says the best alarm clock s elbow. Owen Smilev and others, concert, City kall, 8 p.m., Thursdav. Football match," Queen's III. vs. Lime stones," 3 p.m., Thursday. For everv seli-made man in the world there are ten who are self-unmade. Thanksgiving dinner and concert, Cooke's Presbyterian church, Thursday evening. Adam bad his troubles, but he never had a spasm at sight of a dressmaker's bill. Kingston teachers' association convention, Thursday morning, afternoon and ening. Executive committee National Council of Wonr n mrects, city council chamber, 3 p.m. Friday The . heart is like an instrument whose strings steal nobler music from lif"s many frets.- Gerald Massey. It is fortunate that most of us are not born great, or what would become of the pleasure of growth ? This day in the world's history : Boers oc- cupy Newcastle, 1899. Irish arms bill pass- {ed British parliament, 1834; Napoleon ar- rived &t St. Helena, 1815. "When We Wore Twenty-One," Grand opera hovse, matinee: 2 pum, evening performance at cight o'clock, Thursday Owen Smiley, entertainer: Hilla Richard- son, violin cellist; Ella Holman, soprano, Thanksgiving, 8 p.m., City hill. Tickets" 250. Reserved seats 10c. extra, at Uglow's. French China We Have Just Opened Up Some Very Handsome Tea Sets. If. you want-to see some- thing pretty give us a call. We will show you some eye- openers. . We will put any set away for you. Come quick and get the best selec tion. ROBERTSON - BROS. (GRAND XOPERA (HOUSE. |) Thursday, Oct. 16th Thanksgiving Day. Matinee and Night MORRIS & HALL'S CO. IN V. Esmond's Great" Love four acts As produced at | theatre, NewYork city. | "WHEN WE WERE TWENTY-ONE." 3 ____Matinse, 25c., 35c., 80c., 75c: Prices Evening, 15c., 80c., 78¢., $i. Scats on sule at Han SATURDAY, OCT. 18 MATINEE AND NICHT ATRIP TO GOONTOWN Spectacular, Vaudeville. New Dances, Costumes, "Scenery. Chorus of colored beauty, .30 people, including the ori- gival TOM BROWN and the world famous SAM LUC Popul Matinee, Seats on QUEEN'S ATHLETIC GROUNDS Thanksgiving Day at 3 P.M QUEENS HII vs. LIMESTONES. SATURDAY, OCT. 18, AT 3 P.M. H. Romance, in Kuicker-Bocker Comic Operas, Sonus, a--vening 25¢., 33¢., 50¢. 25¢ sale Wednesdav at Hanlev's. $15 two 8185 a week sellify our Sgoc Large demand. Write for particelars. C. ' . R. Fegan, Fenwick, Ont. gen S VS 0 | A GOOD GFE AL SERVANT, ALSD A a ' Nurse References required. Ay in} 4 evening. between 8 and 9 o'clock, to Mrs M PO D Du Plessis, 102 Bagot street | EETING POST NE . | THE MEETING OF THE LICENSE COM BOYS. AND GIRLS, WHO WILL WORK | missivnersiof this city to consider the trans, steathily and ern from $2.50 to &3 per | fir of the liquor licenses in the matter of p week. Apply J Gould & Co Smith | C Pipe 10 "Akx. Tvo and of Henry Grilu stnet, opposite Princess street, | * to John Amderson, for -- ee -- | nicht mext, 17th inst, ha xn postponiad A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT or yous | pity TLE SIGHT SENT. ist 0CTO irl, to wssist with housew Apply fof PLL tL sams time ard Rae be Vr SS. W. Dvde, Qu ] v onder o = Rime tween seven. and oe : Bhd repeoor Hg RP Kingston, 15th October, 1002 AT ONCE. AT NEW YORK DRESSMAKING | sms i rem Acader good to learn cuttin Ee ee re ah = A Peculiar Fatality. f, 166 Pr 8 New York. Oct. "13.--Isaac Price, a ENCED OR Russian, emtloved in an umbrella knitting wack handle manufactory. was instantly from s killed while sharpening a small chisel ¥, Tor en Ki mn an emery wheel one foot in aiame ¥. stool, oronio, | ter. "The wheel broke without a mo SEVERAL BRIGHT PEOPLE WHO ON | ments warning and thy chisel was earn at least fifteen dollars weekiv. Somie | (riven into the unfortunate man = Te I fal ne five dol | heart He was dead before any of 1 dav No de'iveting nor collect: | sn ol wld ing. . The Canture Christian Co. Nmited | his fellow-workmen could reac h him. ' Toronto | | Bibby's. "Tec-night.""" Bibby's. HALL'S BARBER SCHOOLS, 2 1 A new overcoat © for Thanksgiving street, Toromta. Ont, aiso 5 es p : street, M and \ goo 0 ts Pb eca st ant { in ww, BN R10031250 i. 8 Ss i Wares Satundava. ferme me Ii i. Bi ( . trial esis Inge Tia road © Yogue trex ur NS rr ---- ; © OPFRATIVE ri ANS rare Fasl-Spencer. has. opencd the Library | solute, free Also h } ' t ' ' money at veur home 1 Write for Darticlars to<iaw \ nu al ai Fall. proprietor > . t \ heart the xilla v Anily Car | arnecie | nr t that (4 Lifebuoy Soap--disinfectant--is strongly . Pad dur . ths og het < 3 WwW we an othe Feo mmended by the medical profession as | man to unite the two branches of the a safeguard against infectious diseases. © Anglo-Saxon race. » In The Education Bill Con- troversy MASS MEETING WAS HELD IN LONDON ABOUT THE MEASURE. Denunciation of the Bill Was Ap- plauded--Attitude of Irish Na- tionalists Not Yet Defined -- Fight to a Finish is Predicted, London, Oct. 15. --The education bill controversy is at white heat on the eve of the re-assembling of parliament. A mass meeting, -organized by the London Progressive council, was held at St. James' Hall last night, and every speech in denunciation of the government's bill avas applauded with genuine fervor. Dr. James Guiness Ro- gers addressed a similar Jpeeting in the Metropolitan Tabernacle, and there was a workingmen"s demonstra- tion against the bill at North Cam- berwell. Liberal and Non-conformist meetings are held nightly in all the northern counties and midland centres and the Welsh villages are in afer ment" of excitement. Mr. Brassey conducting the bye-election 'at Daven port, on the education issue, and receiving powe rful aid from Non-con formist ministers. is is The attitude of the Trish national- ists is not very clearly defined. but the English Catholics are boasting that no votes in opposition of the bill will be cast by Mr. Redmond's followers. Possibly no decisive action will be taken bv the nationalists until the return of the Ifish leaders from Am- erica. The prime minister, looking more ro- bust and in better color than for a long time, spoke at Manchester, and Austin Chamberlain, with ministerial authority at Galaishields. Mr. Bal- four is leading the government party with firmness and courage, and temp- orarilv minimizes the opposition to the bill as ill-informed and ineffectual. As has been generally expected, after Mr. Chamberlain's Birmingham speech, the prime minister expressed his de- termination to stand or fall hv the bill, but he at the same time said, he regretted to find himself in ovnposition to conscientious people, and added that he would gladly do what he could to meet their objections. Prem- jer Balfour's vindication of the educa- tion bill has revived the drooping spir- its of the unionist press. Everybody looks now for a fight to a finish. A DYING YOUTH. He Was Tended By King's Own Nurse. London, Oct. 15.--King Edward, in vis numerous acts of kindness and 'charity, is not a man to let his left hand know what his right hand doethn As an instance «his story is told by a Deeside correspondent : The king recently learned that a voung man, William Donald. emploved in Edinburgh, had come to his Bal moral estate . hopelessly ill of the came trouble through which the king recently passed, to be nursed by his mother. The king sent his physician. James Reid; to ascertain if anything could be done, but the great doctor found himself unable to do anvthing. The king then visited the cottage him- self, saw the youth and expressed his deep sympathy for him. Then he told Mies: Donald that the nurse who had attended him through his serions operation and illness was still with him; and that he. would send her every day to dress her son's wounds 'and make him comfortable alvo that a. water-bed would he sent from Balmoral Castle: He added that anvthing to please carefully attended if she conkl sugoest her son it would he to. Old Prison Ship Found. New York, Oct. 15.--Aifter lving bur- ied for over a century, the Enolish prison ship, Jersey, famous in which' DAILY KINGSTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1902. ED HOT HEAT New nue hotel elevation churct laym lie ent tory £20,000 t The edd Disciples Omaha, gates. vember pany, dry colonial Pious Mexico a the vearlv, Lord Darley, have hee sion of the Sout Aiter tinuous US. ton y was day-hy he refuse l a fee, ply all Boers. 'The Bo to shorte IN HIS HONOR. . bishop i Of 1 York, i on, 0 The create new $41,400 600. I'resident ( oven the continue construction Toronto labor unions have vot- 8500 and R100 respectively towards striking coal iner one of Ogdensbury oldest and most highly respected resi dents, died on Monday eveping of old the fund for Abel Coleman, of is for Fund nd foriner n h t Ce t. Bishop --FElaborate rangements have i completed for a banquet to be held at the Park Ave to-night, 1 honor Farley French government amounting taxation 'astro, reported to have won a revolutionists. The Untario governmeat has colonization the Chr ata "ARCHBISHOP FARLEY. cese. The gliair will be under spices of the St. Gabric Alumni society, and will be hy priests and prelates of the and several hundred pron oO t at ( PITH OF THE NEWS. proposes of Venezuela, wl Temiskamingue. are of Toronto, company. of th Emperor Willi of Germany the king of Portugal will visit the Sehooi A Banquet to Be Tendered Arch- ar the the f 0 archbishopric of the metropolitan dio- nu- ten led 'wtho The Very Latest News Culled From All Over The World. to to is vies voted rona s age. "I'he Earl and Countess of Minto have returned to Ottawa from thei: wip to the duck grounds at Qu'Ap- pelle. Thomas B. Flint, M.P., for Yar- mouth, will probably succeed Sir John Bourinot as clerk of the com- mons. The interpiatiinn] convention of the in session at y 25,000 dele- and King No Edward on the latter's Lirthilay,, Oth. Necotiations for the purchase reported pending Northey com hy the Canada foun: the free carriage of coal on the municipalities shall he to governor Strathcona of New tinue until November 1 The Hague tribunal's decision in the arbitration, United pay th ane appointed inquiry into African a placed « was hook, or n the eenerals th bh ane profits 1 mn operation offered ut [ t Wi the the oft} consented to dictate 5th. States, ter e lat 1 Sir to tl he > more than forty |ery ice re tir we be « $13; Sir Frederick Rorden has come out in 'onposition to' the proposition for a radical departure from our present tarifi arrangement. A. Toronto citizen has offered §25 (HID to ercet a consumptives' hospital in or ncar Toronto, provided a suit able site can be secured. The gov ernme nt has decided that Inter- cons tween wrders 50 Frederick Ww vears reonlar Bricadier-Géteral William Quin- ol aoe 300,000 refused: co conduct South Wales, Himis- of of con- lis lin 1 his views, said he would tc ) the sul have heen oblig Berlin visit, business Avhich summons them to Lon fi army, t nt. narks to- inally but ap- fering wl owing to several hundred revolutionary sold Ton, where thev are expected on Sun- were killed while the British held New: dav. There is talk of another confer York, has been accidentally discover- | aco with Mr. Chamberlain next week. ed at the Brooklyn navy vard by the Some fine runs were made by 4 GT. workmén who are putting up the | gp. specin' between Chicago and Mon launching stays for the battleship treal Brockville to St. Henri, a dis Connecticut. ~ Historical asgociations | tance of 125 niiles, was | covereq in have been searchihe for the Jersev for | jo he urs and twenty miniites. A fifty vears. The half burned hull of the stop of wr minutes was made pt Co ship is lving under twelve or fourteen tean inetion © for water, and two feet "of dirt and waterm and is in per- | pinutes were lost slowing down to al feet condition. 16w a Canada Atlantic train to pass. so for actual running, 125 miles were Have A Steadying Effect. covered in 181 minutes, : Toronto, Oct. 15.--Premier Ross, in . 'his address at Victoria Universit) - A Serious Fire. convocation, - &uggested that. there N.B., Oct. 15----A serious should be a chair of colonial const { reed here t morning The tutional history, and expressed the | burned included the Poiriere wish that graduates wonld turn to ] Block, R. ' Tai Melanson's, public life, where they would have a | White's. Mrs. and Mrs. Cor steadying effect. He urged them to "IN Imier's, The Weldon House has been on ter it in the spirit of Fdmund Burke. | gro and is now in great danger. A fire who said :, "1 entered public Life for § op ine and twenty-five men have coms the -good 1 might do the United hve | peo Moncton, to the scene The fire is dom of Great Britain and Ireland. | still ragine furiously. : . {| Later--All the north side of the Attempt Frustrated. t Main street, the post-office to W, Cape Town, Cet. 145A daring at A. Russell's is burned. The fire tempt to rob a mail train in Natal started in Mrs. Cormier' OQETY. has been frustrated. When the train | stopped at Pinetown br men en A Veteran Dead. tor the mail van of trait fre Cuelh, Ont. Oct. 15. --~Thomas Hol Pretoria = whicn ed {2 4 ' . : I' ' t oe S an }! " 1 the yh 3 2 tog myth Meodok SL red. but iFth | i fi his es Fle ty re Ke 1 } y of nins kno bang < wus, exile e. hove arrived' in| w Montreal, en to she North West, | ITISE WILL MARKIT The Boundary Over The 49th Parallel. RAILS FOR LINE WILL BE LAID WITH HOME PRODUCTS. Mr. Hutchison Expects to Have 15,000 Square Feet at His Disposal For Us at the Com- ing St. Louis Fair. Ottawa, Oct. 15.-- Ihe government has appointed W. F. King, chief as- tronomer of the Dominion, to mark out the 49th parallel from the Rocky mountains to the Pacific «coast. Otto H. Tittman will represent the United States, Mr. Russell, engineer of the govern- ment railway to Temiscamingue sta tes that the commission, at its meoet- ing in Toronto on Saturday, decided to lay the railway with eighty-pound rails. He thinks the rails will be procured, if possible, m Canada. 'The contractor has already started gangs building roads for supplies for the toast section of the line from North Bay. Dominion Commissioner of Kxhibi tions, William Hutchison, has return- el from St. Louis, where he was choosing the site for Canadian build ings in which he proposes to place the Canadian exhibits. Canada will not building for exhibits at the St. Louis fair, but only offices and reception rooms. The exhibits will be placed in the various buildings, and Mr. Hutchi son expects to have about 15,000 square feet at his disposal. Everything in connection with the fair going as well as possible. The price of la: bar, however, promises to be high be- fore the work is all completed. ? The minister of marine has heen strongly urged to appoint a commis- sion to investigate the sardine fixhing question in Nova Scotia. The ground taken is that the supply is beine rap- idly depleted" to the, detriment of the herring industry, and that the enorm- ous quantities shipped from this coun- try are building up canneries in East- have a separate is port, Maine. The underwriters have issned a new tarifi for Eastern Ontario, which in- cludes a reduction of fortv to Sifty cents a thousand on school buildings, according to their class. It will mean a bio thing for Ottawa, where the publi¢ school hoard carrv $200,000 and the separate school $107,000 fire insur- ance. The Bishop of Ottawa has issued an appeal to the clerev and laity of the Ottawa diocese to lend all possible aid to the anti-tuberculosis movement. LOOTING GOING ON. The Police Are After the Kaflirs. Cape Town, Oct. 14.--The troubles in South Africa, arising from the in- dustrial depression and political un- rest, have now heen added to the emergence of the native question 'in a vexatious form. A Kaflir, named Bok- horre, has gathered a number of na tives in the north-west colony, and has looted the stocks of farmers and committed other outrages. After. the recent capture of 300 sheep by the hand, a small party of police follow ed the marauders, but found the posi tion of the Kaflirs too dificult to at tack. The natives fired on the police but the latter escaped unhurt. The chief native trouble, is at Johannesburg and is due to the illicit liquor traffic. On Saturday night the police raided the drinking dens in the Kaflir location, and this a Mot. One Kaflir was arrest- ed -and a large number of drunken n immediately attacked the pol however, caused tives . and fired revolvers at them, after which they escaped. A strong armed guard subsequently raided "the lea tion and destrowkl a thousand cal lons of Kallir heer and a quantity of whi-key. ASKED TO STAY AWAY. The Servian Cabinet All Cut Up About It. 15. it i A dispatch from says officially announ ced that the \n cabinet has re- quned. The Politische Correspondence avs that the cri-is was hrought about by the renewed postponement" of the vicit of King Alexander and Queen Draga to the czar. Formal assurance was piven: to the king and queen last Vienna, Oct Pelorade vear that the czar would receive them but si then thev have been unable to obtain a definite date for the vist they had, however, completed their preparations _ to start for Lividia, where thePezar is at present staying, when a cold, formal message was re ceived a<kiy them to indefinitely postpone t isit. The reason fou the m < understood to be the czaring to meet Queen Draga He Is In Fine Health. Lonlon, Oct 15.--~The king has gone to market to meet the Duke of Deve e and other patrons of the turf. Those. who have talked with Lim acree that he has never seemed in better health and that a marked in rease of vivadtyv in manner and con ersation is noticealle. He will at "i esting at i 1 ' ony | Eady s for Wir % n Delegates. At St. John, N.B NB, 0 Bove 1 here and 1 t as as farmie bad t lower provine inlly John River. to-day. TIMBER ON LAKE BOTTOM. Lost Years Ago Near Lindsay and Worth $100,000 Now. Ve erboro, Gee. 13. -Nomewhere be- tween the mysterious surface of the Scagog hirer, a few wm les from Lind say, 1s 'a large quantity of oak tim: ber, whi h i§ worth many tens of tousands of dollars. Somewhere at the mouth of the winding river where sands of summer Visitors spent so pleasant hotirs in passing to from Sturgeon Point, Bobcay- recelon Falls, wnt other weil known resorts, the buried timber has luin for about Lfty years. The facts conve ted with the sink. ing of the timber are now known only to the oldest inhabitant. Away back about 1350, 'Alexander Deamistoun operated largely on the waters of the Seugoy, Cameron, and Balsam Lakes, tio many and geon, and in those days square timber was the Thief product of the forests in this locality. 'The timber was tivated down in vast rafts made up of hwn- dreds of ibs, the whole heing run through Peterboro to Lake Ontario, and towed to Quebec. Mr. Dennistoun had a cne of the camps named (whose widow still lives at Falls). Demoe, instead of cribbing his oak with a few sticks of pine to keep it afloat, built his raft entirely of oak. This timber was floated down in one huge block to a point near the mouth of the Lindsay River, where it was tied up for the winter. In the spring the raf's had dis appeared be- neath the surface of the Seugog, hav- waterlogged during the those days oak was plen- it was. decided that it pay to raise it. In a few amstance was forgotten. s ag sound to-day as it was when cut, having heen preserved Ly' the water. John Thompson, of the Dickson company, says that the timber, judging hy what he has heard about it, is worth 8100000 or more. Seme time or other it will be ered, and will make- some one mensely rich. foreman in Demoe Fenelon Joe become In and ing winter. tiful, would not vears the The timber cir recov im- ADVOCATED IMAGES. Lively Discussion 'in English Church Congress. London, Oct. 15.--Great interest has heen taken by society in the debates of the Church of England congress, where one day there was , lively dis cussion of the question of ritual. Rev. Athelstan Riley, in an impassioned appeal, advocated the use of images, amid repeated cheers of members of the English Church Union. Preben- dary Webb-Peploe vigorously protest- ed. and declared that the members knew? nothing about the worship . o images, or they, would not cheer any such suggestion. A verv warm con- troversy ensued between the high and low church partizans, with the re- sult that the presiding bishop had to intervene to secure due courtesy in the progress of the| debate. At another meeting of the congress, there was-a warm* discussion. on so- ciety and how it spent its Sundays now-a-days. - Several clergymen urged measures for maintaining religion in the homes of the rich, under the chan- ged conditions of modern life, but no practical suggestion was arrived at as to how to convert society from its evil ways. Lady Knightley was par ticularly severe on the disregard hy society of Sunday, with its big lun dinners, and its devotion of the day to bridge. cheons and of the rest 0' DONNELL SENTENCED. Another Irish Member Must Go to Prison. London, Oct. 15.--John O'Donnell, the nationalist member of parliament for the South Division of County Mayo, has been sentenced by the crimes act court at Birr to three months" imprisonment -at-hard labor and to an additional three months in default of bail for good behavior. Mr. O'Donnell was convicted of intimation and intiting to boycotting. Anti-Foreign Placards, Tacoma, Wash. Oct. 15.--Hong Kong advices say that the posting of anti-foreign placards at Canton has prevented the engasing of Chinese la. borers to work on the Canton end of the great Canton Hankow railroad. The Uhited States consul at Canton has asked the viceroy there to take to discover who are guilty of posting the antiforeign placards. A number offarrests have been made and official in Canten has been in to stamp out this method of natives against foreioners. steps every structed inciting Price Has Advanced. Wianipeg, Oct. 15. The lands of the Pacific railway company in Alberta and Saskatchewan, as the vith meridian have sed in price from fifty cents fifty cents per hitherto been R350 to #1 to 3 from $1 Canadian Northern far been increg to one doilar and These lands have erallv at from acre. The increase of acre. we are, selling ge: er 2 per Turkeys Are Scarce. For Than iting dav, he set plenty of ovsters of the iy 'at ( noon Thursday. can vou wst qual arnovsky 8 store, bs until Excursion To Watertown. Oct. .i6th, nm Watertown going Wednesday, 2:30 Thursday, good or 'Thin Waterton ickets p.m. 5 am 6:40 pom £1.25, leave civenlar d that the nine replying Furk The powers, to CH | The ary betty Hy Hilda. Ji ha hear (wen Holman, n The fi raging the at most tion the busi art of destroyed, important ness se has been Retarning, + x! (If it isn't an LAST EDITION WEATHER PROBABILITIES, Toronta, Ont, Oct. 13 (10 a.m.) --South- westerly winds, cool and cloudv. Thursday, westerly winds, with a little higher sair, temperature, : VELVETS --FOR-- LADIES' COSTUMES Dame Fashion says Velvets will be one of the most fash- ionable fabrics for dresses, cloaks and blouses the com- ing season. In colors we have a range of fast pile velveteens in thirty shades, quite equal to silk velvet in appearance, at 60c. a yard special. Black Velvets, same qual- ity and price--better grades, 75¢., $1.00, $1.25. MARRIED. BiRMINGITAM-GUNN--At St. George's Ca- thedral, by Rev. G. L. Starr, on Oct, Lith, Warrm Birmingham, © to Maud, youngest daughter of the late J. B Gunn, both of Kingston, BOARD. - es guca GOOD ROOMS AND FIRST-CLASS BOARD; also table boand. May be had at Mrs. Breden's, 24 Stuart street. LARGE FRONT rooms, with tral, not far Parks, Suitable to five, 1Y5 ROOM, ALSO TWO SINGLE modern convenicnos, een- from" City and Macdonald for a party of from threes Icarl strect. FOR SALE. Hunting Preserve WITH COMFORTABLE TABIN, BOATS, Canoes, Paddles -- and ~ €ookerv--utl ready to step into. Also 3 fine deer hounds. Proof « game given. by photograph For particu- lars apply -to Box 146, Carieton Places NO CREDIT. I WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE TO ANY verson or persons contracting any debts in mv name, without mv. writton signature oc consent. JAMES EGGLETON. Oa. 1 1, 1902, Kingston, CAPILL! FORMA WONDERFUL HAIR PRODUCER. PRE- venis failing" and gray hair; Cures Dandruff, Lezema apd Neuralein, Head and Faces Mase sag. avddive shapoord at home if desired, Mme. Elder, New York, 166 Princess St. VIOLIN MISS GRACE EVANS, Teacher of the Violin, 123 UPPLR UNION ST. ROOMS TO RENT. COMFORTABLY FURNISHED HOOMS, LIGHT aud: airy. centrally located. First class table board il 'desired. Apply at 244 Hroek street Bibby's. The Westminster smartest and handsome that have appeared this £10, '812.50, S14, $15, 817. Co. ""To-night.'"' Bibby's. the overcoats 8, b. overcoats, ~t season; The H. Bibby ' The ini day), AM. Macy rvhody Taylor union Pr service jis If a, lia weld od. is purest Thanksgiv- tomorrow (Thurs. Zion church, Res ML preaches, Ev- byvterian held in ray drugs, | i Is | i | | | | | i ' ¢ ¢ ' ' ' ¢ ' ' ¢ ' ' ' -- Quick at Figures. Quick at'Anything. » NNO © | i ~r + Waterman's Ideal 'FOUNTAIN PEN "IDEAL" it isn't a Waterman.) SOLD BY AD C JOSNSTON & BRO. ASR A) a. swan eae "0 JEWELERS. ATTLTTLLLVLLLILTLLDLSTTT LTRS |cSLLwasT see

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