THE 5 DAILY WHIG, a oon. DEAL OF NONSENSE. About "Blood Purifiers" "Tonics." Every - drop of blood, every bone, nerve and tissue in the body can be renewed in but oth way, and that is, from whol some food properly digest- ed. There 1s no other way and the idea that a maldidne in itself can purify the blood or supply new tissues and strong nerves is ridiculous and on a par with the iol-de-rol that dyspep- and sia or indigestion is a germ disease or | that other faliacy, that a weak sto- mach which refuses to digest food can be made to do so by irritating infaming the bowels by pills and ca- tisartics, Stuart's Dy: wutgestion, stomach, g bloating after meals, be nish the (digestive princijles which weak stomachs lack, and unless the deficiency of pepsin and diastase is supplied it useless to attemit to cure stomach trouble by the use of "tonics," "pills" and '"cathartics, which have absolutely no digestive power, and their only eliect is to give a temporary stimulation. One grain of the active principle Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will digest 23.000 grains of meat, s and similar foods, and experiments have shown that they will do this in a glass bottle at proper temperature, but are much tive in wach. There is probably no remedy so uni versally wed Stuart's 'Tablets he it it~ not the sick and ail hit well people who use 'mat meal to perie gestion an assimilation «of the People who in oy fab Stuart s Tablets as reg take thei 1 keep well, cure, Stuart' both® they pre remove it where lar use of one meals will dgnonstrate thei efliciency better than ment. cure ini- as and they fur pepsia Tablets sour aus eg of conrse more the sto as cpose ony ng, every insure ) health ularly take they want t meds; becatis Hon Ph vent it or them afier merit and any other argw CHIFFONIER have a fine rang 200 82 We 818 hey Annth OR GENT'S 88, $lo, $25, $30, 8 A coud very nient-- givin to the a place for evervihing--and its plac . DRESSERS WITH MIRROR, $5 variety up $50 cach. DRESSER $12, $16, choice. men in up; large to™ stment Ali new h mils direct importers France, ( rinan and Shades, full T. F. HARRISON CO. Undertakers, etc. Telephone Nos. 90-91. COTTON DOWN COMFORTERS Fillkd with the - best sn&@pwhite carded Cotton, wide and 2! yds. long, $3 EACH, These Comforters are in all 're- the best Eider- down at a'very much lower price. R. McFaul 'Kingston Carpet Warehouse. patterns: from S Swit stock 0 Ing Curtains quality 2 yds. spects equal to Cook's Cotton Root Compound. Ladies' Favorite, Is the only, safe, reliable regulator on' which-woman can depend "in the hour and time of need." Prepared in two degrees of strength. No. 1 and No. 2. No. 1.--For ordinary cases is by far the best dollar medicine known special Tn dol irs per box. cist for cank No. 2--For degrees stronger--three Ladies--ask Cotton Root as all pills; m dangerous. No recommended by all « w minion of Canada. M: Ha tr on receipt of price and f{« stamps. The Cook CO any addr: - nt postage my Ww aA: ont. and gston No. 1 No. 2 1 responsible drugy ARR JOO Oe OhOshO Red, Blue Or Green --Every kind g10 Oe tule: ¥ $ nd see tl A 1 BEES Princess Sty No Cape0fe0 Mihi ml 3d and | everything | 'NO FUEL AS YET ani ps | COMMITTEE TC MEET AGAIN ON MONDAY." | | Dealers "Advise the City to Pur- | chase Wood, if it is Obtainable --Aldermen Are | Cautiously. The special committee of the city council appointed to consider the | yuestion of purchasing fuel with: which | to supply the poor of the city during | i the winter mouths, had a second sion Wednesday afternoon in the office of the mayor. Ald. Bell reported for the committee the result of a visit to all the wood and coal merchants in the city. James Mallen woull not give. quotations for soft coal; had 350 tons en route from Oswego which would sell at able prices; would not likely to obtain any more for some time; woull sell slabs at $1 and soft wood at $1.59 a cord; advised committee to obtain supply of hard wood if possi | ble; would handle iT for committee at | fifty cents cord. Samuel Anglin & Sons {had not any soft or hard coal for | sale; could not give quotations; could {| not get hard coal for than $7 a ton at mouth of mine: could not. get any. wood; advised committee to gel hard wood, "if obtainable, and would handle it at a reasonable rate for the committee. James Sowards had not any coal sale: could buy some at mine at J dill not have enough wood "to supply customers James Donaldson ude city's supply obtained, at seventy-five had sone a would quote Proceeding reason- be able less would if cents a cord; t. M (hp for either wood or Crawford had x which cost 85225 custmers at for £10 a of wood, in not Ronert stock al. me coal to SO: lav down; would not oft coal: thought ton De spring: wood sell, hut hardst Ad ol he hi give it did to quotatior would have committee would vised committee ir any ne to any case of ter cord. in supply Mav. not the city about X2.. "lower be not any knew supply one Lo Poss qua lay wood ihle. to get sprit would to bring Mallen Bell stated dealers would they had in stock teen unabte {- Mayor haw with the movement. would be an ample coal and wood. The {able to purchase as ers. Ald on and advi of a supply Mavor Shaw heen offered and hard ple must obtain a preference Al 1. Kent 1 iMivin hard able coal to tore cost woad from thought about further that say how The committee meet Mr Swifts did not svmpathive He thought there supply of both city would not he cheaply deal cord tron; Ald the R195 none much coal hade to as Mcleod was of a different opin «| strongly the purchase of wood. had soft peo will that he sup Lon. stated limited at 87 of The alers et un Dio and wot coal have coal, d supply: they Id to the corporation. cautioned the committee until it So known 1 down, and assured what dea turnin commitiee ou the price were asking was below He favored options over to dealers. ALL" Bell Stated that Rol ford offered the committee 37 for all the hard they {ions on; he thouvht would a cord by s ino. The mavor pointed ont event. of the strike coal could "he [city in four weeks' lots of coal mined, All. White remarked ! the committee may not purchase cheaper the committee could tavhich ~woukl "bring the wooed to consumers: that is what the dealers, are afraid the committee will do Both { the speakersand the 1 thought { the would supply plentitude tof wood. [© After [committee Monday vailroad | ily the | the w a cord had he op a0 wood it in the short that heing settled Iv, laid down : time. Thee that thotieh he able to than dealers at wood sel cond chienper avor far mers the am the NOT dehate, to Meanwhi comuanies will he freicht rates, Rell stpted that 1.000 cords wood at Moscow, costing $1.7 cord ! : . ep could be laid down in the city at Xa further a ned meet al m. asked of { cord. Mrs. ne of Squire formerly Hay. < from heart Jolin of a lengthened Mis. Hay. John fon After disease Hav. Henle wif treet ne, pa fo rest on { | , -- The Late | | | | Pe y Deceased amiable, her and rhhors. She ried twinty five vears<to her | bereaved hushand, he maiden allantine, a danchter of of Napanee. Twelve * King member of «hy sympathy husband | nesday morn fine wracion friend of quali and ney im ssociations wie was mit Over HOW name John Vers my, sted She is surviy Stheere hereaved church Nabance: ed the ness and Her <! in exten lone! a sister will be in his SOrPOW. | | Fought, At Gananoque. | A law, and his hrother-in foo Gananoque on Wed When they left Ihonsand Island eld an of the hléadi They ed Kinostonian went down the G Jun it ter hts around ont h ol an op Blood and hes hut with 1 A hao t lost, apd Hv worl O eran, in one ever seen ther the platform other minated hit 1v t we t 1 St oot 3 f hoth portun flowed from ane i Wis kept 1 they hal re when he his arms wi MeCue, of a mph had lo hn viniul The Kitchener. fashionable © 12 and $15. Livingston Bros ihe vercoat worn $ day, § PERSONAL MENTION, | Movements Of The People--What They Are Saying And Doing. George Cooke, Kingston, is spending 'a few days with friends in Ottawa. i Rev. Dr. Carmichael, of King, Ont. is visiting his son, Prof. N. R. Car- michael, of Queen's. Robert bisher, aged eighty-nine, the oldest Kingstonian, is again in town jon a visit from the west. iE. R. Peacock has left the stall of Upper Canada College, Toronto, and is now with the Central Canada com- | pany. A and on J. Abernethy, of this city, th, H. Davis, Almonte, have gone a hunting expedition to Lake Temis camingue, Sergt Bailey, brigade clerk, has made his debut in his new uniform, of the army service corps. It is a hand- some outfit. > D. Morrisey, barber, Gananoqué, has sold out his business becausd® of ill health: He is a son of John Morisey, Alma stiect. Leonard Cook, leader of church choir able to be around again, after an illness of six weeks of typhoid fever. fr. Coutlee, of Sharbot Lake, will commiserated with in the death of his mother which occurred on Wednes- day at Aylmer, Que. Mrs. Joseph Franklin and daughter, Svdenham street, enjoying an outi in the Adirondacks, have returned much improved in health. Adjutant MacNamara and Horle, of the Salvation Army. were in charge of the corps here for a vear, will farewell on Sunday, Octobe 26th. Miss dasyinm Ade Cooke's is be Licut who Kithel Bamford, matron of an in Charlottetown, PEL her in Cananogue She i a graduate of the nurses s hool of Rockwood hospital. Alexander and Frank McDonald, oi Frank McDonald, of Kingston office, who left 4 month settled in Seattle a wholesale meat establishment. 3 Hazelton, "A Field Banierss hot during the pa: ol taking a course in vice worl to-day Liverpool per steamship Tunisian home: Edward J. Adanis, tentiary architeet Ottawa Hine parents © sons post have age, and have start months, sel corps en roi tor sailed Dominion Kingston, is with the ustice department. He has just returned from a trip to Manitoba and the Nortl West Territories, A. Evantur pe nt of on hui ness "~ M.P.P.. for Prescott. and speaker on the Ontario house, was in Kingston on Wedne and Thursday. He was accompanied by his son,- and paid a visit to the few French students attending Queen' medical college MARINE INTELLIGENCE. sday Notes Regarding the Movements of Vessels. Craig's wharf: Steamer Alexandria up. Swift's wharf: Steamer Rideau Queen from Ottawa. Crawford's whari : Schooner Ac from Charlotte with soft coal. MT. S03 meunt consorts arrive to-night {rom William, with wheat.. The steamer Calvin and consort Ces lon cleaved from Garden Island | this morning for Georgian Bay "to load timber for the Calvin company. I'he tug Col. By barge have gone to Blake's quarry, on Rideau ca- mal, for a load of sandstone be used in "the construction a ney dwelling for Dr. Sands. It will | the first dwelline in the city in which this class of stone is used. company elevator: Rost and Fort and to of Queen's Trustees. meeting of Queen s Thursday . aft when a quornm was present. A further adjournment was made till November 6th, when the principalship will again be discussed. The tru ernoon, adjourned stees took place on Oak Hall. the Westmins London style, Lh The H. Bibby' Bibby's: Ask to the new SL, 815, tor Overs 310, Lib soe Ty D. by Tq Cure A Cold In One Day. Bromo-Quinine Tal» CN Lorrver VOunge man the front The Howland Take Laxative lets. This signature on box, every 2he. Wednesday evening a rain proof cont Yom store of Howland 1h theft was witne by Pd. who followed thief aid the garment. stole a of the the recovered JUST COMMON SENS Changed 'the Whole Thing. "1 used all life until years when 1 was fareed to dh continue it," write: al from Mem phi Fenn. My health, became so 1 that life was almost bun colic my two ago, wretched den. 1 suffered almost ners hendeache: cruciating action wi intensely ol ted a continuously with ths anel My | sulfere ation cmpcia otis thsi hack. and | sulfon pains=in mv very feeb a de ling Was extre tated, and ghitest exertion produce My ners in of oppressio and that the sh ment woul l yvmpito trouble | hoy Fy n prostration sht relief. ced me' to stop drinki try Postum Foe the result. Ma satisfactors, of the © phys pronoun Ons ant ss sh ny very arciully, After awoke follows dire | shi tion [ tileevidecthy wi months, | had appr and than it had head at periect abort fat almost two that totally my i Was bie wmptoms ared, the hal ihled ars no only th was ren me ained fl hed trong formerly 1 tre punity rally much 1 had discontinti [ hee FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17. Te STILL WINNING. LIMESTONES DEFEAT " THE JUNIOR COLLEGIANS. | Queen's III. Failed to Score -- Limestones Won by 10 to O-- Dr. Ross and Tupper McDon- ald Join Queen's I. Limestones defeated Queen's 111. on 'Thanksgiving afternoon at Queen's athletic grounds, the score resulting, 10 to v. The city junior team was in finer condition, knew the game better, and played with more snap than the collegians, who, though heavier, "were outdone at all points. =' scrimmage got the ball ana had the halves done kicking in the first half when they had the wind, a larger score would have resulted. Queen's halves did scarcely any kicking in the second hali. and lost several opportunities of making good gains. ving the hrst hall play was con fu chiefly within Queen's thirty-five yard line. Six rouges constituted the scoring. Limestones" halves sending the ball well over Queen's goal line cach tine. In the second half Queen's only vot. the ball within Lime stones' 25-vard line, but the latter proved too much for them, and gradually forcea the play up the held, well towards the collegians' goal, when time was called. There was one fine piece of play witnessed in the second hall. Birch received a pass from Moxley about midfield, and nade a dash around Queen's line, bringing the play close to the laters' voal line. From «erimmage which followed, Moxley a touch, but I'earance failed to convert, Mikeara, the Maori, Queen's full back. Fergie," who ca to ficht the a Queen's uniform, line. one of tl} Jou," casily nore once a ninae ple avea a good ae pe Latth South Ar again in hali back to was the went Boers, on Queen's wings, is Brockvith years of brother *Jdunction amos who played avo, win the conclude re the the iimestones will « match, 3 oi sily tin n Ki on i with R. Hil - . Shefiield, | seri Mikeara: Ferguson: Gillie Lameron, Thomp Qnee hall nack Ross; Costello, Wook Fempleton, MeCallun, son, Clark, Limestones. Full back, Tweed; Bearance, Birch, Hiscock; Moxley; Davies; O'Brien, Crozier, Woodrow, Walsh. Referce.-- E.'S, Mills, wing Play half quar- , Page. Hebert, O'Leary, hacks, ter-hack, ton, » Williams, R Elliott; umpire, Queen's Team To-morrow. Queen's will team against ernoon. Tupper have a fairly strong McGill to-morrow' aft- McDonald has return ed to college, and will be on the half back line, with Britton, as centre, Kearns. Dr. Ross has consented to lav, and will likely be one of the in- side MeDowhll will play flvinge wing. The team will likely. be made up thus: Full-had Donald, Dalton; Faulkner, Donovan, and wings, Simpson: hali-backs, WM. Britton, Kearns; quarterback. serimmace and forwards, Ross, McDowall, Murphy, Reid, Sherriff, Clark; Young, Wil liams. Dr. Hanley Gets Watch. The final heat of the ar ranged for the Kingston township fair, swheduled to take place at Cain iving Park Thursday after noon, but at the. appointed hone Dr Hanley was the only of the thre contestants who put in an appearance, He jogged his trotter around the track declared the winner of the named race, was ragui one and 'was stop watch. J. M. Theobald refused to claiming that the judges awarded him the race: contestants desire to test of theik trotters, Mr. Theo them for a sweepstakes; Heo the other trot had the again, already two oth the mettle Bald will mn made up of fident he can horses. 5 or more each. con casily distance Sport In General. expected to play Onatts Lo-NEFrow, College defeated Montreal at Thanksgiving Parmenter is with the Aru Ottawa the Capital noon hy 45 2. Br anada, Rider on alter 6. the will «Ary to - : rughy referee ofliciate at the waich to mo win. best ough onait Yow, thrown in dritannias, half has with the finally Montreal the ex-Brockville Rayside fort also ha back. Ruy! (RY Bowie, Saturday: MeGill sh Riders Prockville Ww on Ottawa Rou Voronto = Ary Britannia Ch 8) onaats; Montreal mn the to hett pitchers out He goes is of clibh for good an league many Faward lett So, 000, first he i rs when an esta for prin ~ d at n Ning vahu 't he Dronsons, nu vol the athletic grounds hy Hi to 0, Ohi of are inclined favor from Ninoston that of six clubs Xt ton a ton defeatea Gana ati oh, oon carly wrdny Montreal Union su union consist afternoon, the Que to the the \ i Peterhoro mision to Granite plas Luation of Il. has been play Asvel production of chang granted | tine, th on a na fide residence «h ronants at Hamilton on Thursday; Mellor; of Yonkers, N.Y, was f and Lebarre and Anderson, of Hamilton second and third respectively. The time was 1.52. Quartus: -back Britton, who worked in the Kingston Locomotive works dur- ing the past eight months, has been granted permission by the O.R.F.U. executive to again plav with the Tor- onto Argonauts, as he has returned home. In a most exciting game of rughy al Gananoque, Thursday afternoon, the local team defeated Brockville 11 hy fifty-two points to nothing. The casu- alties were of the usual number, but none of a very serious nature. Clarke Allen, manager of the victors, is proud of his team and is out for the scalps of Royal Military College, Lon don and Peterborough. The Toronto 'lelegram stating that Queen's have resurrected some of her old players and are off on a still hunt for the inter-colleginte euehy championship. The rule at Queen's sinee the Iercollegiate union was formed has been to entice no old player into the game. If these play ers come out of their own accord, as Dr. Ross did, all well and gooa, bat the ¢ has long since wd the tactics Ottawa college, Argonauts, ete. is wrong in colle of INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. ---- Newsy Paragraphs Picked up by Reporters On Their Rounds. Did you see the eclipse ? Now you can start your furnace. The police station has been kalsom- ined, painted and generally renovated. The holiday passed without an ac cident. '1his was a cause of thank fulness. Rummage neat' Salus street. The drill hall he nicht cach ervice corps frenry maracie, an a bicycle at Napanee, ed at Brantford. In removing the old pag walls of the court, were taken off. Tree trimming versity avenue. Fhe less anches was much eal dear, but e riammage sal} tomorrow Salter's a We youl large ore rock rooms, sale to-morrow tion w heen sot for use Indian, heen apart of the ohne week army who stole has arrest from the hee seven layers Uni use is on on of going loop is ng cheap in store rock at next treet, In a iction room ina * Prock man was knock: pane of glass in scrap estday hotel, a n the hotel door. The coliection given, at Thanksgiving service in will be divided between the hospitals Brockville and Kingston. Ald. Bell is of opinion that the wood market should he moved from Brock Areet, fronting Montreal street, to the av market, but he cannot find an other alderman who holds the same opinion, : A pleasant assembly 'urne hall, GG dav nicht, attendance. \ ans, Tuding were present. John M. Theobald party of novice huntsmen Fach member of the party, following carefully the directions offered hy their cuide, suceeeded in bringing : rabbit. Coronation medals for the Kingston of the contingent, arrived in Thursday. They will be dis by Col.- Montizambert_ at i parade of 'members of the vored contingent. The king irthday, which November 9th, will not be this year, November 9th heing on Sun day. but instead it" will observed on May 21th, Victoria day. which already a statutory holiday. The heaviest frost that has 'occurred this fall was that of Thursday night. All kinds of vegetables that had not heen thered "in were frost-bitten. The water in small pools ponds in the country had a thin of le next morning. Weduosday evening an thief entered kitchen of Col. Hemming's Wellington street, and stole an ice eream freezer full of the tooth «ome preparation. The cream was in ten®ed to be used at a children's partv. When Rev. Dr. the Thanksgiving thodists, Thursday, that 'the strike was many a one gave pression to their pleggure hy a« well defined sigh. Thon they fell to, to exhifiration + to their thank the Union Gananoque was held in ananoque, on Wednes- at which thare was a la number of Kingston everal RM.C. cadets; "chaperoned" a Thursday. hom ( one members the city tributed ial falls observed on be 1% and coating rear residence, at Me coal announced of the Antliif service on over, ex Concert In City Hall. fair attendance i evening at the hold under the auspices of the \. The programme Was one of and those who contributed were iedly encored. 'The programme made up of piano solos hy W Spencer Jones; humorous stories bv Owen Smiley, sweet =olos by Miss Hol and clever on the 'cel Mis& Hilda Richardson. - n the concert YW. merit re There was a City Hall last wa man selections lo hy GRATEFUL FOR FOOD. Lived Seven Weeks on Milk. rears this month, 1 was stomach "trou Mrs. Witham Leigh, of Wis, | had to give me: potatoes and swe simply on bread and -t too had to rive eak 1 could 1 nothin into fveehs bat fhree 0 sufferer with Ble. writes au De Prair ating lived un at, up. and for that tot my «st WOrk smnech three purpose; the to stop all me nt tries doctors and fast Grape when ia to But the afraid to mille. brought is such a food } those who have ? Land 'the give QUEEN'S NIGHT, THE STUDENTS © AT THE GRAND OPERA HOUSE. Every Seat Was Taken--Fine De- corations -- Bouquets to the Actresses -- '" When We Were Twenty-one' Was Much En- joyed. pt years since Queen's "theatre might," but this was arranged instead of parade. Thanksgiving day University day happened to fail the same date, and happily a "When We Were Twenty One," to the Grand which couldn't been better chosen for ils free from all objectionable features, Every seat in the house was before the performance standing room A could When Queen's men undertake to anything, it erally with a generous and such was manifest last night. The sev eral committees of collegians are to be congratulated upon their excel lent taste and judgment in carrying out in ail, both. the decorations the musical programme hetween The, balcony, the pillars sp it, the curtain, the stage and boxes were artistically draped red, blue and bunting like colored of viectfic Hghts greatly the pretty effect and he an im provement if let remain. The boxes wire gaily draped with Union Jacks and. the Stars and Stripes with sey eral smaller Canadian flags, I'wo skulls, lighted from the inside with crimson globes, brought mind that the medicals very much in evi dence, : It dents had session the and upon play is some stu- a one noisy ame have dom sold long started, and wag all. that many se do accomplished lavish hand as det acts. porting with while vellow clusters heightened indeed would to were the and selections the acts (Croshy good Between chestra gave songs upstairs oy Thornton's, and the the "stude nts were very uch them being "In the Time," "On a Sat Everybody has a and a parody * which was Graham takiyg ome hy enjoved, some Good OKI Summer urday * Night," Whistle Like Me," "Rip Van Wink ally solo. The of the General Hospital occupied the upper right hand boxes, and the local doctors with their wives and friends the others, noticable am- ong them being Drs, Garrett, Good- win, Anglin, Third, Ryan, Clark, Her ald, Mundell, Fowler and Knight, The students behaved splendidly, far better than the McGill students do at their annual "theatre night" at the Montreal Academy. In the second act, Miss Meta Rogers, the handsome lead- ing lady, was de servedly presented by the students with a large houauet pink carnations, but the passir Louquets to the three other actr inthe third act was terribly. out place, as they were put on a with" the leading lady, when voles were trifling. Mr. Walker was passed down a box of cigars. All the ts were tied with large streamers of (Queen's ribbon and each member of the company wore the college colors throughout the 'entire play. After. the last act the curtain was rung up and a demand made for 0 from" "Dick." Mr. 'Walker acknowledged the interest in the mght's pleasure Lhoth by the audience and themsel ves, It seemed he a double euter- tainment and decidedly unique. - The company on the stage had thor- oughly enjoyed the part taken iy the sentleme n of Queen's, University, : hoped they had the play pres They had done their level best amid such pleasing surroundings and. he voiced "the feelings of the company when he expressed their pleasure at the cordial way they had been Tecciv wl. He concluded by. wishing hoth students and citizens the. happiest lives. They left Kingston with by recollections. The - company andthe --repeated-and plavse must han licen very tory -to the players. Walter as "Richard €arewe™ who, selfish guardian love to "The Imp," was the undoubted hero of the play, and his appeal to the.boy in the third art elicited great enthusiasm, William Wagner as "The Imp," a spoiled hoy twenty"one, could hardly be Im proved upon. = Miss Meta Rogers, as "Phyitis," wag beautiful oirtish--and natural. All the costumes worn the as were exceptionally fine, rest thé support was strong. company caries no scenery, would perhaps be better with a little? of on especi the wood, "Joe" nurses ol of SEN of leva! their speech gracefilly experienced to as GH ivht was-a splendid. one, FOREFOUS-- Ap v sati ac Walker, in his un- of The The and la of Archbishop's Anniversary. '0 morrow, feast of Luke Fvangeliste will che the fourth anniver «v of the consecration Archbishop It will be commemorated a diocesan event with unusual of the affection of his people amiable, zealous and loveable A solemn high mass, specially children, will*bhe celebrated at Solemn Benediction, with will be offered at 0 Protestants of every denomina tion will join in the congratulatior with thankfulness for the good feeling which: has existed between "the two great classes in the and pevially the city, large to his grace's kindly e St. the of wit hier. a hecanse for the prelate. for the R13 o'clock. pecial prayers pom. in due in part xample + Eclipse Of The Moon. of the < plainly being The 10:17 at 17: thy 12:19 a.m.; the "reached at 103: 1:48: the S50 and the avnituh on Thurs ed here, the sky the pe the sha al bigat middle, of the ech the end of the moon left of tin th lipse mdon t witnes clear and moon entered loudly mbra pom, gand coli at ihrae lipse the 1 "Ihe due te coal and Wel Lifebuoy Soap--disinfectant--is strongly recommended by the medical profestion as a safeguard against infec tious diseases. 22 \ fervor "Pure soap!" You've heard 'the words. In Sunlight; have the fact. =m BEES = REDUCES EXPENSE Ask for the Octagon Bar. Give Mitchell's Cough Cure A Fair Trial. He Will Guarantee It. Magic H. B. TAYLOR, Pharmaceutical Chemist. 124 Princess St. Phone 59, Successor to E. C, Mitehell. DR. HOWARD'S CONDITION POWDERS The Best on Earth for Horses and Cattle to make and keep them sleck and fat. 2 lbs. for 25c. Prepared by Dr. Howard, London, Sold by E. L. EBBELS, CHEMIST and King and Market Sts., Kingston. PPP VO9000O Soft Coal The Very Best Call and get our printed instructions on the use of Soft Coal for furnace, range and heater. JANES SWIFT & 20. . :.'Phone 135.» 6 066060600606000 ® ovriaereresrrans Our Coal i= as Clean as Though it Were Washa ed and Brushzd. CH LUMP STANDS BY ITSELF, GOON coli oonl--so much wmolid fire. After coal hes the surface of the earth from the impurities are picked out 'by hand, Thereafter it is screened several tim it reaches you, and dirt, slate, oto, have 'no chance, il the dealers are We are very oarshul. a SAS R03 Foot of Queen St.--'Phone 9. NOTICE Is hereby given the publio th ] I purpose making it warm for all persons using my coal next wim ter. Your:order is solicited. P, WALSH 5-57 Barrack St. A Cosy Bright Fire The chest will Is an attraétion for every ome. glow and of our make iteell with pleasure during the old weather. TU" Just the Mh te "Sool with, + Let us fill vour in with BOOTH'S | COAL in'ouse heat Coal felt STAMPS AND MARKERS. RUBBER STAMPS OF ALL KINDS, SEIL® Aliens, nen Markers, Distéa, Seals Stencils, Ba ket and Office Stamp, ete ltepairy So JOHN UFFURD, Whig Uthcs, 3