THE DAILY WHIG, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18 AT GORBETT'S Ghe net way is better than the old method of using chopping bowl and knife. Sargent's Gem Food Chopper is a kitchen necessity that every house- keeper will appreci- ate. It chops meat, vegetables, fruits, and the many other things that have to be chopped -- chops: them just as you want them : fine, coarse or medium. No trouble to use, and always ready for use, JOHN CORBETT. Kingston. , Try One for Cold Weather. You wart a reliable hoater. You want onc that is a fuel saver, at the time heating the house in a satisfactory man- ner. also same Call and seethem at CORBETT'S Hardware. WE'RE MAKING A Specialty of These Goods: There's a Flavor and Strength, to our Special Blend Teas and Coffees that Folks. Try them and you'll use them regularly, satisfies Particular THE STARR CO. 185 WELLINGTON ST. Carling's Half-and-Ha'f is 2®delightful drink, combining the strength- ening properties of porter with the milder exhilarant of good ale. It's for sale by most dealers, put up in pint and quart bottles, Rah EPILEPSY FREE SAMPLE OF LIEBIC'S FIT CURE. If you suffer from Epilepsy, Fits, Falling Sickness, St. Vitus Dance, or have children or relatives that dc so, or know a friend that is afilicted, then send for a free #rial bottle with valuable Treatise, and try it, The samplébottle will be sent by mail, prepaid, to you ncarest Post Office address. It has cured where every: thing else has failed. When writing, mention thir and give name,-age and full address to Ti EieBic 0% 179 King ST. West, TORONTO. Caney ®ceccecsccceccccsscses BLINDS, GRILLES, STORM SASHES, And all kinds of Interior and Exterlor WOOD WORKING S. ANGLIN "& co 2ececccscsscssscnioce Soc osesa0eeroe CUP ISOPNISIS FT BERS ® D115) 10 ee 3 DON'T WASTE MONEY © - On poor, fll-favored but- ster, when you can geét a pound of the best. Clarified Butter; sweet and finely- flavored, for 25¢. Try "a pound and see how pleased you will be. Clarified Milk Co., "Phone £67. Brock & Bagot Sts, TOG 1 TE TTC a ATTRT Ia' u [3505 {ae AS) = mw TCA MT ! INFANTS DELIGHT iw S O AP ! & % wn Re ma > X Smnerlarts all nther far the 3 Cotlecagd Nursery. R ig --_-- % Mate by * John Teyior & Co., Toronta. + (Ta 3 5 moo a oT J THE WHIG -- 68TH YEAR. DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published each eiening, at 306-310 King Street, at $6 per year. Editions at 2:30 and 4 o'clock. WEEELY BRITISH WHIG, 12 pages, pub- lished every Thursday mornine . at § a year. | Attached is. one of the best Job Printing | Offices jn Conadda: rapid, stylish and cheap | work; mire improved presscs EDW. J. B. PENSE, PROPRIETOR. tHE DAILY WHIG. Opiter per Orbem Dicor.' -------------- A SOLUTION POSSIBLE. The school boak question is IS again making: trouble. The phonic primer, recently de-authorized, is now made entirely in Canada, 'and ils publi-hers demand that it Le re-anthorized, There inspector fied that the market, that published by Moran, the is a difficulty in the way. The of schools have, been noti- there is only gone premier on that effect the and circular to must he mer withdrawn before second Le The complication pre can Issued. emphasizes what the Whig has so often contended for some action taking towards the pub lication of school hooks hy the gov- ernment. be critics In this case the primer should passed upon by competent the author's and the better the better one selected, copyright purchased, hook published. at its cost hy the gov- ernment. An experiment on a small scale woula settle the question as to wheth- all be turned out by the government press. er school hooks should not ROW IN PARLIAMENT. The Nationalists have merited little consideration from the Their has been offensive. They have imposed dritish povern- ment. attitude in recent years upon the premier. They have tried his patience, his temper, his forbearance. Yet they had some occasion to the all that put upon them on Thursday night. resent too-evident slight was Mr. Buliour, as leader of the house, had owtlitied the work which the gov ernment regarded 'as important and the discussion of which was caleulat ed to absorb' the attention of parlia ment for the time being. The where they came in, seeing that to know Mr. Balfour made no reference to their ai- Nationalists wanted fairs, and local conditions have been exciting enough, and even disturbing. sted a soft and sooth- it not forth- premier, on the if the liberals asked for Irish Diplomacy sug and The that appointment ing answer, was coming. con- trary, said for an ques tions it would be made. That ply political mistake. The liberals the Irish party in the discussion of purely I was a could not be expected to supplant local issues... The very idea was provoking,' though the disorder that followed by no means helped the case. Mr. O'Brien and Mr. Healy made stir- Mr. went Redmond and Me. O- shook ring speeches, but Mr. O'Donnell Donnell his fist. in too far, menaced the premier, Balfour's face, and legally assaulted for accord mg motion suspension, and leit the chamber to the speaker's order, The premier's tarty, caustic, indiscreet the fracas was accentuated hy mark. It precipitated a scene «on the opening day that has not been equal- led it badly for the peace of the session, in many a year, and angurs In the absence of a local lo be parliament. They cannot he trish affairs must discussed in the imperial ignored. THE SITUATION IN ENGLAND. Mr. ister' of min- of Rowland, a distinguished the Congregational church Canada, if lead visiting in bill, will England, the now says education forced evens the through _ parliament, tually to the disestablishment of of There is Church England. in England what is the Liberation Society, "It hax latter Mr. "chiefly "heeause most of the ly fallen into 'desuetude,'"® said Row land, demands of the society have been met. bill the old and _disestablish But this will revive re sentments hasten ment." That surely an + be view, It is The or may an extreme extreme contingency. immediate issue is ghe popularity of the fate is mm peril. Mr. Balfour: and Lis Mr. unpopularity government. have, however, that the bill will vo throuch. It be Chamberlain may amended; but it, will not he aban doned. % It is inconceivable that England, the been without a distinctly, national and unsectarian school system. The de nominations have been more progres sive than the governments, andl they x the stitutions that afiord the tldren education. It take these ever. in a seis to secular mike them a public sys 0 their present own their o nn Noncohi I one in overnment mists They contention 15 a mase .® ton the education i » » position, not the wation is unl 'that financially, to rake new schod Qa to the Mil and millions for thé ves POsses for svstem without reoard ins of the churches, war ar reconstruction of South Afri and n a million for, schools ! It is a humiliat | | | him ere he submitted to the | rislature called | decided | | | [ mother of nations, has up to this date | ! shave in "thousands of towns and. vill | | Is proposed to | { | | | | | | ing not Parliament its sessions, and the education bill i: again' before it. THe government mav it in confession. It is one the people are inclined to favour. meanwhile has resumed force its supporters to stand by this ericis. But the heathen is on fire, | and the will | extinguished until another election is on and affected by its lurid illumina- tion. conflagration hardly be 'SATURDAY THOUGHTS. The Rosebery idea is that the church schools should be bought out and na- ) it the idea that is may eventually prevail. tionalized. is | growing and The late:t fad is a municipal thea- It ought be in where so tre. to success, Kingston, have their fortnightly rehearsals a many aldermen in comedy. democratic party to advocate a lower tarifi. He has been the the times, and he is regarded as an expert . Cleveland advises the signs of reading in the business. the he been But will General Booth has not owner of a horse on earth. cherishes the idea that he have one in Heaven. Is the old man's orthodoxy sound ? Earl Rosebery is again the most conspicuous leader of public opinion in He should the leader of the liberal party. He is to success, England. be only the can lead it only ome who to off The convention of coal miners, the the strike, oceurs- on the 20th. consider situation and call Its | action is g foregone conclusion. They have contended | got what they | for. { | The coul and wood dealers pave the | muni ipal men the correct answer | "tiointo the fuel business, and do' it {right away." The men with options on hand are expected to do more than talk | i them. Mr. Whitney is gppalied at the nerve A apl Mr. attending about Ross. The premier poes of Hon. on, to the public business, and seems to he oblivious of the fact that Mr. Whitney waiting for his place. Collier's Weekly has otifer country in the world is the pro- is watching and it that in no fession of arms so highly esteemed as a social privilege and so loftily igrior- ed ng as' a seriolis vocation as in land. Is that a correct indictment ? Mr. for the present, Borden, the conservative leader with the it finds fault | liberal tariff policy. le 'calls a policy of expediency and compromise. What 4s the Who makes it * and adopted ? conservative policy ¥ When was it arafted Kit- the selection of his Indian Caste has been recognized [hy chener in staff. It looks that way, and itwas not ex- Of all looked to for the advancement of offic their Hus he surrendered to society? pected. commanders. he was, | | cers upon merits. Wilivid Laurier sick man Why should imagination, The returns that Canada report Sir to appears to be groundless, very any. one draw upon his and to the extent of putting the pre mier into retirement on account of iHness 7 the Politieal malice did not sue ost clience, but political idiocy did. Relic hunters haa a-ereat day of it at the Mr. Westeott's hold effects dn Syracuse, sale of house The adwmir wanted to the tonched or handled while he lived. ers of David . Harum something which autho: In consequence: some very common things became articles --of virtue ane wssumed | | | | | | | | | | | | | | fictitious values. . i ---- Bad examples do not act as the de térrent they are expected to he. St. Louis' imprisonment of millionaire | | a for the bribery of the common council | { has not prevented New York men from [holding up the Pennsvivauia railway for something nice' for tunnels under | Manhattan Island--The hoodler is like | the burglar. He is afraid of nothing, | " lanl until he "is keeps in practice canght. Oak Hall. New collars, 2 for 25, Bibby Co. at the H. D. The SS. Ontarian sails today. from | Montreal, with a of Canadian goods for South cargo Africa. 77 COLD FEET. Cold hands indicate cirenlation the blood and a ner vous predispositic n_to. tuke Cold. Most start wich check: lation, hv a chill cold feet and ha Fhe nse of ° throu: warm and Toor circu shiver lias Qa known or starts , rh the 1! and the Cold coursing tre natios 1 Oken sins, Humphreys' Homeopathic SMe | ner William and John Streets, COLDS "The common one's Is not uo I Provided it ¢ What mav he, the Up to our means." » *1 do think," said a girl a week or =0 ago, "that the people who have the moral courage to vive small teas, deserve whatever pocd may come to them in this life," and she wasn't far wrong. The hostess who asks eight or tén people to her house, asks them he- cause really wants to them, and talk to them, and she takes es pecial carve that they will he in a mea swe at least, congenial, if not thor- oughly en rapport with hersel, and their flow guests. Consequently, there is an air of genial goodicllow- ship abroad, and everyone experiences a pleased sense' of expantion, and of willingness to chow at anv.rate a hit of her real soli, which, is after all, her best sii. A big tea. on ithe con- trary, is given to pay debts, there's not much lise in denying the fact. To he sure, dehits have to he paid, and bir teas must, of necessity, he given occasionally by women who entertain, and are entertained a creat deal Put their number micht he diminishe! cop siderably, if only hostesses would let themselves be governed by the real wish of their hearts, and not hy what they think is expected, of them, and instead of giving one or two 'func- tions' entertain more frequently, and on an iffinitely smaller scale. True hospitality, that gentle grace of our foremothers, is lost in the erush of a crowded tearoom, where strangers usurp the place' of*the lady of (he and she, 'the loaf-viver' for that is the real, and the very heauti ful meaning of that much-abnsed word 'ladv'--is relegated to a small spot near the drawing room door, to ie a. machine for shaking hands, and murmuring oreetings and 'wood -hyes." Great will be the reward of the cour ageous woman who 'dares to he a Daniel." <0 to speak, in this matter. in the gratitude poured out ta her hy those who know the pleasure of her small teas." * + = a problom, your's, mine, were fair life, but finding first find how to make it fair, hat in - * * she on hous: The opening meeting of the Levana Society of Queen's, was held on Wed nesday afternoon, with the new pre sident, Miss Bryson, in the chair. Af ter the business: meeting, at which two members were elected to represent the society on the board of management of the Woman's Resi dence, a very jolly tea was given as a welcome to the freshettes. To night an "At Home" under auspices of the Y.W.C.A. of the college, will be given in honor of the new girls. The Levana Society intends applying to the Sen- ate for additional study rooms, the girls at present being restricted to one small room. The first students' night" which been known in Kingston, scored a very great success, and will doubtless an annual treat, here as it in Toronto and Montreal. In Toronto on Hallowe'en the theatres are given over to the students, who often treat the rest of the aydience to quite as much wit add wisdom between acts, as they get in the course of the play. Queen's did extremely well for a first night, and when they learn the right time to throw the bouquets, and otherwise take, on the polish which use, familiar ity and experience" alone can give, the wearers of the blue and yellow can hold up heads with the best. has 1 is he 15 red, their »- - » » Miss Mabel Brownfield returned this week from Almonte. The Reverend T. W. Savary, who has been in Toronto for the past fort vicht, came back to town vesterday: Mrs, Harry Going, Brockville, and het sma danghter are stay- ing wWith™ Mrs. Going, Brock street. The Reverend J. Sydenham. spent with Canon and Mrs. Grout. Me, Forsvthe was speci preacher at the cathedral on Thursday. ' The Reverend J. Williams. Plevna, spent Thanksoiving day in the city. The Very Reverend the Dean came home from Toronto vesterday. Miss Charlotte Dupuy left on Wed- nesday for Mofitreal, being called there suddenly on account of the sudden ill ness of "her brother, Dr. Glenn bu- puy. The latter much better, Mrs. Ladkl andthe Reverend ti: Starr have taken "rooms at Beale's, Wellington street. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Carruthers comfortably settled at Saranac La and Mr. Carruthers has been given very satisfactory assurance of and complete recovery of his health and strength. . Miss Goodwin, who-has been « ing with her brother. Dr. Goodwin, left on I hursday for Leipsie, Germany. Miss Eleanor Malloch, Mr. | Malloch, and Mr. Edward Malloch | spent Thanksgiving holiday with His Honor and Mrs. - dedmund Reynolds, at Brockville, returhifie to town' to-day. Mrs. MacParland is visiting in To ronto., > Mrs, have to town Madame and Mrs. Forsythe, Thanksoiving dav 20) are Judge Folg Lake, and Miss who Sharbot week. Oshorne at last Dandurand, heen who was to National Council meeting, was unable to come, . back Albree H. R town to has to Reade has returned Mr. come Mrs. 'town. Mi-s Flwell, Toronto, iv staving with' Mrs. Saunders. Mics Mfedonwell L York on Monday t show. Miss visiting the past on "I hur Mr the Emily My M: for the leaves attend Mis. month, Hanlev, Gore street, for returned (tos. .awa Ja alate: onest of My Street and Mrs ewart are in Ot Philbott Mond {ity Be a [ Mrs. Movian ! 1 have taken Mrs Fenwick's house on street, for the A. LeBreton Rosseof Mary staving vith Mrs. Roderic! 'Macker at the Bank «of Montreal y H. (Gwyn, eraduated Mr A frpm the R. M. ami rv 1 Mrs. Philpe Ring wintes » { Mrs J burg, is Yip who this year, sails for Mrs. | quick | usual | George returned | [ have been one Hf the delegates to the | Marie McDonald, who has been | tts SOCIAL SATURDAY NIGHT -------------------------- -------- every- India on the twenty-seventh, having been asvarded a commission on the In. | dian :tafi corps. ' Mr. Clartsn has come back to town from Ottawa. Mrs. Meighen, of Perth, was if town a day or so this week, visitng her ison at Mrs. Irwin's. -. - Miss Macdonell, and Mr. Angus Mac donell, have come in from CAlwing tton," where they spent the summer, and are once more in their King street house. A fashionable wedding took place in the Central Presbyterian church, Ham- ilton, on Tues lay afternoon, the con- tracting parties being William Alex- ander Warden, son of the Reverend br. Warden, general agent for the Presbyterian church in Canada, and Miss Mary Elizabeth. Lyle, daughter of the minister of the Central Preshy- terian church. The music was special- lv arranged for the occasion, and was under the direction of Mr. Garrett. Daring the signing of Mrs. MacKelean and Miss Gayler sang as a duct "The Voice That" Breathed O'er Eden." The wedding gown was of ivory satin, studded with brilliants, the rain being held together in the centre by graduating ho of bride's ribbon, knotted with brilliante. An exquisite tippet of rose point com. pleted the sown, and the veil, fell from a crown of grange blossoms and lilies of the valley. Crawford Pickson,. of 16 Howard avenue, voungest danghter of the late George D. Dickson, K.(.. of Belleville, to Mr. Roderick J. Mel). Parke. of To ronto, is announced to take place at St. Alban's Cathedral, Toronto, on Tuesday, October 21st. ' The 'marriage of Miss Ressic Avery, of Ottawa, to Mr. Arthur Price, of Quebec, is arranged to take place in January. A very quiet wedding took place in Belleville this afternoon, when Miss Ponton, sister of Lieut.-Colonel Pon ton, was married (to Mr. L. Sankey, of Manitoba, a brother of Mr. Villiers Sankey, C.K. An interesting wedding occurred at Perth on Tuesday, the contracting parties being Miss Margaret Caldwell, daughter of the late Mr. Boyd Cald well, of Lanark, and Mr. W. B. Hart. The engagement announced of Miss Lenore Macmillan, voungest daughter of Mr. T. H. Macmillan, general manager of the Western Bank, Oshawa, to Mr. .J, Mills, barrister, Toronto, brother of the Right Rev. W. L. Mills, Lord Bishop of Ontario. » » x » Dean Sutherland, of the Boston Uni versity Medical School, is seriously ill, and was unable to take up his duties as dean of that school when it Dr. E. Taylor Ransom took Dean Sutherland's place during his absence. Dr. Ransom, who the first woman who has ever acted in this capacity, was last vear a mem ber of the faculty gt the Boston Uni- versity Medical School, being instruc tor in histology and also assistant to Dean Sutherland. She a Canadian by birth. After taking: post-graduate at Harvard University the Institute of Technology, Mrs. Ran som decided to study medicine and en tered Boston University i edigal School, where "she successfully com pleted the four years' course in three years. opened. 18 courses xcellency on his hunt of were with His™ E ing expedition, did shooting, and were very" successful. A large number of New York wo men came to Montreal to see Mrs. Lemoyne play. in _ "Among Those Present," her, and which said to be a on American society. Mrs. Lemoyne is one of New York's smart set and a great favorite socially, as weéll as a charming actress. . . a good deal - - The marriage of Mi-s Elsi ankes, granddaughter of the late Sir David Macpherson, to «Captain Campbell, R. N., will take place on November 7th. The Reverend J. LL. and Mrs. Holah, Beileville, Miss Mowat, Kingston, and Mr. and Mrs. George Hague, Mon- treal, were amongst the Canadians why registered at 17 Victoria street, London, recently. Mr. Foo Wo Thompson, vice-president | and managing director of the Ogilvie | Flour Mills, is serfing to H. R. the Princess'of Wales, a picture of the mi'l at Winnipeg. It is worked in silk | on bolting in the process of milling, and-i< the product of the many | Manitoba's farmers' The. piece { of work, which is mento of the visit of the Prihcess to | the mill on, October Sth, 1901, | at a little distance like a well-Lnish- | ed water color. - | His Excellency | party, COnsis mg Mir to, needles of wives. designed as on me vice regal and the of ofthe Countess l aulics Eileen. Ruby. Violet Elliot, Honorable Fsniond liot,) Major . Maude. Captain Capta'n Hughes and Mr. Guise, { turned to Ottawa on Tuesday: Mrs. Hanbury Budden will he lave t of ber mother, Mrs. Smal', | Toronto this week Mrs, Hugh Fleming has returned Ott: Toronto . * . Mr. and Mr Charles Henshaw, Vancouver, are visiting Montreal Sir Chafles and Lady Tapper will spend the winter in Winnipeg. Mis. Kinghorn, of Montreal, St. George) has been seriously much by > of the features ical Romances this week, was the llicn ander the patronage Benson, Mrs. Colin Sowell, Mrs, Dobell, and Myre: Benvon, Mrs. EB. Scott Griffin held her from who tier Carnival riven the whith wa mn military of My WAL first eption dn Winnipeg assistidd ott Gard line: with lie applies wnek Mees Pereivat- Digit home is on the tral « Fr was wn ae v ® ; ' iting gt of Mr, Ix aro Daintry, in Ferris.» who 'he tery 1 ar Har<." the hon ther, Mrs. John Mix. Milly ery ilk cs Mrs. Wel t her father, the Reverend A. W. Cooke, much het tor 5 the register, | The marriage of Miss Marion Tsabel® and | Lady. Minto and her daughters, who! a play written specially for | satire | of Thurs; ol | King's Daughters. THE H. D. BIBBY C ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, left for some Hamilton, weeks, yesterday for Miss Grace Evans will receive in the ! future on Tuesday at her studio, the of William and on corner Barrie 1 streets, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Horsey will {leave on Monday. for China. A pretty tea, and a modt svecessiul one, was Miz. Malcolm Maye illivray's yesterday by the young itls bel ning to Alexandra circle of Those taking part Macdonnell, Miss Isabel Polson, Miss Jessie Lickson, Mi.s Edith Young, Miss Daisy Maxwell, Mies Ethel Jordan, Miss Agnes Staples and Miss Annie Gilson. Mrs. Hiram Calvin 'has returned to town and will receive on Wednesday. Mrs. Thompson, of St. "John, N.B., and her danohter, Mj Helen Thomp- son, the champion lady golfer of ( ada, are at the British-American. Mrs. Arthur Evans, has taken passage for England en route fon India. Mrs. Roderick Maeloan itp pleasant and. informal live tea ves- terday afternoon, in honor of her two Visitors, Mrs. JJ. A. La Breton and Miss Mackenzie, The Reverend Conway and Cartwright will come into town "Hazeldell for the winter, about first of next month, and will take house on Brock street. Mrs. Carruthers was hostess at the goli tea this afternoon. Mrs. Hemming gave a pleasant little party on Wednesday for a few of Miss Grace's friends. : Mr. Fdwand Branscombe, lav iicar of. Westminster, and Mrs. Branscombe, have heen the guests of Mrs. Stewart Houston, in Toronto. Mrs. Willie Gilmour has come home to Hamilton, from Vancouver, and will' take up house keeping very her own old home. : * » * » given at Miss kleanor Robertson, were Bes: ie irs Mi | 'an- GVe a vers Ross, Mrs from the up near Try these two recipes--they both warranted. First, spical peaches, Peel and slice two and a half pounds of peaches, add a cup of vine- agar, two pounds of sugar, and a ta- blespooniul" each of cinnamon and cloves. A taste sof salt to brine out the flavour. wont be amiss either. Boil all together steadily, in a presery- ino pan' for an hour, and put up in jelly glasses, : For prune for puddine, stew a suflicient quantity of prunes, and beat smooth, with™ the whites of four ers with ~snear-- and flavouring to taste, Bake for*half an hour, and for an ex- stone, | tra touch, serve with whipped ercam, TE in London, kng., | | presence | escence | endurance. On one occ The distinguished qualities of Queen Alexandra as nurse are the eift of silence--never more olden than in the of suffering--and ahsolutelv calm and unruflled demeanor, a mentle hand, a low voice and implicit acyui- in the medical She too, remarkable of asion, durin the orders, possesses powers I last ilfness of her mother ches remain H. | ed in the room fourteen hours without | intermission 3 | take cloth, which is largely used | of | looks | [af unspeakable comfort | rive one rest not | casionf. The article ive { and {nee | | that * who could onlv "consented to the doctors hecame "Will mv and. a rest when imperative in their orders, people every forgive me?" were, | he lieve, the words uttered hy the sull ine King when 'the hand of remorseless destiny struck him at the moment of his proudest hopes and exnectations, and the delightful 'nobody would "he must he very imism and sorrv'l was to the kine. I" once a heard a lady who spoke from xperienee say "I never knew anvone arrange one's pil like she seems to know in place them comfort," ©] nurses than rhiers" a on many it and <kill Sand quetn's of Cros Heveryhody ows the queen; hv stinct just where to nel of better cueen of Denmark's the late Emperor of do the ail know dan Huss one or wtv's taet house near had sygnees of he tells of an ringham which she turned into a hospital for her furnished in a brich and mottoes { il manner 1" amon onthe wall was the 1 The who, has been visiting | Od Ot St manic, w A Wedne that throng OW Sth, heavy Gal prey ail ' the "ve an coa-t, a teers stricken life uceeeded Bibby's. Oak Our RIO overcoat mons. The H. D. Pilg Roberts ha United Lord to visit the next year, are EARS © OR to sick sorvants, Itiwast "The Westminster" "The Grouvenor" "The Gloster" "The Regent" Newest styles in fine Beaver, Blue or Black, Vicunas, Oxford Greys «= and Montenacs, $750, $8, $16, $12.50, $14, $15, $17. OoO'Y., OAK HALL eT ---- A COAL SAVER Is a Well Built House. When you buy a home vou want to be of the best quality shonld that work be well We can provide vou a house where the best has heen combined give it quality. We'll Make a Price That Will Make You Smile. Open Saturday evenings. J. S. R. McCANN. 51 Brock Street. Next to Wade's. Final Visit of 1903 SERVICES FREE SPECIAL FOR 3 DAYS ONLY AT M'LEOD'S DRUC STORE, From Thursday, October 23rd, until Satur- dav night everthing Optical will be sold at remarkably 'low prices: Eh SPECTACLES AND EYE-GLASSES. 14k. gold, worth 812 for $6. 14k. gold, worth £10 for 85 10k. gold, worth 8&8 for $4. 10k. gold, worth $6 for 83. . Nickle or Aluminium, 83 for=81 No better goods can be had anywhere EYES THOROUCHLY EXAMINED AND TESTED BY M. MECKLENBURG, MA, D.S., - SPECIALIST, 0° MONTREAL. Hours, 10 am., 8 p.m. At Huffman's drug store, Napa- nee, Saturday, October 18th. WIRE BARREL COVER \ To Protect Fruit. it material, and von insist done. to Wire Gudrds, Railings, Fencing and all kinds of wire work manufactured by F. Partridge. A large number of flower pots of ell kinds kept in stock verv cheap. Crescent Wire Works, 278 KIN HMA AREA ERE AA EN "CYKO" # PHOTO PAPER PRINTS AT NICHT BY ANY LICHT. Sample dozen, 4 x 5, with Develover and photo, mailed for 25¢. Sold by . S. VISE, ** Touro, * CANADIAN AGENT. Ad SRA RK package of RA : 4 et i AHH OSTPONED, LICENS ap | 4 MEETING THE MEETING OF sateners « this f lr CoM- for ( ith 354 KING STREET, 3 - Table Board by the neal, day or week Wery Prepared to serve reasonable , rates, families at re- at duced rates. MEALS AT ALL HOURS. W. J. STINSON, Proprietor, « h THE DELICATESSEN"