Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Oct 1902, p. 7

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THE DAILY WHIG, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1s, Kingston & Pembroke & Canadian : Pacific Railways ---- Trains Leave Kingston : 12:40 p.m.--Mail, for Ottawa, Montreal, Que- bec, 8t. John, N.B.; Halifax, Boston, Toronto, , Denver, Renfrew, Sault Ste. Marie, Buluth, St. Paul, Winnipeg, Vancouver, Seat- tle, Por: and San' Francisco. $ 8:30 p.m.--Loocal {or Sharbot- Lake, -ocon- Deotbag with C.P.R. east and west. a; 8:10 a.m. --Mixed, for Renfrew and inter te points. Passengers leaving Kingwton at 12:40 p.m.: arrive in Ottawa at 65:00 p.m; Peterboro, 8:10 p.m.; Toronto, 7 a.m.; St. John, NB, Full particulars at K. & P. and C. P. R. Ticket Office, Ontario St. F. CONWAY, °F. A. FOLGER, JR., Gen. Pass. Agt. Gen. Supt. [HE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY NEW SHORT LINE FOR RAILWAY HL DRE] SCS BRANCH LINE TIME TABLE In Effect Sept. 28th, 1902. Trains Leave the City Depot, Foot of Johnston Street : GOING EAST. . 2, Eastern Flyer ..... 16, Local ... °.. . 6, Mail . 4, Fast TRE» EERERR "Express esiaaia 12, Local ......... es GOING WEST. et Mail , Local ue International Limited Mail |... .. hi secarenis , 2, 8 and 4 run dally. except Mondav. Noa, 6,7, 11, 12, 15 and 16 daily, except Sunday. * For Pullman accommodation, tickets all other information, apply to J. P. HANLEY, Agent, City Passenger No. 8 daily, and Depot. DOMINION LINE MAIC STEANSHIPS. LIVERPOOL SERVICE *Irishman.... os Oct. 18th . 25th Nov. lst ..Nov. 8th ...... Nov. 15th .. Nov. 21s. Steamers ked * do not carry passengers. RATES OF PASSAGE--Saloon, apwards, single i service, Second Saloon, wards, single, acoording to vice. ' Third class, $26. FROM MONTREAL. .. «Oct. 18th wont eave wwiv vo Nov. i 1st FROM BOSTON. Merion ...... .... . ... Ost. 15th New England, . sere wo Oot. 22nd Bosten to th NEW SERVICE Rowen tg de Vancouver, Oct.| 18th; Cambroman, Nov. 8th. , Eleotrio light,, Spack J. P. Hanley, J. P. Gildersleeve, Agt. G.T.R. Station, Clarence St. D. TORRAN Montreal and Portland. BAY OF QUINTE ROUTE STEAMER ALETHA Commencing Sept. 2nd, leaves week days at 8 p.m., for Picton and intermediate B Quinte ports. On i Saturdays steamer oalls onto Belleville. For full information apply te J. P. HANLEY, ; J. P. GILDERSLEEVE, { "Ticket Agents. James Swift & Co., Freight Agents. * Liverpool and Allan Line Londonderry Royal Mail Steamers. ° From Montreal. From Quebec. Oct. 18, 4 p.m. 5 am. Oct. 25, 10 p.m. 1, 10 p.m. 8, an, $55, and upwards. * First Cabin, Pretorian and Corinthian, $50 and, upwards. Second Cabin, $37.50 to $40; Liverpool, London, Derry. Third Class, $25 and $26; Liverpool, Derry, last, Glasgow, London. Montreal to Glasgow Direct. S. 8. Sicilian, Wednceday, Nov. 19th, at daylight. lst Cabin, $50; 2nd Cabin, $35; 8rd Class, 5 J. P. Hanley, Agens. City Passenger De strests, J. P. vot. Johnston and Ontario Gildersleeve, Clarence street. MAYORALTY (1903 To the Electors of Kingston : LADIES AND GENTLEMEN :--As a can didate for Mayor for 1903, I respecthully so licit your votes and influence to elect me C. J. GRAHAM. MAYORALTY 1903 To the Electors of Kingston : LADIES AND GENTLEMEN :--I ar a can- didate for the mayoralty for the 'vear 1903, and reepectfully ask for your votes and .ip- fluence on my behalf. J. T. WHITE, MAYORALTY 1903 To the Electors of Kingston : LADIES AND GENTLEMEN .--] fully solicit vour votes and influence me as Mayor for 1903, respect- to elect J. H. BELL, ~ AUCTION "SALES. SAVE MONEY ' BY EMPLOYING ALLEN & BROWN, Auctioneers The King of Ranges-- "Buck's Happy Thought" If time, trouble and labor - count with you ; if the cost of coal is worth considering ; then you are the person we wish to address. * Call upon the leading stove dealer of your place and see { { 1 ¢ | ¢ Look into its ingenious pat- ented contrivances for saving time and fuel, satisfy yourself 3 that it will pay you grand returns as an investment. Take the trouble #9 do this once and { your kitchen troubles will be done forever, : The makers will be glad to write you personally if you let them. The shortest cut we know to household happiness is The ({ " Happy Thought" Range. Many thousands of Canadian families have foand this out, why not enquire further, it is eminently worth while. Write the Manufacturers for Illus- trated Catalogue. THE WM. BUCK STOVE CO, Limited, ¥¥ Brantford. { _--_-------------------------- Sold Only by M'KELVEY & BIRCH, 69-71 BROCK ST. 4 { "KN EXCELLENT FOOD,) admirably adapted to the Wants of Infants." SIR Chas. A. CAMERON, C.B., M.D. f Chemistry, R.C.S.Z., of the Royal College of eons, Ireland. Lrofessor For Infaitls Invalids, And The Aged. GOLD MEDAL, WOMAN'S EXHIBITION, London, 1900. DR. BARNARDO says : ** We have already used-Neave's Food in two of our Homes (Babies e and the | ge Home), and I have no hesitatioh in saying it has proved very sati factory." July 27th, 1901. Xo Russian Imperial Nursery. Manufacturers JOSIAH R. N Fordingbridge, England, Wholesale Agents: --THE LYMAN BROS. & Co., Ltd., Toronto and Montreal. Dandy Shiner NICKEL PLATED The HOLDS SHOE RIGID. : FITS ANY SHOE. A HOUSEHOLD NECESSITY. It holds any sized shoe. Three lasts (man's, woman's, and child's) go with each shiner. IT PREVENTS BACKACNES. If net ebtainable from your shee or hardware dealer it will bo forwarded on receipt of $1.00 L. H. PACKARD & CO. MONTREAL STRAIGHT BUSINESS W. MURRAY, ]r., Auctioneer and Commission Mer- chant, Market Square. CHURCH WORK. FOOT OF A HOUSE FLY. PLEADS «FOR THE RICHER ADORNMENT Of Scotch Churches--Fiji Islands Contribute to Missions--Pro- testant State Churches in Ger- man Empire. : Rev. Di Catchpole has resigned the pastorate of the Brighton and Crama- he churches. Rev. BE. C. Currie, formerly of Brant- ford, is about to move with his family to 'Desbarats, "New Ontario. The W.M.S., of the Montreal Metho- dist conference," has accepted an in- vitation to meet in Morrisburg next year. lev. G. W. Kerby, the well known evangelist, is confined to New West- minster, B.C., hospital with an afilic- tion of the eye. . A Bombay medical missionary last year treated 3,110 patients in addi- tion to her regular work as teacher in a boarding school. The thirty-seventh annual provincial 'Sabbath school convention will be held in St. Thomas next week, October 2st, 22nd and 23rd. Principal Lang, of Aberdeen Univer sity, has been preaching on *'Reli- gion and Art." He pleads for richer adornment of Scotch houses of wor- ship. The Fiji Islands contributed last year $25,000 to foreign missions. The first Wesleyan missionaries went to these then cannibal islands in 1835, facing martyrdom. Dr. William Ashmore, of Swatow, China, declares that the heathenism of Asia to-day is being reinforced by the philosophy, the science, and--worst of all--the scepticism of the west. Rev. J. R. Sanderson, who left the Toronto conference to join the Metho- dist Episcopal church in Michigan, is a fly seems to not powerful enough tq derfully a fly's foot and therefore, if we yw thoroughly we a microscope. Quite a complicated work the be. The h must look at it throuoh' A scientist recently spent foot of uman eye is see how won- is constructed, ould study it some weeks studying and vhotograph- ing flies in this fashion. Me considers that the two most remarkable por- tions of a fly's body are the feet and the head. Of the latter he made sev- eral drawings. in most of which the head is 1,200 times its natncal size. now manager for a Canadian insur- -- A COMFORT AND ance company at Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. ! The trustees of Calvary Presbyter ian church, Cleveland, Ohio, have made an offer to Rev. T. S. McWil- liams, of the American Preshyterian church, Montreal, to become pastor of the church. At the Minnesota Methodist confor ence, Rev. E. B. Service, formerly of the Toronto conference, was received into full connection, and appointed by Bishop | Andrews to the town of Clinton, Minnesota. There are forty-six distinct and: se- parate Protestant State churches in the German empire. These churches stand in no organized or official rela tion whatever to each other, and they co-operate in no work. The London Missionary Society was the first to carry the golpel of Christ to"China, Polynesia, Madagascar, New Guinea and a wide region in Central Africa, and its success in gathering converts and training natives to he efficient evangelist and pastors has been very great. The Advance gives the results of a religious census recently taken to Cleveland, 0., under the auspices of the City Sumtlay School Association. Over fifty denominations were found to exist in the city. There were found 200,000 Protestants and 90.000 Catho- lics. ' Arrangements have the National Bible Society of Scot- land for the presentation of an an notated gospel to each student taking part in the great examinations to be held. this month in four of the pro- tion, the most frequent vincial capitals of China--Wuchang, family happiness, the Changsha, Nanchang and Chentu--it hind, Body Li) y 4 : 3 y, and soul, being possible in no other way tof, Host tive reach at one stroke the most influen . : : : : | deadly tubercle tial men in every town and city of s ; : , . tuberculosis these provinces. bat alechoii Sar The Methodist, Presbyterian and | P8t a poll requires i A : pe cation. Extreme Congregational churches of New Zea- land .and. the Anglican churches: of Can- terbury and of the North island have recently adopted a platform in behalf of the Bible-in-schools movement, wherein it is demanded (1) That gov- ernment schools be opened daily with the Lord's Prayer; (2) that on_certain days of the week, simple lessons on selected portions of the Bible be given by the teachers during school hours, these lessons to be supplied by a com mittee of the churches combining to secure 'this reform; (3) that these les. sons shall be of a strictly undenomin- ational character; (4) that teachers who conscientiously object to giving these lessons shall not be compelled to give them, and scholars whose par- ents have conscientious 'objections shall not be compelled to receive them; and, (3), that all possible steps shall be taken te secure the. adoption by the legislature of the reform. Rev. ¥. B. Meyer, speaking of the things which go to make a areat life, said :* "Do not try to do a great thing: vou may waste all vour life waiting for the opportunity which may never come. But since little things are always claiming your attention, do them as thev come, from a great mo tive, for the'glory of God, to win His smile of approval, and to.do good tot men. It is harder to plod on in oh security, acting thus, than to stand on the high places of the field, within the view of all, and do deeds of valor at which rival armies stand s#ill to gaze, But no such act without the | swift recognition and the ultimate re compense of Christ. To fulfill faithfully the duties of your station: to use to A baby is a pricele in its utter helplessness tired mother and add tc and happiness is both ston, Ont., so interesti thers. She says: "When constipated. cross and restless, and up with him a number ing the night. 1 finally them to him for a few els became regular: his sweetened and he slept these tablets are just Tablets best venient cine to are the a for one for admi the very voung ates. Sent post paid price, 23c. per box, by liams' Medicine compar Ont., or Schenectady, N the care of infants and been made hy [free on request. Write f early childhood the dan perance and its fearfu home the drunkard shou as. the most unhappy « While the very moderat alcoholic drinks, may considered as adults when taken wit alcohol should never be dren even in tne In families in which t of hereditary transmissic sire for strong drink, eu alcoholic drinks "should avoided. It would also people so predisposed, have acquired only the sive for drink, experience has tanght 1 dipsomama (periodical such be bacco. The young man in life should take with training which will enal gentleman, and be gentleman, cons Delincator for November. chief characteristic waists and bodices is t ing' of the garment or of the trimming. about the hips and he flare at the Jower edge the newest designs. Quite the smartest cc goes the uttermost the gifts of vour minis- | with walking skirts is try: to bear chafing annoyances and trivial irritidtion 'as martyrs bore the pillory and stake: to find the one no ble trait in people who try to molest to put the FMindest construction on unkind acts and words: to. love with the love of God even the un thankful and evil; to be content to he a fountain in the midst of a wild val ley of stores, nourishing a few lichens | and wild- flowers, or. now and again a | thirsty sheep; and to do this always) | and not for the praise of man. bu { for the sake of God---this makes a The use of long-ha { great life." > mixed goods is one of | the season. Among hay the material. The Empire designs received for indoor pw Velvet costumes are joy the popularity sce season. . Slot seams are resair voa: coats. Eollowing ropflery: stars, 5 ko embellish gow the reviv [ terials there is perhaps nothing | McLeod's Rum ahd Quinine Hair Zim li ber nand popular than the In trimmings' the ten simple effects The der Tonic. Cleanses the head from j.prevents (he hair. from falling off, motes the growth of new hair, dye. 50c. a bottle, 'at McLeod's store. a ¢ dandruff, pri 10t a drug Fall Importation Prevost, of the New stare, Prock street, h nis fall dmportations in his tailoring ready-made department | | | {1 sick headache is misery, what are Yourier's Little Liver Pillstif they avill | positively cure it 7 People who have } os them speak frankly of their worth. They are 'small and, easy to take. from. For low price he defies competition. . ; If Your Home is. Blessed With a Baby You Will Appreciate This. care. Anything that will relieve friend. This is what makes the state- ment of Mrs. Thomas Little, of King- eighteen months old he with a sour stomach and was These troubles made him Baby's Own Tablets," and after need for their little ones." safe and harmless and free from --_-- Alcoholism And Tuberculosis. Alcoholism must be considered greatest- enemy of the welfare of a na- co-operator bacillus (consumption). TI'y prosecution and fan- atical laws will do little should be taught, In schools and as smallest quantities. should never smoke. often caused by an excessive though he absolutely Tuses to treat or be treated to drink. -------- < Fashion Hints For Early Winter. der, effect, achieved either In the shap- That skirts will remain close folk, with stitched straps the latest skirts and appear "also tackings, department. A CARE. comfort, but is also a great the > baby's health a help and a ng to all mo- my baby was was troubled badly 1 had to be of times dur- got a box. of giving days his bow- stomach was well. 1 think what mothers Baby's Own nd most nistering medi- . "they are opi- on receipt of the" Dr. Wil wy, Brockville, XY. A book on childven sent » it. % con- the destroyer of ruination of and certainly of the germ of com above all edu or good. Lrom gers of intem 1 consequences at pictured | fall mortals. | use. of feebly- | light | harmless | h their given to chil Id be beers, to meals; 18 a fear m oof the de en the mildest be absolutely be best if ali or who may occasional de for attacks of sprees) here nat are use of to out the moral starting him le him to be a dered gn polite, re the new dip shoul- * of he the disposition fitting ave the decided Is indicated by So, when she gave it back again, { "If 1 but lgok om this, dear one, | "Is that COUNTRY LIVING. Emigration From Village to City Should Stop. The physicians, statesmen and phil- anthropists interested in the tubercu- losis problem have, besides working for the better housing of the poor and the creation of special institutions for the treatment of consumptives, gn ad- ditional mission to perform; The tide of emigration from village to city should be reversed. If tuberculosis has made its appearance in a family living in 5 large city, the physician should exert all his influence to induce them, especially the Younger members, to migrate to the country and seek outdoor occupations. Statesmen should protect the interests of the far- mer, so that farming will have more attraclion to the rising "generation: and philanthropists should aid the statesmen hy endowing institutions for instruction in scientific and profitable agriculture, and also by providing healthful amusements, good libraries and other educational institutions in country districts, thus making living there more interesting and attracgiye to young people;, in short, the love of nature and life in the open air should be more cultivated. In the Proportion in which this is done tuberculosis will decrease. The creation of schools of forestry in connection with the preservation and cultivation of forests where ga wasteful destruction of trees is now carried on, would give useful ang healthiul employment to a number of reople, as well as render the region more healthful. Tt would offer attrge- tive careers 10 young men seeking to overcome hereditary or acquired ten dencies to tuberculous diseases, ------ An Open Question. The band. around his summer hat he lent her for a belt; 1 he saw the little welt Her buckle had inflicted, and he whispered, bending low, your mea- sure IY shall know." With just the. least of in her pout, the only way,™ have of finding out ¥ --_---- McLeod's Witch Hazel Cream. Nothing better for chapped hands, face and lips, 'excellent to use after shaving, 15¢. for a 3-ounce bottle. Mc- Leod's drug store. suspicion annovance she. said, "you HE PATIENTLY * BORE DISGRACE A Sad Letter from a lady whose Husband was Dissipated. How She Cured Him with a Seeret ody be worn loose Nor- of i well at to the and belt are being Poses certain to en ded them last i . = nomany of | in { i wd al of hand em-! ete, are | i= of all kinds. ' I plain and the features of v-textured ma more nes, } 1s toward for braid a decorations. unprecedented A -- Of 1902, York clothing as received all fur oraér work His is well. assort- ed and a large assortment to choose and durability "I had for years patiently borne the disgrace, suffering, misery and privations due to my husband's drinking habits. Hearing of your marvellous remedy forthe cure of drunkenness, which I could give my husband secretly, I de- cided to try it. I procured a package and nixed it in his féod and coffee, and, as the edy was odorless and tasteless, he 'did not know what it was that so quickly relieved his. craving for liquor. He soon began to pick up his appetite for solid food returned, he to his work regularly, and we now havea py home, After he was completely cured I him what I had done, when he acknowl- iged that it had been his saving, as he had not the resolution to break.off of. his own accord. I heartily advis» ali women afflicted as I was to give your remedy a trial." FREE SAMPLE » Waltham ** The Perfected American of interesting information apon request. "Good things should be praised." American Waltham Walch Company, : Waltham, Mass. Watches, Watch," an illustrated book about watches, will be sent A long time--gyes, olde a: [FEA the greatest stove works. AERATED over half a million users and fuel savers, Sold Husband, comforts and everything else dear to a KE] rans a0) GOING TO LAST barring accidents, you can count on your great-great-grandchildren enjoying the wisdom of your having left them SOUVENIR It's always well to remember that we are the stoves in Canada (ncarly sixty-five years now), and our personal guarantee goes with every stove, so that satisfaction is guar- anteed or your money back. SOUVEN- IRS are made in a hun- dred of different styles and sizes to suit every requirement and need, of the best mate- rials, by skilled mechanics, in They combine every mod- ern convenience and attractiveness, specially including OVENS. highly recommended and personally endorsed by They are as being great labor, time ouly by the best dealers throughout the Dominion. Made by The Gurney-Tilden Co., Limited, Hamilton. S.J. H Local Agent, ORSEY, Princess St., Kingston. Is Gaining in Popularity Every Day. Sales Increasing. New Customers Coming. oD "Tis the highest grade and most satisfactory burning oil coming into Kingston. Try a sample lot. McKELVEY & BIR 69 and 71 Brock Street. CH. STEREOTYPE MACHINE METALS Highest grade Canadian, value and quality the standard, CANADA METAL CO., WILLIAM STREET, TORONTO, ONT. HER HUSBAND « WAS A DRUNKARD A Lady who cures her husband of his Drinking Habits writes of her struggle to save her home "I had for a long time been thinking of trying the Tasteless Samaria Prescription treatment on my husband for his drinking habits, but I wasafraid he would discover that I was giving him medicine, and the thought unnerved me. 1 hesitated for nearly a week, but one day when he came home very much intoxicated and his week's salary nearly all spent, I threw off all fear and determined to make an effort to save our home from the ruin I saw coming, at all hazards. Isent for your Tasteless Samaria Pre- scription, and put it in his coffee as directed next morning and watched and Praved for the result. At noon I gave him more and also at supper, He never suspected a thing,and I then boldly kept right on giving it regularly, as 1 had discovered some- thing that set every nerve in my body Sneling with hope ba happiness, and I could see a bright uture spread out before me--a peaceful, happy bome, a share in the good things of life, an attentive, loving woman's heart ; for my husband had told me that whiskey was vile stuff and he was taking a dislike to it, Ti was only too true, for before I had given Him the full course he had stopped drinking alto- gether, but I kept giving him the medicine till it was gone, and then sent for another lot, to have on id if he should relapse, as he had done from promises before; He never has apd 1 am writing [HER FATH lk WAS A- DRUNKARD A Plucky Young Lady takes on ° Herself to Cure her Father _of the Liquor Habit. STORY OF HER SUCCESS. A portion of her letter reads as follows :-- ' My father had often promised mother to stop drinking, and would do so Yor a time but then returned to it stronger than ever. One day after a terrible spree, he said tous: 'It's no use. [can't stop drinking.' Our hearts seemed to turn to stone, and we decided to try the Tasteless Samaria Prescription, which we had read about in the papers. We gave him the remedy, entirely without his knowledge, in his tea, coffee, or food regularly, according to directions, and he never knew he was taking it. One package removed all $is desire for liquor, and he says it is now distasteful to hith. H 5 health and appetite 'are also wonderfully in'- proved, and no one would know him for the same man. It is now fifteen months since we gave it to him and we feel sure that the ehange is for good. Please send me one of your lita ou this letter 40 tell you how thankful I am.. PF ibis believe it will cure the worst cases." books, as I want to give it toa friend." and pamphlet giving full particulars, testimonials and price sent in plain sealed envelope. Correspondence sacredly confidential. , for reply. Address The Samaria Remedy Co., 23 Jordan Street, Toronto, Canada. Enclose stamp

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