-- ve oir BE wes PC \ ------ THE . DAILY WHIG TUESDaY, OCTOBZR 2f. AN IDEAL MEDICINE. \ New Discovery Which Cures All Forms of Catarrh. The tablet is the ideal form in which to administer medicine, but un- til recently no successful catarrh tab- | let had ever heen attempted. There is now, however, an excellent and pala- table remedy for catarrh in tablet form, known as Stuart's Catarrh Tab- | lets and sold by druggists, composed | of the most recent discoveries in medi- | cine for cure of catarrh and results | from their use have been highly gra- tifving. The old time | | | treatment of catarrh was in the form of inhalers, washes, douches, sprays, ete. Later on inter- nal remedies were used with greater success, but being in liquid or powder form were inconvenient to use and like all medicines in liquid or powder form, | lose their medicinal properties when opened or exposed to the air. Stuart's Catarrh Tablets highly concentrated antiseptics, Hy- | drastin, Blood root, and Red gum which kill the catarrh germs in the blood and mucous membrane, and in this respect are strietly scientific snd modern, because all authorities are | now agreed that catarrh is a constitu- tional blood disease, and local appli- | cations can have only a transitory ef- fect. Y | The use of inhalers, douches and | sprays is a nuisance and inconveéhience and can in no wise compare favorably with the same antiseptics given in tablet form internally. where they can reach the stomach and blood and kill catarrh germs richt where they are produced. , A prominent lawyer anil public speaker of Pittsburg says: 1 have been troubled with catarrh of the head and throat for twelve vears. In this clim- ate. it seems impossible to get rid of it. The continual dropping of mucous from the nose into the throat caused irritation and hoarseness, seriously in- tetfering with mv public speakine. It took me an hour or more of cough- ing, gdgaing, expectorating and sneez- ing every morning before | could set- tle down to work and this condition gradually brqught on catarrh of mach, causing loss of appetite. poor digestion and a foul breath, which annoyed me exceedingly. My physician advised me to try Stuart's' Catarrh Tablets and I took them for two months © and was astonished to find how quickly they cleared my head, throat and stomach and | have hesitation in recommending them. They are not only pleasant to take, but they seem to get at the very root of troubl:, because since using them 1 have had no trace of catarrh. Druggists' sell Stuart's Catarrh Tak, Jets at 50 cents for full sized package. They can be carried in the pocket and used any time and as often as de- sired since they contain no cocaine, wercury or any other injurious drug. We Can't Sell Coal contain | sto- no But we can and do sell the nicest COAL O11 HEATER in town for Heat your room in a few minutes and - save your Coal bill. AT MITCHELL'S HARDWARE 87 PRINCESS STREKT. OT SC ET x DON'T WASTE MONEY on On poor, ill-flavored but- ter, when you can get a pound of the best Clarified Butter, sweet and finely- flavored, for 25c. Try a! pound and see how pleased you will be. | Clarified Milk Co., 'hone 567. Breck & Bagot Sts. INVESTMENTS --IN-- | REAL ESTATE Mining and Oil Stocks See GEO.CLIFF, 115 BROCK STREET. - THANKSGIVING ANNOUNCEMENT, H. J. MYERS, 56 BROCK ST., HAS AS usual, a full assortment of Cooked Meas of all kinds. Alo jor Thanksgiving plum pud- ding, mince meat and relishes Speci 2 ls of lard for 235¢. 'Phone 670. Pectnl | the i Canton, ! town, | tion 10 L000 i probably where they enlisted. tthe established customs of warfa | such | very very | diers | plover to-day: "I | two men | the Lup i The 5 0. EDITION COND EDITION NEWS ALSO ON PAGE FIVE. SE COMMERCIAL MATTERS. = What Is Going On In the Business World--The Market News. spend improvements The Pennsylvania crailrond will ward of $20,000,000 on up- this | vear. Aavices received from Canton, China, re- port that the rice crop of that district is a failure. The - chief during the in groceries in Montreal been the introduction of a cheaper grade of granulated sugar by the refineries. The Erie adopted heque system, which has 'been Pacitic time past. Butter and cheese exports from Montreal to Britain last Butter, 26,856 packages! and cheese, 97,228 boxes, much in excgss of the exports the week a year interest week has the vogue railway has pay on Grand Trunk rail in Canadian and wavs for some week : during same avo . Cheese sales: Cornwall, 1lic. to llc: N.Y., 113c. to 1lic.;: Belleville, 113cs: Cowansville, Que., 11jc. 3-16c.: London, 114c. to 113c.; Water- N.Y, llc. 113c. Canadian Grocer 11 to 5-16¢. 11 0 to An the broom corn crop ES. the plant found twenty-five per cent. lo than The stock left over from for- the smallest since 1899, estimated that all Dominion Iron & Steel The investiga says: has been made of of Ilinois, and was fully year be ss last old mer It ol vears is four furnaces will and that should now is the company 15th, & Stecl.company 1st the be in operation by November Dominion Iron oft not the finished proposi- the start January as a will, hurried. Dominion Cagl, com with that for September was the largest of the The not only assure of surplus, tion, counting steel "rail completion of which not being Those interested in mon, stock will learn satisfaction the the nroperty output in earnings of the the hut to Dominion history mine. guaranteed magnifi the o& eight cent., which gwill ¢ of the urities dividend per a cent o increase intrinsic value Iron Steel company's REDUCING THE FORCE. South African Constabulary Falls From 10,0C0 to 6,000. A friend of one of the Kingston bhovs who is serving with the South African Constabulary has recently received an interesting letter from him. The writer states that the constabulary is being reduced from 10000: C0 6.000) The best men for mountéd work will be sent to Swaziland the na tives are beginning to give the British considerable trouble. . 'The 4,000 men whose services will be no longer re quired. are the least fit of all the 1v,- previously under. arms, and will include not a few colonials. They, it is said. are being discharged in South Africa, instead of being turned home, or at "least to the place If this it is and one contra to . To with little men. where re Is sa, a grievous fault dischar 1.000 me wl no upon a country already . overburdened with population would render confu worse confounded. It would be a unwise thing for the country, and ungenerous treatment for the sol have fought the empire's o well and so long. soldiers, vi occupations, sion who battles There Will Be Trouble. There is likely to be trouble hetiwveen painters and their employees next spring. The men demand a dav of 'ight hours, with a minimum wace of which means a mas#fflum of about > instead of 31.90 as at present. The result will be that "boss paint { ers will refuse to-take contracts. and a | dearth of work will follow. The Bosses are asked to accept nine clauses of an wement, which prohibits their ep- ploving non-union or aidine non union men in anv wav. Said an em will not agree to the conditions --for--one. Iwill elose wp my business first and take a vear's vacation before 1 agree such' un reasonable terms. The men have gone men, to | a step too far. Look here. A painter's equipment is supposed. to consist sule, putty and knife, of a pair of paper | shears and a ¢lasz cutter. Out of the two dozen men whom I emplov, only _have that simple equipment. en supplving equipment for others at a large outlav. every vear, Now they want 8: a dav, when some of them. cannot earn 81.50," I have Twenty Per cent. Discount. At noon to-day a reply was received from C. W. Spencer, of the C.K. and K. & P. railroads, regarding rates on cord wood to be sold by the city council to the deserving poor, Mr. Spencer quoted twenty per cent. count on freight rates on all wood brought over these roads to the city for purposes, Tr fren dis charitable Bibby's. Our "Westminster."' Westminster overcoats to the last tick of stvie. 815, SII, 812.50, H. D. Bibby Co. Bibby's. are right the clock in $12, 810, SN, Mallory Hats. Another shipment to-day of the "cream of the fashion," two shapes in soft and two in hard, very swell. Jen kins. CAPILLI FORMA WONDERFUL HAIR PRODUCER. vents failing: and gray hair. Cures Dandruff, EK ema and Neuraigia, Head and Face Ma sage. © Ladics shampooed at home il desired 'Mme. Hider, New York, 166 Princess St, < PRE- COMMERCIAL. MONTREAL STOCKS s Camadinn Pacific Canabian Pu Duluth SS. Duluth SS, Tokdos L. s Rlietru Street T City Tyan Reh ® ONE NG Le Cnatedd Comuoi St wi J Steel & Caml i ¥ Take Angier's Emulsion in the Summer. If you have weak lungs or con. sumption make your fight against the disease during the summer. Physicians advocate fresh air, mo- derate exercise, and plenty of nu- tritious food. A valuable adjunct to this treatnient, is Angier's Petroleum Emulsion. It promotes a healthy appetite, puts the digest- | ive organs in a condition to digest andvassimilate 'food--thus greatly improving nutrition. bowels in a ndrmal condition so that pills and aperients are unnec- hoe It is pleasant to take, agrees with the stomach, restores health and vitality. All drugoitts sell it. . ANGIER CHEMICAISCO., BOSTON, MASS. | building | Mhow, Laliet. ak Win i ak It keeps the | { Beard from in the next TARTE IS OUT. IS NO LONGER A CABINET MINISTER Wrote Best Wishes Saying Most of His Colleagues Had Been Kind to Him -- Preferred Freedom. Cttawa, Oct. 21.--Hon. Mr. Tarte is no Jonger a member of the govern- ment. His sent to Sir Wilirid Lauri day was accepted by the premier. The minister in his letter to the premier pointed out that the objections to his utterances on the tariff raised by Sir Wilfrid, himself, led to his resignation. Mr. Tarte's written in friendly strain, wishing Sir Wilfrid speedy restoration to health and con: wel- HE He resignation was r, vesterday, and to- letter was veyving his wishes for the future fare of his colleagues, "most" of whom had becn kind to him. . Mr. Tarte said he preferred freedom of speech to even the great honor of being a minister. Sir Wilfrid's Reply. In his letter of acceptance Sir Wil- frid points out that the consequence of his attitude led him to inform his excellency that he would, of necessity, have td demand Mr. Tarte's resigna- tion of the portiolio. 8 Wilfrid pointed out that the minister's action was such as to impede the progress of constitutional government and entire- ly at variance with custom. Mr. Tarte, the premier point: out, should have brought his views before the cabinet with a view to getting unanimous consent and in failing to do that he would have to conform to the views of the majority or resign. Not until he did this was he free to address the public. Sir Wilirid said- that this was not a time to discuss the economic side of the question and thanked Mr. Tarte for his kind expresdons regard- ing his health. Sir Adclphe Caron's Opinicna. Montreal, Oct. 21.--Sir Adolphe Car- on, who came down from the capital, spoké of the political situation and states that there must be cab inet changes before the present situa- tion is relieved. He says that Sip Wilfrid Laurier seems to be consider- able upset by the Tarte affair, but he loubts if he fully realizes the situation vet. some A Literary Evening. The Epworth League of Swvdenham Street Methodist church conducted a "literary evening." last night. The league's prithary "Lift Up' was the | attraction of the evening, The editors read their various papers as follows : Miss Hattie Chown, editor-in-chief, gave a synopsis of the" work: Mr. Wellwood, a paper on literary matters: Miss M. | Dunlop, a paper on Epworth League | news: Miss V. Norris, a paper on Sun- | day School news; A. BD. McRae, a pa- | per on science; Dr. Gage, a paper on art: Charles Anglin, a pader on wit | and wisdom, and Harvey Milne con- | ducted the ad department. The latter | was 'a very interesting novelty, and i alvertised the wares of a number of | merchants in striking manner. Rev. Dr. Philp conducted a question draw- er. The attendance was large, and a profitable and pleasant evening re- sulted. Funeral Of Mr. Harkness. The funeral "of - the late William Harkness took place on Monday after- noon, and was one of the largest seen in the city for some time. Over half a hundred rigs were in line; and am- ong those who followed ~ the remains to their last resting place Were in- cluded almost butcher in the | city. The service was conducted at the house by Rev. John Boyd, of Zion church, and this was followed hy a short service at Cataragui cemetery, where the remains were placed in the vault, The = palt-bearers were old friends of the deceased's, viz," M. Walsh, John McColl. W. H. Reid, An thony McGuire, John Gibson and | John Haliner. . | every A Remarkable Prisoner.- Woodstock, Oct. 20.--A man who said his name was Witham kingston and that he was from Dublin, Ireland, | was in the police court to-day. On | Saturday he demanded food of a citi zen and, finding fault with the itr wa# cooked, cleared the house of its inmates, and was only arrested after a desperate struggles When taken into | custody he had in his possession eight pairs of shoes and a big bundle of | umbrellas. The prisoner was remanded for trial. way | } to News From Chen-Tu. BR. Kk. from Kilborn received letter to-day his brother, Rev. Dr. 0. l.. Kilborn: at = Chen-Tu, China. A month ago the missionary wrote that with his ily he was going to the mountains the summer, and that the section the country he was co ing to free of Boxers, To-dav's letter he onlv was out of the CHyY a k when he was recalled, as the uprising had greatly. extended, Dr. a tor ol was We Enlarging The Institution. An be House to f the main building. In the will he located bath the men, clothes rooms, te. The plans for the been tared bv Archi for the work built he will Providence, addition to located the of mn the rear new rooms fon compartment Store rooms. o have Nmith. pri tect will and call soon he Off For Som1' land. India, Oct 21.--The Bombay, - Grenadiers, stationed Central India, have dered to Nomalilanids Oghe probably Simla, Second al been troops will or follow. } About 5th attended the shan on Meoitdave night wdey. The' « that Canada's die to the liberal par . bevond Mr. conservatives rsons eg Hon. leader perity tv, but ontrol of 4 said the syronger tha Ril. | declared was not ou position | pros to the « Monk were Kee ever and would be oe prevalent about tion Glanders are oud | "wa, Hull, and Carleton Place. | {with the combination just formed will { der, land repeat the aet. Then to the next, { made. Then the «students settle down {for i rooms, while they watch other people | physicians invited i pears in the Chic i O00 wma ireet, {cense { winter, THROUGH T-"E CAMPAIGN. A -Kingstonian Returns From Th Philippines. Francis Keenan, one of Vthe -two Kingstonians who served in the Span- ish-American war, has returned to the city. The other was Patrick Hughes, who returned nearly a year ago. Young Keenan will be remembered by many Kingstonians, especially the members of the 14th Regiment, in which he served for some time.= Dur- ing the fighting off Cuba, he served as second gunner on a nine-inch gun on the battleship Indiana. He was REV. DR. WASHINGTON GLADDEN, Presiding officer at the American Missionary Association. Convention. through the battle of Santiago ana in other engagements in which the blockading fleet participated. In 1899 he went with his vessel to the Philip- pines, and was shortly afterwards transferred (to the battleship Chicago. He was present at many engagements with the Filipinos. Six weeks ago Keenan left the Philippines, arriving in New York three weeks ago, He re- ceived honors from the Brooklyn navy vard for attention. to dutv and for aptness in firing. After 5 short visit at his old home, Mr. Keenan contem- plates 4 trip to China. ENTERPRIZING MAN Head of One of Largest Concerns in States. Chicago Cunadian-American. We herewith present the portrait of a well-known Canadian and business man "of this city. J. H. Mcllroy, the newly elected president éf the Mell- roy-Jennings Galvanized Iron Cornice company, whose place of business is at 1519-21 State street. Mr. Mcllroy is a native of Kingston but" since ISSO has been as: with his brother, Robert Mecllrov. Under the amalgamation of numecrons interests in the same line of trade, Mecllrov Bros. have undertaken some of the lareest building contracts in the state, and entertain propositions from anv part of the United States. The subject of 'this sketch is a great big hearted Ca-« nuck, as full of business a nut full of meat, stands six feet high, and is one of the most commanding fio ures to. be found anywhere in the state, and is always brimful of nature with a hearty greeting for all. Tt qualities such as he is possessed of that has helped to bring about the successful business interests of Mellrov Bros... and which to a decree made James: H. Mcllrov head of the now largest concern of its kind in'the Un- ited States. - ---- And Of Such Is Life. Now doth the busy church commit- tees begin to prepare receptions to the college students. The pastor tells them they will be welcome to the church; the Sunday school and the prayer-meeting, ete. The fine "feed" the ladies have prepared is then in or- and the students are led up to it like lambs to the slaughter. And vea and verily, they .do-slaughter -it ! "Fhen--thev-go--to-the next "reception" as is the. been and so on, ad infinitum, until round of all the chuf¢hes has the winter and Sunday morn- ings smoke the pipe of peace in their on aoing to church. Such is life. Witnessed By A Kingstonian. Br. W. FE. Kidd, Public School Inspector City; wo of Chicago, son of Kidd, of this a small dumber of to witness the op- eration performed. upon little Miss Lolita Armour, crandchild oi Phil. Yrmonr, the Chicaco millionaire. The picture of the Kingston dactor ap- " papers. The op- eration rred to was per- formed by Dr. Adolf Lorenz, professor in the University of Vienna. and was overcome a natural © deformity in the hin 'oint.. I the operation is suc- cessful the professor is lo yeceive $20. front the mothe the child. He has performed soveral similar opera-e tions on poor children free of cost. ---- Wood And Cattle Market. Alderman Bell claims that the pro- per Pisce for the selling of wood is on the hay market. The by-laws make that provision, and also that the hav | market shall be used as a cattle mar- ket, The lessee intends asking the city council to refuse to Brock street Bagot as a market and to require them to go to the present hav mark- et. He wili alto ask if he has not a vicht to collect toll from the parties selling' horses at the fair grounds. An argument, achinst the latter right claimed, "is that the sale at the fair grounds is an auction, and therefore | in charge of an auctioneer Li entitles him to sell he pleases, one YO above ol to allow wood sellers nse above whose Ww her © Deimel Linan-Mesh in the mesh comfortable All Demiel Ih tor health heavy weight ~1/¢=x linen underwear very Jenkins, and ful. » -- . 3 a A Queen'se fonthaller has received British Columbia a mavle leaf fourteen inches long and <ixtéden inches wide. (He will wear it next Satur diy"s match here, | Capt. Michael Sheehan, New York, appointed to the police foree ip 186s, has retired on his own application. Heavy Heece lined underwear worth , for oU¢. Jenkins, trom at Te sociation is meeting in Washington. is likely to be Hon. mier of Quebec. row, greet the premier. the proposal to charge a $50 license fee for laundries. naut,* has twenty-s garding the extension of the Pontiac railway to connect with the C. P. R. line. Roland B. Molineux, charged with the murder of Mrs. Katherine J. Adams, has been completed. road have decided to accept 'the position of the company to arbitrate the question in dispute. has been accepted by the Royal Lawrence yacht club from chester club, of Manchester, Mass. hospital at Maritzburg, suffering from consumption. He belongs to Montreal. the mode of hauling grain at William is imperfect that Port Arthur elevators have to be used, .moter of the Canadian Stores scheme, The City, quest of apother negro. ed by the grand jury on the charge of a $47,500 bribe for members of sorted to a novel and quently agog with excitement. the prizes of all kinds, from a fully furn der, carrying a copy of the paper. As the orders has | which gentlemen get a pair of stavs, | chemisettes, ete., while ladies receive walking sticks, pipes and other mas culine articles. The desived pesylt, an { increased i ed. one cor two things in mind, says Shoe and Leather Gazette. One is that if they are big women they have right fort feel end sister she small for her she does | S17, more its overtight covering amd, lumps shoe out of shape ju no time at all NEWS OF WORLD TELEGRAMS FROM THE FOUR . QUARTERS OF EARTH. -------- Matters That Interest Everybody --Notes From all Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered by the Dear Public. The Canadian Ticket Agents' As- It is said that mr. Tarte's successor Mr. Parent, pre- The federal cabinet will meet to-mor- Monday's session was only to The Toronto city council voted down Spencer, a London aero- made trips of thirty and miles in his airship. No decision has been reached yet re- Stanley At New York the jury in the trial of The strikers on the Hudson Valley pro- A challenge for the Seawanhaka cup St. the Man- Pte. 12. A, 1th Canadian Clarke, Mounted "CC" company, Rifles, is in men complain that Fort result Manitoba grain with the Gen. Booth travels free on the Ca- nadian railways and in a private Pull- man, put at his disposal by , wealthy admirer of the army in the United States, Lord Melgund, son of Lord and Lady Minto, who left Canada a short -time ago via New York, with Hon. A. and Mrs. Elliott, it is announced, is going to Eton. Lord Aberdeen is not the chief pro- of London. His name appears on the prospectus merely as trustee for the debenture holders: * Would-be murderers attacked a bro- ther and sister living in a lonely spot near Wolcott, N..J., on Sunday night. sister may. die as the result of wounds oii the head. There a prospect Rev. Dr. Courtice giving up the editorship of the Christian Guardian at the close of the vear. If he does Rev. G. J. Bond, Halifax. will then assume the office. Charles Young, a negro murderer, was burned at the stake at Forest Ark., on Monday night. lhe mob took the prisoner from the jail and. burned him., Then they went in = ot At cian, Kdward Butler, Louis the millionaire politi- has been indict- paying to Delegate Charles P. Kelley the House of Delegates combine. < A highly rected resident of Hull, Que., Mrs. Edward Corbeill, died sud- denly on Monday night, at the resi- dence of her son-in-law, Mr. Cimon. She was seized with syncope of the heart. She was a sister of Mor. Rou- thier and Justice Routhier. Three of ker sons are priests. = He Got His Text, All Right. Chicago Reeord-lleraid. - I once heard 5 minister who boasted from his pulpit that he was able to preach from any text in the bible ofi- hana. without thought or other pre- DRESS GOODS. We Are Now Showing a Larger and More Varied Stock of DRESS MATERIALS Than Ever Befoie. ¢ Will not spot w ta rain, rich, soft finish. Colorr, Black, Brown, Navy, Hunter's Green. Mode Shade, correct weight for Tailor-made Price 75c. Costume. 62 inches wide. English Venetians, In 8 fall shades, 7&c. and 99e. All-Wool Homespuns, New soft finish. Colors, Black, Navy, Mid Grey, Dark Grey and Browns. 64 inches Price 75c. - All-Wool Serges, 26¢., 8&c, 89¢ , 450, bbc, The. English Broadcloth Suitings, New fall colors, $1, $1.25, $1.49, are three special values. Fancy Materials for Waists. Fvney bilk and Wool Goois, Fancy Flan- nels, Fancy Serge Stripes. wide. ¢ These Butterick Patterns for November Ready. LAIDLAW'S. | | | | | | rien Z paration, and, as a test of his talent in extemporancous speaking, he invit! ed his congregation the next Sunday morning to hand in any texts - they would" like" him to preach from. when he would show them what he was able to do. In order that he might not be suspected of surreptitious. pre- paration., the passages of ipture were to be written upon ships of pa- per, sealed up in envelopes, and placed upon the pulpit immediately before the opening of the service. The next Sunday morning the pas- tor came bounding in, pride and conli dence gleaming in his eyes, and found a number of sealed envelopes lying upon the big bible. After the prelim inary service he called attention to them, and said he would preach from the text contained in the envelope that lay on the top of the pile. The remainder he would reserve for future Sabbaths. Tearing it open, he uniold ed a slip of paper and read the words. once aadressed to the prophet Ba- laam : "Am I not thine a -------- A Parisian Scheme. Le Matin, which "vellow™ newspaper SC is regarded -as the of Paris, has re- circulation scheme the French metropolis is conse- Each day a dozen members of the staff of Matin go abput the city distrib- wr Time 105 Lad equire EVENING SLIPPERS We Have Them in Colonial and Other Makes. Sv toe THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE. uting envelopes containing orders for ished house to a box' of tooth to pow the people whom they meet for the "surprises" tained in envelopes, been caused are amusement the fashion in con- creat by circulation is hoje phtain For Women With Big Feet. with Jarge feet"should bear the Women no' to expect ty have very small | A woman fiye feet six inch ht feessential to a foot nine and |? third inches Jong. ib. night be.} little 8 longer making her | that the world to an | Another large fgoted | should that SGUeezes mto a not disguise 11s aid without Was thing et foot coming he recol her when show too Henderson. NOTICE Is hereby given the public tha ! I purpose making it warm for all | persons using my coal next wins ter. Your order is solicited. P. WALSH 55-57 Barrack St. "A DOsy Bright Fire elow and intense heat of our Coal will make itesl! felt with plonsure during the I. | | Is served every place where good goods are sold. Sole agent of Kingston, J. S. On the contrary. she maked this apparent. The foot spreads in! ont ! vl wrong place ar stretehes | ples, th J IL. Sutherland, Kingston, cold weather. It's just the hind te oooh with, 400. Let us Bll your bin with BOOTHS COAL. 'Phose 183, Foot 1 West Street, THE SKIRT SPECIALTY CO. DRESS SKIRTS MADE TO ORDER. SAM- Designs, Materials, etc Call on Miss Cor. Brock and Barrie Sta.