THE DAILY WHIG. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28.. ~ We Can't Sell Coal But we can and THE 5 2.1. EDITOR. SECOND EDITION NEWS ALSO ON PAGE FIVE. = COMMERCIAL MATTERS. do sell the nicest gn 4 15 Going On In the Business 'COAL OIL HEATER in town for Heat your room in a few minutes and save your Coal bill; AT MITCHELL'S HARDWARE, 87 PRINCESS STREET. Our Coal i= as Clean as Though It Were Wash- ed and Brushed. EACH LUMP STANDS BY ITsEls GOL solid ocoal-s0 much wolid fire. After coe reaches the surface of the from th mines, impurities are picked cut by hana Thereafter it is screened several times befor it reaches vou, and dirt, slate, eto, reall have no chance, if the dealers are careful pe a er NB Foot of Queen St.--'Phone 9. SAVE YOUR COAL. pipes and heaters Cover your with HOOPER'S ASBESTOS CEMENT. Thus save fuel and. get better distribution of heat. REQUIRES NO EXPERIENCE TO APPLY. Send card to our address stating surface to cover and we will advise you amount of material required and price. HOOPER BROS., * ®=osx STREET. TO-LET. 7 ROOM HOUSE, 266 JOIINSTON STREET, Apply 248 Division Street. furnaces, COMMERCIAL. MONTREAL STOCKS, Pacific fic, Canadian Canadian Pac baluth SS Duluth SS. Iolo L Montrea Toronto Hali'ax St John St, City Transit al Rall Pelephol Montreal Power Dom. . Steel Dom, S Nova Scotia Steel Intircolonial Coal Intercolonial Coal, Dominion Coal, Merchants Bank Merchints Bank of Halifax Foronto Ban we Bank Union Bank Imperial Bank lochdaga Bank Pref. (00 000 EE 120 130 000 iy NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE Uniom Pacific St. Paul Manhattar B. R. Transit Ho Southern Western Frie Reading MN OY.C Louis. & Nash Pennsylvania RR Pacific Union foanas Wo Atchison ra Col. 1. & F. American Loco. Amal. Copper " In | | | i City Powe World: --The Market News. Australia $93,000,000 worth of wool a year. Close oh 8GO cars of daily 'at Fort William, more boats, The Bank {ranches at beri, NW.T The London stock Saturday, October ward drive week recently landed at Liverpool from ith 4,076 cattle, 6,600 sheep, rease ,iS8 wuarters of teef. supplies grain are arriving and the cry is for of Uttawa Emerson, has ducided to open Man., and Prince Al- exchange will be closed 25th, the dav King Ed state through London fourteen steamships ports, sheep is to in ong Canadian 71732 and Washington Department of Agriculture's of the crops -of the world owing to the remarkably the harvest of 1902 considerable portion of Europe is one of the shows Jd wet a summary , that, summer, cool an ~hrowrhout latest on record. Pig ! according Trad two million of last vear and per cent.more than in. 1900. Amony of the coffee. trade there a growing disposition shown to look for _a viekl from the present. crop of 10,000,000 to 10.50 this year will amount, computations of The Iron 15,21¢.326 tons, which is more than ghe consumption five million tons, cr forty iron consumption to th Review, to tons some is believe will The the indications which th. hicher contends 000 bags, slightly re- prices. bear in- that 12,000,000 bags. been organized at Detroit Paper Mills company, stock of $8,000,000. The Edward V. Douglas, Philadelphia; Ste. Marie, Frank J. be It in t. however, are for a crop of about There Great capital tors are; Frank S. (lergue, the a incorpora- Philadelphia; H. meron has Lakes with Francis Ont; C Hecker, the Lewis, Sault Detroit; mills will Detroit. United Currie, The States located at Soo. Medical College Elections. Queen's medical students have elect- ed these officers for the Aesculapin Society and the Concursus Iniquitatis Virtutis : Aesculapian Society--Honorary pre sident, Dr. Herald( acclamation): pre sident, (i. H. Ward (acclamation); Vice pres ide nt. A. D. Falkner; secre Tiel: assistant secretary, n: treasurer, M. MeGoni- L. Pannell, "03, 1. F. Hogan, "05 o committee, l.. A. Labrosse, ' Mr. Thornton, ('oncursus justice, J. E. Mc- Cambridge: j . A. H. Leonard, W. S. Murphy: senior prosecuting attor- nev, J. B. Porter (acclamation): juni- or proseevting attorney, J. V. Galli (acclamation): medical experts, D. Houston, DD. McCarthy; A. Ferguson; clerk, J. W. S.J. Keyes: constables, Hourigan, * 05, and Warren, '06: Staley, Laidlaw, Smith, Spooner, sher Goodfe tow. Messrs. and erier, Ranlall Messrs, Shannon grand jury, M Costello, Driscoll, Bell, Templetom. and | Fell In The Dark. along in the dark last Hanley met with an the corner of William and at f point where street sidewalk are not on a surface caused Nr. severe Wi evening, accident King crossing level. 'the Hani Vv to shaking up an overcoat He had over chanee in his pocket silver was scattéred over lost. William Dunnett ame place, ile ¢ at streets, and uneven fall and In addition and 5 pair receive a he destroved of trousers. one dollar in small and the small the road and also fell at the At The Grand. city on Wednesday, the greatest. musi touring Canada. Coming to our Oct. 29th, will be cal attraction 'now The attraction known as Giannoi- ni's Royal Marine Band of Italy and Grand Opera company. They will give us a band concert by fifty of Italy's finest musicians and grand opera by the world's greatest singers. Militia Orders. 17th (Frontenac) onal Second Lisutenant having failed to qualify, his name remo the list of officers. To he wit, provisionally, I. of. Regiment- --Provisi- R. E. Wagar, on nd diput A. Belch: Long And Loose. way our Fit Best orey meltons, Reform |i, That's the new ats hang. 315. Jenkins. Si2 ontractor in the Last Toronto, buildings, was and. Lto-uav. met the contractors, and with them the details re- the taking over of ithe build- Ww. 'l for Que Tat, he Svmons, Ss new ivht nm carding in. | pany, T.. L. .L.. Lewis, Toronto, inspector for the Neethern Life Insurance com- is in the citv.on a bwsiness trip. reeman Britton, editor of the Gan anoque Reporter, was a city visitor 1 1 3 to-day. This Label Marks The Finest Custom Made Clothing GSTON.ONT And is Favorably Known to Men Who Wear Good Clothing. There must be extraordinary ed .the ur:natched reputation merit in clothes that have achlevr- en) oyed by Livingston's Clothing. There is not a customer in the city but who has been the purchasing of The ob other chaanels is so much to clo" ==they nxe worn---~but to x label--so that they place, but insist on 'prices the lowest. will getting the extensive advert well knov Pr fa: not take t bettered ivingston Ss Clothing. nth s 'ever good elothds a ; the Sivingst n Bros. in their clothes t Our Fit guarant eed, LIVINGSTON BROS, 15- I SROCK ST £1 cessful r 1 B ben MYSTERY STILL, DEATH PREVENTS SOLUTION OF NOTED ASSAULT. Mrs. Ada Gilbert Dennis Dies of Her Injuries Without Reveal- ing the Name of Her Assail- ant. . Washington, Oct. 23.--Mrs. Ada Gil- bert Dennis, the victim of one of the most mysterious assaults in the his- tory of the District of Columbia, died at the Garfield Hospital in this aty vesterday. With her death the last hope of a solution of the mystery has disappeared. Mrs. Dennis came here from Gettys- burg, Pa., and married Walter Dennis, a WashinBton actor. She was found December 10th last insensible in her bedroom. Her skull was crushed. Various theories were advanced as to the motive of the erime, but no de- finite clew was ever obtained. Rob- bery was suggested, but the idea was rejected, for $100 on the table had not been taken hy her assailant. In one of her semi-rational moments she ex- claimed : . "It's a woman." Subsequently she made contradictory statements. She never recovered sufficiently to talk ra- tionally. DINED BY CANADIANS. Minister of Militia Has Left Bos- ton For Ottawa. Joston, Oct. 23.--Sir Frederick Bor- den. Canadian minister of militia, so- journing in Boston for a week or was given a complimentary dinner by the executive committee of the Cana- dian Club. Informal remarks were made by the distinguished guest and several members of the club, the topic touched 'upon relating chiefly 10 the political. trade and social conditions in Canada. Sir Frederick spoke of the reat increase of Canadian trade and predicted wonderful growth in the next ten vears. He stated that it is only 5 matter of time when the nopu- lation of Canada will be ten millions instead of. the present five or six mil lions. Henry W. Patterson. president of the club, presided, and those present in cluded Hon. Joseph I. Stewart, Dr. tobert H. Upham, Charles H. Mcln tyre, Rev. W. 8S. kev, Joseph Ben nett, J. 1°. Masters, R. Minard, br. John W. Lewis, Dr. Robert Provan. F. 8S. Risteen, 'Dr. W. B. McVey, J. Whitman Bailey and Thomas F. An- derson. Sir Frederick Borden has left for Ot- tawa. He has received many social and official attentions during his stay Upon his visit to Harvard Col- as the guest of President Eliot he entertained hv the Canadian faculty. S0, was members of the SETTLERS FOR WEST. An English Clergyman Has an Ambitious Scheme. Winnipeg, Oct. 23.--Among the many movements that have for their object the settling of Canada's vacant lands with people of British stock, not the least important is that inau- curated by Rev. Isaac Barr, M.B., To!- lington Park, London. Mr. Barr's latest project is more am- bitious than he has yet undertaken. He hopes to bring out in the spring fully two thousand settlers, whom he will personally conduct to a location in the territories, selecting. which he is at present, in the Canadian west. The settlers will be in the fullest sense representative, while the majority of them will have had agricultural ex perience in Britain, there will also he numbers of artisans; merchants and professional men. Mr. Barr is at pres: ent in Winnipeg, conferring with Come missioner Smith, as to the of the coming settlement. Tn all bhability a tract of country to the west | the | of Edmonton will be reserved for new colony. Mr. Barr is expected leave Liverpool early in March. to LAURIER IN MONTREAL. Chatted With Janes, and Others. Montreal, Oct. 23.--Sir ior arrived in the city from Ottawa, Prefontaine Wilfrid at 11:30 o and, in companv with 8. H. Janes, of Toronto, walked up town from Bonaventure Station to thie Windsor--and-spent-~ome-time with Me. Jtines in his room. At 1:30. p.m. Fe took luncheon with ex-Mavor Pie fontaine, M.P., at St. James' after which he received a number liberal members and supporters, returns to Ottawa to-morrow. A member of the Canadian Manufac- turers' Association in this cityg ds. the authority for the statement that association" has acquired, or is about to acquire, control of a number newspapers at leading points in dominion from the Atlantic to Pa itie, to propagate the policy = of hizher protection and back up Mi Tarte in his propaganda in that di rection. Laur 'clock to-day of He UNWORTHY CHURCH METHODS Being Turned Into a Sort of 'Con- cert Saloon. Windsor, Oat, Oct. 23 Brown; ¢X president thodist conference, in Windsor, statements Sunday- night. Ministers were "in demand who sensational topics in the pul singing 1s being "operat - v : In fact the turned into a sort The funds unworthy metho onomical Rev. All Toronto Me stationed sensational He saul: of and now made some discuss pit, and choir ed by operatic church was of concert by and money to soloists, being saloon. were is wiy was for the congreg it. and it freely. raised easiest most ec raise tion give give To Assassinate The Sultan of Chief klmer, department, underwent operation on Wednesday for inflammation." To-day considerably 1mpron son of fae Elmer, fire a after- his is vol. ' location | pre » 1 Club, ! the | would | The | to THE HIGHEST .YET. Cheese Sold To-Day on the Board For ,1lje. Kingston, Oct. 23. This afternoon's meeting of the Frantenac cheese board was largely attended. The usual co- terie of buyers were present. Bidding opened at lllc, but was soon raised to 11}e., the highest paid on the board vet this year. However, many of the salesmen refused to sell at this price. The following factories boarded their make : White--Cataraqui, 35; Cold Springs, 65; Gilt -Kdge, 30; Hinchinbrook, 25; Model, 60; Silver Spring, 30; Glen- dower, 25; Howe Island, 30. 'l'otal, 300. Colored--Forest, 70; Glenburnie, G0; Glenvale, 35; Maple Leaf, 60; Ontario, 52; Pine Hull, 30; Parham, ; Rose Hill, 35; St. Lawrence, 635; 'Thousand lslands, 50; Elginburg, 70; Wolfe Isl and, 40: Frontenac, 30; Granite Hill, 35. Total, 687. The following sales were made : To Alexander--Cataraqui, Glen- burnie, Gilt Kdge, Hinchinbrook and Maple Leaf. To Bissell--Granite Hill, Ontario, Rose Hill, Silver Spring and Thou- sand Islands. To Murphy--Elginburg, Howe and, Wolfe Island and Forest. Before bidding took place Mr. Mac- Kinnon read a letter from H. B. Cowan, secretary of the Eastern On- tario Dairymen's Association, refer- ring to the convention recently held, Mr. Cowan also forwarded sample copies of the Ottawa Valley Journal, containing reports of the convention. James Martin, Cushendall, presided at to-day's meeting) of the board, while W. Woodman, Wolfe Island, acted as "marker." 1Isl- GOLDWIN SMITH'S VIEW. Hon. Mr. Tarte Deliberately Courted Dismissal. Toronto, Uct. . 23.--Dr. Goldwin Smith, in conversation with a re- porter, held that there was no other course open to Sir. Wiifiid Laurier than to request the resignation of the minister of public works. "ht a perfectly well understood principle," he said, "that a prime minister has the right to call for the resignation of any member of the gov- ernment. What 1 do not quite under- stand, and what does not seem to me to be in accordance with constitution- al pringiple, is Sir Wilirid Laurier po ing lirst to the governor-general. I should have thought the first thing to do was to call for Mr. Tarte's resigna- tion, and then take it to the govern- or-general. This is more than a tech- nical point, as it involves the ques- tion whether the Sorerautzenore] i to say who is or who is not to be a member of Sir Wilfrid Laurier's cabi- net." "Was there any to the premier ?"' ed. "No, I think "The so idarity quite essential. Mr. Tarte had broken all the rules of cabinet government. He must have known he was doing it. He deliberately courted dismissal as plainly as a man could do it." is 1s other course open Dr. Smith was ask- * he replied. the ministry not,' of 1s GUN HELD AT HIGH ANGLE. Boy Acquitted of Shooting An- other With Intent. Cornwall, Ont., Oct. 23.--At the as- vesterday Hugh Cameron, 3 boy of Sixteen, was acquitted of the char of shooting with intent to injure. He fired ua shotgun in his father's orchard and one of the shots hit and slightly injured gu next-door boy, who had been stealing apples. There had been trou hle between the families, but not be- tween the children. The" boy swore that defendant knelt down, aimed the oun directly at him, ana said : will fix vou now," and fired. Defend- ant said 'he stood. up and. fired "the i to unload it. Capt. Magwood, of the 59th ment! proved that the gun could not carry 250 féet, [the distance apart of the boys, unless pointed "at a high angle, sizes Regi- RUSSIAN™PRESS IS MUZZLED. Prohibits Publication authorized News. Petersburg, Oct. "20, (via don, Oct, 23.)--New sceret press lations, issued by the ministry of the interior, prohibit the publication of any information about government ; matters. not previously ofhcially pub lished, The newspapers are" also ab- solutely forbidden to make any refer- encesto such subjects as China, Rus sian agents? Persia, the deportation of | political offenders, political agitators jot other countries, strikes, epidemics, police, petitions, to the czar: attempt- ed suicides, Tolstoi, and scientific in- | telligence. of Un- St. regu of | thi | the | Mines Re-Opened. Wilkesharre. Pa., Oct. 23.--The min- { ing of coal by union miners was re- | sumied in the Wyoming valley this morning. There was much activity at | all of the collieries, but owing to the i condition many of the mines full quota men could not be em- ploved. Readin Be collierie opened to-dav, lv 'heéean work of of of Oct. 23.--Nearly this district re and the miners active- getting out coal. were ~ Go To The Front. Simla. "India. Oct. 23. Ind Bombay Grenadiers hav Infantrv. Regiunent, sailing Somaliland - to-day: field hospital will for the same destination, Sa turday. The 29th Baluehis have also been warned to he in readiness, / desiaes the and the Bom for a sail Extension Of Policy. : France, Great have made the Bri an military Paris, tain and ont Germany for providing 8 Shanghai ' Cathe inolithie tl yy "Prince <, but ywund it v cet one. It is the crossings | cause the trouble at that corner, | thev are sunk far below the rails. | Provisional 2nd Lieut., W. D. Hart, the 5th Field Battery, has retired. 2 and nupossibig that as of Lon-' the ! all ! all NEWS OF WORLD TELEGRAMS FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF EARTH. Matters That Interest Everybody --Notes From all Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered :by: the Dear Public. 'The British government will not in- troduce the South African loans bill during the present session of parlia- ment. Lace-making, which flourished a cen- tury ago ih Buckinghamshire, Eng. shows signs of resuscitation in various parts of the county. Hon. Mr. 'Tarte will shortly visit Paris. His wife has been there for some time in ill-health. She will re- turn with the ex-minister. The London Times publishes ex- tracts from "Kruger's Memoirs," die- tated to trusted friends during his en- forced repose at Orangelust. At a meeting of Liverpool magis- trates it was decided that severe pen- alties should be inflicted upon persons using foul language in the street. The people of Great Britain consume less tobacco per head than those of anv other civilized country--only twenty-three ounces to the inhabitant. The bluejackets who in the stages of the king's recent illness carmed him when required, have. been presented with silver watches, engraved with the crown and the roval monogram. The letters "OM." are to be used by the King's command after the names of members of the new Order of Merit. Henceforth the member for the Montrose burghs will be "Mr. John Morley, O.M."' Le Temps, of Ottawa. approves of Sir Wilirid Laurier's action in regard to Mr. Tarte, and says a possible an- pointment is, Mr. Brodeur, and that N. A. Belcourt, M. P. for Ottawa, would be appointed speaker. For a Cornish miner to meet a red- haired woman or to see a hare run across the path ign going to work is an evil omen, and many a man will forfeit a dav's pav rather than go un derground after such a token. For the first time in ten years for- mer Governor David B. Hill spoke Wednesday night in Tammany Hall, New York. The occasion was the rati- fication of the democratic state tic ket. Former President Grover Cleve- land sent a letter expressing regret that a prior engagement prevented his attending. SAW THE GAME. Of ,Football at Watertown--May Play Kingston. Con. Millan returnea this afternoon from Watertown, whither he went to sce * Philadelphia-Watertown football game on Wednesday afternoon. He missed the Cape Vincent boat the pre- vious day, but, not to be daunted, he crossed to Wolie Island, and engaged a skifi in which he proceeded to the Cape. He returned the same way. Mr. Millan describes it as a good game, but still' he prefers the Cana- dian style of game. Between 6,000 and 7,000 spectators were present, and $1,- 000 'must have been taken in at the sate. In the first hali Watertown held their opponents down. Philadelphia discovered that the home team was weak in its centre, and this they bucked throughout the second half, pushing Watertown all over the field and scarcely ever letting them get their hands on the ball. Philadelphia won out by a score of 11 to 5. Mr. Millan is endeavoring ar rance a game there with a Kingston team, the first hali to be played ac cording to American, and the second raing to Canadian, rules. The pro position .was favorably entertained in Watertown. and home and home games will likely be arranged. to CHANGE OF POSTMASTERSHIP W. J. Bowell, Postmaster at Tweed, Steps Out. Rews tn Wednesday last, W. J. Bowell, postmaster at Tweed" for the past twenty-two vears, received notice from the post office inspector's office, King- ston, stating that on an early date the post office at Tweed will be trans ferred from. the charge of W. J. Bowell to 'that of James Murphy: Mr. Murphy is at present having the south store in the old Detlor. "block fitted up for the office. As soon as the changes are completed it is likely that the will be transferred. Tweed oflige Don't You Deny It. You may approximate the stars in a nail keg, hang the ocean on a grape vine to gwv, wipe the nose of a cy- clone with a towel, cut off the tail end of a tornado for a keepsake, put the sky in the ground to soak, un buckle the bellvband of eternity and open up the sun and moon as health resorts, but never be deluded with. the idea that you can escape the other 'side of purgatory if you don't pay for your paper. Notes From Queen's. eshmen's reception takes place on Fridav evening. the 3st. The tennis tournament* takes Place on the Rockwood courts this fall' | those on the university grounds fare | heen cut up hy building operations. it { commences next Tuesday. Electricians have had to he { from Toronto to do wiring in arts' and electrical buildings, electricians are all busy. Che F brought the new as local Abandoned And Fired. Halifax, N.S., Oct, 23. T'he bark | Ble anche, from Newfoundland, has ar here with tweidy five persons, offi the Sweet Brier while bo Newioundland brador, the otic schooner ind. to with summer s ni iJeath 'was cue tween Man The deceased, age, was a formerly of | pital at Brandon, of typhoid fever. tyvieight years of Willigm Crossley, ville. son of Brock neal Coffee 21b. cans) fuses fragrant Coffee Solute purity. your purchase closely. E & SANBORN, ONTREAL AnD BOSTON. Every bean of It is largely CH | | | wr We a terests, watchful of your in- taking advantage of of the market that enables jus to secure the best things af least possible cost and 4. Wefhave just concluded a good sized pufchase at a price that will enable Js to give you something SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY. Read To-Morrow Night's Whig. om da & o 0 ots, ik & aif, good soles, rather high in ankle, - br walking or skating ing Boots, sh Calf Skin, with easy low heel, a most d good-looking boot for morning or after-, Rainy Da M:de of B» very-suitable § English Wa Made of Eng comfortable & . noon wear, The Promael Made of Fi Military or with both 7 F.G. LO i de Boots, » i Bright Kid, with Patent or Kid Tips, ban heel. particularly genteel boot, and comfort. DOROTHY DODD SHOES. QKET 0 su The ideal Beverage JOHN LABATTS - | ondon Porter ~ Full of ihe Virtus of Mall and Hops. i Perfectly Agreeable to the Most 5 Deticate Palate. PARLAND, AGENT, STREET, KINGSTON. a SOLE AGENT .