MAE per a ry > ib : THE DAILY THE WHIG -- 88TH YEAR |» the most effe-tual way. He sug- DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published each | 2¢ ted Mr. Tarte's retirement from the evening, at 306-310 Kinz Street, at $6 per | cabinet, and Mr. Tarte was quick year. tions at 2:30 and 4 o'clock. + : w WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 12 pages; pub- | croagh- to comply with his request. Hehod® every Thursday mornine "at $1 a |, Tariff revision, it is <aid, is in the tached is ome oi te best Job Printing air. That is quite true. Mr. Tarte's work. mine sens ish and -cheaP | |. ial from the government does EDW. J. B. PENSE. PROPRIETOR. | jt imply that the tarifi will not be : ¢ , conside ed and amended by the liberal i i Hk DA ' LY WHIG. government from time to time 'as the » Qpiter rer Orbem Dicor.' circumstances warrant. But it- will The Sherwin-Williams Paints Cover the Earth ---- [only be after the matter has been The S.W. Aumintm Paint. It outranks all similar products in so many respects as to stand practically alone in its field. Its main points of superiority are :-- Velvety lustre. No nauscat ne odor Do su't discolor Withotunds high temperature amd excessive cold Vorft Lister, scale or crack. Great durability. Large coveiing capacity. Fusy working qualities. Tendency to settle reduced to a minimum. FOR SALE AT CORBETT'S. » YOU CAN BUY OUR GOODS Teas, Coffees, Baking Powder, Spices, Etc., in any quantity, large or small, just as you wish. You'll get strength, flavor and purity. You'll get satisfaction. You'll save money. THE STARR CO, 135 WELLINCTON ST. Carriages Carriages EVERYBODY Who has rubber tires on their carriages are well pleased with the ease and comfort they enjoy in driving, if you have not got them on your carriage - you should send to LATURNEY and have them on and enjoy your drives. - JAMES LATUENEY, CARRIAGE MAKER, 390 Princess St. «Kingston. FHA AIISISKASKICISR. % = * & : «CYKO" + PHOTO PAPER 3 PRINTS AT NICHT BY ANY LICHT. 2 Sample dozen, 4 x 5, with { package of Developer and photo, mailed for 25c. 'Seld QUEEN ST. W, . VISE, * tects CANADIAN AGENT. ANH RE oR RAD We Have No Goal But we have samples touched with gold. These are given away with every sule of gas heating stoves, consuming from to 2 oents wor gas per hour. We have sioves from "the natural gas region to displace your HAAAA AANA AA FAAS hall stoye. No trouble: no dust; no 'stor- « mge: cheaper than coal. And we can give vou some light on. the question Hy using the consuming one-half the gas of Kern Burner, the other burners, and giving light. . Oper evenings. "J. W. OLDFIN.** three times Call and inspect. RING STREET. ® | BLINDS, ® a ® * GRILLES, STORM SASHES, WOOD WORKING is. ANGLIN & CO QD rns ans 200000000 and Exterlor 000000000000000000000 AUCTION SALES. SAVE MONEY BY EMPLOYING 'ALLEN:& BROWN, : Auctioneers STRAIGHT BUSINES W. MURRAY, Jr., Auctioneer and Commission Mer- "chant, Market Square. 4 - / a . a p---- MR. BLAKE'S CONVERSION.: The Mail has a few soft and sooth- ing things to say of Hon. S. Blake, K. C., who has become a member of the conservative party. He is conduct- ing the deicnce in ore of the election trials, -and during a passage at-arms with Mr. Watson, K.C., = intimat- ed that'he changed politics because of his personal chagrin.. The Mail haz it that the liberal party has changed. and adopted methods of which Mr. Elake cannot approve. The Blakes were the stalwarts of ijeralism in Canada at a time when it meant much to be liberals. They fought the conservative party when it was abandoned to all that was vici- ous and vile and corrupt at the polls. There is nothing very new in political rottenness so far 'as it is concerned, an! Mr. Blake.cannot have gone over to it in his quest for purity. Men have a right to change their politics, their religion, their friend- ship. - Converts are usually made much of, and they are usvally very enthusiastic. ~~ Mr. Blake, in the last election, refused to support the Ross government. There is a reason for it, anl some day it may be publicly known. In the meantime the Mail will be Mr. Blake a kindness - by ceasing to hold him up as a very sup- doing erior person and one altogether too good for assodation with Hon. Mr. Ross and his colleagues in the covern- ment. p------ A WORD OF COUNSEL. The Royal Templars of Temperance, at the ol maker, has had g discussion, covering the Lest part of two nights, upon the instigation some mischief question of Mr. Ross and the reicren The the premier of his attitude dum. desire is to censure Ontario for towards prohibifion in this province. The motive of those who are not in accord with this motion of censure is questioned by a local print. It does not see the impropriety of the whole proceeging and so does not appreciate the mind that is opposed to the re tolution. Mr. for Tis fully set has offer his attitude for no apology to the referendum. Ross on were which reasons suggesting it out in the addresses preceeded its adoption inathe legisla- Pt- ture. These reasons are quite ac able to every reasonable person. That they are not so acceptable to certain Royal Templars reflects more them than upon the premier. What is to be gained by the motion upon Votes are wanted for the the December of censure ? campaign be- tween ith be devoted to vote making. Will the cen- the conserva- referendum, and now and will sure of Mr. Ross merit tives' support? They are not prohi bitionists, as a party, because their leader is not. Politically nothing is to hi gained, then, "by them. Wiil the elicit the liberals' support ? Assuredly a referenté to censure of Mr. Ross The premier has suffered enough the hands men. and further assault will lead not. indiscreet to already at of oficcts that are perhaps the least to be desired' by the of Temperance. They ought not to took loyal Templars over- this consideration, ---------- THE POINT OF DIVERGENCE. The correspon lence which passed. he i has tween Mr. Tarte and the premi emphasized the one point of diderence Letween them--that the former's of fonce was his proceeding upon the tarifi. question without consultation with his colleagues. Sie Wilfrid ays that had Mr. Tarte been persiiaded hy any circumstances that an increase in the customs" du ties &hould be had without delay he should have laid his views hefore thé to their currence with--his--views--it would have cabinet. - Failing secure con: been his to accept their decisien or part from them. When no longer a minister he could do he pleased about the advocacy of the tariff ques as tion. The conservative press says Sir Wil fiil has with the and against the progressive and pro- te: tionist Sir. Wilfrid, matter of 'fact, has not touched pon do not sided free-traders party. as a to at the value or the opportunenéss of the ec the tariff issve. "1 wish discuss this moment: either nomic theory of which you have con- stituted yourself the champion," says the premier in his letter to Mr. Tarte. "This question, important as it may be, is overshadowed by consideration of much The question is the right of any one mem greater importance." ber of the government to say what he : \ favoured and wanted, to go up and nali Wei is down the coun Rv hich he indire tly, an! reflected upon his collfagues. Even Sire Witrid misreprésentation, | leced that | Fim talk on the tariff, and Mr. Ta: 'had 1: the impression that the pr { lireetly too, himself 'was vsubiceted to for Mr. Tarte al had . beard te the premier mier was not opposed to it. That idea had to he repudiated, and' Sir | Wiifrid and Laurier promptly did it, made the subject of cabinet counsel, after the interests of the country gene- rally have been considered, after act- ion has been unanimously agreed up- on by the government. The constitu- tional mettod of doing business will be followed while Sir Wilirid Laurier and those who co-operate and act with him are in power in Ottawa. EDITORIAL NOTES. Mr. Monk apologized for his non- appearance at more than one political meeting with Mr. Borden in Manitoba. by saving he was "fighting the Phil- istines in his own province," Where ? In his mind. It is suggested that the school teachers organize into a union, and go on strike if they do not get an increase of wages. That would be a unigue proceeding, more unique than effective and profitable. in Ot- pric- Coal is cheaper "than it was tawa. What caused the es ? The possibility of The vard. But would be paying pretty high for their drop in a new sunly of the for it some people 2 9 =~ 1 soon ! INO. presence city coal fuel. Mr. Borden, leader of the conserva- tives, says the duties on agricultural implements are high enough. Mr. Tarte, liberal, says they are not. "Old fashi- oned members of both parties," savs 'the Witness, "will wonder where in the world they are at." Mr. Tarte, in his letter to Sir Wil frid Laurier, testifies that his relations with most of his late colleagues were of the most harmonioys nature. 'lhat puts an end to the stories according Mr. knife and used it on his friends. ' to which Tarte carried a Dr. Hillis of New York, (the preach- er in Plymouth church) is fearing the the world will be at the which acts at the command of a sinele man. and time when mercy of a great organization Dr. Hillis has had a bad dream, perhaps an attack of the mightmare. Sir Charles Tupper, in Winnipeg, at the Borden banquet, declared his conservative Sir belief victory at the next Charles ought to go out of the pro- phecy business. He has not been in "positive in a election." it what the small boy would call an "all-fired success." emt. The Brantford advises Mayor Howland of Toronto to go in- Expositor to other business, municipally,: besides running a coal vard. Tt suggests but- chering and baking ! As if these could be thought of by Mr. Howland. The Expositor talks about him as if he were some common person. According to the Buffalo Times the republican party has given up the fight in New York state, and Bird S. to be the governor by a Coler is farge majority. But there-is no--sign of "weakness "on ~ the part of Mr. De: pew, Mr. Odell, and leaders. li Coler is elected he will be a Bird of special plumage. other republican The Toronto Telegram has it that Sir Wilfrid Laurier is 'afraid of the is sue which Mr. Tarte has raised. Is he? His letter to Mr. Tarte does not in dicate it. Tarifis, as the Telegram knows, are not the product of © one man's will or power. In due time Sir Wilfrid Laurier tariff, and he will be quite equal will deal with the to the emergency. ------------ PRESS COMMENTS Can't Be Pulled Baek. | Toronto Telegram. Lhere appears to strings Mr. Tarte's resignation. on A Happy Thought. Hamilton Herald . : Israel Tarte and Billy Macléan might form a third - party if they could only agree on the leadership. kot, Simply Rot. Torento Mail. It theretorve follows that the disniis- sal of Mr. Tarte is a declaration against the principle of Canada for the Canadians. : 18 Wili's All Right. Toranto News. Maior Maude : welcomed Sir Wilirid to en al. As the. majaw didn't call the ¢ F aown. we gather that he was led 'with Sir Wilinid's deport ment. Bibby's. Oak Hall. Bibby's. "The Westminster" perfectly tailor el overcoats, SS, R10, 12.50, 811, 315. The H. D. Bibby Co. On King's Birthday. Ottawa. Oct. 23 --=The king's birth dav. November 9th, will be observed at salnt tions throughout Can | ada. bythe fring. of sraval sahites. It is not ta be a public holidav. how ever, Mav 24vh "next, being chosen for that purpose instead? . a. The Toronto board of contra! out' to renew negotiations i | radial railways. Col. Drury is in Ottawa to-day in- specting the 2nd Field Battery. | several surrounding properties in Dela | ] | ware | INDIAN EXECUTION v fl ~ ~ WHRIG, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 23 : Ee HANGS SMALLEST ON BROADWAY. - : * . § ¥ A Sight To Be Seen In New i f J ON FRIDAY AT York. : ; ; " 1, : Here is a photograrh of the smallest are & SIOUX FALLS. building on Broadway, not excepting > : x the house-builder's sign, a picture of Avertodembonts Aahe A Dastardly Crime Without Any which appeared on this page some- brag ' : Mitigating Circumstaces -- He tiie apo, ', y g This little building, until recently 7 and v Killed a Woman to Get Her Daughter. Sioux Falls, S.D., Oct. 23.--Arrange- ments are being made at the staw penitentiary for the exceution to=mior- row of Allen Walking Shield, the In- dian murderer recently brought to the prison from Deadwood. The crime for which Walking Shield, who is a notoriously bad and worth- less Indinin, belonging on the Rosebud reservation, must sutier the death pen- alty, was a dastardly one without any itigating circamstances whatever. It was committed last May, the victim being Mrs. Sarah Ghost Face, an In- dian woman. The motive of the crime was the desire of the murderer to pos- sess himsel of the woman's seventeen- vear-old daughter, of whom he was enamored. Mrs. Ghost Face and her daughter, Emily, lived alone at an isolated spot on Little White River, on the northern border of the reserva- tion, the hushand - and father having died some time ago." Walking Shield called at. the house at three o'clock in the morning and awoke the inmates by tapping on the window. The mother arose and asked the unknown what was wanted. The reply of Walk- ing Shield was that he was hungry and wanted to pass the remainder of the nivht under their roof. The wo- man, true to the customary Indian hospitality, dressed herself, unlocked the door and had started wo walk away when Walking Shield entered the room. Without giving the occupants of sthe little cabin the slightest warn- ing he shot the mother twice in the back of the heal with a double-bar- relled shot gun, which he carried, seat tering her brains about the room. He then assaulted the terrified girl and when he left the place he compelled the girl to accompany him. After several hours she succeeded in making hep es ape. Walking Shield was cep- tured after an exciting chase, in which deputy marshals and other white officers and Indian poi emen participated. - PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest News Culled From All Over The World. There is talk of an English lacrosse team visiting; Canada in 1903. Dunkirk, France, continues to be terrorized by the striking dock labor- ers. As a result of heavy floods thirty miles of the old Roman wall at Rome have collapsed. A Toronto lady has generously of- fered to furnish the dining room of the Victoria College women's residence. The members of Jarvis street Rap tist church, Toronto, have accepted the resionation of their pastor, Rev. Dr. Thomas. For snatching a kiss in the street from a nursemaid a young man of Cork, Ireland, has been sent to prison for three months: The Swedish steamer Blekinge with a general cargo on board is a ure at Clmar, Sweden. The crew and passeng- ers have been landed in safety. Frank Mitchell was sentenced at London to five vears in the peniten- tiary for cattle stealing. William Con- nell and © Fred. Butler got-stwo vears cach. Prof. Sidney Howe Short, inventor of the first electric car, operated in the United States, died in London, on Wednesday after an operation for ap- pendicitis. Hon. J. 1. Tarte took farewell of the public works staff in Ottawa on Wed day. Laborers and all were summoned to the ex-minister's office where he gave them an address. Grant Mclean, aged sixteen, son of Col.----William died this morning of peritonitis, which resulted from injuries redeived in a lacrosse match, played in Millbrook a week ago. Three dollars and thirty-five cents per ton-is the price at which the C.D. R. is selling coal--soft coal--to its Montreal employees. Of course those who purchase have to draw the coal home. Col. Tvor Herbert, €.B.; hali-pay, late 'Grenad'er "Guards, has been lected by the liberals of South Mon mouthshire, as parliamentary candi date for the constituency at the next general election. The Crown Bank of. Canada, for which a charter was obtained at the last session of the Dominidn parlia ment is expected to begin operations within a short time. The head oflices will be in Toronto. There was "a bad railway wreck at Cacem, Portugal, on Thursday. Two trains, one from Lisbon and the other from Cintra, collided head on. The carriages of both trains were completely wrecked and many persons were killed and injured. There an extensive fire in neighborhood of Water and streets, Philadelphia, Pa. The. flames began in Lenthar's paper and rag warchouse and have spread since $0 is 11 we the Vime is avenue, Water street and Vine street. King Oscar of Sweden and Norway. has decided. the Samoan controversy in favor of Germany. The controversy | was "relagive to the joint landing of | American and British marihes at | Apia in 1899 to sustain the decree of pe on behalf of the governor | | "more than that he is not now a the Samoan supreme court and end the revolution. Some generous person, concerning whom Mavor Hendrie knows nothing re sident of Hamilton. has sent £ his worshin to be disposed: of" as fol lows" £3.000 to assist 'in building a home for .incurables: {3500 for the Rive' Home, 2500 for the Girls" Home, | 500 for the Hamilton Orphan Asvium, and $500 for the Aged Women's Home « Tangled Relations." | At is impossible to explain in mere words the alluring charm of this, cos] irresistible. T medy. Its fun is don't ask vou to believe me but just ¢ nd see it. "Tangl { Relations' contain more roistering merriment than any of Fis worl writes Louis Gan atx. in Revue des Deux Mondes. At the: Grand on Monday, Oc- | tober 27th. sick | placed in their chairs with a prot occupied as' a cigar store, is No. 1641 Broadway, and is about half way be- tween Fiftieth and Fifty-first streets. It is of wood, about six feet wide by nine high and about nine or ten deep. It hasn't any history "that anybody | knows of, and, unlike the great things lof this world whose greatness makes them famous, it is famous because of its lack of greatness. INSURANCE FRAUDS. Companies Lost Heavily by Graveyard Schemes. New Orleans, La., Oct. 23.--Life in- surance frauds are said to have been discdvered inj the New Orleans district, and Mr. McBride, general solicitor for the American Adjustment Company of New York, reached the city last nicht, the advance guard of a corps of se- cret workers. So far six gravevard cases are said to have been unearthed. Twenty-two fraudulent policies have been traced down. The companies pay- ine the risks have lost between 875, 000 and $100,000. A man would apply for the agency of one of the life insurance companies. He produced recommendations and was appointed. At his suggestion a physician was named as the examiner for the company. The physician © and the agent worked togeth¢r. A policy- holder, who would die sodp was chos- en. The physician passed him, The agent and the doctor paid the premi- ums and the principal was made pay- able to them. In a few months the policyholder died and the proper death certificates were sent to the company and the policy was paid. SICK MEN GOT THERE. And Defeated the Sale of the Dan-| ish Islands. London, Oct. 23.--The correspondent of the Daily Telegraph, describing how the sale of Danish Islands to Urited States was refused ratification, says the result waz doubtful until the last moment as one member had not tak- en a definite stand and it was uncer- tain whether the others of whom there 111 could "attend. These two members, one of whom is seven- ty years oi age and the other eighty seven, have been confined to their beds for many weeks at a place 150 miles away, and indeed, are expected © to die. On Tuesday, however, they were carried into an ambulance carriage. and accompanied hy physicians --avere transported -to the capitol: FThew were met by certain pry ninent anti-sale agitators and were venzin carriag- es to an hotel, where they cere. look- ed after and nursed during the nicht. On Wedneaday morning they were can- ried to the Landsthing hall and * were npt- or at their side to inform them how to vote. were PR-------- AN HOTEL BURNED. And it is Feared a School Teacher Perished. Greenwood, B.C. Oct. The Ho tel Fairview, at Camp McKinney, was completely destroyed by fire early ves terday. 5 Miss Louise Smith, aced twenty, of Enderby, a school steacher, is missing and it is feared was bBurn- 99 23.- | ed. to death. Mr. Mathias, manager of the hotel, jumped from a window and was fatally hurt. Mrs. Mathias . was badly injured. Several of the guests were also badly, if not fatally, hurt, The Hotel Fairview was a large hand- some frame building and contained over one hundred rooms. ---------- * The Request Refused. Victoria, B.C. Oct. --The provin- a petition received from the DNoukho bors of. Assiniboia asking that they be allowed to move to British Co lumbia. | The petitioners that thev were not allowed to praise their religion they would wish, holding that they must obey no laws 'other stated as | than those of Ged. Stay With The Fireman. Kind. N.8., Cel The. em plosers of the machine shops of the Dominion Iron ana Steel 'company went on strike, last night, because Foreman Dovie was discharged owing to his ha resented some remarks Nig} rintendent Armstrong d him' down. of anid knocke He Ended His Days. : Thomas, Ont., Oct. 23. Ernest, aged twenty-folir, second of P. J. Liideman, Eagle, shot him=elf at his home. _Despondency brought on through sickness, was the cause of the St. Edward son axt. Bibby's. Oak Hall." Bibby's. "the Gr. sve '" kare tha «ma t. natty, "huilt vou alone" anyerance, #15, LHL , 210. $8 "The H. D. Bibby Co. cial govdrnment has aeclined to grant] ee etter THE H. D. BIBBY CO., i { - nm si, Prisha: i a aA %R BUSINESS? Ulless your business is ve pressing this would be a splendid time for you to drop in just to look over our seasonable apparel for FALL AND WINTER WEAR. We'd be disappointed if we couldn't truthfully say that our Suits and Overcoats are "better than ever." It's a sign that we're keeping in tront each season by getting new ideas and improving on old ones. New Overcoats, $15, $14, $12.50, $12, $10, $9, $8, 7 80, So. New Fall and Winter Suits, $15, $14, $13.50, $12.50, $12, $10, $9, $8, $7, $6.50. | i graphs describing men who find in style, only at less less fit. Your cause of its cd wear it on this would be "QUEER QUALITY SHOES." They are worn to-day by thousands of wo- custom-built shoe,--the same materials, fit and red measurements. if you value an absolutely fault- rect shape, and many women ccount alone. One Price Clothing House, Oak Hall. - ---- An Epoch-Making Shoe If you condense the last ten years into para- woman's progress, one of these them| the exact duplicate of a cost. The best expert cannot To all appearance it is a cus- Th fetsin its shape longer $ at any price. Itis ot will look smaller in it, be $3.75. Oxfords $3. PAPE FEI GES SHOE STORE. STEP LADDERS! Why run the risk of injur- ing yourself by using chairs and 'tables/ to reach the high places during the fall house-cleaning when/ you ¢an get one of our Strong, Durable | Step Ladders For 80c? Y & BIRCH, 71 Brock Stree Taylor sells pure dries, s ' A NEW SCHEME. 1 FOR SALE. THE BUBSTANTIAL BUILDING .ON KING Por" a Quicker Trlnsportaltion Street, between Wade's Drug store and ' . H in excellent condition. Through Old I&ndon. Second cor longed lor a long term. Ap Lonaon, Oct. 23.--Ink resting ovel- B®, act. id . amt, opments. have already Bocudved fs a - a reswf of the withdraw] of Mr. [Mor UNIFORM AS EVENING DRESS. gf's Fondon tube sch. [It apf cars . that the tramway comfy. which had Legal Steps to be Taken Against been coroperating with® Vy. Mofroan, Managers : i to a working #peement f with i ag rar bot . > ir. Yerkes ad nowl oth RATS Lonlon, Oct. 23. Replying in the Perkes and Yerkes tall i submit nie hotse of commons to a member who another big scheme to parliamed SE asied whether he *would take. action the earliest possible § ment They With reference to the exclusion of sol propose, according to Bir Yerks to urs uniform from' the portion of establish through = selfices with] « London theatres yucerved for people in tric tramways, so thatl it will #4 ening dress. the war secretary, Mr sible to.po from" oneknd of | Bro rie rej Led that as the principle to the other without kealking fheross Hat uniform was equivalent to even- a single road. 5 =» ing "dress was not recognized by the --C manacws, he intended "16 take legal - : 5 é steps to secure sol lis against such Bibby's. ¢ Ozk Hq b's. ex lisicn : New fall hats, new nuli<h v eet and Ame wan, 3.00, {. D. At McLeod's drug store you can pur Bibby Co. chase for SOc. an atomizer to spray -- Fr . | il or water, hard rubber fittings. ' | Your money back if not satisfactory,