Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Oct 1902, p. 8

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E DAILY WHIG, THURSDAY, am OCTOBER 23. Jeweled Brooches. THE Brooches here men- tioned may offer a desir- able Suggestion for Christmas - buying. Each one is of artistic merit as well as surpassing value. | me igh, 2 A SEE Gold. we 3317, 17,41310, ls 2 rococo ges Lin sof lid Gulls mr No. 13369, at $24, is a Pearl "Sua Burst" of exquisite beauty. No. 13400, at $42, is a Clover Leaf, with fine Pearls, having for its ceatre a beautiful Diamond. ted sell a ith Pearls. We guarantee safe deli , and cheer fully refund the full price "a selection is im any way unsatisfactory. Write for our new catalogus. Ryrie Bros., Jewelers, Yonge and Adelaide Streets, Toronto. 'FUL DROUTH BANKRUPTCY. d Times Experienced in the ar-Off Sister Colony--System o the Core. § York Times. p t since the collapse of the land boofln, which wrecked so many banks | andl other financial institutions, and edijced so many people from opulence to poverty, have times been so hard as they are now, writes a correspond- ent from Melbourne. Seven or eight seasons of successive drought in the arid regions of Australia have led to an enormous loss of stock, which will seriously affect this year's export of wool and frozen mutton. Locally, the immediate efiect has been to increase the price of beef and mutton enorm- ously, and so many people are out of work that both articles of consump- tion 'have 'got beyond: their reach. The unemployed can be counted by hund- reds in all the cities and towns of the continent, especially in Victoria, South Australia, New South Wales, and Queensland. The cities of Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney, and Brisbane, full of able-bodied men who can find no work to do, and the whole outlook 1s most disheartening. Australia is lit- erally #roaning under its enormous load of debt, and state governments have a diffic ult problem to solve in the financial position which confronts Ne: them. ARTIFICIAL CONCOCTIONS, NATIVE OR FOREIGN, POSSI- BLY COSTING MORE, CANNOT REPLACE THE MAGI WATERS, GUARANTEED FROM THE FLOWING CALEDONIA SPRINGS IN ONTARIO. «They have borrowed to such an ex- tent that the flotation of further loans in' London is anything but an easv thing to do, and in most of the states large deficits are shown on the vear's transactions. Rigid retrenchments and economy, as well as further taxation, are the "only means by which the states can extricate themselves from the tinancial straits they have got them- selves into by piling up the ° public debt land reckless expenditure upon - unproductive works. In Victoria a cris- is hag taken place within the past EDUCATIONAL. lew be. and parliament has been dissolved MISS GRACE EVANS, Teacher 123 UPPER UNION ST. VIOLIN of the Vielin, The government proposed to make #the percentage reduc tions in the salaries and wages of public servants, startinz with salaries "of £125 a year upwar. The house declareds agafnst beginning so low down the scale as £125, and thereupon the government Classes Re-opened on MONDAY, Afternoons of Monday, Wednesday and Fri da SCHOOL OF ART Oct. 6th, 1902. vy, from 2:30 to 4:30. Saturday morsings, 10 to 12 o'clock. asked for a dissolution and got it. 1f bawkruptcy is to be avoided heav- jer taxation must be imposed upon those Hest able to bear it; but the governnent showed no desire to do this, and, therefore, the strong pro- bability is that they will gpt badly beaten in this unexpected appeal to The state of Vie- AS. BE. WRENSHALL, the constituencies. ' Principal. toria has been drifting back for years at the rate of half a million pounds KINGSTON COLLEGE annually. The railways have been starv BUSINESS ed, and the managers now report that STON. the expenditure of , £100,000 is at once TORONTO COLLEGE needed 10 make the Huey safe foe te tic. he seriousness of the financia BUSINESS position it would be impossible to ex- TORONTO. aggerate; yet the Irvine government | Largest and best equipment in Canada. unequalled facilities for securing positions uoou #21 Queen Street, Kinguton. SEND FOR CATALOGUE Conlederation Life Buildings, Toronto. TO-LET. ree sa INISHED RutNS wire» without board, 101 Quuen sireat. FOUR GOOD FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH board, with all modern conveniences, a I'Yl University Avenue 43 KING STREET, WEST, BEAUTIFULL) talks abput a saving of £75,000 from the salafies .and wages of public ser- vants, and the reduction of the num- ber of members of parliament, with a small percentage diminution of their pay, as sufficient to meet the situa- tion. } All the other states are impecunious and ovdrburdened With debt, the in terest ©n which is sapping the lie 1 I blood ott of them; and New Zealand + is in even a worse condition than any | of them, as an examination of its ac- counts will demonstrate to any . com- situated, facing the liarbor. Rent $24 | petent financier who undertakes to and taxes. Apply to Rirkpatrick, Roger | analyze - them critically. In New & Niokle: Zealand, as in Australia, the trust IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, HOUSE CEN. Jiunds have been resorted to. in order tral pare of city, heatew by hot water, | to prov ide money which cannot be ail modern convenicucvs. Apply "H. G." | raised in London, and the loan sink this offices ing funds have awe been seized upon, | HOUSE. 7 ROOMS, NO. 36 BAY STREET |s© that while the mass of debt has | Setween Bagot and Rideau streets; also | been piling up the funds which were | stable and sheds in rear. Apply 45 Wil | supposed to be available toward the | liam street. gradual extinction of these loans ave A BRICK HOUSE, 25 NELSON STRE no longer at command for that pur-| near Brock ied eicht rooms, In pose. The whole system of colonial cheap. Apply No. 45 William street, near |jinance is rotten to 'the core, and the a Ming aireet. bubble will burst unless the various 115 STUART STREET, . 9 ROOMS: HOT governments resolve "not only upon | © water heating: Also other dwellings, | economy and retrenc hment, but also | stores and "oflices. J. S. R° McCann, 5 Brock St. RICK RESIDENCE, A 1 condition; modern improvements: 1 rooms. Apply to The MH. D. 3 78 to 82 Princess street. STORE QCCUPIED BY R 199 BROCK STREET Bibby Co. ALEXANDER, NO I | taxation of a very drastic kind. ; 0dd Window Legend. Considering that "window writine" is intended to serve the end of mak- ing the chance reader come in and buv whatever is shown on that improvised | 111 Brock street, with refrigerator, fix tures, ete. for pork and meat trade. Ap | pill of fave, it would seem that the ply to Joba McKay. Jr... 151 Brock | i, tist" of this sort of decoration sirens. would be partic ularly careful not only POSSESSION "AT ONCE, THAT AIRY DF the corner of Bagot auc sirable house on Gore stregts, near the park. Modern every wav. in perfect 'order us Bagot street. . (MONEY AND BUSINESS. Daisy hot water heating am Apply to Felix Shaw to be legihle, which is not always the case, but to be enticing as well. ir In New York a man was one after- ROORN arranging a restaurant menu on the window glass by the aid of a brush dipped in white hastily flourishing his sketches on the with. more regard for ornament Se = | pane LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE FIR than anything else. insweansy Cou ile] Bi The letterist finished his work ser policy holders have for security the un | ¢pely, unconsc ious that inste ad of the limited liability of all the stockholders | ..(*qrned Beef and Cabbage legend, " Farm and Citv Property insured at lowest poseible rates. Before renewing old imagine he had which only the clever could o the words were intended for, giving new business get rates frov HTRANDE 4 STRANGE. vei, written in unmistakable characters the 70 LOAN 1 hot too appetizing phrase, "Gone Beef wonky OAN IN LARGE OR SMALL arbage. sums, at low rates of interest on city and Garbag and i Propessy, Loans granted ot + eomem------ city county entures. Avply tc eat. 8. Wail. mensser of Fronens« Bonner And O'Brien Jo Xe Office ov | philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 23.-- Jack Ty and Investment Society. posite the Post Office. Bonner is the latest vie tim dated to Ee ------ : _ TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS IN} uo down under the sledge- hammer sums from one thousand to ten 'hous wa of the redoubtab ble ""Philadel- and dollars For particulars avnly al * O'Brien. The two are card- OR - A sap on Ay od to mix it up in a six- round bout = | night under the aus pices of the * ARCHITECTS. Broadway athletic club. Bennett a aa ars ago was regarded as nos WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT. OFFICE he top of the pugili stie lade for, . ) . second floor over Mahood's "Drug Store | jas met all the best men in both the ~orvor Panes and Ragot streets. Eo eweight and heavyweight classes. trance on Bagot street. MERCH | to' pid ast vear or two he has failec ake fcood™' in most of his bouts. F. Si N | CTS , . . owen. ALR Brook anc | ('lose ollgwers of ring affairs are un- ~ Wellington streets. 'Phone 212. mous i® the opinion that he is no ; ani J for} O'Brien, and unless the un- ARTHUR FLLIS, ARCHITECT, OFFICE | 113t} happens the bout will be site of New Drill Hall, near ocormer o | opect tel apy 1 ay al repetition of "the string of y cal Queen and Moutr ARCHITFCT, F Ph HENRY P. SMITH, A~chor Buikiing, Market Souare: ME. o UNDERTAXERS. won the Philddelphian has turned to this country from TC ren: fmportati on Of 1902. ost. Jof the New York clothing prédck street, has received ai TE Janson 0 PNTENTANERS store. Sd portations for order work efficiency best. Prices .the Ne nis all thiloring department. His Fogour-Naritums: 0 Nenteie- ib hi# 3% department is well assort- regi a large assortment to choose 5. S. CORBETT, FUNERAL LIRECTOR, 281 | of a Fot low price and durability #, ¥, Desman, © he defies mpetitioa, PIQUNGES AUSTRALIA INTO of Finance Said to be Rotten | are | 'nounced that her tour was to include paint, and was | PR HEART SEWED | eral Votes ut Plays and i { Willard, the English actor, is play- | | ing a second week at' the Toronto | > OPERATIONS Princess. | : "The Climbers," the society drama, | : in which Amelia Bingham appeared | { It Was Performed in a New York jast winter here, is to be novelized. i Hospital--The Patient Reliev- Miss Lily Lorell, a Toronto girl, is ed and May Live. | the leading lady with "The Sign of New York, Oct. 23.--The rarest op- { The Cross," which appears in King- | eration known to surgery--the sewing ston next month. ... | up of a severed ventricle of a human 'The Sign of The Cross," which "BP- | heart--was performed Monday night ! pears in Kingston next mouth has | 4i Bellevue Hospital. The patient was with it a number of the original com- | Annie Kingsley, a woman who haa pany ~of English players. | Leen brought to the hospital late Mon- | Andrew Robson (Archibald Simpson) | day night, stabbed to the heart by | the Hamilton, Ont, actor, is again | her husband during a quarrdl on tue playing the title role in the road | street. She was dying. The blood was pour- a long wound in the left stage as far as.chorus girls are con- | ventricle, which supplies the body cerned. Their services are in greater | with blooa, while the right pumps to demand than ever, owing to the in- | the lungs. The surgeons knew the flow creased number of musical comedies, | must be checked at once if the wo- and these maiden-songsters realize man was to be savea. The operation their own importance. | was decided upon. The heart was laid Miss Olga Nethersole is playing in | bare, and the surgeons saw that the Daudet's Sapho at the Gaiéty Theatre | wound was very severe. - It would re- in, Dublin. The Freeman's Journal and | quire six stitches. In the intervals the Irish Independent have denounced | between the beats of the heart the, the play as immoral and have advised | needle was inserted six times anc the the public to stay away from it. Miss | flow of blood was stopped. Nethersole has threatened the news-| Slowly the patient rallied. Then papers with legal proceedings unless | more quickl the surgeons were as- they withdraw "their statements. | tounded. This woman with the sewed New York T elegraph: And now Am- | up heart was showing remarkable vi company of 'Richard Carvel." | There is said to be a famine on the | ing from brose J. Small is to become a bene- | tality. dict. The announcement caused quite | She kept on improving steadily, and a flutter along the line. While Shall | at midnight Prof. Stewart said: "I has cut much of a figure in | am astonished at her strength. She never he is a power in | is doing remarkably well: I may sav Broadway theatricals, the theatrical world 'all over Canada. | that there is a very fair chance of her In fact, it is pretty hard to obtain a | ultimate recovery. " booking in Canada unless Small pass- | eect es approving judgment upon the at- | PRODUCE AND PRICES. traction. He is the lessee and manager outricht of the following theatres : | The Standard Rates Governing Grand Opera House and Toronto O»- The Local Markets. era House, Toronto; Grand Opera | Kingston, Oct. 21.~The local pro- House London; Russell Theatre, Qtta- | quce market prices show few Do ges wa, and New Grand Opera House, | since last week. anges Kingstan. In addition to this he books | poultr, Turkeys, $1 to 81.50 each; for twenty other Canadian theatres. geese, each; chickens, and fowl "Dolly Varden" Glaser is making a | 50c. to 73c. a pair; «aucks, SOc. to 90c. reputation for herself as a Knicker- | pair. ' : > bocker model." When she was present- | | Meat--Beef, hindquarters, 6e. to Tc ing her comedy opera in New York |g lb.; forequarters, 5c to 6c. a Ib . she entertained the graduating class | choice cuts, 124c. a lb ; mutton Ge td of West Point academy. As a special | go. ga 1b.; spring lamb. 9c. to 0c. a mark of compliment. she agreed to Jp. hogs, live weight, 6c. to 61c a wear a uniform of blue, and the boys Ih. pork 9c. to 10c. a b.: : veal "Se sent one they thought would fit. lt to Ge. a lb.; tongues 5c. each. : didn't, however, and neither could it Vegetables--Potatoes, 5c. to 90¢ a be let out enough in certain sections | hao: green corn, 10c. a doz.; cabbage to be worn by the singer with any | ge. * head: carrots, beets, ote, be. - safety. bunch; tomatoes, 60c. to 75¢. a bush- Starting out this season it was an- el; onions, 5c. a bag. Iish--White fish, 12c..a lb.; sea sal- mon and Seattle salmon, 20c. a lb; Lthaca, N.Y. She received the follow- salt salmon, salt trout, salt. mackerel, ing touching communic ation, to which she replied in such words as to stir | jge. a lb; salt codfish, 7c. to 15c. lb; the entire college with pleasureable | kippered herring, 40c. 5 dozen; perch, anticipation. 2c. a dozen; mackerel, 1 a lb; «Our Dear Miss Glaser: If vou can | pike, 7c. a lb; halibut, 15¢c. 4 lb; see your way clear to being a Cor- | hioaters, 30¢c. a dozen; finnan haddic, nell girl during your stay in Ithaca. | 10c. a lb.; salmon trout, 12c. a lb; wear these, or, that is, wear, one set. | blue fish, 124c. a Ib.; frogs' legs, 30c. They are the suits used last season by | 4 lb; oysters. 40c. 'to 60c. - quart; our centre rush and quarter back in | shell clams, 20c. a dozen; shell oye. | the rugby team. The gore on the | ters, 20c. a dozen; ciscoes, 10c. a Ib.; emaller trousers came from Pennsvl- | boneta, 12c. a lb.; pickerel, 10c. a 1b, vania. The gore on the others was | Fruit--Apples, 10c. to 25c. a peck; distilled at Columbia. Take your ior §l to $2 a bbl; peaches, 50c. a choice. Have either suit altered to fit | basket; lemons, 25¢. to 30c. a dozen; vou, if vou will, and we will give you | bananas, 15c. to 20c. a dozen; pears, the send-off of your life when vou | 3c. 5 peck; grapes, 23c. to 30c. a » | basket! cranberries, 121c. 4 quart; Ja- maica oranges, 25¢c. to 50c. g dozen. Grain--Wheat, Manitoba, No. 1, 75c. to 80c. a bushel; white winter and Canadian spring, 65c. to 67¢c. a come here. een ee CO-EDUCATION ON TRIAL. Separate Sexes During Half the | bushel; local soft wheat, 65¢c. to 70c. College Course. a bushel; Northern, No. 1, 70c. a | bushel; buckwheat, 45¢. a bushel; bar- in | the There is considerable excitement ley. 40c. a bushel; peas, 68c. a bushel; American educational circles over oats, 29¢c. a bushel; rye, 45¢. to 48c. a | determination of Chicago University to { | bushel. | separate its men and. women students Flour and feed--Bakers' strong and during the first two years of the col- | farmers' flour, $2 to $2.10 a cwt. ; y 2, -- lege course. It is argued for the case | Hungarian patent, $2.20 to $2.30 a | of the university that- students enter | owt; oatmeal and rolled gats, $4 to the institution very young and unex- | 8550 a bbl; corn meal, $1. 40 to _$1.- perienced. In many cases it is the | 60 a cwt.; bran, 816 to $I8 a ton: first time they have been left to their | shorts, 820 to $22 a ton; hay, $6.50 own guidance and self control. « Pre- | 87.50 a ton; straw; $4 to $6 a ton { viously they have been in school dur- | Hides--These prices are given by ing school hours and under home su- | John McKay, Brock street : Dekin | pervision 'the rest of the time. As pu- | gkins, 50c. to 60c. each; beef hides, | pils in secondary schools, thev have | No. 1; 7c. a lb; lamb skins, 40c. to been daily under the personal direc- | 50c. each; horse hides 32 to 82.25 tion and care of their parents. Under | each; rendered tallow. Sia: a lb; un- conditions so different, the argument | washed wool, 6c. to 7c. a Ib.; washed | of coinstruction in high schools cannot wool, llc. a lb.; washed wool in trade. determine the wisdom of coinstruction 13c. 5 Ib. * When a large number of women, from many | in college. voung men and Dairy Wholesale. schools, strangers to one another. are | pi Creamery, 2c. a lb: farm- suddenly thrown together in dass: | op fir privie. Meo olins--in rolls, | rooms, corridors, and libravies, it is | 1g. op no reflection on them to sav that thev | ""Cheese--Ilc. a Ib. need such care and oversight as will | soon be neither desirable nor possible. . . I It is only natural thst the a minds | Dairy. Retail. should be distracted from work; and | Butter--Creamery, 25c. a Ib.: farm- it is the duty ef the university to | ers' in prints, 22¢. 3 ths in rolls; 20e diminish the attractions of social life | a Ib. | and to prevent any tendency to ne- oo elect intellectual work. So 'evident arc | Eggs. those difficulties to the more thoucht- Wholesale--16e. 5 dozen. ful class of parents, it is said, that Retail--20c. a aozen. separate colleges for, men and women are growing rapidly at the expense of Markets" Elsewhere. l.ea-educ ational institutions, and con- Toronto, Oct. : 20.--Wheat, white, | siderable trouble and expense is some- | pg hush, Gc. to TUe; wheat, red, times incurred to avoid the latter. The | gay per bush., 6d. to 693c.; wheat, college authorities think that separa | «pring, per bush.! 67c. to 674c.; wheat, tion during the first two. years will ['550se, per bush., 61le. to 63¢; oats, accomplish all that is necessary. When | per hus h., 34¢. to barley, per the students are older and more ab- | hush, to 44}c.; rve, per bush., <orbed in their work they mav broad- | 49¢. to ale; buckwheat,. per bush., en their social life in conditions with | to Hn hay, timothy, per ton, which they have become familiar. | 812 to § hav. mixed, per ton, $6 Those who oppose the change sav | ig &); straw, per ten, S10 to Sl: that if 'is a concession to a certain seds, per bush., Alsike, choice, No. 1. | class of male students who threatened | 3 to 87: Alsike, No. 2, $3.75 to to leave the institution unless women | red clover, 50 to 86; timo were excluded from the class rooms. | to 81. pples, per bbl. and the reason for the de mand is as 50: dressed hogs, 8% to $x. certed to be that the average stand eges, per doz., 20e. to 22c.; but ing of the women was "'B," while that | wer, dairy, 15c. to 20c.; creamery but- of the men was "C." All this, jt .is | ter, 18. to 2X chickens, per pair, said, is "positively known." Glic. to Seg ducks, per pair, 6c. to pre Oc.: turkevs, per jb, 1c. to 13e; Strange Comet Seen. bile Be to ie. to 3c; potatos, 2 . ! vag, We. to £1; onions, per bag, News 'comes from St. Petersburg | ~. to SOc: cabbage, per dozen, 2uc. that M. Razinkofi,: a well-known as b g4c; cauliflower, per dozen, 4c. to tronomer, has discovered toward the | == celery, per dozen, 25c. to dbe. southeast. and forty degrees above l (00s, to. 30¢ the horizon, a comet, the length of {ei hind which is equal to the diameter of the {.1..i forequarte moon. and the tail of which is turned toward the south. meait The lig of this star is feeble and mutton. hite, leing even paler than the li h ni te of the planet Jupiter. / thonomers de Cet he East End not vet know whether "it 4s a new co | gu attoi this mm he butghevs wet or one of those which return peri | {urned out in larg s and there odicallv. 12 a fair den thing' mod Ro far a= is known, however, ther rately good. The beef crit are only eizhteen comets which 1 ters had a downwgrd tendency all turn periodically. and .as none of these | round. A fey of the best cattle were is due at this time, it is doubtful if | cold at irom Ale. to 4ic. per lb; the comet discovered bv M. Razinkofi pretty good animals, at from 3}c. to | will ever be seen again. | de., and the common stock at from ONE OF THE RAREST OF oil will bo the fuel of the future. not follow when ed to the world's fore I will invest my money in fuel oil properties because I feel absolutely sure that the mca and the companies that 'control the world's 3 output of fuel oil will reap "profits that will be simply pro- grasp the situation? the market. I. This stock will positively advance 100 The doubling may take place any day now. p.c. II. 19,000 acres rich fuel oil land in California 1,200 acres illuminating oil land in Ohio; 104 producing oil wells. This company has actually paid 20 dividends to stockholders in past 10 months. pr. a share for stock Price may go to £1.00 a share without warning. Buy now and be in a position to double your money. 30e¢. now. tunes have been made in oil. The fuel oil situation ptomises enormous returns. The world will burn and California will be the largest source vi. fuel oil in a few months, of supply. ings Bank ? Certainly not. S0c. Share For a Short Time, you a princely fortune for life. rE ---- 111. IV. g V. A modest imvestment will insure you a competence--thousands of for- MR. CHARLTON'S HOPE! Se. to Be. per lbs while 'the ----s brought from lic. to 2¢. per lb. A number of rough steers and oxen were bought by shippers at from 3ic. to de. Does Not Want to See Chances of Reciprocity Injured. per lb. Calves were rather scarce and fair to. good veals sell at {rdmHe--to-|--Foronte; Qet- 23.--'I hope," said . per Ih., and the grasscrs at from | Mr. John Charlton, M.P., "that the . to dic. per lh. Sheep sold at present interjection of tariff dis.cus- from 3c. to Ha . and the lambs at | sion into Canadian politics will * not from 3le. to de. per 1h. Good lots of | get eross-legged so as to interfere with with Cana- int hogs sold at from Ge. to Gjc. per | the desire for reciprocity hed off the cars. da, which is springing up in the Un- ited State "You think such a desire is grow- The Cement Age. ing #2 Toronto World. "Oh, undoubtedly; and I think I The: use of Portland cement is inits | can see as a result of the agitation on | that American public men have about reached a point where they are readv to enter into negotiations to make a infancy and the manufacture of it a laree scalé®is only beginning in this country. Cement promises place «tone for all kinds of head founda- | fair bargain. I find that nearly every {tons and other wall workgl to replace paper in the northern states' has re- cently expressed itself in favor of fair reciprocity with Canada. These signs 4 make me feel that we have only to follow up the campaign in good tem- per and we will get a treaty. What I advocate is free trade in natural pro- ducts, but no increase of our free list of manufactured goods, nor any sub- stone for paving, to replace brick{very largely for building and to replace lumber where lumber i 3 In fact. cement will soon x <teel, perhaps, more than steel, chief building material of this contin: 'nt. Out houses will soon come to be of content and every day sees the field Our farmers are learning themselves or. to build with cement without employ ently, stated that the output of hogs ine skilled labor, and cement for sani- | in the eastern provinces would double tary reasons, il for no other, is sup- | that oF last year. "Pork will be put planting evervthing in the market in {on te, Ms much earlier this the wav of floorine for buildings, and | year, laffed this buyer, and when especially for stables and all kinds of | the western 'corn fot hogs are shipped yublic strugtures. | the price will hy + hound to fall. This : ) | vear there will he a much greater dii- a -- ference in the price of good hogs m a Dressed Hogs. | oor hogs. Last year the top mice Montreal, Oct. 23.- The demand for] was paid for almost any kind of hoos dressed hogs, in Montreal, was fair | hut this year good-sized fat. hogs, will and the tone of the market was ab | command a considerably better . price out steady with sales of fresh «l { than the small lean ones." abattoir stock at $8.50 to £9 per ni los. The "ntatigpe | Boy's. Osp Hall. Bibby's. Dipawns et, 2 --The auotations oe. avareants. the chort. dg; Ne 50 Th i avy } long i ind and the me lium, $3.50 tb 50; pork, | | Ihe H. D. Bibby Co. © Toronto, I'he larcest | hrough the efforts of hin Morris, wneratar here < snidl to-day: | manager of the Kingston brane Accordin "ne outldok. the | h City 0il company, a coal prices of live he at the Toronto cat f il storage tank has been placed in for 1t will be a tle market would be 8 per cwt. position at Gananoque. elects and £3.75 for lights and fats. | great accommodation © for merchants. This is a decline of 2c. per ewt. from | The tank has a capacity of about 5, the prices which 'prevailed last week. 000 gallons. ° } / » Even if the world's supply of coal should never fail, fuel oil is better adapt. needs. It Is cleaner, more easily handled, less bulky, limitless in supply and al- ready 50% cheaper than coal. .There= for the use éf cement growing at a | stantial change in our tarifis on them. surprising ratio. If we fail in the attempt to get re- We are olad to see the at there are ciproeity, I am prepared to back up ropd prospects ahead for our new cel yy resolution of last session. ment companies and that there is room for many others. We have larg: Hogs Down East; nublic works that must be undertaken a. 8 b : in one part of the dominion or anoth One of the leadi® pork buyers 0 Charlottetown, in an interview --Te- digious." --What the Financiers think. ° What the World's Financiers Think of Fuel Oil is Shown by What They Do. The Standard Oil Company (Rockfeller) is building immense tanks and refin- eries for Fuel Oil in California. The Steamship Trust (J. Pierpont Morgan) will ex- pend millions in development of Fuel Oil properties in California ; Government, which has expended large sums in successful experiments in Fuel Qil, has ordered work stopped on coaling stations in the Philippine Islands. Fortunes are to be made in Fuel Oil in the near future Invest now in the most reliable dividend-paying proposition on the United States Are you prepared' to [EASTERN CONSOLIDATED OIL GO. be hn. Did you ever stop to think where the leading financiers of the world acquired their millions ? Was it in 3 per cent. and 4 per cent. bonds ? No. Wasit in a Sav- Was it in Real Estate ? No. Oil Investments, lining and other : great Industrial Enterprises. Standard Oil is the richest corporation in the world. $100 invested in this com- pany a few years ago would have given Where was it made ? 20% Paid In Dividends In Ten Months. C. B. HEYDON & CO., Rooms 401 and 402 Manning Chambers Building, - 72 Queen Street West, Corner Queen and [tuba Streets, Court House Square, Toronto, Ont. | "THE SAFEST STOCK IN WALL ST. 10 RESENT." PURCHASE AT An extremely 'Special Letter," ing the stock and setting forth in exhaustive details authentic reasons for believing it to be splendid stock to buy i ely. Should the market even b , it would not decline hardly at all, when the market advances, it, should be one of te leaders. Sensible, au- thentic ~ facts, carefully ollested and Plused before you, which will the statements. Letter wiil be teem] immediately upon re- quest: MAILED FREE also our Hoinjuchia cloth bound. illustrated "GUIDE IN- Toney and "DAILY MARKET LET- If vou have a copy of the former and are in daily receipt of letter, your chances for making your Wall Street operations profit ble will be improved fully 100 per dent. 1 will consequently be to your interest to seid for them, as they are vours for, the askin: absolutely free of all cost. HAICHT & FREESE Batabiished 6s N. Y. 1890. GO. ice stocks, BONDS, GRAIN, COTTON. Onmtart Kingston, - of right stocks." iRed, Blue : +Or Green --Every kind of grapes here. * Big 10-1b. baskets or small fancy baskets for table use. Fresh grapes Call are arriving daily. and see them. A J. REES, Princess St.3 Soni ti On poor, ill-flavored but- ter, when you can get a pound of the best Clarified Butter, sweet 'and ~ finely- flavored, for 25¢c. Try a & pound and see how pleased ° you will be. nteininin Foinried Milk Co. 'Phone 567. Brock & Bagot Sts. - FOR SALE. ICE YACHT, ONE YEAR OLD. APPLY P.O. Box 88. -

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