Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Oct 1902, p. 2

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ams, 1 IRON BEDS NEW ARRIVALS Some new styles. Prices range from $4 up to $40. MATTRESSES--To fit, specially made, $3.50 and $3; new Mattress very comfort: able, £3.50, and $5. at equals others Parlor Suite Specials | at $20, $25, $30. new patterns just in from the great centre of CARPETS--Some Kidderminster, England, Manufacturers. A shades Carpet Brussels special at &3c., $1, $1.25, all the pretty range from to Large beauties Quilts Some and $16 Comforters £1.50 up from. to Yours, T. F. HARRISON CO. Undertakers, etc. Telephone Nos. 90-91. COTTON DOWN COMFORTERS Filled with the best snow white carded Cotton, wide and 21 yds. long, $3_ EACH. These Comforters are in all re- spects equal to. the best Eider- down at a very much lower price. I<. McFaul Kingston Carpet Warehouse. quality 2 yds. 9 - Wood's Phosphodine fhe Great English Remedy Is an old, well established and re- llable preparation. Has been pre- scribed and used ove 40 years. All ;xists in the Dominion of Cana- oN Il and recommend as being the Be fore. only medicine of its kind that cures and gives universal satisfaction, It promptly and permane ntly cures all forms of Nervous Weakness, Emissions, Spermator- rhea, Impotency, and all effects of Abuse or Excesses, the Excessive use of Tobacco, Oplum or Stimulants; Mental and Brain Worry, all of which lead to In- firmity, Insanity, Consumption and an early grave, Price §1 ver package, or six {or $5. Ons wiil will cure. Malled ptly on receipt of price. Send pamphlet--free toany address. The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont., Canada. Af ter, Wood's Phosphodine is sold in Kingston at all drug stores. THE FINEST FIPE MADE, PERFECT SHAPES. ST FINISH. Guaranteed not to burn, Sold in Vulcanite, Horn or Amber by WM. BAKER. When Fuel Is Dear You "should light vour™ house or office aw economically possible he most economical Tick ds the YOTTO. It costs little, and . aives three times the licht of other lamps at one-half the cost. GAS MANTELS :--A few fine ones at only 1Qc. each. BRECK & HALLIDAY, P*=sexs 4 Street. NOTICE Is hereby given the public that I purpose making it warm for al' persons using my céal next wir ter. Your order is solicited. P. WALSH 55-57 Barrack St. elisa] Sc ta eT TT 5 DON'T WASTE MONEY On poor, fil nwvered but- ter, when you can get a pound of the best Clarified -- Butter, sweét and ay | ' favored, for 25¢. Try a pound and see howpleased - ,you-will be Clarified Milk Co.,3 FOR SALE. ' ICE YACHT, ONE YEAR OLD. APPLY P.0 Bos 83. Some pretty designs, at $5 and $6. | sold at $4.50 | select | pais eu TR RR [ORPHANS HOME ANNUAL MEETING HELD ON FRIDAY AFTERNOON. Reports Were Satisiactory--Mr. and . Smeaton Doing Good Work -- The Choruses--Addressed by Three Pastors. he annual meeting of the directors' of the Orphans' Home was held in the City hall on Friday afternoon. In the | absence of Mayor Shaw, who was in B. Walkem, the | Toronto, Alderman J. acting mayor, presided. On his right .|were the boys of the home, some twenty-five in number and of all sorts and sizes, like young bears. On his left were the girls of the home, from | the little, bright-eyed four-year-old to the ones well advan®ed in their "teens, All were neatly and comfortably clad, and bore the signs of good treatment, plenty to eat and plenty to wear. That the directors and Mr. and Mrs, Smeaton, the superintendent and ma- | tron, respectively, were taking good | care of their little wards was evident | from the appearance of the children. Dean Smith opened the meeting with | prayer, foliowed by a chorus by the ! children, "All Things Beautiful = and | Fair." The chairman, in the course of his opening remarks, stated that { no work should appeal more to the | people than that in connection with tho Orphans Home. I'he children were being well cared for, and that is more than many would have been ha they remained in, homes of their own. The home deserves the support and svinpathy of all classes of citizens, It | was being conducted on sound business principles. It was a good | thing, the chairman considered, that | ladies were at the head of an ibstitu tion of this kind. "They were particul lv fitted for work. He had often | thought that would be better if there were few ladies on the board of of the General Hospital. Muckleston, secretary of the read the annual report, which stated that seventy children had found shelter in the home during. the past "Of these, thirty had been placed | in new The children's health | had been generally good, a couple of them had received treatment at tue | General Hospital, and the directors | very grateful the care shown | them there. Mr. and Mrs. Smeaton continued to give the best of satisfac Mr. Smeaton had visited the in which children had been placed, and he found that 'they were getting along satisfactorily and were well treated. © The board regretted the retirement of Mrs. B. M. Britton, and extended sympathy to another direc toress, Mps. (Lient..Col.) Dufi, in her recent bereavement. The late Mr. Duff had been a faithful friend and ad to the institution. The children making good in school. coo, such it a governors Miss hoard, year. homes. were for tion. homes viser were "The report was adopted. Into their second chorus, Laurie," the children threw ene and they sang the sweet very I. Other choruses render them were "Good By, Summer," the National Anthem. Miss Wild teacher in the Orphans Home presided at the piano, Waildell read the * treasurer's report, which showed that the finances of the institution in a wf tory condition. Brief addresses were afterwards de livered by Rev. Messrs. Savary, Laird and -Anthifi. The programme conclud- ed, the little ones were treated to a feast of cakes, candies and fruit. progress 'Annie great old ong Ww id by and or, school, Mrs were QUEEN'S NEWS. Ross, Montreal, to be of*the Speakers. A name. has not vet been chosen for the new arts' building presented to Queen's by the eirizens of Kingston. are "Fhe Kingston Hall" he Kingston Arts" Building fifty freshmen have been regis in medicine. The fotal re in that department will Prof. One Over tered so far gistration " reach 200. William McCartney has been given the contract to Build the tower foun- dation of the Grant Convocation hall, to permit of the laying of the corner stone on November 6th. Work has Leen commenced. Dr. Third addressed the medical" ¥. M.C.A. on Friday afternoon. his sub wet: being "Mrs, Eddy, the Christian Science Founder." He criticized her relicion and methods, {There will he mo formal ceremonies in connection with the theolovical fac ulty' openitig this session. Classes be gin on November 3rd. , Rev. -Prof.- MeComb, returns. from Ireland next Wednesday, Prof. Dupuis has been asked fo act as vice-principal of the university, He is the oldest member of the professor- | ial staff, and besides being a scientific | scholar, is recognized as a keen busi ness man as well. Prof. Dupuis has not vet accepted the duties, but has the matter under consideration. It is likely a committee will he appointed to act in conjunction with him. A party of mining students, in the charge' of Profs. Goodwin and Nicol are at Parham to-dav for field work. Rev. Prof. Ross, Montreal, has ae cepted the invitation to speak at the memorial ceremonies © in connection with laving the corner stone of Grant Hall. Convecation ¢ Bibby's.'t is. «« Bibby's.""" To-Night, The Long, 50, The made overco medinm. $8, R10, 8 Bithy Co. i new custom short or Dh. Boy Norfolk Suits. sizes to SE Jenkins hatr brush window Tavlor's i BadC oughs Neglected colds always lead to something serious. | They run into chronic bron- chitis, pneumonia, asthma, See *Phene 567. Brock & Bagot Sts. 5 =| or consumption. Don' t wait. TSI RCT TELE TTT Te DRX NDT DN | Take Ayer's Cierry Pec- toral and stop your cough. Se, Be, $0 J. C. AYER §0., Lowell, Mass. ] Children Sing | Notes About y ani in imported Enghsh tweeds SPORT IN GENERAL. the Various Sport ing Fields, Ther talk of an English lacrosse team visiting Canada in 1903, The "BB" Battery association foot- ball team plays in Odessa this after- noon. Lhe Peterboro rugby team will like ly bgure mn the Ontario senior series next year. Dr. Bowie, tough Rider-Argonaut tawa this afternoon. St. Mary's ana Crescent teams play the final match for the baseball cham- pionship of Toronto this afternoon. Toronto Varsity will run a cheap excursion to hingston next Saturday of Brockville, referted the match at Ot- by G. 1. R., for their match with Queen's. . : . I'. Warren, of Queen's, will referce association foot- the Napanee-Picton this after- ball match at Desceronto noon. There are now three ex-Ottawa Col- lege men with McGill, Capt. Nagle, hali-back Richards, and quarter-back Meindl. Thomas Stewart has matched his stallion Prince Charlie against Mag- gie S., of Napanee, for $100 a side, to be raced Thursday next, at Napaaee Both horses have a mark of 2 244. Queen's senior rugby team has not practiced this Week as it should. The university is badly in need of a gym nastic instructor and trainer. Perhaps the athletic committee will soon be able to enge a man. Of course Mec Gill and Toronto "Varsity have them. The rughy fossils of - Toronto and Hawilton meeg in combat on the grid iron in the Ambitious city on Novem- ber Ist. Capt. Barker will lead the Toronto fifteen, and J. L. Counsell the tigerons mountaineers. Logie and Fox, formerly of Queen's, are on the Hamilton team. Charles 'Dooley, manager and cap- baseball elub, inspector of by the United States covernment. - He will be stationed at Cornwall, and his duty Will be uhdesirable impigrants getting into the States. The Ottawa "Journal declares that Hutton and Ralph, of the Rough Rid have been approached. and offered positions in Toronto. The Hogtown papers are continually holding ups their hands in holy horror at other cities doing that trick, and here their own townsuicn toop"" to the same practice. Both Ralph and Hutton play and lacrosse well, and l'oronto wants them. Columns have been o kicking done hy the Toronto Argonauts, effective work has he ever done. How many goals has he Kicked? As com pared to Parkin, who played centre hali-back for Queen's from ISSN to 1801, Hardisty child at kicking. Parkin could kick seventy-five yards without difficulty. and knew how to put the ball the goal from a drop kick in midteld. the Montreal appointed an 'ain of has been immigration to from prevent ers, hockey as S0 written of the Hardisty, of and vet what is a 'over SUNDAY SERVICES. the morrow. Congregational Morden, minister. a.m., and 7 p.m. Strangers ly invited. Seats are all free. Morning subject, "The Past, Present and Fu ture of the Jew." Evening subject, "Christian Fishermen." First Congresational church, corner Wellington and Johnston streets--D. M. Solandt, B.A., acting pastor." Ser- vices 11 am. and 7 p.m. Sunday school and Bible class at gep.m. Seats are free and all are welcome. A meet- ino of the church management com- mittee will be held after the évening service. Cooke' Alexander 11 The Filling of Pulpits To- church-- Rev. Services, 11 cordial- Bethel D. N. church, Presbyterian--Rev. Laird, minister: Sunday ser- a.m. and 7 p.m. Strangers welcome. Morning subject : "I'he Home "Mission Problem," 1781 and Wo. A parallel and a contrast . Even- ing subject, "Vocation," "Has Godt a Plan for Every Man's Life?" "For Jacob my, servant's sake, and lsrael My chosen, '1 have called thee by thy name, I have surnamed "thee, thou hast not known Me." - Queen street Methodist church, Oc toher 26th, 1902--Rev. J. Cooper Ant- iff, M.A..D.D., will preach at 11 am. and 7 p.m. Morning anthems, "Chris tian, the. Morn?' "There Foun tain Evening anthem, Holy €ity." Solo, Miss Armstrong. and Bible p.m. Epworth day cvening at service with = be Thursday instead ing. All welcome. Svidenham street Philp, M.A., D.D., vices, or isa Nigh," school 15 | here Thon Sunday at on "He I he classes will League S pan. The held this of Wednesday meet rally Mon mid week on even week church Rev, oh pastor. Sermons by the pastor. Sunday, October 26th, 1902. 11 a.m., "The Character and Stability, of the Church of Christ" : 7 pm.. "Thought and Chavacter." All made welcome to these services. Morn ing. anthem, 'Christ Our (Shepperd); evening anthem, of Gad, (Gounod); solo, "Doing His Will," (Morris; Sunday school and Bible S p.m... Epworth Lea ome: Wednesday, p.m., the annual meeting of the Lord's Day Alliance: a union gathering of the churches, Ad dresses hy the provincial secretary of the alliance. Rev. Mr. Shearer, of T ronto, and others. ---- At Mullin's This Week : 20 hs, hs. hs. Passove rr' "The C. Mrs Peace D. Kerr, 245 p.m., class. Monday, S veliow 8. granulated sugar 31. sugar hest resh jellv powder =aC. . Corner Belleville, TAR DAILY WHIG. SATURDAY, DAY'S EPISODES PARAGRAPHS PICKED UP BY OUR BUSY REPORTERS. The Spice of Every Day Life -- What the People Are Talking About--Nothing Escapes At-' tention. Men's cashmere socks, heavy, black 25¢. Jenkins. Insure your property at McCann's, 51 Brock street. The members of the A.Q.H. are ar- ranging for a Hallowe'en assembly on the evening of the 3lst. Cooke's church reception to Queen's University students, will be held on Friday evening, November 7th. On the 12th and. 13th inst, J. H. Mills will sell by auction the house- hold eliects of the late Mrs. W. R. McRae. . Jabel Robinson, M.P., of West Elgin, introduce, at the next promises to a bill for the session of parliament, prevention of lobbying. The prov incial license department has issued instructions to local license inspectors. to prosecute hotel-keepers who have slot machines in their bars. There no dealer but has some thing in stock which he can make pro minent in an advertisement. If it be not novel, it may be made attractive by reasénable: price. is Men's braces, z=dc., 50c., Tie. .Jen- "kins. Men do not catch fish hy staying at home and looking out upon the water. Merchants who seek to catch trade must get out and hustle for it. Ad vertising enables them to enter all | homes and have a fair hearing. The excavation of McKelvey & Rich's new store on lower Brock street has been completed, and the contractors are now engaged in laying the foundation for the new hudldin which, it is expected, will be up ny the end of the year. There are several pasty holes in the oranolithic cross-walks on Princess street that should Le repaired. They have existed for a year and more are re while less impo srtant defects these are allowed and, edied, main. Within six red to a it will be fifty Cooke's church was worship. There will ial pualversiry services on No 16th, and the preacher for the is Rev. George F. Johnson, of Andrew's church, West: Montreal. few davs, since for public years opened be spe vember occasion M.A, mount, St PERSONAL MENTION. Movements Of The People--What They Are Saying And Doing. H. K. Doolittle, No. 132 Main strect, Watertown, N.Y., is in Kingston. Mrs. E. Walker, kingston, is the guest of Mrs. M. A. Prickett, Deseron- to. Miss Annie Goodale, the guest: of Miss Lizzie eronto. Mrs. A. Valleau, a visit Dr. Gy Dr. Scott's November Ist to 15th. Mev. A.M. Currie, MAA, erove, called to the pastorate of John's church, Almonte, graduated at Queen's in 1889. Charles Martin, Westport, has been nontinated by the Frontenac county council for a course in the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph. Mrs. Bo James. Clergy street, who has been visiting her son in New York Citv and other relatives in Utica, N. Y., for the past few weeks, returned home yesterday, Judge Ewing. who how in ern Ontaio lecturing on Christiar Kingston, is Smyth, Des- Miss Pearl in Kingston Vallean and are S. Deseronto, to friends. Kingston, vractice at Lanark, on will attend to from of Upter- St. West- 1 Sci by I ence. and who i¥ well-remembered nate anitn, has been secured to lec- ture here on | Sunday afternoon, De cember 14th. Adjutafit- Macnamara and Lieut. Hoole, of the Salvation Army, will Sunday as arranged, been postponed until To-morrow "three spe- Toronto to "on meetings of the not farewell -on The date has November 16th. cial officers, going to gress, will attend the army here. ---------- . - ¢ Bibby's." Overcoats. ¢ Bibby' Ss. "Gloster," the new custom made overcoats, SM, 812.50, $12, 810, $8. The H. D. Bibby Co. A LITTLE ACCIDENT. Saved a Lot Of Money Food that will safely. and surely Carry ao man through © chau sting men tal work is worth knowing of A man in St. Louis, Mo., my work, ix necessary to "even el and work through. without lunch until You can readily see that this is a train on the ordinary person, and 1 was frequently worn out and sick with and weakness. On numerous occasions when two o'clock round, I was so utterly exhansted and unstru as to he forced to lose the remainder of * the day, and that car- ried with it loss of money. The first package of {tGrape-Nuts came into our house a little over' a vear ago hy aceident. There has been one hv. design ever since that time. Almost immediately after beginning to Grape-Nuts, © felt its good efiect ability to work those long fort. There was no sick- weakness, of time says: ln begin at straight 2. pm. hunger cate a tse in ht my urs in or exhau con and no loss In my to work night of cach from day to night certainly no ol Lion. from also is necessary every The then call week. work, Light" anvone, and ration for this ancer of Grape a light lunch but one. 'e again thi foree invariable preg SeNeEONS on reserve ny task is a Nuts and nost am, sustai 'k Ceylon tea . Johns ton and Division streets, Bibby's." To-Night. ** Bibby's." rosvenor,"' the new custom made overcoats, 813, 814, |12.50 2, 810 | SN. The H. DD. Bibby Co. High Crow New rby hat with flat brim and high crown, very swagger. Jenkins The Billeville dis covered that tke in that "desert far in adv this mouth of anv thing in previous years. It will be found 'that 'the man in question is. a ticket agent, and that his sales ar increased hy the péople buying ard heard with which to get away from nd 2 hile extolling rather doubted the \n | cently, neni, | was He of the Mv four, «ix and ei ime watching a lt » ie table, and ipation the treat. which they would \ isiting re the evening Nuts delicious children, were old fri was me eating Grape and 10 hime three food: ving 1 the lps. With horus enjo Feasked prefer for Grape Nuts red in.c was Lantie an "hirape feiend convin I. he is Grape could 'not Name git children have milk. and vou healthy trio Co., Battle only Lreakfast the Nuts and rich hing a more err hiv ostum SOCAL SATU but oe hardest thing in RDAY NIGHT, Commander John B. Sparks, of the -- AN IDEAL MEDICINE. A New Discovery Which Cures All Forms of Catarrh. The tablet is the ideal form in which to administer medidiie, but un- til recently mo successful catarrh tab- let had ever been attempted. There is now, however, an exesliént and pala- table remedy for catarrh in tablet fornd, known as Stuart's Catarrh Tab- lets and sold by druggists, composed of the most recent discoveries in medi- cine for cure of catarrh and results * from their use have been highly gra- tifying. The old time treatment of catarrh was in the form of inhalers, washes, douches, sprays, etc. Later on inter- nal remedies were used with greater success, blit being in liquid or powder form were inconvenient to use and like all medicines in liquid or powder for, lose their medicinal properties when opened or exposed to the air. Stuart's Catarrh Tablets contain highly - concentrated antiseptics, Hy- drastiny Blood root, and Red gum which kill the catarrh germs in the blood and mucous membrane, and in this respect are strictly scientific and modern, because all authorities are now agreed that catarrh is a constitu- tional blood disease, and local appli- cations can have only a transitory ei- fect. The use of inhalers, douches and - sprays is a-nuisance and inconvenience and can in no wise compare favorably with the same antiseptics given. in tablet form internally, where they can reach the stomach and blood and kill catarrh germs right where they are produced. A prominent 'lawyer and public speaker of Pittsburg says: 1 have been troubled with catarrh of the head and throat for twelve years. In this clim- ate it seems impossible to get rid of The continual dropping of mucous from the nose into the throat caused irritation and hoarseness, seriously in- terfering with my public speaking, It took me an.hour or more of cough- ing, gagging, expectorating and sneez- ing every morning before I could set- tle down to work and this condition gradually brqught on catarrh of sto- mach, causing of appetite,. poor digestion and a foul breath, which annoyed me exceedingly. My physician advised me to try Stuart's Catarrh Tablets and I took them for two months and was astonished to find how 'quickly they cleared my head, throat and stomach and I have no hesitation in recommending them. They are not only pleasant to take, but they seem to get at the very root of trouble, because since using them I have had no trace of catarrh. Druggists sell Stuart's Catarrh Tab- lets at 50 cents for full sized package. They can be carried in the pocket and used any time and as often as de- sired since they contain no cocaine, mercury or any 'other injurious drug. loss Our Coal ir as Clean as Though It Were Wash- ed and Brushed. LUMP STANDS J, TeELE.. Goon CH na After ecal solid ooul=e0_ gdh ao os the earth from the 08, Tapurities TY ® poked out by hand, Thereafter it is screene times before It reaches you, and dirt, slate, Nite realls have no chance, if the dealers are careful We are very gg ne Foot of Queen St.--'Phome 9. Call and get our printed instructions on the use of Soft Coal for furnace, range and heater. JAMES SWIFT & 90. "Phone 135. 0000000000000 It's funny, the world for a woman to do, after | North -Awmerican Squadron, in Trini- she has paid her little ten or fifteen | ty church, St. John, the officiating juintie visit, is to say good-bye 10 | priest being the Reverend €anon Ri: her hostess and leave the room grace- | chardson. fully. Make a list of the nicest and The wedding of Miss Theresa Kor- best bred women you know, and then mann, to Mr. A. J. Small, which was check off the names of those whom | {o have takem place on Wednesday, wou think can leave g room with any | has been indefinitely postponed, owing degree of glory to themselves, or of || {o the,death of Miss Kormann's mo- comfort to their hostess. Aren't they | (her. painfully few now? Why this is thus- The marridge rE Migs Rose Macdon- ly is shrouded in mystery. Why a wo- | ald, of Vancouver, B.C., another niece man who can entertain) with tafinite | of Mrs. James wadersioeve, is an- tact and charm, who never says the | pounced "to take place. alto next right thing to 'the wrong people, or, | month. vice versa, who can turn the most em- Announcete nt is made that the mar- barrassing situation into one of ease | yjnoe of Miss Arleen Macdonald, Wil apd comfort, who can enter a room | Jian street, and Mi. WT. Miller, Ham- with any amount of dignity and | jlton, will: take place on November 5th, arace, should, when she comes to leave | i, (he morning. that same room, give herself an em- Miss Ethel Herchmer, who is paying barrassed jerk, in a pause in the con- | her P.P.C is to be married in No- versation, clutch her parasol or her, | vember. Every one is very glad to card case, and with a premonitory | know that this bright and popular "Well," proceed to take leave of the | gir} is not going very far away from lady of the house in a spasmodic mat | Kingston. : ner, and then walk out of the room . oe ae with an air of being on unfriendly The encagement "is announced of terms with everyone in it, is one of Laie Miriam Hellmuth, danghter of the unsolved riddles of society. | yp Juidore Hellmuth, K.C., of Law The art of leaving a room in | oo eer Park, and granddaughter of ench a way, as to make each indivi- | (} "ye Bishop Helmuth of Huron, dual left behind feel that she has been | oly of Mr. Clarke Gamble, K.C., to personally included in the formal Mr. John Meredith, barr wont of good-bye to the hostess, is an art | {go Hon. Chief Justice Sir William which is an ornament of grace to its | apadith. possessor's neck, and one which plac The engagement has been announced e¢ her on the top rung of the ladder | {St Catharthes of Miss Susie Pater of social success. And it is an art, alin voungest daughter of the late something made, not horn. It's the | poy "Charles Paterson, of Port Hope, one thing in which a family tre, and | 10 of Mrs. Piterson, of St. Catha a well authenticated grandfather don't | Lines. to Mr. Arthur Nasmith, of the help the situation in the least. They | pyperial bank stafi at Niagara Falls, do say, the dear people who write for Ont. the papers, and tell us what to do in - » . . the most emergent of emergencies, Mrs. Thomas Mil 120 University that it's a delicate compliment to} ,vopne, will receive in the future on your hostess to rise and say farewell | (he first and #econd Fridays in the in the midst of your own conversa- | month. tion, thus indicat that only neces Master, Erie Clarke, of Rockwood sity tears you away. lt may be--it | House, who has been very ill with mav. but it seems to me to have its typhoid fever for two weeks, his tem drawbacks. Suppose the lady was of perature heing very high, has at last a suspicious turn of mind, and thought | taken a turn for the better, and is vou were so hored that vou couldnt | now on the high road to recovery. even stav long enough to finish out The. Reverend Wilirid 7. Kingsley, vour sentence with decency ? formerly of Wolfe Island, after spend - . » * ing a pleasant holiday in the High A verv large tea. in honor of Miss lands of 'Scotland, as the guest of Ad Sh Petrol : ; miral and Lady Fane, has returned to Jenkins, of _ Petrolia, claimed Murs, : £ y \ Rome to resume his studies, Garrett as hostess on Thursday after- | " Miss Lindsay, of Montreal, is stay- noon. The tea room was in charge of |. , ) } De y- Mrs. Pense, who made the tea, and ing with Mrs. Mills, Bishopscourt. Mrs, Alex. Kirkpatrick, who poured Mrs. Oliver, who has been in Fo- coffee, theiv assistants being Miss | ronto for some httle time, will go to Grace and Miss Jessie Kirkpatiick, Hamilton for a short visit before re- Wiss Mabel Dalton, M Frances Mac- | turning home. : wv, and Miss Louise Kirkpatrick. | Mr. Dill Calvin has been in town he table de orations were chrysan from Quebec for a few days. the muns, faintly tinted with mauve, Mrs. Waddell, Sydenham street, has a vase filled with the pretty rented her house furnished for the flowers rising from a centre of mauve vite) which she may spend in Mon- si i : ide of eo © f treal. Silk in the mld of th J oy Mrs. Hugh Nickle has taken the blooms being at each corner. lces house on Bagot street, at one tune were served hy Mrs. Stafford Kirkpat occupied by Mrs, Harley. : vick in a small room adjoining the Miss Mildred King. Alired street, tea room, the girls helping her being entertained at a 'very pleasant tea on Mie Kita Kirkpatrick, Miss Lorraine Thursday. Dalton and Miss Gladys Drury. Flufiy Mrs. Yates left her howe on Wed white chrysanthemiing decorated the nesday, and 'ix en pension with Mrs. table. which was lighted with pink Irwin. shrided candles. Amongst those pre oop MN rN: Yeomox Mills, s Miss | Mrs. Gibson, who was Mis. Stuur lindsay, Montreal, Mrs. Buxton | Robertson's guest for a [dw days, left Smith, Mirs.- Rogers, Mrs. Crisp, Mrs. | for Hamilton on Tuesday. : Frank. Airkpatrick, Miss . Kathleen | The Misses Ferguson, King street, Kirkpatrick, Mrs. Willie Kirkpatrick, entertained at a very enjoyable little Miss King, Miss Callaghan, Mrs. Wal- | tea on Wednesday, in honor of Mrs. kem. Mrs. Bate, Miss Sinclair, Mrs. Clarkson, and Mrs. Boake. Frank King, Miss Lewis, Mrs. Hiram Mrs. Hugh Macpherson, of Univers: Calvin Miss Marion Calvin, Mrs. Grout, | ity avenue, has left for Portland, Ove., Mrs. Hague, Miss Hague, Dupuy, | to spend the next few months with Mrs. Merrett, Mrs. Lewin, M Lewin, | hiv parents. Mrs: Macpherson will be Miss Mildred Macmorine, Mrs. Waldron, | very much missed by her large circle tHe Misses Waldron, the Misses Muck- | of friends. leston, Mrs. Hugh Fraser, Mrs. Taylor, The Misses Bolger gave a pleasant ¥ John Rtrange; Miss Strange; tea this afternoon. Fiie Fowler, Miss Fowler, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Strange w't March. Mrs. Skinner, Miss Skinner, [their two children, are en pension the Misses Gober, Mrs. Mackerras, | with Mrs. Abernethy, King street Miss Dennistoun, Peterboro: the Misses Mrs. Crookall, who has been staying Ferguson, Mrs. Dalton, Miss "Edith | with her mother, Mrs. Sullivan; re- Folger, Mrs. Nash, Miss E hel Herch: | turned to Montreal this week. mer, Mrs. Power, Miss Gertrude Pow Miss Ieckie sailed on Tuesday for er,, Miss Smith, Mrs. Heralki, Miss home. : : Herald, Mrs. Walter Connell, Miss Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Carruthers have Bessie Smythe, Mrs. Smythe, Miss | taken 'a furnished house at Saranac May Suythe, Mrs. Rutherford, Mrs. | Lake. Martin, and a host of others. Colonel Drury has been out of town Mis. J. S. R. McCann entertained at [this -week, and has been at both a very cnjoyable five olclock tea yes: | Brockville and Ottawa. 2 terdav. The tea table, which looked Miss Dennistown, of Peterboro, is especially. pretty, with its. wealth "oi | the guest of Mrs. Mackerras. swilax and pink carnations, was in : . " . charge of Mrs Nel Polson Mes. Miss Sinclair--is the guest of Mrs I. Mundell, and Mrs. William Wricht, | Bate, Albert street. their assistants being Miss Jessie Pol Mise Violet White, of Hamilton, is com, Miss Jessie McCann, and Miss | gtaving with Mrs. Do ED Mundell, Vera Mundell, who all wore very pret Mrs. Marshall, "Elmhurst," leit on ty. summer frocks. Amongst those | Friday for Boston, on her way to present. were Mes. Crumley, Mrs. Fran | Scotland, where she will pay her bro cis "Kine. Miss Marion Lewis, Mrs, Kil- | ther o short visite horn, Miss Dupuy, Mi Macmorine, Frienas of Miss Grey, alarmed at the Mes. J. G. Elliott," Mrs. Livingston, | serious fall received from gu bicycler Miss Sutherland, Miss Crothers, Mps. | running into her on the sidewalk, will John Smith, Mrs: MeLeod, Mrs. Wil- | be pleased to hear that she is feeling lam Mitchell, Miss Jessie Dickson, | much better, Mrs Cov. Mrs. Hobart Dvde, Mrs. The West lind euchre club is being Uclow, Mrs. Massie, Mrs. John Ren- [formed again this--yrar, for another ton, Mrs. George Chi Mrs. Thomas | very pleasant season, it is hoped. Mills, Mrs. Martin, Mrs. J. Crawford, Miss Kathleen Jones, Toronto, has Mrs. DE. Starr, Mis. Madden (To- | been the guest of Mrs, Lewis, Barrie ronto). Mrs. R. Chown, Mrs. Dowsley, | street, this week. Misses McMillan, Miss 'Kidd, and very * - . many others, By an unfortunate mistake, I said . » - . «= | that Miss Solmes of Picton, wad the The opening dance of the season, winner of the 00ee hear contest at which claimed that charming young the "At Home" for the freshettes last matron, Mrs. Arthur Cunningham, as | Saturday, when the lucky one was hostess, was in every way most de- Miss Amy Barnes, of Smith's Falls. lghtin! afiair. the, pleasantness of Mics Murray-Smith, who has beer chich quite wiped out the discomfort staying at "*Bishopscourt," left this of getting to it through the blackness week for Montreal. downpour of Wednesday night. Mrs. MacParland., who has been vis Non of the uetails which go to make | iting Mrs. Harry Paterson. in F'oron up the nee of ua dance were want. | to, has returned to town. tng. The spacious old house is an Miss Vancortlandt, who ha: been the teal place for such a function, and guest of Mrs. Merrett, William stre with 1t a: a background, ana a tact for some weeks, left on Monday f ful host and pretty girls in fresh | home, frocks for the foreground, there was Miss A. A. Chown is having a | nothing felt tobe desired. ¢harming visit in Jamaica Plains, | : * Boston, with Professor and Mra. Ri The marriage of Mr. Anson Flower | ehards, and Professor and Mrs. De Robinagn of New York, ad Miss Mar- | Kalb, of whom Kingstonians hase such cuerite "Williams of Watertown, took | pleasant remembrances, : ! place at Trinity church, in that place] Mrs. tudvard Boulton of Brockville, | on Wednesday, and was one of th ' who has been visiting Mrs Henry most fashic weddines which has | John Boulton, in Toronto, 1» turned taken place there for some tige "Fhe | home on Tuesday. | trroom, Ww Bo -a graduate of Colum- (Continued 'on pag bia Coleg x nephew of the late] < -- Hon oro he well P. Flower, and i = now connected with the firm of Fk er & Co., in New York. | A very fashionable wedding. took | lace al os John. NL. on Weis reson re cuit dav. when Miss Dorothea Talbot Nich- oleon, daughter of the late John 3) Laxative inine Tablets Creek, Mich, G, Nicholson, was married to Lieut, the remedy that cures ® cold in oso day, I-A Cosy Bright Fire | Is an attraction for every one. The cheers | glow and intense heat of our Coul will meke jteell felt with pleasure during the sold weather. It's just the kind to cook with, 100. Let ue fill vour bin with 'BOOTH"S - COAL. ' 'Phone 183, Food | West Street 2 of | FOR SALE. | THE SUBSTANTIAL BUILDING ON- KING Street, betwees Wade's Drug store and In exoslient condition, for a long term. Ap- A. Cave, real estate agent, Congress Hotel. or ply to D King street. >

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