Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Oct 1902, p. 5

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NO TROUBLE To Suit the Little Men and Women From Our Stock of Fall Shoes. Neat and durable shoes made in shapes that give the growing feet a chance to grow, and they cost no more than inferior kinds. We are shoe outfitters for the whole family and the grown up business won't grow if we don't please the growing people. Every good thing in shoes. Call and see. Mclermott's ABSOLUTE SECURITY, Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills Must Boar Sign. are of Sooo Trl See Pac-Simile Wrepper Below, SHOE STORE Very small aad as cesy 10 take as sugac. CARTE SIR a. VED R I BiLIOUSKESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION, FOR SALLOY/ SHIN. ™ CURE SICK HEADACHE. The Toronto General Trusts Corporation Office And Safe Deposit Vaults 99 YONGE STREET, TORONTO Capltal, Reserve Fund $1, 00,00 80,000. President : JOHN HOSKIN, QC. Vice: Prosicents : HON. 8. C. WOOD, W. H. BEATTY, Fe. J. W. LANGMUIR, Managing Dirvotor. A. D. LANGMUIR, Assistant Maarayer. JAMES DAVEY, Secretary. LL.D. Authorized to act as Exvoutor, Ad mimstraor, Trustee, Reoviver, Commit- A of Luuatid, Guardian Liquidator, Assignee, Ete Deposit safes to reat. AH gives and at reasonable prices. Parcels received for saie custody. . Bonds and other valuables Guaranteed and losured against los Solicitors bringing Estates, Administra: tions, eto, to the Corporation arw continued - in the professional care of the same For further information eee the Corpora tion's Manual. OST al] x 4] ee Te I INFANTS' DELIGHT SOAP Superfortoe all other forthe Toilet and Nursery. it [To TTR oe a [a] Tei) 26 x; C100 Made by Joha Tayler & Co., Toronto. (Toro fe Fe oo] fa fo Te x ¥ Iwinx - - CURE YOURSELF Use Rie «for sein anfamon toas, tions tare, ribranes FProveots Cuatesien 3 ne t Astrid LransONtmoa Np went OF poliati tid Sold by Druggista, or sent in ain wrapper by express, Prepaid for } 3 «=, or 3 oo =e alur san o RN ronan AUCTION SALES. SAVE MONEY BY EMPLOYING , ALLEN & BROWN, Auctioneers STAMPS AND MARKERS. ' RUBBER STAMI'S OF ALL KINDS, SELF Inkore, Linen Markere, Dade. Seals. Si Bank Ticket and Offide Stamps, et~ Repairs AS POLICE MAGISTRATE OF KINGSTON The Oath Was Administered by the Mayor -- Congratulations From the Bar--Reply of His Worship. With becoming dignity and fitting ceremony, Kingston's new police magi- strate, James Maecallister Farrell, was formally indficted this morning. The function took place in the newly re- novated police court chamber. There was a small gathering of friends pres- ent to offer their congratulations to the new office holder, who accepted them gracefully and replied in fitting terms. The by the parading of ceremonies opened at ten o'clock the members of Kingston's fine police force, the men being marched into the court room by Chief Baillie. Mayor Shaw, accom- panied by the police magistrate elect followed, and after them came Alder- men Knapp and McCammon, R. H. Tove, John Mclntyre, K.C., G. M. Macdonnell, K.C., J. M. Mowat, Capt. Charles Low, License Inspector Glid- den, Chief John Elmer and a few oth- Without loss of time, Mayor Shaw ascended the dais and read the followine oath. which was repeated bv Mr. Farrell, all present standing, as befitting the occasion : . "1," James Macallister Farrell, of the citv of Kingston, in the county of Frontenac, do swear that [ will well and truly serve our sovereign Lord, King Edward the Seventh, in the office police and will do to all manner of people, after the laws and usages of this province, without fear or favor, affection or ill- will. > help me God." of magistrate, right The* mayor, on behalf of the citizens, extended congratulations to the "new magistrate, saying that he felt and knew that the office would be capably filled, and that in his decisions, the new would temper justice with had every confi dence in Mr. Farrell, who would honor to the office and to the sove reign whom he Tapes) John Meclntyr on behalf Kingston Bar wiation, offered ecngratulations of himself and colleagnes to Magistrate Farrell. felt that the licutenant-governov Ontario had done a proper thing selecting Me. Farrell for' fo dig ard important a position. While members of the har may in contact with the magistrate their official capacity, they would unanimous in upholding' him in office; though it felt that peace and concord should prevail the mem hers of the bu joined in offering their suppoit in the position to which the new magis A had been called. The speaker touched "upon the lone and honorable career of ¥ Farocll's pres and pointed out that he had heen prompt in suppressing and he had always been upheld hest sentiments of the com- munity. The people of Kingston ex- tended hearty congratulations to the new magistrate: the only objection that could be offered, if, indeed, there wats an objection, was that he had at tained the oflice at so earlv an age, hut this objection would be removed hy the daily lapse of time. The speak- er also referred the long and height record of Judge Price. 'The citizens noticed with admiration that Judge Price magistrate mercy. Citizens do the the his He of of Ars the be brought in he his was decessor, alwe crime, hy the vs to in cases where allowable, had alwavs tempered justice with, merey, and- only in two or three in- stances had this lenience been mis- placed, in cases of incorrigibles. Judge Price realizes that these prisoners who prompt. JOHN OFFORD, W nig Office. I TOOK HIS SEAT ; twenty-five ing and remarks, and they look for- ward to a long reign of peace and harmony between all parties. ", BACK FROM ALDERSHOT. | Sergts. Hazelton and Crockett Are Home Omce More. Sergts, Robert M. Hazelton, "A" 'field battery, and David Crockett, "B"' field battery, taking a long course in army service corps work at Aldershot, returned this morning look- ing remarkably well after their long absence. They came out on the steam- sRip Tunisian, which landed her pas- sengers in Montreal Sunday after- noon. She was a little behind tie, winds owing to continued head en- countered on the trip. Sergt. Hazelton left here in Fgbru- ary last, wccompanying Lieut.-Col. Liggar. He reported at Aldershot up- on arrival, and was at once put to J work. He says the army service corps is the busiest in the Imperial army. The corps'at Aldershot comprises 2,- 000 men, and these do all the work for the 20,000 or 30,000 troops quar- tered in those famous barracks at one time. The bakeries turn out 40,000 loaves of bread each day, and the but- chers kill from twenty-five to thirty head of cattle and from twenty to sheep daily. In addition, thousands of carcases of frozen mut- ton arrive weekly from Australia and are served out in quantities daily to the regiments. The army service corps men have' long" hos, but they are paid extra work-payv and are quite contented. On June ith Hazelton was summoned to London to assist Col car, director of entertainments for colonial troops attending the corona- tion ceremonies, in his duties. He as sisted the Canadians Nerat. eral Hospital. He has been confined to of the village of Odessa as bailiff for 0 al are brought before him are parts and parcels of ours Jves, and if they <hould have the misfortune to fall thev should he assisted to rise. He had always adopted this course, much to the admiration of the people. That should be the object of all who sit in judoment, to uplift the fallen, and not to sends theny down farther. "Fhe speaker elosisd hiv remarks hy again congratulating Magistrate Farrell up- on his elevation to the bench: he felt eure the macistrate would discharge his duties to the satisfaction of = the people. In reply. Magistrate Farrell' thanked the mavor for the cheerful words he had oficred in behalf of the people, ana Mr. Melngyre in behali off the bar, "Speaking of tempering justice with merey," aid he, I think 1 can safely av that in adgninistering justice from this chair, 1 ipl so conduct myselt as do retain the confidence reposed in as to return the conbidence x seGoin me. IC was with mixed feelings, he said, that he took the chair, but so many citizens had extended congratu Intions that it would serve to make the work lighter. knowing that he had the support of the citizens hehind him. Mm all: his judgments he would endlea vor to carry ont the terms of the oath he had jystesubscribed to. But while coing so: be would try to deal uprightly by all who should appear h him: he would remember that there were 'two sides from which to Liew all eases--the s of society and tha f the individual, and that while society that protection which it ys. he would not overlook the al. bute would e what conla with him to re m him for Wiety The speaker whed upon he lone and successiul career of his 1 Pee ces Sg who ow ed Tudoment and discnimination: The speaker askea that th citizens should bear with Lien in earlier days of his office Macrstrace kurtedl tien addressed a few vords to the members of the po hes 1 pointing out that their 1 bat ith -the police court were par inary close, and ® the magistrate 1h relv upon their evidence, to a tay tent, it 4 conviction was to tained The magistrate must h the confidence of the foree, and honda able to relv on their oui i Ue trusted each would take to heart the terms of oathtto which be hal <ubecribed, and would carry hom! A th t i y force Hi \ ny force ihn vr 3 lntegrity, 1 ; ro sonia fost] ] o { ot .F will | » 1 ' > Ih they Al 1 it 1 ta the fon? a hn Mavor Shaw and Magistrate rr conducted an } nspection, the out of which will fikely he the purchasing of new caps Fvery man on the force is pleased with his, worship's introauctory bear- THE vis Mr. elevators the razor, Though "ARE MOVING UPON YORKTON ARE ON MARCH] DOUKHOBORS The People Are in Quite Destitute Condition, in Their Villages They Seem to Bes Well Provided For. Winnipeg, from a trip district, orkton. T! pleted as a result. ales from passed a large body, bably 1,100 Doukhobors, wards the south. They were straggling two miles with their They were harefooted, They were barefotted, and wore nothing but cotton clothing, and their only provisions consisted of a peck of bread for each person, though they had any amount of pro- These people, | McCarroll says, appear to be per- fectlv conscientious in their action and he does not think they will use on anv cousideration. Liberal response is being met with for subscriptions to establish the King memorial chair in Manitoba College. long for and children. and children. ions in t Oct. through heir villages. 27.--J. W. McCarroll, a real estate agent, who has returned the Doukhébor north east.of Yorkton, con- sick force Complaints come 'from all parts at Two Questions Asked. Bounav marriage, | not the west of a shortage of cars. are full of wheat all points and owing to the rain the past few days theeshing operations | bed for the Past (Wo weeks. cut off the end of his nose. © Dr. Thomas Mooney, Rochester, N, After visiting a surgeon Y.. and _ bride, after ; visi & : > & oe i 31 RIK : a I wished to © go on "with the former's home here, leit this afternoon hut the girl refused to nartv him for New York. Fanny £ : " 3 - : desiving a noseless hushand. I'he appointment of Sherman Bond al- of | The | nearly | of but in doing so completely | firms the reports that large bodies of Doukhobors are on the march toward y movement here seems to be a general from all the villages, he savs, many of them being almost de- About twenty-five Yorkton, Mr. McCarroll comprising pro- headed to- Lennox and Addington has been can- m s celled; "The waterworks committee has been A six-ton monument, to mark the } telling the people the saving made i erave of the late W. P. Bell, is heing | the consumption of fuel, in the cost of prepared at Kilpatrick's marble vard. labor, ete.,"" remarked a citizen this It is of Scottish granite, surmounted morning. "Now, there are just two bv a handsome granite globe. questions 1 would like "the chairman Finbrocation for whooping cough, | of that committee to answer. The first croup and bronchitis. McLeod's Drug | '5 How much fuel has heen saved Store. . since Mr. Hazlett put the fuel saving Miss Gertrude Schroder, only aaugh- Jdevice in? The second question tis, tor of © John Schroder, Aséinahoia, [What has been the extra vost of labor formerly of this citv, will be married in that department in the last two this month to a Mr. Mcintyre, oa Jyears ? Things are not being run as prosperous rancher of the west, ceonomically as the committee would The property of an upper Princess have us believe. The cost to-day far street dealer was to-ddy sold by the joxéeeds that of three, four and five bailiff. after having been seized for | vears ago. 1 only hope the chairman debt. The sale realized fiftv-one cents | Will answer my two questions in a on the dollar. : straightforward manner." Prayers were offered in St. Mary's cathedral yesterday for the repose of rofitable Trip. the soul of Mrs, Gauthier, of Glengar Ww J district manager for the rv county, a sister-in-law of Arch: § Np Aniijcun Life sInstirance odin bishop Gauthier. Fhe avchbishop is yn. has just returned from Cleve now with his brother. land. Ohio, and Bufialo, N.Y., where he succeeded in writing large policies Pork Packing And Provisions. for the company. . The Clicinnati Price Cirrent savs: During this month, Mr. Fair has An nla She movement of hogs is hegten all' previous records as an un now heding shown. ialthonuh the ine. derwriter, having taken applications bers i Or for large 'policies in New York City bers are not equal to corresponding |{* the al . sntioned places. this fast year. Total western pueking [ONC the above jenuonsd, plates, 365.000, computed with 305,000 the § speaks volumes lor he pro preading: we and 30 two | ZTessive institution he represents weeks ' Ww rorrespond v ey la t a the 0 as toes Medical Attendance For Students. two vears ago HSH 0m From March Queen Alma Mater society has ap 1:t the total 1 PEA50.0M0, against | pointed a committee to take action 1120000 vear ago---u decrease of | recarding the offer made by the Gin 2010.00) I'he quality of current ral Hospital to furnich medical at marketing is airrecular. Prices have oe tendance and treatment to the tu lined, and at the close the average | dents on condition that 250 subserip for prominent markets is $6.65 per 100 | tions of one dollar cach be made. I he pounds, compared with B95 a week | committée will make a eanvass, and wo, [T.20 two weeks [605 a ndeavor to complete all arrange \ wo. and $1.60%4wo \y 100 ments. A Narrow Escape. *Bibby's."' Oak Hall. '*Bibby's.'" Yin ae I -- Ask to Dan nt n 1 nu li h Joserh had a nate ir 4 hats, su 3, 22. The. H rh had. a. nar Su Bibby Co death or injugy, while « av, Hie hoe hi P nd ie ere | The Best Disinfectant rod. : a! ! greur- 4 Saturated ® Se lutign oy © 1 a -- wl, readv to use 1n quart i bi Stark and Peter Reid wil McLeol's Drug Store, » to New Untarip at an early dats to elect lands for Gananoque veter Macedonian insurgents lost heavily ans ! in conflicts with Turkizh troops "Cornwalr * Steel Range Crowncd King of al Steel Ranges. Has a sharp, graceful outline, distinctly its owh--compare it with any other steel range. Its rich nickel dress contrasts beautifull polished blue steel body. Has every fuel and labor- -saving device, and its best features are not found on any other make of range. Sold by all enterprising dealers. Write for booklet. M<Cla London, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg' Vancouver, St. John, N.. B. . y with the highly- 5 | . | LEMMON, CLAXTON & LA WRENSON, AGENTS. ia Ey nam A | KILLED A BEAR. ; : | pl ; RRR Rees que vTap aR Bears and Foxes Very Bold | Soha 'Around Denbigh. 3 : Denbigh, Oct. 22.--A few days azo g E. Berndt shot and killed a bear in iy his 'orchard, where bruin was treat- »" with all the operation, premises, wi truder. Bear erous here and fearless. was at this fall, ing himself to a feed of apples, though a ten horse-power threshing machine, Conforming. | pr - SSS Foot soles are curved and soft. noise accompanying its work on the same thin a few rods of thein- s and foxes are very num- and very bold A concert for the benefit And Find Out for Yourself Whether | Or Not: Yon Are Becoming a Vic- | tim of Painful, Diseases. Or. Ch Liver Pills. in welcoming have been suspended, as farmers, > who arrived at Alexandra Palace on oy of whom re direct from the; © the Methodist church was given at \ Shoe soles : are flat and hard! [ =D June 16th. When the coronation was thresher to .elevators, have no place the Orange Hall on the evening of the J bl performed in August. Sergts. Hazelton to store their grain: In several in- lth inst. It was well attended. An- Breaking in new shoes invaria Y and Crockett took part in the parade, § ic whe Pans: is ving 3 , other entertainment was given at the sh heing attonhed > the ho & pi ae I yiog in he hall on the evening of I ty e | means shaping the foot soles to the 0€ . ' oo = B > S| » : * . i I} Australian contingent. The Canadian | jo opportune for fall ploughing as family of colored people. ! P soles, till wear moulds the tnsoles to the troops were. attached to the king's the ground was very dry. I'he Denbigh cheese factory has clos- | _ personal guard, and were pinged a ac James, to day, assumed the du- | od areratiohs for this season. The re- | Pp curves of the feet. position om the sib. of ail other fl ental gine of the | S102 have not bec aa" satitactory 0 The RESILIA is the only shoe ! colonials, ¢ Australians being ac- > | e patrons as usual, and a change in | n OT CO v : Candin rare and Winnipeg. He |! : ! ge : Pordel second plage. On coronation was twenty-one years with the C. P. | its management 1s considered desir- , which conforms to the shape of t ec foot dav the two Canadians were on par- | po having entered that company's able. Carmon MeNeil, checsemaker for lB fi qb a at four o'clock in the morning vite as "operator here. in ISSI. {the season just closed, is paving a i sole 'immediately, from the rst moment and were in the saddle, without any }° a : ) ; visit. to his parents and other friends : : ne, : Mt an) 3 s $ a an pe ih Jor nourishment, until four AT THE GRAND. in Lansdowne. H. D. Bryan, Roches- it i3 borne Spon, and without Y 4 o'clock in the aiternoon. They were | ter, N.Y., is favoring his friends and breaking in." stationed at a point. adjacent to : '» relatives here with a visit. and in- \ . ¢ Tangled Relations Presented a e a . anc in tl sty wt Prglanil ors : To-Night 3e0ds to enjoy SOS Shay JelorS dw It od this through the compressi le NOH Sergt. Hazelt kes Engle 'ery ' returns to the city. Rev. P. Besig, much, but found the climate disagree- Robert Whittier appears to-night in | Mrs. Besio and infant daughter have | ature of the resilient, clastic, cushion able. . Fhe English = Tommies showed "Tangled Relations at the Grand, started for New York City. Mrs. Be- | centre-sole, which 1 iS placed between the the Canadians every courtesy and con- | and ii you want to langh and laugh | gig has again heen in delieate health, | sideration. When Sergt. Hazleton ar | long gnd heartily His is an attraction | and hopes to be able to obtain the leather insole and outsole, instead of the rived at Aldershot troops were em- | that appeals. It has been a great | host possible medical treatment in New barking alias daily for South J success in Paris, Landon, anda Now York, as owing to the temporary ab- usual scrap filling. £1 Africa, and before he left thev were | York: had a five months' run at the | sence of Dr. Graham. we are at pres- rv oot so ur arriving continuously from the seat of | Comedy theatre. Lonaon, and Dalv's ont without anv medical help on the Obse ef t le in pict zo! lower war. Before returning to Canada, | theatre, New York city. ; Mr. Whittier vicinity. P. Stein was favored with a shoe beneath. Serat. Hazelton visited Ireland and | is new to Canadian audiences, but so | call hy Rev. M. Voss, Strathtay; Ren- called upon friends, besides taking a | far has made a splendid impression by | raw county. short vacation sight-seeing. his quiet, simple methods, which are | y Sergts. Hazelton and Crockett will | convincing. report at Montreal on November lst, SIXTY BULGARIANS KILLED. to assist in conducting a course of fn Next Event At The Grand. --~ struction for No. 2 company, A.S.C. The wunusical event of the season | Turks Wipe Out a Portion of the Seret. Hazelton will likely be ni comes to the city on Wednesday, Oc f Rebels. i ihe fal aul renned 10 Olan: tober 29th gor performs, an a Belerade, Servia, Oct. 27.--A daily Si , gent so, traction 12 known as Giannis Roval | 000 here reports that severe fichting dicr, and had an able comrade in | Marine Band of ltalv and Grand Fo enken i between Turks and Sergt. Crockett. pera company. The band is compris. | puleavians, chiefly on the Uskub fron od of the finest musicians that taly | (jor. The most serious encounter oc INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. an hoast of. The Grand Opera com- ' cupped October 15th," when a Hg ---- Dany is headed hy the world 8 famous | hagtalion from Salonica and the Newsy Paragraphs Picked up by tenor, Hn F. thignim, Nonerite Cle- | strongest Bulgarian force in the coun : patra, Vicini, the prima donna =opra- (pv were engaged, with the result that | FE. G. "LOCKETT, ol L al x: ESR 08 Theis Boul no, is well known to the theatre-go- Gy arians were Killed and thir 0 € oca ent. rof. McComb arrived in the city to- | ing people. 7 were cavtured. The chief of the day from Scotland. T m-------- Tn Jol. Ih hi 2 of the id = I . or and, anew, as severe cab ummneben. ony Gwe from | A NOSELESS BRIDEGROOM. Lil MEN'S WARM UNDERGARMENTS ickering's, New ork. rders re- u S---- i sive at Newly 8 osknor. : Lost Not Only Proboscis But. In- «Bibby's."" Oak Hall Bibby's.' Monkey Brand Soap removes all stains, tended Wife 8. g .. y 'S. rust, dirt or tarnish -- but won't wash >is > y Underwear. Come here for vour | AT ONE-HALF REGULAR PRICE. clothes. . |. Paris, Oct. 27.--A man named Mawr | inter underwear, and you won't go | 8 tH pi R - Charl Melni N 2 ice Dounay. a bank clerk in the Boule astray. 'The HD. Bibhy Co ii me time ago we purchased at a big bargain over 1,800 pieces of lov. arles. Melntyre, : nee, 1s ee al a : Tl av. . DD. Bib Oo. ithe Cie the we of pues: 5 [ard Magenta, was about vo be mar A | MEN'S HEAVY WOOL FLEEOY LINED SHIRTS AND DRAWERS Fs s » § rie n Saturday. e dressec imself in walling ref: oad DL and John McIntyre. A a ceremony, and then ot : J of > i paraflin as olive oil, | The sizes run from 81 to 46 inches. These garments were manufactured to ss I Mi thell ~s iL. TG 5 y, weorge Collins, a grocer, was fine eo 3 Jama ih hel a Joh po 8} et shaved. £10 at Tonbridae, Eng | retail at $1 each or $2 a suit. Oar gentlemen patrons in city or county will vO eels © » her sister, Mrs. \ , i barher's" dlink > was BY fengn Voie; . Hamilton. Watertown, N.Y. lo in th har ! ou fp be wae - = | rejoice to learn that whi'e they last we will sell -for 60c. each or $1 a suit, ' ts 'te 4H 1 (ta suddenly key a ole of | 5 isa a + ' y Cadet Burns, is quite ill in the Gen- | ,cozing. The barber hastily removed You Can Test | This is indeed a wondérful Underwear bargain. Buy one or as many suits | as you want. It's easy to catch a cold but hard to shake it. Avoid this by clothing | yourself comfortably with warm undergarments: We have them in many makes and grades for Men. Woman Children. FOR MEN, we have Heavy Ribbed (Goodsin Union, Wool and Super | Wool, Seo ch Wool, Natural Wool, Unshrinkable Wool. ; FOR BOYS, Fleecy Lined and Plain Natural Wool. FOR WOMEN, Combination Suits, Natural Wool. SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, Union and All-Wool Ribbed and Fine | Thin Haud Knit Goods. | FOR CHILDREN, Combination Suits and Ribbed Vests and Drawers The Kidneys Fatal Kidney | ase"s Kidney- tet ey : | in many makes and prices. . no lecessary or vou to con ve . * . K : lt a specialist on kidney disease to Nice Fine Health Brand 'Garments for the little folks, all marked at lind out if vou are a victim of this | close cash prices. dreadiul Heri ment, You can test | : x ela vou kidneys home, and satisfy | Try Us for Comfortable Underclothing. vourse on Hus point, Allow some. urine to stand in a glass for twenty-four hours, and if at | the end of that time vou find sediment | in' the bottom of the vessel vou can he | ure that your kidneys are di | rember A New Idea 2 Patterns. Pains in the small of the ba i smarting when urinating," frequent de sire to urinate, especially at loss of flesh and strencth] are marked symptoms which indicate kid ney disorders, Make thi tesi -for vour- | «elf. Consider whether von have nnv | i%n Beds, only $4.50. Regular of these ito and if vou con- | price, $5.50. chide that vour Kidneys are but of m ler beetn at ones to use Dr. Chase's Lock Weave Spring, only $2.50. Kidnevdiver Pills. They will bring | : "Regular price, $5.50. prompt relief and thoroughly cure vou, | : On account of their direct action on | 2 : a Fancy Stripe Mattrasses, only, the kidneys Dr. Chase's Kidnev- Liver | a Ba $2.50. Regular price $3750. Pills cure ailments of the Kidnevs when . These & aps ordinary kidney edines fail Fhe v lone are snaps. have proven their efficacy in many See Window Display. thousand of cas and areendor ed : bv nrote people than anv other kidney : FREIGHT PAID. . medicine extant, 1 William Pipe, dre-cmaher, 393 | i Fie, maker, AAs REN, Princess Street, Kingston. 'or vears | have been troubled | - na sis TT with a severe form of kidney disease] which had also effected mv general | healthy =o, that 1 rn vi uf fered fron pair wel and | thronch mv hod seid Ih Cl KN r ' Dasets' Kulm Liver Pills for» Unrivalfed i in hy, enh thom for A Kine dioease ac Thee have Drow . ~ Unexcelled in Flavor, } hor {i i \ fer Dr. C} Kil Liver | : er hier po She Finest in the Land the on hand at all ti iT . he. Cha Kadnev-Liver Pill ¥ . pill a dose, 25 cont a box, nt ¢ ul ers, or Edmanson Bate. & ( 1 A REES., pr SS S Telephone I onto A . rince t. No. 58.

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