§ : " / Worn thin ? No! Washed thin! That's so when common soap is used. REDUCES EXPENSE Aik for the Octagon Bar. a3 NEW ARRIVALS Some new styles. Prices range from $4 up to $40. MATTRESSES mew Mattress able, at $3.50, and $3. To specinily fit, £2.50 and $3: mude, a very equals' others Parlor Suite Specials at $20, $25, $30. CARPETS--Some Kidderminster, Fi ud, the Manufacture new patterns just in from 1 reat centre Carpet is Brussels--A 85c., $1, $1.25, all the special at pretty shades. Quilts ~Large from Some and range $16 Comforters $1.50 from. up to beauties to sclect -~ Yours, T. F.. HARRISON CO. | Undertakers, etc. Telephone Nos. 90-91. COTTON DOWN COMFORTERS Filled with the best quality snow white carded Cotton, 2 yds. wide and 2} yds. long, ~ 33 EACH, These Comforters are in all re- spects equal to the best Eider- down at a very much lower price. . McFEaul Kingston Carpet Warehouse. 9 . Wood's Phosphodine [he Great English Remedy Is an old, well established and're- lable preparation. Has been pre- scribed and used over 40 years. All druggists in the Dominion of Cana~ da sell and recommend as being the efore only medicine of its kind that cures * and gives universal satisfaction. It promptly and permanently cures all forms of Nervous Weakness, Emissions, Spermator- rhea, Impotency, and all effects of Abuse or Excesses, the Excessive use of Tobacco, Oplum or Stimulants; Mental and Brain 'Worry, all of which lead to In- firmity, Insanity, Consumption and an early grave. Price $1 per package, or six for 35.:0ne will ,lease; six will cure. Mailed ~aptly on receipt of price. Send pamphlet--free to any address. She Wood Company, Windsor, Ont., Canada. After. Wood's Phosphodine is sold in" Kingston at ell drug stores. EVERY BOTTLE BEARING THE MAGI LABEL IS GUARAN- TEED TO CONTAIN THE NATU- RAL MINERAL WATER OR CALEDONIA SPRINGS, ONT. BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES. When Fuel Is Dear You should light vour office as economically as possible Th most economical livht is YOTTO. It costs Jittle, and s thre the light of one-hall the house or tities or lamps at cost. GAS MANTELS :(--A few fine ones ldt at ouly - 10¢. each. , Princess BRECK & HALLIBAY, P**cexz... NOTICE Is hereby given the public that I purpose making it warm for all persons using my coal next * wip ter. Your order is solicited. - P. WALSH 55.57 Barrack St. CITY COUNCIL. DOINGS OF THE CITY FATH- ERS LAST NIGHT. J Frontenac Cereal Company Must Pay Taxes and Sue for Re- .covery--Tax Collector Criticis- ed--End of Montreal Street Wall Agitation. All kinds of things were doing at spac Fcil® "the most | the proceedii_s was the charge made Some pretty designs, at $5 and $06. | of | force the by-law 1 122 of the STRAIGHT BUSINESS | ' Hair Vigor will restore color + W. MURRAY, ]Jr., Auctioneer and Commission Mer- chant, Mazket Square. lust night's meeting of the city coun- tional portion of by Ald. Benan, that Reman Catholi { were being slowly crowded out of the i buildices. To this charge = All. | o wale an eble reply. The report of the committie on water works was amended, and instead. of further ¢ the appointment of a successor (i. Smith, the council placed W. Newlands in the office. The coun (il also presente(l Andrew Lanigan, ge tiring (ity messenger, with a hand- ! some gold watch and chain, and ex | tended congratulations Police Mavi~trate Far ; When Clerk Shannon called the roll | these members ered to their | names : Mavor Alds. Abbott, lehan, Dell, -, Graham, Hark- { ness, Hipson, Kent, King, Knapp, McCammon, Melarlane, Mcleod, Tait, Walkem, White, Dunlop, doe Lo Sea's, i Mallen. The minmdtes, as printed, of the last regular meeting, were adopted on mo tion of Alls. White and®hknapp. comfort. | sold at $4.50 | Communications Considered. Macdonmell & Farrell, asking ex emption lots purchased recently | from Capt. Gaskin Court of revision, C. BE. Wrenshall; applying for usual exemption on Kingston School of Art. Court of revision, Mrs. John Dulf, thanking the coun [ ¢il for the wreath of flowers, and solution of sympathy on the death of hir Fy led. Canadian Fire Underwriters acknow ledoing on re hushand. o com ication and promi-ing carly action.-- Fylad. John Melntyre, for the loeal board health, asking council to put in raferrid to in section the | tion, | of Health Act, regarding ivling of plans of plumbing in dwellings in the city. mittee. r J.B. Melver, calling attention to a | resolution passed hy the hoard of trustees of Queen's University, on No 1st, 1900; granting three pom { inations for the henelit of pupils quali fied to enter on a university course. Finance committee. Ann Revnolds, applying for remis ion of taxes heecause of inability' to pay.--Court of revision. Sarah Neshitt. objecting to paying sewer rent.--Board of works. W. H. Sullivan, for estate of Mihael Flanican, objecting to ment of sewer rent. Board of works. Robert J. Fee, claimi that he erroneously charged for sty-nine feet frontage for rent. -- Board of works. R. J. McClelland, R. Evans, G. Laturney, W. Peters, E. Lesslie, con, Arthur Stevans, G for his son. Harry We ing for position in city Poard of Finance com \ ber late pay- is of sewer Shaw. D. J. A. I'. H. Lougher, George Denni Hopkirk, wood, apply- neer's of fice. works. Petitions Presented. All. McFarlane--From T. G. Mont- cricfl and others, asking for extension of water "works system in Russell street.--Water works committee, Alds. Bell, Graham and Tait spoke in behalf of the ratepayers petitioning, who were represented as suffering for want of water, All. Behan, while. sympathizing with some of the sincere petitioners, said that =ome of them were suliering bes cause of their own fault, as they had refused in the past to to take the service when it was obtainable. However, he added hig plea to that of the others, and requested that the prayer of the pétition be granted if possible. Ald. Graham wanted the service put in even though the income did not guarantee the eight per cent. exacted by the water works committee. He thought the serving of pure water to the ratepayers of more consequence than the carrving out of the commit- tee's fixed rate of interest. In reply, Alds. King and Walken pointed out that according to law the department must exact an income sufficient to cover working expenses and payment of debentures, and the department had * fixed that rate at ight per cent. The mavor closed furth "speechify- ite' hy referring the petition.to the water works committee. agree Reports Of Committees. Ald. Walkem presented the report of the committee on finance, recommend ing payvinent of these accounts: A. Rocheford, $23.99; 8S. Anglin & Co., 83.57: J. Wehman, 830; Watts & M ley, $28.30; Dalton & Str $ 21; labor pay list, 8684 Light, Heat & Power John Burns, 819.50; W. P. Gillespie, &5:10; Bell Telephone Co., 224. MH: DP. Lowry, $3.50; E. C. Mitchell, 830.15; J. H. Sutherland & Bro., $1.50; H. Wade, 90c.; J. Gray, $10.7 W. § Grant. $10; S. Anglin & C 81 : Dalton & Strange, $11.85; T. Lambert, $251 Waierworks department. Morley, 80: Queen City Oa Co. 06: Light, Heat & Power Co., ® Labor pay list, SI119.16. The committee further recommended "On the communication of Mary Mills. that' the taxes on the 'property | used by the city as a pound for the | vears 1809, 1900 and 1902, be written | off. On the communication of Anson fant yo write up the oO. Watts & RON - 22.30 A. Gard, far a g oO " The trouble is your hair "does not have life enough. ' Save your hair. Feed it with ' Ayer's Hair Vigor. If the gray hairs are coming, Ayer's | every time: $i. All droggists. J. G. AYERCO., Lowell, Mass. city, you committee recommended no action." | Adopted on motion™ of Alds. Wal kem and Kent. Ald. McLeod presented the report ¢ the board of works. Already puhlish- ed. Adopted on motion of Alds. Me ' Leod and Harkness. Ald. McCammon objected to the terms of the proposed settlement of the Montreal street retaining wall, be- cange another citizen who had placed a wall six inches over the street line had been compelled to take it down. { Ald. Knapp would like to have seen stipulated in the agreement jhat --in-the event of the buildings in So | tion being rebuilt, they should oot be : placed outside the line of street. Company Must Pay Up. Quite a discussion arose over the re uest of the Frontenac Cereal com- pany, that their claim to exemption be referred to the county judge for decision. Alds. Graham and Knapp moved that the request be granted. Ald. Walkem stated that the matter was one of law. The company had ap- pealed from this year's assessment and a settlement of the whole question could be based on the decision in this appeal. Ald. McLeod was not aware that the council had thé right to refer the ques- tion to a judge. The company had the vicht to appeal if it saw fit. Ald. Kent pointed out. that the city solicitor had advised no action. The speaker advised referring the matter a conunittee for adjust ment. Ald. Walkem took the ground that the proper course for the company to foHow was for it to pay its taxes and then sue the city for recovery. There was no course provided for appeal to the court. The oricinal com pany had sold out to another com pany, and it was felt that the new company should pay taxes. Ali. White favored granfing the re quest of the company. The city ought to treat the company fairly. A few vears aso the property hrought in only S60 in taxes: now it vields $100 in school taxes. The city should treat citizens who invest money here, fairly as it would deal with outsiders coming to the city. Ald. Tait favored aceepting Walkem's view of the question. Ald. Walkefn informed council that the company was not merely appx al ing from its assessment, but the ground was taken that the company was not liable to pay taxes. Ald. Walkem further stated that in 187 Ald. Graham had moved that an in vestigation be made into the pecounts of the company. to learn if S100,00¢ had been spent in the building of the dlevator and thereby earning the city's bonus of £25.000, but the ci was defeated in that matter because of the attitude: of the company. Ald. Behan asked if it was not cible to arrange » friendly suit to de termine the city's position in the mat ter. Ald. Walkem said such a suit was Ald. Behan favored such a wil. Or the city might distress and in that way collect the t and brine the matter to . head. The clerk informed the council that the colleetor had distrained and had received two notes from Henry Mooers, for twenty and thirty days respectively, thus guaranteeing pay of do to special county as Ald. possible, ment. Ald. what indignantly: asked by right the collector notes in payment for the duty of the collect or to collect taxes. If it haa been the of & poor man, with a come other handy_collateral, his goods would have been seized and sold. It was ridiculous for the collector to ae cept notes; he should accept nothing but money. Ald. Behan asked, also. by what right the collector had accepted notes The mayor replica that he could not sav. * He had. enquired ii the taxes had been paid and was told they had. Ald. Kine was horrified at learning that the collector hail been so remiss in his duties {o accept notes in lieu of coin of the realm. The council should take a firm stand and prevent a recurr of difficulties. = Let the council proceed and collect the value of thé notes and not question the city's right to do so by agreeing to arbitrate. Let the company stand on ite legal rights and sue the city for the recovery of taxes paid into the city treasury. Mayor Shaw informed council that already the company was exempted to the extent of 872,000. All. Graham was willing to with draw his resolution and the question to be decided by the courts. The object of his motion had been at tained, in bringing out a discussion. He had found-ont that many-of those around the hoard had been talking about something thevskirew nothing about. Ie favored---showing the com pany every consideration. Mavor Shaw stated further had been approached by a representa tive of the company and asked have the city's -hailifi taken from but he had refus- ed to do so, saying he had not pow Walkem anthority ha accepted taxes. It or is case horsé-or as ee allow that he to tha company's premises, to do so. All. Pehan askal what course would Le followed if payment of the wore refused. Mayor Shaw replied that the would gue for their value. Akt. Walkem pointed out that of the notes did not judi ¢ the aty's right to distress. Ald. Kent reminded council that tax collector was responsible to he city for the full amount of taxes, and if these notes were not pail, doubt the collector would seek compel the company to pay up. nots city the acceptance pre the no Stole His Peaches. have heen peaches and peach those that grdw on gn tree be There es, but longing to Alexander Arthurs, Univer Avenue, wer the ni est wer hung from tender bough. | | hey might have heen plucked a wes k = oF and. been very But the " to leave them until they grew river and more i Jut, alas, for the ungertainty of Fautions and the On Sa : : stripped of a | fruit, and Arthurs was left 1 » about the WO ago, tasty. own I1SC1OUs, hu- | ravity: of night fine men res Wis Cocoanuts And Brazil Nuts. Grenoble walnuts, Sicily sfilberts, cans, Ca buiternuts jt Tarragona almonds, Texas px nadian chestnuts, and Carnovsky's. I" assimilated. always follows its use. THR DAILY WHIGQ, TUESDAY, TWO ADDITIONS THAT WILL STRENGTHEN © QUEEN'S I. TEAM. Claimed That Grand Stand Fee Not High--Queen's II. Are a Husky Lot, and Should De- feat 'Varsity II. Toronto Globe : Referee Dalton de- scribed the "Varsity scrimmage in the inclegant but expressive term, "Rot- ten. y "St. Mary's "team cham) ionship of the Crescents in matches. Fifty dollars a side is the bet put up by the Sydenham and King ton Scotchmen Association football teas for a match next Satmrday. Queen's 1 are a husky lot of play ers, and have serious thoughts of d- ieatihg "Varsity 11, and winning the Intercollegiate Intermediate champion ship again. The old Granite defeat ing of three Toronto two out management now vealize that Kingston could have put forth a team in the O.R.F.U. that would have easily routed the Toronto Argonauts. The latter may now re tire into intermedigte ranks. The football used on Saturday by the Rough Riders and Argonauts at Ottawa, was presented to Lady Minto for her little « Hon. Esmond Eliot. Lady Minto gracefully accepted the gift. She was present at the match, Advance Guard won the two and a quarter miles race Morris Park, N.Y. He has earned $22,000 in pur ses this year, and is as sound as a hell. His owners refused to put a price. on him' «when asked by Mr. Nene, > A race is to take place next Satur lay afternoon at Hamilton hetween W. LeBarre, the footracer, and Joseph Gentle, hicyvelist, for ten begin ning with two laps on the Victoria Park track, and on the road to Dun das and back to the city. Queen's team to meet "Yar sity on Saturday will he much strong- er than that which played against Me Gill. McLennan is back, and will take Lis old 1d in the scrimmage. A former Queen's and Granite player will he one of the inside wings. it is about settled that Montreal will not be in the Eastern Baseball League in 1903. The eastern city was slated for retirement last winter, but hung on and lost money Montreal is in an out-of-the-way position with re- spect to the other clubs on the cir cuit, and the wonder is that it lasted as long as it did. Manager Dooley's retirement presaged the finish of the Royals in the Eastern. The devotees of sport in. Kingston, dispute the statement made by a mer chant that Queen's Athletic Committee i+ charging too big gn entrance fee to the grand stand for rughy matches. The charge is the same made in other i laces dor the same matches. The ttatement that Kingston people can not afford to pay fitty cents for | a crand stand seat, the sporting frater rity term preposterous. When King ston people crowd a theatre at $1 to a seat for a musical comedy, they can pay fifty cents to se a ruchy matel® if they have any real instinct. Besides the general admission to® Queen's athletic grounds is only twenty-five cents miles senior sporting Westminster Abbey Choir. the and by his Encomvaced hy Success popular enthusiasm aroused two previous short tours to this side of the Atlantic with a coricert party composed of members of the Westmin ster Abbey choir, Edward Branscombe has collected a coronation choir, glee and concert party, composed of lead ine adult singers and principal boy sopranos who took part in the servie of the coronittion of their majesties King Edward VII and Queen Alexan dra, in Westminster Abbey, on Au gust Oth, 1902. The choir will be here to sing in, Chalmers church, Thursday, Noveniber 13th. under the auspices of: the Vocal Students" Club, when they will render 5 most delight ful sacred programme. Guarantee list in the hands of J. C. Dobbs, 82 Princess glreet: R. Congratulating The Magistrate. At last night's meeting, Alderman King asked permission of his col leagues to introduce the following re solution, which Alderman Hipson conded. In presenting it Alderman Ning réferred the amicable and friendly which had existed between Alderman Farrell and his former collegoues around the boara 1 here no knowing when wé may came | him" was Alderman Kina's closing sally : "That this council extena to. Aller man James M. Farrell its hearty con eratuldtions upon his appointment as police macistrite for o the aty,. and that the city clerk, 6n behalf of this council, convey this resolution to Al derman Farvell,™" se to relations ex is tore 1 Lights Turned On. Preck & Halliday "have finished work of 'wiring (h new arts' engineering buildings, and the etric turned on yesterday for The lichts were found ctory At present the furnished by a small of the buildings. Later on the electrical power secured from the city plant. the and to | i elwtricity enerator one may bt Tavlor sells purest drugs. If You have Weak Lungs - Angier's Petroleum Emulsion will benefit them immediately. By its soothing, healing and antiseptic attion, it cleanses and heals the sore, irritated and diseased mem- | branes, stops the cough, revitdlizes | the blood, creates healthy flesh and strengthens the whole system. Angier's. Petroleum Emulsion is | pleasant to take; agrees with weak stomachs, promotes a healthy appe- tite and keeps the digestive organs in a healthy condition so that the food is properly digested and A. gain in weight All druggists sell it. Anaicn CuzmicaL Co., Boston. Mase, won thé baseball] OCTOBER £28. CROWDED OUT. (Continued 'from page 1.) s employment, and none of the applicants could be shown to possess better qualificatiogs than he. With the speaker the questibn of religion count- ed for naught; he was sorry the ques- tion had been raised. He had been given to understand that the Lennon case: was being used against. him, and the threat made that he would not again be returned at polls. Such ac- tion would not cause hin one moment of worry, as he had enough to keep tim busy in attending to his own business. His action in the Lennon case was taken entirely outside the question of religion, and he did not consider that Roman Catholics = at heart believed that religion had urged him to action. His course in that ai- fair had been vindicated hy aetion of council. Going further back the speak- er referred to the frienglship the coun cil had for the late Mr. Bolger. Ald. Behan, in saying that Roman Catho- lics are being crowded out of the city buildings must be prepared to come forward with a list of names of men of his faith, who are better able to ill the position formerly held by the late Mr. Boloer, than the present in cumpent. The speaker used the same argument in reference to the oflice of city clerk. Tt was not so long ago since a Protestant filled Mr. Smith's place, and it was only right that a Protestant should go back. He would not vote against a Roman Catholic for the position, because of his reli- oion, if he had the same qualification for the ollice as Mr. Newlands had. In reply, All. Behan stated that the words he had uttered were not spoken in anger, bat rather in a spirit of sorrow; he regretted that he had been Jorced to make use of the words. The ollest aldérman around the board would fail to recall a time when he had brought up words that had creat- ed strife, He had sat with a great number of aldermen and under many mayors, and it could not be said of him that he was otherwise than res weetful to the chair and obedient to its rulines. lt was a painful matter' to him to introduce the present question, more painful than anv around the hoard could realize. Ald. King had been fair in his review, and he ad- mired him for it as he had on former yeeasions for his candor, though not always able to agree with him. Ald. King had said the speaker could not bring up a list of names of men who could fill the Hositions of city eneineer better than the present incumbent. It would be unfair, unbecoming, and un- called for at this time to attempt to so. Regarding the position of city . . while not desiring to cast re- Hections upon the present holder of the position, who was a capable clerk, at the same time the daughter of the late incumbent of the office was well quali- jed to take the position. She was in possession of all the secrets of the of- fice and knew its routine thoroughly. and the fact that she had been retain- «l in the office assistant showed that she was able to do the work. He did not wish to make comparisons, but it was a most unfair fling at him to say that the church which he at tended could not produce men able to fill any position in the gift of the itv council. r In explanation, Ald. King Jid not want it understood he intend- «1 fo infer that the Roman Catholic hurch could not produce men able to filk these positions. But what he did an to say was that among the ap olicants there were no Roman Catho lies who had as high qualifications "as the persons who had been appointed. Ald. Behan said he would not take time to answer Ald. King's assertion, thouoh he could do so satisfactorily and in short order. Ald. Behan's amendment was lost on this vote : Yeas --Alds: Navs.----Mayvor Craig, Dunlop, Kent, Kine, Knapp, mon, McFarlane, McLeod, Walkem, White.--17. Phe amendment offered hy. Alds. Kine and Tait that clause three be struck out and that the name of W. A, Newlands "be added, was carried, Alds. Graham and Behan dissenting. city > as said he Behan, Graham.--2. Shaw, Alds. Bell, Hipson, Harkness, Mallen, McCam Sears, Tait, ----eeee-- INFORMATION IS PRIVATE. Minister Says City Can Have Bulk Figures Only. At Monday night's meeting of coun cil. the clerk read a communication from Hon. William Paterson, minister of enstoms. in acknowledgment of the clerk's communication, that the council be furnished with a state ment showing the gmount and variety of coal importea into Kingston during the hteen months. In reply the minister stated: "The hest the department ean do is to instruct the 'collector of customs at. Kingston to furnish you with a statement showing the total quanuty, separately, of bituminous and anthra coal. with. the total value there asking past © "It woula he contrary to our prac tice. to furnish a more detailed state The law provides 'that secrecy in respect to trans individuals at the custom house, and we should not, therefore, make publig statement which would be in the nature of 4 disclosure of the business of the coal dealers at I have no doubt that the corporation will, up ration, mize the wis- ¢ for the observance of s the business of im por at the customs house." The clerk stated that he had replied to this letter. thanking the mimster for his courtesy. and stating that the council wonkd be pleased to have the information sugeested by the minister, but if possible the councll would pre the made out be May, 190], with Fg. observed actions by any Kingston. council. of your on. cons LeCOs dom of the rul recy regard tars have statement months, fer bv to with mber, inning and ending Nepte Fall Importation Of 1902. Prevost, of the New York clothing store. Prock 'street, has received -all bis fall importations for oraer work in his tailoring departient. His ready-made department is well assort- éd and a large assortment to 'choose from. For low price and durability he defies competition. | | | {Bibby's."" Oak Hall. "Bibby's™ New" ot is. "Tl "The meatum lengths, SN Bib The HW. Closter long, short, and £10, 12.50, 811, 8135. by Co. DAY'S EPISODES PARAGRAPHS PICKI UPBY QUR BUSY RPORTRS. The Spice of Every Day Life -- | What the People Are Talking About--Nothing Escapes At- Say. "tis sununer at last. Mayor Shaw is id Toronto. Pav water rate and save discount. Police Magistrate Farrell is in Ot- tawa. r Ihere is talk of a new coal yard be- ing opened in the city: § = 8S. V. Anderson, of Ogdensburg, N. Y., is visiting in the city, The coal strike settled but local dealers say some old coal bills aren't. When a pound keeper is required the conservative caucus will be re-conven- ed. The first me ting of the Badminton Club will be held at the armouries on Saturday alternoon. The night classes in Institute are slimly attended. may be abandoned. Robert Shaw, cashier at the freight oflicd, spent Sunday friends in Brockvidle. The late Rev. Fr. O'Brien, Madoc, leit an estate of 81,200. T. J. Rigney is executor's solicitor. Take the Rideau Xing ior Uttawa avery Tuesday and Friday, at 1 p.m James Swift & Co.. agents. John Judge, conductor on the K. & P., after a pleasant vacation spent in the 'lemiscamingue district, has re- turned to duty. By the way if the distribution of the scholarships for Queen's rests in the council's hands will they be made political appointments ? Charles Sumerhy, GUT.R. cashier at Brockville, returned east on Mon- day after spending Sunday with his parents at the outer depot. The manacement committee of the Board of Education met last evening, discussed the s*hool books' question, and put it into final shape for sub mission to the hoard. All disorders' caused by a biliouk state the svstem can be cured | using Carter's Little Liver Pills. pain, griping or discomfort attending their use. Try them. Robert Todd, Peterhoro, who at- tended the funeral of his mother, the late Told, of Sunbury, and af terwards visited his sister, Mrs. Al bert Gilbert, this eity, returned home to-day. 'Gene Peaupre, who vesterday morn- ing accented a position as conductor on the local street railway, turned over the fare box to his successor in the evening: He left to-day for Corn wall, wheré he has secured a more lu crative position. At last night's Alderman King stated that press ports had credited him with urging tke construction of a sidewalk on Earl street to lead to the athletic orounds' All he had done in the matter was to urge to have the question referred to the board of works with power to act. He knew the urgent need of other parts of the city for new walks the Collegiate They G.T.R. with 0 meeting of council ra- MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Notes Regarding the Movements of Vessels. Craig's wharf : Steamer Cuba, down. Swift's wharf : ki from Ottawa. Capt. James Mahoney has purchased the schooner Pilot, which he. owned once before. He also has the sloop Minnie. Steamer Rideau Has Arrived For Repairs. steamer Armstrong, from Prescott, of the best known of river boats, arvived in port at four o'clock on Monday afternoon, to enter the government dry-dock for repairs. Capt. Samuel Anderson, Jr., the geni al captain who has commanded her for about fourteen "years, is an old Garden Island. hoy, who is well known in the citv. Thé Armstrong, which is capable of smashing her way through six inches of solid ice, will ply be tween Prescott and Ogdensburg, N.Y. this winter. The ferry one Are The Raff Alexanaria Returning Home. ty party. of Isle Imperial, Bay. which has been up the Rideau for several weeks, arrived in-port on Monday. afternoon with their houschoat and steamyacht, on which M. Mallen, Of this city, has heen pilot. The party leit the follow ing dav for home. They had splendid su fishing and hunting up the Rideau. | WILL CURE YOU OF Rheumatism ELSE NO MONEY IS WANTED. After 2.000 experiments, I have learned how to cure Rheumatism. Not to turn bony joints into flesh again; that is impossible. But I can cure the disease always, at any stage, and for- ever. : 1 ask for no money. Simply write me a Yostal and 1 will send you an order on your neavest druggist for six bottles Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Cure, for every aruggist keeps it. Use it for a month apd, if it succeeds, the cost is only £5.50. Ii it fails, I will pay your druggist myself. .I have no samples, because any me dicine that can afiect Rheumatism (quickly must be drugged to the verge of danger. I use no such drugs, and it is follv to take them. You must get the disease out of the blood: Mv remedv does that, even in the most difficult, obstinate cases. No matter how impossible this seems to vou, I know it and I take the risk. 1 have tured tens of ' thousands of in this way, ana my records show that 39 out of 40 who get those six bottles pay gladly. 1 have learned that people in gener al are honest with a physician who cures them. That is all | ask. If | fail I aon't expect a penny drom vou. Siniply «write nie "a" pustal card: or letter. 1 will send vou my book ab- ont Rheumatism, and an order for the it for a month, as it an; ase Take vou medicine way . . and I leave the m with Youfddress Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wi lox 40, cases, not Mild chronic, are often cured hy one or two bottles, At all druggists. . pl IT IS DOUBTFUL: If Local Applications Alone, Ever - Cured a Case of Catarrh. Most remedies -for the catarrh are in the halers, powders, wakhes or salves, all purely focal applications and many of them often give temporary réllef, but the reason none of them ever really cure chronic casarrh is because ca tarrh is not a local disease and it can not be cured simply by treating the local symptoms, " Moreover the more serious. forms of catarrh, like catarrh of the stomarh and catarrh of the bronchial tubes, cannot be reached at all by local ap- plications and the fact that neglected catarth of the head very soon th volves the bronchial 'tubes, stomach and liver, demonstrates that the di- sease is a blood disorder, a constitu tional malady and not at all a local disease. To veallv cure catarrh the system must be cleans from catarrhal pois on by an internal remedy which acts effectively upon. the blood and liver, The success of a new catarrh reme- dv, Stuart's Catarrh Tablets, is be. cause it drives out of the system, through natural channels, the catarch- al poison and the mucous lining of the nose, throat and trachea are freed from the excessive mucous which col- lects and causes the hawking, spitting and gaceing, because the excessive cretion is not furnished from healthy blood. Stuart's Catarrh Tablets contain many of the same valuable antiseptics used in sprays amd inbalers, but in- stead of being, applied to the inflamed membranes of the nose and throat, they ave taken into the stomach and thus reach the blood, the real seat and cause of the disease. Stuart's Catarrh Tablets are large, pleasant tasting lozenges, composed of Red Gum, Hydrastan, Bloodroot, and similar catarrh specifics, and so safe to use that little children suffering from colds take them with same bene ficial results as adult persons. No trace of cocaine or opiates, common in catarrh medicines, can found in Stuart's Catarrh Table treatment of of sprays: in S0- SO be Our Coal is as Clean as Though It Were Wash- ed and Brushed. EACH LUMP STANDS BY ITSELF, GOOR «lid coal--so much ®ol fire. ocal reaches the surface of the earth mines, impurities are Therealter it is it reaches vou, have no chance, if Call and get our printed instructions on the use of Soft Coal for furnace, range and heater. JAMES SWIFT & G0. 'Phone 135. 2000000000000 A Cosy Bright Fire Is an attraction for every one. The cheery zlow and intense beat of our Coal will make iteelf felt with plenaure during the cold weather. It's just the kind io cook with, $00. Let us fill your bin with BOOTH'S COAL. 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