T 69TH YEAR. NO. 252 The Daily Note Book For Whig weed. =, E DAILY BRITISH WHIG. LOCAL MEMORANDA. Readers to Post Themselves By. Court of Revision, Thursday. 4 p.m. Meeting Kingston Yacht Club, 8 p.m. An industrious gardener is a slave to the Koval Marine Bard, of Italy, Grand Opera KINGSTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29. 1902. 10 GET SHOW To Supply Stock For Boer TO GO IN A CRUISER. Hon. Joseph Chamberlain's Trip to South Africa. London, Oct. 29.--1t is officially an- nounced that the king wishes Colonial Secretary Chamberlain to make his trip 40 South Africa on a vessel of the navv, and that arrangements have \ WORLD NEWS -- Comes To Us From All = AN EXCITING TIME. Kept Young Lady From Asylum Incarceration. Valparaiso, Ind., Oct. 29.--There was an exciting race here to-day between Sherifi LaCount, Porter County on one side and City Marshal Billings of Val- paraiso and Dr. J. C. Sharpe of Jack- to a fair and continued eool. I AST EDITION % -- eee WEATHER PROBABILITIES, Ont, Oct. 20th, (10 a.m )--Fresh north westerly winds, partly fair cool. local snow flurries. Thursday Toronto, strong d quite Some \ sonville, lll, on the other, upon the result of which hinged the liberty of Miss Stella Josephine Teller, cousin of United States Senator Henry M. Tel been made for him to sail on the cruiser Good Hope. The Good Hope is the giit of Cape Colony to the em- Louse, S pm How does the stylish women live ? Oh, al- ter a fashica. hho. sdu nises Thursday at 6:33 am, and Farms. Quarters. KID Vie- HUNTING For .a real good overcoat, one that will look well and wear well. If you are see FIT-REFORM OVERCOATS $10, $12, $15. | ) New Cloths, s JEN KINS 3 114 Princess Street. ! weasel IMPORTANT: SALE FINE FURS Portion of a Great Bankrupt Stock of a Wholesale Fur House. We have received instructions from the liquidators to sell by public auction, without reserve, the entire stock of Fine Kurs, ocon- sisting of Persinn Lamb Jackets, Plain and trimmed with Mink and Alaska Sable, Elec: tric Seal Jackets, Hudson Seal Jackets, - all vizes, lined with the best of satin. Muskrat and Mink-lined Men's overcoats. with Seal and Otter Collars; Fur-lined Capes with Thibet trimmings; Ruffs, . Collarettes, Boas, Mufis, Gauntlets, Slei h Robes, ete. ete, Sale to take place at 145 Princess Corner Bagot. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, OCT. 31st and NOV. Ist, At two o'clock and eirht o'clock p.m. I'S. --Goods on view Thursday. Seals reserved for ladies, ALLEN & BROWN, Auctioneers. THE DELICATESSEN 354 KING STREET. Table Board by the meal, day or week at very reasonable rates. Prepared to serve families at re- duced rates. MEALS AT ALL HOURS. W. J. STINSON, Proprietor. LOST --REWARD. CONTAINING MONEY alte rio, ihe 0 Street, A PURSE, day tion return ut .& DP will be rewa Whig Oiliee. GOOD ROOM AN Lk also table board. Ma) Breden's, 24 Stuart street. at Mrs. LARGE FRONT ROOM, ALSO TWO SINGLE rooms, with modern conveniences, cen- tral, not far from Citv and Macdonald Parks. Suitable for a party of from three to five, 195 Earl strect. WANTED. GOOD DININGROOM GIRL [AT WINDSOR lotel J A FEW SMART GIRLS. APPLY KINGSTON Hosiery Company. A NURSE. APPLY TO MRS. HUGH C Nickle; 130 Bagot street APPLY TO MRS. A, street. A GENERAL SERVANT Strachan, U8 Bagot A FEW INTELLIGENT LADIES AND GEN- tlemen, straight salary. Apply Box 833, Picton, Ont. BOYS WHO WANT STEADY WORK at Gould's éactory, Smith strect, site 730 Princess street ARPLY oppo AGENTS TO HANDLE OUR SPECIAL brand Teas, Coffees, Etc. The Starr Co.. 185 Wellavtwon street, Kingston. CAPITALISTS, TO INVEST IN Estate, paving 7 to 12 per cent. S. R. McCann, 51 Brock Street. REAL net. J. AN ENERGETIC MAN CAN EARN FLOM $15 wo $i8 a week selling our goods Large demand. Write for particulars. C. R. Fegan, Fenwick, Unt. BOYS AND GIRLS, WHO WILL WORK steadily and earn from $2.50 to $3 por week. Apply to Gould's factory. Smith street, opposite 730 I'incrss street. AT ONCE, AT NEW YORK DRE Academy, good sewers to leary by measure, desicn Mme. Elder, 166 Prin ANOTHER 2 Good, bov, to deliver MN Fresh DP Sausages, ete Tory a H. J. Mvers, Pork Mark TK A phone $70. Orders | to. SMART Ceokni | derlou, | v 3: > | of | A MATRON 10 BE Nurses Annex at the General Hospital For duties apply in person to Miss Flaws, lady superintendent o nurses, letter to Prof. Marshall, Cha Board of Governors, stating remuneration expected. IN CHARGE OF THE sets at 533 pm thudist church, nobody ings, Shiarer, Is wi students, street Me- S pm. counts Iteception Queen 10 that day lost when kick him Home, A yellow dog condescends to City Build- Thursday afternoon at three o'clock. Day a\hress by Rev. Mr. Sydenbam street Methodist church, Annual meeting Infants' Lord's Allinnee, 8 p.m. Ii vou have Make, as you ast Belief that there the sen as ever was caught is voor consolation to lived, take thankiully the past: can, the sweet remembrance are as vood fish in the man whose bait is gone. He secks nothing for himself easily avounded, discouraged, is not Our with who or defeatid. trials usually connected bitterest are cur seif-love, There are other hind girls besides yours, with regard your case in the par- church social. ntly there - are other women so vou need not as one of all absorbing interest lor, the car and the This in the world's historv: Prince Christian Victor died in South Africa, 1900; Valevfield strike ended, 1900: Premier Roblin and cabinet sworn in in Manitoba, 1900 ; Red Rebelk 1869; Horace Greeley, 1 Mercier died in Quebee, 1894; Sir Walter Raleigh beheaded, 1618; McClellan, United States army, died, John Keats, poet, born, 1796. FRENCH CHINA We Have Just Opened Up Some Very Hand- some Tea Sets. If you want to see some- thing pretty give us a call We will show you some eye- openers. We will put any set away for you. Come quick and get the best selec tion. ROBERTSON BROS. (GRAND OPERA ROUSE. TO-NIGHT. The Musical Event of the Scason 60:0va. ny Hi > irawy60 New day begun, divd, . Horace River n 1885; AND GRAND UPERA Cu. This is the band that captivated a'l York. Band concert, first part. Grand opera "IL TROYATORE," in costume end scenery, second part. SIG ART Prices Seats on sale Wednesday, Nov. Sth, CROSS." (VICTORIA Y THEATRE; TWO WEEKS : W.B. SHERMAN PRESENTS The Gastie -Squara -Stock Co. The Elitent Repertorie. To-might, The Farce Comedy in 3 Acts "A GAME OF WITS." TEN BIG specialties and tedious waits EXTRA -ERMANI, at every performance. Prices--lie., 15c., and SATULDAY. Entire change night. Plan QUEEN'S ATHLETIC GROUNDS SATURDAY, NOV. 1 Varsity vs. Queen's Excursion to Toronto, Nov. 7th, Excursion to Montreal, Nov. 14th full a inh . Director 25¢., 50c¢., 75c., $1. at Hanley's. "THE SIGN OF THE every nicht--mo delay the spectacular dancer ox MATINEE ON of bill every open at McAuley's bookstore, i t 1 ar ast : A Man's Home t His Castle. A: v don't vou own a eastle? Perhaps vou INT LEIGEN Lo plans for . J SS: R. serichsiv rod t Vali makers B81 firokk Street. Next to Wade's, & 2, s."" Oak Hall. "Bibhy's." Ss Bibby' We're making a best makes, best styles here, Sik $1 3 H. spread on 'gloves, | | of ? i . 81:30. «1D. 1} Bibby Co. ys 10. The $2.50. A DIFFICULTY that Lier will complete the line. save a cCANN. || ALSO HARROWS. HAS BEEN OVERCOME. More Small-pox in Ottawa--Out- break of the Disease Will Re- sult in a General Vaccination of the Citizens--Archbishop Duhamel's 28th Anniversary. Ottawa, Oct. 29.--Hon. Sydney Fish- er some time ago wrote Lord Strath- cena in favor of Canada being allow- ed to supply horses and cattle for the re-stocking of the Boer farms. Lord Strathcona referred the matter to Mr. Chamberlain, and the latter now advi-es Mr. kisher that Lord Milner has got charge of the work, and the colonial secretary handed Mr. Fisher's report over to him. The crown agents of the imperial government, in South Africa, have cabled another order through the de- partment of agriculture to the Massey- Harris Manufacturing company. for 2,000 more zig-zag harrows. This is a duplication of the first order, which was worth in the vicinity of $40,000, making $80,000 worth of machinery in all. A report from Engineer Hoar to the railway and canals department states that the difficulty in locating bottom for the Liz Quebec bridee pier has been entirely overcome, and that the work oi the substructure will be completed within five days' time. The Ottawa Board of Health has de- cided to, re-enact th: measure taken last winter *enforcine general vaceina tion. The city was clear of small-pox for about six but four new cases have hroken out and all are peo- ple who have not been vaccinated. One man who came down from the shan- ties with a broken leg, was in the general hospital four hays before the disease developed. The twenty-cighth anniversary of the consecration of Archbishop Duha- mel was observed on Tuesday. His grace celebrated pontifical high mass av the Basilica, which 'was attended bv the leading priests of the diocese. After mass a dinner was held at the archbishop's palace, Mgr. Falconio, apostolic delegate, attended and join- ed in the congratulations to the | he- loved head of the Ottawa diocese. ssment Commissioner Pratt aer a provision in the new as ment act, has been enabled to assess super- annuated civil servants on income. So strong the feeling against the én- forcement of this clause of the act, however, that there is likely to be a string of appeals to the court of re vision. weeks, un- 18 THE NEW LIFE. This .is What the Doukhobors Are Seeking. Yorkton, Asta. Oct. 29.--The 1,300 Doukhobors, who marched into town, vesterday, went to the Immigration Hall, where immigration agents Spear and Crearer interviewed them. They said they did not know where they were going of what they are going to do, except to convert people and find the new life. THe men refused shelter for the women "an ildien and but the immicration agents succeeded in petting these latter into the immi gration shed, theouch much against their wiil. About 10 Doukhobors are about six miles out! and coming into the town and six hundred more are leaving their villages. One chill died yesterday. The people are living on grass anil raw potatoes and look very much the worse of 'their licht diet and long tramp. The women and children and sick are now all comfortably housed. The men marched out of town at three o'clock, yesterday afternoon, heading east. An Ultimatum. London, Oct. 29.--1t is reported that Signor Prinetti, the Italian minister of foreign anairs, has given an ultima- tum to Turkev to surrender the pirates within five days on the pain of measures, Turkey. suggests punish tie culprits herself, It believed here that the porte will accede to the Ital an demand. vigorous she is ut Italy rofuses. Will Soon Be Completed. Vancouver, Oct. 29.--It expected hat the cable between Canada and 18 Austra'ia will be completed on Satur- day. The Anglia, which is laying the 2100 miles fom Fanning to Suava, ft Fanving Island on the sth, ear- than was expected. This section emg oi Maxwell May Die. Vancouver. B.C, Qct. "29.--=George 3. Maxwell, M.P, for. Burrard, cri icgllyv ill ang has been practically iven up hy his physicians, Dr. D. M. lones, a specialist, came from Vie- oria. yesterday. and it is understood very unfavorable opinion. Damaged Hien ' By Water. rth, wer gnd wa ted in the aseient Appointed A Councillor. Johann Von | Americar council Lon Perlin, Oct. 20. --Coun dernstorfi. w birth. has been appoin of the German embassy at whose wit or "doh. - | the pire, on the occasion of Queen toria's diamond jubilee, in 1897. The vessel, which has just bgen completed is 14,100 tons burden. She is 500 feet in length, and her engines are 3,000 horse-power. They give her a sea REAR-ADMIRAL ROBLEY D. EVANS. Who assumed command of the United States Asiatic squadron to-day. speed of twenty-one knots. Mr. Cham- berlain's voyage on her will be the occasion of her first visit to the Cape Colony. Will Work Harmoniously. New York, Oct. 29.--The Tribune's London cable says : The rumor mong- ers are seching to stiv up strife be tween Mr. Chamberlain and Lord Mil ner. Many stovies are current respect- ing disagreements between the two men, and appeals from the judgment of one to the decision of the other, and their emphatic assertions that Lord Milaer will submit with grace to the official visitation of the secretary of the' colonivs.. All gossip of this kind is unfounded and malicious. Mr. Cham- berlain and Lord Milner have dis- agreed over the conditions of the peace, the suspension of constitution of Cape Colony, the political relations with the leaders of the Bondj and many other questions, but their di- vergence of views on matters of prin- ciple and policy has not affected their personal friendship. Each is loyal to the other and there is no jealousy. South Africans here are confident that circumlocution and red tape will now be dispensed with and the settlement of countless matters and details facili: tated by the colonial secretary's pres- ence in South Africa, and that Lord Milner's work, which now passed with- out observation, will command general appreciation when his' official chief is in a position to direct attention to it. Asked To Visit Australia. . Sus Melbourne, Oct. 29.--Premier Barton has extenaed an invitation to Colo- nial Secretary Chamberlain to visit Australia before he returns to Eng- land from South Africa. GREAT BITUMINOUS CONCERN Combined Output 30,000,000 Tons a Year. Pa.; Oct. 29.--~The Ga- : - "Negotiations are under a merging of the Pittsburg Canl-company andthe Monongahela River Consolidated Coal and Coke company with their combined author- ized capitalization of 811,000,000 and SI200058551. Consolidation of the will launch by far the strongest bituminous concern in the avorld. The combined coal output of the two concerns is close to 30,000, 000 tons a year. The plan is to make the Pittsburg company lessee and the purpose to economize operations." Pittsburg zotte wav for assels of int SHOT BY HER BROTHER. Dies Five Minutes Afterward--Ac- cident at St. Catharines. Ont., Oct. 29.--Miss Muriel Beason, a. young. lady who moved in the leading social eircles of the city, was last night accidentally and fatally shot by her only brother, Carl, aoed fourteen vears, The boy was examinitg a small Ste- tens rifle in the house, when it was ac- cidlentally distharged. The victim ex- pired about five minutes after the shooting. St. Catharines, RANCHMAN SHOT TO DEATH. His Mother Is In a Dying Condi- tion. Butte. Mont... Cct. 20.--A special from Pear Mouth savs James Conn, a wealthy ranchman = on Willow Creek, was found shot to death in his home vesteraayv. His mother lay upon the floor with her skull crushea and can- not live. The murderer is believed to he the lone bandit who held up the North-Fast Limited last Friday morn ing. "To Give Good Subsidy. . Haliiax, N.8., Cct. 20.--The provin- cial covernment has agreed to give a cash subsidy of NF. a mile to the Nova Scotia Eastern railway, which it is proposed to build 200 miles from via the Atlantic Shore and hoit Vel'er/ to 'the Strait of i wil be in addition 1 n Nova this city Mus Cano. ths company ot tins g Ontario "Bibby's." ." Overcoats. "Bibby's nit vercaat vou exact- aned for ¢ any honor- ish moment colonel v Presilent Roosevelt one arv uj on of a regiment f the exposition at St. Louis. FEW BRIEF ITEMS TELEGRAMS FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF EARTH) 3 Matters That Interest Everybody --Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered By The Dear Public. : Commandant Christian Botha died at Kohstadt, South Africa, this morn- ing. Despatches from Cannes Edward wiil visit the Riviera in vember. Particulars have been filed of the Glengarry and North Grey election petitions. 'The marazyement of the Standard bank has arranged to open a branch at Stratford. . County Treasurer Shambleau, of Kent, has heen suspended owing to an alieged shortage in his accounts. Speaking at West Broomwich, Lord Charles Beresford has expressed the opinion that Britain was entering upon a century of peace. Gen . Uribe-Uribe, the most promin ent of the Colombian revolutionary leaders surrendered to the government armv after a hard fight. A rock was hurled across Niagara River by a blast in the Ontario Pow- er company's canal and it killed a man named Moakler on Goat Island. The Vancouver, Victoria and East- ern railway has obtained permission by the railway committee at Ottawa to construct branch lines in British Col umbia. The collieries of the Philadelphia & Reading ron and Coal company, oper- ating on half time since the beginning of the coal strike, have resumed on full time The G.T.R. has decided on the gene- ral plans for its new freight depot in Toronto, to he erected on the old Parliament building grounds, Front street west. W. R. Newell, of Chicago, at his bible class in Massev Hall, Toronto, said that in no "city in the United States was the word of God respected as in Toronto. The villa at Rome, of Toma Sal- vini, the distinguishei tragedian, has been entered by thipves, who stole medals, gold crowns and many other pre ious souvenirs of Signor Salvini's artistic career. The Boer generals statement to the effect opinion' nothing Lut good from the proposed trip Secretary Chamberlain Africa next week, William Carroll, an old man living between London and St. Mary's, set fire to his house and stabbed hiihiself. He was rescued from the building and is now in London hospital. He will probably recover. At the convention branch W.C.T.U., in Toronto, vester- day, the address of the president, Mrs. McKee, contained an attack on the action of the ' temperance convention held in Toronto in February last. The close of the brief = circuit of royal functions in London is followed by the 'opening of usual round of pub- Lie "dinners. Premier Balfour, Lord Roberts and the Duke of Abercorn were the principal figures at various boards' on Tvesdav: picht. A despatch from Yorkton, Assiniboia, says that 1,600 Boukhobors, men, wo men and children have marched into that place. They entered the town singing a weird hymn, .and car- rvino their infants on stretchers. They are in want of food. say King No- have issued a that in their can result of Colonial to -~South Big Strike Now Threatened. Paris, Oct. 29.--The national com- mittee of the sfriking miners has writ- ten a letter to Premier Combes, ac: cusing the" companies of using -intimi- dation to force" the miners to resume work individually, and of discharging those who refused to do so. In its let- ter the committee threatens that if such methods are continued, it will inimediately ask all the trades unions of France to order a general strike. Breaks Record Across Pacific. San Francisco, Oct, 2 'he Pacific Mail company's new steamer Korea arrived on Tuesday from Yokohama, breaking the record across the Paci- fic. The steamer made no stop be- tween the coast: of Japan and her home port, and came flying through water at the average rate of nearly 500 miles a day. The Korea sailed from Japanese port on October 18th, and made the passage in ten days, averaging 450 miles a day. To Improve The Cemetery. Morven, Oct. 27.--A very large am- ount of hay and grain has been ship- ped from this station this season; 'or which the farmers have received a fair price. J. 8S. Fralick's new house rearly completed. The trustees of the cemetery are making preparations to place a new fence along the front. IE. M. Smith has pressed out one barn of hay and is shipping it to Foronto. is Measles Kills Ten Thousand. | London, Oct. 29.--The- St. Peterd- | burg correspond of the Daily Mail { an epidemic ® of on the Kamchatha peninsula, thousand persons have died of disease, the population oi hae bee vid villages tiermany may 194 to see The crown prince ot visit the United Stat in of the Ontario' ler, of Colorado. Miss Teller, after some trouble con- cerning propertv. was placed in a pri vate insane asylum at Jacksonville, ] nl. months ago. She escaped three months ago and came to this place, where she has quietly resided since, Recently she engaged legal counsel to file a suit for $50,000 against one of her brothers for her asylum experience. This step revealed her whereabouts and Dr. Sharpe of the Jacksonville in- stitution came to take her bac He enlisted the services of City Marshal Billings, and went to the hotel where Miss Teller was stoppine, placed her in a hack and started in a hurry for the Pennsvlvania railroad station. Miss Teller's attorneys were apprised of the sudden turn of affairs and hur- ried to the station with a blank ha- beas corpus writ, arriving two min- utes before the train pulled in. The writ was signed, a notary public who happened to be a passenger on the train affixed his seal, Circuit Judge McMahon hastened to grant the, neces- sarv order and Sheriff LaCount, after a hard run, caught Dr. Sharpe and his unwilling protege as the train was leaving the station. The Jacksonville phvsician was compelled to release his former patient. SAMOAN CLAIM. One Reason Given for King Os- car's Decision. Washington, Oct. 29.--The oflicials here find an ample explanation of the adverse decision of King Oscar in the matter of the Samoan claim in the statement that comes from Stockholm to the efiect that the ling's decision was influenced by three jurists, one of whom was M. Cederkrans, ome time chief justice of Samoa. It is stated that while filling that important post, Mr. Cederkrans came into frequent collision with Judge Chambers, the American land commissioner, who ai- terwards succeeded Cederkrans as chief justice, and ' it is believed that the personal ill-feeling that followed un- doubtedly influenced the character of the advice given to King Oscar. 3 BURGLAR SHOT DEAD. Thieves Quarrel Over Division of Spoils. Portland, Maine, Oct. 29.--William' Thompson, alias William Riley, Chel- sea, Mass, known to the police as a "hobty burglar," was'[ghot by fellow burglars at Stroudwater, yesterday. It is supposed the burglars, who had robbed O. L. Sherman's general store nearby of whom Thompson was un- doubtedly one, quarrelled when it came to dividing the spoils and Thompson was shot. His companions ran away. Thompson - crawled to a neighbor ing house, from which place he was taken to the Westhrook police station, where he died. He gave no informa- tion as to his assailants, although he was conscious until death. FOUR FATALITIES. -- Three Men Drowned and Another Commits Suicide. Vietoria, B.C: Oct. 29.--Four fatal ties among the crew of the Behring sea sealers are reported by the sealing schooner Ainoka, returned from Behring sea. Harry Aaronson, of this city one of the crew of the schooner Annie Paint, was drowned by the capsizing of a boat. 'The Ainoka also reports that two Indians were lost from the schooner Umbrina on the passage north. Norman C. Cuthbert, one of the crew of Ainoka, committed suicide by: jumping from the vessel. The Ain oka had 413 sealskins. The weather was very bad in Behring sea. Sears Gets Three Years. (Cleveland, Chio, Oct. 29.--J. lace Sears, of Syracuse, N.Y. was sentenced to three years in the Ohio state penitentiary Ly Judge Wing, in the United States district court, on the charge of robbing # post office William Chapinan, associated Sears inthe robbery, was sen in the peniten Wal Lox. with tenced to two years: tiary. Submit Treaty To Tribunal. Oct. -29.--Foreion Minister se announces that Germany, Great Britain and rane have agreed with Japan to submic to The Hagye arbitration court the exact interpreta tion of exi<tine treaties dealing with the holding of perpetual leases of pro perty by foreigners in Japan. Paris, Delcas: Moose Head For President. Washington, Oct, 20.--A party of citizens from Alaska called upon Pre cident Roosevelt Ly appointment, and ificent moose head, imens in the to him. The ant inches from tip presented a mag cone of the, finest Cook's Inlet 1 lers measure fifty -fow to tip. on, 7 A Vessel Wrecked. John's, Nfid., Oct. 29. --The bar quentine Frederica, 396 tons, Capt Charles Churchill, Parresboro, for St John, was wrecked this morning teen from Cape Spencer, | She The St. four ht a total was m W red Crew rescued. "Montreal Hog Market. Montreal, "Oct Ex Fhere change in dressetl hogs for demand was fair in small p fresh WARS TO which the lot an! ir stor ounty led abatt &~ 50 10 £9, and ted t Bx {oO werg Filled 100 lbs. m were qu a $25 jun 7 lb. pail new jam, any flavor, 45 at Mullins grocery GLOVE] 'uggestions .or Afternoon and Even- ing Wear, NEW EMPRESS Pearl, Grey, Stitching, KID GLOVE-In with Black and White ore large p.arl fastener, Special 75c. MARCELLE KID GLOVES--In White with Black Stitched Backs, also self backs: also Light Grey, Tan and Fawn Shades, with 2 Dome fasteners, Special Sl. OUR SPECIAL KID GLOVES--In all the leading colors, also Pearl, Grey und White, with Black Stitched Bucks, 3 Dome fasteners, Special $1.25 NEW ALEXANDER KID GLOVES-- All colors, also White and Pearl Grey, new Stitched Back, 2 large Pearl fasteners, Special $1.35. WASHING KID GLOVES--In White and Pearl Grey, finest of French Kid, 2 Dome fasteners, puaranteed to wush with soap and water, Special $1.65. NEW SUEDE GLOVES--24 Button lengths, 'in White, Black and Cream, Special $2.50. at $1.50, $1.76 8 Alig a good line and $2.25. -At St. George's Cas on Tuewlay, Oct, 28th, G. Lothrup Starr, M. cof Toronto, to Miss sister of Dr. Aykroyd, WORRELL-AYKROYD thedral, Kingston, 1902, by the Rev: A., George Worrell, Anna Aykroyd, Kingston, DIED. J Mills, on Oct. €7th, Thomas Murphy, aged eighty vears, Funeral from his late residence, Thursday morning: at 9:30 to St. Barnabas' church, Brewer'sMills. MOTHER HENDY'S ALL HEALING OINTMENT Will Cure Burns, Krom Limbs, Cuts, Salt Rheum, Brokem Breasts, Cracked Nipples Children's Sore Heads, Boils and "Bealing Fingers. PRICE--25c. ' MURPHY--In Brewer's THIS SEAT OPEN. Conservative Out in North Perth by Agreement. > Stratford, Ont., Oct.' 29.--North Perth open by. mutual agree ment of the two canaidates. Negotia- tons were held by thes opposing coun- sel at the for trial. lt seems that on a the majority of one held hy J). Monteith, conserva- tive, would he and Brown would be declared elected. At the opening of court, a éonsulta- tion took place, between counsel, with the result that © an agreement that cach side pay its own costs and the election, Be declared void was reached. As the judge was unwilling that this should be dorie by consent, evidence was taken regarding g case of appar- ently unwitting personation, in which James Frase:, of North Fast- hope, voted in Avon ward, Stratford, in place of another Jamek Fraser, who thus lost las vote. This, it was shown, world have left the result of the clection a tie, and their lordships found that each candidate had, there- fore, received the same number of votes, and that there was no eleetion. beconies - set 'rutiny , reversed, rem aa y fm --- The | Cut Price Store. For the balance of our time here we will be recog- nired as the Cut Price Store. We expect, by low prices, to seil large quantities, of goods. Cream and Sugar worth 38 to $10, For $5. worth $8 to sets, Water Jugs, $12.50, For $5 to $8. Claret Pitchérs, $10.50 and $11.50, For $5 and $6. A, C. JOHNSTON & BRO. worth BEBE CTT VLTRLLTOVEOS TTT LTLTLVLLTVLOLOOLN :