Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Oct 1902, p. 3

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Kingston & Pembroke & Canadian Pacific Railways A TRAINS LEAVE KINCSTON : 12:40 p.m.--Express, for Ottawa, Montréal, Quebec, St. John, N.B.; Halifax, Boston, To ronto, Chicago, ver, Renfrew, Sault Ste Marie, Duluth, St. Paul, Winnipeg, Vancouver, Seattle, Fortiand, ang San Francisco. 6:30 for Sbarbot necti 1g ns C.P.R. east and west. 6:10 a.m --Mized, for Renfrew and inter te points. Passengers leaving Kingston at 12:40 p.m: arrive in Ottawa at 3:08 Dm; $:10 p.m.; Toronto am.; St. John, N.B HUNTERS' EXCURSIONS Oct. 24th to Nov. 1st inclusive. Full particulars at K. & P. and C. P. R. oon- Ticket Office, Ontario St. ¥. CONWAY, F. A. FOLGER, IR. Gen. Pass. Gen. Supt UINTE RAILWAY T LINE FUR [HE BAY OF NEW SH Tweed, Napance, Dessronto and all local points... Train leaves City Hall : at 4 p.m. | R. J. WILSON, CP.R. fics, Clarence street. RAILWAY HATTER HUNTERS' EXCURSIONS Return tickets will be issued October 24th to November 1st, inclusive, at SINGLE URST CLASS FARE, Via. the Direct Line .¢ the " HIGHLANDS of ONTARIO." Bala, Beaunaris, Blackstone, Burk's Falls, Foot's Bay, Hamil's Point, Huntsville, Lakeficld, Lake Nipissine, Lake of Buys, Magnctawan River, Midland, Muskoka Lakes, Parry Sound, Penetang, Port Cockburn, Redwoods, Rosseau, Argvle to Coboconk, inclusive; Lindsay to Haliburton, inclusive. All points Severn to North Bay, inclusive. On Canadian Pacific Railway -- Mattawa to Nepigon and Garden River, inclusive, also Kippewa and Temiskaming (Via. North Bav). On Canada Atlantic Railway--Rainv Lake to Parry Sound, inclusive. Tickets valid re- turiing from destination on or before Dec. 13th, (or until close of Navigation, if earlier, from points reached bv Muskoka Navigation Company, or Huntsville and Lake of Bays Navigation route). Stop over will be al- lowed: at all points, Severn and North. J. I. HANLEY, Agent, City Passenger Depot. DOMINION LINE MAIL STEANSHIPS, LIVERPOOL SERVICE Californian *Norseman Steamers k RATES OF PASSAGE Satoon. $65 and upwards, single according to steamer and scrvice, Second Saloon, $37.50 and up wards, single, according to steamer and ser vios. Third class, $28. FROM MONTREAL. *Manxman Nov. 1st *Ottoman . . Nov. 15th SROMBA reces seties mrasee' srines Nov. 19th FROM BOSTON. Commonwealth Nov. 5th Merion io oni . «un Nov. 12th NEW SERVIC GE 'Boston to the Mediterranean. Cambroman ........ sarees. Bov, 8th Vancouver ...... ... Nov. 20th Midship, Saloon, Elects "light, Spacious prome: J. P Ea J. P. Gildersleeve, Agt. G.T.R. Station, Clarence St. D. TORRANCE & Co., Gen. Ag Montreal Rl 1 Portland . Liverpool and Allan Lire Londonderry Royal Mail Steamers. From Montreal. From Quebec. Fasisian, Oat: 18, 5 am. Oct. 18, 4 p.m. . 23, 5 a.m. Oct. 25, 10 pum. Tonia, = 1, 5 am. Nov. 1, 10 p.m. Corinthian, Nov. 8, § a.m. Nov.. 8, 4 p.m. First Cabin, Bavarian and Tunisian, Ro and upwards. Firat Cabin, Parisian, $55, and upwards. First Cabin, Prétorian acd Corinthian, $50 and upwards Second pLabin, $37. 50 to $40: Liverpool, London, Derry Third Clase, $25 and $26; Liverpool, Derry, Belfast, Glasgow, London. Montreal to Glasgow Direct. S. S. Sicilian, Wednesday, Nov. 19th, at (davlight. 1st Cabin, $50; 2nd Cabin, $35; Bud Class, $25. i FP. Hany, Agent. City Passenger x pat Johuston and Ontario streets, J. Gildersleeve, Clarcnce street, BAY OF QUINTE ROUTE STEAMER ALETHA Commencing Sept. 2nd, leaves week davs at 8 p.m., for Picton and intermediate Bay of Quinte ports. Om Tucsdays, Thursdave and Saturdays steamer calls at Deseronto and Bellaville. For lull information apply to J. P. HANLEY J. P. CILDERSLEEVE. Ticket Agents. James Swift & Co., Freight Agents. Carriages (arriages EVERYBODY Who has rubber tires on their carriages are well pleased with the ease and. comfort they enjoy in driving, if you have not got them on your carriage you should send to LATURNEY and have them on and enjoy your JAMES LATURNEY, CARRIAGE MAKER, 390 Princess St. « Kingston. 'We Have No Coal But we have samples touched with gold These are given away with every sale of wus heating stoves, consuming from 1 to 2 cents worth of gas per hour. We have stoves from the natural gas region to displace your hall stove. No trouble: no dust; no stor age; cheaper than coal. And we can give vou some light on the question bv using the Kern Burner, consuming one-hall the gas ol other burners, and giving three times the Jight. . Upeq evenings. Call and inspect. J. W. OLDFIN. 2 510, ANYTHING TO SELL, MAM 9 * This is what the seeond-hand dealer says when he calls at your door, and you prow tly say \ no, without 'a thought. The Kingston Rag and Me tal Co. only ask vou to drop . them a card to 359 Princess/street aiter you have sorted over all your old stuff and they will pay you highest cask | rie, RR - TO-LET. 7 "ROOM HOUSE, 266 JoUNSTON STREET, Apply 248 Division Stree woon HED ROOMN wilH FURNIS 0 without board. 101 Quesn wet. FOUR GOOD FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH with all modern conveniences, at 191 University Avenue. 43 KING S1REET, WEST, BEAUTIFULLY situat. wu, lacing the Harbor. Rent $240 and taxes. Apply to Kirkpatrick, Rogers & aackle. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, HOUSE CEN- tral part oi city, heatew by hot water, ail modern conveniences. Apply "H. G." this office. HOUSE, 7 ROOMS, NO. 56 BAY STREET Detween ot and Rideau streets; also stable sheds in rear. Apply 45 Wil- liam street. 115 STUART STREET, 9 ROOMS: HOT water. heating; Also other dwellings, stores and oflices. J. S. R. McCapa, 51 Brock St. STORE OCCUPIED BY R. ALEXANDER, NO. I1 Brock street, with refrigerator, fix- res, J. for pork and meat trade. A ply John McKay, Jr., 151 et POSSESSION AT ONCE, THAT AIRY ¥ PE Gore streets, near the park. a in every way. Daisy hot water hea and Apply to Felix Shaw. in 115 Bagot street. MONEY AND BUSINESS. LIVERPOOL, QSDoN. AND GLOBE FIRE Insurance Compeny. Available assets, $61,187,215. pea addition to which the policy holders have for security the un- ited liability of all the stockholders. a and Citv Property insured at lowest Donsitle rates. ore renewing old or new business get rates from ETRANG E & STRANGE, Agents. MONEY TO LOAN IN LARGE OR SMALL sume, at low rates of interest on city and farm property. Loans granted on city Mii wy debentures. Apply to B. cGILL, manager ol Frontenae oR oy Investment Society. Uffice op posite the Post Office, [WO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS IN sums from one thousand to ten thous For particulars apply a\ INSURANCE SHPORIGM, Market Saouare. and dollars. GODWIN'S over Express Office. ARCHITECTS. WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT. OFFICE, second floor over Mahood's Drug Store, corner Princess and Bagot streets. Ea trance on Bagot street. POWER & SON. ARCHITECTS, MERCH ants' Bank Building, corner Brook Wellington streets. 'Phome 212. ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OFFICE site of New Drill Hall, pear corner of Queen and Montreal Streets. HENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT, ETC, Srchor Building, Market Sauare, *Phene UNDERTAKERS. TY. F. HARPISON CO. UNDERTAKERS 233-235 Princess Street. Quality and efficiency the Prices the lowest 'Phones--Warerooms, 90. Night Calls-- T. F. Harrison, 51, 8S. 8S. CORBETT, FUNERAL DIRECTOR, 28 Princess Street, Kingston, Successor MoM Dremnan EDUCATIONAL. VIOLIN MISS GRACE EVANS, Teacher of the Violin, 123 UPPER UNION ST. SCHOOL OF ART Classes Re-opened on MONDAY, Oct. 6th, 1902. Afternoons of Monday, Wednesday and Fri- day, from 2:30 to 250, Saturday mornings, 12 o'clock, CHA s or OWRENSHALL, Principal. COLLEGE TON. TO RONTO BUSINESS "COLLEGE TORONTO. Largest and best equipment in Cen Unequalled facilities for . securing 821 Queen Street, Kingston: SEND FOR CATALOGUE Confederation Life Buildings, Toronto. KINGSTON BusiiEse ri MAYORALTY 1903 To the Electors of Kingston : LADIES AND GENTLEMEN :--As a can didate for Mayor for 1903, I respectfully: so- licit your votes and influence to elect me. C. J. GRAHAM. MAYORALTY 1903 To the Electors. of Kingston : LADIES AND GENTLEMEN :--I am a can- didaie for the mayoralty for the year 1903, and respectfully ask for your votes and in- Guence om my behall = J. T. WHITE. MAYORALTY 1903 To the Electors of Kingston : LADIES AND GENTLEMEN :--I rpespect- fully solicit your votes and influence to elect me as Mayor for 1903. : . J. H. BELL. Auction Sales. SAVE MONEY BY EMPLOYING EN & BROWN, A uctioneers, / ALL STAMPS AND MARKERS. RUBBER STAMPS OF ALL KINDS, SELF tokers, en Markers, Dates, s, Stencils Bank, Ticket and Office Stamps; etc. Repairs JOHN OFFORD, Whig Office. prompt FOR SALE. THE , SUBSTANTIAL BUILDING ON KING Street, betwees W 's store and Congress Hotel In excellent condition Second for a long term. Ap floor leased piv to. D. A "Cari. real eetnte King street. little 'DAILY BRFIISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, | OCTOMER 29. SCOTCH ~ GARB AROUSED ANGER OF A PASS ING CITIZEN. He Shot and Killed the Man Who . Wore it--A Story to Hand From Dalton," Ga. -- The Scotchman Was From Chi- cago. A Chicago, Oct. 20. --Because he was dressed in Sdottish costume, John A. Walker, 323 South Paulina street; was shot and killed in Dalton, Ga., by John Perry, who is said to be a noto- rious character about Dalton. A tele gram received hy William Pfieger, 291 South Marshfield avenue, Mrs. Walk- er's father, announced Mr. Walker's death. The shooting occured on Oet. 15th. Since last year Walker had been one of the managers of the side shows connected with John Robinson's cir- cus. It was in this side show that he was shot. According to the accounts of the affair published in Dahon, Wal- ker appeared on a stand inside the tent dressed in a Scottish uniform and carrying bagpipes. Perry entered the tent and at once began making re- marks about the dress, but no atten- tion was paid to him by the show peo- ple. Perry continued to call to Walker to leave the stand and take off the costume. Finally Perry drew a revol- ver, it is charged, and fired one shot, the. bullet taking effect in Walker's ab- domen. Walker was a native of Aber, deen, Scotland. He formerly was a teacher of dancing in Chicago. Eight years ago he was married to Miss Alice EF. Pillieger in Winnipeg, Mani- toba. Shipments Of Texas Fruit. Austin, Texas, Oct. 29.--The worlder- ful growth of the fruit and vegetable industry in Texas id shown by the re- cords of the different railroads of the state of the shipments handled during the last year. * These shipments were consigned for the most part to St. Louis, Kansas City and Chicago, while scattering carloads went to New York and distant markets in the North and and East. Five vears ago there were fewer than fiftv cars of fruits and veg- etables shipped from Texas to outside markets. The shipments for the season just closed aggregated nearly 6,000 cars and included peaches, berries, to- matoes, watermelons, cantaloupes, po- tatoes, cabbage, onions, pears, cucum- bers, beans, plums and apples. California's Short Wheat Crop. San{ Francisco, Oct. 29.--The up- ward movement in the price of wheat is causing considerable excitement in local commerdial circles, and the mar- ket is showing more activity than for many months. The fact has developed that early estimates of the crop of this 'state were far from the actual facts. The reports at first indicated a vield of about 900,000 tons, Now that the harvest is over, the crop is believ- ed to be only 600,000 or a trifle over. The extent of wheat shortage is shown by the estimate that there will be between twenty-five and thirty mil- lion grain bags carried over. Siamese Prince In Boston. Boston, Mass, Oct. 20. --Elaborate plans have been made for the anter- tainment of the Crown Prince of Siam and his suite during their stay in Boston. The royal party is due to reach the city this evening and "will tour After when the rested. Sunday. will he remain until of the country the cuslomar exchange of cour Between the distinguished vis ftors and the heads of the state and city gov erament, the crown prince and his party will be taken in charge of "a local entertainment committee and shown the sights of the Hub. Didn't Know The Inspector. Port - Arthur, Get. 20==A good story is being "told hy hispector Hadden. While on his trip of inspection on Sa turday. night he hud occasion to go into one of the hotels. He found evervthing locked up tight. When leaving 'the place he met an old man, and asked if everything was locked up ticht. The man, who did not know the inspector, raplicd : "Come ground in half an hour; the inspector is now making his trip." Honor For Dr. Dawson. Montreal. Oct. 20 --Dr. William Dawson. M.A.. chief engineer of tidal survey of Canada, has just awardea the Watt gold medal by the council of the Institution of Civil En gincers of Great Britain for a paper on tidé - gauges in nerthern climates and isolated situations. This is a high honor' seldom won by a Cana dian and is g recognition of the great value of the work he is engaged upon. Bell the been Found Wife In Slums. New York, Oct. 29.--Rev. John Hop kins Denison is to be married to Miss Pearl Liv ngston Underwood, a rich and beautiful young society women, whom he met while both were doing mission work in East Side slums. My. Denison was an assistant to Dr. Park hurst before he became pastor of the Mission Church oi the Sea and Land. : A Home In Quebec. Quebec, Oeto 29.--The Trappistine Sisters, who were expeed from France by the law of associations and refus ed admittance to the diocese of Mon- treal. will' arrive shortly and take up their house at St. Romuald, Levis county. They have purchased a'pro- perty from. Mr. Walsh valued at 81.- GOO, To Request The King. The Hague, Oct. 20.--It is learned that Mr. Wessels, @ne of the Bow ¢ accompanied the Boer gen London. the pixpose of of King Ed wing To ak > ris sion for the Boer delegates in Hol land to return to South bitin Dead Horses To Be Cremated. Cape Town, Cot. 50° "Tt bas: beer decided tod exhume and cremate many r nules killed in hase I'h re bhurge hat Mitchell's Magic Cough Cur Try "Taylor's, 124 Princess street. - BOLD BANK ROBBERY: Desperadoes Dynamite a Safe and Get Away With $4,000. Des Moines, lowa, - Oct. 29.--The boldest bank robbery of recent years in Iowa octurred at Prairie City ear- lv vesterday. The robbers dynamited the safe of the lowa state bank and stole an amount approximating $4,- 000. They exchanged a fusilade of shots with the local officers and caped. Night-watchman Erskiae discov- ered four men approaching the bank at one o'clock. One of the men cornered him and kept him covered with a rifle for three hours, while another broke open the bank door and worked the safe. The other two men patrolled the street and bv a system of signals were able to hold at bav several citizens who were attracted to the scene. Five dynamite charges were discharged by the man in the bank before he suc ceeded in getting to the cash box. The sum stolen was mostly in silver. At four o'clock the robbers leit the bank and disappeared, aiter having fired several shots to terrify those who had seen them. Watchman Erskine op- ened fire on them and narrowly escap- ed death from a return bullet. A gen- eral alarm was given and a posse quickly formed, and is now on the trail. Bloodhounds are bei ing used. Another Bank Robbed. Gardner, 1, Oct. 29.--With the town marshall as an unwilling wit- ness five masked men this morning blew the safe in the Exchange bank here and robbed ic for $5,000. 'The robbers made their escape on a pas: senger train bound foi Chicago. COUNCIL MAY ACT. Build the Tube Rail- ways Needed. London, Oct. 29.--The county coun- cil, availing itself of the deadlock in the electric traction's scheme has ad- opted a proposal, by a vote of forty to sixteen, to promote a bill of its own at the next .session of parliament to give the council control of the tube railways. The supporters of the pro- posal maintained' . that the council could get money at three and a quar- ter per cent., while the companies will have to pay six and one-third per cent. It is estimated that the total cost) of the lines for London will be £30,000,000. A lively contest is expect ed in parliament, this evening, when an attempt will be made to have the tube bills, which were withdrawn last referred back to the select com- of the house of commons. Want to Ww eek, mittee CONTINENT CHANGES OPINION Chamberlain is no Longer Exe- crated But Popular. Times' Vienna London, Oct, 29.--The corresponde nt savs that for some time there has beer: wn complete revo- lution of opinion in many parts of the continent, regarding Mr. Cham- berlain, who, once the object of gene ra! execration, has since peace In South Africa been most popular. The Neue Freie Press; of Vienna, says the journey to South Africa about to be undertaken by Mr. Cham- berlain is a step oi extreme impor- tance, which 'will not only fortify Chaaberiuin's position and enhance his reputation as a politician, but al- of the greajest advantage to Britain. so he Great TRYING TO STOP IT. Protesting Against Worship of Himself. 20. Moscow Ath, advices, are to of Cron- Oct. of October Father John, «taqt, has just returned from Kost- roma, a distance of 200 miles, whith- er he went to check a religious sect from wors shipping hi: as the Messiah. ile held services in the local churches and commanded the leaders of the sect to attend; when his told them "that-he was of the same flesh and blood as themselves. Then he went to a church thev had built and caused his portrait also caused the London, the date eliect that of the to be removed. He removal of 'a cross from the roof. Members of the new 'sect will be erely punished if they do not Te church. turn to the Orthodoxy ANNOYED BY BEAVERS. Animals in Algonquin Park Dam- age Railway Line. Fganville, Oct. 29.--There are large numbers of heavers in romijuin Park, and their dams across small stréams on the line of the CAR. which crosses the preserve, are causing considerable annoyance to the track wen. They block up the entrance to the culverts, thus holding the water back and damaging the roadbed. The beavers are hus o at this season of their winter homes the year, preparing and the railway men are kept busy tearing them down as fast as they arc built up. ly Will Soon Be Completed. Liverpool, Oct. 20.-- Circulars = have heen sent to. the shareholders of the White Star and Dominion Line Steam ship companies, announcing that the purchase of their stock by the Atlan tic "combine" li he completed on December 1st, at the London office of J. P. Morgan & Co. +Bibby's."" Overcoats. "Bibby's.'" elegant overcoats, in 8s, 810, 812, « H. D. Bibby ( Ask to see our the diiferent styles, 812.50, 814, 815. Thu Take the Rideau Ring ior Uttawa every Tuesday and Friday, at 1 pm James Swift & Co.. agents. ~ [DISTRICT NEWS. SPICE OF THE ARTICLES IN VICINITY NEWSPAPERS. The News Put Into Condensed Shape -- The Episodes That Create Talk in the Country and Hereabouts. Arnorior business men are taking steps. to organize a turkey fair in that town. CS. Cunningham, formerly of Wel- lington, has become a resident of Pickford, Mich, \ Cyranus Stowell, Addison" post of- fice. has been appointed 3 preventive officer at Brockville. William Benson has purchased the manse in connection with the Presby- up his residence there, Judson Mack, Stirling, is dead, from abscesses, aged fifty-five vears. A wife and five children survive. The Brockville Trades "and Labor Council will again place a full tickei in the field of the town council. In thei Methodist church, Pembroke, a young couple, both deaf and dumb, of last were married on Wednesday week. Mrs. James Gardiner, aged ninety, of Easton's Corners is dead. She passed away while visiting at Grand Valley. Off thirty-four acres on their Paken ham * farm, Me . McLachlin Bros.. Arnprior, threshed 1.058 bushels. of spring wheat. At Mountain' View, P. E. county. on Oct. 22nd, Sanford Dickson \and Miss L. Cummings were wedded by Rev. Mr. Johnson. Charles Hofiman, Admaston, a pa- tient for ghout two weeks at the Vie- toria Hospital; - Renfrew, suffering. from pneumonia, has passed away. At Smith's Falls on Tuesday, M - chael Garvin, Toledo, was united in marriage to Miss Katie. Healy, daugh- ter of Francis Healy, Smith's Falls. Dan. McAllister, a_ farmer at Gore's Landing, shot sixty-two wild ducks, being red-heads and bluebflls, on Rice lake, thereby holding th€ record for that vicinity. William~ A. Austin, Prince Edward county shows a Northern Spy apple grown in South Marysburgh, which weighs 1 lb. and 2 oz., and measures 13% inches around. Neil McIntosh, of the rear of Lochiel, and his daughter, Christina, suceumb- ed to a severe attack of' pneumonia, last week, the deaths taking place within fifteen minutes of each other. Mrs. Jacob Cornell, - Thurlow, is dead, - aged fifty years. She was a daughter of the late James Brown. her husband several Albert Cornell, re- She leaves besides children. One son, sides in Belleville. The bonus by-law, voted on last Thursday to grant a bonus to the Wellington, Ont., Paeking company, while having a large majority of the votes cast, "did not receive enough votes to carry. the by-law. However, this will not in any way afiect the company, and it is their intention to have the plant in readiness to com- mence operation next fall. An old resident of leeds county passed away on Saturday inthe per- son of 'Mrs. Livingstone, relict of the late Duncan Livingstone, 5 pioneer, The deceased died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Cross, Smith's Falls. She was eighty-six years of age. She leaves a grown-up family : Mrs. "Cross, Smith's Falls; Miles Liv- ingstone, Nebraska; and M. D.. Mor ton: W. D. and Lawson. of Kitley. Mrs. Sarah Clapp, died on 24th inst., in Picton. She was the daughter of the late Jonathan Fralick, and was born in Athol. She married the late Samuel Clapp by whom she had 12 children=ten of whom are still living: She was the mother of Mayor James A. Clapp, and also Allan Clapp, Pic- ton. The funeral took place: on Sun- day to Cherry Valley. Deceased had attained the ace of ninety-eight vears and four months, Bear Hugged Child Dead. Hot Springs, Ark., Oct. 29.--At Hap- py Hollow, a resort near here, which includes a zoo, a black bear, fatally injured Robert Tatum, an eight-year- old boy. The lad was passing the ani- mal, which was chained, but he came too close. Before the horrified specta- tors could interfere, the brute had the bov hugged to his breast, Then the animal closed his great jaws on the prisoner's head. A keeper pried the year's mouth open and released the boy. but "he was unconscious and dy ing from several fractures the skull. ot 0il Increased Speed. N.S. W.,. Oct. I'he company's steam Clam here from Batoum,. hav- She used Shell Sidney, 209, Transport has arrived ing made a record voyage. oil as fuel which increased her speed a knot as compared with her | last vovage "under control. The..consump- tion of oil was eighteen tons a day, against twenty-four tons of Welsh coal and twenty-(ight tors of "nol:b coal. Her crew is one-third smaller than usual. . Created New Offices. Oct. 29.--The, Gazette gn- nounces that King Edward has crea- ted the offices of the governor and commander-in-chief, and lieutenant governor of the Transvaal. Sir Arthur Lawlev has been appointed lieutenant- governor, London, Fightine between Macedonian insur- gents and Turkish troops continues in | the Kresna Pass. ) THERMOMETER IN OVEN 2G dealers. t. Scid by ail enterpri snd Write for book- MORE The * "FAMOUS ACTIVE M<Clarys WARRANT Messrs. GREENLEES BROTHERS are Distill- ers by Royal Warrant to His Majesty the King of Norway and Sweden. Mossrs GREENLEES BLCTHERS are Distill- ers and Exporters of that ricl.u royal old Scotch. "KIN EDWARD VIL" The signature of the Distillers, as follows, is on every label : body (rathine ARGYLESHIRE. 8Y ROYAL WHISKY The very first requisite of a shoe is that it shall fit the foot with absolute accuracy -- closely but not 1ightly -- with no waste space, yet v ith no pressure "Queen Quality" is the one shoe for wo- men which is made so that it fits the foot just as a Paris-made glove fits the hand. Have you 'ever noticed that but few other shoes talk much about fit ? They talk about 'style' and "beauty" and "form" and other things that mean nothing, But they say little about "fit " ' Queen Quality" fits because it is an en- tirely different construction, which, by the way, adds many dollars to the weekly pay But the shoes fit pero ! J. IL Sutherland & Bro, Have Sole Right of Sale. A Combination Not a Trust 's a fact that a combination of brains and money have produced- a combination that is unequalled in COMBINATION SUITS For those who want the best. all materials, all dealers. MANUFACTURED BY THE KNIT-TO-FIT MFG. CO., 613 Lagauchetiere St Montreal. THE 80th GENTURY TRETHIENT, The source of all Powe, ., The Founfaln of Yau(n, manhood brought back after years " En 1 Nature's Secret restored by coi of the rarest chemical reagents in the world, It Is proved by its use in he Nospitals of Europe. Tens of thousands of weak and cases cured by 30 days treatment. This is a fact! ~~ Prove it yourself by a test. rticulars seat absolutely free: All packages are ully sealed in a plain wrapper with no mark. A fal 1 30 days treatment (180 doses) with guaranteed curé- of refund of money, for $3.00. i Send for sworn Canadian testimonials received within the last twelve months, m De. KOKR MEDICINE CO.. P.C. Drawor L 2341, MONTREAL "SEZ | TO THE BOSS" The best wiping Solder and Lead Pipe I ever used is what we It's a plumber's cinch, and is stamped. CANADA METAL CO., WILLIAM STREET, TORONTO, ONT. are now using. atthe oven-heat; if you have a "FAMOUS ACTIVE" range with a thermometer. ately as the "FAMOUS "', which is put in the oven-door of every "Famous Active' Range " On the dial of the thermometér is marked the proper "degrees of heat necessary for baking bread, cakes, pes, etc. has every range vi rtue and no .LAWRENSON. Va ancouver, St. Toit N. B.

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