4 THE DAILY WHI G, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 31 oN ~ THENEW WAY] To Hang Storm Sash SIMPLE, PRACTICAL, PERFECT, ECONOMICAL. IDEAL SOLID COMFORT. AT CORBETT'S HARDWARE. VENTILATION \ Gh QT | ; / WAZA BALL usa RETAILERS CHOICE BLEN)TEAS AND COFFEES. Extra good for the money 25¢., 30c., 35c.. 40c., 45¢., 50c. Pound. Sy. THE STARR CO 135 WELLINGTON ST. Free Yourself From Rents. It's easy to pav the vou only get started in the right way. want to help vou start. Our plan the end. S50 easy you can't fail. So sure you can't lose. D. A. CAY 346 KING rent to yourself if We provides for waking a little capital .do a great deal: You take no chances and are sure to win in STREET. The Finest Fresh Chocolates We have just received another shipment from New York. Try Mitchell's Magic Cure. H. B. TAYLOR, Pharmaceutical Chemist 124 Priacesy St Successar to E. C. Mitchell. Cough 'Phone §9, THE WHIG -- 68TH YEAR DAILY BRITISH WEIG, published each evening, at 306-310 King Street, > ear. Editions at 2:30 and 4 o'clock. WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 12 pages, pub ished every Thursday morning at $1 a year, Attached is ome of 8 best Job Printing Nice in Chuada: # , stylish and cheap work; mine impro "EDW. J. B. PENSE, PROPRIETOR. 'HE DAILY WHIG 1 . Opiter per Orbem Dicor.' = . -- THE TRUST AND PRESS. The Ottawa Journal offers a markable defence of that commercial ism in newspaper publication which has been suggested by recent events. Certain manufacturers are alleged to be intent upon a revision of customs dues, and they are disposed to em- ploy any agency which can influence re- sults in that direction. A factor in the moulding of public opinion is the press. Indeed it is the factor and stands alone in the and efficacy of its service. But it has been regarded as the advocate of hon- est convictions, the exponent of views which are unbiased by any financial consideration. The paper of standing mav be to schemes upon their merits, but in the past it has not been subject to coer- cive measures. "The Journal estecms the paper as a purelv business venture, to be sold, even to a trust, for the price which it commands, "The says our contemporary, 'to protect wits, must re- force invited support various public," itself must that independence and truth are worth pay- exercise i's consider ing for in a 'newspaper as well as oth- er things, and be on the lookout to support these qualities; and also should, in the Journal's opinion, be disposed alwavs to regard with sus- picion propositions to give to any le- ren- inter- gislative favor which is likely to der the pockets of that ested in corrupting either newspapers class or legislatures." The trusts, by the way. do not con- template the purchase of papers in the interest of tariff reform. It is real- ized that when with the trusts' trade mark their influence was affected if not nullified. What the manufacturers--the chosen few who have made out of the tarifi as it stands and are willing to spend in education-- really want is a purchasable right to the policy of papers in the leading and business centres, and it is something which they can- : The paper which does branded large ly money some of it dictate cities not accomplish. good service generally is unbiased any trust's The tion of its' interference would be by commission. recogni- at once destructive of its laws. PROTECT THE PEOPLE. A recent declaration by the Minister of Inland Revenue will he a surprise to most people. He had been shown a statement to the effect that of twenty- tomato ex- Montreal and ten of catsup, the American four samples amined by analyst, twelve were of of ('anadian manufacture, and only two were found to be free from deleterious matter, Hon. Mr. Bernier, the minister afore- that as the law almost impossible to pro tect the public. How is that ? "The manufacturers," he, "show that in question has been' on that, un bring foryward witnesses who actually suffered by its use, the usually said. points out stands it is said the article £0 sale perhaps for years, less we can time spent in prosecution is this, the we thronn away. It amounts to the interpretation the law individual that under magistrates put upon would have to poison an to convince the court that the food is They will take' the analyst's word for it alone. In this In ot injurious. not way the analyst's branch of the made land Revenue department is extremelv small value. But Izam look to see if the dif ficulty cannot: be. overcome. . The pub lic deserves this protection in the mat ing into the subject tér of food products, and we must be able to punish those who break the law by placing ingrious foods upon the market." ; The law must be_made effective. It should be sufficient to suggest any de fect the name of the goods and its, maker, in in manufacture to indicate some official way. The Germans deal ATTENTION ! TIGHEST. CASH PRICE PAID FOR NEW and Second Hand goods, Clgthine, Furniture, new clothing, Jewelry, Stoves, ete. Always on hand, Gent's Furmishings, Drv Toods, Musical Instruments, at slaughter prices. bave a large stock of Second-Hand space. I- have everything from a needle an anchor to suit eall. I. ZACKS, Second door below Corbett's. . 271 and 27 Stoves and Furniture that must be sold for want of to the public. Give me a Princess St. Hofbrau Malt 'Extract, 10¢. For Loss of Appetite, General 2 'Weakness, etc. E. Ll. EBBELS, suemisy ans Market Square Drug Store, Cor. King and Market Sts., Klagsten. with food" adulteration in a most em phatic manner. The government has inspectors. capable men, who are em powered to sample food anywhere, tg and "to publish the particu- seize it, lars. 'The tomato catsup manufactur- rs Germany who allowed deleteri- in ous substances to get into the market risk because ed article would run' a great of having his business ruineq, the public analyst would put the peo pie all hion for buving it. Similarly every medicine man in has the public analysts samples of their wares, out patent Germany to submit to These analists make a careful exami the lotidfhs, and Ii of pills, powaers, and publish the the nation liniments salves, results, tratus are detected heavy hand of some unsenfimental ba he will certainly fit The official will presently laid upon them, and t punishment that fol lows the offenc p.. Lhe ted 1 The made wlan. people must be pro sore way, from adulterated which have health aepartment they Lex foods discoveries *| heen by the Montreal wust be productive of alarming, and the of aye necessary | Toronto Globe. legislation. The inland revenue de- partmént cannot longer remain in a helpless condition. © A CHALLENGE ACCEPTED. The attempt has been made to rally the conservative party, to encourage it to hope for success though the fates are evidently against it. "Does anyone suppose," asks the Mail, "that the government is stronger to- day than when it appealed to the country last June?" Yes, a good many suppose it, and with sound rea- son. When the election was over the leader of the opposition told the peo- ple that his party had been robbed of its due. He was going to have an exposure made of the frauds, ana he and his friends would, sooner or later, he in possession of the government and all which that implied. Gradually one heard less of his boasting until it presently ceased. Then came the de- cision of the party to arop a lot of Clearly it was not in the position which Mr. Whitney claim- The North Perth election case is It is not to be ac- its protests. ed. now referred to. ceplea as an evidence of the conserva- tive party's superior ways. It was less costly to agree upon the nullifica- of the election than have a scrutiny of votes. The result will *de- monstrate whether there has been a change in the feelings of the people June and It the challenge of the conservatives and the liberals will cheerfully accept it. tion between now. is EDITORIAL VIEWS. Doukhobors have lost their But have their religion, and on its account they are willing to The wits, they make any sacril. the during the winter The Weekly Sun farmers will be organized for any political emergency that may says arise. The Sun says the ruralists will surprise the politicians later on. Per- haps they will. The Irish members of the Imperial (Commons have gone on strike. They will not attend the of the house. Which does not appear to worry Balfour. He would be pleased session if they never went back. made A the municipal wood pile in London. Some raid has been upon people, in a communal spirit, reason- ing that the wood purchased with pub- lic simply helped themselves. Mr. Myers, M.P.P., is to be®appoint- of His dosa, may be lost to the.party. Must money belongs to the public, have ed a judge the county court in Winnipeg. constituency, Minne- appointments of this kind be confined to members of parliament ? Now it is the president of the r.U. 5 for Ontario that, at a meeting in Toronto, attacks the premier be- cause he did not give the people pro- hibition without the referendum. Is "this the way to invite the co-opera- tion of liberals in the coming on aiovn ? paign ! cam- The Spectator is blessed--so long as Mr. remains_a Canadian, which he claims has long time--to What about all upon him ? Hus it been reported of, Tarte, talks high protection and he always 'done, or for a very hand him out poies. the abuse it heaped or in any way atoned for? WHAT PAPERS SAY. He's Very Still. London Advertiser, Mr. Whitney is not so sure now that a coalition wouldn't be a good thing. New Way Of Putting It. Toronto Star. When Mr. Chamberlain South Africa it will be a case of general manager branch factories. to the inspecting one of the oes Yes, Help George Along. Ottawa Journal If Hon. G. E. Foster wants to get back into active polities, as is report- ed, the conservative party, for its own sake, ought to grease the wav good, A Religious Spree. The Doukhobors are said to he temperate people. We should say tha they need no artificial aids to secure a t anv a spree. Must Have The Car. Hamilton Herald Although Mr. Tarte is ministry, he sticks te the habit. But maybe he thinks out that the a minister of public works. o The Same Old Legend. Goderich Sigral. "Hope springs eternal in the hu- man breast." and that is the reason that R. L. Borden has been greeted on Next Premier." Meredith, Marter, Whit- seen that © legend belore, and it was only a legend. She's A German. | men who commit them may look out. | The Volksblatt, to and cites proofs, that Bernhardt, the world -famons of German birth, having Frankfort-Cn Oder. Vienna. Oct. 30. dav, declares, Sarah ac béen born in '* Bibby's."' Oak Hall. " Bibby's."' Underwear. Pest ' of underwear at richt prices. We sell no "'trnek." fin bBo, These 8T rato S500 Fhe -H- 1; Bibby Co. y ---------------- Our cider is pure anvle nice and will not turn sour. James Redden & Co. 1 Trev Mitchell's Magic cough eure at { Fayloy's, 121 Princess street. W.- all the inward feelings that accom- of the | private car | editor of La Patrie is as big a cun as | : | a corruption his Western trip with the ligend, "Our | nev and Huch John Macdonald have | | the | French nch be i Yeaching Le Canadien, a French paper, may be republished in Quebec by Hon. Mr. NEWS QUARTERS OF EARTH. Matters. That Interest Everybody --Notes From all Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered. William Giles, a Windsor boy, run over and killed. Frederick Joyce, an old bachelor of Byron, hanged himself. It issnot expected that the' cabinet vacancy will be filled for some time. Small quantities of hard coal Toronto by rail and water. Tarte. General Booth received an enthusias- tic welcome to Toronto, on Thursday night. Dr. migrants. Port Dalhousie fishermen were caught in the gale and blown out in the lake. All got back safely. The finan ial results of the' Toronto horse show, last spring, show a bal- ance of profit of $3,041.93. The appeals in the irom the pro taken up on Novemier 17th. A reception was held by the T. U. in honor of Lady Henry Somer- set, on her arrival at Toronto. In an article in the Contemporary Review General Botha urges Britain to grant a general and complete am- nesty. It has bought kin's "Seven for £35,000. Lieut.-Col. Biooar will, on Monday, the manuscript of Rus- Lamps of Architecture," begin a six weeks' course of instrue- at Montreal on service work. tion corj army George Torney of Ottawa, has been appointed acting assistant appraiser in the express department of the Ot- tawa customs house. George engine a few days ago. Further details of the Chicago tax invasion frauds show that two guilty clione committed suicide through fear of exposure, M. Augustin Leger, Paris, France, appointed professor of French litera- ture at Laval University, will arrive at the end of the week. M. F. Morgan, Toronto, has been ap- pointed te a post in the customs house, rendered vacant by the re- ation of Augustus Fov. . F. Egan, of Rock Island, Ill, in Toronto, trying to reopen negotia- tions for the purchase, by a United States concern, large areas in northern Ontario. An automobilist of New York, whose machine collided with a street car, causing . injuries to twenty-two persons, was sentenced to six months imprisonment. The coroner's jury in the case of Miss Muriel Benson, St. Catharines, Ont., shot by her young brother. Carl, on Tuesday, brought in a verdict of accidental death. A case of smallpox is repo a lumber camp in the inity of Wahanapitie, Nipissing district. This is the second in that neighborhood, but the cases are independent of each other. The secretary of the Canadian Manu- facturers' Association has explained the object of the campaign fund being collected and the steps taken to ob- tain the views of members as to change in the tariff. Dr. Orchard, Dominion veterinarian, reports hoo cholera, epidemic in Kent county. Of 1,200 cases inspected only sixtv-three were exempt from the di- sease. Between 5,000 and 6,000 hogs have had to be killed. Rev. Dr. Da Costa, a former Angli- can. clerevman, says that a portion of the membership of the English church is coming Romeward, while the other portion is tending to rationalisnr. or agnosticism. John Frederickson, St. John, N.B., agéd ninety years, died on Thursday morning. He was one of St. John's best-known citizens, and at ond time enjoyed a world-wide reputation _ as the builder of the famous clipper ship si is ed from = Marco Polo; which was one of ihe fas- | test sailing vessels afloat, gnd made a | record run to Australia. To Have A New Line: St. Thomas, Oct., Oct. 31.--The first step towards extending the Lake Erie & Detroit railway from this city to Buffalo, for 'the use of the Pere Mar- quette railway, which has secured con- trol of the former road, has been made, when assistant engineer Med dams, of the L. E. & D. railway, with 4x men, commenced a survey of 'the vroposed new line. The party will sur- | { vey as far as Simcoe, where it will be met bv another party, which is be- ing started from Niagara Falls. Knew Nothing Of It. 31.---D. M. McPherson. respondent, in the Glengarry election, cross-petition, has tvled his statement of defence at Os- goode hall. Mr: McPherson. in his af fidavit, utterly Qenies the charge that fund was organized in the riding by himseli or any one else, to his knowleage. He further declares that he Mnew nothing about orators, who, it is charged. into the riding to further Toronto. Oc conserva © were sent his election. To Go In A Body. Quien's students are to march from the college to the Athletic grounds to morrow afternoon to attend the Var sitv match. Years ago, there used to much more enthusiasm' and cheer: in on the part of the students these events. Secretary Melnnes, the Athletic Cominittee 1s trying revive the old custom. at of to To Hold An Inqugst. Dr. Mwfidell Toft on the 12:10 $'clock K. & P. railway train for, Mountain Grove, to attend an inquest Lodv- of a. man named Flynn, alleg to have heen poisotied, 4 te on Bibby's" Overcoats. "Bibby's."' tniinster,' » new ¢ Rju, 3 D. 'Bibby {Co wtom oats, K Ex, The H. Cide?®at Redden's." 9 OF WORLD TELEGRAMS FROM THE FOUR was are Leonard Ellis, St. John, N.B., has been 'appointed inspector of im- supreme court, vince of Ontario, wiil be Ww. C is reported that J. P. Morgan Harkies, a thresher, "of Mo- no, is dead of injuries received by the overturning of the smoke-stack of his of the | the SPORT IN GENERAL. Notes About the Various Sport- McGill rugbv team hds decided not to 'meet the Rough Riders on Novem- ber 8th. The Limestoues may play 5 benefit match for the General Hospital and I'Hotel Dien. . Stands to accommodate more than 22,000 persons will be erected at Princeton for the big game with Yale on November 15th, : The Varsity rugby teams will arrive in Kingston this evening. A large crowd-of students and other Toronto people will accompany them. Football to-morrow: Ottawa College | at Montreal; Montreal Britannias at Brockville; Varsity 1 and 1I vs Queen's I and II; Limestones vs. R. MCN Peterboro 1 at Ottawa II. : Should Saturday afternoon be fine a reat crowd is expected to witnmes the Queen's-Varsity match. Queen's has been strengthened since the' match with McGill two weeks ago and should win. = pe Shp The California racing season promis- es to attract a lot of good horses and riders, Skeets Martin, who has been riding in England, and Pigoott and Shields, who have_been in Russia, will work at. the coast. Toronto Telegram : Give the R.M.C. Cadets their heads for another vear and vou may expect to find them up to the O.H.A. with a request to be al- lowed to play: a couple of Pittsburg professionals in the 0.H.A. games. The intermediate dominion cham- pionship rughy game will be playea in Montreal. It is not likely that , de- cision will be arrived at in the On- tario union much before the latter part of November, Basketball has taken a firm hold on the ladies of Montreal and. bids fair to be as popular this season as last. | There were then three or four florish- ine clubs in existence. Why do the | Kingston girls not i oe in is in- sangsion it ot indulge in this in Varney, formerly of the Granites, has been granted a permit to play with the Limestones, and this sturdy player will be one of the inside wings. Wheeler, who was a former Limestone scrimmager, is back, and may play the other. inside wing. Limestones will give the western champions a lively tussle for the final honors. > There will be no more Sundav golf on the links of the Woodland club, of Boston, the members deciding to re- consider their decision to defy the ul- timatum of Chief of Police Tarbox and take a case into court. The police were called off Sunday._and the club members were stationed on the links to warn members of the new rule. Varsity association football team has received , letter from Queen's as- sociation team asking for a aate for the annual match between the teams. In response 'Varsity has selected No. vember Sth, the date when the Queen's rughy team plays at 'Varsity. The ob ject of this annual game is to further inter-college joothall, There is great joy within the ranks "of the McGill rugby men over the pro- spects of their finally winning out the Intercollegiate Rugby chany ionship. Should Queen's defeat Varsity twice, McGill's chances will not he so good. However, the Queen's-McGill match, in Montreal on November 15th, will be the decisive contest, as Queen's will certainly defeat Varsity at least once. The Toronto Globe says that Parkin of Queen's was a great punt and a fine all-round player," but at booting the leather he could not begin to com- pare with Hardisty, of Toronto. Avain | we ask, what effective work did = Hard- isty ever do? He is not to be com- | pared with - Gleason of Ottawa, or Hamilton who played centre-half with Granites. The 'Varsityv senior team to Queen's to-morrow, in Kingston, has heen = selected : © Back. Laing; hali- | bucks, Gibson, Beattv, and Biggs; quarter, Hoar: scrimmage, Empey, Cochrane and Burwell; inside wings, Patterson and Pearson; middle wings, Snively, or Buck and Fyle;' outside wings, Hoyle and Young; flying wing, Reynolds. { x Ottawa despatch says that it is learned on good authority that Ot tawa. College will decline to meet the Rough Riders for the Dominion cham- pionship if they can avoid it. This vir- | tually acknowledges defeat on the part | of the former team. In 1899, Ottawa | College did the same thine, refusing to meeting Kingston Granites, because the latter would have whipped them. | The officers of the Canadian Rughv | Union have decided on the date of the | match, for the Canadian champion- {#hin. It will be on November 15th. The | officers of the C.R.U. are .Je McD. Mp wat, Kingston: Herbert Molson, Mon- | treal; J. D. McMurrich, Toronto. They I settled the date bv correspondence. |. They also decided that if Ottawa Col- | lege wins out in the Q.R.F.U. which is almost a dead certainty, the match will be played in Ottawa. . The Canadian summer game will shortly be introduced by Canadians in- to the land of the Boer, and some dav |a Boer team may come to Canada to {trv conclusions with the Canadian | champions. The Montredl A.A.A. has | received letter from Col. Steele and | | | | play a | Capt. Moore, South African Constabu | larv. asking that forty lacrosse sticks | and three dozen balls be sent to them |'in South Africa. %o that they may in | troduce the came. The annnal meeting the 1ake | Yacht Racing association will be hela iin Toronto The sailing committee has heen working diligently f rg for a uniform system measurement, and the code will he dealt with on Saturday. According to the new restrictions hoats of each of | the six must he constructed I according the" measurements of heam, length, draught, et pro vided hy the Dele from Rochester, Bufia Oswego, Kingston, and Hamilton will be present. - They will be dined by the Roval Canadian Yacht club at the Torontd club house on Saturday evening. of to-morrow. of classes to as Con 1s io, Queen's College Teams. Dr. Ross will not be on Queen's team to-morrow, atthouch he will be on the touch line ing uniform, ready to lend hand il any Queen's player ix hurt He 1s anvious to from the came for coord. but his popularity isos rend and his plavingability marked that it is hard for" him to get the and hide. awav. The thing, him to Zo Belleville, and then he he <sicht of forever Had Ross not "on Oueen's wing two weeks McGill would have surely won. a retire to woods anh jor do 1s to to will lost heen ago Old 200 92000008 e ©0008DY NC) PERFECTLY TAILORED OVERCOATS. Full of style and dignity that come from the finest tailoring. They have all the touches that give char- acter to the appearance. The first tailors in the land can- not produce handsomer overcoats. You'll know what this means and how true it is when you see the coats. ' The combined skill of ' cutter and tailor has brought out the points that you always find wanting in ordinary coats. That's why our coats are not the kind you find in every store. '" OVERCOATS." $8.50, $8, $9, $10, $12, $12.50, $14, $15, $17. ® THEM. D. BIBBY CO., 0a Pris Siothing House, @® ©9099 99090000 OO ded ONEEC®9 S---- TET TI a ------ $7.50, @L000LOPIEPEePOEOOE - The very first requisite of a shoe is that it shall fit the foot with absolute accuracy -- "closely but not tightly--with no waste space, yet «ith no pressure. "Queen Quality" is the one shoe for wo- men which is made so that it fits the foot just as a Paris-made glove fits the hand. Have you ever noticed that but few o*h~r shoes talk much about fit ? | They talk about "style" and "beauty" and "form" 'and other things that mean nothing. But they say little about "fit." 'Queen Quality" fits because it is an en- tirely different construction, which, by the Vay, adds many dollars to the weekly pay roll. But the shoes fit perfectly ! «Wve ve J. H. Sutherland & Bro. Have Sole Right of Sale. PPPP POPPI LPPPPLEPE PLEDPDIDODODD TRY g CLARK'S LUNCH TONGUE + Clark's Pork and Beans are Delicious. $$$ $ PEE 33 EPP PPS I SSDP wv players, who were FOR SALE. wea that he saved the match. THE SUBSTANTIAL BUILDING ON KING "Jo" Ferguson, formerly » wing Street, between Wade's Drug store and player on Queen's senior tam, is back Conran Howl. j_ etoaliont {ondsion. to finish his theological course. and to ly to A. Cavs, real estate agent, play. rughy. {ing street. Queen's teams to meet "Varsity TE i ada morrow will be > ROMANCE OF BOER WAR. Queen's I--Full-back, Simpson; hall backs, McDonala, Kearns; guarter, Dalton; serimmage, Sherili, Donovan, Platt; wings, Brans combe, G. Reid: second outside, J). Falkner, Murphy: = flying outside, Young, Williams Queen's H--Full back, Tett donnell; hali-bac Ferguson, an. Crothers ett: quarter, nell; scrimmage, Thompson, G PY PP PPL Pre dPE Dd $34 4535054844 rugl spectators, dix to sh Boer Girl Fell In Love With Ca- nadian Soldier. LowNon, Ont., Oct. 31. that voung fellow there," sail a centleman yesterday to a reporter, pointing to a tne stalwart who was walking {al ng the "Well, around with hima symhol of a pretty little romance. If he were to roll his » | Sleeve ne I . od sen Mulloy wings, Harpell, D: Falkner, | See back on bis aon vou would sce Bailey, : Reid, Mahood, Malone, | diznmonds on it. He was one of Miirphy. » hovs who went from this city to South Africa, to fight in the late war. ! While he was down there a Boer girl fell in love with him. She was the | daughter of a rich Boer then he | he took a bracelet off her it his to until take it left her, that he ritton, inside "Spe chap 4 street, he's carrving or Boston Excursion. loston and New Eno land excursion will run on Tuesday, November ISth, raving Kingston 2.30 p.m.-via Cape Vincent and N.Y.C. & H.R.RR Tickets good for ten days and good to Sprinclield, Palmer, Won South Franincham. only For particnlars soe ol. foot Broek street, Kine Figth annual and was leaving an his, asking conld and arm and put there H. inkin | leave it he NN promised er tl no doubt cester, and R10. return A. Folger, ton. an ha sav and if ie. he'll that he father who I understand from her wr to Canada, think it mney this « Fit Reform Suits. mn loathe with ill-fitting ¢l Fit Reform and sed vou buv. Jenkins Why put when vou van try that it fits before sells it. up A Cry For Help. in the a cry of the kid American Kid- cure that' hasn't wHitie., against It In cases disea=e, diabetes, the nlvtdaer, gravel atl ents Pont nificant 81 0 badly Soutp the anv *'Bibby"s" Overcoats. "Bibby's."' th <tvlich It NI250, London SiH i thoy nec apparently Th '"igng inf liguii "Sold tv HB. Taylor and Ny he present we Plaster « will Hooper's Asbestos vour futne: x and pipe fuel bilk A small outlay ic ance om the saving in fuel There nothine pure apple juice cider, & Co : Jenkins nm vedi at goes on fi : : hetter Oak Hall. "Bibby's." the RN, D. is thar cont X10, Bib- overcont; to wear, 7. The H. Jame nist for men's hicavy al.