THR DAILY WHIG. SATURDAY. 'NOVEMBER 1. <7 Pure, Fragrant and Cleansing. BABY'S OWN SOAP IS UNRIVALLED FOR NURSERY AND TOILET USE. Don't risk imitations on Baby's delieste skin. ALBERT TOILET SOAP CO., Mrrs.\ MONTREAL. 6-2 | a' vip to British Columbia | franchie {bury National will SPORTING TIPS. | Movements Of The People--What WORLD'S RECORD BROKEN IN BOWLING ALLEY. Casualties on the Gridiron are Totalling up--Cornwall Ladies Have Formed a Hockey Club-- Fossils in a Game. . { Second Baseman Lajoie w with Cleveland next A Toronto lacrosse ill remain season. - team may take next year. 'Rochester 3aseball N.Y. of wants the the [Eastern Albany, les The : Pitts- team of next year's Le gue baseball Mit. lary list total 32, Whitney expects to cut a big on the English turf next sea Skeets Martin will ride bis hor- Mr. ficure son. rex, The Canadian Association of Ama- tevr Oarsmen may decide upon the | Welland canal as a permanent regatta | course. Hamber, will play this winter. Toronto Argonauts, with the Wellingtons is a Winnipeg im- of the Lockey | portation. | mal NEW ARRIVALS Prices range from $4 up at $5 Some new styles, to $40. Some MATPRE op rew Maitre $3.50, pretty designs, and $6. $2.50 and $3; a comfort. at $4.50 To fit, specially made, very able, at 'equals sold aad $5. others Parlor Suite Specials at $20, $25, $30. was CARPETS--Some new patterns just in from | Kidderminster, sland, of Carpet Manufacturers. Brussels--A the pretty shades. the great centre » ox $1, $1.25, all spivial at Sc. from scleet Quilts- Some Large beauties range to and $16. Comforters $1 up from. Hu to Yours, T. F. HARRISON Undertakers, etc. Telephone Nos. 90-91. COTTON DOWN COMFORTERS Filled with the snow white carded Cotton, wide and 2} yds. long, $3 EACH. These Comforters are in all Tre- spects equal to the best Eider- down at a very much lower price. . McFaul Kiogston Carpet Warehouse. When Fuel Is Dear should light mw econonueally most economical YOTTH. 1 three lamps CO. best quality 2 yds. You vour house or ollie The the gives other cost. GAS MANTELS :- only 10c. ealh. BRECK & HALLIDA Wood's Phosphodine [he Great English Remedy Is an old, well established and re liable preparation. Has been pre- scribed and used over 40 years. All druggists in the Dominion of Cana- da sell and recommend as being the only medicine of its kind that cures and gives universal satisfaction. It promptly ¢ and perman ly cures all forms of Nervous Weakness, nissions, Spermator- rhea, Impotency, and all effects of Abuse or Excesses, the Excessive use of Tobacco, Opium | or Stimulants; Mental and Brain Worry, all of which lead to In- firmity, Insanity, Consumption and an early grave. Price §1 per package, or six for $5. One will Tease: six will cure. Mailed wiptly on receipt of price. Send by vamphlet--free to any address. The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont., Canada. Wood's Phosphodin drug stores as possible heht 1s little, and the light one-half of the times at ones Idi at -A few fine Princess Street. Before. After. Kingston "at '} is- sold in THE FINEST PIPE MADE, PERFECT SHAPES. | ST. FINISH. Cuarante *d not to burn, *. Spld in Vulcanite, Horn or Amber by WM. BAKER, STAMPS AND MARKERS. RUBBFR STAMPS OF ALL KINDS, SELF 1nkers, Linen Market, Dates, Seals, Stencils | BN OFFOKD. Woig Offor To | | ever, Ltercollegiate i has heen paid to the "huilding The Conwall Hockey Club bas organized. if those Corn- are gentle" the sporting teams of that town. this afternoon, the raghy fossils Toronto and Hamilton play a mateh Mountain city. Fox. formerly of plays quarterback for the Hamilton team. Arrangemesits are as as h mailens fin the Queen's, pending by which i the 'Beavers, of Ottawa, Perth, and Smith's I<, will form an eastern division in the Ontario Hockey Asso- cintion intermediate Casual ies on the United States grid iron for the of 1902 are total ling up manner which bids fair | to put into obscurity the unenviahl: | records of former years. Already have been five fatalities and many minor accidents. The committee of the Clay has decided to a trip to the lower intention to visit Halifax, how they compare with Halifax Wanderers. The latter, play the Englisch game. A world's record was broken upon the Cleveland howling alleys, when the Calumets beat the 1,000 mark in each of three games. Never before such bowling witnessed. In the game the Calunets rolled 1,081, second, 1.079, while in the third, made 1.064, a total of 3,204 for three. Toronto will trouble ations Series. vasbn in a there Montreal Rug- their fif provinces. an the how hv ive teen The to ee Is frst iy the they the Mail- Empire : If condition win, 'Varsity should have no in disposing of Queen's aspir for the 'champions ship of the In Union. Special attention wing line and expected to showing they are miserable <erimmage, and "Varsity = Saturday. redeem made last Death Of An Old Tailor. The the Hospital, John Grey. no aged made his in Kingston for the past thirty cars. The deceased was born, about ity five cans in the city of thuehee, where his hrother held, fhe respondnle position of pos taster' \ir. the old school ol difigrent tune the shops of the Macnaughton's, "W. Pweddeil's, |, Hi attributable to "kidney dis with which red for some He was unmarried, had no tatives in this city remains interred in 3 icy death took place, in General on Friaay, of tailor who has home ago, once. Grey was one of and m including John wns at tar lors { of i Hiay city, ha) ana i was he st and The ataraqui- ceme Reception At Queen's. he nounl reception by Qu Y.M.CLA: and Y.W.C:A, to the nef find Treghettes took place d Arts" building on Irdav night. 'I here were nearly HU present, in cluding a number univers itv students; who are for the riigchy matches: The orations in Convocation hall and Hong hout th were fine. Mrs. Cappon, Mrs, Mrs. Gill © receiven the guests who, following the yn were labelled with a Ton the hy a strong served m's fresh in the Toronto here ee ol Vike and 'freshy'™' cient custom, wr. Music vas furnished Refreshments cum. promenades orchestra. were in the mu Not Transferred. 1 One License The board Lic con vet transferred the the Revere Hotel Bert to Mr. Anderson, will until the claims of creditors are satis actorily adjusted. D.C. Pipes whole ale liiense has been transferred © to Alexander Tvo, and Mr. Tvo's retail ce for the Imperial Hotel to I. MeRenna. stones license of Grimshaw + not from do so nor they Are Expected Home. Robert Creirhion and~Chiet HuoheS,. of 7 the penitentiary, Folger and Mr. M expected home to-day from province, whither they went on g moose hunting expedition. Keeper Howard ills were Quebec About Drainage You know the deadly consequences if a house is badly drained. Oaly "a madman or a criminal would him- self incur the risk, or subject others 'to it, for one unnecessary minute. But do you realize the danger of a badly drained Dosy? Are youn aware that it poisons the blood, the very fountain of life? Comusiped ion is Bad Drainage IRON-OX TABLETS CURE CONSTIPATION Cg N Twenty-five Adult Doses\ 25 Cents of PERSONAL MENTION. They Are Saying And Doing. Warden Platt, of the penitentiary, is in Cttawa on a business trip. Miss A. Jones, Toronto, is the guest of her brother, G. A. Jones, Bariie street. Mrs. Britton, re-elecied t:easurcr CTU. Miss visiting her friend, Renfrew. Miss Landeryou, last evening to visit at her home York street John Saunders, guard at the King- penitentiary, has resumed his duties after ten days' holidays. Mi-s Joyner, nurse, coninec General Hospital, for several has returned home, where she covering nicely. B. J. FP. Villian rugby field as "Bees," has been grant- el his B.A. degree by Queen's. He is at present taking a medio al course, William Neal, ill of typhoid fever at Wilmington, Del, for some time past, is steadily recovering. His mother and sister, of this city, are still with him. John T. Gananoque, has been of the Ontario W. Edith. Newman, Kingston, is Miss Louise Hynis, Toronto, arrived on ston to the weeks, is re known on the Burke and bride returned vesterday from their wedding trip to Hamilton and other western points, and have taken up residence in Ports- mouth. Miss left on tended in New absent Minnie Chapman, O'Kill street, Tuesday afternoon for an ex vidit with friends and relatives York state. She expects to be all winter: S. R. Bailey, University Avenue, re turned today from a three wee duek hunting trip to Hay Bay. hioneht in a good bag of game him on his return. The engagement is announced of Ar- thur Nasmith, of the Imperial Bank, Niagara Falls, eldest son of Thomas H. Nasmith, Deseronto, to Miss Susie Paterson, St. Catharines, daughter of the late Rev. Charles Paterson, Port Hope. He with MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Notes Regarding the Movements of Vessels. Steamer Ocean down. Steamers Cofsican Craig's whart : Swift's" wharf : up: Spartan down. Crawfora's wharf: Schooner wind cleared for Oswego. The steamer Islander has completed vr season's running among Thousand I<land points, and arrived this morn- ing to go into winter quarters, M. T. company elevator : Tug Hall up with three licht barges, ana clear ed down with three grain-laden; steamer Pothnia. called, en route from Montreal to Oswego. Davis & Sons had a trial trip on iday afternoon of the new steam vacht they have built as an experi ment. She attained a gpeed of eigh teen miles an hour her run So the harbor. Trade- on Will Be A Good Thing. The singers and players comprising the Whitney Opera company, which will line nip for inspection on Mon kay evening, November 10th, at the opera honse in the new spectactular military opera, "When Johnny Comes Marching Home," have never heen ap proached as an organization in this, er anyother country, -In-Buffalo, De troit, and I this company was accorded the greatest reception, and given the most unanimous praise = of and-tvrie-body--in the Jast twenty ears. ronto, Boys Were Well Treated. 4 Last waited Fis" were civht boys Harty. at They and was the some nicht a company of upon Hon. Wilham tesidence,. Princess street. il © masquicrade costume, several songs, one of which nd original. It introduced machinists' strike and = made comments thereon. The evidently Lad the desired effect, the boys went away. witha' crisp hill to divide among them. They cheered the president of the Locomotive Works, and declared that he "all right." sang clever song for K5 was Letter Arrived Safely. A letter addressed to Miss Bel, daughter of y..W. Bell, was posted at Edinboro, Pa., on Sth. The address simply read, 2 Princess street, Ontario," the name of the city being thoughtlessly omitted. Lhe letter travelled extensively before it found the rightful 'owner. It bears nine different post marks, and had cone far west as Hamilton, How ever, it arrived here, salelv, Oct. Nst., due the intelligence pos tal officials. Maud V8. Oct ns on of 'Toronto. Varsity rughy teams and their to the number of about Kingston at eight o'clock The scene around the British-American was like those of ye olden times, when Queen's and Var- sity supporters rathered at the old hostelry to discuss "the probabilities of the battle on the following day. The collegians were entertained at in tervals by the small boys, who swarm ed about the place in their Halloween garb." Rugby Excursion From The supporters, 150, reached I'riday evening. A Jovial Hunting Party. composed of red. Sim- mons, lward Compton and Police Constab Graham, left on Saturday morning for Crotch Lake, twelve miles north Clarendon. They will spend two in that locality, hunting deer, ducks, partndee, ete. They are all hunters and jovial compani ons. and an enjovable outing will no doubt result A party, ot weeks good Quite Proper After All. The dear ladies of Women Chris tian Tempera heen praving for the u rr hy the have Since l nin editors anv acerient ize it exeept ? their agpeal the poor. ie ted- these the ask 10 Ap Wood to favor Providence' to sustain is fully in sincere underse lows order and unglout ly ; A ---------------- Jenkins' Shirts. ream of th with can <1 ."' To-Night. ' Bibby's." Mocha, Kid R75, 32 and "The gloves, S150; Bib by Co. DAY'S EPISODES PARAGRAPHS PICKED UP BY OUR BUSY REPORTERS. The Spice of Every Day Life -- What the People Are Talking About--Nothing Escapes At- tention. This was a fine business day among the merchants, Renfrew Board of Trade will have sultry fair on December 2nd. There were no duties for the magis- trate to perform at the police court this morning, The second instalment on the article on "Road Making" by J. W. Mc(al- lum, will appear carly next week. A number of Kingstonians will drive out to Sunbury to-morrow to attend the funeral of the late John McGrath. We would like to see cigarette smok ing among boys a misdemegnor, and the law allow strapping for of- fence. ® Three cases of diphtheria are causing some apprehension to the residents of Barriclield. All the cases are confined to one family. The young man Soper, shot Tuesday, in Olden township, brought to the General Friday afternoon. Numerous were the children's parties held last night, and with games, nuts, candies, ete., the little folks enjoyed themselves greatly. The Picton and Na»anece: high school association football clubs, after kick- ing hard on the field, will now carry their troubles into the law courts for an interpretation of rules, On Sunday evening Rev. Dre. Philp, pastor of Sydenham Street Methodist church, will speak on "The Liquor Traflic. and the Coming Crisis," the first of a series of sermons in view of the prohibition vote. Hear C. H. Francis, Marie Dorsa. the New ingale. Only Jubilee ine an orchestra. City November 1th. Tickets the library. Last night was folks' masquerade. And it was not all children who enjoyed the fun. In one case a grandmother had a share in it. She went about as a beggar and de- ceived her most intimate friends. Don't fail to attend the great rug- by football game between Ontario ward and St. Lawrence ward employ- ces in aid of Kingston General Hos- pital and Hotel Dieu at the Athletic grounds, Monday, November 3rd, 3 p. m. Admission 10 cents. Grand stand, free. the last was Hospital on humorist, and England night- company carry- hall, Friday. 25¢.; sold at fine for the little SPORTS AT HILLCROFT. The Boys Entered With Zest Into Contest. The bovs of Hillcroft Academy held their annual Friday afternoon, on the academy grounds. Competition keen and many rather good re were made. Owing to the fine- the weather, quite a number tators assembled. The results sports was ors s of spe were Half mile Class 1, S. Wright, Class John MelKenzie. Quarter mile- ne of 6). i, Hobrecker, A. Frank Tothill, Class I, 8S. Franklin, i. Carruthers. Class II, Frank Tot hill, George Fortescue. Class III, D. Carruthers, Carruthers. 100 vards-- Class 1, A, S. Franklin, H. Hamm. Tothill, Fortescue. ¢. Carrnthe Jo Almen. D. Carruthers, EB. Almon, I. Long jump---D. Munroe, H. Franklin: Running hich jump Class |, s fC. Fini; AT 8. vi ming. lass Il, Georee John MeKenzie. Class Almon, C. Carruthers, Wricht, 8. Class tl, Class TI. Class IN; Coy. Hamm, Georoe K. Car Wright, tescue, Jack F ilmer Coy. Pole vault--D. inr. H. Hamm. Hurdle races Class 1, A. SS. Wright, HH. Hamm, D. Munroe. Class 11; Frank Tothill, Georgs™ Fortescue, EF. Ferguson. Class HI, 1D. Carruthers, ('.- Carruthers, Blair Black. Class IV, Neil Black, Filmer Coy. Obstacle race--Class 1, H. Hamm, D. Munroe. Fortescue, Keene Tothill. Class II], ©. Car Carruthers; J. Almon. Three legeed race--Class 1, H. Hamm, A. S. Wright, Fortes ©. Hobrecker. Class 11, KE. Fer son, Fri: Almon, keene Hemming, Stewait. Wheelbarrow race Class 1, Fortes Frank Tothill. Class Ferguson, Erie Almon. The keen competition various events ix a healthy sign on the. part of the students, that they are Jovers of sport in its hest form. ------------ Victoria Theatre. There was g=very good audience at the Vitoria hall last evening when the Castle Square company produced a threc-act comedy entitled "David Harum... The piece was very amusing and gave much 'pleasure. Valentine Love, as "David Harum," played the leading ole as a banker and horse travier, and his droll and comic say and acting really fine, He ahly ass ted hy "Harry Brown and Froid Cocliton. Mise Gordon, Miss borrity Miss Kissing, in their dif forent characters, were good and were warmly 'applauded. The specialties were well re especially the singing of Miss issing. The dancing of Mix Erimnani was as usual very be witching. © The company is hilled for another and wi'l doubt" he well patronized. Munroe, Noel Flem- A. S. Wright, Class 11, (ieorge Hemming. Frank vruthers, D. George cue, George § Ha cue, shown in the ings 'were Was week no Lamb Lined. duck skin, hooting $5 and Brown with lamb kins. 'Dark Hair We mean all that rich, dark lor your hair used to hive. "If it's gray now, no matter; for Ayer's Hair Vigor al- ways restores color to gray hair. And often it. makes the hair grow very heavy. SL. All druggists. J. C. AYER CO., Lowe, Mass. to vote; and 1 still hope, tv vears . many -Licorge 'in -- es -- SOCIAL SATURDAY NIGHT ------ A lessen and a wholesome warning | them their niece, Miss Nellie Bartlett, for the women who think to set things" straight by iorming clubs, and coun- cils, and things of that sort, is con- tained in the lament of the late Eliza- beth Cady Stanton, the foremost wo- man rist of the world perhaps, famous on platforms, and in legisla- tive halls. The action of the New York Constitutional convention greatly dis- couraged her. "We rolled up a peti- tion of over half a million names," she said,,. and they didn't pay any more attention to us than if we had been half -a urillion monkeys. '1 want But it is fif- since I went before the New York legislature, and they have play- ed with us all this time as & "cat Be with a mouse. Fifty years a long time to* wait and * 'hope deferred mak eth the heart sick." And sick will be the heart of every woman who goes about getting her wav from the wrong end, that the platform end. She makes about as thorough a fizzle of it as a man would of coquetry. "The male woman is as abnormal as the fe- male man," a level-headed clerpvman remarked in a sermon to voung wo men some years ago. Those in favour of the so-called onward movements, may deny that there is anything pas- culine in their promoters or followers, but .the public, which can only judge by things heard and scen, brings a different verdict. Of course the old fashioned type ~of--wWoman 'suffragist, the gaunt, half-clad angularity, (who perhaps only existed in our imagina tion), is not en evidence now, indeed the present-day agitator is inclined to plumpness. But the big W. in woman, in contradistinction to the little m in man, element, very conspicuous, and consequently, 'the result of much labour, and manv speeches is--nil. And its not that I'm saying that women have no influence. Ah! no. no. It's only that it seems a pity for them to put coercion in its place, for the last will fail," the first will win. I'he ends women strive for are, in useful ends. helpful ends, but ends they never will attain, so long as they say, "We will," but let them change it to "May we ?"' and the way smooth them. A man mav legislate and decree, but som: woman, somewhere, is at the back of his legislation, or mav be if she wilk. So what is the use of her being in the forefront, to ficht the battle, where n word, a laugh, a silence may, in the aentle quiet of her own home, can de termine the battle's issue. - - - - RUre 18 cases, before is A very jolly dance was given in the Whig Hall on Wednesday night, the prime movers in the aliair being Miss Irene Swift; Miss Inez Shaw, Mr Mudie and Mr. Willie Breden. Mrs. Arthur Cunningham and Murs. dogart were the chaperones. Victoria circle of King o's Daughters, of which Mrs. Yates the head, will hegin its meetings on Wednesday next. Miss Nina Ferguson came home this week from Rochester, N.Y. An engagement which ix calling forth many congratulations is that of Miss Charity Stéers, niece of the Hon. William Harty, M.P.. and Mr. John Primrose, civil engineer, mow of New York. Mr. Primrose, whois a Nova Scotian, is a brother of Dr. Primrése, loronto, and™ a araduate of the School of Applied Science, McGill. Miss Vaux, Toronto, is visiting her sister, Miss Lillian Vaux; an undergra- duate "of Queen's. Miss Alex Allan, who arrived from dand" on the Tunisian last week, come up to her home in Brock Mrs. Allan will leave shortly on of the world with Senator and in their private cht. Mr. Guy Kirkpatrick. of ronto, late of the Strathcona Horse, _the ocuest of Miss Macaulay, King street. . » . . has Ville. a tour Vrs. Fuliord 18 of the Bank in the future Mrs. Roderick Mackenzie of Montreal, will on Thursdays. Miss Attwood, © who cuest of her sister, Mrs. some little time, 'leit on Lakefield. Miss Cecile Pacaud, Quebee who was up for the Panet-Bermingham nuptials, is the guest of Miss Ethel Hendry, Col. and Mrs. Pellatt, who were wi the wedding, left on tor Toronto. Richard Macpherson the Misses Macy receive the for for has been Linewood, Monday also for the same day r uest treet, My is the ol sherson, Brock Worrell, who ha sent from town for some time ed last week and Miss Grace, mained in Montreal, town on. Tuesday. She was those who assisted. her aunt, Mrs. Whitehead, at delightful tea the lat ter on Tuesday, in honor of her guest, Mrs. Willets King's College, Windsor. Mrs. M. S. daughters has from a visit to was geeompanin bv A. J. Dougall, and Dongall, who will in. Montreal: + been ab return who re hack to one of Clare will come gave ol her © two Montreal, She Mrs. Mac time with' to Picton. her nieces, Miss Flora spend some Foley returne od "Hillside," The Toronto Star, in a short note of Wednesday's wedding, says that Major is very well remembered by Tor who had pleasure of see his daring horsemanship at the military tournament there a year ago last spring. / Mrs. Clarkson, who made fricgls while in. Kingston, gust of honor at 'a tea given in on Tuesday, by 'Mi Grierson Bromeh poured tea, and amongst ¢ Ladv Borden, Mr Cotton and . My Panet ontonians, ing very SO many was the tawa Mi the Vic Aner will visit New Roche Mooney cturning home to Colonel and Mrs. Fages in the city about the first ber, and will take a-furnished for the winter. a sister of the late who was so much ston by all who knew ding, in which Miss Bartlett, and Mr. Sloane, late of Chicago, but now of Pittsburg, Pa., where he is intevest- ed in a large electrical works, will be the principal actors, will take place on Tuesday in Holy I'rinity church, Montreal. The wedding was to have taken place in ..arch, but was post- poned. will arrive of Decem- house McMullen, beloved in King- her. A wed- Ars - T. » - Hugel, who guest at on. Monday. Miss \ been Mrs. House," Hope. dirs. 'Alex. hirkpatrick gave a merry wae party for a number of little miss Lassic's friends this afternoon. Mrs. Albree, who has been in York, has returned to Kingston. Mrs. George Hart, who has been with Mrs. A. D. Cartwright in Toron- to, will receive with her sister-in-law m Tuesday. i Professor and Mrs. Waddell, are en pension with Mrs. Gill, Union street. The first meeting of the padminton Club was held this afternoon at the Armouries. The ladies of Chalmers' hold an afternoon tea and sale work on Thursday, December 11th, Mrs. R. Uglow, Johnston street, gave a delightful Halloween party for the many little friends of Miss Helen and Miss Marjorie. The little people had a royal romp. Miss Florence Cfffiingham was hos- tess at a pleasant little tea on Thurs- day. Miss Georgina Shibley, who has come up from an extended tour in Quebec, will be the guest of her sister, Mrs. W. B. Carey, Brock street, for a few weeks. Mis. J. HG post-nuptial re Thursday afternoons evening, November 5th and 6th, at hey home, 56 Wellington street. - - - - irginia has + Skinner's left for Port New church will of sheoan will hold her eption on Wednesday, and Thursday The ladies of the Infants Home who work energetically and faithfully, must indeed be pleased at the result of the past vear's work. At the time of the annual meeting last year the institution was six hundred dollars in lebt; the treasurer's statement at the annual mecting vesterday showed that the amount had been wiped out with the exception of eighty dollars. In ad dition to this the running expenses of the home have all been paid. The members of the managing committee are more than pleased with the work of Miss Bell, the gentle little lady who g¢ not only' her time but her heart to the superintendent's trying and whose report made such" an ding part of the programme at day 's meeting. "Frank Cooke, who has been the Fist tol the Reverend A. W. and Mrs. ('ooke, has left for her home in New York. SO of Miss Alice Heward, cond ganghter ofthe late Mr. John DD. Heward, and Mr. Mossom Boyd, has been arranged to take place in St. Simon's church, Toronto, on Wed nesday, November Sth. The Lord' Bishop of and Miss Courtney have heen ou this 'week of Mr. and James Wright, ~ Sherbrooke Montreal. Miss Susie The marriage Scotia the Mrs: street, Nova is the daughter of a distinguished Parsee house, will visit Moatreal on November 10th, in the interest of missions to the natives of India. She is engaged in mission work, while her mother the head of yg great Christian ction work at Poonah. Her brother and sis ters are in good professional positions ii Todi, and are also interested in the evangelization of their fellow country men. Mrs. hushand Sorabhii, whose Henry Buchanan Riddell, South was killed during the African war, is engaged to be mar- vied to Lord Robert Manners, son of the Duke of Rutland, and half-broth er to Lord Granby. Lady Henry Somerset was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Flavelle during her stay in : Mr. linham manager of the treal, is Very typhoid fever. A pretty wedding Perth on. Wednesday, J. Campbell, danchtor Mix, John Go. Camplell, to Mr. James D. Burns, con of the late Reveremd Burns, pastor of Knot church, Perth. The choir of St. Andrew's church, of which has dong heen a member, gave a beautiful clock, Mrs. Burns is of Mrs. John Mac gillivray, Mr. J. M. Campbell, ind has friends in King stun. Foronto. Molson of Molson eriously Westmount, Pant, Mon ill placy in Miss Mary of Mr. ant was married of Wingham, William took when she her a sister and of many warm midon, in of Le Abherd doamer, formerly with 1 and is representing Can Womans' Conie there the bieet of 'the emigration domestic servants to this country. Mrs. Poomer and Miss Fitzgibbon hate been nominated to the National Coundail the of workers rit Mrs, nt. is Idinburgh, at the will speak of now ada renee She on at of reresent conference women ain. Mr. and arrived tay a days returning to Fi eth Toni <he intend who wil Mi New George York on Tuesday, in. Philadelphia Montreal Mitchell, of Neowtreal ian this week fon will pend the being Dethi for Edward India rie. in few fore India, winter the Durbar pr mn week, v n King claimed Emperor of James' 1artoh. vester Walkem. of Victoria, Walken. ed bringing with' Mrs Mabel week, and Miss last cand Montreal arriy (Continued on page This signature is on every box of the genuine Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tabicts the remedy that cures a ¢old in one day. "Maitland 4 with, IT IS DOUBTFUL. If Local Applications Alone Ever Cured a Case of Catarrh. Most remedies for the treatment of catarrh afc in the form [of grays, in- halers, powders, washes or salves, all purely local applications and many of them often give temporary relief, but the reason none of them ever really cure - chronic catarrh because ca- tarrh is not a local disease and it can- not be cured simply by treating the local symptoms. Moreover the more serious forms of catarrh, like catarrh of the stomarh and catarrh of the bronchial tubes, cannot be reached at all by local ap- plications and the fact that neglected arrh of the head in- volves the bronchial tubes, stomach and liver, demonstrates that the di- sease is a blood diserder, a constitu- tional malady and not at all a local disease. To really cure catavrh: the system must be cleansed from catarrhal pois on by an internal remedy which acts effectively upon the blood and liver. The success of a new catarrh reme- dv, Stuart's Catach Tablets, is be- cause it drives out of the system, through natural channels, the catarch- al poison and the mucus lining of the nose, throat and trachea are freed from the excessive mucous which col- lects and causes the hawking, spitting and gagging, because the excessive cretion is not furnished from healthy blood. Stuart's Catarrh Tablets contain many of the same valuable antiseptics used in sprays and inhalers, but in stead of being applied to the inflamed membranes of the nose and throat, they are taken into the stomach and thus reach the blood, the real seat and cause of the disease. : Stuart's Catarrh Tablets are large, pleasant tasting lozenges, composed of Red Gum, Hyvdrastan, Bloodroot, and similar catarrh specifics, and safe to use that little children suffering from colds take them with same bene- ficial results as adult persons. No trace of cocaine or opiates, common in catarrh medicines, can found in Stuart's Catarch Tablets. is ver soon |C- SO RO be Our Coal i= as Clean as Though It Were Wash- ed and Brushed. FACH LUMP STANDS BY ITSELF, Goon slid coal--so much solid fire. After' ~mches the surfase, of the earth from ee Sines. impuri 4 cked out by her . Thereafter -it is several times bel N { reaches you, and dirt, slate, eto., rev save no chance, if the dealers are careful We are very carehul. 0000060000000 Soft Coal The Very Best Call and -get our printed instructions on the use of Soft Coal ® for furnace, range and heater: JAMES SWIFT & GD. 'Phone 135. 0006000460000 A Cosy Bright Fire Is an attractien for every ene. The cheery glow and intense heat of our . Coal will meke itecl! felt with pleasure during the cold weather. It's just the kind to cook with, $00. Let us fill your bin with BOOTH"S COAL. 'Phone 138, Food | Woat Street. ts [We Te 5 DON'T WASTE MONEY On poor, ill-flavored but- y ter, when you can get a n pound of the best Clarified Butter, sweet and finely- % flavored, for 25c.. Try a 2 pound and see how pleased x 5 00000000000000 Li TLIE TLE] yof will be. i Clarified Milk Co., 'Phone 557, Brock & Bagot Sts. 3 3 oo [3c] 3 FUEL: LOG. CALL AND SEE IT AT © STRACHAN'S HARDWARE fr