THE DAILY WRIG SATURDAY. NOVEMBER { ¥ "THE NEW WAY To Hang Storm Sash SIMPLE, PRACTICAL, PERFECT, ECONOMICAL. IDEAL VENTILATION SOLID COMFORT. AT CORBETT'S HARDWAR:- e ANC, Aisa =e RETAILERS CHOICE BLEND TEAS AND . COFFEES. Extra good for the money 25¢., 30c., 35¢c.. 40c, 45c., 50c. Pound. KA THE STARR CO. 185 WELLINGTON ST. AUCTION ~ SALE ---- OF -- VALUABLE PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF KINGSTON. TUE EXECUTORS OF THE ESTATE OF the late William Wilson will offer for sale by public auction at the rooms of William Mur- rav. Jr, Auctioneer, Market Square, King- ston, on THURSDAY, the 13th dav of No- vember: next, at 12 o'clock noon, the follow- ine real estate, namely (-- (1) Lots Nos. 82, 83, cast side of Victona stre between Brock and Princess streets, ou which is enced a stone dwelling house and outbuildings, now occupied by Edward Law. (2) Lot. No. 81 and the north part of Lot 88 on east side of Victoria street. adjoining the above, and being on the northeast cor- ner of Brock and Victoria streets (3) Lots Nos. S57 to 94, north of parcel No.1. (1) Lote Nos. 73 to south part of Lot 79 torin street, beiween srests. (5) Lote Nos 220 28 and 24-on south wide of Durham street, on which is erected a frame duvliing and outbuildings and known as No 85 and 86 on inclusive, situate 78, inclusive, and on east side of Vie Brock and Johnston (6) Lot. No. 15 on porth sida of Colborne street, on which in erected a doible rough- cast dwelling, Nos. 131 and 133. (7) Lota Nos. 1 and 2 on north side of Pbarles street, consisting of 8 Frame: Dwell mgs known as Nos. 39, 61, 63, 66 and 67 (8) Island "C" in Sharbot Lake. 9 acres land, on which is érected a Summer Cot tage of 8 rooms, together with Ice House, Boat House, etc. The above premises will be sold as deserd- el in above parcels or separately to suit purchasers, For further particulars apply to T RIGNEY, Barrister, Brock Street, or h MIVER, 38 Clarence street MEN OF ALL AGES suffering from the effects of early folly quickly restored to robust health, man- hood and vigor. - Lost Manhood, Pre- mature Decay, Weak Memory, Errors of - Youth, Night Losses, Varicod forever cured. $1.00 BOX OF MEDICINE FREE. OLD DR. GORDON'S REMEDY FOR MEN in a few days will make an old man of 6o feel 20 years younger. Sent sealed on receipt of 12cents Lo pay post- ages, full regular one dollar box, with valuable medical book rules for health; what to eat and what to avoid. No duty, no inspection hy Custom House, reliable Canadian Company. Write at once ; if we could not help you we would not make this honest offer. QUEEN MEDICING CO. P.O. Box A, 947, Montreal. $ 3 re PAPER} PRINTS AT NICHT BY ANY. LICHT > Sample dozen, 4 x5, witn | Reins r ana. Sold package of - Developer photo, mailed for 5c. QUEEN ST. W, + S. VISE, segs: CANADIAN AGENT. FA RHSIRIOSA RRR BOARD. © FRONT ROOM, ALSO TWO SING! rodms, with modern conveniences, tral, not far from City 'and Macdonald Parks. Suitable for a party of from threes to five, 195 Earl strect. LARG cen ~"CYKO" } & | glorious {their THE WHIG -- 68TH YEAR. DAILY "BRITISH WHIG, published each evening, at 306-310 King Street, at $6 per year. Editions at 2:30 and 4 o'clock. WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, pages, pub- lished every Thureday morning at $1 a year. Attached is ome of the best Job Printing and' cheap 'Offices in Canada; rapid, stylish work; nine improved pressés. EDW. J. B. PENSE, PROPRIETOR. HE DAILY WHIG. Opiter per Orbem Dicor.' THE DOUKS ARE CRAZY. The Doukhobors. are described as a simple-minded race. They are more than that, and demented for the time- heing. Men who have gone among them, as they movea southward, with only cotton clothing, and mostly bare: failed to learn what their plans were. They were simply lookin~ for Jesus, they said, and had no more idea where to find Him than the cru: where to find the footed, saders of old knew Holy Grail. The pity is, that remove from Rus now, they 'were ever encouragea to sia. They had for years been in con- fiict with authority there, had been subject to various rulings of the law and felt in resentful mood. They seem- through Count to find in Canady the freedom which they de Yet in the North-West --some distance from Yorkton--where they were believed to be happily set- tled, on land the finest, they became They refused to be gov- The first. difficulty occupying the land. separate, but, hud- ed, Tolstoi, sired so much. dissatisfied. 'erned by any law. arose over their They woud not dled together in villages; they lived on a communal plan, with a laxity in domestic relations that was not at all I'hey had to be dealt with the law the land, and they recognized no law save that So that for some time they have been Thev have sought and heen refused an asy- lum in British Columbia. They have looked for a lodgment in the United States in vain. They have even sent scouts to South Africa, to see if they desirable. when they infringed of of God. discontented. can find a place where they may h without intrusion frem any one. Thov will 'be The world does not afford escape from the disappointea. civilized anthority of man as it is exercised in the laws and government of the dav leaders The religious among them are responsible for this insane pil- on they are bound to suffer and perhaps per- to have taken a little bread, made out of ground wheat, and the clothing upon them, and moved off. Behind they left their homes, their grain (some of it in vrimage in which they are now gaged, and at a season when ish. At a given signal they seem barns and some of it in the field), and their cattle. They cannot live by the road side without fuel; food and cloth- ing. The mortality so far is heavy en- ongh, and the aged and the young have heen laid in the ledges that mark the wav of this migration southward. There is no use in appealing to their reason. They are crazy for the time and must be treated as luha- tics. The government should put the being whole tribe ander arrest, should force the to their to in the occupations that tend to make women and children occupy homes, and the men engage a livelihood. They simply. cannot be allowed to do as they like, to sacri- fice their lives. They cannot be drivin out of the country, and they cannot live in it, during our winter, in a semi- naked condition and because they will and of sheep-or-hide of cattle. They prefer to the the roadside, in the ditches, than in the milk of cows, and to work their not 'wear the covering for body feet which is made from the wool hy moisten their bread in water women in the plows and harrows than horses which have the strength. People. who acts in this way cannot he esteemed very intelligent, and their is of a kind with that of the of the Mad Mullah, troubles will end when they have been conduct followers whose exterminated, as they will be if they insist upon it. -- A UNIVERSITY MUDDLE. this Monthly, on the strength of vivid im Under caption, the Canadian agination, remarks : "The trustees of Queen's University have blundered and trailed the good name of that institution in the dust. This dozen of estimable gentlemen have had imposed upon them. hy the death of the lamented Principal Grant. the duty of electing a new head for clave, and decided to profier their laur- ol wreath to an estimable clergyman in the city of Montreal. Two or three busyv-hodies told them he would ae cept it, and they did not trouble to verify the statements. They dell into the trap and their scalps are today floating at the helt of the proud cle evman of Montreal. Thev now have a petition to offer which has heen re fused, rajected and scorned. They thought that what they had to offer was a crown of diadems: behold, one | has called it a tin bauble. and them offer to others less worthy than he. The trustees shoull take summary person or persons cngeanee on some | 1 5 | unknown who instigated and advised a "which led such in sult." proceedin to an | The critic of a magazine of represen tative character should ground than mere floating supposition of They did busyv-bodies The trustees not listen to + They not blunder tales of little plan carefully and well Rut highly who did not listen to them was large: the the a respected personage Jy instramental in causing dis the university. Thev met in secret con- | stove jipes, have higher | Queen's' College did | laid | I their old clothing, palming it off appointment. A tactless hand, or voice, was also seen or heard, it will be remembered, when the question of a bonus from Kingston came up, .and it very nearly cast the rich dish into the fire. The approach to Rev. Mr. Barclay was made carefully, and he gave con- sent to the . use of his name. Then somebody, at his own sweet will, ask- ed an equally tactless gentleman, ab- out to visit Scotland, to have a look- out for a suitable man for principal. This volunteer's enquiries were heard, of course, by Dr. Barclay, then in Scotland. As a result the senate's no- minee lost interest in the appointment and then the mention of his name brought a flood of entreaties and per- suasions from Montreal," against the transfer. He wrote desiring his name to be withdrawn, but two members of the senate visited him the day before the meeting of the trustees and he again allowed his name to be put for- ward for principal. His election follow- ed as a mptter of course. Dr. Bar- clay's declinature was a severe blow to the university, but the trustees were not the only ones who blunder- ed. Unless Dr. Barclay felt more de cided he should not the second time have allowed his name to go forward. But if the senate blundered, theirs is not the only loss. Dr. Barclay is the pastor of a nice, quiet church Montreal, with hig salary and every comfort. He may be very happy, but he never will be the great man he would have been as principal of Queen's University. The heads of the Cana- in two great endowed colleges of da are known in a way, but they rust in their places. How many higher grade school pupils could recall their names ? Queen's is sustained by strenu- ous work, by ceaseless activities and by small contributions manv people. The principal, therefore, moving spirit in the pro- of a great becomes a vince. His very activity is a necessi- ty for the sustaining of the college, and as Principal Grant towered as a 'man far up ing the heights, so wogld Dr. Barclav have towered and been a distinct inkiinm, ality, any con- gregational pastor in the land] ------------ SATURDAY THOUGHTS. 13 Hallowe'en losing its social at- tractions ? The young folks their fun as usual, but the hearth and their former alure- useful public immeasurably above have fireside have not ments. Queen's, Queen's, Queen's! Let the of the football field be sustained. The team that has the rooters hot behind them is bound to enthusiasm win. béen deeply concerned reconstruction. Sir Wil- not suffering for lack Soma people, who have not even consulted, are with cabinet frid Laurier is of advisers. -- Mr. Monk, the leader of three in Quebec, is against British preference. He says it go. Is that =o? Has tives passed out the word to effect ? of his party the must the conserva- that It should not be necessary for any- one to die by poison before the law can he amenaed and so made to deal effectually with the adulterated food question. Tha should he pure. The 'Metropolitan _ Bank voungest manager Youth counts for much, in energy, but ex- Mr. Pailey may be a wise man ay twenty-seven, but he will be wiser at forty. ---- Tarte has probably discovered, the conservatives for food of our people has the in Canada. perience counts for more, Mr. by this time. that in tor egred him his campaign "higher tarifi" a that purpose to injure him politically. on purpose, and Having accomplished their object they are satisfied. -- Montreal has another scandal. The police "officers have been rubbing up as new. and ordering the value of new clothing in There no municipal, iniquity which Montreal civilian's dress. is cannot stand. Farmers' has an increase the customs" duties. Mr. Mallory, the pre sident, that if the conservatives force the fighting on high tariff lines thev will find the majority of farmers ociation The declared new against in says against them. saitm-- for civil servanta It ot A decoration has been authorized by the king. new may be conferred on a" number Canadian oflicials.. The ragity some L vears ago was a man with a decora- ticn. As things po the rarity will be a man without it. Struck By Lightning. Athens, Qet. 31.--During the electiical storm which passed this place last evening, hightring struck the chimney on J. H. ° Ack- land s residence and passin: down the tore them to jicces, hlew the stove open, ahd passed across the up the carpets in its Mrs. Ackland, at the timé, severe over floor, tearing Mr. the and room onrse, mn were were very: badly righted, but beyond. the | vk were aninjmed. The house was fiil'd with smoke from the concussion. Our household ammonia is three times the strength of the regular, so called household ammonia. Pint tles, 10¢. McLeod's drug store. Cider ! "Cider ! | At Redden"s. who | : bot- ! NEWS'OF WORLD TELEGRAMS FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF EARTH, Matters That Interest Everybody --Notes From all Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered. Mr. Tarte has given up his proposed trip to Paris this fall. Olivet Baptist Church, Montreal, will ercct a new $40,000 edifice. The new Pacific cable will not ceive business until the tests of line are completed. Four men were killed and two fatal ly injured hy a gas explosion at Ni- arara- Falls, N.Y. Rev. 0. C. S. Wallace, chancellor of McMaster University, has gone to Eur- ope on a vear's leave of absence. Lieut.-Col. Fiset and Captain Mec- Millan, Canadian officers, have receiv- ed the distinguished service order. Premier Roblin says Hon. ar. David- son has no intention of resigning from the Manitoba house as was reported. Lady Henry Somerset, addressing the W.C.T.U. convention in Toronto, said temperance work in Canada is very easy. It is announced, that Mr. Brodrick, secretary of war, is engaged to be married, his bride-to-be being Mias Madeline Stanley. J The proposed pilgrimage of the Em- peror of China to western tombs has been abandoned and his majesty will perform his ancestral worship in Pe- kin. . Chancellor E. Banjamin Andrews has told the. students of the University of Nebraska that he fears football en- thusiasm and the devil sometimes go hand in hand. Principal Petersen's eldest son suffering from appendicitis. The prin- cipal is, therefore, obliged to postpone his departure from couple of weeks. Mrs. Cornelius Huygens, a leader of socialistic and feministic movemant in Holland, committed suicide at Ant- werp, on Friday. She was a widow, but was to have begn married short- ly. A coroner's jury at Niagara Falls, N.Y, found the Ontario Power com- pany «esponsible for the death of Patrick Moakler and Patrick Kelly, killed by a stone hurled across the river. Negotiations are under way for the establishment of large iron and steel works on Ashbridge"s Marsh. Toronto, the company is to expend 150,000 in buildings, and pay annually $50,000 in wages. Sir Horace Rumbold's article «in the National Review, denouncing Germany as the most unrelenting and Ganvcer ous foe of Great Britdin, continues to excite much adverse comment in the Berlin press. The Anchor line steamer City of Rome has been towed from Greenock to: be broken up. She was built in ISS1, and was the largest Atlantic steamship for twelve years until the Campania and Lucania were launched. Sarah Bernhardt"s "Hamlet" has been badly received in Berlin. The French actress has apparently utterly destroyed the good impression she made on the Berlin critics in "La Tosca" and "La Dame Aux Came- lias." The Emperor of China has received Pak-Chia-Sun, the first Corean min- ster to China. 'The minister was ac- companied by members of the lega- tion. The Dowager Empress was not present. The Coreans wore European uniforms. Russia has informed the government of Inia that henceforth no vestric- tions will he placed on British-Indian merchants desirous of travelling in Central Asia except at certain places in the neighborhood of the Afghan- Persian frontier. : The 'Matane seigniory has been pur- chased from the estate of Ding Bro- thers, by the . Wolvin-syndicate. It is said that the Wolvin syndicate intend to enter the lumber business on. an extensive xcale for the export trade in connection with their grain export business. . The Dowager Empress of China has isrued an edict ordering special sae- rifices to the River God of the Hoang- Ho as ax token of gratitude for the absence "of inundation. The overflow. ing of Hoang-Ho or Yellow River, hae cansed the thousands upon thousands of lives in past years. the 1s S loss of | amateurs of strong emotions appear to be satistied. | cular service is irregular. Tt will also England for al | PRESS POINTS. An Uneven Distribution. | Montreal Herald. Jt makes a _.spingter grit _hér teeth every time she encounters a who hae planted three husbands. widow 7 - Outside The Tent. | St _Johr Telegraph. "Where does Mr. asks the Montreal easy one. He doesn't. Borden come in?" | Star. That's an Well Provided For. - Toronto Star. ° : Oom Paul has hired three villas at | Mentone to pass the winter in--one for himself, one for his whiskers, and one for his pipe. | | | Enough Is Enough. London News It's all richt. But we've had our fill of yanking out victims from under the 'iron heel" of Europe. No more Doukhobors for us. Mixing The Classes. Hamilton Herald The W.C.T.U. proposes to pray ior newspaper editors, thus putting the | editors in the same class with Bishop | Potter. of New York. . Vi 60 Specialists On The Case. ! In the ordinary run of medical prac- | a uroatec punider than this have treated cases Gi chronic dyspepsia and have , feiled to: cure-but Dr. Von | Stan's Pineapple Tablets (60 in a box Parade rest rude © cure, giv- These Se little sen Btheir eal Taylor and H. dav ir Semi p-- : Hooperss KAshestos Plaster on vour furna: s and pipes will reduce vour fuel bill. A small outlay is orfee made, ! the savines in fuel goes on. forever. 'Phere is nothine better than pure apple -juice cider. James Redden | & Co. our + al Migsion Board, Montreal. 17 pom, St | vears, This is Grip year, and it I plague. SAYINGS AND COMMENTS. \ By Captain J. D. Chartrand, of Kingston. Thus spoke the lover of sports : "The season of black eves, contu- sions and. crutches--beg you pardon, I mean the season of foot-badl--is in full swing here in Canada and in the Un- ited States. Broken noses, arms and legs are many, but only six killed have been registered so far--in the Un- ited States, of course--for in Canada we have had wounded only. Ld "his is below the annual average. No matter thouch, the harvest of ac- cidents is copious enough, and the "Here, at the college, the students come in class, this one with a stick, this one with crutches, this one with a swollen hand, this one with a game leg, this one with a bruised face, this one with a sleepv head, very hard to keep awake with inflections of verbs. Nevertheless, they all come in any- way, calm and modest, like young men accustomed to run their chances against fancies of sporting seasons. If I am not mistaken, they are rather proud of their hurts, and one thing only" annoys them, it is when their wounds keep them out of the eame. "I worship foot-ball, nay, 1 like it even better than ping pong. Ping- pong's last rules, wired from London, Eng., to tke whole wide world have been changed in such a wav as to deerly rejoice everybody's heart. Here is the dispatch: "" 'London, Oct. 21.--Ping-pong which has a national association of its own, is about to have its rules radi- cally altered as regards service. In fu- ture the server shall play the ball on his own court, making it bounce once thereon, thence over the net to his opponent's court. * "This is expected to obviate all the difficulties hitherto experienced by umpires in deciding whether a parti- ser- in- put a check on extremelv fast vice, so- fast as to be in many stances nnplayable.' "You know, since T had such a re- buke from my friend, the great man of fashion, I plunged boldly into ping- pone, and made quite a name for my- self in certain drawing-rooms. It would be unfair and ungenerous to say that I am the champion of my great friend's smart ping-pong table--which comes straight from England-- but nevertheless, I can assure mv readers that I now throw my balls in a very satisfactory manner, serving my op- ponent with a creditable skill. Those new rules from England shall allevi- ate my previous difficulties in playing, and [ sincerely hope to distinguish myself before the year is over. How fickle man is, for I now really think that bridge is nowhere against ping- pong. "But let us go back to football. It is a manly game. When I see thirty strapping young fellows, lining up to be pitted against each other, when I hear the whistle of the referee which throws them into action, I feel a most delicious emotion and at the same time a most bitter anger against my age that hinders me from taking an active part in it. . "In this game, as in any other, there is at times useless roughness, of course, but this cannot be avoided, for human nature. is not all moulded in the same way. However, collegians generally play for the love of the game, and not for gain, as it is often the case with city teams. This may be a rash opinion, but it is a fair one, based on what any observer can every Saturday, when a bir pame takes place. "Let us' push our boys towards foot- ball. It is a virile 'sport. Contrary to what whining novelists oiten say, a vigorous body contains: a sane mind, as a rule. When the health . and strength of the hody are good, the health of the intelligence is gener ally good also. The best athletes are often the best scholars. "However, let us encourage sports in general, it is the best school of viril- ity, no matter if one gets killed once in a while: It is assuredly a great misfortune, but this misfortune hap- pens only oncé in a life-time . happily." see ---------- ONTARIO DIOCESE. The For Bishop's Engagements November. Nov. 2nd--1l a.m, St. cathedral; 3 p.m. peniten- p.m, .. Paul's' church, Sunday. George's tary 7 Kingston. Sunday, 7 pa. St. ton. v Wednesday, 12th--Meeting of Gener- St 9th--11 a.m. St. James', George's cathedral, Kings Sunday, 16th--11 am. Trinity; 7 p.m., St. Stephen, Montreal. Sunday, 23rd--11' a.m., St. Paul's; George's 'cathedral; Kines ton. . ; Tuesday, 25th-S p.m., St. Thomas', Belleville, (Inauction of rector). Wednesday, 26th-- Meeting of exéeu- tive commiftee. Kingston. Thursday, 27th--Meeting of board, Kingston. Friday. 25th--Quiet day for clergy the dioc .. Kingston. Sunday,' 30th--I1 a.m.. St. George's cathedral, Kingston; 3 p.m., Christ church. Cataragni, 'confirmation; 7 p.m., St. Luke's, Kingston. Mission of '" alternate be- hooves vou to prepare vourseli against an attack of this disease, which leaves more desolation and "Wrecks than a Wear Woolen under-clothing, avoid exposure, eat pourishing" food, Grip- epidemics occur in keep free fram excitement and worry, | and break up | and above all evervs cold; "great and small, by using Dr. Humphrey's Specific © Seventy-Sey \a prevent . en. vi of small vial ol. | | pleasant pellets fits the vest pocket 7 consists a At all Druggists, 25 ecnts, or mailed, on | recaipt of price: Doetor's Boek. Mailed' Free, | Humphrevs' Homeopathic Medicine Co., Cor- | ner William and John Streets, New York. RIP versecutors ® © F00EO $000000® ecosee PERFECTLY TAILORED OVERCOATS.; Full of style and dig nity that come all the touches that give char- The first tailors in the land can- overcoats. this means and how true it is when you see the coats. cutter and tailor has brought out the points that you always find wanting in ordinary coats are not the kind you find in tailoring. They have acter to the appearance. not produce handsomer The combined skill of coats. That's why our every store. OVERCOATS." $12.50, $14, $15, o $12, $6.50, $17. prs, from the finest You'll know what ©0000 sePeeooc eee $7.50, $8, $9, $10, a 8 THE H. D. BIBBY CO., 0 Priss Clathing House, Warm Wintry CIQICIOOCICOQLEIQIIOIOOOCO0 Comfortable Underwear For Men, Women and Children. COMBINATION SUITS Knit all in one piece, will wear better, feel bet er and give more genuine satisfaction than any other underwear. All sizes, all materials, all deal- comfortable. ers. Then it's so warm and MANUFACTURED BY THE KNIT-TO-FIT MFG. CO., Ng Genuine Butter 613 Lagauchetiere St. Montreal. BROWN'S " Scotch, : Chocolate Caramel Taffy, 20 GENTS PER LB. A. J. REES, Princess St. bgt ior VOTERS' LIST, 1903 y » Muaicipality of the City of Kiagston, County of Freatenac. NOTICE IS HEREBY. GIVEN THAT 1 have transmitted. or delivered te the persons mu ntioncd in sections 8 awd 9 of the' * On- tario Voters' Lists" "Act" the copivs required by. said sections to be so transmit- ted or.delivered of the list made pursuant to «nid 'Aci of all persons appearing by the lust revised assessment roll of the said Municipa'ity to be 'entitled to vote in the raid municipality for members of the L lative Asstmbly and at Municipal Elections: and that the goid list was first posted up at mv office at the City Buildings, on the 27th dav of October, 1902, and remains there for inspection, s Electors are called upon to :xamine ta said hist, and if any omissions or anv other errors are found therein to take immediat: procecdings to have the said errors corrected according to law. L. W. SHANNON, Clerk of said Municipality. Dated this 31st dav of October, 1902 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. The Doukhobors--A Word in Their Defence. Oct. 3 (To the FEdit- ort: Th people, are the subject of much criticism founded in ignorance. There is nothing new in the belief that the divine command, "in the sweat of thy hrow shalt thou eat bread," is binding, irrespective of sex, upon all able to work. Bondarell, a Russian peasant. whose celebrated tract edited bv Tolstol, taught that man and woman should grow or rye for bread, enough for indivi dual need and the food of the young and aged, but that no surplus should be grown for sale. From the rigor of this rule no one on account of rank should je exempt. It evidently an intensive construction of the Bible text, that mankind should "not eat bread in the sweat of the ox or horse, and, therefore, the Doul hobor, or Spirit-Wresthr, parts with his beasts of the plough. The use of animal ma terials for «thing is obnoxions millions of the human race subjects of Britain in India. There is no douht the Doukhobor may drift into treme views. But he. is a cleaner be ing physically than the reverend jro fersor, who, doubtliss ignorant of Boukhohor life, the other day clyssed kim with the not-too clean Galician The idea that all life is sacred, that it not given man 1e destroy life, and that in dom none hall hurt or he carried to extreme it should not titae the and the of travellers whose love of Kings on, was every wheat ex to 11e ol hing mav hut the fanati nl tor to Goel 's destroy, lenoth upon an 513 roo bring down how] Munchausen who of sO ie strong drink "and flesh dood may be pro oked the industry, abstemion the Boukholior?® av «leanline. = ERATION of H. Cunningham, piano tuner Chickering's, New York Orders re ceived at McAulev's hookstors, Pure Cider at Redden's, FREE! OUR 400 PAGE, CLOTH BOUND, ILLUSTRATED "Guide to Investors" and "Daily Market Letter" A most valuable aid to investor or specu- lator. Correspondence, also STOCK, GRAIN AND COTTON Orders, all amounts. HAIGHT & FREESE Hesablishied (HIN Malan Office, 53 B'way. STOCKS, BONDS, GRAIN, COTTON. Kingston, Oatarle. "Determining the oharaoter and finandial responsibility of your broker, is as impor tant as the selection of right stocks." Hofbrau Malt Extract, 10c. For Loss of Appetite, General Weakness, etc. E. L. EBBELS, CHEMIST an daisT, Market Square Drug Store, Cor. King and Market Sts., Kingston. We Have No Coal But we have samples touched with gold. These are given away with every sale of gas beating stoves, consuming from 1 to 2 cents worth gas per hour. We have stoves from the natural gas region to displace your hall stove. No trouble: no dust; no stor- age; cheaper than coal. And we oan give vou some light on the question Gy using' the Kern Burner, consuming one half the gns of other burners, and giving thres times the irht. . Open evenings. Call and inspect. KING J W.OLDFIN.?* A eer. INVESTMENTS REAL ESTATE Mining and Oil Stocks See GEO.CLIFF, 115 BROCK STREET. "ANYTHING TO SELL, MAM ? This i+ what the second-hand. dealer | says when he calls at your 'door, and 1 you promptly eay no, without a thought. 'I'he Kingston Rag and Me- tal Co. only ask you to drop them a card to 359 Princess street after ydu have sorted over all your old stuff and they will pay you highest cash prices. T |THE SKIRT SPECIALTY COMPANY. from | DRESS SKIRTS MADE TO ORDER. SAM- fies, Designs, Materials, etc. oi on Miss Sutherland," Cor. 'Brock and Berrie Sta. Kingston. -