Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Nov 1902, p. 7

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THE DAILY WHIG, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER Impaired Digestion [LATE FASHIONS. is quickly corrected by these won- . derful pills--One trial will show you the reason for the big sales of Beecham's ® Pills Sold Everywhere. In boxes, 25 cents. MANY THINGS THAT ARE NEW IN NEW YORK A Favorite Wrap For Midwinter-- Novelties Arriving For the Horse Show -- Popular Fur Effects. New York, Nov. 1.--The old saying that there is nothing new under the sun must be relegated to the list of obsolete phrases, at least as far as the fashions of the coming winter are concerned for everything in the gor- geous array of the season's advance fashions now on exhibit in Gotham's ultra-smart shops is new. Indeed there is novelty for evervone, and with the novelty are combined éxquisite taste and beauty. For two 'or three seasons there have heen efforts exerted to put pasted tints and the "fade" shades in the forefront of popularity, but these ef- forts have met with comparatively lit- tle until this year. Now it is decided that not only will the pale tints be a la mode, but white--a new "shade" known as chalk white, is to be the quintessence' of smartness, Of course this style has its strong Y : : points and its weak ones. Arguments limit to its erfect time- advanced against its adaptability to keeping qualities. " unfavorable atmospheric conditions We select for special are convincingly offset hy Dame mention our No. 5508 Fashion's disciples with the response *' Ryrie"' Watch at $25, that it is "delightfully cleanable,"" and Qaaywlarts or Contin "shows absolutely no trace pf hav- ; nr come under the influence of the deaner's art." On» of the favorite wraps of mid- winter is the graceful, loose paletot of chalk-white cloth with a lustrous finish. © Thiz desion is comfortable and voluminous and lends itself admirably to the rich treatment and luxurious materials which distinguish the wraps Ryrie Bros., of this season. Jewelers, For smartness and orvicinality there is certainly nothing to excel these white cloaks. They show the latest de- sions in trimming including fancy <titchings, embroideries, appliques, and the like, and the immaculate back cround of the materials affords an ex- cellent opportunity of showing off the vich 'materials emplbyed in the process of ornamentation. Women who do not take well to the idea of white gowns could not do better than duplicate their effect in colors. For instance, Ryrie Watches. WHI LST we antee to keep a *' Ryrie"' Watch--aside from break- age--in perfect action for two years, there is no Teis a 15. Jewel M, tin a 14k. Solid Gold Case." We ited its safe delivery, pA i nd if on receipt 18 1a not perfectly sutls- Write for our New Catalogue. Yonge and Adelaide Streets, Toronto. more desirable take one of the mid -winter frocks in 1 white wool crepe. The skirt is tucked : transversely from belt to hem. and stamped on every the groups of tucks aré alternated garment, insures \ with bands of Russian lace through you genuine } which gleams the silken linins At the Y bottom there are three simple round EAI ¥ \ and-round tucks and these are piped ; with the nhrrowest of black satin RN ands sumably for the sake of : UNDERWEAR AN i could hardly im the most perfect, most healthful, 'ove the beantv of the gowns R most delightfully comfortable § prove the beaut ines underwear made. Endorsed I'he blouse is tucked and outlines a 3 by physicians. loose Eton cliect. It is applicued with For omen and cream colored Russian lace and (inish: AUATst class Dry Good ed with a voke of dotted chiffon. 'l here SO oer uli is the faintest suspicion of black satin a y girdle where the jacket ends. The sleeves fit ticht to the ¢lbow, branch- ine out voluminously from this point and narrowing again, "at the wrist where they are gathered into graduat- ed hands of the lace. The novel feature of these sleeves is m applique of the Russian lace which almost ccovers the puffed portion, or the top part at least, being widest at the elbow and growing narrow near the wrist-band to fit in with the pro- iortions of the cuff. Such a- gown could not be other- beasitchine, no matter vhat the color, selected as long as the material was soft and pliable. In blue, italian red; dull green or hiege, trim med with the Shme aes, ® an timita \ of Russian, the effect would he striki and pretty. : HOLDS SHOE RIGID. ~ FITS ANY SHOE. Winter for the New York wom ol A HOUSEHOLD NECESSITY. synonym Jo 1 Lo It holds any sized shoe. Three lasts (man's, ontiny d round of gaieties; for thor woman's, and child's) go with each shiner. are morning musicales, afternoon-calls, IT PREVENTS BACKACNES. Hf not obts ie from your shee or hardware | be forwarde receipt of $1.00 L. H. PACKARD & CO. MONTREAL. TY Tae de Chto: a] fhe Dandy Shiner NICKEL PLATED wise than fashion is--simply drives] matinees and receptions, even- ne dinners, dances, theatres and balls and it requires more than mere ambi tion and an elongated purse to keep ip with the "rush," as they sav in the much eriticized *'Smatt Set. ; Licht colors in econunction with fur are used for many of the three-quarter SC ------ . ' o . these fashion coats worn at some of ; fp If "econo able afairs But even here there is 78 bd © By Jxting something white, 'for: the smartest of are supplemented with then a wo- these coats : raisea applications in white cloth, the man had better discard the old-fashioned el fruit' designs; such as bunches ot rapes. cherries, ete., being gt the mo powder. dyes and use Maypole averyespeetak and very tashion Soap, which washesand dyes at one operation. 'No mess, no trouble. Brilliant, fast cglors ee, --quick, easy to use. Best deal- ble fancy : ers sell it. There was a time when these rich Maypole Soap niin ee oc. Jor Colovs. tient mrbroiderios cand rarded as elegancies™0 he worn only isc. for Black. by married women, Int this vear pvery one is vouthiul, as \provided for lame La Mode and there is very + indeed that is too "handsome" lebutante of to-day. novelties are arriving-Jor <how, which will soon take \ specially striking gown is rene India- silk of heavy orately cllow + topazes made over a olored chiffon skirt. The waist roidered' at the yoke gna top of To] TT RO RINT TT xX 1 . INFANTS' DELIGHT SOAP Superiorto gil other for the Toilet and Nursery. Tale) AEH] TR embroidgrea in rom x) EK E eves and has a canary colored Lelt. © Over this gown, which is vil for an evening affair, will white sil Over tuted a loose, but comy Lcoat The silk coat is edzed with and the long lace stoles which down either side of thé front ar ins bv brooches of T Tet rira TTT Made bv Johan Tayler & Co., Toronto. {re oe TT fT TT of) le eT NFR iF orn a coat of Nothi nor more ALL HEALING OINTMENT ig funk Wil Cure Purns, Frozem Limbs, Cuts, Sah Rheum, Broken Breasts, Cracked Nipr Chilirn's Sore Heads, Bols and Beuling Fingers. PRICB---25¢. anid k attention this winter. Fur Waltham Watchios. "The observed of all chseryers." "The Perfected Américan Watch," an illustrated book of inleresting information abou! watches, will be sent free upon request. or American Waltham Waich- Company, Waltham, Mass. effects will not be popular for edo | tris Church of St. Andrew at San wear, unless ermine effects are select- ed. The indoor mufi may paradox. but-it is not. It i one of the requisites of ~ fashionable evening outfit. In fact, so fashion- able have they become that the guest of a box party who dares go without her muff, must have some other strik- ing novelty to compensate for its om- mission: Mower muffs are new and-execedingly -jannty: There is no danger of their ever becoming com- mon, theit cost, hence their great favor among fashion's elite. Crushed and withered roses of all colors are employed with velvet foliage, representing leaves in all sof development and decay. For ning nothing is daintier or more desirable than the © blush-pink rose, and embedded in masses of chiffon or lace or marabout feathers, it is a pos- session to be prized by any woman. While almost anyone with natw taste and talent for "manipulating things to make ends meet can repro duce fashion's fancies at moderate cost, the woman who would have things as they appear in the shops must needs have a fortune to satisfy ker wishes, The inventors of modes ave wise in their own generations, but wickedly disconcerting to others, inas much as the constant struggle to look smart in garments of even quite com- paratively vouthful | age. is as con" tantly marred by the insiaious intro duction of up-to-date details which no process of disintegration or overhaul because of ing in older from the initiated. There are all sorts of belts, collars, 'abots and cascades of chiffon or lace to smarfen a bodice when the vulner able spots begins to show signs of wear, but it scarcely possible to convert a las{ season's frock into one of this vear's modes Among the novelties in appliaue ef fects rings are popular. These are no thing move or less than the tiny brass circles--or any size preferred, for thai matter--used so much in fancy work, covered with silk threads to match the color of the gown and sewed on in aroups th outline fancy' designs. or to break the monotony of a solid lace trimming They are also stitshed down hoth sides of © opening of bodices and ribhons laced through in corselet desion. Joo oufooodofofo oud fofufoue fue + hy Canadian Woman's News Letter. = From the Canadian Syndicate. One of the prominent woman work- ers of the Capital City is Lady Rit chie, widow of the late Chief Justice Ritchie. Lady Ritchie as Miss Grace Nicholson, of Fredericton, was in her girlhood's days one of the popular so ciety leaders of that maritime town and on the occasion of the king's vis it to that city, as Mrs, Justice Rit chie, she was one of his majesty's partners in the dance. Since her wi dowhood, Lady Ritchie, has lived very quietly, -although she is still seen at a few of the more exclusive social functions. Her spare moments now are devoted to charitable and philanthro- pic works. When the local council of women was organized in Ottawa un- der the honorary presidency of the Countess of Aberdeen, Lady Ritchie wag selected as the first president, a position which she was compelled to lesion §o I0W ill-health. She then" became a viee president of the council, and remains as energetic. a worker as her health will permit: With, her sister, Miss Ni cholson she was instrumental-in bring- ing toh successful issue, the recent "jam, scheme" for providing the city hospitals with preserved fruit. Lady Ritchie has four danghters, two of whom may lay claim to more than the average shave 'of beauty, and all of whom are bricht and vivacious cirls, antl members of the most ex clusive government house set. One of her sons fought with the Canadian soldiers on the South African veldts, and another was for several vears a missionary in South Africa. The minister of railways with Mrs. Blair f vears ago wn accounts! of returned this week from a trip to' the coast which they made in a private car. Although the object of their tour was political, having refer ence to the appointment of a railway commission next session, it did not ex clude other interest and the. party spent the time very enjoyably. They visited Spokane and Seattle, and in St Paul they met Jim Hall, the ex Canadian. ¥ho owns the Great No thern railway, and. who told the min ister of railways that he intended building the Victoria, Vancouver and Eastern railway at once, asking no subsidy from the government, thus riving Canada bv connection with the Great. Northern and Grand Trunk, an other transcontinental line. Dr. Mac- Carthy of Qttawa, who is the family vhysician of the Blairs accompanied them as their ouest, The subject of teachers one 'which crops up periodically, and thoneh all enlightened people gue as to the importance of a better remun eration for this important service, the not make much progress salaries is catse does At the present time an animated dis cussion of the subject 1: going on In the Ottawa newspapers, and it was taken up hy the Protestant Convention in Montreal! followed suit with r entlv Teachers' while the strangely worded editorials. But whe ther anvthing further will come of thy acitation is doubtful. The great dif ficultv lies 'in the over crowding of the field with women. Openings' for feminine energies are so few that the demand for the begoarly salaries pad to the majority of teachers always ex ceeds the supply, and the average raw paver. 'who could see plainly enouch that £210 a vear which is. the mini 1D which papers nm salary in Quebec, or the limit in Ot a, was (ooh to live on, cannot see why tk for a man v woman =hould want he actually ' v pont din Oo! 1 \ ince me, a 1 hp 1 throuch the year rtion W yh talioy believe ore. That mental cultw at - the certif vrs are obliged to < an all-sufficient ment, - A monument to' the missionary lab their cducational ors of women is the beautiful Presby- pe sions can conceal | | River, and to this will soon be added commodious manse, for which the settlers will also be indebted to the | "Saints at Ottawa," as they are sometimes called by their beneficiar- jes. The "saints" constitute the Wo- men's Home Missionary Society of St. { Andrew's church, Ottawa, and the church was built almost entirely at their charce. the sum of $900 being raised for thé purpose in one vear, the two or three hundred additional beine contributed bv. the settlers. The matter of the manse has just been taken up, and though the ladies have not pledged themselves there is little doubt as to what they will do, for their devoted missionary, Rev. Mr. Johnson, has written that though his shack is verv comfortable and he has spent many happy hours in it, it is hardly an ornament to the landscape. nor a credit to the parish. Besides building the church at Swan River. the St. Andrew's ladies contribute largely to the support of Mr. John- son, and are continually: making don- ations of various kinds to the differ- ent stations. . | It is understood that after her visit | to Toronto, where she addressed the . Ontario Provincial Women's Christian | Temperance Union vesterday. lady ! Henry Somerset will co direct to New York and Washington. Up till almost the last minute Ottawa white ribbon ers hoped that their leader would be I able to visit the capital, even though it was not expected she would be able there, Considerable disap- { pointment is felt that she should give | so much mote of her time to the Uni- ted States than to Canada, as besides | speaking at the National W.C.T U. | convention, she gave gn address in the | Tremont Temple. Boston, and it is understood that her New York and Washington . engagements are of a similar character. Her presence at the Toronto convention led to on consider able increase in the attendance at the annual gathering, a great many peo ple voine who were not delegates am ong them being a large party o gs" rom Ottawa, with the county presi dent, Mrs. C0 8S. Donaldson, as chap eron. Lady Henry will sail from New York for home at the end of Novem her, . The ninth annual report of the 'Na tional Council of Women is just out. and ix a= usual a most valuable book. wd one which should be owned by ii | women encvaved 'in public work of am Kind. as it contains the latest infor mation and ideas regaraing the mam subjects in which public spirited Cana dian women sare interested. It can be ordered theoneh the local councils or | can be obtained from the National | secretary, Mrs. Willoughby Cummings, 11 Dewson street, Toronto. to speak SAVE THE BABY. How Many a Threatened Life May Be Preserved. { To the loving mother no expense is | too great, no labor too severe, if it will preserve the health of her little ones, Childish ills are generally simple, but so light is baby's hold on life that it is often a knowledge of the right thing to do that turns the | tide at a crisis. And in a baby's ill crisis is a -critical one. Baby's | ness every "I think the timely use of Own Tablets would save many a dear | little life," writes Mrs. P. B. Bick- | ford, of Glen Sutton, Que. "I take pleasure in certifying to the merits of these Tablets, as I have found them a sure and reliable remedy. My baby was troubled with indigestion "at teething Fume, and-was cross and Testless. The use of Baby's Own Tablets made a wonderful change, and 1 am glad to recommend them to others." Mothers | who use these Tablets never afterward resort to harsh purgatives that gripe and torture bahy, nor to the so-called] "soothing" preparations that often contain poisonous opiates. Baby's Own Tablets ave pleasant to take, guaran teed to be harmless. Send 25 cents for a full-sized box to the .Dr.. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont., itl vour drugoists-does-notsel- them: The Excess. ve declny we have gn than war." eee Biiou cleaning thud, removes and grease spots. Mcleod 's drug le. the hottle, A small boy's ides dow i: the front or miéniorial n oa candy st aE SS QT "Love Lightens Labor"' So does Sunlight Soap. Y One woman will do more 4 DNLIGHT work than two will with common soap. One woman 0 . 8 will do better work than « . Sunlight Seap in the home lightens labor. One rub of Sunlight Soap is worth more than two rubs of common soap. One ounce ExPeENsE Of Sunlight Soap is worth... moré tha wo two will with common soap ma es pill fy If your grocer ennnot supply Sunlight 1p, Octagon Bar, write to LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, Toronto, sending his s, and a trial sample will be sent, you free of cost. Don't forget togive yeurown fuil nan.e and address, 407 REDUCES name and addre SPOOL SILK <SSSS=Tor dressmaking and family sewing Corticelli SilK is the best silk ' made. For hand or machine use it has no Corticelli Silk runs smoothly in the needle ; it is always Ask your equal. even in size and always full length and full strength. dealer for "" Corticelli,"" and refuse all substitutes. lll @ 1 Wash SilKs..... Zz are put up in patent holders, %" which prevents waste by tangles or soiling; keeps each shade separate, and automatically measures a correct needleful. Recommended as the only proper way to put up filo and floss silks, and used by art societies everywhere. SKIRT PROTECTOR. tlh is of firm and even wx" soiled, a sponge or brush makes it cles. and no damage done: It has poculiar wearing qualities and perfectly straight sclvage. For sale everywhere, When roa' "@ornwall"' Sieel Ranges ARE GUARANTEED. bond is in the form of a written and signed document and : goes with every Cornwall." .. are, adding fo the comfort, convenience and iseholds thrpughout C anagda: LEMMON, CLAXTON & LAWRENSON AGENTS, KINGSTON. Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver, St; John, N. B, 24 en ee Be eeu

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