TRE DAILY WHIG, SATURDAY. A GUARANTEED CURE FOR ALL FORMS Of KIDNEY DISEASE We the undersigned druggists fully prepared to give the following guarantee with every 30 cent bottle of Dr. Pettingill's Kidney-Wort Tablets, the only remedy in the wyrld that po- sitively cures all troubles arising from weak or diseased kidney : "Money cheerfully returned. if the sufferer is not 'relieved and improved after use of one bottle. Three to six bottles effect astonishing' and perman- ent cures. If not relieved and cured, you waste no money." HENRY WARE, Dragmist: ton. Ont. A few minutes' on the above subject might be ad- vantageous. CRAWFORD & WALSH, TAILORS. EPICURES. ALL SAY THAT THEY FIND THE Pork Sausages, (our owu make), Tenderiomns, Home Rendered Lard, Bolouna, Cooked Ham, Jellied Tongue and Pigs' Feet, C.C. Beef, Headvhevse, and the Oki Fashioned Scrapple, like our grandmothers used to make, at Myer's Pork Market. 536 Brock stpeet. "Phone All orders promptly filled. BEST toasts, BOARD. GOOD ROOMS AND FIRST-CLASS BOARD: also table board. May be had at Mrs. Breden's, 24 Stuart street. are 4 [HE 3 PM. EDITION. SECOND EDITION NEWS ALSO ON PAGE FIVE. COMMERCIAL MATTERS. NE What Is Going On In the Business World--The Market News. . Cheese sales : Tweed, 113c.: Brockville, 1lic. to 11 3-lée. R. G. Dun & Co. report 21 failures in Can- ada this week, against 19 last week and 16 this week last vear. A feature oi the dry gowls trade this week Las been an increased demand for flannels--a result of increased prosperity. A combine in the malleable iron plants of the United States haw been formed. Tha del bas been pending since last July. The conditions of trade throughout Dominion are bealthy, and the outlook tre pext two months is very promising. The iron and steel which the for upon last production of was claimed in Canada The bounty bounty was 413,039 totals $926,811. Ninctren thousand dollars the Toronto swock exchange on Fri- dav, with zone offering. This is the highest figure ever reached. Two big consolidations are planned=by the bef interests. The packers will combine first then effect a merger all the stock yards in the Unied States Oue «& the most remarkable indications the foreign wheat situation 1s the fact that wheat shipments for four noarly 48,000,000 bush, stocks have only in- tons, Ya souitht was bid for a seat on amd - of while world's buen afloat and Europe, creased 1,100,000 bush. The wecks have in tobacco is increasing QUO, U0 consumption of Vin France, About 2 sold in 1817; 32,000,000 pounds in (0,000,000 pounds in 1858; 69,000,000 in 1858. and 81,000,000 pounds in 1900. The average per head is now 13 pounds, which is Belgium. Holland, Spain, Ger- Hungary, Denmark and Nag- the Turkey, were 1828; pounds exrevchal in Austr but many, wav, Bulgaria and Greece. exceeds average In COMMERCIAL. NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. Nov. Ist. OPEN. CLOSE, . 1012 143 1373 (IR7 1221 1033 ai 1098 704 353 156 67 137 1623 16 88} 1063 88% Umion Pacific Manhattan R. Transit Reading San Louis & Nash. .... eees Pemnsvivania RR... 'Texas & Pacific . Atchison .. Baltimore 5 Cok | 89} No Inquest Necessary. Dr. Mundell, after investigating the case of Gilbert Flynn, found dead at Mountain Grove on Friday, decided that. an inquest was not necessary. It was a matter of private enquiry. Suicide was plainly evident. Import Duties. duties for October The import ( against amounted to $12233.12, as R11,083.16, in 1901. ---------- » To-Night. ¢' Bibby's." overcoats, 8K, $15. The H. D. ¢ Bibby"s. New custom-made &10, $12, $12.50, S41, Ribby Co. Men's $10. Jenkins, overcoats, THIS IT TIME IS CARPETS We Are Anxious to Turn Our Carpets Into Ready Money, and in Order to 'do so Quickly Have Made Special Discounts a 0 Per Cent. in all Lines. Discount 20 On All Carpets; Cut by the Yard. ¢ This Brussels, includes every yard of everything new this season. Tapestry, Balmoral, All Wool, Just consider for a minute On nearly every carpet it allows paying for the making, laying and Any 50c. Any 65c. carpet, 20. per cent. carpet, 20 per cent. Any 75c. carpet, 20 per cent. Any" 90o. carpet, 20 per cent. Any $1 carpet, 20 per Any $1.10 carpet, 20 per cent. Any $1.25 carpet, 20 per cent. Any $1.35 carpet, 20 per cent. Any $1.50 carpet, 20 per cent. cent. We will guarantee the qualiti The prices speak for themselve Come in and see the styles Goods shown wi leasure. Tor Halls, Stairs, Bedrooms, Union. what a saving this means to you. you a nerous saving, besides lining. discou nt, discount, discount, discount, Sale price 40c. Sale price, 52c. Sale price 60c. Sale price, 72c. discount, Sale price, 80c. discount, Sale price, © 88c. discount, Sale price, 81 discount, Sale price; $1.08 discount, Sale pricé® $1.20 a yard. yard. yard. yard. yard. yard. yard. yard. yard. a a es. s. and designs. pyran oy pe blurs Libraries, Dining Rooms... * © R. WALDRON. ASKING FOR AID TO BRING ABOUT BETTER TRADE RELATIONS And Possibly Confederation--The Windsor Board of Trade is Seeking to Have the Matter Considered. . ' Nov. 1:~A communication Windsor Board of Trade, asking the co-operation of Gther hoards of trade, first, to bring about betzar trade relations between Canada and the colonies of Newfoundland and Jamaica, and, second, to consider a basis for confederation if "such was deemed practicable, was informally discussed by the council of the Toron- to Board of Trade yesterday. The members agreed that the trade rela- tions should be strengthened, but as regards confederation it was felt that they had not enough information at their disposal to venture an opinion. The down-town section of the city was in the possession of hundreds of students and followers for several hours last night. The police say that it was the wildest Hallowe'en in vears. Several persons were injured, considerable damage was done to pri- vate property and seven young © men were locked up on charges of disor- derly conduct. The students were finally dispersed by a charge. Mounted = Policemen Wallace amd Wood were injured while driving the noisy (rowd up Yonge street, and had to be taken home. i Wil- son, president of the Medical Society, had a fractured rib and another stu- dent had a leg broken. On the application of the petitioners the trial of the North Wentworth elec- tion petition against R. A. Thomp- tion which was set for trial at Hamil- ton, on Tuesday, is indefinitely post- poned. In North Norfolk petition, avainst DD. Snider, it? was expected that a similar application would be made by the respondent, but it was not. The application may yet he made, on Monday, or when the case ix called for trial at Simcoe, on Tues day, and it will be opposed by the petitioners. . Robert I°. Walton, aged fifty-six, for many vears chief statistical clerk of the customs, Toronto, and auditor for the' British Assurance company and the Central Canada Loan company, died last evening. He leaves a widow, two sons and two daughters. < The Dominion Licorice and Novelty company, Lombard street, this city, the only industry of the kind in Can- ada. has been absorbed by the Na- tional Licorice company, of New York, and the plant will be closed down. The National Licorice com- pany was organized about three months ago and has bought up all the licorice interests in the United States. Dalton Mortimer died in St. Michael's hospital, early this morning, of injuries caused by some radiators falling him on Thursday last. A Toronto, from the on HAVE ONE IDEA. The Aim of The Doukhobors the West. Winnipeg, Nov. |.--The Doukhobor pilgrims, last night, encamped near Church Bridee, and at the present rate of progress Sunday noon will see them eross - the houndary into Manitoba. Thev are nearly all barefooted and hatless, unshaved and are showing signs that hunger, fatigue and emaci ation - have weakened their . bodies. They still refuse to pay any attention to argument and have only one idea which is to find Jesus. The women who were detained at Yorktéh are. becom, ing rational. and, vesterday, allowed the children to partake ,of the food which was offered them as well as tak- ing sparingly of it. themselves. of COTTON MILLS COMBINE. British Syndicate Engineering a Big Deal. Nori tome NS haw, in Mexico a consoli- Mexico City, a capitalist of London, for the purpose of effecting dation of all the principal cotton mills in| this country. He is said repres ent a British svndicate, which has a capital of 230,000,000, organized for the purpose named. The plan of the merging of these "industries into one concern has been submitted to the mill owners and meets with general appro: to val. Much Gratified. Victoria. B.C.. Nov. 1. ant public meeting callea to. celebrate the 1 letion the" Pacific cable was held in the theatre last night. Maver Hayward, presided. and those present included Lient>Gov. Joly. Admiral Bickford. members of the cal government. and prominent public men. Congratulatory messages sent to the king, Sir Wilirid Laurier, Sir Edmund Barton. Hon. Joseph Chamberlain and Premier Seddon, and a resolution was adoptea expressing the gratification of the citizefis at the completion of the line. An import- of lo were Gets A Long Sentence. Nvack. N.Y.. Nov. |.--Frank Wy man, the prisoner convicted of burg lary,~ who escaped from Rockland county jail April 13th, after murder ously assaulting the jailer and who was recaptured in New York last week," has been sentenced to twenty four vears and six months imprison ment in Sing Sing prison. Wyman makes a claim that he paid the jailer R150 to permit his escape. The charge heing mvestigated by the authori ties. ' = Dies From Injuries. Nov. 1.--Captain president of the Gainesville, Ga. John H. Montgomery, Pacolet Manufacturing company, died last night from injuries received in a fall. Captain Montgomery was perhaps the largest cotton manutactinrer in the South. Besides beine president of Pa colet and Gainesville cotton . mills which is capitalized at 21500480, "he the three Paco Carolina and a in several also was president of let-mitke of «South stockholder and more, . « Bibby's."' To-Night. New fall shats, and soft, 81. H. D. Bibby Co. director * Bibby's."' styles, $1.75 stiff The newest 95. 81.00 82 ' Men's suspenders, 25c., 50c. Jenkins. \ COURT OF REVISION. Members Concluded = Their Task On Friday. On Friday afternoon the members of the Court of Revision re-assembled, and transacted the following business: Rideau Ward.--Assessments reduced : W. H. Godwin, from $150 to $100; Em- ma Corbett, from $150 to $100; Allan McRossie, from $300 to $250; W. F. Simmons, income, from $100 to $200 ; Theresa A. Newlands, from $400 to R300. Assessments confirmed : A.B. Cunningham, $2,300; Rachel Thornton, $2,200 on two properties; George Hun- ter did not appear. Mary Alderdice, as- sessed to Hugh Alderdice. John H. Caldback assessed to Hugh Spring. F. A. Folger, Jr., assessed to Elizabeth Brvdge and Thomas Brydge. S. Rob- inson, statute labor. Victoria Ward.--Assessments reduced: James C. Weir, from $2,600 to $2,350; Mary J. Craig, two properties, irom 8350 to 3300 cach; S. Harkness, from 8750 to $600, and from $2,800 to $2,- 700; R. D. Anglin, from $2,000 to 81,- 800; W. Hazlett, from %1,000 to 3900 ; Sisters of Conoregation of Notre Dame, from $4,500 to $4,250; LL. B. Spencer, personalty, from $500 to $100; Ontario Building and Savings Society, $450 to $300; E. Newton Jo- "ry, income assessment, from 3900 to £200; Mundell, from $100 to $350 each; and 8300 to $250 cach. Assess- went: confirmed: Martha Williams, no appearance; James C. Wear, $1,600, 21.300 and $200; RI. Walkem, $2, - 250, to be assessed to Kingston La- dies' College: R. D. Anglin, $600; KE. J. Brokenshire, 8275: John Litton, no appearance. R. V. Rogers, struck off ; assessed to Benjamin Barney. R. K Walkem, statute labor, struck off. Kingston Amateur Athletic Associa- tion assessed to Queen's College Ath- letic Association; assessment confirmed bv consent. for the purpose of an ap- peal to the judge. R. Me Leod Sesesser to Gertine Wells and W. J. Wells. Ww. B. White, struck offi. W. Shiny ed to R. Irwin. W. Varney, as: tenant; David H. Gee, struck off. M. Graham, assessed as owner; Lillian I'rost struck off. This concludes vear, with the three cases laid over sideration. The work for the of two or further con- the exception for IN OUR OWN CiRCUIT. News Of The Districts On Both Sides Of The Line. The Watertown, N.Y., grand jury have urged the use of the whipping post for wife beaters, deserters and other petty offenders. The remains of the six-vear-old son of James Jones. Deseronto, were in- terred 'in Belleville cemetery here. The little fellow died from an attack of croup. Frank A. Barnhart has =old his pro- perty on the foot of Barnhart's ls- land to a syndicate of Syracuse capi- talists, who will build a large sum- mer hotel there. A new yacht for arrived on the river, is called the Presto. is eighty-five feet long and nine feet six inches beam: is of com: posite construction, her frame being of iron and her hull of aluminum; natur- al speed thirty-one miles an hour and thirty-eight under forced draft; finish- ed throughout with mahogany: com- 'manded by Capt. John Bolton of Alex- "andria Day. George C. Boldt, Mr. Gallagher's Views. In a newspaper interview at Toron- to, J. BN. Gallagher, 'M.P.P., stated: "As to the referendum campaign, the feeling is pretty strong in. Fron- tenac though there are not great sur- face disturbances, because the temper- ance party thoroughly organized. They have been successful in keeping this issue free from politics, and the referendum will be carvied in that cong stituency by an overwhelming saajors ity. Mr. Gallagher said Mr. Tarte possibly have some following in be¢, but the hberal government was immensely stronger without him: id he think the conservative party would take up the. ex minis of public works ? Well, no, he didn't think so. is micht Cue Established Too Late. Vancouver, B.(',, Nov. l.-Dr. Haan- al, superintendent of mines, gives the total amount of Klondyke gold treat- ed at the government assay oflive here for the season at 56,965 ounces, valu- ed at 8925965. As the total output for the season was S12.000,000 worth bullion, Seattle and San Francisco as- sav offices must have secured more than eleven-tweliths of the Canadian vellow metal. The Vancouver office was established too late. of He Was Drowned. the late Edward J. George A. Nelson, Johnston street, arrived on the Cape Vinceut boat on Friday evening from Washington, and the funeral took place Saturday afternoon. The deceased was accidentally drowned while on a duck- hunting trip not far from the city of Washington, A sister was expeeted to reach the city to-day, bringing tidings of the sad occurrence, The remains of Nelson, of son Before The Referendum. Be happy while the iaeal London porter, malt and hops. able to the most takes a fit place stock of James agent. vou can and secure beverace, John Labatt's full of the virtue of It is perfectly goree delicate palate. and among the very fine McParviand, Kingston Inland Revenue Collections. Collections at the inland revenue of fice, on account of excise for the month af October, 1902, were fol lows: Spivits, K70137% 1, 652.16; tobacco and. cigars, bonded faciory -tvinegar). other receipts, $51.56. Total, 331.10. Ne --_-- The Carnival Again. cCarhivalrof Music" Ontario Hall Monday, rd. All those formerly took part are requested to be present and others wishing. to join willbe most welcome Practice "at ht o'clock ~harp. . as malt, in Non ember Rehearsal of on wha eg Suits. « : prices Jenkins' Boys' and sivle, a to &. Every size all and 2) 0" S20 makes, Bovs' blanket coats, 83.95, - $1.50 Jenkins, - NOVEMBER 1. NEWS OF WORLD TELEGRAMS FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF EARTH. s Matters That Interest Everybody --Notes From all Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered by the Dear Public. - Mrs. Princeton, Susan N.J,, D. Brown has given University over ¥150,- have and President Roosevelt and suite left for Virginia to hunt turkeys quail. Edward Beahan, a laborer in the gvpsum mines near Scottsville, N. Y., was instantly killed by a falling mass of stones. A clerk named McLusker of Nelson, B.C., has confessed to stealing $1,100 from his employer, John Love, drug- gistgand postmaster. Five men were injured in a frightful collision on the main tracks of the Boston & Albany RR., at the foot of Madison street, Worcester, Mass., early to-day. The Ottawa Dairy company most of the other vendors of milk in the city have decided to raise the price to seven cents per quart for the winter months. Mrs. D. M. who drowned her and Lynch, Niagara Falls, five-year-old daugh- ter in a bath tub, and then attempt- ed to end her life by cutting herself with a razor, died Sasuder morning. Herbert B. Marble, New York, was found guilty of manslaughter and sen- tenced to one vear in jail and fined $1. He was an automobilist and a man died from injuries received from the machine. Mrs. Jacob Knapp, Watertown, N. Y.. has disappeared from her home with a boarder and considerable cash. President Loubet, following the ex- ample set by President Roosevelt, is taking an active part in settling the French coal miners' strike. At Cleveland, O., during a meeting, Mayor Tom L. Johnston struck William Mylecraine, a republi- can tax board official, in the face with his fist. The mayor overheard Myle- craine assert that he (Johnston) was a_ liar. The anthracite making a tour the Lackawanna valley, during last two days, left Scranton morning for Wilkesbarre. The missioners will spend _the entire visiting mines and mining towns the Wyoming valley. Colonel George W. Dunn, chairman of the New York state republic an com- mittee, predicts the re-election of Gov- ernor Odell by nearly 40,000 plurality. At Dawson City, Y.T., after a sensa- political commission, of the this coem- dav in strike of observation tional trial lasting five days prisoner' Labelle was found guilty of the mur- der of Bothillett, of St. Francis, Que., and sentenced to be hanged on Janu- ary 10th next. ------------ READY TO ACT. Marconi Is At Sydney And Will Begin Work. Halifax, N.S, Nov. -} from Sydney, N.S., says: be able, to give you an ctatement regarding my transmitting wireless messag the Atlantic in about a week s «pil Signor Marconi, in an inter jew on the, deck of the Carlo Alberta, as <he lay in Sydney harbor, this morn- ing. Marconi --A special "1 hope to important suce i was exceedingly gracious but had no information to give; at present, concerning the distance from which he was able to send and receive messages, between the warships and Cornwall station. It is generally" un- derstood that the station at Tablehead has yet to be fitted with regular ap- paratus and that," therefore, there was no communic ation bétweef it and the warship during her voyage out. Continuing his replies Marconi said: "In addition to apparatus put ashore in the canal, vesterday, at G lace Bay, I have exceedingly powerful receiving and transmitting machinery on hoard which is to be put ashore here. 1 am accompanied by two assistants, Messrs. Kemp and Paget, who. will aid my experiments. Later in the dav 1 shall land at Sydnéy and pro coad to Glace Bay, to inspect" the "tation at Tablehead. We shall thus begin, at once, the work of installing the powerful mac hinery we have with This work will occupy us at trast and then 1 shall be happy to in my pow- of our -ef me in us. a week, her 4 oive vou. any information er respe ting the success forts." -- Long In Newspaper Harness. New York Tribune. \M. de Blowitz, who has made up his mind to retire after having repre- sented the London Times at Paris for thirty vears, vives as his reason that he is half blind, and when his nieve, who acts as his Secretary, is not by his side he can neither read, write nor dictate. *A blind. man well as an organist or a pianist, but not as a correspondent for a news paper," he adds. M. de Blowitz will remain at his post until the end of the" vear, however. He has been the Paris correspondent of the London Times July 13th, 1871, and shows symptoms of intellectual fatigue. since no «« The Sign Of The Cross." "The Sign of the Cross," presented: bv a large company made up of pro minent players from William Greets original London, Eng., company comes to the Grand Opera house on Wednes day, November Sth. Mr. Berger has bought the American rights to the play and the organization that will present' it m this city is Tee only one appearing in this unique drama In Sage "The Sign of the Cross" deals with elemental passions and touches chords that recognize no re strictions of time or place Men's Fall Hats. latest New York fashions, d this week, Mailony make just Jen The kins : ------------ i= establish beverages The McParland, London porter choi ®t of is James Labatt.= ed fas the Kingston agent King street An amateur believes that als gnessing Bovs' £3.75, §1.9V, person who the profes is a Voung he keejis all and ser Jenkins, tweed sure-to-fit. mn a= 9, suits may -do very]. STOCKING Stockings for Men, Women and Children at Prices You Will Not Match in Any Store In Kingston for the Qualities we Offer. FOR. WOMEN Fine "Ribbed Cashmere Stock- ings, seamless feet, well made and very durable Price only 25c. Very special make of Plain Cashmére, soft and warm -- 25c¢. 35 dozen of an extra good value Plain Cashmere Stocking, seamless feet, properly shaped ankle. Price 35c. or 3 Pairs for $1. Other special makes, 25c., 33c., 35¢, 39¢, 45¢-, 49¢., 63¢., 75¢. FOR CHILDREN Plain or Ribbed Cashmere, 8 different qualities, ribbed, with double heels and knees, for hard wear, Girls' Fine Plain Cashmere Stockings, Nicely shaped ankle and leg, seamless feet, soft and warm, 25¢c., 30C., 33C., 35C. Men's Cashmere Sox, All sizes, 25c., 35¢., 39¢C., 45C., 50C. Men's Wool Sox, 15C , 20C., 25C., JOHN LAIDLAW & SON 120-1272 Princess Street, Kingston. LASS MINAS GINS NI NApou), T---- 35¢. and up. | | | i SPECIAL BARGAIN PAIRS LADIES' FINE DONGOLA LACED BOOTS, With Patent Tips, Latest Style and with Solid Leathe: Insoles. TO MAKE QUICK SALES HAVE MARKED ONLY $ 50, THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE Something Different This Week ancy PARLOR TA B LES Solid Oak, Fancy Parlor Tables, 18x18 top. Regular price $2.50, $1. 50. stor' $2.90, JAMES REID, The Leading Undertaker. FREIGHT PAID. PACKING FREBR. NOV. Ist Deer Season Opens , Solid Oak, Fancy Parlor Tables, Brass Feet and Glass Ball Castor,' 24x24 Top. Regular $3.50, A Dastardly Deed. deed was committed as Hallowe'en joke on Frilay night, Some evil-inclined per son put a large plank the street vailway track on Barrie street, Deacon street. Car No. 13 came down the line, and collided with the onstruction. It jumped straight up, bat fortunately resumed the track One of the wheels was cracked Hal left the rails, loss of life have resulted A dastardly an excuse for a Across above And we are ready for it with all kinds of Rifles, Guns, Cartridges, Loaded Shell. Best assortment and prices lowest in town. We let you try all Guns before you buy. the car right Suits Vout Jenkins' Fit Reform jrur wer, English Tort fit NT <tit Sir vour Nl: Ni, tweeds and worsteds Gaza -- -ii "Bibby's."' Overcoats. "Bibby's." The a. swell <orvieeahl 210, 812 The A. D. B overcoat N, fyrosyenor garment ibby Co. ee e-- ant | A contract was awarded to Gardner & Brown, for construction of a =new hotel and three stores on Thou and Is ! land Paik, to cost. 319,000. W. A Mitchell's Hardware, 87 PRINCESS STREET.