THE DAILY BRITISH W 69TH YEAR. NO. 256 KINGSTON, 5; ONTARIO, ) MONDAY, NOVEMBER 3. 1902. LAST EDITION STEP OFF At Our Store and See the Yalues We Ate Offers As Yr to forget. OVERCOATS. SPECIAL SOFT i VERVEINE | pinze $12 BEST WOOL it were painted on water at the ninety-foot well.--White's HEAVY ENGLISH $S JENKINS 3 STORM SASHES, And all kinds of Interior EwooD WORKING S. ANGLIN & CO CHINAWARE PLEASURE. is not only a plea- THOSE Sh CHINA EA SETS ARE ONLY ROBERTSON BROS. QUEEN'S FOOTBALL EXCURSION TORONTO, FRIDAY, NOV. Tih, oO OMe Oe OOOOH OF OOO For Stylish, Well Made. Well Trimmed, Up-to-Date Tailoring CRAWFORD & WALSH, BHO OH OO OOOOH OOS IMPORTANT AGENCY CONTRACT. LIFE ASSURANCE Tickets ood to retan Dy any train on or FARE, $3.70. Excursion to Montreal, Nov. 14th (GRAND {OPERAY(HOUSE. |) WEDNE$DAY, Nov. 5th "Wiisen Birstes Famous [THE SIGN The GROSS. 3 Presented by a Soipany of 42 Engl 2 Eng ish and Americ an Deamivis a- gentleman capable Superintendent of Agencies, THE DELICATESSEN 354 KING STREET. Table Board by the meal, day or week at very reasonable rates. Prepared to serve families at re- (VICTORIA THEATRE.) win. V0 WEEKS The Castie Square Stock Go, The Elite of Reperteire. To=night, the 4 Act Comedy Drama "JERRY THE TRAMP," Or ""The Convict's Dasghter."' Xosmerrow Nige, Tk MEALS AT ALL HOURS. W. J. STINSON, Proprietor. THE SKIRT SPECIALTY COMPANY. DRESS SKIRTS MADE TO ORDER. SAM- Brock and Barrie Sta. 'Two Orphans." every night--mo delay FOR SALE OR TO RENT. | STOLEN ON HALLOWEEN. Duff, 480 Princess street, PRINCESS STREET, A SUM OF MONEY ~~ ALSO TWO SINGLE . give » « p is of! sui i given for their return to this « Suitable for a party of from three NINTH LANCERS' Reason Given Why Officers Recalled to India. : 3. ~The Express states England and else- CARD ROOM He his maltreatment re- »" and contradictory logi or hat all the i AN ENERG ETIC MAN CAN I8 "'G. Blair speaks favorably AT Ns AT NEW YORK DRESSMAKING cademy . > i of a covernment railway to the Paci a, Elder, 166 Princess oy Ee PEER HAS, FLED FOR FEAR OF PROSECUTION ON CRIMINAL CHARGE. The German Shipbuilding Trade is Slack--May Buy Up the Staffordshire Coal Fields-- The Journey From Paris to Pekin. London, Nov. 3.--It is understood that the visit of the kaiser to Sand- vingham will he strictly private and personal, Foth by the desire of king and also by that of guest himself. Several calinet mivisters have, how- ever, been imited by the king to meet the German emperor and infor- mation obtainable both in Germany and England indicates that while the visit will be private, there is little doubt that the political relations of two coumtrics will be touched upon during the, meeting of two monarchs. A report is curient here to the ef fe t that a well-known peer has fled from the country to avoid prosecution on a criminal charge of a most serious chara ter. The name of the same fobleman has heen mentioned, no- tably a few months ago. In connec- tion with such offences, according to' one. account, he was arrested a - few days ago and held in £5,000 bail, which was furnished, after which he absconded. Pessimistic reports on the state of the German shipbuilding trade come from Beilin. Five hundred men are «aid to have heen dismissed within a few weeks from the Krupp's Germania vards and the Howaldtz yard at Kiel, and, it is anticipated , that further ismigsa's will take place shortly. The report that Mr. Morgan is about to buy up shares in the Stal fordst ire coal fields has" created lively interest in that district. The greatest: reticence is observed, but it is stated that a meeting of local coal owners will be held on Wednesday to consider the matter, and that Mr. Morgan will be represented. Through passenger traffic from Paris to Pekin wi'l begin early in the year 1904, and it is estimated _that after that time 28,000 first-class passengers will travel over the route every vear. The International Sleeping Car com- l'any estimates that the journey from Paris to Pekin will take at first about twenty days and afterwards 'a little over fourteen: 'The average speell per hour will be: From Paris to Perlin, 53} miles; from Berlin to Alexandrove, 40; from Alexandrove to Mos-ow, 34; Moscow to Irkutsk, 2 Irkutsk to - Lake Baikal, 1%; {ote Baikal to Inkow, 20, and Inkow to Pekin, 23}. Through tickets will be issued at various European centres, which will allow the holders to tdke two months for the journey. = Return tickets can he used for nine. months. Fach passenger can carry 108 pounds of baggage frees Yearly- tickets will be issued for express trains, and will include board, exclusive of wine. Chil- dren under five years -of age will be allowed to travel. free and between five and ten will pay half fare. The Spanish steamer Enero and the Pritish steamer St. Regulis were in collision ¢n Friday night, off Dunge- and - the -Energ swas so badly that she sank. Twenty-two were drowned. The St. at' Gravesend in She has three on board. The ahout midnight. near -the .engine ex ness, damaged of her crew Regulus ha? arrived a damaged condition. of the Enero"s crew colli.ion occurred at The Enero was struck room and as she sank her ploded. hoilers A COSTLY INITIATION. Riding the Goat Brought Dam- ages in Wake. Michi; Nov. -d Aen Grand Rapids, cuit court jury 'has brought in a ver aict of 82,000 for Mrs. Mary E. Lewis against the Modern Woodmen of Amer ica. Mrs. Lewis sued for £30,000 damages or injuries alleged to have been re- ceived hv her huskaffil, Since deceased, while being initiated info the Coopers- ville cam» of the order last winter. As a result of thesé injuries, it is alleg ed, necrosis set in which caused death. . Killed .Girl He Loved. Henryville, , Ind. Nov. 3.--Rosa Lightcap, aged eighteen years, was shot and instantly killed by her sweet- heart, William C. Becket. Beckét had heen employed by Miss Lightcap's father, a wealthy farmer, and fell in affection was re parents objected, He called love with her, His ciprocated, but her and Beckett yas discharged. dn Saturday at the Lightecap "home, and was met at the door by Miss Lichtcap's broth who ordered him away A tiocht followed. "lhe girl ap peared just as Beckett, drew a pistol and levelled it at Lighteap. She jumped between the men just as Beckett fired. Beckett fled. in his badly, unrecognizable. delichted dav 10:30 p.m. Sunday. : M. E. Cormier, game warden, was badly mauled by a bear in his memag- erie at Aylmer. Dr. F. C. Steele, Bracebridge, died on Fridav from typhoid fever. He was .thirtieth year. Thomas Barker, a commercial trav- eller, committed suicide at his home in St. John, N.B., by drinking #&Rve dye. The Porte has assented to Great Britain's demand for the withdrawal of Turkish troops from the Hinterland of Aden. Zilpha, the three-year-old daughter of Moses Leach, Aylmer, Ont., fell into the cistern at her home and was drowned. The Toronto police officers are ac- cused of "brutality towards innocent PRESIDENT MYRON T. HERRICK, the American Bankers' Association, which meets at New Orleans November 11th. of on men in their charges during the Hal- loween riots. A message from Sir ing to the governor-general da girdled the globe in ten hours twenty-five minutes. Sergt. Bliss and Dales, Canadian Rifles, and Sergt. Stallwood, Canadi- an Scouts, have been granted distin: guished conduct medals. The election "petitions in East Wel- lington, North Waterloo, North Went- Sandford Flem- of Cana- and worth, Halton, Frontenac and Glen- garry mav be discontinued. Pleasant Sprading, Inez, Kj held on the charge of killing his four-vear- old son, is threatened with lynching. He kicked the lad to death. Forty-five! Japanese, powerless to escape from a burning steamer, were rescued hy the transport Crook on her outward voyage. from San Franeisco. A corners jury, at Liverpool which inquired into the death of John Ken- sit, the anti-ritualistic. crusader, returned a verdict of murder aging J. McKeever. . James McKinley, a stranger in Ham- ilton, did some promiscuous shooting on the street while drunk. One of the bullets wounded Fred. Braund very dangerously, ' George W. ('olumbia, com Some Harmon, a Pa., grocer, of sixty-six - vears, mitted suicide with laudanum. months ago he was jilted by a sixteen- vear-old girl. A company' of United Statesers are negotiatine for the purchase of 14,000 acres of land near West Selkirk for the cultivation of sugar beets and the er- ection of a sugar Taeity: The C. P. R. and G, T. R. condu¢- tors, and frainmen are asking for hicher pav, hut are not meeting with success; The companics sav they are pdving these men particularly well. The two English officers killed by the Mad Mullah are Major Phillips. D.S. 0. and Capt. Angus. Major Phill} took part in the«Spion Kop encage- ment and iif the relief of Ladvsmith. The establishment of a fortnight ser- vice of steamers between Avonmouth and Portland, Me., under control of Grand Trunk' railway, is heartily ap- proved by business fhen in the west of England. There been 494 deaths from cholera Jerusaleln, and seventy- eight at Ghuzzeh during the past week. Great distress prevails at Lvd- da, because of the total inadequacy of medical aid there to cope with the di- sease, Near Stoney Mountain, Man., M. Wi'liams, =on of the owner ouarry, was digging out some new- caps, which refused to go off hv the fuse. the charoe exploded, striling him disfiguring and making his face have at while of the consented to of Viscount Duke and was born has ' tele- would be to your Alexandra has become the godmother Mandeville, the of the Duchess of Manchester, who October 2nd. Her majesty oravhed to the duchess: I to be god-mother Queen son little son." - Lord -Roseherv who addressed an en- thusiastic Scotch audience, on Satur- nicht, has separated himself from the Irish cause, and much to conciliate the Noneonfomists in con- done demnine the education bill without re- J serve. The Nondonformists gre also ir- Not Taught Fr Language. ritated Liv the alistention of the, Noi Londo Noy rl nalict mie vs ir olay ; : the house. of comm 3 It 1s now eq w a covarntneit that He | next season will enactment of | the Tri<h land purchase bill. aiming {ot a more comvrehensive settlement ! than Mr. Wendh frst arninet oon town only | yom plat That measure, gecording to inhabitants! 4 o forecasts, will, natur he | followed! by redistribution bill ht which the voting strength of Nations The town of Pierre, iguelon. | was devastated by fire, St. 2 alists in the house of commons will be | materially reduced. Town's of St. vastated by fire. flagration ing occupied by the minister of ber (re disaster is very far reaching and a mi ral skipping business four the the men who bor One and asked kets which he had discarded march. turning té his village, that was his intention. the men an exhausted march between Here lin of ford to Manitoba, be treated and doing avainst plied lookinz there thaw them hy any and with the dominion officers he would do <0 on his at Kinsale Fa The and would have done him serious harm I had not priest interfered, MANY ARE SAFE PROPERTY 10SS ESTIMATED AT HALF A MILLION. Water Supply and Fire Department Unable to Cope With the Flames--Extent of the Disaster is Far Reaching. St. John's, Nfid., Nov. 3.--The town Fierre, Miquelon, has been de- A destructive con- started last night and swept the main portion of the town. The goveynor"s house, the government the build- ma- tine, the Roman Catholic cathedral, the presbytery, the schools and § num- of other buildings were déstroyed. It has not yet been learned how the originated. There was no wind ast night, else the entire town would buildings, the court house, wrobakly have been completely obliter- the extent of the the financial loss wil probably reach half ion dollars. ated. Even as it is, There was no loss of life or seri- ous accident. The rapid spread of the conflagration was due to the trifling water supply and to the fact thag=St. Picrre has no adequate | fire fighting appliances. The town of St. Tierre has heen partly burned down three times before - in 1865, 1867 and 18 A COMPANY FORMED. To Do An Export Business--Case of Smallpox. Toronto, Nov. 3.--James P. Murray, John S. King, John A. McGee, To- ronto; A. F. Mclaren, M.P., Strat- ford; George Amyat, Quebec, and Ray- mond Birks, Adelaide, South Austra- lia, have been "incorporated by the Untario government as the Canadian Export Co., Ltd., to carry on a gene- with a share capital of $50,000 and head offices at Toronto. Wiliiam Ellwell, a student in'attend- ance at the School of Practical Science, has heen removpl to the Suis Uottage Hospital, suffering from a well-developed case of small-pox. The house in which he resided, which is out:ide the city limits, has been quarantined. Tre Harvey Van Norman Co., Ltd., of Front street west, wholesale hoot and shoe merchants, anrounce that they are retiring from business. Alderman Lamb, father of the River- dale Park zoo, abéttor of the radial railway system, and securer of the new St. Lay rence market, announces his intention of retiring. He has been identified" with mapy public works-- the Don improvement, Ashbridge's Bay improvement, Simcoe Park, Reservoir Park, the Island waterworks, Rose- dale improvements, the civic = sand pump, municipal fire insurance and others. He joined the council in 1885. Alderman Oliver, also of ward 2, re- tires with him. John"N. Grady, Lansdowne avenue, was held up, robhed and beaten on Nt. Lawrence avenue, last night," by boys, Grady's shouts attracted a policeman who gave chase and cap- tured one of the boys, Alex. McCul- lough, Hontray street. McCullough is » sixteen years of age and his pals ap- peared tobe about the same age. Through the deputy minister of mi- litia, the citv has been asked to pav $3,802 for transporting the mounted troops from Niagara to Toronto at time of the recent street car strike. This does not include the cost of maintaining and accommodating the troops while here which has heen paid. W. G. Francis, N. W. Rowell, James G. Shaw, James G. Strong and W. R. Williams, all'of Toronto, have heen in corporated by the Ontario covernment as the Great Lakes Dredging com: panv,- limited, with a share capital of £250,000. Head offices at Toronto. DOUKHOBORS RETURN. Others Are in Exhausted Condition on Line of March. Yorkton, N.W.T., Nov. 3.--Several of composed the Doukho- pilgrimage have returned here. of them came to Agent Crearer for the clothing and blan- on the if he intended re- he replied' that When asked Word was brought in that several of had played out and were in condition on the line of and Bradenbury. Treat Them As Lunatics: Ottawa, Unt., Nov. 3.--P'remier Rob Manitoba, has telegraphed Cli Sifton, minister of the interior, the Doukhobors * enteri weause they would have to as lunatics and criminals the province had this. He wanted a financial Mr. that, the dominion officials after the Doukhobors prevent no of means guarantee Sifton re were and that loss. belive eason to onagnt ef] of en that if Roblin stated interfared own respongibilitv, ee eet - Field Steward Hornbrook at a meet need a hin ' Junetion, ther O'Connor, a atholic priest jumped on - the crow wisarlant the | accepting a proposition made by In retaliation for this refusal of in- terment Bishop Aglipay and others of Schismatic movement are discus- sing a plan to anpeal to the courts to obtain possession of certain chupches and other property in the Philippines. This independent church movement .is being watched closely in vovernment and political 'circles. The extent of the defection of native clergy and thein lav adherents from the church of Rome is not known, but it is claimed that a majority of the native clergv sympathize with the movement. THREW BOMB IN A HOUSE. Chicago Assassin Blew Two Peo- ple to Pieces. Chicago, Nov. 3.--A dynamite bomb. the weapon of a deranged assassin, blew up the home of Joseph Rordeck, in Chicago Heights, yesterday, killing two members of the family outright and injuring several others. The house was set on fire and burned, while that of a neighbor caught fire and was also destroyed. The dead are: Joseph Kordeck, whose arms and legs were blown off, and Lucy Kordeck, aged two years, whose body was blown to pieces. The injured are: Mrs. Lacy Kor- deck, flesh blown off right side, injur- ed internally, may die. Seven children who escaped were in- jured, but not seriously. RICH GOLD DISCOVERY. Yellow Metal Found in the Black Hornet District of Idaho. Boise, Idaho, Nov. 3.--A remarkably rich discovery of gold in the Black Hornet disiriet has caused a stam- pede comparable to the mining rushes [ of the early days. Knowledge of the discovery got out last evening and men started out at once to secure claims. They kept go ino all night, and to-day severald hun dred are visiting the scene of the dis- covery. WILL BE DECAPITATED. Who Allowed Massacre Must Pay Penalty. Pekin, Nov. 3.--1 he eliorts made by Sir lkrnest Satow, the British minister here, have resulted in the publication of an edict ordering the decapitation of the Chinese military official who re- fused protection to the British mis- sionaries, Bruce and Lewis, who were killed at Chen-Chow, Ho-Nan province, August 15th, by a mob. 'T'he punish- ment of other officials. implicated in the crime is also decreed. Soldier LOYAL TO NEW FLAG. Ready to Take Field Against Mullah. London, Nov. 3.--The Boer com- mandant, Viljoen, has written a letter to Earl Roberts in which he offers his services to the British armv if Boers are enlisted to take the field against the forces of the Mullah in Somali- land. al It was burg, October 31st, [Viljoen announced from Johannes- that a. number of former Boer eommandants and British officers had offered their services and those of 1,000 men, half British and half Boers. Ladrones Commit Outrages. Manila, Nov. 3.--A portion" of a gang of ladrones operating 'on the isl and of Biliran (just north of the isl and of Leyte), where they committed various outrages, crossed over to isl and of Levte last Wednesday and en tered a smail town near Carigara. Hefe they captured and beheaded the presidente of the town, murdered his wife, whom they slashed with holos, and abducted the presidente's, chil dren. The motive of this crime is said to have heen the presidente's friendhi ness with the Americans: Has Been Cashiered. St. Petersburg, Nov. 3.--It is = of ficially announced that, the Grand Duke Paul Alexandrovich, commander of the corps of guards, has been dis missed from his post and retired from the army. He is the youngest of the czar's uncles, and is bitterly anti-Sem itic and anti-Nihilist. He has been the centre of several sensations, the latest of which gained publicity in Algiers several months The grand duke is forty vears old. No reason is as signed for his being cashiered. ago, A Custonis Preference. London, Nov. A melbourne respondent reports that Premier Bar ton has promised: to introdwee to thé Federal parliament, sat the next ses ston of that, body, 'a bill granting a customs preference to England. 1h South Australian House of Commons cor has passed "a bill providing for the construction of a line froma en to. Port Farwin and completinir the overland railway on land grant sys tem. Dies Of Injuries. "wo Rochester, Nov. 3.--James Leary, driver of truck No. of the Rochest er*fire- department, injured Fridav af ternoon hv the overthrow of the truck while turning a <harp corner in res pone to an alarin, 4 at 't] Homeonathic ' Hosnvital on Sunday 1 Cantain h, of the same company has thought recoverad that while terribh injured, consciisne:« and it is he will survive I'he Hudson Valley railroad strike | has been settled bv unanimous vote of | | the striking employees, the company the men, who returned to work Monday morning. er, but that, TTT LTTVLTLTLVTTLBTVLLLNVVIVTRN Redd A ee no a] The union ie not recognized. LOCAL MEMORANDA. PITH OF THE i -- INDEPENDENT CHURCH. WEATHER PROBABILITIES, Thé Daily Note Book For Whig The Very Latest News Culled Movement Presents a Religious |: Toronto. Ont. (10 am). Nov, ht Readers to Post Themselves By. From All Parts of the World. Froblem in Philippines. 'howers at first, then fair-and slightly cool Another beet sugar companv has | Manila, Nov. 3.--The bodv of a na- Tioedny Sun Sith weer 36 South winds been incorporated with head office at tive woman. attended at her death by Petsrsorg, ; ; : priests of the Catholic church of the 3 The Allan line steamér Bavarian, i Philippines, was refused interment at The Visit Of The Kaiser from Montreal, arrived at Liverpool St. Pierre, in Miquelon the iit cemetery, owned bv the Ro- on Monday. Swept By a Great Fire man Catholic church. There was a To London The Allan line steamer Peruvian, P y scene at the cemetery, and the police from Liverpool, arrived at Halifax at were called to maintain order, One Corset Has To Be Best. The W. B. Erect Form corset is 'the test in the world. It is first of all a healthful corset, but not less . healthful than stylish' and just as cozy and luxuriously comfortable as it is stylish and healthful. There is a particular Erect Form model for each differ- ant build of figure. : PRICES, $1 35, $2, $2.50. LADIES' KNIT-TO-FIT COMBINATION UNDERWEAR Fits the figure like a glove. Unequaled for wear 'and warmth, SOLE AGENTS FOR KINGSTON. BORN. BOYLE--In Leeds, October Terence Boyle, of a son. DIED. Kingston, 24th, the wife of HOUSTON--In November 2nd, 1902, Martha Mitchell, relict of the late 'Andrew Houston, aged seventy years. Funcral private. HER TRANCE ENDING. Doctors Think Patient Will Res gain Consciousness. New York, Nov. --At St. Vin cents hospital it was said that the girl, Nellie Coréoran, who has been lving in a state of coma for thirteen days, was showing many signs of "re- turning consciousness. - The -doctors stated that when anv one approached her bed she invariably opened her eves. They added that they were hope- ful of the girl's ultimate recovery The only disouicting feature of the patients condition was a slioht fev- the doctors say, is not of an alarming nature. The St. Vincent doctors have been annoved considerably hy cranks who had "vibrators" or other machines to sell which they said would .wake the woman. Officer Was Fired Upon. Brockville, Ont., Oct. 31.--Major F, Lapointe, the special constable from Montreal, who is protecting the C. P. R. coal piles, was fired upon last night for the second time -this week so that inroads could be made upon the fuel. He states that three shots were fired from bebind a tree some distance awav from where he was standing, but in the darkness he was unahle to sat- isfv himeeli with a description of the culprits. The appointment of Mr. Brodeur or Mr. Prefontaine to. the public works department will meet with the appro- val of the Quebec wing of the party, and the best men are satisfied to trust the proposed Montreal harbor im- provements in either's hands. Tn © AB -- AP - aman" CUT GLASS We have just receiveds a couple of shipments of cut glass, that outclasses our previous -excellent showing, in patterns, in brilliancy and, particularly, ifA price. With the rest of our stock these goods are sold at a further reduction. A C. JOANSTON & BRO.