Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Nov 1902, p. 6

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\ ey : 5 B § 3 -- ~ ~ NOV. Ist Deer Season . Opens And we are ready for it with all kinds of Rifles, Guns, Cartridges, Loaded Shell. Best assortment and prices lowest in town. We let you try all Guns before you buy. W. A Mitchell's Hardware, 87 PRINCESS STREET. We Have No Goal But we bave samples touched with Lyd. These are given away with very sale of heating stoves, consuming from to 2 eves war gas per hour. We he, stoves from. the natural gas region to displace your hall stove. No trouble: no dust; no stor- age; cheaper than coal. And we can give ' au some light on the question by using the Ken Burner, consuming gne- half the gas ef other burners, and giving three times the light. Open evenings. Call and inspect. 235 KING J. W. OLDFIN. STREET. I INFANTS' + DELIGHT & SOAP : te all other f .rthe ot and Nursery. Superl Te Made by John Tayler & Co., Toronto. [ax To Toe [Js Foo oko oe aoe [ox |; ANYTHING T TO SELL, MAM ? This is what the second- pind dealer says when he calls at your door, and vou promptly say no, without a thought. The Kingston Rag and Me tal Co. only ask you to drop them a card to 3%9 Princess street after you have sorted over all your old stuff and they will pay you highest casb prices. Auction Sales. SAVE MONEY BY EMPLOYING ALLEN & BROWN, Auctioneers ERICURES. ALL SAY THAT THEY FIND THE Pork Sausages, . (our own make), Roasts, 'Ivndertoins, Home Rendered Lard, Bologna, Cooked Ham, Jellied Tongue and Pigs' Feet, (OC) J] BEST CC. Beef, Headchevse, and the Okl Fashioned Scrapple, like our grandmothers used to wake, at Myer's Pork Market, 56 Brock 'Phone 570. All orders promptly filled, CAPILLI FORMA WONDERFUL HAIR PRODUCER. PRE- vents falling and gray hair; Cures Dandruff, Eczema and Neuralgia, Head and Face Mas: sage. Ladies shampooed at home il desired. Mme. Bilder, New York, 166 Princess St. street. COMMERCIAL. NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. Nov. 3rd. : : OPEN. CLOSE Union Pacilie -...... = HH todd st. Paul . 1881 n S73 Alanhattan ... 137 137 B. R. Transit . 2 Suyar i : Pyople's Gas ann th S. Stef > U.S. Steul, Prd. Mississippi i Soutbern Pacific tut: & Western [0 tern Lnion Wes Nush ' RIT AnD RR. as & Pacifle SS. & Com. SS, Pid. Survetd [riluth Momtreal I'oronto street Ry. Hulifax Street Ry Ry. . THE DAILY WHIG, MONDAY; NOVEMBER 3. a PAL. EDITION ay EDITION NEWS ALSO ON PAGE FIVE. COMMERCIAL MATTERS. reer What Is Going On In the Business World--The Market News. Cheese sales Napanee, 11 3-16c.; Perth, 11 3-16cy Cowansville, Que. , 11 3-16¢.; Kemptville, 11lc. 11 3-1Cc.; Ottawa, 11 1-1€e. Y A despatch from Montreal states "that the dressed how murket is about steady at the declive with sales of selected lots at $6 and at $3.85 for ordinary. Bacon is still weak and declining on the British markets, under heavy arrivals irom Denmark, the price of Canadian having gone down another shilling, making a dkcline of 7s. to 8s. per cwt. duriny the past two or three weeks to 57s. to Els. The total -hipment of apples scason is 479,49 bbls. as compared to this with so far Detroit United Twin City Transit (new) Commercial Cable Bell Telephone ¢ Montreal Teleg graph 170 169 Montreal Power . . 07 968 Dominion Iron & Steel | . 61d oo Novy Scotia Steel . 109 G0) | curentide Pulp - 100 93 Dominion Coal... 131 25 Vominion Coal, Pid. too 116 lominion Cotton tite ie a8 56 { rv Colored Cotton 60 on) lining ...... 17 0) Mining 10 AM) jial Coal, PRI as [i i -Bauk, ...... :- 2549 LA ---- Bank one uve 136 U ion Bank 130 (4 { ve Babk 120 IR ochelavn Bank 142 138 chants Bank oo 1614 Mer nts of Halifax 0 184 virial Bank 00 236 year 20, At ported at 272 bbls. for the same period last Montreal sales of winter varieties are 82.25 in car lots, amd $2.50 re- to 82.00 in a jobbing way, No. 2 at $1.75 to $2.25, and inferior at $1 to $1.50 a bbl. Senior Team For Kingston. Toronto Mail and Empire. With the prospects of a change in the playing rules in football, and the adoption of the snap-back system, ad- es reeired from Kings ton give 1 every assurance of a senior team there next season. The Limestone City is an ardent lover of rugby, and the lively jumior series and Queen's suc- ce<s on the gridiron has given an add- ed impetus to the game. Kingston this wear is represented by seven teams, including R.M.C. and Queen's. A strong eastern district can be ar- ranged with Peterboro, Kingston and Ottawa, where the travelling expenses will be greatly lessened. His Grace Arrives Home. Archbishop Gauthier returned on 'Sunday night from Leeds county, hav- ing completed his pastoral visit there. At eight o'clock this morning, in St. Mary's cathedral, he celebrated solemn pontifical high mass for the dead, in connection with the Feast of All Souls. To morrow morning the arch- bishop's patronal feast will be cele brated by a mass at 8:15 o'clock. In the evening the Feast of St. Charles Jorromeo will be observed, when the Congregational Convent will tender a complimentary entertainment to is grace, "The Sign Oi The Cross." "I'ne Sign of the Wilson Barrett's world renowned religious and historical drama. which has created a profound impression among clergymen in Encland and the continent, will be seen for the first time in this city at the Grand Opera house next Wed November Sth. "The Sign of may well be called an era- making drama, because 1t was the first play to receive the unsoli¢ited commendation of eminent divines and of the large of persons found in every city known as "non-theatre coers."" Cross," nesday, the Cross" class ; Leave Of Ahsence. : 4 r Licut. Gordon B. Johnson, Royal Engineers at present stationed at Colchester, England, has obtained leave of absence from November lst to Januery: 18th, and sailed for Can- ada. via New 1ork, on the steamship Umbria on Saturday last. He - will spend a few days in New York and Boston, and the remainder of - his leave in Canada. Lieutenant Johnson is the secand son of ex-Mayor JJ. W. Johnson, Belleville; and is a graduate of 'the Royal aulitary College. Halloween Dance. On Halloween night' the members of the "J.F.F." club entertained their friends to a "Bow Knot' party in the Whig hall. About sixty voung people werd in attendance. Music for. dancing was supplied by Cosby & Thornton's orchestra. W. J. Stinson, of the Deli- catessen, served supper. 'The tables were beautifully decorated and laden with the choicest viands. 'he com- mittee in charge consisted of Misses Feeney and Daly and G. Davis. Queen's Alma Mater. Alma Mater Society held open meeting in Convocation hall Saturday evening. Ihe medals won at the recent athletic games were Queen's an on presented by Prof. Campbell. The | president, Rev. James Wallace, M.A, delivered an address on "ane Greek Church." Returns From England. Dr. 1. G. Bogart, a former house sur gern at the General Hospital: return- od to dav from Fne¢land, where he walked the hospitalssin London for a month or He sailed from Liver- pool on the SS. Lake Simcoe; and had a very rough passage across. the kaiser has at SOL is announced that | to build * a royal castle Possen. Qo coos ee 08© POOOE® co eeooe® Fashions, E51 DRESS SUITS and TUXEDOS So Zealously Sought After by Followers of Newest Demands. Not Worry. Give Us Your Order. . i ® Q : Cob rede rree LIVINGSTON BROS, ee Brock "= ® ® ® 7a ® @ ® ® ® ® Need sy "a land )® OOOO 9OO®ee GROWING HOT SCANDALS IN THE MON- TREAL POLICE QUARTERS The City Council Will Have the + Matter Before It--A Hockeyist May Go to a Pittsburg Aggre- gation. Montreal, Novl 3.--The scandal in connection with the police department clothing contract will be shifted to the city council this afternoon. In ad- dition to the grave irregularitie of the high officers, having taken civilian clothing instead of public uniforms, there are further disclosures promised which will get very close to the chief of police. The disclosures concern the alleged protection of vice and the dis- position of wines and liquors seized in police raids at disreputable resorts. Richard Boon, captain of the Mont- real hockey team is in negotiation with the Bankers' hockev club of Pitts- burg, and may go to that city to be captain of the team. SHOT WIFE AND SELF. Moses Wilson Got Drunk And Used Revolver Freely. Rechester, N.Y., Nov. 3.--At Lerby, Sunday, Moses Wilson shot his wife and himself, inflicting wounds, which are said to be mortal. Wilson fired three shots at his wife. The first bul- let struck a ring on the woman's hand and glanced off, but she fell to the floor, Wilson then fired two bul lets down through her head. He then sent two bullets through his own head. The couple have not lived together recently. Wilson is said to have been strongly under the inflaence of liquor when the crime was committed. WILL BE LASHED. HEARD HER TING IN STREET. Girl Who Sang "The Holy City" Finds Benefactress. London, Nov. 3.--Mrs. Adney Payne who wrote the songs "Dear Heart" and "The Holy City." recently found a protege under circumstances which sugeest the story book. One night a while ago the composer heard under her window the notes of a particular- ly sweet girl's voice which strangely enough, was singing her own "Holy Citv." Somewhat suspicious' that 'her songstress knew before whose house she was singing, but with her curiosi- ty piqued Mr Payne sent down her hall porter to give the wayfarer some money and to take her name and ad- dress. . The thought of the girl oblized to sing in' the streets haunted the song writer all might and next morning she sent to the address which the singer had given in search of her, but at the cheap lodging house which Mrs. Payne's messenger found the girl had only stayed one night. However, Mrs. Payne sent word that she would like to sce her if she.aver tgndd up arain. And sure enough, several weeks afterwards the girl got Mrs. Payne's message and she came to see her. She was hollow eyed and sunken cheeked and had a pathetic story, ol ad her voice was as sweet as if it not been tried by many a night of singing in the wet. M Payne took her in and gave her singine lessons. Last week the voung woman under the name of 'Grace Merton," made her debut at a well known London music hall, singing her benefactress' two best known songs. SAILORS BADLY USED. Dispute Over Wages Ends in Fight on a Dock. Oswego, N.Y., Nov. 3.--A dispute over sailors' wages among the men on the coal vessels in the harbor culmin- ated in a lively ficht in the dock at offence, under the Charlton act, the victim being an eight-year-old daugh- ter of a Sandwich South farmer. Val landry was sentenced to ten vears in Kingston penitentiary and to receive twenty-four lashes, twelve in tvo months from the present dat: ani twelve in a year from that time. Val landry took his sentence stoically. STILL FIRM IN SADDLE. Denmark Rides Like Young Man. Copenhagen, Nov. 3 review, hing Christian, eighty six years old, appeared on horseback at the head of a column of royalty, among them the widowed Czarina of Russia, who afterwards _ manoeuvred her own regiment of horse, putting the troopers through a series of dithcult evolutions. The white-haired king sat his horse like a man of thirty, and was wildly cheered. King of the autumn Can Tell Time-By A Cat's Eye. Few persons are aware that' it possible to tell the time by the eve of a cat. This is done by a close study of the feline pupil, which contracts and . expands with great regularity each day. Thus, at noon, the pupil of a cat's eve is contracted into a mere slit, a mere horizontal line, and at midnight it is at its largest point of expansion, being then as big and round as a grape. With a hue study of. the feline 'optic anvone can easily come: within a guarter or a half-hour of the time by reference to a cat clock. is Capt. Williams Missing. Chicago, Nov. 3.--When the alleged bribery cases in the Masonic Temple tax conspiracy were called before Judge Chetlain, on a motion for a new trial, Capt. Edwacd Williams was not in court. His whereabouts are and his bonds, amounting to Three his unknown, S12500, were declaved forfeited. fugitive warrant$ were issued for arrest. Shot Eagle To, Save Sister. Winsted, Conn. Nov. 3.--Irving Chattleton, who lives on Wild Canaan Mountain, saved his little sister from being clawed to death by a larg eagle. The bird was swooping down on the child, who was plaving. when Chattleton saw it, He seized the gun and shot the eagle a few feet over his sister's head. Creditors And Trust Do It. "\ Grand Rapids, Mich., Nov. 3.-- Pinched by creditors on one side and by the beef trust on the other, Rottieg, a prominent meat d committed suicides Saturday morning by shooting. He left a widow and two children. In.a note he said he could not stand the financial ruin which was before him. Boy Lays Out Old Bruin. Lock Haven, Pa., Nov. 3.--Leo Mon- achan, aged fifteen years, huntine pheasants in the woods can rlacross a bear, which he shot apd killed with a charge of No. 6 bn 4 it: The bear was shot in the head, and weighed 150 pounds. Slot Machines Cost A Life. Davenport, lowa, Nov. 3.--Steven Schlabe lost three weeks' wages play mg slot machines Thursday. He went home and hanged himself: The inquest developed these facts. B---- Dynamite In Coal Strike. @ | ® ® 'Paris, Nov. 30 \ dynamite © afuidge was exploded under the window.of a coal miner at St. Ktienne, and caused some damay re. With this exception no wrod the iaiiing ave og fistpricts wi rike prevails The Recreation Club, igen' g students, held a ples sembly 1 Wi hall on "There .v vod attendance ral of the students, who refused ac 1C€ feit keenly over the® matter. The card pariv on Gandea Island on Friday nicht was a plaasant sugeess Th every way, due to the efforts of the managers, . Messrs. McCaig, . Gordon Svivester. Refreshinents were the North-Eastern elevator last night, Twenty-Four Lashes To Be Ad-}i, which William Nelson, of the ministered. } schooner James Gi. Blaine, and Joseph Windsor, Ont., Nov. 3.--David Val- | Fox, of the schooner Oliver Mowat, landry was convicted before Judge | were badly bruised. Fox Jost two Horn, to-day, of having committei an teeth and Nelson's eye was severely injured. The injured men went to pol- ice headquarters and Chief Doyle is- sued a warrant for "Slob" McGuire {and "Irish Paddy." The police went down and searched several vessels, but the men were not found. When the rush of coal came, the ves- celmen could not get enouch sailors. The prevailing wage was $1.75 per day. Now many of the men are de- manding $2.25 per day, and it said Fox and Nelson were attacked because the raise. SULTAN SOLICITOUS. Changes His Mind About Re- searches in Mesopotamia. Constantinople, Nov. 3.--In spite of i the formal promise given to the Unit- jed States Minister Leishman last Au- 'gust in the name oi the sultan by Iz- zet Bey, his majesty's secretary. to grant Mr. Banks, an American citizen, a firman authorizine him to make archaeological researches at Tei-Abra- ham, Mesopotamia, the Porte has now declared to Spencer Eddy, secretary of legation and acting minister, that it is 'unable to grant the authorization in question to "Mr. Banks, as the place where the American desires to carry on his researches is sacred ground and is supposed -- to contain the temb of Abraham. The Porte expresses. its will- ingness to indemnify Mr. Banks. Mr. Eddy has-forwarded this communica- tion to Washington. May Have A Train Robber. Nov. 3.--Walter the South "Chicago police, be demented and in his was found a copy of The Leader, in which was found the near Chicago, rested by appears to possession Cleveland a marked item of the hold-up of Northern Pacific passenger train Drummond, Mont., October 24th. Capt. Shippy, has notified the « au- thorities of the. Northern -Pacific rail- road company and an endeavor will he made to commect the man with the hold-up. The stranger is suffering with a severe stab wound in the head, which appears to be several days old. At times he seems rational time admitted that he Drummond, Mont., and that he had ever heen there. was once ir Fears The Educated Girl. Pittsburg, Nov. 3.-- "Many a good woman has been spoiled by a school education," said James Campbell of | Harrisbarg, chief factory inspector for Pennsylvania, in his address yesterday before the Pennsylvania Conpress of thers. He spoke on "Children in Factories." "The educated Campbell, of her father and mother, and believ- ing that no man is good enough to be her husband." piv," svi Mr. Justice Britton On Bench. London, Ont., Nov. 3.--Justice ton opened the special court for the trial of Gerald fton, for the murder of his father, at one o'clock to-day. R.. C. Clute, K.C., Forvonto, assi-ted ny Macee, K.C., will the prose m. For the I. B. Johnston, K.(., Toronto, be the chief counsel, assisted by T. W. Scandrett, E. H. Scandrett and JJ. M. McEvoy. of this city. (The crown will be unable to produce the Mordens. James will Knocked Down By Mrs. Nation. Charloston, 8.0, Nov. 3.--With a vicht swing on the jaw Carrie Nation knocked down a cadet from the South Carolina military academy, because he wis 'smoking gcizarette on the street. The bov Was ecanght by his compan ions before his head struck the pe a mE THE sprang tod feet apd « Wh oO ne woman, put was he ked » Sending Coal To Canada. Oswego. NLY., No Lod W. tre worked loading coal into vessels I vo vesterday the UO. & W. tre fikled up 1s pockets ready to start loading t¢ morrow. Many of the Toronto excursionists, who arrived here on Friday evening, served, and cards and dar.cigg enjoyed until an early hour. did not return home until this aft noon. they did not stand 'with the 'others for" Ryan, ar-. and at one then denied | "often comes home ashamed | NEWS OF WORLD TELEGRAMS FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF EARTH. Matters That Interest Everybody --Notes From all Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered by ' the Dear Public. G. N. R. Lafontaine, Lisbon, Me., father of Lady wiuirid Laurier, is ill. Count Tolstoi is suffering from an- other attack of inflammation of the lungs. A negro who confessed to committing a murdered was burned at the stake at Sardis, Miss. ' Jd. F. Tichenor, president British Columbia Copper died at New York. At Cincinnati, Ohio, a light vote 1s predicted for to-morrow with odds 1n favor of the republicans. The complexion of the delegation fram New will remain unchanged: Six cases of small pox are reported from Cavadoc township, Middlesex. They were diagnosed as chicken- pox. The betting at Milwaukee, Wis., is decidedly in favor of the republican ticket. The legislature, undoubtedly, will 'be republican. The half constructed barracks at the town of Czenstochau; collapsad, kill- ing twenty-six laborers and injuring forty-five others. The Bell Telephone company's total assessments, under recent Judgment of the board of three judges at Toronto, has been increased by $100,000, ) The hotel proprietors of Walton, N. Y., will close their buildings on ac count. of being indicted for selling liquor. The town is no-license. The Manchester Dispatch announces that. Samuel R. Scott, M.P., has pur- chased the ancestral home of George Washington near Banbury, Eng. 7 The strike commission arrived in the Lehigh valley region from Scran ton to-day. The programme for to- day covers the entire Hazelton region. The loss by the recent fire in Amoy, China, amounted to $5,000,000, in the native quarter and 3,000,000 in the British possession. There were several of the company, congressional Jersey probably fatalities. Reports from. Port Dalhousie say that the herring fishing in the west end of Lake Ontario is the best ever known. The fish are plenitful and the quality most excellent. Major-General F. W. Kitchener gets the Order of the Companion of the Bath. Colonels Kekéwich and Plumer are promoted to be major generals. Brigadier General Brabant is appoint- ed an honorarv major-general, Bernard Fraser, has been sentenced at Lorwich, Eng., to ten vears for de- pravine the morals of youths. Associ- ated with him, and also sentenced was Arthur Tharold, the son of a cl wrary- man. The peer who fled was also con- cerned in a scandal. All the men were of the Oscar Wilde type. Colorado Springs is to have anoth- er outlet fo the Pacific Coast, as well as a new road which will tap the im- mense coal fields at Trinidad. Within sixty days, it is said, contracts will be awarded for the building of 265 miles of railroad by the Rock Island svstem, connecting Pueblo and Santa Rosa, N.M LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. The Greatest Astronomeér. Kingston, Nov. 3.--(To the Editor) : This is certainly a great title, not to be conferred by king or potentate. Of course no man can be first in ever thing, not even in every part of as: tronomy, but Prof. Barnard is cei tainly first in his knowledge of the nature and characteristics of the hosts of nebulae, those exceedingly faint hazv spots of light that dot the rl night sky. Prof. - Barnard, like tne world's greatest geniuses, has arised mainly by his own hard work and ali- ilities to hold his present honorabie position, and owes nothing to the fav- ors of governments or politicians. For a-number of years he was lirec- tor of the Lick observatory on Mount Washington, California, and pad charge of the mammoth Lick telescove. And when the even greater Yerkes tele- scope, the. largest telescope in the vorld, was finished and installed in its alatial residence ae Williams Bay, Wis.. as the astronomical department of the New Chicago University, Prof. Barnard was called to take charge of this giant instrument. He has made numerous discove and particularly in the region of nebular astronomy. Prof. Barnard is expected to lectyre es, | | { conduct | defence E. | night the company plays | | tory in Kingston on Satnrday evening next, The lecture will-be illustrated by nums erous photographs projected by means of the lantern. I am sure that: thet citizens of Kingston will highly ap- preciate the privilege of listening to so distinouished 3 man on so great subject.--N. F. DUPUIS. a The Largest Attendance Yet. The largest erowed that has vet tgreeted the Castle Square Stock com Brit- | pany, assembled at Victoria theatre on Saturday night to witness the pre sentation of James," a play which was well put on and kindly re Pauline Ki as Lize, tke was much admired. Ine spe- were. plentiful and bright. "Jerry 'Jesse ceived ssing, NeCress, To- I he cialties Tramp. Rich Minerals In Jamaica. Kingston, Jamaica, Nov. 3.-- The newspapers here report that a United States syndicate are concluding ne- cotiations for the purchase proper tv in Jamaica in order to work pold and copper deposits which have been located in pavable quantities. The price asked for the "property is 8200,- LUIS of Ready To Vote: ork, Nov 3 Lhe « Gf both par confilen of vie States Predictions 50,000 on Tach is predicted ww belors find caders minre 10 08) x) tie i mn from side. Fan 1O-MOrrow. to cat fQr varv weather Marine Notes. The steamer Pierrepont goes to Cape ncent this even ing with a cargo of hae The car steamer International, of Prescott, entered the government dry | dock this morning for repairs. pe, Coffee : (1 1>.and 2 1b. cans) ; IS PICKED PURITY Strong in Purity. Fragrant in Strength. . mTAToRs | CHASE & SANBORN, MANIFOLD. MONTREAL AND BOSTON. STOCKING Stockings for Men, Women and Children at Prices You Will Not Match in Any Store In Kingston for the Qualities we Offer. FOR. WOMEN Fine Ribbed Cashmere Stock- ings, seamless feet, well made and very durable Price only 25c. Very special make of Plain Cashmere, soft and warm -- 25c¢.- 35 dozen of an extra good value Plain Cashmere Stocking, seamless feet, properly shaped ankle. Price 35c¢. or 3 Pairs for $1. Other special makes, 25c., 33C., 35¢, 39¢, 45¢. 49¢., 63¢., 75¢. FOR. CHILDREN Plain or Ribbed Cashmere, 8 different qualities, ribbed, with double heels and knees, for hard wear, Girls' Fine Plain Cashmere Stockings, Nicely shaped ankle and leg, seamless feet, soft and warm, 25¢., 30C., 33C., 35C. Men's Cashmere Sox, All sizes, 25c., 35¢., 39¢., 45¢., 50C. Men's Wool Sox, + Serer 15¢, 20C., 25C., 35¢. and up. f JOHN LAIDLAW & SON 120-172 Princess Street, Kingston. adr IN J INS NIN ASSASSIN AS AarAnL~d MAAN ANAL OSS NA TN Po | | | DOROTHY DODD SHOES FOR LADIES. If you haven't seen them you haven't seen the prettiest, the newest, the most striking pro- duction of Shoemaking as an : art. | See them by all means, try them by all means, and this means that you will be another lover of the Darothy Dodd Shoe. SOLE AGENT FOR KINGSTON, F. G. LOCKET So mething Different This Week Solid Qak, Fancy Parler Tables, aa 18x18 top. Regular price x$2.50, $1 50 > > 4 : * » jrass Feet and Glass Ball Castor, $2 50 24x24 Top. Regular $3.50, for . 4d JAMES REID, The Leading Undertaker. Solid Oak, Fancy Parlor Tables, FREIGHT PAID. PACKING FRESH.

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