THE 6)TH YEAR. NO. . 259 . » KINGSTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, - DAILY BRITIS OVEMBER 6 1902. HIG. LAST EDITION AXCTHER SHIPMENT COUCHES "AND EXTENSION TABLES Robt, J. Reid's. Good Tapestry Covered Couch for $4.50. Regular $5. Good Plush Covered Couch for $6.50. Regular $8.50. Gold Oak Finish Extension "Table $4.50. Regular $6.50. Hat Racks $4.50. Regular $6.50. ROBT. J. REID, The leading wumdertaker, two doors above the Opera House. TELEPHONE 577. OUR SMALL HHND COLORED PICTURES (OUR OWN COLORING) Are particularly suitable wedding and birthday gifts. It will be a pleasure to them to you. KIRKFATRICK'S ART STGRE. for show FUR-LINED GOATS IF YOU WANT NICE FUR LININGS FOR conts, vou will find them at Messrs. Craw- ford +c Walsh's, tailors, Princess stree are made of the very best brown, C muskrat, from the best sections of the coun ry. You will alto find matural black musk- rat Hnings. Thev are not COLORED or. TIP- PED, but NATURAL black. These linings are full size amd well sewed, the work being done bv Messrs. Clark Wright & Son, of Kings- ton. Yon will also find dressed suitable for collars and cufls, from $10 to $20 per skin. The above skins were March in the London sales of Bav Company. These goods have been placed with Craw- ford & Walsh, amd are for sale bv P. STEARNE. otter «kins, prices varying purchased last tha: Hudson For Stylish, Well Made. Well Trimmed, 'Up-to-Date Tailoring CALL ON CRAWFORD & WALSH, OO OB OHO Od Otte Of Orde Ovh THE" DELICATESSEN 354 KING STREET. Table Board by the meal, day or week at very reasonable rates. Prepared to serve families at re- duced rates. MEALS AT ALL HOURS. W. J. STINSON, Proprietor. 'PARTNERSHIP, WANTED. A YOUNG MAN WITH EXPERIENCE, GOOD business ability and some -cupital, seeks an opening in pood established business. Is a hard worker and good fmancier. Woukl also consider proposition towards forming partnership for establishing new business. Box 22, Whig office. . TO RENT. OR UNFURNISHED, residence of the late Licut.-Col. Duff, 450 Princess street Apply to Dr. dl. R Duff, 480 Princess strect, corner University Aye ° FURNISHED THE WANTED. A GOOD COOK. APPLY IN THE ing at 453 Kine street. EVEN- A BOY WHO UNDERSTANDS HORSES. AP- ply at F. Ostler's groeery APPLY TO D. Belleviile, A FEMALE COOK COYLE, Anglo-American Hotel, A Buy, wor! ALS SO A FEW GIRLS, FOR STEADY Apply Kingston He vy Company COOK, WITH GOOD REFERENCES after scyen in evening at 141 King PLAIN Apply street. WASHING OR Hughes, Lower A GENERAL SERVANT. NO ironing Apply to Mrs. Albert street. "OYS WHO WANT STEADY WORK. APPLY at Gould's dactory, Smith street, oppo site 730 Princess strect. ROOM HELP, Toronto Knittine street, Toronto, Ont. GIRLS, BOYS Factory, 8 KNITTING and men Berkeley INVEST IN per Gent. 51 Brock Street. CAPITALISTS, TO Estate, paving 7 to 8S. McCann, REAL net. J. FIRST-CLASS UPHOLSTERER, IMMEDI ately. Good wages and steady 'work Apply Stewart & Co. 34 'Rideau strew. Ottawa LADIES AND GENTLEME) at home, spare time: week. ddress with Box Londog, Ont two cont stsmp 249, ENERGETIC MAN CAN FARN FROM $15 to $18 a week :elline our goods demand. Write for particulars. C R. Fegan, Fenwick, Ont. AN AT ONCE AT NFW YORK NRESSMAKIN( eademy, ood ®ewérs to learn Cuttin designing, ' trimming, etc measur Eider, 168 Princess St. Kingston by Mmé. COUPLE DESIRE FURNISHE rooms, with or without board, in a pri vate house. Rooms to, be centrally Toon ted. Apply by letter A. B.. Whig of fice MARRIED to LOCAL MEMORANDA. The Daily Note Book For Whig Readers to Post Themselves By. "David Harum" at Victoria theatre, § p.m. Portsmouth public school board meets this evening. Remorse is memory that |bas, begun to fer- ment, Moss encore. Idle boasting is the smoke and true cour- age the fire. Castle Square Stock Co. at Victoria thea- tre. 8 p.m. The sun rises to-morrow at 6:44 a.m., and sets at 4:43 p.m. «Bont lessem your chances brooding over the past, To the ills that flesh is heir to the average woman adds the ills she never has. A woman can forgive a man's seli-love if Iw also loves another--and 'she is the other. Many a woman's tongue is kept busy trying to get ber out of the trouble it got her into.--Chicaro News. This day in the world's historv: Admiral Noel removed Turks from Crete, 1898; first parbiag of Cenada, under confederation, met, Inst spike in the C.P.R. driven, 1885 : Ladysmith invested, 189¢ McKinley re-elected of the United States, 19C0 : Lincoln elected, 1860. men mistake slight applause for an of success Wy ment 1867 ; president THE DECORATION Of. these daimy Roval Burslem Dinner sets at $12.50 is equal to that of the ordinary 20 kind. And the quality of the ware is equal to the stvle of the decoration. They are g nuine bargains--uncommon gains. ROBERTSON BROS. (VICTORIA X THEATRE.) TWU WEEKS W. B. SHERMAN PRESENTS The Castle Square Stock Co. The Elite of Repertoire. TONIGHT A RURALCOMEDY "DAVID HARUM" To-morrow Night 'YOUNG MRS. WINTHROP.' TEN: BIG specialties every nicht--mno delay tedious waite and OX TR AE IMANT, the spectacular dancer at every J lor pration, Prices--10c., 15c¢., and 25c. PRIZE MATI- NEE ON SATURDAY, Entire _phange of bill every night. FARR Plan open at McAuley"s bookstore. QUEEN'S FOOTBALL EXCURSION ----f im TORONTO, FRIDAY, KOV. Tih, By station p.m. Tickets good to return Ly any before Monday, Nav. 10th. FARE, $3.70. Excursion to Montreal, Nov. 14th bar- Trunk city Toronto 6 Grand in from to arrive special train at"l p.m, train on or. WEEKLY TRADE SALE BENNING & BARSALOU, AUCTIONEERS, Will. Hold at Their Salesrooms, Nos. 86 and 88 St. Peter St., ON WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, At 10 o'clock a.m., A Large Sale of Dry Goods, Wool- lens and Worsteds, Tweeds, Clothing, etc., Also at 2 o'clock p.m. 250 Cases Assorted Rubbers. Sal Literal without, any reserve. terms. 35th Annual Sale. IMMENSE TRADE SALE ABOUT 8,000 CASES INDIA RUBBER BOOIS and SHOES, Etc., Etc., by Catalogue, at Auc- tion. REWARD. REWARD WILL Bf. PAlD that will lead to the re- tion gate removed from of © Miss Macaulay, King on Hallowe'en. Apply to Rogers & Nickle, Ontario St SUITABLE for information covery the the premi es ste t vast, Rirkpatrick, FURNISHED ROOMS H OR WITHOUT BOARD; ALSO board. Apply 168 King street near City Park. WIT TABLE West, ROOM, WITH BOARD, boarders are kept, 3u0 NICELY FU) where no other Queen street S00D ROOMS aio table Breden's, 24 AND FIRST-CLASS BOARD: board. May be had at Mrs. Stuart street. LARGE FRONT ROOM, ALSO TWO SINCLE rooms, wit modern conveniences. cen- tral, not far from Citv and Macdonald Parks. Suitable for a party of from thres | to five, 195 Earl strect As To London's society's president presiding en The the 085 tone tons Schuykill hought ped conl thus making ANEW FACTOR Under- Ground Railway Wines. THE PROPOSAL IS . TO HAVE A CIRCULAR ROUTE. Much Money Would Be Expended -- To Apply to Parliament Again--The Desire of the Ger- man Government in China. London, Nov. 6.--A new factor has suddenly appeared in the battle be- tween the underground railway com: panies here. Five large railways, hav- ing terminals in London, namely, the Great Western, Great Eastérn, Lon- don and South Western, Lonaon, Brighton "and South Coast, and Lon- don and South Eastern, are discussing a scheme for jointly constructing an underground line to link their respect- ive terminal by a circular route, which might be intersected by cross underground lines, and connected with others radiating to the suburbs. The plans, which are yet in the air, in- 'e an enormous expenditure of but, if they are matured, will have a most important influence on the existing American projects. Mean- while the Central London railway, the owners of the existing underground line, has decided again to apply to parliament for permission to extend its. system in the direction of the proposed scheme of 1901, which par- liament rejected. This application, if successful, will have . most important hearing on Mr. Morgan's projects. The Morning Post has a dispatch from Berlin showing that the German government is endeavoring to make the proposea withdrawal of the inter- national troops, from Shanghai, the occasion for establis hing some special right, title or claim of Germany in regard to the basin of the river Yang- Tse. The British government has not vet assented to the proposed arrange- ment. and the Morning Post asserts that im this attitude the government will have the firm support of all those habitually on the side' of Great Bri- tains rivals. The students of University College School presented an address yesterday to Joseph Chamberlain, wishing him a pleasant and successful visit to South Africa. Mr. Chamberlain was educat- ed at London University School, made an address in which he said that he believed there was nothing more important than to supply the deficiencies that separated Englishmen with those whom they came in closest competition, in Germany, America, Canada, and Australia. He said he thought the time was coming when the government must give more at- tention to the higher education of young men. He thanked the students for their good wishes for a safe and pleasant voyagp, and said he looked forward to the future. He was con- vinced that there was a future which had been absolutely unforseen, even by the most sanguine, "in stove for the great dominions of the king in South Africa. PHYSICIAN'S STATEMENT. Had No Ground For Thinking of Foul Play. Ont., Nov. 6.--In dence, at the Rifton murder trial, ves: terday, Dr. MacNeil, the attending physician," the chief witness, that while Joseph Sifton lay Gerald proposed that strychni piven him to end his sulfering. withstanding 'that he had been infor- med that his father was unconscious and was not in pain, Gerald even went to the extent of suggesting money as a consideration. Dr. Mae Neill admitted piving a death certifi- cate of "accident" and said he had no reason since to believe that there had been foul play. He did not think the ase would have produced the wounds found. London; his evi swore dying, Intemperance And Women. London, Eng., Nov. 6.--The proceed- ings of the annual conference of the Women's Union of the Church of Enc- lanl Temperance Society, which com- menced to-day with Mrs. Temple, the 1. promises to attract wide attention owing to the fact that the alleged growing. intem- perance among women has been chos- as the main theme for discussion. conference will discuss at length peints brought out in Viscount Peal's address to the Women's Union, some months since, at the close of the work of the licensing laws. Sir k the ised to address: the conference. roval commission on the The Bishop of London, Thomas Barlow (ohvsician to the and Dr. Baughwaite are among persons of note who have prom- ing) s Bought And Brought Back. New York, Nov. 6.--The steamer Lady Mildred arrived to-day from + Rouen and Swansea and brought® 3, of coal. More than 2,000 a portion of 10,000 of coal shipped from 1%iladel Rouen: A New York concern the coal at Ronen and ship- het the Taildv Mildied, the the trip twice across wag phia for 1 oon Earl Minto To Visit Rochester. g Rochester, N.Y., Nov. 6.--The Earvi | of Minto, governor-general of Canada, | and Ladv Minto are expected to visit | here during the . Segond week. oi the. | Rochester Art chass--exkibit; which be gins November 17th. * 11 1 We carry no side lines. Pure drugs and druggists' sundries orlv. Gra duates to compound pres riptions and family McLeod's drug store. Tecelpes, was tle | the Lk nnderst Atlantic, Made A Good Gain. London, Nouv. 6 hell inthe Cleveland dis skive; today, Herbegt Ranmel, : tel by a "majority of 2,036; was a gain for the. liberals over ist contesfed ele tion of 1897, vhen the Lid eral majority 1,128, the In a bye clection, i ion of York bhis was 1,12 Huveke, of ° will retire 1 Cohonrg this Mear, Mavor vod, lia «treet and | heen obtained, : + liberal, { da Lasguire | he WITH A MONOCLE. William Sets Sail For Britain. Emperor EMPEROR WILLIAM. Berlin, Nov. 5.--Emperor William embarked at Kiel to-day on the im- perial yacht Hohenzollern en roate for England. where he is to pav a visit of several days to King Edward. London, Nov. 6.--Emperor William's present vi-it to England is to be strictly private. The emperor is ex- pected to arrive at Sandringham on Saturdav. After a stav there for a week, he will pay a visit to the Earl and Countess of Lonsdale at Lowther (Castle, before returning to Germanv. It is reported that the Earl of Lons: dale has expenided an enormous sum in preparing for the reception and enter- tainment of his imperial guest. AT SHOAL LAKE. The Mission of the Doukhobors is Told. Lake, Man. Doukhobors reached here They marched slowly in. a compact body, about twenty abreast, chanting a hymn. Ihey were received in the middle of the town by the towns- people, who nearly all turned out to them. One of the leaders, who could speak fairly good English ad- dressing the crowd, said: ** Brothers and sisters, we are travelling for Jesus, Jesus died for all. Please accept Jesus. Our mission is peace." The pilgrims are all fairly well clad and most of them have rubbers. They seem quite peaceably disposed. After their arrival they moved té a vacant piece of land, at the east of the town, where all took a hearty sup: per of bread, oatmeal, apples and onions. During supper the special train of eight coaches, taking the women and children from Yorkton to Swan River arrived. C. W. Speers and other officials, accompanied by in- terpreters, got off the train and tried to -persuade the pilgrims to go home but without any avail. The pilgrims said they w bound to conquer the world for Jesus by peaceful methods. They will continue their march east- ward to-day. Nov. 6.--The last evening. Shoal see us Have Gone Forward. N.W.T., 'Nov. 6.--Inspector .-Maj. Church and nine- teen mounted policemen left, yester- day, for Portage La Prairie, by train, to await orders in connection: with the Doukhobors. They took horses and equipment with them. Regina, Wilson, HAS THIRTY-TWO DAUGHTERS Man of Ninety-eight Years Cham- pion Father of Globe. Bubli®, Ini. Nov. 6.--John VW. Street, of Mount Vernon, lil, claims to be tke chamyion of the world with regard to being the. father of girls He came to Indiana in search work, but was arre-tetd of "heating" a hoard hill of $1.25. On the witness stand he swore that he was ninetv-eight vears oll and the father of thirty two oi: ls. "All of my daughters are dead, 'but twenty," said the oll man, "and 1 have a hard time making a living for those who are left.' Strect said he earned ordinarily, when he had judge dis misged - the case the ol man back to has of $1.50 work. and his day The 1 sent * twenty a Boxers Give Trouble. Victoria, B.C., Nov. 6.--The steamar Shinano. Maru brought news that an ti-foreign placards are scattered ull over Chang Tu and the Boxer distur- bances are now rife throughout the province of Sze-Chuan. The report that their female leader, Kwan Yine, or "Goddess of Mercy," was captured in the battle fought outside the walls of Chen-Tu, untrue. The Boxers' fe- male leader is about seventeen vears of ace and the waman captured and be 'headed 'was over sixtv. The Boxers continue to raid out of the wav vil laces, and several churches have been burnt and converts massacred, No Trace Of Palmer. New Westminster, B.C. Nov, 6.--The disappearance of H. H. Palmer, a voung clerk of the Tank 'of Montreal, October 15th, one of the greatest mysteiies the have ever had on their now over 18 i police here hands. Jt is | twenty days since this voung lad said Colum- ed in the dark- chtest mforma outs hase since h the police of ha e ben prose good-bye to a companion di~appe: the where: althouy ities on not, kis and to ness, tion as all the coast cuting a Vigorous sear h Croker Buys Irish Estate, | Fondon Novoe=Ri shard Croker has p ay esate establish' an farm. The e-tate nity Limerick. extensive stud is at Pal'ingarry, It was this Pp that Mee Croker had in mind when he first came abroad, s hut circumstances then presented him fom acquiring it. will cor ace on oa charge | | wav WORLD NEWS ---- Comes To Us From All Quarters. FEW BRIEF ITEMS TELEGRAMS FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF EARTH. Matters 'That Interest Everybody --Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered By The Dear Public. The late John Moodie, Hamilton, left an estate valued at $500,000, Col. Gregory, of the 5th. R.C.A Victoria, B.C., has suddenly resione:l. henneth Smith was' thrown out of a waggon near Lion's Head and killed. The succession duties in the estate of George * Iletcher, Hamilton, were »1,200. A British coaling station has been established on Surarron Island, in the Western Pacilic. Corrected returns received from New York state up to this morning, make Odell's plurality 11,262. The new Japanese budget estimates the fevenue at $12! 29,000, 000, the ex- penditure at $131,000,000, Latest U.S. election returns give the republicans a majority of twenty-five in the house of representative General Toral, who surrendered San- tiago De Cuba to the united drates' forces in the war of 1898, is insane. Retail merchants' claims, totalling $1,200 will be presented to the city of Toronto for damages on Hallowe'en. George Vest, Jr., son of Senator Vest, of Missouri, was found dead in his room at a Washington hotel this morning. The postoflice building at Gladstone, Man.., was destroved by fire on Wed- nesdav night. The mail was saved. Loss $2,000, The general opinion in North Perth, is that Mr. Brown, the liberal candi- date, will carry the county in the bve-clection. A telegram has been' received in St. Thomas announcing the death in €u- ba, N.Y., of Nelson Green, formerly chief of police at Waterford. Sir William Mulock will address the Ottawa Board of Trade, next Monday night, on the possibilities of trade be- tween Canada and South Africa. Dora Morrison, an inexperienced aeronaut, fell from a balloon at Aa- na., lll, and was instantlv killed. She had ascended to a height of 2,000 feet. The grand jury at Winnipeg return- ed "No Bill "in the cass of Gustave Mueller, charged with the murder of his wife. "Ine accused was discharg- ed. The a'rangement by which the Brit- ish lines, in the Atlantic shipping combine, presérve their nationality, is looked upon in London with suspic- icn, The "Toronto Board of Control in- tend going extensively in the fuel busi ness and has asked for quotations for hard coal from the mines and from Buffalo agencies. It is said nearly 3,000 Quakers will settle in the North-West next year. This will be done only through the ef- forts of Joseph Elkington, the weal- thy Philadelphia Quaker and philan- thropist, A. M. Wickens, stationery engineer of the parliament. buildings, drawing «a salarv of $1,200, has been suspended Mr. Wickens' discharge of the dutis devolving upon hin has heen unsatis- factory of late. Claims amounting to ng less a sum than £240,000,000 have been made apa'nst the Northern of France Trail- company in connection with the wreck of the Paris express at Arleux, in which twenty-two persons were 'kill- ed. A news agency despatch from Sofia cavs that there was an encounter hLe- tween gu Bulgarian band, under Gen. Zontickeff, and a large Turkish force, on November Ist. The fighting was re sumed on November 2nd. Gen. Zonti- chefi was wounded in the thigh and fled. Word has been received of the death of Col. E. J. Sanfdrd of Knoxville, Tenn. He was one of the most promi- nent husiness men of Tennessee, and at the time of his death was connected with manv of the leading commercial and educational enterprises of this state, * During a chamber of Gen. Wevler, was captoin-general the reconcentration period, declared that he could have terminated thé war between Cuba and Spedin if he had not beén recalled, Mr. Chamberlain with invitations for and luncheons, but der the plea of heavy work. He is | calling upon the clerical force of the colonial office for precice informa tion resp e ting the long series of Afri can questions, so that he 'can be readv to discuss every matter brought to his attention. The elections in the United States attracted comparatively little atten- | tion in London. The reason English men have no national concern in the the Spanish Wednesday, of war, who of Cuba during debate in deputies on the mini<ter i= overwhelmed farewell dinners un is begging off Lis<ne Ting cordiality 'of relations between the of popular elections in the Unit ed States, is that it; is not likely that democrats or sensible repubh wizh to disturb the exist sensible cans-wenld i€ viish speaking covintries Regret felt at Melbourne at the extravagant terms bye Mme Malba in her appeal to wealthy TTe--grreat | | nr | | | the m tre lath, where prope of Europe and--Ameriea forthe droughts has adopt of suiferers by The + of Commerce that while the people kindness "of Mme born in Melbourpe, language relief tion the was apprect Melba, who thay strongly resented her LOCKED IN EMBRACE. Pastor and Assistant Found Dead in Roon. Omaha, Neb., Nov. 6.--Clasped in each others arms, lying on the floor of the pastor's study in the German Baptist church, Oscar Bernaes, janitor, discovered the hodies of Rev. W. C. abe, pastor; and Augusta Busch, a missionary and assistant tor. Death had been caused by as- phyxiation. - The room was fillea with gas, a jot and a burner of a small stove being partly turned on. The bodies were lying on the floor, the woman's head being pillowed on some * cushions. They evidently had lain in that position for several hours. There seems to be little doubt that death was accidental. It is believed that the pair had fall- en asleep, the stove flame blew out and the gas escaped. The bodies were rigid and death evidently occurred during the carly hours of the previous e vening. Mr. Rabe was fifty-four years of age and came to Omahy from Buffalo, N. Y., when he was chosen pastor of the German /Baptist church. In that state he left a wife, who is attending a missionary school, and one son, Carl. He was hele in high esteem by his congregation, Miss Busch was thirty-one years age and had been a missionary Omaha. ? of in AGAINST INCREASING PAY. Arbitrators Render a Decision Against the Strikers. Paris, Nov. 6.--The arbitrators of thé miners' strike in the depar tment of the Pas de Calais have given a de- cision against an increase of the pre- sent rates of wages, holding that the rates pre proportionate to the selling price of coal. Annexed to the decision was a written declaration of the re- presentatives of all the companies in that district to the effect thats old age pensions for workmen would be raised. The deleghtes of the miners were dissatisfied with the decision and expect: to earry the matter to the chamber of deputies. SENTENCED TO DEATH. Thousands Hiss Henry Vidal, French Assassin. Nice, Fran-e, Nov. 6.--Henry Vidal, who confessed to the extraordinarily wanton murder of two women and to attempts to assassinate various oth- ers, was sentenced to death. The de fence failed to show mitigation of the sentence on account of the murderer's weakness of intcllect. Thousands of persons hissed and execrated the mur- derer as he was being conducted to prison, the A Big Glacier. Vancouver, B.C., Nov. 6.--A noted Scotti h mountain climber, Rev. James Outram, is spending a few days in Vancouver. On the slopes of Mount Columlin, Mr. Qutram discov- ered during September last an enor- mous ie field, which he estimates cov- ers an area of at least 200 square miles, and awards it precedence over all ive fields in this province in point df size. The Columbia ice tongue is y-two miles in length. ' i Suffocated By Wheat. Fox Warren, Man; Novi 6~Arthur Pizzey, employed 'on the farm of George Dunlop. was working in the unner storey of a pranary, vestérday, when the floor gave way and fell to the ground floor carrying Pizzev with "it. The wheat pouring through the opening covered the man to a depth of several feet. He was quite dead when dug out an hour later. Qharged With Kidnapping. Victoria," B.C. Nov. John M. Colman' of San Francisco, was arrested on the arvival of the steamer Umatilla, from San Francisco. He is charged with kidnapping Kath- line Uolman, his seven-vear-old child, awarded by San Francisco courts to his divorced wife, since marred to Capt. E. V. Smith, of San Francisco. 6.--Captain To Hear Evidence. Mahanoy City, Pa., Nov. thracite strike commission ended its tour of observation of the coal fields in the Panther Creek Valley vesterda- and the members ofthe party return ed to their homes to-dav, and wiil meet arain in Scranton on November 14th, to take the testimony of the miners. The an 6.- Replies Received. Ottawa, Nov. 6.--Mayvor Cook © has received a couple of replies to messag es sent over the new Pacific cable. Sir, dmund Barton wires from Melbourne etinrs, much appreciated. From Svdnev, N.S.W., comes the following : "Mayor Hughes reciprocates hearty congratulations on completion---of Pa cific cable." gre Found Her Watch. Boston, Mass., Nov. 6.--The gold | Mason, watch of Clara Norton, the McLean | Hospital domestic, killed Saturday ey ening and with whose murder A. G. Boston, charged, has been Hound in a Boston pawnshop, and the | police arc se sarching for a necro, who is raid to have sold the article. Is t---- Accepted The Offer. Nov. 6.- The trustees University have ac of Dry and Mrs. Chris tion A. Heiter, of New York, to give 225.000 for the foundation of mo ial Jecturechip the medical jartment. Bal imore, of Joly s Hopkins cepted the ofier a me : ) m ve Admitted. 6. The Manitoba has admitted Rat series. Brandan A. Pittslady association. Rat Portage Winuiper, Nov? Beotkev Association Portgoe to the senior dO ay be admigted?- ident of the again pre A Hot Time. YT. Nov. 6 is now red that Mr. Ross is The élec tion hot. Tt a winner, Dawson, campaizn thought to the pas-. WEATHER PROBABILITIES, Toronto, Ont., Now Bth. (11 am )-Suom winds and moderate rales, west cloudy, and tyroing colder; Neht Tails i rin or snow. y, mostly fair col WELL GOWNED WOMAN Is what each lady strives to be. 2 Right, too. Tends to make everyone feel blithesome, herself included. We have a strong combina- tion for enabling our client- ele of the fair sex to be all well dressed, viz. : FASHIONABLE FABRICS And An ARTISTIC MODISTE. Our Dress Goods Stock IS NOW AT ITS BEST. We have everything that's new and worth having. Our stock is so large and varied that a newspaper "ad.'"' can do it no justice. We want you to examine for yourself person- ally. Goods suitable for all oc- casions--Morning, afternoon and evening wear. Our col- lection of materials for Walking - Dresses and Cos- tumes is really superb. Come and see, if only to see. MILLER-MACDONALD--On Wednesday, Nov, 5th, at the lence of the bride's father, 199 William stiect, bv Ven. Archdeacon Carey, Miler of Hamilton, to ffi n, of John Macdonald, in, on SLOAN BARTLETT At Trinity Church, Mon- treal, on the 4th inst., William H. Sloan, Pa., to daughter el ctrical engineer, Pittsburgh, Elanor Louisa, daughter of Walter F. ( Bartiett, M.D., R.N., Deputy Ins Genral of Hospitals, of "The Devon, England EPICURES. ALL SAY THAT THEY FIND, THE BEST Pork Sausages, (our own make), Roasts, Tondexioins, Home Rendered Lard, Bologna, Cooked Ham, Jeilied Tongue 'and Pigs' Feet, C.C. Beef, Ileadcheese, and the Old Fashioned Scrapple, like our, grandmothers used to wake, at Mver's: Pork Market, 56 Brock street, "Phone 370. All orders promptly filled. pector Glen" CAPILLI FORMA WONDERFUL HAIR PRODUCER. PRE- ta [alling and gray hair; ures Dandruff, crema and Neuralgia, Head and Face Mas we: Ladies shampooed at home "if desired, ime, Hider New York, 166 Psin THE SKIRT SPECIALTY COMPANY. DRESS SKIRTS MADE TO ORDER, SBAM- ples, Designs, Materials, etc. Call om Miss T.. Sutherland, Cor. Brock and. Barrie Sts. ingaton JURY DECIDES QUICKLY. Minutes to Find Fournier Guilty of Murder. Ottawa, Nov. 6.- The Mounted police department is advised by wire from Dawson, Yuken, that the jure after an absence of five minutes, had rend- ered a verdict of guilty in the case of I'ournier, charged with murder. La- bile, who was along with" Fornier, was sentenced to be hanged a few davs ago. Fournier will be hanged on Aaniay 30th, Labelle and Fournier were charged with murdering miners for the purpose we their eold dust. Four mur- were charged against them. Tive Rat ee Ee a 2 ee {CLOCKS If there's a possibility of wanting a Clock, now is your opportunity to get one cheap. Qur special, black enamel, half-hour cathedral gong strike, 11 inches high, 15 wide, at sale price of $7.35. Smaller $6.25 ahd} $5.25. 8-day pak strike, $2.50. Best nickle | alarn.,, $1. Cash _ Prices. A. C. JOHNSTON & BRO. sizes, guaranteed | | ; | ; LE