Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Nov 1902, p. 2

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a SVAN THE DAILY WHIG. pe "HAVE YOU ANY OF THESE Symptoms of a Very Common Trouble ? There is no disease so common in the United States as Catarrh because "it appears in so many forms and at- tacks so mun, different organs. It is a comwon mistake to suppose that catarrh is confined to the nose and throat. Any inflammation of the micous membrane wherever located accompanied by abnormal secretions, is catarrh. Catarrh of stomach or bladder, or intestines is = nearly as common as nasal catarrh and much more serious although it is true that stomach catarrh and catarrh of other internal organs is the result of ne- glécted nasal catarrh. A new remedy has recently appear- ed which so far as tested scems to be remarkably effective in promptly cur- ing catarrh, wherever located. The pre- paration is sold by druggists general ly under the name of Stuart's Catarrh Tablets, and in addition to being very palatable and convenient, possesses ex- traordinary merit, in many cases giv- ing immediate relief from the cough- ing, haw king and constant clearing of the throat and head, those symptoms with which everyone is familiar who has ever suffered from colds in the head and throat. Catarrh is simply a continuation of these symptoms until the trouble be- comes, chronic and grows gradually worse from vear to year. « Stuart's Catarrh Tablets, are com- posed of Hydrastin, Red Gum and milar antiseptics and catarrh specifics, from which it will be seen that no se- cret is made of the ingrgdients and also that no mineral poisbns ave used, as is the case with many well known catarrh medicines. For catarrh of the nose, throat, bronchial tubes, for catarrh of stom- ach, intestines or bladder no prepara- tion is so safe and gives such rapid and permanent results as Stuart's Catarrh | Tablets. All druggists sell them at 50c. for full sized package. You can use them with assurance that vou will not con- tract the cocaine or morphine habit as the results from this eatarrh cure are apparent from the first day's use. Do You Rest Well? If Not Perhaps a Change of Mattress Will Help You. elastic Sold all leading $15. OSTERMOOR does not require being has no equal, pure, done over. Advertised in all the World over States magazines, HAIR MATTRESSES- $8 to order. etc wide reputation, up to $35 cach, in stock or meaule SES---$2.50 momen, both MATTR for the -Batting OUR no equal ticking. made. £3, auality of Extra well and have best wdes. stock of Wil Fapestries 7 It's a dircet English ont CARPETS Brus« Is, DN lor tous, from help great stock Imported mills. Prices made lower to your coal expensed CURTAINS--Very Iarve 'range; all kinds prices: and Yours, T. F. HARRISON CO. Undertakers, etc. Telephone Nos. 90-91. COTTON DOWN COMFORTERS Filled with the - best quality snow white carded Cotton, 2 yds. wide and 2} yds. long, $3 EACH. These Comforters are in all re- spects equal to the best Eider- down at a very much lower price. R. McFaul Kiagston Carpet Warehouse. Wood's Phosphodine fhe Great English Remedy Is an old, well established and re liable preparation. Has been pre- scribed and used over 40 years. All druggists in the Dominlon of Cana~ da sell and recommend as being the ore only medicine of its kind that cures " * and gives universal satisfaction, It promptly and pe rmanently cures all forms of Nervous Weakness, Emissions, Spermator- rhea, Impotency, and all effects of Abuse of Pxcesses, the Excessive use of Tobacco, Opium or Stimulants: Mental and Brain 'Worry, all of which lead to In- firmity, Insanity, Consumption and an early grave. Price $1 per package, or six for $5. Ome will »Vease: six will cure. Malled aeptly on receipt of price. Send ws pamphlet=free to any address. The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont., Canada. After. Wood's Phosphodine is sold in Kingston at all drug stores. Auction Sales. SAVE MONEY BY EMPLOYIN ALLEN & BROWN, 5a "Auctioneers. STAMPS AND MARKERS. RUBBER STAMPS OF ALL KINDS, SELN Inkers, Linen Markers. Dates, Seals, Stencils | Bank Ticket snd Office Stamps, ete. Ti . prompt, JOHN GFFORD, Office, --- Lr » ---- BIG GATHERING AT. ORANGE CONCERT THE CITY HALL Guy Fawkes' Day Remembered Addresses Delivered -- Pro- gramme of Song and Story-- A Dance Followed. There was a very large gathering last evening at the City Hall at the Orange concert and assembly, the day being the anniversary of Guy Fawkes and the gunpowder plot, an event which is annually celebrated by the Orangemen with much eclat. 'The platform was handsomely decorated with flags and seated upon it were leading members of the order in King- ston and vicinity. Rev. G. S. White, Napanee, presided, and he made an ideal chairman. In opening the proceedings he referred to the occasion which they were celebrat- ing. It was one which every loyal subject of Britain should feel it his duty to'remember. It was the har binger of civil and religicus hberty. As an Orangeman in an Orange meet- ing, he could speak to men from his heart. He was glad to speak in toe * Derry of Canada," and referred to the visit of the Prince of Wales to Iingston in 1860, when the loyal Orangemen of Canada taught. the Duke of seweastle, a Jesuit an disguise, that he was dealing with loyal sons | of the British empire, and nat they | would struggle for their rights. * No i | surrender," was their battle cry, and lit would never be forgotten. I K. Featherstone, of Deseronto, who lis known 'as ** Limerick" by his | friends, made a humorous address af ter which he sang a comic song which was well received. Maud Dut ton, in a pleasing recitation, received Miss la very generous reception, and was | loudly applauded. A comic song by | W. J. White, Toronto, made 'him a fuvorite 'with the audience and placed him in the front rank as an entertain er. -He was warmly applauded and welcomed that he was obliged to | respond several times during the even Kach of his selections and songs SO ing. were very pleasing. He had to re spond so often that he finally sang in fine voice, "1 Am So Tired," which was a splendid effort. and was lustily cheered. An address Grand Duncan Munroe, of Cornwall, Master R. by followed and was one dear to an Orangeman's heart. He referred to the work of the order and their lovalty and at tachment to the British throne. While the Jesuits existed would Orange ism. Orangeism was the bulwark of civil and religious liberty. They cele brated to-day not only the gunpowder plot but the landing of Witham of rite at Torbay, whose advent in Fngland was the dawn of hort; The Roman Catholics had ason to be proud of that vent for 1t extended to them liberty and justice. If William had not come to the throne of England at that time it would have heen<hard for the Roman Catholics, for he was just and generous 6 them he gave them liberty and freedom. The address was well received and ap SO plauded. . The gem of the singing of Mrs. D. C. Kerr, who car tied the audience by storm and well earned .the applause she received.® ** In the Days of Long Ago," was a beau tiful selection. She responded in a prety song, In the second part she evening was the acmin sang and had to reply to re peated calls, so charmed were her ad mirers with her efforts. Mr. White Yrought the programme to a close by one of his comic songs. Miss L. Singleton played the accompaniments and added anoth or link to her fame as a brilliant pi anist and 'a cultured musicians After the concert a large number en gaged in the merry dance till the small hours of the morning and will long remember the pleasant night they enjoyed. Wrong Method Adopted. Thera is considerable cqmplaint throughout the city over the sending of the bai to the home of citizens to collect sewerage rent, ete. I'he bailifi is an official that few peopl: like to : «ill less do they like 10 have the neighbors see him at the front door. An alderman, the other dav. ofiered to pay his sewerage rent to the tax collector, hut the latter re fused to accept it. The matter had heen placed in the hands of the bailiff. The alderman in question will proh- ably ask for an 'explanation. He con ciders that -it-ix quite propev-to em ploy a baiiifl to es hack taxes, but, on the other hand, quite impro per to se wd him to collect small ace counts. which people would pay if they were once reminded of them. Is Well Put On. Three carloads of scenery are em- ployed in the production of the new Edwards spectacular mihi tary opera, 'When Johnny Comes Marching Home," here on November 10th. The scenery for this opera has been painted by three of the most rtists in United States. Emmens, Stange and famous seenie One exterior by Homer an other by J. Frank Dodge, and the two grand finale scenes hy the famous Ernest D'Albert. It will . nnquestion- ably be the event of the theatrical season, judasng from the rush for seats, ---------- Watched It All Night. An alderman 1s authority for the ctatement that a prominent official of Hallowe'en, lad the tire brignde, on in wait all mght near the tire 'alarm f at the Queen s college gate I'hs alarm has 'been falsely rung several times, and the otheial was bound to catch the offender if he came around. But he dudn't come Few men show cuch demotion to duty or such, pers | verance of purpose as did this official Life's A Burden. If the stomach is not fight Is there constipation ? Is the | | tongue alert Are vou light*headed ? Do vou have sick headache? Any and all sbi these donate stoma h gu liver disorder. Ir Ac¢new's Liver Pills Jae 1- quickly and wither ot ba ra awd chronic cases" 10 in vial for 10 cents. For sale bv He fv Wade and H. B. Tavlor.--17. | -------------------------------- Don't forget the Boy 3 "anos | Westminster Abbev, Thursday, 'vember 13th, 'balmers' church. | nausea fie m 5 <4 IN Is there | corsage 'WITH A STRONG HAND | Magistrate Farrell Will Put Down All Rufianism. The adjourned case against young Sweetnam, charged with destroying Charles Dixon's ience,. hileau street, came up in the police court this morn- ing. Me, Dixon testified that be bal known Sweetnaun for cighteen months, and had seen him fequently during that time. Wiliam McNeil gave edi dence that was of little value: In summing up the case, Magistrate Far- red said : . "1 find you guilty, Sweetnam. The evidence is qhite conclusive thas you were in the crowd, and that you were in the neighborhood at the ume tae damage was done. I am satistied that vou were the ringleader of the gang, and that you excited your compan- ions to tear down the fence. It is an offence that cannot be allowed to go unpunished. We are going to put down rowdyism and ruffianism in all forms. Others who*are found guilty of such offences will be dealt with in the same manner. | tne you 810 and costs, ST of which will go to the com- plainant for the restoration of his fence; in default of payment, you wiil spend two months in jail.' Police Constable McAdoo, who has proven himself to be one of the best men on the force, laid a complaint against Porters McC oy and Scott, of the Randolph and Iroquois hotels, re- spectively, charging them with using foul language at the G.T.R. depot on Tuesday afternoon. Scott, who is a colored gentleman, stated that McCoy was bothering him. McCoy claimed he was only doing his duty in keep- ing all the porters inside a given line --a duty he claimed the police did not attend to. Porter McQuade, of the British-Ameciican, and others gave evidence. It. was evidently Jealousy among the various porters that led to the trouble. "1 find you both guilty," said the i~trate. "But you may on suspended sentence. If you come here again you will not get off as lightly.' go MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Notes Kegarding the Movements ot Vessels. from Oswego with hard coal. Mallen's wharf : Steambarge Ring- leader from Oswego with hard coal. Richardsons' elevator : Steambarge John Milne from bay ports with grain. The sailors on the Canadian vessels, waiting for coal at Oswego, N. Y.. "have had a meeting and will demand 32.50 per day. Important Auction Sale. The boot and shoe trade of Canada will be interested in the announcement of the 35th annual trade yr of In dia rubber boots and shoes made by the Canadian Rubber Co., of Montreal. The stock te be sold is "exceptionally large. includine about {000 cases of rubber boots and shoes of all kinds. Messrs. Benning & Barsalou are the auctioneers and the - sale will take place at their anction rooms, St. Pet er St... Montreal, on Thursdav, Nov ember 13th, at 10 o'clock a.m. Committed To The Asylum. James Clark, Clarence street, the un- fortunate young man who was yester- day afternoon Tocked up in the police station, after he had beaten his sister, Insane. He was under the impression, when he entered the cab, that he was going on his wedding journey. More Damage Done. Fvidently the young men who start- ed out to dama city property oh Hallowe'en have not yet ceased their nefarious -work. On. the night above mentioned fourteen planks were torn from the walk on York street; near Chatham street. Sinee: then twenty five more planks have been removed. His evidently not-hoys-awvho---are do ing this work. More Hard Coal Here. Two more cargoes of hard coal have come to Kingston, Wednesday night the steambarge Ringleader arrived from Oswego for James Mallen, and last Tuesday morning | the schooner Acacia arrived at Crawford's wharf with a full cargo I huss three vessel loads have come here "within a week. «Bibby's." Overcoats. "Bibby's." Every overcoat we sell talks for us. See'our $%, $10, $12.50 coats. The H. WV. Bibby Co. HILL CLIMBING. "I have a + amount of labori- ous brain-faticuing work to! do." writes a voung lady-ifrom Richmond, Va. "After returning from the offic I have found myself so completely ex- hausted that I was unable to engage in anv recreatiofl or amusement. I tried several expensive tonics with- out effect, and finally noticing an ad vertisement of Grape-Nuts as a food recommended to brain workers] T pur- chased a package and tried it. I found it extremely palatable, and aft- er a week's n=e (two meals of it a day) I noti a general improvement in mv condition, the feeling of extreme exhaustion wa and troncth visible I becan to ready to enter of the otha growing less, increased. put on fe h and felt into the amusements members of the family, and now after nsine the food for elev en months, 1 am like a new person. | have absolutely no sensation of fia tigue: my brain is clear: eves bright; <kin rosy and healthy, and mus cles have strencthened to gree. Iam now the othice home, a 1 on -half mil my a marked le walk from distance of thy un one of the steep: 'able to for wh h our Citv is fam- t £ anv amuse: maw (« in my wn any sensation bi eytra «fa X : : : I an also usinevdur Postum Food Coffee with excellint results. Mv sis- ter-in'law. who lives in Norwalk, { Conn. write- me that che uses it also | and has not sufiered from: the di dint tressing sick headache: she formerle had.' Name p¢iven by Battle Creek, Mich, Postum to Craig's wharf: Steambarge Iona down. Crawford's wharf : Schooner Acacia was later examined by 'Dro Mylks, who pronounced him insane. At four o'clock he was placed in a cab and | taken to Rockwood Hospital for the Food That Makes It a Pleasure. CHANGES MADE QUEEN'S SENIOR TEAM AGAINST "VARSITY. IN McDowall to Play Quarter-Back-- Another Intercollegiate Hoec- key Conference to be Held in Toronto--Sport in General. F. Scanlan has been elected captain ot the Winnipeg Victoria hockey team. Montreal people are delighted over the visit of the Ottawa Rough Rid- ers to play McGill on Saturday. The Limestone scrimmagers average 185 pounds, while the inside wings also weigh about the same. Pretty husky juniors ! The American baseball league is likely to invade Pittsburg, Pa., and the National league is outlining plans to fight the invaders. Hardisty, of the Toronto Argonauts says he will retire from the righy field this year. He is to be one of the all-Canadian 'team-to go .to Britain. Sidney Pointer, the fast pacer, own- ed by W. H. Moffatt, Kemptville, has made $3,800 for its owner this sea- son. He won eight out of nine races. Varsity is getting all its strong plavers out to defeat Queen's on Sat- urday. The Toronto team is simply bound to win, and its prospects are certainly good. 4 The R.M.C. II team has defaulted to the Limestones who defeated them so badly last Saturday. Limestones will try and arrange a match in Deseron- to for next Saturday. It looks as though Limestones will be in the final match for the O.R.F.U. junior championship. They require some financial aid now, and subscrip- tions are being asked to defray trav- elling expenses. Cresceus, the champion trotter, ac- companied by his owner, George H. Ketchum, has arrived at Atlanta. Ga. Arrangements have been made to match the horse against "Bobby" Walthour, the cycle champion, during his stav there. - Limestones will have a prettv hus kv team when the junior semi-finals of the O.R.F.U. are played. Wheeler will take his old place in the scrim- mace, and Varney will be one of the inside wings. G. Rirch will likely plav full-back in Tweed's place. The annual meeting oi the Canadian Ruchy Football Union will be held on November 14th, in Montreal. This is the evening before the McGill-Queen's match. The annual dinner of the C.I. R.F.U. will be held at the Queen's Ho- tel on' the following evenine, "Varsity, Queen's and McGill 'dele cates will meet on Saturdav nicht at Toronto, to discuss the advisability of forming an intercollegiate hockev as sociation. Similar meetings have tak- en place for some vears past, and it's time somethine definite was done. Several marked changes will be no ticed, in Queen's 1 team against Var sity on Saturdav. Mc Dowall will re- place Dalton at quarter. Britton will £11 MeDowall's place on the line, and, "Chaucer" Elliott is not yet avail Strachan will play centre half as able, hack. It is practically decided that interna tional golf match between Eneland and Scotland is to he an annual af- fair. Tt mav, perhaps, pave the wav for other contests of similar charac {er. A match between the English and Scotch universities would be most interesting. The baseball season is just over at Vancouver, B.C. It ended with a ame between Vancouver and attle, that was won by the home team by score of six to-one. The players of the Butte team will receive $200 cath for turning the trick and win- ning the pennant. "Toronto Telegram : Good old Queen's are already gettine into the hockey line. A McDowall will captain their seniors this year and W. Gilles pie (he juniors. And here is wishing the two captains all kinds of luck, and that when they come to Toronto they will give every Preshvierian in the city a chance to holler himself hoarse. Quarter-hack Dalton, retired from the grid-iron. He has ren dered splendid service to Kingston rughv teanis, and will especially be remembered the Granites' team of Queen's has on with whom he plaved auarter-back, when the Ontario championship was wrested from the Ottawa Rouch Rid ers. Dalton has the satisfaction of winning his last match. The costume of the all Canadian rieby team that 'goes to Britain will consist of red stockings, blue breeches jerseys. Upon the jersey will be worked a maple leaf with the words Canada, 1902-1903. - The caps will be of the shape of the regulation championship eaps, and will be in bhlne and_silyer...On the front will be a sil ver "maple leaf and under that the "Canada" in silver." and white word England for America, Towns said i James Wrav Before leaving champion oarsman Genta he had already agreed, (who had posted £30 in America) went to Australia, to.row him on the Paramatta, but as for Tresidder, - or anv other man in the world, a cham- pionship race would have to take phice on the Hunter River, New South Wales, and for not less than £300 a side. Montreal ers will be The 'Rough Rid and last Gazette : a drawine card, week's score will help out the gate; but if "the champ jdonship or anvthing depended on the result of the next match, it would be advisable to tell ole é newspaper man wher the McGill men were born, what date, and a few other particulars, so that in intethirent obituary micht be writ ten up without offence to loving par ents? Toronto Mail Empire: There proms es to bw a lively time at the Varsity Athletic * Field on Saturday, when Varsity meets Queen's in the =eniol <ories of the Intercollegiate Rughy Un ion. The Harmonic Club at Varsity has charge of the "rooters' stand," the south bleachers being for the students. 1 and the students are ex ra' out in force. Two » printed, which, it is expect "startle the Presbvtesans 7. will I ase their Pp y o excursion is Kingston, ¢ orvcatly : mined, if possible of defeating both the the union, even if thev ively songs e. *Vars to have fthe honor in evi itv is deter teams ip the other cannot win championship. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 8. rs --_-- INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. ------ Newsy Paragraphs Picked up by Reporters On Their Rounds. Are you going to Toronto ? This is the question just now. Monaay, the kings birthday, not be a legal holidav. Ross' majority is a kind of one. two three thing. It will go up a notch or two yet. Ross can get along with five or six of a majority, and that is how with in sight. The street railway curve at the cor- ner of Alfred gnd Princess streets, has been replaced by new rails. We hear of men being shot in mis- take for decr, but how often are shot in mistake hy men? "Sherlock Holmes" will be the play: for Nov. I3th at the Grand. Edw. J. Abram, adtance agent, is inthe city. 1he nie and dram band remembered Guy Fawkes" day; they paraded the streets last night, playing lively ais. The Portsmouth coundl gave R. Nor.is the contract to build a two- olank walk on Front street to King street. , i Those Male altos with the tion choir from Westminster are worth hearing. Chalmers' November i3th. W. E. Lobb, wil deer Corona- Abbey church, Port Milford, owner of the schooner Highland © Deauty, has made a charter for a load of hard coal at 81 per ton. Arrangements are being made the Woman's Art Association an exhibition of Scotch and pictures in Kingston. Seldom has the grass on lawns or in the parks remained verdant so late into the season as it has this year. It is still fresh and green. In Lennox, against T. G. Carscal- len, conservative, there is a motion pending to set aside the petition. It will be heard in Toronto this week. Mrs. W. Garrett, Collins Bay, who has been confined to her bed for three months, is still very weak and not im- proving as her many friends wish sin cerely. Only a dozen or so rigs made their appearance on Market Square this morning. The day was wet and blus- tery, and the farmers wisely remained by their own fiveside. : Belleville teachers have decided that one promotion examinatiop a vearis auite sufficient. The conclusion is right providing interim promotions are al lowed to very bright scholars. Their gentle action and good effect on the system really make them a per fect little pill. They please those who use them. Carter's Little Liver Pills may well be termed 'Perfection.' Thomas Smeaton says that members of the board of health 'were in error in saving that two children had re- by to hold Dutch, cently 'died in the Orphans' Home. There was one death three wears aco. and none since. The children are all well. Rev. TI. 0. Strinver, Esquimaux mis- cionarv, cave a lecture in St. John's church school house, Portsmouth, on Wednesday evening, the far north. It lantern views. upon his work in was illustrated by PERSONA AL MENTION. Movements ot The T Peoplo--What They Are Saying And Doing. Sir Sandford Fleming, Ottawa, is the guest of Rev. Prof. Ferguson of Jueen. Miss Nellie Rveiiian, Johnston street, entertained a large number of friends last night at her home. Prof. Elliott, of Montreal Theologi- cal College, will deliver his inaugural lecture in Dominion Square church, on Friday night. D. Macgillivrav, voungest brother of Rev. M. Macgillivray, has been ap- pointed manager of the Bank of Com- meree at Windsor, Ont. Through error we gave the wrong officiating clergyman at the Miller- Macdonald wedding. "Tt was Arch- who tied the knot. deacon Carey WW. Frew, ~of Colour Sergeant W. Capt. Darling's company, Lisgar Rifles. Lansdowne, who went to Lon- don, Fig in June last, with the ni litary contingent received the corem ation medal last week in commemor- ation of the event. o------------------ Horror In Cass City, Mich. Caro, Mich., Journal. A Cass City lady awakened her hug- band one nicht recently, claiming she was dying from excruciating pains in her 'head and neck. The liniment bot fle supposedly stood near, but there no licht, and no time to secure one. The husband" obtained the bottle and at once began a vigorous applica was tion of the "hniment" to the' neck and face, rubbing it smartly. In a short time the pain subsided, and the poor victim sank into a sweet slum ber. The husband then had time to licht the lamp. Shades of Uncle Tom, what a sight he hefield ! He had used a bottle of shoe blacking. Stopped By A Clothes Line, A horse belonging to Joseph Hac- kett, carter, ran away yesterday, on King street. It dashed into the weeds of the vacant lots between West and Simeoe streets, and headed straight for the lake; giving the driver an ex- wire clothes citing ride. Suddenly, a caught the stretched across its path, animal squarely - in the mouth, and liited him high into ' the air. The runaway was stopped. 'I'he horse's mouth was cut som wewhat as a resuht of the pe-uliar incident. At The Victoria. ErniuG; Off For Ottawa. The Castle Square Stock: company plaved 'Monte .Cri sto," at the Vic toria Theatre last night to a large audience, They gave a rood produce m of this popular drama. The spe .cialties between the acts were very' interesting and bright. In fact, each nivht this © company introduces the hest of specialties, Tonight "David Harum will be again produced, by special reanest, city and county sub-way com the mefnbert of vesterday. left Ottawa' to inter view mmittee of the privy will: return to the city on Fri hight or Saturday TOIT a= y : «Bibby's Overcoats. +'Bibby's Overcoat Ne do not wee vou , buv--our clothing does that. Over coats, 8S. R107 812.50, £14, 815. The H D. Bibby Co. ALT DRATN. "IT HAS BECOME A NC "NACE TO HEALTH. Runs -Under the Building on the North-east Side of Market Street--Board of Health Orders it to Be Examined, and Will Take Action. The Board of Health held a_special session on Wednesday afternoon, to further consider the unsanitary condi- tion of the drain under the Inland Res venue offices on the Market Square, which have had to be vacated. There were present : John Melntyie, K.C., chairman; Capt. Gaskin, Robert Meek, J. R. Donaldson, J. 1). Thompson, Mayor Shaw, Medical Health Ufhce Fee, City Solicitor Melntyre and City Commissioner Gordon. Alo in at- tendance were these owners and oceu- pants: L. Halliday, James Hender- son, Charles Parker, A. B. Cunning ham, H. H. Gildersleeve and H. Mooers. Mr, Cunningham stated that he lod- ged a complaint with the medical health officer about the drain last June, and asked why the matter had not been attended to then. The chair- man stated that the Board of Health had never heard of it. The letter, however, was produced, and Dr. Fee explained that he had examined the drain, and understood at the time that Mr. Cunningham was going to put it into a sanitary condition. " Mr. Cunningham stated that he made the drain under his building sanitary, and if the matter had been attended to last summer, he would have been saved $150. The owners of adjoining buildings were then heard. Mr. Mudie, on be bali of Charles Parker, stated that the building of the latter was perfectly sanitary, as an iron pipe had recent- ly been constructed into the old drain, Mr. Mooers said that he had cleaned out his part of the drain last spring, and had it tiled, and cemented over. It was very bad before that. Now it is all right. If the city would give him permission to close up the old drain, he would pay for his own con- neltion with the Clarence street drain. Mr. Cunningham stated that he had been trying for some time past "to get the owners together, but failed. For his own protection he had to put a tile drain under his premises, and connected it with Clarence street. He did not use the old drain now, but was willing to do anything in reason. Mr. Henderson, who owns the In- land Revenue building, explained that the drain under his place seemed to he the dumping ground of the others. It was not his refuse, nor those of his tenants. He regarded the drain as a public sewer, and it was the Sat of oa city to 'dose it up, for was de trimental to the public ath Mr. Meck pointed out that there were five people interested, three of whom were willing to drain into Clar ence street. 1f Mr. Parker and Mr, Gildersleeve would do the same, | the whole matter would be settled. Mr. Gildersleeve wanted to know if city had a right to close up the drain. If it was not sanitary, let the owners be made to put in one that will be sanitary. Mr. Mudie held that there was a prescriptive right by the own ers, and the Board of Health had no powey, therefore, to close up the drain. Mr. Parker would he put to much ex pense in draining into Clarence street. Mr. Cunningham declared that there micht be a prescriptive right to a drain, but there was .no prescriptive vicht to-a nuisance. : The chairman said that the drain was badly in need of cleaning out. It was a detriment to health. Capt. Gaskin clatmed that the five owners should agree and settle the matter at once. He was sure Mr. Par. ker's building (Clarence street. When the owners Thad rétired; Capt. Gaskin moved that. the drain be clos ed up, if the city had the right, The city solicitor stated that if the drain was cleaned out and tile sewers connegted with those of Mr. Mooers and Mr. Cunningham, then the re «ult would probably be satisfactory. It was finally decided, on motion of Mr. Meek, that the city engineer, the medical health officer and the city commissioner should inspect the drain anl report at once to the hoard, whith would then be in a position to take ation. The lower section of the drain is full of filth, and this con- tinually pours down from the premises above. Immediate action is required. could be drained into Newsvepe: Philosophy. Nebraska Ledge The way Hi lo take a-paper. and pay for it carries joy to the editor's heart, but the way some people tahe* it and don't pay for it .makes = him wounder how they can derive any ple mn sure from reading a paper not worth paving for. Perhaps vou don't like some of the news vou find in the paper. We don't ike it all ourselve:, but there are weveral hundreds of people who pay for the paper, and cach wants a little of his kind of news, hence there must be a variety, just-like hotel bill of fare. . Nellie's Little Hands. "Ray, Carlton, do you remember during our engagement, | used toa wish I was. a piano so Nellie's little hands would run over me? "Pelieve 1 do." "Well, now that we ae married 1 feel like a piano. 4 "In what way?" "She thumps me." Billings Gordon, (xdecsa has gone to Chaumont, N.Y. to vist for a comple of months A Cough Ayer's Cherry Pectoral won't cure rheumatism; we never said it would. It won't cure dyspepsia; we never claimed it. But it will cure coughs and colds of all kinds. Eve Tempted Adam. And Adam has been tempting =ve ever sifice. Imagine a man selling a woman rancid butter while keep- ing her attention fixed on a * prize" given with the rancid butter! A'wo- man may be tempted by '" prizes" to buy common that she not know Will soon ruin her clotbts and hands. = But she soon finds out the difference between common soaps and Sunlight Soap. - She finds Sunlight' Soap--Octagon Bar--a prize in itself. Her clothes last longer, and her hands are saved from eczema. 20 One look is sufficient to tell you they will wear longer than the or- dinaxy sponge, and they cost much less. Try Mitchell's Magic Cough Cure. H. B. TAYLOR, Pharmaceutical Chemist 124 Princess St. Phone 59, Successor te E. C. Mitchell. Our Coal is as Clean as Though It Were Wash- ed and Brushed. EACH LUMP STANDS BY ITSELF. GOON solid oalte a. and fire. After oom. surface Foot of Queen St.--'Phone 9. 2000000000000 Soft i Coal The Very Best Call and get our * printed instructions on the use of Soft Coal for furnace, range and heater. JAMES SWIFT & G0. 'Phone 135. SOP 000000000 A Cosy Bright Fire a Bi cold weather. It's Just the kind to ooo with, $00. Let us fill your bin with BOOTH' S COAL. 188. Foot { West Street NOTICE Is hereby given the public that I purpose making it warm for all persons using my coal next win- ter. Your order is solicited. P. WALSH 55-57 Barrack St. FUEL LOG. CALL AND SEE IT nd AT STRACHAN'S HARDWARE STRAIGHT BUSINESS W.MURRAY, Jr., Auctioneer and Commission Mer- chant, Market Square. FOR SALE. 050040000 90000060 3c, Shc, $1.00. oa. & Co AVER CO., Lowell, Mass. (CE YACHT, ONE YEAR OLD. APPLY P.Q, 88, Box

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