DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER ii. Kingston & Pembroke & Canadian Pucific Railways. TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTON : 12:40' p.m.--Express, for Ottawa, Montreal, Quebec, St. John, N.B.; Halifax, Boston, To ronto, Chicago, Denver, Renfrew, Sault Ste. Marie, Duluth, St. Paul, Winnipeg, Vancouver, Seattle, Portland, and San Francisco. Sharbot Lake, 5:30 p.m.--Local for oon- meoti sg with C.P.R. east and west. for Renfrew and inter: 8:10. a.m.--Mixed, mediate points. Passengers leaving Kingston at 12:40 p.m: arrive in Otome at a8 pe m.; Peterboro, §:10 p.m.; Toron 30 Boston, 7:30 a.m.; St. John, NE. 1: 35 py Full particulars at K. & P. and C. P. R. Ticket Office, Ontario St. ¥. CONWAY, F. A. FOLGER, JR, Gen. Paes. Gen. Supt. THE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY NEW SHORT LINE FUR Tweed, Napames, I 'Dessronto and all Ly points. City Hall Depot R. J. WILSON, CP.R. a 1.1 fos. Clarence street. GRAND TRU ExcursioN --T0-- BOSTON AND RETURN $10.00 Tickets good gong Nov. 18th, Valid returning on or before Nov. 30th. J. P. HANLEY, Agent, City Pass. Depot. AIL STRARSHIPE. : LIVERPOOL SERVICE Colonian ... .. Nov. 15th *Irishman "Nov. 22nd Californian Nov. 29th *Norseman Dec. 6th *Turcoman...... . Dec. 13th Coloniau ee we se ah . .Dec. 20th Steamers marked * do not ATTY passengers. RATES OF FASSAGE--Saioon, $65 and upwards, single according tO steamer and service, Second Saloon, $37.50 and up wards, single, according $0 steamer and ser vice. Third clase, $26. FROM MONTREAL. *Ottoman ...... Nov. 15th "Roman ... Nov. 19th FROM BOSTON. Merion . . .. Nov. 12th Merion .... . ...Dec. 12th NEW SERVICE Boston to the Mediterranean. Vancouver Nov. 29th New Englai aw Dec. , 6th Midship, Saloon, Flectrio light, Spacious promenade decks. J. P. Hanley, Agt. G.T.R. Station, D. TORRANCE & Co., Gen. Agts. 'Montreal and Portland. Allan Line Royal Mail Stones From Montreal.- From Quebec. Parisian, Oot. 18, 6 am. Oct. 18, 4 p.m, Bavarian, Oct. 25, 5 a.m. Oct. 25, 10 p.m. Tunisian, Nov. 1, 5 am. Nov. 1, 10 p.m. Corinthian, Nov. 8, § a.m. Nov. 8, First Cabin, Bavarian and Tunisian, and upw J. P. Gildersleeve, 42 Clarence St. Liverpval and derry First Cabin, Parisian, $55, and upwards. First Cabin, Pretorian and I, $50 and upwards: : Second Cabin, $37.60 to $40; Liverpool, London, Derry. Third Class, $25 and $26; Liverpool, Derry, Belfast, Glasgow, London. ? Montreal to Glasgow Direct. S. S. Sicilian, Wednesday, Nov. 19th, at daylight. 1st Cabin, $50; 2nd Cabin, $35; 3rd Class, $25. J. P. Hauer City Passenger De vos, Johnaton strests, J. P Gildersloeve, Clarence Agent. and Ontario street. TO-LET. Erm em HOOD FURNISHED = ROOMS. WITH Ov without board, 101 Queen street. ROOMS, WITH conveniences, at FOUR GOOD FURNISHED board, with all modern 191 University Avenue. JLLY $24 Roger» 43 KING STREET, WEST, BEAUTIE situated, facing the Harbor. Rent and taxes. Apply to Kirkpatrick, & Nickle. HOUSE, 71 ROOMS, NO. 56 BAY STREET between Bagot and Rideau streets: also stalile and sheds in rear. Apply 48 Wil liam street. 115 STUART STREET, water heating; Also stores and oflices. J. S Brock St. 9 ROOMS HOT other dwellings, R McCann, 5] NO fix Ap Brock STORE OCCUPIED BY R. ALEXANDER, 111 Brock street, with refrigerator, tures, etc., for pork and meat trade ply to Joha McKay, Jr 51 street. * MONEY AND BUSINESS. LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE FIRF Insurance Company. Available assets $61,187,215. n addition to which the poliay holders bave for security the un umited liability of all the stockholders Farm and Citv Property insured at lowest possible rates. jhdote renewing old or giving new busi! got rates fron STRANGE & STRANGE, Agents. MONEY rO LOAN IN "LARGE, OR SMALI sums, at low rates oi interest on city and farm property. Loans granted or city and county debenturcs. « Apply te 8S. € McGILL, manager of Froutenac Loan and lovestment Society. Office op posite the Post Office. TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS IN sums {rom one thousand to tem thous aod dollars. = For particulars apply GONWIN'S INSURANCE EMPORIUM over Expres Office. Market Souars We Have No Coal * Rut we have samples touched with gold These; 'are given awav with every syle of gas heating stoves, consuming from 1 to 2 cents worl of "eas per 'hour We have stoves trom tha natural gas region to dispince vour hall stove Nu troubl no dust ho © stor age: cheaper than cos And ive van some light on 'the pstjon by the Kern. Burner. comsuging oue-half s eof other burners, and giving three. times the t > 3 Open eveninoe Call and inepvet J. Ww. OLDFIN, *** ier. 4 pm." $60 LAME BACK? 'Unhcalthy Kidneys! diabetes, rheumatism, rheumatic gout, urie acid poison, jaundice, gravel, catarrh of the bladder, painful pass- oi the urine, a frequent desire to unnate Bright's disease, lv in the night, a dull drubbing ache sma!l of vour back, pains in your and the lower bowels, sore joints and muscles, dizziness, pains in the back of your neck, orpid liver, eczema and scrofula, vel low, sallow complexion, coated tongue, tind, worn-out feeling, lack of energy and ambi tion, are all causel Dy a weak, unhealthy ondition of the kidneys. If vou have any of these symptoms, or if vou feel badly, begin taki Warner's Sai world's greatest kid cure, which Cure, the he vears™ of successful : a trial will con only cure, $4] of all these . vine: you that it is If In Doubt Make This Test, urine in a glass or wwe y-four hours; if the bottom of or if you the morning stand for Put some bottle, let it th is a rerklish sediment in is cloudy, glass or if the urine son particles or germs floating aout in it, vour kidneys are diseased amd vou should lg% no time; get a bog wt Warner's Sufe Cure, as it is dangerous to neglect your kidneys. temember, tgke Warner's Safe Cure. all other so-¢ 1 kidney cures are imitations Warner . Cure is purely vegetable amd contains no narcotic or harmful drug s. It is free from sediment and to take Beware of <o-called kid p which > full of sediment and bad odor: they i ure the system.) 'Safe Cure" does not con stipa WARNER'S SAF rie move the howels gintly and aid dv eure. Warner's Saf what vou ned. You wn buy it ata store, two regular jees, 50 eonts and $1 a bottle. Alddrman Stubig Gratefully Tells How This Wonderful Medicine Cured Him of Bright's Disease. Boulevard, Chicago, Oct About two years ag the as ound wthin SR ta do me much good until a 1 hbor recommended that 1 try. Warner's Safe Cure. It was with but little hope thut I tried it bat within two wecks mv health was improv. I amd in four months 1 was completely cur eid. I hardly dared to believe that such good rtune was mine, but 1 have not lost ul nor had an ache . or pain Sine, Words m but poor to express oratitinde, Yours trulv, 1. M STUBIG Aer 27th Ward Trial Bottle Free. Fo convince every st r from diseases of the kidneys, liver, bi amd blood that Warner's Safe Cure will cure them. a trial bottie will be sent absolutely ve, postpaid. Ai a valuable medical booklet which tells about the diseases of the Kidneys, liver bladder with a prescription for each dis and many of the thousands of " xb dailv from grateful pat "Yeen curd by Safe ( voir have to do is write Warn Cure Company, Rochester, N.Y., and my having read this liberal offer in this paper is fullv guaran this offer Sh Carriages EVERYBODY Who has rubber tires on 'their carriages are well pleased with the ease and comfort they enjoy in' driving, if you have not got them on your carriage you should send to LATURNEY and have them on and enjoy your drives. JAMES LATURNEY, CARRIAGE MAKER, 390 Princess St. « Kingston i [XX X DON'T WASTE MONEY On poor, ill-flavored but- ter, when you can get a pound of the best Clarified Butter, sweet and finely- flavored, for 25¢c. Try a pound and see how pleased you will be. 2Clarified Milk Co.,z 'Phone 567. Brock & Bagot Sts. lx (BRT Sc 3] 3 500 3 30 a] Lo Foe Toe ne Too : E Sxl MAYORALTY 1903 To the Electors of Kingston : LADIES AND GENTLEMEN :--As a oan didate for Mayor for 1903, I respectfully so licit your votes and influence to elect me. C. J. GRAHAM. "ER MAYORALTY i903 To the Electors of Kingston : LADIES AND GENTLEMEN :--1 am acan tidate for the mayoralty for the year 1903, and respectfully ask for your votes and in behalf. Queces on my J.T. WHITE. MAYORALTY 1903 To the' Electors of Kingston: LADIES AND GENTLEMEN :--1 respect: tully solicit vour votes and influence to elect me as Mayor for 1908, J. H. BELL. TE water is not sold that combines the purity, excellence and - beneficial ~qualities of the MAGI CAL- EDONIA WATERS. Sold by best dealers everywhere. TOLD IN THE TWILIGHT. There are many points of divergence between the average man and the av- erage woman, but in nqthing is dif- ference more marked than in their treatment of a secret. The dissimilari- sununarized. A man keeps most sacred the secrets of oth- and unconsciously gives away his own--ygenerally to the wrong woman. A woman holds her own secret with- out the least possible effort, but the most strenuous resolves to be close- mouthed fail, when she has in her pos- session a secret of some one else's, You'll remember that I'm speaking of ty may be briefly ers, the average man and woman. Its the average man that gives himseli away to the wrong woman. It takes the right woman, however, to get at the secret of the man who is above the average. To her in spite of his mas- culine, and therefore obvious methods of concealment, he's like an open book. It's only when he carries the secret of another that his methods take on the finish which defy detee- tion even by thé most astute. There are women, too, but they're rare, and like wisdom 'their price is far above rubies," who have been given that good thine. the gift of sealed lips, by the gods. Occasionally somebody's pre- cious secret which that somebody has unadvisedly told, goes wandering on from mouth to ear. till day it mercifully. drops into the ear and brain of one of these blessed women, where it rests and is" lost, for the unheard is the forgotten. The world would be an one unhappy place were it not for these silent wise receivers. To the woman who keeps her own secret no credit whatever at all is due. Nature teaches her to play round it, to touch it ever so lightly, to give the hali-revelation which is more puzzling far than the deadest silence, and at the same time to keep her secret like the sphinx, to nature the glory. On the oth- er hand, she who tells all she knows other people's affairs isn't alto- deserving of condemnation--her mother in all probability never taught her the heinousness of the crime. A girl who thrown" much with boys, or a woman whose chief companions ate men, ave far more likelv to keep inviolate secrets which have been in trusted to them, or of which they hap pén to have become possessed than women who are much in the society of their own sex. That this is has been proved by cases where women who received at birth the gift of hon orable silence, and who made good use of their treasure so long as their pur suits and circumstances threw them chiefly with boys and men, have, when thrown constantly with their own sex, lost it and become untrustworthv. (This last seems a harsh word, but 1 know of no other that will express my meaning). SO goes of gether is ~ so, » . . Mrs. Baston Burns gave a very jol lv children's party on Saturday after noon, for little Miss Freda's friends. The Reverend Dr.' Shaw was the guest of his sister, Mrs. Skinner, "Maitland House," during his stay in town, A new idea is a left-handed ping pong party. At one- given lately, the champion of the town got the booby prize, and the' tvro at the game, was on a level with the best, Mrs. Robert Campbell gave a voing people's party on Saturday. which all the little people present said was verv very, jolly. Dr. and Mrs. Anglin entertained'the Reverend Dr. Chown, during his short stay in Kingston, ! Mrs. Mowat and expect to sail from ada. some time next . a very the Misses Mowat, England for Can month, » The diocesan board of the. W.A. was by a visit from the Lord of Ontario at. its monthly honored Bishop REMARKABLE SUCCESS Of A New Catarrh Cure. A large and constantly increasing majority of the American people are catarrh sufievers, This not entirely the result of our changeable climate, but because modern investigation has clearly "proven that many diseases known by other names, are really ca tarrh. Formerly the name catarrh was applied almost exclusively to the com mon nasal catarrh, but the throat, stomach, liver; bladder, kidneys and Intestines are subject to catarrhal dis- cases as well as the nasal passages. In fact, wherever there mucous niembrane there is a feeding ground for catarrh. The usual remedies, inhalers, sprays, douches or powders, have been practi cally failures, as far gs anvthing more than temporary relief becanse they simply dry without 18 1s was concerned, up the mu having the re ous, secretions, motest effect upon the blood and liv- er, which are the real sources of ca tarrhal diseases. It has been known for some vears that the radical cure of catarrh could never com® from local applications, but from an internal remedy, "acting on the blood and expelling the catar rhal poicon from the system. A new internal preparation has been on the market onlv a time, has met with remarkable a geanine, radical which short =~ OSS as cure fon atarrh. It may he sold under tarrh Tablet lozenges, tiseptic anv drug store, of Stuart's Ca pleasant tasting of an red in Hal large composed principally ingredients, bloodroot, cum and s milar catarrh specifics. Dr. Ainslee in speaking of the: new catarrh savs © 1 have tried the catarrh Stuart's Ca Tablets, upon thirty forty with remarkable satisfactor Thev clear the head ane mors tually and lasting anv douche or inhaler that | anit although they: d aj cists, | them on littl safety from il tr liver or b 1 ahh { tound the cure new reedy, tarrh or patients results throat than have ever wig tis eal rug nd from medicine ane hesitate the lates, atent do a= | hv noj sold LO recomnis know oO bes free ane snd oy th at with Ns even a entire 1erer roat or hronchi Stomach, art's Catarrh ective, pleasant and convenient and vour druggist 'will tell von they an absolutely free from anv injurio rug. s . will find arkabl meeting vesterday. His lordship spoke encouragingly, and reminded the branch representatives, both old and new, of the very. important part they play. in the dev -elopment of missionary life and enthusiasm in the branch they represent. The decorations at Mrs. Bates' plea- sant tea on Saturday, came in for much admiring comment. The eXtreme- ly. dainty color scheme was green and white, 'a slender vase of chrysanthe- mums being in a centre of white tulle white satin, in the folds of which over were sprays of smilax. Amongst those who assisted were Mrs. Frank Dobbs, Miss Flaws and Miss Gertrude White head. | Major Straubenzee was in on Saturday. Miss Amy Lindsay returned to Mon- treal last week from a visit at hopscourt." Colonel Skinner has been up in To-4 ronto for a few days. Toronto gs Mrs. Colin McCuaig, of montreal, is with Mrs. Shelton Fuller at Wood- stock. Mrs. Prince and Miss. Ross have taken a house on Harbord street, To- ronto for the winter. The Hon. 8. CC. Biggs, K.C., was the guest of Mr. Thomas Mills, dur- ing his stay in town. Dr. Harold Jones, of Brockville, has heen appointed house surgeon in the Verdun hospital, Montreal. - - - - announced of Ainslie Robertson, daughter of the later Mr. John Rob- ertson, of Montreal, to Mr. Frederirk C. Holmes, C.E., superintendent of the The engagement is Miss Margaret (Guantanamo railway, Cuba. Miss Robertson, who has been for some time past in charge of the Hospital Santiago, is at present on a visit to her mother at St. Lambert. A new idea is to sprinkle powdered cinmamon over a cup of cocoa or chocolate to improve the flavor. 1 see by the papers that its the very latest and most fashionable fad to be charitable. To be up to cate vou must go about with vour face wreath ed in smiles, (did the writer of the advice ever reac Wendell Holmes- commentary on the person with the "terrible smile," 1 wonder ?) and al- wavs have a good word to say to everyone. Verily a fad which tends to puriiy the moral atmosphere is a novelty. Capt. J. Joly de Lotbiniere, son of Licut.-Governor Sir Henri Joly de Lotbiniere, who has been in Montreal for the last few days, left on Friday ior New York. The captain has been for many years in India in the Royal Engineers, and has been associated with many works of, a valuable char- acter, especially relating to the appli cation of electricity to mining and the extension of the railway system, up- on which something like five million dollars are spent every year. The captain said that the frontiers of In- dia were perfectly sale; that India had contributed sixteen. thousand sol diers to the South African war, which had increased the prestige of England and India, as the coffquering and 'the dispersal of the Boers constituted g valuable object . lesson to the native mind. Miss Bowie, Brockville, is 'the guest of Mrs. Robert Myles, Queen's Park, Toronto. . It is said that an efiort will be made to effect a meeting between Miss Mabel Thomson, of St. John's, N.B., lady and Miss champion of goli champion of Canada, Genevieve: Heckes, lady the United States. Mrs, Dever is at present in Montreal, the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Louis Barbeau. . 'Thes Rev. Norman L. Tucker was given gu farewell reception by the con- oregation of Christ church, Vancou- ver, prior to his departure for Toron- to, and was also given a purse con- taining five hundred dollars in gold. Sir Charles Hibhe® Tupper presided the gathering. Mr. Henry J. Morgan is in looking after the production of new "work, "Types of Canadian Wo- men," ~which- will - be-reaay" for. the Christmas trade. Tt is to be illustra ted with more. than three hundred and lifty portrait engravings. The Countess of Aberdeen hela a very successful reception at the rooms at Toronto his of the Presbyterian Association" of Dublin .on October 25th, after the re- turn of Lord Aberdeen and Her Lady- ship from a visit to the Cork exhibi- tion. Of the many visits paid to that most successiul project none was more appropriate than that of Lady Aberdeen. Irish industries owe a great deal to Lady Aberdeen's practical support of them when Lord Aberdeen was viceroy. in 1886, support which has been continued since, The woollen industry especially received a vreat impetus, - with. permanent and progressive results, from the historic varden party at the Viceregal Jodge in tss6, when Lady Aberdeen's guests were asked to come in Irish ma- %, which thev London Daily ever clad teria dil. News, Mr. and Mrs. for Aldershot where Mr, therbe will military They will be absent about six months. Pani shortly. take a Weatherbe leave Wea course, . . . 2. Every woman that exists has point of beauty, possibly lving mant. which can be developed, May he a cultivated intellect, an inspired soul, sweet nature, fine presence, lovelv form or beautiful face, and somewhere on this great round globe somebody has recoonized that faét or will. So it behooves all womankind to look well into themselves and endeavor to im- prove the good points, to ameliorate the unfortunate and entirely for vet that thev have anv bad ones, There is nothing far-reaching self-forgetfulness. either where exists or not exist. A famous statesman on being asked some dor Ones dor as beauty does what he considered the greatest type of beauty in women replied. "The wo man who is beautiful and does not know it and the homely woman who bv her intellicence and graceful hear ind makes von forget it." Life is too short to be constantly re sretting the Jaek of <ome tyme of form or face we d8not possess. The sighihy for grav eves, when we have blue and longing for | k tresses when 'ours wre golden and di unhappy means wrinkles making 'thers only bring there there hv Seon But ded iphing are both in wavs nature, pro } and "7 dis we ie ly change many of th tions of life.--Pilgiim aaa . H. Cunningham, piano tuner from Chickering's, New York. -Orders re whereby improve, won NAPANEE NEWS AN AGED CITIZEN HAS PASSED AWAY. Dennis Neville Was Aged 83 Years --Constable Huff Has A Nar- row Escape--The Movements of People. Napanve, ing Dennis Nov. 11.--0On Friday morn- Neville, an aged. citizen, passed away. he deceased was aged cightyv-three years. An aged wife and several sons gana daughters are left to mourn a loving parent. The funeral took place on Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, to the" Roman Catholic cemetery, and was largely attended hy citizens. FW. S. Huff, county constable, had a narrow escape from a premature death one day recently. He went to Bath in company with Mr. Howard, to arrest Dr. Alexander Kennedv, of that village. who had been abusing his father. The man had been drink- ing heavily of late, and was in a state bordering on delirium tremens, and when the constables endeavored to secure their man he resistea, and with a hammer in one hand and club in the other, started out to lay low the constables. He succeeded in get- ting a couple of whacks -at Constable Huff before being secured. Kennedy was brought to Napanee, and com- mitted to jail. His case will come up before Magistrate Daly to-day, when he will be tried for committine assault upon his father. Kennedy a powerfully built man, stable Hulf not been wise enough to take along assistance, he might not have been alive to-day to tell the tale. Capt. A. Holmes is on his way home from China. where" he has spent the last vear and a half. The weather, which has been nice for the past few weeks, has become fall-like much colder. is f0 Charleston Lake Locals. Charleston, Nov. 10.--S. moved to Cedar Park for R. Foster has men engaged building a new horse barn. The Banta family have left their cottage, and gone to their home in-New York. 8. Kelsey is engaged building a ndw house. C. (Covey is giving his house a coat of paint. Miss Lena Burns, ill for a few days, is better. Mrs. Patrick Flood spent part of last week - with her daughter, Mrs. I. Foster. It is rumor ed that Oak Leaf cheese factory wil change hands another season. I. Web ster is preparing to move into the re- Sidence he purchased from E. Dui- field, itors: Mr. and Mrs. J. Ron- an, Poti Valley: Mr. and Mrs. E. Danby, Elgin; Miss E. Slack, Lynd- hurst; Master (i. Danby. Lyndhurst ; Mr. and Mrs. Z. Flood, Trevelyan. Fall Importation Of 1902. Prevost, of the New York clothing store, Brock street, has received all nis fall importations for oraer work in his tailoring department. His ready-made department is well assort- ed and a large assortment to choose irom, ~ For low price and durability he defies competition. Crossed The Channel. Nov. 11.- London, John Mackenzie Bacon, the aeronaut, scientist and lecturer, and Stanley Spencer, the bal loonist, who recently went up in his airship in London and made a trip of some thirty miles, from Douglas, Isle. of Man, vesterday, with the object of crossing the chan nel. The air-ship was followed hy the British gunboat Renard. Jt 'landed in a wild glen in Dumifrieshire at nine o'clock last night. CURED OF PILES SEVEN YEARS AGO A Chronic Case of Twenty Years Standing Cured Perman- ently by Dr. Chase's Ointment," lt 3 To be relieved of the dreadiul sufier- wonderful ing caused by piles is a thing, bat to be permanently cued is even better. Dr. Chase's Ointment brings relief from the very first appli cation, and as is. proven by hundreds such letters as the following, it cures thoroughly and permanently : Alex. McLaughlin, for resident 'of Bowmanville, Ont. "For twenty long years 1 from itching piles, and only who have -been troubled 'with that an noving disease can imagine "what I endured during that time. About sev- en vears ago I asked a druggist if he had anvthing to cure me. He said that Dr. Chase's Ointment was most favor ablv .gpoken of, and on his recom mendation 1 took a box, "After three applications I felt bet ter, and by the time I had used one box | was on a fair wav to recovery l continued the treatment until thor oughly cured, and I have not suffered anv since. I am firmly convinced that the ointment made a perfect cure, "I consider Dr. invaluable treatment for case [ think the cure was remarkable when vou consider that I am getting up in years, and had been so long a sufferer from this disease." Johny Tuttle, expressman, 107 street, Kingston, Ont., states, 'Like men who do much driving, =it- great deal, ang often exposed persons piles. In my Stuart most ting a to dampness, I have heen a great suf ferer from piles. As a matt of fact. I had piles for a number of years, sejved at McAuley's booksters, and had Con- | and | Kelsey has | the winter. | made an ascension | thirty years a | writes: | suffered | Chase's Ointment an | and tid nearly evervthing 1 could heat of iii @ vain effort to get cured, but onlv Succeeded when I used In Chase's Ointment. The first applica tion of this grand preparation brought me rele from" the dreadful itchine. burning sensations, "and less than two boxes made a perfect and permanent "ure. T am grateful for the frectlom from = ing. and desire oth ers to benefit hy my experience with Dr. Chase's Ointment." Dr. Chase's Ointment, 60c. a box, at all dealers or Fdmanson, Bates & Co., Toronto. : Waltham Watches. "Whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well." = Therefore, when you get a watch, get a Waltham. *"The Perfected American Walca,"" ar {T:strated book of inferesting information abou! «waic..:s, <will be sent [ree upon request. v American Waltham Watch C. pany, Waltham, M-:s. : a is' so apparent that it takes mighty little talk to convince. And is it any wonder that the * Scuvenir "' (with its Aerated Oven idea) should be made the standard for quality from what- i! ever point one may cheose to | view it? Merit will get to the top--and ** Souvenir" popularity proves it. The best by test and comparison ; most economical-- most durable-- best appointed-- most 'perfect cooker and baker--handsomely fitted --(G for general good service withcut a faui. Will you iake time to examine the * Souvenir"? Sold everywhere--and one will last a lifetime. S.J. HORSEY, Local Agent, - Princess Street, Kingston, --_-- Superiority Made by THE GURNEY-TILDEN GO. Limited Hamilton, Canada Stove, Range and Radiator Manufacturers. Wholesale Beasthes=Torsuto, Montrea), Winniges. URNITURE REPAIRED Have your repairing sent in and made like new. Itlastsa life-time. JAMES REID, The Leading Undertaker. Telephone 147. ESTABLISHED 1890. 'P.IONE MAIN 4303. W. F. DEVER & CO. STOCK AND BOND BROKERS, 19 Wellington Street East, Toronto. Malin Offices --47 Broadway, New York ; 60 State St., Boston. STOCKS, BONDS AND GRAIN Bouzui and Sold for Cash or on Margin. | Particular attention given to Canadian Sécurities. Market letters mailed Sally (4 p.m.) on application. - Correspondence in- vited. SATINS SATINS THAT DELICIOUS CHEWING CANDY 20 GENTS PER LB. A. J. REES, Princess St. "SEZ | T0 THE BOSS" | The best wiping Solder and Lead Pipe I ever used is what we are now using. It's a plumber's cinch, and is stamped. | CANADA METAL C0O., WILLIAM. STREET, TORONTO, ONT. Telephone No. 58. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR NEW ™scovud our over Mahoor's Drew Bore and Second-Hand goods, Clothypy, Furniture, oorner Princess and stres\s. 4 Stoves, ete. Always on hand, new clothing. trance on Bagot » Gent's Furnishings, Dry Goods, Jewelry, Musical Instruments, at slaughter prices. | POWER & SON. ARCHITECTS. MERCH, buve a large stock of Seeond-Hand Stoves ants' Bank ding, - corner au of Furniture that must Ye sokd for want of Wellington streets. 'Phone 212. space. * 1 have evervthine from a nedie to v an anchor to suit the public. Give me » ARTHUR us ARCHITECT, oY I0k sall. Queen Mon Streets. HENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT, ETC, | ZACKS 271 and 273 Suchor Building, Warket Square, 'Dueus . ~ty Princess St, | Second door below Corbett's. UNDERTAKERS. t a --_-- - 1. F. HARPISON Co, UNDERTAKER ats . 233-238 rincees Strest, Quali, efficiency the best. Prices . the Tomer. INVE E 'Phones--Warerooms, 90. Night Calls-- wip . son; 1 ~IN= ! 8 8 CORBETT, FUNERAL DIRECTOR, 1 REAL ESTATE Bring, Stews Kingric. Suaaence Mining and Qil Stocks | Tear See GEO.CLIFF,.| Tsar | 115 BROCK STREET. | Borsa ESR OLD. 8PPLY PJ Lis fis ii :