Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Nov 1902, p. 1

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THE DA 8)TH YEAR. NO. 264 EXPLODED ! that good wearing, Overcoat, R.eady-to-Wear, with the man you can't' get a stylish The notion good fitting, have no weight who wears FIT-REFORM. Snappy Style, Swagger Cut, Special Cloths, Seasaonable Shades, $10, $12, $13.50. $15 S$ JENKINS 3% 114 Princess Street, Can For Stylish, Well Made. Well Trimmed, Up-to-Date Tailoring CALL ON CRAWFORD & WALSH, | ; seen, | THE DELICATESSEN 354 KING STREET. Table Board by the meal, day or week at very reasonable rates. Prepared to serve families at re- duced rates. MEALS AT ALL HOURS. W. J. STINSON, Proprietor. Boot and Shoe Store JUST OPENED At 207 Princess Street, Opposite T. H. Jehu's Grocery, With a full line of up-to-date stock. call and inspect goods. MATTHEW JOYCE. DON'T WAIT TILL WINTER Refore you think of getting vour sleighs and cutters ready for the first sleigh drive. ilave them made ready now. Winter will come with a rush shortly. Send them to us for a new coat of paint and varnish. We are also prepardd to store through the winter. all kinds of carriages and vehicles. Lots of room. Call and see us, W. G. FROST, Carriage Painter, 402 King Street East. EDUCATIONAL CLASSES. ThE Y . CORNER SYDENHAM ; OOO OT OOO ete OR Ose Ooh Please and i st 5, will hold a Bible Liter- ature Class on esday eveanings, at & p.m, conducted by Rey Eber Crummy, and on Friday eveniigs at 8 pam, a Shakespedrian usd conduited bY" Profi. John Marshall. Ad mission to both classes for full term, $1.60 81. For either class (singly), MOTHER HENDY'S ALL HEALING OINTMENT Will Cure Burns, Frozem 'Limbe, Outs, Sal Rheum, Brokem Breasts, Cracked Nipples, Children's Sore Heads, Boils and Bealing , Magers, PRICB-25c. IF YOU WANT TO KNOW Where to find the best cooked meats, fresh pork sausages, pork tenderloin, roasts, bacon and hams, call at Myers' Pork Market, 56 Brock street. White and black puddings, Frankfurts--all fresh for Saturday. Phone,570. FURNISHED ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD; ALSO TABLE board. Apply 168 King" street West, near City Park. TO-LET. ONE DOUBLE EURNISHED ROOM. AP- ply at 184-Alired street BOARD. GOOD ROOMS AND FIRST-CLASS BOARD also table boa Mav be had at Mrs Breden's, 24 Stuart street. LARGE FRONT ROOM, ALSO TWO SIN rooms, with modern oonvemiences, oo tral, not far from City and Macdonald Parks. Suitavle for a party of from three to five, 195 Earl street WANTED. GENERAL SERVANT. APPLY TO MRS. W A. Mitchell, 553 Clorgy street HOUSE, MODERN through Whig Oflice AT ONCE FURNISHED IMprovemen t~--Apply WORK. APPLY Joppo BOYS WHO at Gould's site 730 WANT STEADY ductory, Smith street, Prix t LADIES? COLLEGE WHITBY, lau r itthen." Apply to artridge, AT ONTARIO C8 WANIN A by tl TANITOR AP ved : ) roported BUYER Fug VED DWI ; 2 It < port ny lot 3 : bar « Fasy If German ember rma: Price 8650. Ju, No Ri Jletiann 51 chamein order to Brock strget. - AN ENPRGRDe MAN CAN EARN FROM $15 $18 a week selling our goods Lar mand Write for particalars. C R. Fegan, Fenwick, Ont, A HANDY NAN DESIRES CARE UF furnaces in private residences or office buildings, and will be glad of anv horor able employment where he can be useful Address at Whig office. LOCAL MEMORANDA. The Daily Note Book For Whig Readers to Post Themselves By. Sun rises to-morrow at 6:32 a.m, amd sets at 4:36 p.m. Follies are §OoOme men the only interesting thing about Management committee Board of Education, € pm Frontenac cheese board, Windsor Hotel, 1:30 p.m, Thursday Victoria day celebration committee, ceuncil chamber, 8 p.m. Continuation of sale of fumniture of McRae estate, Thursday, at 10:30 a.m. Ihe world ' would be as wie and more har~+ if folk whistled more and argued less. The man who gets bitten twice by the same dog is better adapted to that business than any other. Truth is the most powerful thing, since fiction can only please by resemblance to it. --Shaftesbury. the softening showers which cause up the hu- Tears are the of heaven man heart.--Scott., You can make a whistle out of a pig's tail decent appendage a cussed poor whistle. --Billings, seed to spring in but vou looking amd get Remember auction sale of real estate of late William at Murray's auction rooms, sport a Wilson Canute, 1085 Atlanta evacuated, 1864. THE DECORATION Of these dainty Royal Burslem Dinner sets at $12.50 is equal to that of the ordinary $20 kind. And the quality of the ware is equal to the stvle of the decoration. They are genuine: bargains--uncommon bar- ROBERTSON _ BROS. ({ GRAND X OPERA (HOUSE. |) THURSDAY, NOV. 13 HERBERT KELCEY AND MISS EFFIE SHANNON Management, Daniel V. Arthur, in Sir A. Conan Dovle & William Gillette's Master- work of modern stage literature, SHERLOCK HOLMES With the original New York and London Scenic Equipment, QUEEN'S FOOTBALL EXCURSION MONTREAL FRIDAY. Nov. 14th Prone G.T.R.- City © Depot by regular train at . ria hei good to return hy any train on or before Monday, November ith, FARE 33.65. LOST ON SUNDAY EVENING BETWEEN ALFRED street aml St. Andrew's church, A GOLD BROOCH, with an opal ston in the centre The finder will be rewarded on leaving it at the Whig Oflice. FOR SALE. A GROCERY, FLOUR AND FEED BUSI- ness ~in flourishing condition. Good rea- sons for ling. Apply through Whig Oilice STRAIN CAUSES DEATH. Expires While Playing Chess With His Physician. Minneapolis, Nov. 12. a mill owner, grain Lester R. drooks, and lum- ber dealer, dropped dead last evening while playing a chess game with hjs physician, Dr. Lester W. Day, at the West hotel. Mr. Brooks was fifty-five vears old and a native of Oswego county, ...1 He was atticted with sciatica and for the past two days, though attending to business, had "one leg set in. a plaster. cast Fhe wental strain of the chess game ved to have superinduced apo Likely To Reach Terms. ITondan, + Nov, 12.--A satisfacto solution of evacuation difficulty Shanchai is expected, Germany wili, is, believed, fall into line with the oth er The London Daily Mail ition will be carried out, it it powers, favs the eva with sole recard for military exizen ios. and there will be no conditions attached. The prbeess mav be slow ow- ing to the difficulty of collecting the necessary trat E | - | Edward nd Cree; rani hotavee . Some of made in the the first sugar new beet sugar factory. at lerlin has reached Toronto. , Market Suare, Thursday, Eovember 13th, at twelve o'clock. Zion church bazaar today and to-morrow. Sale free on afternoons. Hot diner, 6 to 8 p.m. Best talent each night. W, G. Craig in charg This dav in the world's history: Kemble, the actor, died, 1854; Grand Trunk railway. ope ed, 18? ird Baxter born, 1615; rebels defeated at Preston, 1715; panic in Fungland, 18: Lord Minto appointisd gover- nor general of "Canad, 1898; death of King 10 TAKE RESI. e---- Premier Has Overworked. HAS BEEN BUSY SAID TO SUFFER FROM INDI- GESTION. The Been Doukhobors Must Pay Their Own Way--Transportation Expenses Charged Against the Released --General Capital News. Nov. 12.--It is understood the course of a weeks the premier will probably arop affairs of state for a few weeks and go away for a good rest. Official du- ties and many engagements monopo- lized nearly the w hole of his tinie dur- ing his absence in Europe, and al- though he was able to snatch a few days of repose in Switzerland, the holiday was not as extended as it should have been. Since his return to Canada he has been constantly occu- Ottawa, that in pied = wit governmental matters, which has "induced a slight return of indigestion. In consequence of this Sir Wilirid was obliged to excuse him- self from attendance at the state din- ner on Monday night. He will doubt less yield to the solicitations of his colleagues and friends, and enjoy the vacation which he has so well earned before entering upon the work of pre- paring for the session. The arrears of work which accumulated during his absence in Europe will very shortly be disposed of. The expense incurred by the govern ment in providing for the Doukhobors who started out on a pilgrimage, but returned to Yorkton, must; according to Mr. Smart, deputy aninister of the interior, be borne by the Dowkhobors themselves. There is an amount of upwards of 820,000 to the credit of these people now in the hands. of the officers of the department of the inter- ior, and any outlay to which the de- partment has been put in connection with the recent movement will have to be paid out of these funds. Mr. Smart thinks that the pilgrim- age, in which between 1,300 ana 1,400 Doukhobors took part, was due to the teachings of a few so-called leaders among the Doukhobors. The majority had litle or no interest in it, but were persuaded to join those who or- ganized the idea. The report of the executive com- mittee of the Canadian Patriotic Fund association as made to the king has been printed and distributea. It shows that up to the end of March of this vear there had been collected $338,498, of which $312.429 was from Canadian sources; 53S from Great Britain; @ one dollar bills was Recorder Champagne, in Hull, to-day, for trial. He admitted the charge and was remanded until the 19th. Stuart is a son of the litho- grapher now under arrest in Toronto and was arrested at Glen Gordon, in back part of county of Ottawa. The police had a long hunt for him, and travelled many miles of rough coun- try. The case against Mrs. charoed with violating traders' circulating bogus brought before Wolff, furrier, the transient by-law was dismissed in pol ice. court to-day. It was represented that she is merelv an agent here of Maxwell & Co., Toronto, and the city 'will proceed acainst the firm. Mother Of Twenty-Five Children. New York, Nov. 12. as the mother of twenty-five children," was the admiring utterance of old friends of Mrs. Anna Louise Lenning, when thev gathered at the funeral in St. John's, German Evangelical church, in Jersey City, Saturday. Mrs. Lenning bore twins three times. She had sev- enteen rand-children and several areat-grandchildren. To Cut Off Votes. Melbourne, Nov. 12.--The \i'toran ministry is deliberating on the ques- tion of introducing a bill depriving public servants of votes, in ordinary constituencies, but allowing them to elect two special representatives in the legislative assembly and one in the council. This measure is proposed in order to minimize the political in thaence of public servants, Brown To Try Again. Listowel, Ont., Nov. 12.--The liber als of North Perth, in convention as sembled, here, vesterdav,- nominated John Brown, gex-M.P as can lidate in the bve Toke: he local logis ! Huh A P., Guelph, ¢ img In Ver Pier one boat rafts from the British steamer Elinga mite, wrecked Sunday I the coast of New Zealand. 'e boats from the Elingamite are still missing. couple of | BIG LABOR MEN MEET. The American Federation of Labor in Session. SAMUEL GOMPERS, President American Federation Of Labor. New Orleans, La., Nov. 12. -More than a million and a half of working men and women throughohat the eoun- try' will watch with interest the open ine of the twenty-second annual con- vention of the American Federation of Labor in Oddfellows' Hali to-morrow morning, and the work done thie during the meeting will directly affect at least 800,000 persons. Dele gates are arriving from all parts of the United States to-day. Some came from as far west as California. and Oregon and some from Maine. There are delegates from Colorado, Monta- Nebraska and Minnesota and dele- es from the regions horderine on the great lakes. All classes of labor, from the skilled to the commonest and most poorly paid are represented. PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest News Culled From All Over The World. The jury in the Molineaux New York returned a verdict of guilty." Premier Ross something to say in a few days. The Briti joritv of the education The hberals, a banquet to the occasion Scotia. Dr. . John Hoskin has resigned the office of official guardian for Ontario case in 'not will have referendum says he on the government had 132 in a closure debate hill. of Half: Hon. W. of his a ma- on x, will tender S. Fielding on visit to Nova and F. W. Harcourt has been promot- ed to the post. M. D. Boyd, broker, Toronto, has J disappeared, and it is alleged this is due to a probable suit for breach of promise of marriage. The Methodist Episcopal church in- terested in Oriental mission work has decided to establish a Japanese Chris- tian home in Honolulu. 999 from the United States and Prime Minister Sagasta, of Spain, £530 from other counties. It anpears | has been given a free hand in the re- that of the total about 870,000 was | construction of the Spanish cabinet. collected in Toronto, $18,360 in Mon- | Gen. Wevler may not be retained. treal, and $8,032 in Ottawa. Ruber, the ex-champion oarsman, is Sir Wilirid Laurier will visit Hot | organizing an English four- oared crew Syrings, Virginia, for the benefit of | to compete in the International re- Lis health. 5 gatta at the St. Louis exposition. G. G. Groomes was fatally injured. Lord Strathcona continues attend- at Collingwood by lumber falling from hg to the duties at the high com- a car. missioner's oflice, day by day, though T. B. Flint, M.P., for Yarmouth. N.-| he is still at some inconvenience from S., has been appointed clerk of the | his sore leg i 3 House of Commons, John Halstead, of the Canadian Pa- Writs have been issued for new elec | cific RR., has been promoted to the tions for the commons in Maisonneuve | position of chief clerk under E. W. and Argenteuil,- Que:, and. Yarmouth, | Peters. general freight agent at Van- N.S. Nominations take place Nov. | couver. . 21st, and polling December Jd. William Rose. Bellhaven, who lived William Stuart, arrested on Mon- | with his son-in-law, 'Edward Grant, on day last, by Constable Parkinson, of } the lake shore, was found drowned in the dominion polide on a charee of [a pool of water. He leaves a widow and nine children, William C. Forster, aged eighty-five, who for over twenty-five years was drawing master in the Hamilton pub- lie schools, died on Tuesday. He re- signed his - position in the schools some time ago. Father Fraser, Leslieville, left To- ronto on Tuesday for a Chinese mis- sion, to which he has been appointed by the propaganda. He the first Canadian priest to be called to the Chinese field, probably the first Eng- lish-speaking priest The Canadian club, Hamilton, will hold its aecennial dinner about Febru- gry 19th. The affair will be called "Confederation Night' and all living fathers of confederation, including Sir Oliver Mowat, Hon. William McDou- gall, and Sir Charles Tupper, are to be invited. is Orders A Defender. Toronto, Nov. 12.--Norman of this city recently gave orders to Payne of England, to supply plans and specifications for a poat to defend the Canada's cup in the races next summer against a boat now being MacRae built by the Rochester Yacht Club! The plas are expected bv anv mail now, and Captain Andrews of Oak- ville, will build the boat. She will be forty feet on the water line, fort¥ feet over all and her draught. néarlv nine | feet. She will spread 2,000 square feet | of canvas and will cost about $9,000, The Strike Settled. Toronto, Nov. 12.--The printers employed at the T. Eaton Co... Ltd., inauguriited six months ago | has been settled. The trouble was the | outcome of an attempt by the Tvpo- graphical Union to make the Eaton | printing bureau a union shop, hy call ing upon it the standard rate of war a¢recment reach ed the taken bark, of wa v3 paid, es the ht i ian | men just - To Be Transferred. i 1 3s writood that the pl of trial. in 'the Frontenac tition is to be transfered to Toro nto The date" was onginally set for November 15th, at Kingston. strike of the | TOR Re re re ees -------- ITISH KINGSTON, ONTARIO, WEDS ESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1902 PATIENT'S ACT Dr. W. H. Kimberlin, Kansas City, Shot To Death. THE MURDERER, JOHN SCANLON, SLAYS OCU- LIST IN HIS OFFICE. Patient Then Sends a Bullet in His Own Brain--Both Men Found on the Floor Covered With Blood--Son Makes Discovery. Kansas City, Nov. 12.-Dr. W. H. Kimberlin, a- pioneer citizen and a prominent oculist, was shot and kill- ed in his office in this city yesterday afternoon by John Scanlon, formerly a policeman, who then shot and kill- ed himseli. The bodies of both men were found in the doctor's offire. Dr. Kimberlin was shot three times. Scanlon is a brother of a prominent politician. He left . note in which he had writ- ten : "Notify my brother at City hall. 1 did this because he destroyed my eyes." Scanlon had been receiving treat- ment from Dr. Kimberlin for about two weeks. He entered the physician's office unseen and it is not known how long he had been there. Another patient, who was waiting in an out- side office, said : "1 heard Scanlon go into the doc- tor"s private oftice and 1 heard him ana the doctor talking. There was no quarrel or loud words, however, until Dr. Kimberlin cried out, 'Oh! don't, John!' "I he shots followed immediately. A bullet ¢dame through the wall and passed over the chair from which had junped when the shooting be- can. The first person to enter the room was Dr. Kimberlin's son, also a phv- sician, who is proprietor of a drug store on the ground floor of the buila- ing. Both men lay on the floor cov- ered with blood and dead. Scanlon haa shot himself through the temple. RIOT IN PRISON FACTORY. Seventy-Five Convicts Attack an Overseer--Keeper Discharged. Detroit, Mich., Nov. 12.--A special from Jackson, says: 'Lhere was a riot at the shirt fac- tory inside the State prison here Sat- urday morning, news of which has just been given to the public. Une free man and one convict were injured, and one keeper doses his position. x While Hugh Brennen, overseer for the Bromk Shirt company, was seated at a machine, Thomas Good, a con- viet, jumped on his back and wnat was a signal for the whole shop crew of convicts, about seventy-five in all, to pile on Brennen. Uharles French, another convict, was a sup- porter of Good. Keeper William Lourim was not at- tacked, but forced his way into the mass of surging convicts, finally sue- ceeding in getting Brennen away and saving his life. Dremus Wells, a con- viet who had taken the part of Bren- nen and the keeper, was next assault- ed as soon as ennen was away. Keéper Lourim, * said, remained away from the - riot after rescuing Brennen. Brennen had many bruises, but was not seriously hurt. .Convict Wells was badly puminelléd and was" &ént "t6 the hospital. Later Lourim was dismissed by Warden Vincent. . FIGHTS FOR HIS DEATH. Detective Makes Good Threat Kill Himself. Chicago, Nov. 12 wounds which he hours before with tective Edward Niland Englewood police station, nicht at the Englewood pital. In the morning Niland, -in the pres- ence of his sister, cut his throat and when taken to the hospital declared he would not leave that institution alive. He fought with those at his - bedside for nearly an hour, and resisted ef- forts of .two policemen and two phy- sicians to keep him quiet. Finally his right hand was freed and in another instant the wound in his neck was opened. Every efiort was made to save his life, but without sauce Niland had been despondent for sev- eral weeks, provoked, it is said, bv sickness and repeated transfers in the volice department. He was a widow- thirty-three years old. to --~Tearing open the had. inflicted a few suicidal intent, De- of the South died last Union Hos- | Mrs. Harrison Honored | Chicago, Nov. 12.--Mrs. Carter H. ! Harrison, wife of the mayor, has be- come the recipient of a decoration at the hands of Henri Meron, the French consul, for her work in advancing the interests of the Alliance Francaise. On | behalf of the latter, M. Meron pres ented her with a handsome oold medal suspended from a clasp in the form of i a rosette The medal is the insignia of ah of ficer of public instruction and is a {| French order highly prized among edu- j cators: | Victims Of Yellow Fever. Panama, Colombia, Nov P.B { Ladd, formerly, a captain in a Mis sour of volunteers during to Spar American war, and who cane to 1 isthmus to firht for the tol 'n government , died here' of vel low, fever, st 3 » { The senate of Knox lege has de- cided to invite Pov. John Kelman; of Edinburgh, to the chair made vacant bv the death of Rev. Halliday Doug- las. ' / -- GAS EXPLOSION. Fourteen Firemen and One Police' man Among Them. New York, Nov. --Xn explosion of illuminating gas in the cellar of the seven-storev double tefement, No. 121 Avenue C., vesterday, wrecked a store an the ground oor and injur- ed thirty-nine persoms, several being seterelv hurt. Among the injured were fourteen firemen and one policeman. The explosion followed a slicht fire, caused, it is said, by a plumber who was working in the cellar. When the firemen, led by Chief Guer- in, entered the cellar, it was found to he charged with gas from a melted lead connection, and a moment later an explosion occurred, enveloping the men in flames and blowing out the front of the store overhead. The firemen who were in the cellar succeeded in making their escape, all sufferine more or less from burns and cuts. The damage by the fire and ex- plosion was slight. . COL. SWAYNE ILL. Had to be Carried Aboard Ship at Aden. London, Nov. 12.--Col. Swayne, who commanded the British expeaition acainst the Mad Mullah, in Somali- land, and who is on his way home, was <o ill at Aden that he had to be carried aboard the steamship. He was still very weak when the ship arrived at Port Said. Col. Swayne said he hace no idea when the campaign woula be ter Jrinated, or how it would be settled. He declares that Carl Inger, thé former Austrian officer, is implica- ted in the uprising of the Mullah's forces against the British. Inger is the man who was said to have been the chief adviser of the Mad Mullah. HAS BEEN INCORPORATED. Company Will Carry on Overland System Toronto, Nov. ~The Siurcord Wireless Teélegraphy ny of Can- ada, limited, has been incorporated under the Untario Joint Stock com- pany's act to acquire the patent rights, etc., of the Marconi system for use in Canada. The capital is 85, 000.000, and the provisional directors are W. R. Green, New York; J. .N. Greenshi Montreal; W. Bar- wick, K.C., . Osborne, and John Payne, Toronto. The company ex- wire to carry on an overland : system in this country. IS VERY SANGUINE As to Result of the Next Cup Races. Nov. 12.--The Roval Ulster Yacht Club, which has challenzed for the America's cup, to-day elected the Earl of Shaftesbury, as commodore and Col Charman Crawford, as vice- commodore. The latter, in -an inter- view, after his election said he was sure Shamrock Ill will be a more re- presentative boat than anv which has sailed heretofore in the cup races. Earl Belfast, Shaftesbury expressed himself as very sanguine of the result of the races next year. ---- Electric Shock Restores Hearing. Pittsburg, Pa., Nov. 12.--Almost to tallv deaf for seven years, and after lavish expenditure with fruitless re- sults upon the part of = parents, Charles MeCormack, aged eleven years, suddenly. regained his hearing in a re markable manner, He was playing near his home with several companions when: he stepped on 4 live telephone wire that had fall en. He was. thrown violently and badly shocked. His parents were amaz- ed to find that the boy had com pletely" regainea his hearing. Issued A Challenge. St. Lotits; Nov: 12.2 Peter Arlund, of Louisville, Ky., TE hallenged Col. M. C. Wetmore, a millionaire and former: tobacco magnate, to a duel. The challenge was the result of a re cent altercation. Nothing. has been learned from Col. Wetmore regarding the matter so far, Robbed Of Wealth. New York, Now: 12.- bound, with a bag and his pockets full Homeward of gold nuggets of cash, $5,000, in. all, secured in the mines of . French Guinea, Jacques La Travers, a native 'of France, has been robbed "in this citv and is now in the insane ward at Bellevue. Canals Close November 29th. Utica, N.Y; Nov *12.--Superintend- ent of public works Bo¥d announces that the i Champlain, Oswego, Black River and Cayuga and Sencca canals will be closed to navigation at midnight on Saturday, November 20th. unless sooner closed by ice. ign Wives Too Many. Erin, Tenn., Nov. 12.--Arch Janes indi ed by the Houston county grand jury, on the charge of bigamy, is said 10 have nine wives scattered through out Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky and Ten nessee. Three of his alleged wives ap peared béfore the jury. The Case Transferred. «- Toronto, Nov. 12.--The election court © this morning transferred the trial of the Frontenac petition from Ringston, on the 15th, to Toronto, on the 22nd, when, it is understood, the petition will be dismissed. Joseph Dion and another young man, Edgar Paris of Grand River Ont., went ont hing in a gale and in hoisting sail thev overturned the frail craft Pari was saved aher a hard struggle, but Dion was drowy ed o: Clara Rawson, of Granby; NYhas been convicted of assault in the third degree on her sister, Mrs. Alice Shewe George Allen, private in a' com pany, Yth U.S. infantry, has been ar raigned on a charge of grand larceny Our 10c. Talcum powder i? as good as a Talcum can be made. McLeod's ! drug store. * Tm LAST EDITION 12.--Fresh to strong Teronto, Out, Nov Thursday an winds, cloudy and showery; 1 unsettled. Opera Cloaks And Evening Wraps. We possess unexcell- ed advantages in the making up of these garments. A magnificent range of the newest materials and colors; also the leading kinds of Furs for linings and trim- mings. Estimates furnished on application. Electrical Repairs We have the. workmen, the equip- ment and the experience to do your You won 't necd time before you get satisfaction. OUR WORK and DUR PRICES always give that the first opportunity. work promptly and well. to send"a second at SRECKS: HALLIDA OUSTED FROM Prince Street. "CHANGE. McHenry Expelled by Directors of Board of Trade. Nov. 12.--William E. Mec Henry, one of the oldest members of the board of trade, was expelled by he directors yesterday on charges of lishonorable and uncommercial con- tuct, preferred hy John Hilly Jr. Mr. McHenry declared the dvregulari- ocenrred during his' enforced ab- wenee from his office because of ills heaith. 3 In former years Mr. McHenry was onsiderable of a market factor. In IS72 he was the principal broker in he celebrated John B. Lyons wheat leal, and the only broker connected with it who did not fail. Chicago, ties J. H. Mills, auctioneer, to-day be- san selling the household effects of the late Mrs. W. R. McRae, at the family vesidence, Johnston street. The sale was well attended and high prices auled. 'To-morrow the sale will be con- tinued. Despatches. from Washington say that the Newfoundland anil United States reciprocity treaty safeguards the lat- ter country against anv differential in favor of Britain and the colonies. The sfiike of the French miners is sractically over. . prov pe] CHINA SALE. ". This week we are disposing of our stock of Fancy China Orna- ments at Big Reductions The newest goods are included in the bargain prices, Selections can - te made now for future delivery. A C. JOHNSTON & BRO. : *sssesssseee

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