WHIG. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 12. : TRE DAILY AN EASY WAY ' To Keep Well. 1t is easy to keep well if we would only observe each day a few simple | rules of health. y The all important thing is to keep | the stomach right and to do this it is not necessary to diet or to follow a set rule or bill of iare. Such pam- pering simply makes a capricious ap- petite and a feeling that certain fa vorite articles of food must be avoid. ed. Prof. Wiechold gives pretty good ad- vice on this subject; he says: *'l am sixty-eight years old and have never | bad a serious illness, and at the same time my life has been largely an in- | door one, but 1 carly discovered that | the way to keep healthy was to keep | a healthy stomach, not by eating bran crackers or dieting) of any sort; on the contrary I always eat what my appe- tite craves, but daily for the past eight years 1 have made it a practice | to take one or two of Stuart's Dys-| pepsia Tablets after each meal and 1 attribute my robust health for a man of my age to the regular daily use of Stuart's Tablets. My physician first advised me to use them because he said they were ctly harmless and were not a «t patent medicine, but contained only the natural digestives, peptones and diastase, and after using them a fow weeks | have never ceased to | thank him for his advice. | I honestly believe the habit of tak- | ing Stuart's Dyspepsia 'Tablets aiter meals is the real health habit, because | their use brings health to the sick and ailing and preserve health to the well and strong." Men and agomen past fifty years of ace need a safe digestive after meals to insure a perfect digestion" and to ward off disease, and the safest, best known and most widely used is Stu- | art's Dyspepsia Tablets are found in every well regul hold from Maine to Califor: nia and in Great Britain and Austra- lia are rapidly pushing their way into popular favor All drug i 3 t's Dyspepsia | Tablet i" packages at Ho and for a weak stomach a fifty .cent package will often' do fiity dollars worth of good. a fall Odice Desks. --We line, $4.50 up to $10, Typewriting carry Desk and Typewriting Chairs and Stools in good variety. Revolving Book Cases, 86 to $10 Flastic Book Cas We have the best Ame- rican patent extension Book Case, made in sections. You buy one or two sections, and add a section at 'a time as you need it. Tulaid Linokum.--Puttern through to back, the best made, $1 and $1.15 per wl. Foes Scotch Linoleums, 40c. and 50c. per vd. Floor Oil Cloth, 23c., 30c. and 35c. In these lines we. carry some entirely new and handsome floral amd tile patterns Our Balmoral and Brussels Carpets are pleasing our custonwrs, Ii in pattern; colors and: price, Vi-it us at any time. Yours, .F. HARRISON C0. Undertakers, etc. Telephone Nos. 90-91. Cook's Cotton Root Compound. Ladies' Favorite, Is the only safe, reliable regulator on which woman can depend "in the hour and time of need." Prepared in two degrees of strength. No. 1 and Na. 2. No. 1.--For ordinary cases is by far the best dollar medi¢ine known, 2--For special cases--10 degrees No. stronger--three dollars per box. e--ask your druggist for Cook's or et Compound. Take ro other as all pills, mixtures and imitations are dangerous, No. 1 and No, 2 are sold and recommended by all druggists in the Do- minion of Canada. Mailed to any address on receipt of Brice and four 2-cent postage hy Cook Company, Bye . Windsor, Ont. No. 1 and No. 2 are sold in Kingston by all responsible druggists. COTTON DOWN COMFORTERS Filled with the best quality snow white carded Cotton, 2 yds. wide and 2} yds. long, $3 EACH, These Comforters are in all re- spects équal to the best Eider- down at a very much lower price. R. McFaul Kingston Carpet Warehouse. UEL LOG. CALL AND SEE IT AT STRACHAN'S HARDWARE \ FOR SALE. { men not working in | campaign. THIRD "MEETING |OF THE PROHIBITION CAM-! ; PAIGN HELD -- In the City Hall--Address by W. W. Buchanan, Toronto -- Pre- sented the Subject in an Able Manner. The prohibitionists held their third campaign mass meeting in the City hall on Tuesaay night, when a good sized audience was present to hear an address by \.. W. Buchanan, Toronto. lhe chair was occupied by Joha Mc Intyre, K. C., who impressed upon his hearers the fact that at least 213,042 votes mnt be polled in favor of the new liquor act, else no prohibi- tion legislation wonld be enacted. He explained that the prohibitionists might have a majority of 50,000 over their opponents, but if they did not | get the required number, the majoriiy would not count. Mr. Buchanan, the notea tewperance advocaté, delivered y forcible and con- vincing address, and his candor and fairness would find favor even with his opponents. He first denied the statement, attributed to him by 5 lo- cal paper, that he had expressed sor- row over so many liberal temperance this prohibition He declared he never made such a statement, and believed that the very opposite of it was true. Dealing with the needs of the tem- perance cause, Mr. Buchanan declared that it was not a Joshua thar was required, for in Canada there could be picked hundreds of Joshuas capable of loading the temperance forces. What was neeced was a body of trained men and women for a Joshua to lead. The people, he said, should welcome the" experiment about to be made, after g long period of theory. It was | a splendid time for unifying: all ef forts at temperance reform. He be lieved that this was a movement in which we would be able to unite all those who desired to promote sobri- | ety. The speaker then considered the pro hibitions, the permission and the pen alties of the act. The new law would prohibit the sale of liquor for bever- age, 'but would not prohibit its manu- facture or importation. There 'was not total prohibition. He claimed that the prohibitory laws in Kansas, North Dakota and Maine, were as successtul as anv other laws, ana no law was fully enforced or obeyed. The people in those states are well satisfied. Mr. Buchanan declared it was foolish to say that prohibition did not prohibit. In Kansas, the democratic party had all along been opposed to prohibition, but since the law had been so well observed and the people quite deter mined to keep it, this party at the recent elections declared itself in favor of the law. Dealing with the question of enforce ment, the speaker claimed there was every reason to expect the 'carrying out of the law. When it was enforced <o well in the various states, how much better would it be enforced in Canada, where we have responsible goverhment ? In conclusion, the speaker referred to the objections of {he liquor men, whom he showed to have no vested right to sell. After the address, a solo was ren- dered by Miss Bailey, and then the meeting concluded with the national anthem and the benediction. DEATH To Bar Rooms And Treating -- '* Save The Youths. Supplied by the Local Prohibition Committee On the monument in memory of John B. Gough are the followine sug gestive words, 'written by himseli?and engraved there at his request : "I can desire nothing better for this great country than that a barrier high as heaven shouldbe raised between the unpolluted lips of the boy and the in toxicating cup." "First the voung man takes a drink. then the drink takés a drink, then the drink takes the man." Those who didnot hear W. W. Buch anan, 1... last evening missed one of the clearest and. stroncest unfold ins of the "Liquor Act of 1902." that could" be presented. Utterly puerile and weak are. the arguments of would-be defenders of the bar-room. If citizens are anxious to gain infor mation and vote on conscience and pfineiple, thev should seize" the oppor tunity of hearing these temperance ad- vocates, Tonight at the Crusade headanart ers, corner Princess and Bacot street, the voters' list meet at workers on eioht To-morrow nicht every man inter ested in his ward or suhdivision will meet at same place for, the same pur- pose. Volunteer serutineers are asked to report at oir rooms. o'clock. Died In A Field. o Observer sudden was the death of Christopher Crozier, Ross, which oc curred last week. He had been trou bled for some years with a heart af fection, | the best of it of late seemed to be in health. potatoes in the field in company with a boy, when he suddenly fell to the ground. The boy ran to the hous for gesistanee, hut Mr. Crozier surviv od but a few sed after those in the house reached him. Deceased - was born in Ireland sixty-five vears ago, and came to Canada with his parents when ten vears of age. In young manhood he married Miss Eliza Guest, who survives him, togethér with five sons and four danchters. Diccensed was a Methodist. He was highly respected by the whole community. Interment took plade in Ebenezer cemetery, at Haley's, > 'Fall Importation Of 1902. Prevost, oi the New York clothing for order work bis fall importations His | in his tailoring department. from. For low he defies competition. The First Contract. Messre: Sullivan & Langdon! | tractors, this son returned new ministér of public works, Hon ICE YACHT, ONE YEAR OLD. APPLY PO' Box 8& James Sutherland. He was pitting, store, Brock street, has received all ready'made department is well assort- ed and a large essortment to choose price' and durability niormne from of making thé first contract with the | what | Movements Of The Peo What They Are Saying And Doing. { Justice Britton is in the city on a , business trip. L Mrs. Squire, Division street, has gone to Brantiord on 5 visit. { David R. Welbanks has been ap- pointed janitor of the Ficton post office. Sergt. Slater, "A" field battery, vis- iting relatives in Toronto, has return- ed home: Dr. Ryan and J. J. Behan speak on C.M.B.A. matters in Peterboro on Sa- turday next. Recent Gananoque visitors to the city included Mrs. McCammon, Mrs. O'Niell and daughter. Edward Hammond, wine clerk in the Albion hotel, ill for some weeks, re- turned to labor yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Y. Boyd, Ganano- que, are guests of their daughter, Mrs. C. W. Lane, Gore street. Mayor Emery and wife returned to Gananoque yesterday after spending Sunday and Monday in the city. George Ryan, Gananoque, is opening up a jewellery store in the factory town. It will be located in the Full- erton block." Mrs. N. J. Dingman, Mrs. Joseph Blanchard, and Miss Wemp, ningston, are guests of Miss Carroll and Miss Chadd, Picton. Mrs. Briden has leit for Adolphus- town to attend the funeral of her brother, H. H. Allison, who died after two days' illness Mr. and Mrs. W. C. McDonald, Earl street, left at noon to-day for a trip to Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and other western points. The induction of Rev. Gi. R. Beamish as rector of the parish of St. Thom: as: church, Belleville, will take place on the evening of November 25th. W. J. Tighe, a commercial man; has opened a fancy goods store at Smith's Fall and has removed his family there. He is a son of Rev. Stearne Tighe. Bombadier Parker, "A" field bat- tery, is to be transferred to the gar vison at Quebec, and Bandsman Wolfe, of the Quebec garrison, will be sent to Kingston. Dr. John Graham, who spent the past three weeks in the Maine woods, returned to the city vesterday en route to his home nr, Indiana. He sue- ceeded in killing five fine deer Gr. Green, of ** battery, RCE. A., will complete his term" of enlist ment one month from to-day. He will take his discharge, and go to Chica- co, where he has secured a good posi- tion. Miss Effie Cook, who resides on the Front toad, entertained her friends to a pleasant party last evening: Two vanloads of young people drove out from the city, and passed an enjoy able evening with music, dancing, ames, ete, MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Notes Regarding the Movements o' Vessels. Craio's wharf : Steamer Niagara up. Walsh's wharf : Schooner Sufiel from Oswego with hard coal Capt. Roys has exchanged the steamer Rival for ghe Belle Ritchie. Soward's wharf: Schooner Clara Youell from' Oswego with hard coal. Six vessel loads of hard coal have come to Kingston during the past two weeks, in all about 1,500 tons. M. T. company elevator : Tug Thom- son from Oswego with one hard coal laden barge for Montreal, and cleaved back with one licht barge. The damage to the schooner Katie Fecles, which was sunk at Lake Port. will not exceed $100. Repairs are now heing made in Davis' dry dock. Proud Of The Y.M.C.A. The other evening while twenty-five ambitious lads worked away at the YMCA. "night school," several pro minent citizens happened in, They looked at the sight--twenty-five fel lows, who had toiled all day. spending the evening, not at the opera; dance hall or in any pleasure, but preparing themselves to fill larger and more ve: sponsible position in life. Finally one turned around -and_ said: wen, thay's the finest work the Y.M.C.A. has done since it started." A BULL DOG Is Easier to Shake Off Than the Coffee Grip. A lady of Paul, Minn., neye drank anything but cold water until <he was married and then commenced to drink coffee. She says. "About one year after our marriage, my husband began to com- plain of a distress in his stomach and I had such dizzy spells after each meal. that we had to see a doctor. We drank cofiee three times 5 day, but did not imagine that cofiee was cans ing all this distress. The doctor said that both our livers out of or der, some medicine, and told us that to beak off .drink St. were gave us we ouvht ine "colfee. W stopped it for a while, but missed the hot drink so much we went back to coficels In five vears' time | lost a complexion that was faultless and gained a very haa stomach, and my husband's stomach was ruined. He thought he had 'cancer of the stomach, or something worse but we had formed the habit of cofiee drinking, and like drunkards jound it no easy matter to break ofi, although we knew it was killing both of us. We Kept a grocery store at the time, and a lady called one day and asked for Postum Food Colice, saving -- My children like it; will not drink withing else, and 1 know it is good for them because they' never Inge | trouble with their stomachs." This terested me. and [ told her about my bad stomach. She told me how to make Postum and we began its use ourselves, After drinking it three times a day for a weeki 1 felt much better ana husband declared. that he felt like new' man. We have drank Postuny four vears and have never had ne particle of stomach trouble since, and 1 have lost that sallow, svellow color I so much aisliked, and the whites of my » as clear as-ever g i 1 know it is becanse we leftooff ar drank Postini. 1 ean rid eves coffee ana 1 nyvthing and ever { Ottawa, w heie they closed the con- | know I have a stomach. "My os | tract for 'the new armouries at lL.on- sed iv T n Id ruin n don. The Kingstonians had the 'honor {trade told all friends ostum had done for us."" Name SPORT REVIEW.! DUQUETTE JOINS THE SYRA- CUSE BALL. CLUB. Limestones Will Have Had no . Match for Three Weeks--Fron- tenacs Will Play Senior Hoc- key -- How Queen's Teams | Stand. Hamilton has decided to enter an intermediate and junior team in the 0 The old Kingston Granite rughy team of 1899, could whip either of the Ottawa champion teams. The New York Jockey Club will en- deavor to settle the indebtedness of the Buffalo Jockey Club. Guy Curtis has no intention of ing to Pittshurg, Pa., to captain a hockey team in that city. The Toronto Star says that the vachtsmen are delighted to visit King- ston for a rendezvous regatta. Powers," the fast hali-back of the Ottawa Rough Riders, may go with the all-Canadian rughy team to RBri- tain. The Albert College association foot- ball team, of Belleville, defeated Pic- ton, on the latter's grounds, by three to two. The annual America Intercollegiate rvminastic contests will be held in the New York University gymnasium on March 27th next. 7 The Winnipeg Victoria hockey club has challenged for thé Stanley cup. It wants -to play in Montreal between January 10th, and 20th. Duquette, who formerly pitched for the Kingston Pony baseball team, has signed with the Syracuse team of the New York State League for next sea Jon. If the Intere g0- llegiate hockey union is formed, Kingston will still have a senior team in the OH.A. "Jim" Sutherland's Frontenaes will soon be organized. The betting in Kingston on the Ca nadian rugby championship match on Saturdav. between Ottawa Rough Rid ers and Ottawa College, is in favor of the former. It has been sugeested that Varsity could play in the Intercollegiate hoc- key league, and alco plav off with Wellingtons and St. George's for Tor onto championship. There is a movement afoot to organ ize Morrisburg, Iroquois, Brockville, Prescott, Cardinal and Kemptville in- to an intermediate section of the O. H. A., as they find senior company too fast. A six days vice it on in Philadel phia, and a dozen pedestrians are, cal loping around a track that requires ceventeen circuits to make, a mile. UH cicht stay through till Saturday night they will divide half of whatever mav he taken at the cate in the meantime. Queen's football cluhy's trunk, with both teams uniforms, had not. ar rived from Toronto last night. It had been held for excess weight by the railway company. As a result the players have been put to great n- convenience, and have had scarcely any practice. A sogov track made the race be {ween the trotting champion Creseeus and Cyclist. Walthour, at Atlanta. (a.. a mere exhibition. The first wile heat was pulled -off at 2.22} for the bicyclist "and 2.32 flat for the horse. It .was quite evident that Walthour had the matter in his own hands all the way. Despite the fact that Cresceus failed to Jower his record of 2.02%, horsemen are unanimous in the opinion that, with a season's proper training, with little or no stud service, the creat son of Robert McGregor ie the sure 2.00 horse. His two miles in 4.17 stamp him as the fastest, gamest and most powerful trotting machine ever foaled. Under the Burnside rughv rules the man who first - receives. the ball when it is snapped back shall not carry the ball forward heyvond the line of serim- mage unless he has regained it after it has: been passed to and has touched another player. If he does so the ball will go to the opponents-on the spot: The wings, before the ball is put in play are not allowed to take hold or touch ne another. It seeins strange that the O.R.F.U. executive did not order the two Ham ilton and the two Toronto junior teams to play off the middle of this week, so that. the Toronto winaex could have played Limestones and the Hamilton winner played Galt next Saturday, in the semi-finals, and thus have set the-final match for the 22ud. When teams were involved in cach series, it would have been an asv matter for them to have played off 'at once. The junior series is linger ing too long for the Limestones, who do not play - till the 93nd, thus not having had a match for «three weeks. athletic committee had would two city If Queen's done the proper thing, they have asked Guy Curtis last Septem her to come back to Kingston and coach the college rughy teams. No one would blame him for not wishivo to come at such a late date. and put the senior team in championship shape within four days. Had he bren called carly in the season, there is no doubt but what the veteran half-back wail have gladly come back to his old haunts, and put the championshin be vond the reach of either Varsity ~~ or McGill. As a rugby coach, Guy Curtis has wo equal in Canada. Queen's <houll even now take steps to cnaace kim for next season, both for ruzhv and hogkey. ---------------- Prepared For Inspection. The 11th Regiment enjoyed batta lion drill last evening, under direction of Col: . Skinner, Major ent and Seret. Bingham. On Mondav night the company inspection will take place the uniform form being" drill order. The regimental inspection: will take place [aesday night. when 'dress order" will be the uniform. The regiment is well prepared for the forthcoming or deal. -------------- Westminster Abbey Choir. Sacred concert in Chalmers church. under the auspice$ 'oi 'Vocal Students' club and chutch choir. 'Thursday Nov th Reserved seats--for--sale--at--Lo- To Cure A Cold In One Day: Take Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tab- Co., Battle Cres given hy Postum Mich. |... CITY AND VICINITY. Gives More Heat Than Coal. No fooa supplies the system better with the heat it needs than Clark's delicious pork and beans. . Looking For Cleater, Members of the R.C.F.A and the police force were to-day on the léok- out for Gr. Cleater, who escaped from the county jail Tuesday. A description of the prisoner has been telegraphed far and wide. It is certain that Cleat- er was assisted in his escape by some friends. : > At Mullin's This Week : 1 jound of best feather strip cocoa- nut; 20c. 7 pound pail of pure jam, 45¢. 7 pounds best 1ice, 25¢. 6 pounds pearl tapioca, 25e¢. 2 pounds black Ceylon tea, 235c. Corner Johnston and Division streets, Has Left For Marlbaxk. Adam Armstrong, and employee of McKelvey & Birch, doing plumbing work in Gananoque during the past three months, returned to the city on Tuesday morning. In the evening he leit for Marlbank, where he will be employed for some time, and where his employers have considerable work to do. Had A Fine Time. A very pleasant party was held on Tuesday evening at the home of Miss May Cooke, 'kdendale Front Road. About thirty-five couples were present. Games and dancing were indulged in | until a very early hour. Refreshments were served, after which the young people left for home, having enjoyed their outing immensely. : Penalty For Its Sale. Circulars have been issued from the local Inland Revenue office, stating that the attention of the department has heen drawn to the fact that so- called "vinegar," produced by 4 dilu- tion of acetic acid, has been placed on the market. The penalty: for selling this concoction is not to exceed $100, and the circular has been issued as a warning' to the city dealers, Prompt Repairing Work. Joardwalk Repairer MeVety and his assistant, Patrick Halev, have com- pleted the work of replacing all the walks torn up on Halloween. © "The contract was not a small one by anv means, as whole blocks were, in manv instances, deprived of the walks. The repairers made rapid progress with the work, and did it in a most commend able: manner. The Uniforms Are Here. Parades of the army service continue every Tuesday and Thurs day evenings in the armouries. Serg. Crockett is instructing the companv. The new uniforms have arrived and as soon as marked 'will be issued, prob- ably on Tuesday night next. The uni- form is the in the service and the members of the company will cut a dash when appearing on the street in the new outfit, corps "swellest"' What Makes You Despondent ? Has the stomach gone wrong ? Have the nerve centres grown tived and list- less ¥ Are you threatened with nervous prostration ? South American Nervine is Nature's corrector, makes the stom- ach right, gives a world of nerve force, keeps the circulation perfect." A regular constitution builder for ° run- down people. One lady says: "I owe my life to- it." For sale by Henry Wade?and H. B. Taylor.--$4 No More Electrical Power. Local eléetricians have lately been ob liged to refuse two or three larg tracts for the placing of electri in private re <idences or business places in the city. The Light, Heat and I'ow-' er company cannot supply the power. Their genetators are already overtax- ed to meet prescht requirements, an'l it is impossible to supply any more power. The city electricians -and. those who desire the placing" of electric lichts in their residences ave not well pleased over the condition of things. -- A Long Session. committee of the met at 4:30 The Boara of management Education o'clock yesterday © and continued in cession til nearly seven o'clock. The «chool _supply question, the reports of the officials Toronto and other "matters were under discussion. I'he business was not completed, and he committee adjourned till this evening. The question of Mr. Errett's release as teacher in the technical de artment of the Collépiate Institute, will then come up. sent to Capt. Craig Wins. Judgment in the case of Bentley ve. Murphy has heen given by the court of appe The. action was to com pel specific performance of an alleged agreement by defendants to sell and deliver to plaintilis a steamer called the "lsland Queen," at Kingston, for =35,000, payable 500 on delivery and S00 mouths from the date of delivery. The trial judge (Britton) held that specific performance should not be 'enforced unless plaintifis. were willing to do equity by giving a mort gage on the vessel for the unpaid pur SIX chase money. "There was a finding for plaintifis against both defendants upon the contract, and a reference was ordered as to damages. The plain tifis appealed on the grounds that damages were not an adequate renredy and that the trial judge erred as to the mortgage for the unpaid purchase money. The defendant, Capt." T. J. Craig, appealed on the ground that he and Murphy were not partners, and Murphy had no authority to dis | evening. DAY'S EPISODES PARAGRAPHS PICKED UP BY OUR BUSY REPORTELS. -- The Spice of Every Day Life -- What the Pecple Are Talking About--Nothing Escapes At- tention. ; : See our rubber sponges, it's a plea- sure to .use them. Taylor, 124 rrn- street, * A pair of eye glasses, picked up on' King street, await an owner at the j olice station, } OU overcoats for a choice, including every variety of style and price. Grand Union. Thursday's meeting of nac cheese board will lust one of the season. Lever's Y-Z (Wise Head) Disinfectant Soap | Powder is a boon to any home. "It disin- facts and cleans at the same time. magistrate Farrell rested from his labors this morning. 'There was a blank docket at the police court. Men's stylish tailor-made overcoats, $10, 812,08 Get your new coat bere. Dunlop's Grand Union. A solitary tramp sought. protection under the sheltering wing of: Chief Baillie's brigade in the police cells last evening. Cess the Fronte- likely be the Chiet Elmer, of the fire brigade. again requests that all minor fire alarms be sent to the stations by telephone message. The firemen were called out at 7:15 o'clock this morning to extinguish a chimney blaze in the' house of W. Drury, Colborne street. Fred. Cays, son of D. A. Cays, Al- fred street, has reported to the police the theft of a bicycle, taken from a shed in rear of his father's residence, Tuesday night. The Victoria day celebration com- mittee will - meet to-night at eight o'clock in the city council chamber to wind up affairs in connection with the celebration last May. Taylor sells Mitchell's Magic Cure, A private letter from Canton, Ohio, states that William Sherlock has re- built his Novelty Iron Works ana that Cough it is now in operation again. The works were destroyea by fire last spring. This is the overcoat season, and we are in the selling to the finish. Dunlop's, the Grand Union. The property committee of the board of education was called to meet last nicht, but Thomas Lambert was the only member who put in an appear ance. The board will meet to-morrow A class of instruction for members of the R.C.I.A. is held in the agrmour- jes every Wednesday and Saturday nichts. = The instructor in charge is well advanced in 'his work and satis- factory progress is being made. A special meeting of the Bicycle chib was held last evening, but as the at tenaance was not large, an adjourn- ment was niade till a week from Fri- day evening. The programme for the winter will then be: decided upon. At its meeting last night Cataraqui lodee, No. 10, 1.0.0.F., decided to hold an "At Home," instead of a ball, as the younger members advocat- ed. One candidate was initiated, and another advanced to the second de- agree. For Pale, Thin Bloodless Girls Who Are Weak, Languid and Despoandent There lt no Pre= paration so Efficacious as ~ Nerve Food. ---- The guestion often arises as to why Ur. Chase's Nerve Food is so remark: ably successful as a treatment. for the ills of -oirlhood -and-womanhood, and the answer is found ir the fact that Dr. Chase's Nerve Food goes directly to form ncw, - rich, lie sustaining blood. Neatly all woman's ills are due to deficiency in the quality or quantity of the blood, and are permanently overcome when the blood is enriched. Dr. Chase's . Nerve Food is making hosts of pale. weak, bloodless girls and women strong and healthy and will undoubtedly be of lastitig benclit to _anyoue who uses it. Rev. I. Brown, Methodist minister, Omemnee, Ont., writes: "Dr, Chase's Nerve Food has been a great hoon to one of my girls. She was thin, pale, Joodless aud altogether unlit. lor work or exertion oi any- kind. She bean the use of Dr. Chase's Nerve ea Food, and by the time she had used marked change "had one hox a very taken place. "Her "appetite was restored, her weight increased, her color decidedly improved and she was ready for acti of anv kink. It was the best re Idren suffered very mu h with head- ache, caused no doubt from over stuely and. a ruicdown condition of the ner- vous svstem. These attacks of head ache were very trying on her and 1 noticed that she was gradually grow ing weaker and mote About two months ago 1 got her a bax of nervous. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food and since . has bien using thi: preparation we are more than pleased with, the © im i rovement which has been made "in her health. She looks one hundred per cent. better, her nerves are stead? jor: she is not bothered with heal pose of his (Craig's) shares in the vessel. Held by the majority. of the court. that Murphy and Craig were ngt partners. and Craig was not bound by Murphy's offer to plaintifis, and did not ratify it, and the action must be dismissed as against Crag The plaintifis'are entitled to recover i oradunlly ®@reasing in erful medicinal power i » Food has been dem nds of 7 it creates the system, which Gra Tew tho cqrtain builds up onstrated in cases dually and nerve cells, overcomes Ness . lets. This signature é% 4 on every box, 25a. against Murphy such damages as thev mav bé able to show on a refer ence. 'Lhe costs of refefence will be at plaintifi's risk.* Hf th not wéep nee, they W h indy Hien st in for $20 damag th gh oc scale. ---------- Watch for our special Saturday night bargain. Dunlop's rand Union, . the w to nertous an fee piace OF box. 6 boxes for £2.50." At all dealers vity cult 1 ever saw in xo short a time hh. Ch 's Nerve od also restored me after severe attack of nervous os haustion, and 1 have recommended it to many person with most excel: lent results." Mrs. T. Dalzell, 2! Charles street, i ton,-Ont., state: © "One of my : Baby enjoys his bath : "aN the more, and his sleep is the sweeter when you use BABY'S OWN SOAP It softens and soothes all skin irrita- tions. keeping it healthy and fresh. Don't use imitations on Baby. ALBERT TOILET SOAP CO, Mrrs, MONTREAL. 8-2 Rubber Sponges ! Have you tried them ? Have you seen them ? They wear for years, last- ing longér than half a dozen or more ordinary sponges. WE PUT UP PRESCRIPTIONS. H. B. TAYLOR, Pharmaceutical Chemist 124 Princess St, 'Phone 389, Successor to E. C. Mitchell. HARRY WEBB'S High-Grade CHOGOLATES AND BON-BONS. A FULL LINE OF BOXED CONFECT- IONERY ALWAYS FRESH AT E. L. EBBELS, CHEMIST and Market Square Drug Store, Cer. Kingand Market Sts., Kingston, Our Coal is as Clean as Though It Were Wash- ed and Brushed, EACH LUMP STANDS BY ITSELF, GOOR uch solid firs. Alter eome es the: surface of the earth from the mines, impurities are out by her'. Thereafter it is several times ~ it reaches you, and slate, eto, rev le have no chance, if the dealers are careful. We are very ecarelul. f fee Foot of Queen St.--~'Phone 9. 0009660060000 Soft Coal The Yery : : : : Best Call and get our printed instructions on the use of Soft Coal for furnace, range and heater. JAMES SWIFT & G0. "Phone 135. 0000006000000 - A Cosy Bright Fire Is an attraction tor every ome. Tho cherw ©900906006009060E 2009000690 ¢low and intense heat of our Coal will make iteell Islt with pleasure during the cold weather. It's just the kind te cool with, too. Let us fill your bin with BOOTH'S COAL. "Phone 183. Food { West Btrest. ~ INVESTMENTS -IN~= =.. . REAL ESTATE Mining and Oil Stocks See GEO.CLIFF, are un apd strer + take i | Hr. Chase's Nerle Food, 50 cents a or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Toronto. 115 BROCK STREET.