DAILY BRITISH Pembroke & Canadian 14 Pacific Railways. Kingsfn 4 TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTON : 12:40 p.m.--Express, for Ottawa, Montreal, Quebec, St. John, N.B.; Halifax, Boston, To ronto, Chicago, Denver, Renfrew, Sault Ste. Marie, Duluth, S:. Paul, Winnipeg, Vancouver, Seattle, Portland, and San Frantisco. 530 pam Loo for Shasbot Lake. oon- mectisg with C.P.R. cast and west. 8:10 a.m.--Mixed, for Renfrew and inter mediate points. Passengers leaving Kingston at 1240 p.m: arrive in Ottawa at 5:00 p.m; TO, §:10 p.m.; Toronto, 7:30 p.m.: oma 7:50 am; St 'John, N.B., 11:35 am. Full particulars at KE. '& P. and C. P. R. Ticket Office, Ontario St. ¥. CONWAY, F. A. FOLGER, .JR, Gen. Pass. Gen. Supt. THE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY NEW SHORT LINE FOR end all local Hall Depot at 4 R. Telegraph Of BOSTON AND RETURN $10.00 Tickets good gomg Nev. 18th Valid returning on or before Nov. 30th. J. P. HANLEY, Agent, City Pass. Depot DOMINION LINE WALL STEANSHIPS. LIVERPOOL SERVICE Colonian ... .. Nov. 15th *lrishman . 22nd Californian 29th *Norseman . 6th *Turcoman.. . 18th Colonian ..... .. 20th Steamers marked * do not carry passengers RATES OF PASSAGE--Saloon. $68 and wpwards, single to steamer and service, Second Saloon, $37.50 and up wards, single, aording to steamer and ser vice. Third clase, FROM MONTREAL. 15th 19th Nov. . Nov. *Ottoman *Roman .... FROM soston. + seus Nov, 12th Arne Der. 12th NEW senvice Boson ig the Vancouver ... .. Nov. 20th New Eng! and Dec. 6th Midship, Haloou, "Livowio light, Spaciow omenade decks. pr J. P. Hanley, J. P. Gildersleeve, 42 Clarenss Bt Agt. G.T.R, Station, D. TORRANCE & Co., Gen. Agts. 'Montreal and Portland . . Liverpool and Allan Line Tours Royal Mail Steamers. From St. Joha. From Halifax. Parisian, Sat. Nov. & Mon, B 24th Payarian, Sat, Nov. Mon. Ist From Montr: Pretorian; Nov. 135; 15;-2- pm First Cabin, Tunisian, 60 and upwards, § First Cabin, Parisian, $55, and upwards. First Cabin, Prewrian and Corinthian, $50 and upwards. Second Cabin, $87.50 to $40: Liverpool, Lon aadon, Ci = $2 $2 1 Thir: ase, $25 and $26; Liverpool, Derry, v Bellast, Glasgow, London. y Montreal to Glasgow Direct. S. 8. Sicilian, Wedn onlays N 9th, davlight. 1st Cabin, $ ' 2 Cary he $35. 3rd Class, $285. P. Haawy, Agent. City Passeoger De pot, Jobnstor and Ontario streets, J. P Glkiersleeve, Clarence street. TO-LET,. a a wool FURNISHED "ROOMS, WiTH O) without board, 101 Queen street. FOUR GOOD FURNISHED ROOMS, WITB board, with all moderna conveniences, at 191 University Avenue. 483 KING STREET, WEST, BEAUTIFULLY els nr and taxes. pply to Kirkpatri Rogen & Nickle. oy HOUSE, 7 ROOMS, NO. 56 BAY STREFE1T between Bagot and Rideau streets; also stable and sheds in rear. Apply 4 Wil liam street. b 115 STUART STREET, 9 ROOMS: HOT water heating; 20 - other dwellings, stores and oflices. J. S. R. McCann, 51 Brock St. STORE OCCUPIED BY R. ALEXANDER, NO. 111 Hegtiestiants with refrigerator, fix- ren, a, for pork and meat trade. Ap Jobs McKay, Jr., 151 Brock ah MONEY AND BUSINESS. LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE FIRE nsurance Available assets, ne 187,218. addition to which = the poliay ve for security the un Emited Jability of all the otk ee Farm and Citv Property insured at lowest | bresible a, Dsiore Zovewing old or busi STRANGE - STRANGE." 4 Agents. MONEY TO LOAN IN LARGE OR SMALL sums, at low rates of interest and farm property. Loans granted on city and county debentures. Apply 8. C NeGILL. manager ol Frontenas Loan and Investment Soocietv. Oflice op- posite the Post Office. , TWO BUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS IN a. x thousand Je ten er # 'or particulars apply Aobwine™ INSURANCE "EIU aver Express Office Office. Market Souare We Have No Coa! But we have samples touched with goldd These are given away with every sale of wan keating stoves, consuming from 1 to 2 cedis worth of cas per hour We have stove from the natural gas region'to displace your ball stove No trouble: no dust; no stoe- age: cheaper than coal. And we can give vou some light on the question by using the Kern Burper, consuming one-ba!! the gas ef 1 other burners, and givicg three times the L INFANT F EEDING. «The first BE of our life are the most important in our existence. That is the time to sbuild the foundation for sturdy manhood in the future. In- fancy is, therefore, the most vital period for proper nourish- ing. A baby secures the best possible nourishment from a healthy mother, but unfortu- nately very few mothers can nurse their children. What, then, is the next best food ? Cow's milk should not be solely 'depended upon for it lacks a proper amount of what a child needs most--cell- building substance. Moreover, it is said by authorities on the subject, that the frequent hand- ling such milk undergoes,from the cow to the time it is fed to a child, robs it of much of its original value. Its quality varies and its grades are nu- merous; the stomach of an infant is much too delicate to make up such defects in its food supply. Scott's Emulsion simplifies the food problem for children and counteracts these defects. . The artificial foods that are so largely used very rarely contain milk, hence they im- perfectly nourish the child. Evena small amount of Scott's Emulsion, one-fourth to a haif teaspoonful, inthe child's bottle seems to be of special value in adding a very important element to the food. Its bene- ficial results are quickly seen. Scott's Emulsion is based on this true food principle. It provides nourishment for a child in the easiest, quickest and most palatable form. No baby is too young, no stomach too delicate to receive and re- tain Scott's Emulsion. Even a few drops in a child's milk seerns to provide considerable nourishment that cannot be otherwise secured except'in a mother's milk. If a mother whose milk is not furnishing a child with proper nourishment will her- self use Scott's Emulsion it will greatly improve the qual- ity of the milk. It benefits _the mother as well as the child. A child of any age will be bemefitted by Scott's Emulsion. It furnishes the means to meet and overcome the strain of growing. Being prepared for easy digestion Scott's Emul- sion does not tax the stomach oitdisturb the digestive organs of children, Its great value as a child's food comes from the nourish- ment it gives, the ease with which it enters the system, the quickness with which- it brings about a change for 'the better and the permanency of its benefits. The child who 'is notdoing as well asit should ' needs Scott's Emulsion. We'll send you a sample free upon ' request. SCOTT & BOWNE, 55 Front St., W,, Toronto. Is hereby given the public that I purpose making it warm for all persons using my coal next win- ter. Tour order is solicited. P. WALSH 55.57 Barrack St. STAMPS AND MARKERS. , MUBBER 8 gi nh oe | ALL DE SEIS Hgbt. pen evenings. Call and inspeot. JW. OLDEIN. "35; wr. vy prompt. Udy THE RENEGADES! SHEEP DOGS ARE CAUSING DESTRUCTION ' ---- They Aided and Abetted the Wolves. in Their Depredations | --There is Much Alarm Among . the Sheep Owners. Hull, Que.., Nov. 12.--Wolves have killed much valuable stock recently belonging to farmer: in this locality, and now the herds arc threatened by a hitherto unsuspected énemy -- fierce dogs which have deserted the homes of their owners and joined the wolf packs. These renegace dogs are much fiercer and have greater . destructive powers than the wolves," and the farmers are alarmed. The depredations of wolves among the sheep have been enormous. A farmer living near here was disturbed by the howling of wolves recently and, determined to drive home his restibss herd of sheep. His sheep dog, a ibe am hali-breed, accompanied himy THe farmer had re- cently had doubts" Gf the honesty of this dog. On this occasion the dog apy} arently worked with great zeal, driving the sheep near u corner of the field. 'when a pack of wolves sprang out ana killed three sheep. The dog had delifierately driven the sheep with- in reach of the wolves. AGRICULTURAL NOTES. With the Horny Handed Whig Readers. Wesley College, Winnipeg, this winter a three months' course for farmers; fee $20, The annual meeting of Ontario lix- perimental Union will be held at tuelph December Sth and 9th. Farmers should be careful this fall to seek out good seed. corn, for it means a great deal in results. Some very poor corn was grown in Ontario this year. At the grocers' exhibition in Lon don the cheese show from Canada was remarkable. There was very little cheese from other countries, is to give lecture Many a line cow goes into winter quarters in poor condition because festered: by hon flies, which deposit turning eggs at the base of the horns, the to maggot and sores. Cut off horns and avoid the evil. Good butter cannot be made from turnipy milk. Feed turnips and turnip tops to voung stock and beef cattle. Now sell ofi poor and unprofitable cows; it does not pay to hire help for and to feed such stock. Feed the best cows well, and they can be milked ten months in the year instead of seven. Keep rock salt in the yard for cows: where they can always get it and yet not get too much at a time. The International live stock exposi- tion at Chicago. November 29th to December 6th, will be a series of great gatheringy; ten state governors will take part. The third annual provincial sales of pie bred stock will be held at Otta wat, February 11th, at Guelph Feb ruary 20th. Plenty of pure water for stock is the firat consideration qn the farm. | The best shelter for sheep is a shed Bg at one side only, but it must be in-a dry placer and well littered win straw. Failure in the poultry business often comes from keeping 100 fowls where there is room for only twenty-five. Beet sugar will be manufactured this month at four places in. Ontario, Ber lip, Dresden, ~ Wallaceburg and Wiar- von. At Berlin, 6000 tons of beets are in sight. Despite government warnings and in spection the San Jose scale has made some headway in Ontario this year. Farmers do not see the danger of was pest until too late, and their trees are destroyed. A new -and- destructive apple tot-has appeared in Western New York. No preventive known. The threshermen's Association, Ox: ford county. has collapsed and mem- bers are-heing sued for $17.50 each-fox fees. Inspector Vroom gives Prince Ed ward Island the palm for superior ap ple crop. The crop is eighty-three per cent. of an average. Nova Scotia has only thirty-five per cent. In a contest in Oxford county James Morrison and "James Baker have picked seventy-three barrels of Baldwin and russett apples in eight hours and thirty-three minutes. Reports from all over Canada tell vield and good quality. will not 'sell, and price of large oat Yet farmers keeps up. In the big cities the receipts of po tatoes are plentiful, shipments from lower ~ provinces have brought the price at Montreal to 32c. and 35c. per bushel. The rot was felt in' Ontario' and 'New Brunswick chiefly, and par tially in Nova Scotia. The pea weevel has increased so rap idly in_Western Ontario that the de partment of agriculture calls for radi cal measures. The annual Fruit Growers' Associa tion meeting at Walkerton, December 3rd, will be attended by the directors of the fifteen Ontario fruit experiment stations, by Prof. Craig, of Cornell. and several leading horticulturists. Experimental plots of oats in Min seed treated with bushels per thirty cent of nesota showed that formalin vielded fifty-nine acre; untreated seed brought «ix = bushels and fifty per smutted heads. College President And Unions. Boston. Nov. 12.--It was to the oreat surpris¢ of the members of the Economic club, of Boston, at their banquet, that® President Eliot, of Har- vard, denounced the laboor unions of the country as opposed to the edura and for what he tion of Young men, termed "their fight against the devel opment of manly instincts." Tn closing he characterized the strike breaker or "scab." as he called him, as 'a' good tvpe of the American hero." Retires From Czar's Service. London. Nov. 12.--The Colonial Ga- atte savs that Pobiedonostsefl. the procurator-general of the: Holvi.Svnoi mr ---Russtas whois noted for his reac- tionarv policy, has tendered: his resig nation to the czar, on the ground of advan ed age. 'he ¢zar has accepted the résigna- tion; and Count Rergius Schermeétiefi has been designated to succeed Pobie- donostsefi. WHIG, . ARE IN SESSION. Homan Catholics "Are at Wash- ington, D.C. WEDNESDAY, BISHOP CONATY. Washington, D.C., Nov. --The Ro- man_ Catholic archbishops = of the United States and a number of the prominent clergy app assembled in the city to attend the annual meetings of the board of trustees of the Catholic University and of the archbishops this week. That of the trustees of the university commenced to-day and pro- mises to be the most important in the history of the body. A rector and vice-rector of the university and a trustee to take the place of the late Archbishop Corrigan: will be chosen. The present. rector is Bishop Thomas J. Conaty, of Worcester, Mass. Bishop Conaty has evinced a desire to retire from his position at the head of the university, but it is believed that he will be prevailed upon to continue in charge, at least until there is a va- cant see to which he can be promot- ed. The. meeting of the archbishops also possesses more than usual interest this vear. The question of the independ- ence of the Roman Catholic church in this country, that is taking it out of its present status 'as a missionary country, has been much discussed of late and it is expected that it will be brought prominently to the front at the present meeting. It is con- sidered as unlikely that thé Philip- pine. question will be introduced, the archbishops being content. to let the matter rest between Gov. Taft and Mgr. Guidi, apostolic delegate in the Philippines. BY BRITISH MAILS. What Comes to Us From Over the Seas. 1.000 rabbits were shot one in Windsor Park by the About day recently royal keepers, At a wedding in London the brides- maids carried wands of black ebony with clusters of carnations and lilies. It is proposed to erect a reredos in Ripon cathedral, at a cost of £5,000 as. a memorial of the soldiers from the diocese who fell in South Africa. Under the surrender sceheme ar- tanged between the magistrates and the brewers about eightv public hous- es have been closed at Birmingham. Canon Francis Henry Murray, for fifty-six years rector of Chislehurst, died suddenly. He is one of the prop- rietors of 'Hymns Ancient and Mod- ern." After a submersion of ninety-five vears the famous irigate Anson is showing above water in Mount's Bay. where she -was wrecked in 1807. There was horn in the provinces latelv a calf with two heads and two distinct tails. It was 'short-lived. It never pays to lead a double life, mor- alizes a writer, There is in course of completion in Aberdeen a handsome monument, sub- scribed for by the grmv in India and others in memory of General Sie Wil- liam" Lockhart. Hon. Mr. Baliour has mow led the House of Commons for a longer con- tinuous period. than any other parlia- mentary leader of either party since the Reform Bill of 1832: . For the first time the lation now exceeds that Scotch popu- of Ireland, the returns for the latter country for 1901 being 4.156.516, or 15,357 less than those for Scotland. In 1841, when Scotland had a population of 2,620,184, Ireland contained S,196.527. In commemoration > of the recent roval visit the , Stornoway Harbor Commissioners will erect an ornamen- tal pillar lamp at the place where the kine and queen handed, and christen the South Beach jetties King Ed- ward's. Wharf, Alexandria Wharf, and Victoria Wharf respectivelv, Leaning over to her neighbor ipa, : y \ Dublin church a woman a "There's a tip for vou," alluding to the preacher's remarks,. on prosely- tismi. The other woman gave an ans- wering eiare 'and struck the speaker across the face. The church was treat- ed to an uproar and in the rush to the door several persons were knocked down, % 2 atter more over- sellings are indi May we 'over- We're reaching out 'coat trade, and our cations of success, coat vou. Dunlop, Grand Union. Rubber sponges wear for vears, Taylor's, 121 Princess street. at NOVEMBER 12. tA "NEW V_ DISEASE ITS NAME SAID TT TOBE WORSE MALADY What Children in Some oi the Schools Are Suffering From -- The Nature of the Complaint Which is' Not Dangerous --In- spector's Report. "Slaphylococeus Cycosis." Can you pronounce it ? If not, don't Two have re- have been sent home. turned, having exchanged the attack for a doctor's certificate. The other fifteen are still at home watching mo- ther get dinner, and waiting for the family practitioner to call. John Mcintyre, the ever viligant chairman of the board of health, when apprised of the existence of the dis ease, requested Inspector Kidd to formulate a report concerning the mat- ter. With the assistance of the teach- ers, Mr. Kidd did so, and last even- ing handed the documents to Mr. McIntyre. The disease, though sometimes re- ferred to as an "itch," is not exactly that. It appears in the form of a sore, generally on the victim's face, neck, or limbs. [It is contagious, but is not known to be fatal. Four cases have been discoveréd in the Depot school, five in Frontenac school, two in Rideau school and one each in sev- eral of the other schools. There are doubtless other cases, which the teach- ers have no means of detecting. Every precaution is being taken to eradicate the disease. "McIntyre vs. Staphylococcus Cy- cosis"' is the latest case before the public. The plaintiff will probably before the board of and bring the matter health, where it will he argued sentence announced. IN OUR OWN CIRCUIT. .News Of The Districts On Both Sides Of The Line. Eight separate buildings have been erected on the' shore of Stoeo lake at the new works of the Untario Powder company. All the buildings are connected by high tramways. Mrs. Edmunds, wife of Joseph munds, gardener, Beckwith, died on Thursday last of acute pneumonia, af ter a few days illness. The deceased's maiden name was Martha Hinton, and she was in her sixty-fifth year. The Carleton Place friends of Miss Minnie Latimer, daughter of W. I Latimer, Markham, will be pleased to learn of her marriage to a popular citizen of that town, in the person of James 1. Robertson. Mrs. sJohn Warrington, a well-known lady, of Bathurst, aged seventy-five years, died at the home of her son Robert, 11th line Bathurst, last Fri- day. She had been ailing for three months, cancer of the stomach being the trouble. The death of Henry Allison, Adol- phustown, occurred Tuesday morning. The deceased was about -seventy-seven vears. He was a brother of D. ~W. Allison, ex-M.P., and had been one of the most prominent residents of adol- phustown, and a descendant of the U. E. loyalists. The post office at Franktown has changed hands after being in the Me: Ewen family for sixty- three years. The salary (880 a year) was found insuffi- cient to warrant Mr. McEwen in re- Ed- taining it~ longér, so he resigned. Richard Pierce has obtained the ap- pointment. Moved To The Village. Glenvale., Nov. 11.--Rev. Mr. Milli- gan, the newly appointed pastor of the Presbyterian church, preached orn Sunday morning. Rev. Mr: Tredrea delivered a Very interesting sermon to the chiluren on Sunday afternoon. H. Orser sold one of his Beagle hounds to Dr. Gordon, Cape Vincent. Our young sportsmen intend having a hunting. match in the near future. Dr. Harold Orser visiting Dr. Merri- man at Poland, N.Y. Anthony Cor- coran has moved his family into our 15 village, having leasea the Joseph Sherbino property. Mrs. H. Orser is on the sick list. Justice Merrill, Thur- lowe. a former resident of this place, is visiting his sister, Mrs. Carruthers. Visitors © Misses Laturney, Kingston, at William Pillar's; Dr. Gordon, Cape Vincent, at..James Gordon's; Mrs. "W. Amey, Kingston, gt J. D. Eller beck's;. Jobn Pope, Kingston, and George Guess, Front Road, at George Toplifie's; Miss Laura Clement, Syden- ham, at William Toplifie's; John Por: ter, Watertown, here last weck. A license has been issued fisheries department of the government authorizing Sceriver, of Hastings, to place Rice lake to weed out suckers mud cats. H. Cunningham, piano tuner from Chickering's, New York. Orders re- ceived at McAuley's bookstors, by the Ontario Messrs. nets in and Nice 014 Gentleman--Here !| Here ! The Kia--I will not. Go an' git -- Come out of that! v our own mua puddle y r | Ror the fem: disorder; lg oh would would suffer intensely. not. urinate and the could not &leep &t hight. 3 visits a week but Lio no relief. try; it might give you lockjaw. That > oto Powley's fied Ozone aud be. ore 1 which vbx populi calls "itch," the / Yd' had finished the Liguied 'bottle I began '*o fee; learned RVers of the city refer to better, in all three bo...cs on as "slaphylococeus Cycosis." It would J "am AS be just as undesirable by 'any other phy JOHN W name, however. $9 Church St;, Verdun, Sates). Seventeen pupils of the publie voy schools, victims of this new disease, Tei JhaT ve & biti ay of curing od OF on¢ that gives such heat nefielal' results. Powle adapted for disorders of the THE OZONE CO., OF TORONTO, regular, mory, t for brai how ch rge Dr. KOHP MEDICINE CO.. P.O. £: Female Disorders. { : ts two years I have been afticted I had serious bladder Sometimes I could n w pol 1 always had heavy - bearing-down back and womb pains. ¥i40 the: hospital for three months, aid jus. goat believe there's a quicker or safer once you will make use of it regularly. Two Sizes, goc. and $1.00. At ot Drugziels of i as: Dr, KOHR'S RESTORINE : New Centary,--the most wonderful Medici covered. It'is astounding the medical cases cured in ome month in Paris Medical Board has recommended this Fey in the Iusaur Asylums where, as is well Jrajority of ts most terrible form. endorsed by all governments and is now used as Specific in the great Shang armies of both Fri and Germany. n so that they never return. after a few day's treatment. the eyesbright. and nddress plainly written and a of Restorine wil be sent Do not hesitate a moment. with success and with honest confidence. set in and I 80 severe I I went Iwan olvh Li aified- Ono i Ha membrane. FY pesdliasts t= LIMITED, TORONTO AND CRICAGO. 'S " Re of the the male inmates are victims of lost Citalit In Europe the remedy Bi from seven to ten Diains entirely cease The skin becomes clean, Confidence returns. step elastic, bowels 1lear'aches disappear. No more weak me- he mind becomes bright and active. A Food in and Blood. A Reriasment cure no matter ronic the case, Just send us to-day your name 5 days treatment ptr sealed pack- We will treat yoa Stoos losses E in DRAWER L, 2341, MONTREAL. ICTORIA SHOE THE FINEST Women's Colored IN AM LIPPERS ERICA. ------ Sold Only At LETTERS TQ THE EDITOR. «'Gods" Should Be Kept in Better Order. Kingston, Nov. 11.--(To the Editor): Spectators at the Grand Opera House last night had every reason to com- plain of the conduct of a large num- ber of ill-bred boys in the "gods." At times their actions were disgraceful, lpud talking. laughing and jecring constantly going on, and seemed to interfere, I many productions since the new the- atre opened, but last night the "'cods™ were simply uproarious where the ut- most quiet was demanded. It is to be hoped that the management will con- trol the upper portion of the house better hereaiter, and eject all those who cannot behave. --T HE ATRE- GOER. - The a -------------- Bohemian Violinist Coming. New York, Nov. 12.--Rudolph Aron- son has received: word, that, Kocian, the voung Bohemian violinist who is to tour America this winter, sails from Liverpool to-day on the Majes- tic... On his arrival here he is to have a formal welcome from several Bo- hemian societies of this city. Taylor pats up prescriptions. no one | have attended | ABERNETHY'S. Coughs, Col a Wh Cou h Hoarsences, he "A Certain Cure." "I have much pleasure in testifying The Boer Gens. Botha and Delarvey, | to the effect of your Lung Tonic, 1 who had a private interview with { have taken it for years and always Hon. Joseph Chamberlain at the col- | found it a certain cure for conghs, 1 onial office, on Tuesday, called, it is | have recommended "it to many peo- understood, for the purpose of thank-|ple, and they tell me it has done ing the 'government for the liberal | them more good than any other financial assistance - granted to the § cough - medicine 'they have taken." South African colonies. David Lee, Burnham, Essex. en Thus argued Ji I'm sure it is a a good fad-- a better food. Sweet, crisp flakes of wheat and malt. THE Food of the Day. "I have used : Force' Food all summer. 1 regard it as the. ne plus uitra {odd of the day- contains all the pourishing ele ments known " ¢ "Cmas. T, Locax." Jim Dumps asked in a friend to tea. A vegetarian friend was he. To be a Forcetarian, sir. Because by 'Force' I'm 'Sunny Jim.'" The Ready-to-Serve Cereal ~ m: "Now | prefer - better whim,