$2 IN HARDWARE Given to the First Person Reading Sign in our Wind- ow Correctly. Prize will be given and proper reading will be in window Satur- day night. -- W.A. MITCHELL'S HARDWARE. MAYORALTY 1903 To the Electors of Kingston : DIES AND GENTLEMEN :--As a oan didate for Mayor for 1903, I respectfully so- licit your votes and influence to elect me. C. J. GRAHAM. NR MAYORALTY 1903 To the Electors of Kingston : LADIES. AND GENTLEMEN :<I am a oan- didate lor the mayoralty for the year 1903, and respeotfully ask for your votes and in- behalf. fluence .n My J. T. WHITE. MAYORALTY 1903 i'o the Electors of Kingston : LADIES AND GENTLEMEN :--1 respect: fully solicit your votes and influence to elect we as Mayor for 1908, J. H. BELL. CAPILLI FORMA WONDERFUL HAIR PRODUCER. PRE- nts falling and gray hair; Cures Dandruff, J'~rema and Neuralgia, Head and Face Mas- .age. Ladies shampooed at home if desired. YM me, Elder, New York, 166 Princess St. THE 5 1.0. EOL COMMERCIAL MATTERS, What Is Going On In the Business World--The Market News. imported than musical instruments -- Britain last year no less £1,325,000 worth £750,000 worth from Germany alone. The Graud Trunk railway system has is- sued the foliowing statement of earnings: Week endihg November Tth, 1902, $C26,467: p «sponding week, 1901, $552,912; iucrease, 5. In the Montreal market dressed hogs about steady under a fair jobbing demand Sales of fresh killed abattoir stock made at _8$58.50 to $% 75 and country $5 per 100 Iba. Exports of butter and Mon- treal to Britain last week were nearly. twice as great as during the same week in 1901. 106,372 boxes, and The total shipments Mav lst are much in excess of thos the According to the Trade Bulletin the visible supply of cheese on both sides of the Atlan- tic at the present' time is estimated at be- "and 300,000 boxes less than. of rule were killed at cheese from Cheese, shipments were Lutter, 20,814 packages. of butter and cheese since during past two vears. tween 2000, (00 this time last year, and it is generally ex- to Gos it pected that prices will advance very shortly shipments by the Dominion fell off 18,083 tons from the amounting mines made in be' October Cal company September record-hreaking figures, 295,864 tons. The Dominion production record, however, to new high r with an output of 311,400 tons, or The to- 31st, four production ss of shipments to October tons, vearly 5 tons in ex this vear 2,135,933 to bring its mark. shipments to months ahead to the 3,000,000 According to United ro:s earnings of forty-one the fourth week of October were $14,842,378, an increase of $1,002,900 over last vear. Thirty eight de tal amounted with ton the States Investor, roads for increases and ses 1st these roads earned 8157.058 an increase of $10,967,687. For the longer period thirty-three roads show ., and eight decreases. For the manth Is earned $5 4.4856,426, show July three roads Since increases of October forty-six rd of & an increase Look Out For It. Abernethy's sale, Wednesday, No- vember 12th. Men's Goodyear welts, 2.50. Women's Colonial slippers, $1. 25¢. A. Abernethy. Lister's Formaldehyde FFumigator does not effect clothing or discolor A simple, effective and easv to Ask your physi ian each, at McLeod's metal. use disinfectant. about them, 25c. drug store. DID IT "EVER STRIKE YOU That You Were Overlooking Some Really Good Things When You Fail to See These NEW BLACK DRESS GOODS. New Black Corded Goods, In Persian. Cords, Hollow Cerds, Diagonal Cords, Poplin and Bengaline Cords and Hair Cords, 456 in. wide, all pure wool, best Iinglirh and French makes. $1 25, $1.50 yard. Prices 80c , 90c.. $1, $1.10, Fine French Woven Dress Goods, In neat effects of Armure Ftc, guaranteed for wear, 46 in wide. $126 yard. Pebble Cloth, Gianite Cloth, 80c, 90¢., 81, 81:10, Cloth, French Merinos and Cashmeres, When you buya dress from us it makes abgolntely no differ- ence whether it be by gaslight or daylight. 50c., 60c, Tbe., always be right. $1.60, $1.76. Broadcloths, The COLOR will 90c, $1, $1.10," $1.25, For a stylish and dressy skirt or suit there is nothing in the realm of Fashion so styhsh as Broadcloth. We show some very haudsome qualities in the fine Vene'ian finish ; also the veal soft satin finish which eau be tucked and strapped. article gnaranteed both in color and quality, Every Prices 76c , $1, 11.25, $1 85 $1.60, $1.75, $2.55 yard. Satin Finish Amazon Cloths, Have all the appearance f the heavy qualities bnt light enough in weight to make a aress or skit, yard. ¢ Stockings. Our Cashmere Stockings Lave become a standard of quality. other good stockings at Ouly &0c., $1, $1.25 at 3 pairs for 81 and 2 pairs for $1 No doubt there are these same 'prices, but there are none as good as our Plain Cashmere Hose; high spliced ankles, ful: fashioned Btockings at 85¢ , 3 pairs for $i; at 60c¢., 2 pairs for $1. 'New Gloves. Yes ve have them, bat the imported styles are going very fast. he ve dies; f r gentlemen, for children, a A -------- pass R. WALDRON. and Pullman sleepers will run through tal THE VAILY WHIG WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18. WAS SET FREE COURT ROOM RANG WITH CHEERS AT RESULT Prisoner is Jubilant -- Calmly ! Heard the Verdict Which Clear- ed Him of the Charge of Mur- dering Mrs. Adams. New York, Nov. 12.--Roland B. Molineaux was set at liberty yester day" after spending nearly four years in prison and being once condemned to death and twice placed on trial for his life for the murder of Mrs. Ka- tharine J. Adams. Thirteen minutes sufficed for the jury to reach a verdict ot acquittal at thé close of a trial that has lasted four weeks, the first tnal, which re sulted in Molineaux's conviction and sentence, having been prolonged for about three months. The verdict, confidently anticipated, was greeted with an instantly sup- pressed. outbreak of applause. Justice ROLAND B. MOLINEAUX. Lambert having delivered a stern ad monition that no demonstration would be permitted. . Molineaux, who was brought into court as soon it was known that the jury had aprevid, was apparently as uneoncerned he has been throughout the trial and gave no evi dence of emotion when the words that established his innocence were pro- nounced. His aged father, Gen. was deeply affected and difficulty respond to the friends who pressed forward to 'their congratulations. Immediately after the rendering of the verdict the prisoner was formally discharged from custody and left the court room with his father and coun- sel. On passing out of the building they were cheered by a great crowd. that gathered in anticipation of the - ae- quittal. After removing his effects from' the Tombs, Molineaux went to his father's home in Brooklyn, where he was again cheered by a large crowd. . as as Molineaux, could with greetings of ! ofier | HEADS CUT OFF And Nailed Up To The City Gates. New York, Nov. 12.--Regarding the recent uprising. in Morocco, in which » soldier who claimed to be an elder, brother of the sultan, placed himself at the head of , following and -claim- od the throne. being afterward defeat- ed, a correspondent at Fez, cabling by way of London, says the heads of twenty of the pretender's followers have been nailed. to the city gates. Boston Excursion; Nov. 18th. Por this trip via New York® Cen: tral lines from- Kingston, Ont., low rates and return limit leaving Boston, Springfield, Palmer, Worcester = or South Framincham, - November 28th, permitting those who desire to spend Thanksgiving day in New England. Steamer Kingston 2:30 vm. Special trains of elegant day coaches leaves on. fast schedule without cars, arriving at. Boston Secure fur- A. Folger, to Boston change of early following mosning. ther particulars from F. atent, Kingston, Ont. To Sue In Italian Courts. Rome, Nov. 12.--Mascagni's lawyer here declares he will sue the compos- | er's American managers, (Mittenthal Brothers) in the "Italian courts for indemnity no matter what the decision of the Ameriean judge in the suit brought against 'the composer, by Mittenthal Bros: for breach of ~con- tract, may be. Three Burned To Death.. Charleston, 8.C., Nov. 12.--Three crazy negroes were burned to death at two o'clock, this morning, in a fire which destroyed the insane ward of the City Hospital. "It is supposed the building was set 'on fire by an inmate of the ward. Married 2,000 Eloping Couples. Richmond, Va., Nov. 12.-The T. H. Walkar died sterdav at ham. N.C., aged sixty nine. He the record I oN el cloping Rev. Pel held 2.6000 Ve for marrying «. He leaves wife and a year-old baby. par Monteith Chosen. ; Milverton, Ont., Nov. 12 Conserva- tive delegates from the different muni- cipalities met to-day and chase J. C. Monteith to contest North Perth at the coming bye election for the legis ature, coup a young Mr. Calvin, M.P., Appointed. The pointed tenac, Ontario has HA M.P.. ior Fron a governor of Kingston hospi government ap Calvin, that was | 1 col ! a <p in Ottawa am. Hugh, MP, cnet Tor to , but ition iin wholly pre nati the, 1 a prominent watside of the goverr it. Napoleon Rajotte, a Tarm hand, was drowned in Ottawa river 'on Tuesday opposite East Templeton. He was fifty-five years of age. There is every was ter, prospect that a car- to INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. a -- Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Breck have gone to New York on a pleasure trip. Harry Orr, formerly of this city, is now employed at Cape Vincent, .~.). Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Ewart, Pres- cott, are spending a few days in the city. Bott's malt extract is pure and costs only 10¢. per bottle. McLeod's drug store only. "A" company, 14th Regiment, holds an assembly. in the Whig hall this evening. George Graves, proprietor of the Na- tional "hotel, Bath, spent yesterday and to-day in the city. : Bad weather aliected the telegraph wires between here and Montreal and we are without the stock markets to- day. It is stated that a number of ma- chinists will come from Germany to work in the Locomotive works as a night force. tird seed. Our stock is well cleaned and we mix it to suit, 6c. per lb. Mc- Leod's drug store: l he _batteryman, Cleator, who es caped from the jail on Tuesaay morn- ing, is still at liberty, and is likely so to remain. Do you use soap? For purity and value try a bar of our pure white cas- tile, Shell Brand," 13c. McLeod's drug store. Archbishop Gauthier returned this afternoon from Peterboro, where he at- tended the semi-annual meeting of the archbishops and bishops of Ontario. Thomas Mowbray, the sculptor, who died in Toronto on Tuesday, made the images which adorn St. James chapel, connected with St. Mary's cathedral. It was Dr. Chown who was the all- summer bather at the yacht club. There are so many Chowns in the city that it is easy to get them mixed up. 25 lbs. best granulated sugar, $I, 100 Ibs. granulated sugar, $3.90, and 30 lbs. vellow sugar &1, at Mullins' grocery, corner Johnston and Division streets, r Mrs. Melvin Place, aged twenty-eight vears is dead at Watertown, N.Y. She was born at Cape Vincent and is a sister of Oscar, Lewis and James Radley of Cape Vincent. Capt. Gaskin will probably be an aldermanic candidate at the next muni cipal elections. "I have not vet quite decided," he stated to-day. He repres ented Cataraqui ward for eiocht vears aud Victoria ward for a. similar term. The Limestones are requested to turn out to practice regularly. There will be one in the Kingston rink this evening. The team has ,, fine chance for the 'junior O.R.F.U. championship, and the players should exert them- selves a bit. The anti-prohibitionists have opened campaign rooms at the junction of Princess and Montreal streets. A sec- retary has been emploved and activé arrangements are under way in pre- paration for the coming vote on the prohibition question. Me Bridges and Perry are ne- gotiating for' the purchase of Hinds Bros'. bottling works. It was ex- pected that the deal would be con- summated this afternoon. Mr. Perry is a former Kingstonian and employee of the works. Mr. Bridges belongs to Renfrew. William Robinson, ex-alderman, in- mrea three weeks ago at his summer residence, Sharbot Lake, by falling twenty feet from a windmill, is able to be around. though not fully re- covered. His left arm, between elbow and shoulder, is still affected, but he expects to regain use of this gs time advances. A special trial term of the supreme court has opened at Watertown, N. Y. The calendar contaiths thirty-six cases," three of which are divorce cases i Merton FE. Wilder ~vs. Hattie Wilder, Theresa: Albert N. Sanford vs. Jennie C. Sanford, Watertown, and Flwin L. Baldwin vs. Ela Baldwin, Alexandria Bav. Canadian Freeman = Rev, Salm- on preached an eloquent sermon at high mass in St.. Mary's cathedral on Sunday morning. The reverend gentle- man is one of the most learned and esteemed priests in -the diocese of Kingston, and at the <Hotel Dieu, where 'he attends constantly, the pa- tients will never forcet: his kindness of heart on all occasions. Dr. COUNTY TAX SALES. The Lots Sold on Tuesday. For Arrears. At the Frontenac county tax sale on Tuesday afternoon, these lots sold for arrears : Barrie--Let 10, in the Sth concession to Samuel Lazier for $24.14. Lot 11 in the Sth concession to Joseph Baw- den for $18.37. Bediord--East part of Tot 3 <n the ith concession (R476): part of lot 28 in the Gth concession (810.56); broken lot 4 in the 7th concession (817.91) ; part lot 31 in the 7th concession (83.- 25); west half lot 4 in 10th conces- sion (315.9): Fermoy village, block B 7 (815.20) and block B 9 (811.60), all to Andrew Grey. Broken lot 2 in the ith concession (R10.57) an'l broken lot 3 in the 7th concession (217.91) to Joseph vilen > Oso--Fast half lot 20 in the cession (R166) to LL). h lot 11 Sed R. Wood Palmerston -- Lot ion (830.90) 31 in the Joseph were Ist con Claxton. West mn concession (88.89) 20 in the 10th con M. Macdonnell. Lot 11th concession" (820.81) Bawden, Storrington--Sonth 36 in 12th concession A. Smith. Jot 9 in 14th concession (X19.76) to Gi. M. Macdonnell. The adjourned sale takes place on the 20th, li to part of lot (R667) to Goo. Diphtheria At Barriefield. There is quite an epidemic of diph theria in Ban Id, and many of the it is said, have not been report- ed to the health authorities. One city hvsician is attenhing five patients, of whom "the one family ther quaranti permit house. cases, are in Has their accord, and do not or leave the anvone to enter ee -------------- Grocery Changes Hands. Michael Lawless has disposed of the tock and i-will of 'his grorery store on Market street, near the Iro- quois hotel, to. Mr." Eves, a farmer, of Simcoe Island. The new proprietor has already taken possession. . Mr. penters' strike, of large proportion, will be soon inaugurated in Buffalo. Lawless retired irom business because of continued ill-health. '| daughter ) Col 1. FEMALE UNION HAS BEEN ORGANIZED WINNIPEG. © IN Denies That They Were Roughly Handled -- A Blinding Snow Storm Held Up Vessels at Fort William. Winnipeg, Nov. 12.--A female Jabor union was formed here last night. It advocates an eight hour day, 124c. an hour for hight work, 15¢c. for heavy work, and twenty-five per cent. = ad- vance on the present rate tor = over time. Superintendent Pediey, of the im- migration department, Ottawa, in an intérview, denied that the Doukhobor pilgrims were roughly handled when being entrained. A Fort Wupam despatch that many /y€ssels were storm there yesterday. A hurricane blowing all day accompanied by blinding snow storm. The Presbyterian synod, of Manito ba and the North-west Territories, was opened at Portage La Prairie, yesterday, with a fair attendance. Rev. Alexander Hamilton, Boissevain, was chosen as moderator for the coming year. wt Waggoner's store, at Lden, Man, was destroyed by fire, yesterday, with all its contents. Loss, $7,000; insur- ance, $1,500. reports stad was a He Made The First Revolver. Leslie's - Weekly. It cannot justly be said that Joseph Shirk, of Lancaster, Penn., who died the other day, contributed very large- but as he was the man who made the first revolver, he doubtless performed a very useful service as things go in this world. While the revolver is not a very large weapon, it has probably snuffed more persons out of existence, since it came into beine, under Mr. Shirk's hands, forty years ago, than many more formidable engines of war. While its bark not as loud as a cannon, its bite is usually just as bad, and it is a good deal handier for burglars and other bad men to carry around. is An Embarrassing Position. gentleman found him- embarrassing position on Monday night, After he and his wife left the Grand opera house they boarded a street car for their home near Portsmouth. The gentleman had forgotten his purse, leaving it at home in his working clothes. He ten- dered the conductor four tickets for the passage of himself and wife, know- ing that after eleven o'clock double tare would be required. The conductor refused the. tickets and demanded cash. The passenger had not 4 cent. The car was stoppea and he and his wife ordered off. Just then 5 legal gentle- man, who noticed the plight, came to the assistance of his unknown fellow- passenger, and paid the fare. : A prominent sell in a very The Physician's Advice. Medical Talk. Once upon a time a very nervous man called on his physician and asked him for medical advice. "Take a tonic, and dismiss from your mind all, that tends™Fo worry you," said the doctor. Several months afterward the pa- tient received a bill from the physici- an asking him to remit $18, and ans- wered it thus: "Dear Doctor,--I have taken a tonic and your advice. Yoyr- bill tends to worry me, and so I dismiss it from my mind." Moral--Advice giver. sometimes defeats=its The Stewards Elected. At the meeting of the 'official board of Queen Street Methodist church, the following stewards were elected : Messrs. W.°S. Gordon, recording stew- ard ; J. H. Johns, treasurer, W. J. Crothers, R. Crawford, R. .J. D'Arcy, James Nugent and Williani Bailey. The guarter's income was ahead of the term last vear. The church comference Tunds were in ad- vance of other years. On December 14th, Rev, Dr. Ryckman and Rev. Mr. Hiraiwa, will preach the missionary sermons and on the last Sunday 'in January. Rev. W. S. Jamieson, M.A. of Merrickville, "will preach the educa- tional sermons. corresponding Pleasant Valley Visitors. Pleasant Valley, Nov, 10.--Visitors : Mrs. S. Reynolds at L. Boye 3s Frankie Godfrey, Bedford; A. Elh- ott, Kingston; Thomas Watson and Annie at Clarendon. Mr. and Mrs. George Phillips; Smith's IFalls, visited at her father's last week. They were* accompanied by Miss L. Barre, who has just completed a mil- linerw. term with. Miss Jovnt of that town. Enshrined In Hearts. i St. Thomas Journal The memory of the late Principal Grant will be perpetuated by the Me i morial Hall erected at Kingston . be- | vond the present generation. Those who have known him will have him enshrined in their hearts. v Read It Over. Our. list of pastry i all kinds of pies, tart shells, presidents, and cream rolls. Our lemon, peach and honey tarts are only 10! a dozen T. H. Ferguson, King street, next to the Whig office, - a complete one patties, rolis ! ovster sausage lv to the happiness of his fellow-men,' OTA CAT NINN Nd Ty INT ey COMMERCIAL. E. NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANG No 12th tablished als Wostern Union Fri . Leading N.Y > Lonis. & 'Nash. Réck Jolutnt Pennsvivania RR Texas & Pacific Atchison & F Amal. Copper Prof. W. Hodgson Ellis, Official Analyst to the Dominion Government, reports that Sun- lisht Soap contains "that high percentage of oil or fat necessary to a good laundry soap." SUNLIGHT SOAP REDUCES EXPENSE Dollar Glove We pay more, much more, for the La- dies' Kid Gloves for which we sell for $1 than any other firm in Kingston for gloves which are sold regularly at this popular price. We buy them in large quantities direct from the makers, doing away with all intermediate pro- fits between those who produce them and those who wear them. Save the small margin which we make. 0 Two Clasps. / : | | | Tans, Browns, Greys, Black and White Fawns. am kis GLOVE ----FOR~---- Men, Women and Children Is Now At Its Best. JOHN LAIDLAW & SON 120-172 Princess Street, Kingston. reine PN 0 ARMIN AASSONS SANS ANS INAS Why The Dorothy Dodd Shoe Is So Popular. It. fits faultlessly and all over. It is so flexible that the foot has perfect natural action. It is lighter than any similar shoe. It has an arch supporting feature that gives a dainty curve to thearch of the foot and supports it where it needs support. These shoes are sold only at THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE SATINS SATINS THAT DELICIOUS CHEWING CANDY 20 GENTS PER LB. A. J. REES, Princess St. ™""x" \ r "SEZ | TO THE BOSS" 'The best wiping Solder and Lead Pipe I ever used is what we are now using. It's a plumber's cinch, and is stamped. CANADA METAL CO., WILLIAM STREET, TORONTO, ONT. ~ x a AA 3 --