, | Weak Men Cured Free Send Name and Address To=Day You Can Have It Free and Be Strong and Vigorous For Life. Insuras Love and a appy Home: How any man mav quickly cure bLimself after yeurs of sutferine from sexual weak- ves, lost vitality, right losses, varicocele, Fealth, Strength and Vigor for Men. ete. Simply send your name and address to Dr. Knapp Medical Co., 1798 llull Building, Detroit, Mich, and they will gladly send the free receipt with full dircctions so any man may easily cure himself at home. This is certainly a most generous offer and p fol lowing extracts taken from their daily mail, show what men think of their generosity "Dear Sirs .--Please aceept my sincere thanks for yours of recent date hive giten your treatment a thorough test and the benefit has been extraordivary. It has completely braced me up. 1 am ju-t 1» vigorous | as when a bov and vou cannot renlize how harrv I am.' "Lear Sirs :(--Your method worked beauti fully. Results were exactly what 1 needed. Strength and vigor have completely return- od." . : "Dear Sirs :--Yours was received and I had no trouble in making use of the receipt as directed, and can truthfully say it is a boon to weak men. I am greatly improved in strength and vigor." All correspondence is strictly confidential, mailed in plain sealed envelope. The receipt is free for the asking. and they want every man to have it. A MOST acceptable Christmas Gift is a box of " Ryrie" station- ery, stamped in relief with a monogram. We engrave a steel die with any three letters, as shown above: Stamp from it 120 sheets of Choice note paper: And furnish envelopes to match, Tor a total cost of $4.00. The "die" wiltiast a-lifetime. Write for our new catalogue. Ryrie Bros., Jewelers, Yonge and Adelaide Streets, Toronto. COLONIAL REMEDY. No taste. No Odor. Can be given in gla patient is a confirmed inebriate, "tipple: drinker or drunkard, ' Impossible for anyone t .an appetite for alcoholic liquors after using Colouial Remedy. : . - Indorsed by Members of W. C. 7. ~Mrs. Moore, Superintendent of the Ww Christian Temperance Union, Ventura, Cal., w *I'have tested Colonial Remedy on very obstinate drunkards, and the cures have been many. In muny cases the Remedy was given secretly, 1 cheerfully recommend ard indorse Colonial Remedy. Mem- bers of our Unign are delighted to find a pract cal and economical treatment to aid us in our temper- ance work.'"+ C 2 ~Sold by druggists everywhere and by mail. % Price $1. Trial package free by Jyriting of calling on Mrs. M. A. Cavan (for years member of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union), 2204 ine St.. Montreal. i bacon that is for the slaughter house. It CANADA BACON PRICES OF HOGS LIKELY TO AVERAGE HIGH. Canadian Home Market Increasing and Demand in Britain and the Continent Also Enlarging -- United States Becoming a User Rather Than Producer. W. A. Falcomer, Palmerston, in Toronto Sun. The supply of hogs in'this province is. still wholly insutlicient for the re- quirements of all the packing houses in the provinee, 1 think, perhaps; there are possibly ten per cent. more hogs in the country .than there were at the corresponding time last vear, but still farmers are not raising nearly enough to supply what is required for the English and the Canadian trade. It seems to me to be a great pity that our farmers do not go into the raising and feeding of hogs very much more freely. I am well aware when the farmers produced a large number of hogs in the years gone by, that they frequently had to take a very low price, and that is what is keejlis a great many. farmers from going more freely into the raising of hogs now ; but the farmers are making a great mistake in taking this course to-day. The markets for bacort are increasing very much more rapidly than the far mers are increasi their output of hogs, and I believe it will be vears he- fore the price of hogs will be so low that it will be unprofitable for the farmers to raise them. On the con- trary. I feel satisfied that there is nothing that the farmer can go at that will vield him a: good returns as the raising of hogs. I micht ove several reasons why 1 think the price of bacon will: le good for time to come. First, our own country is expanding much more rapidly than any of us have any idea some of, and it will not be long till our home market will double what it way three or four years aco. Second, the population of the United States has orown so rapidly that nearly all the cured in that country is required for home consumption. 2 do not think the Americans many more hoes than they are now doing, This will leave a larg- er field for Canadian bacon on the English market. Third, the population of Great Britain is increasing consid- erably, and the people there are much better able to buy bacon in other countries, but, owing to the shortness of supply during the past two or three vears, the Canadian packers have been forced to let this business go bv. 1 think vou will do the Canadian farm- er a good turn if, 'through your ef forts, he can be induced to pay a good deal more attention to this very im portant and profitable industry. Within the past two or three years the farmers have improved very ma- terially in the breeding and the feeding of "hogs. A great many of them have endeavoring to the packers what they want. To produce the best results, it is first necessary to get the richt wvpe of hog, amd second, to keep it in a good healthy, growing condition from birth till it is ready dees not and starts, sides, 1 can raise been do to feed hogs by fits but the hog should show improvement every day. The farmers are working along those lines fairly well, and a great many of them now can have their. hogs weigh from 180 to 200 lbs. in six months. I think théy should all do this, The most suecessful hog raisers in this vicinity get the best results from feeding a variety of feods. Hogs should. always be fed®a Tittle milk every day, and in summer allowed to run on clover ; in winter they should receive a small quantity of roots up titl about - 120. or 130 pounds J weight, While they are growing, théy should also receive a small portion of grain or shorts® cach day. After they reach that weight they should rective all the grain they will eat until they are finished: Barley; "peas; oats, ani wheat are the favorite grains with the | farmers here. Ihe majority ef hogs raised in this district are Yorks, and these possibly meet the requirements of the packer Letter thin any other breed! Tams come next. We think farmers should discard the other breeds. One Parcel Sold. At noon to-day W. Murray, Jr. auctioneer, ofiered for sale some valu able property, owned by the estate of the late William Wilson. Out of eight parcels offered, only one sold, con sisting of lots Nos. 82, 83, 84, 85 aftd SG, east sidé of Victoria street, the premises being occupied for some Alderman the price house several time by Edward Law. Harkness was the purchaser, being 81,000, A fine stone stands on" the property. In arthir instances the prices offered gl- most reached the reserve hid. For an i<land in Sharhot Lake, ntaining 5 fine summer residence, only $100 was flered, A dispute may arise over the offering of one parcel on Victoria sireet a citizen declaring it was "knocked, down' to him, but when he presented the percentage money to the representatives of the estate, it was rel . whereupon he threatened legal jroceecings. All the property was held at hich prices, but good bids were received Death Of An Old Lady. SHOE NEED A SOFT PRY HOUSE THEIR HOME z 3 cS 2 An aged resident of the «ity passed beyond the ved on Thursday morning, namely, Ellen Conroy, relict of the lite John Ward, She had attained to the venerable age of eightv-two years. The deceased lady was born in Clon wel. Ireland, and came to Canada with her parents when she was but two vears of age. had been a resident of Kingston for mer half a century w was a sister of the late Patrick Conroy and mother of the late John and Mor For sme time she had made het wf the res i MAY BE. || Vr. oma HAPE. pond if COMFORTABIER | ~~ 2 BYTE USE § | ot some of iets / OF -. a ne 3 PACKARD fl: nn | SKQE. DRESSING [vill be interred a Als COLORS 15 anp 25¢ re SIZE, In Watertown. N.Y., milk is now . Snoe Sioned ' s sling at five cents a quart. : NEW YORK CHAM BER OF COMMERCE. FRONTENAC CHEESE BOARD. Cheese Reached a Record Price -- Twelve Cents Offered. Kinosion, Nov. 13. reached the record price of twelve cents at to day's session of the Frontenac hoaril. At that price only a few salesmen consented to part with the toothsome product of the dairy. The feeling seemed to prevail that ere another week rol's by the price will soar stil hioher. Cheese There was an unasually large at- tendance of salesmen, the expectancy being. that it would be the last mect ing of the season, and all being de sirous of boarding the complite make There were 1,347 were of November cheese, boxes registered, of whith 990 and 357 colored. Bidding open- ! ed at Hie. -and closed at 12e,, the price being considered extraordinaiily cood for the latene: the season. | 'he buyers present were: Messi. Murphy, Bissell, Alexander, MacKjn- on, Thompsen and €rawford. These white, s of | | | | factories had chees: ong sak White Cataragui, SM; Cold Springs, | SO; &, 300; Forest, 75; Glenb | nie Glenvale, 45; Howe Island, 30: | 2 Hinchinbrooke. 60; Model, 60; Maple lear, 10; Glendower, /60; McGrath's, | ~0; Elginburg Uolored--Ar Keenan & Son, | 60; Maple 1. : Pine Hill, 30; | Wolie Island. H Thousand Island, | 110; St. Lawrence, 42, To D. J. Mackinnon the credit he- lonos of making the record bid of the board. At twelve cents these factories sold : | To Do J. Mackinnon--Clenvale. To L. W. Murphy---Forest, Howe Isl and, "Keeran & Son; Model, Eigin burs, Wolte dstanid. - To R. Thompson---Duli's, McGrath's. Every pound sof cheese offered -- was bid in, but. many refused to sel at the prices-offered: + salesmen Averaging the boxes at ninety pounds each would bring £10.50 , box at l2c. a pound; so that a cfactorv | seliing fifty boxes would realize 8510. | Some of the factories had as many as 300 boxes on sale. ' i Me. Vair acain called. the attenfion of the board to the practice of some salesmen who refused to board their | cheese, to the loss of the patrons. It | was. felt (that eviey salesman, -in-jus tice to his patrons, to the board and | Happily Wedded. Kalamazoo, Mich., Nov. 13.-~The | clopement ana marriage of Asa J. | Townsend, nationally = famous ds "a sprinter and: general athlete; has just come to licht. Townsend's home is in this city, but he spends very tittle time here. Last winfer he met Miss Maude ! Knight, a young woman of eighteen | vears, at Mount (Clemens where Townsend was = recuperating. Her | home originally was in Brantford, Ont. Miss Knicht went to the home | of a friend in sleffersonville, Ind., in | September, and Townsena followed. | On October Sth the marriage took | place. The young woman is well-known and of hich social standing. and the only reason for the ciopement was the, ten- der wears of the: bride and strict 'se- | clusion in which her parents kept her. | Both families are entirely reconciled. -------------- | (as in past years. They are worth | session. | metal. anout | troved and the Joss of life is he {| Transvaal and INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. A ifolding key was picked wp Brock strict and left at this office, Archbishop Gauthier left this after noon on another confirmation tour, The new drill hall that Sullivan & Langdon will erect in London will cost about S100,000. The ventilation system was put in- to opdération in Queen's new arts' building to-day, and is a success, Do vou use soap? For purity and value try a bar of our pure white cas- on tile, "Shell Brand," 13¢. McLeod's drug store. 25 lbs. best granulated sugar, RI, 100 Ibs. granulated sugar, $3.90, and 30 Ibs. yellow , at Mullins' grocery, corner Johnston and Division streets, Most of Queen's away from the polls on prohibition dav. They are not on the Kingston voting list, and few ®f them will tra vel home to vote. ' Deer skins are coming into the city quite plentifully just now, and there appears to be as many on the market to sugar Sli students will stay dav from Sc. to 10c. a 1b. lemons from California Carnovsky's "On the Corner." D. A. Cays, real estate agent, day consummated a deal wherchy Rev. A. W. Richardson "acquired the residence of + Dr. L. Clements, King t. He will take immediate pos- Seedless at to- Lister's Formallehvde Famigator not effect, clothing or discclor A simple, effective and easy to disinfectant. Ask your physi-ian them, 25¢. cach, at McLeod's tore. does use , drug ---- RECOVERING GOODS. They . Were Stolen by a Hotel Porter. New York, Nov. 13.--Patrick Bolan. for seven years a trusted porter at the Holland House, has heen arrested in a Bowery pawn shop, where he was endeavoring to pledoe, for $35. a veck- lace of pearls, valted at 82,500. The prisoner was taken to police head- quarters, where he iz said to have oi en information which led to the buyers, should register his cheese at | covery of jewels valued at SI12,000, very meeting, |'stolen some time ago from the apart The board will - moet again on [ments of Mrs. W. Matheson, wife Thursday next for the last session. | of n wealthy manufacturer. ms | ROMANCE OF BRANTFORD GIRL | Volcanic Eruption. San Francisco, Cal.. Nov. 13.--The Eloped With Famous Sprintex -- | steamship Newport, from Panama, 'brings' particulars of the recent erup- tion of Sant Maria in Guatemala. The destruction of lite and property has been tremendous and necessity for re- diel is said to he urgent, Cofige plan- in the districts of Costa Cuc- Refomrs, Palmar, Costa Grands anil Kolputz have been buried in sev- en fect of voleanic ashes and debris. Thousands of cattle have heen des- thought tations aca, to large. Its Future Assured. Town. Nov. 13.-- Benjamin Kidd, author of "Nodal . Evolution," has returned here from a tour of the River Colony Crange and Natal. Mr. Kidd (onsiders South Africa to be a richer country tl the United States, west of the Miss future is assured. and beli Six Buttresses Nearly Finished. Three the more of buttresses at St. RESUME TO-MORROW. | Mary's cathedral witl be completed this week, if _ the weather continues The Strike Commission to Meet at ~atisfactory. This will male six hut- Scranton. tresses and oC tuiréts completed this Witkesharre, Pa. Nov. 13. President | £25 Work w i be suspended" until Mitchell declined, this morning. to | USN SINE, WAR the romoiuing Hight tke anv comment upon the replies (N10 PE POE the operators~to his 23} his 50 ; Will Not Open It Up. id I'hat At a meetipe of the executive com "All 8 RF. held last a Scranton, n Tor an application for AIAHE ~The a rern<tateni=nt riveived from al coal nies a 1 kt hut the « 1 g ' 2 i ) pk ase { lt } y ; x thi » etfs 1 1! 1 it $ \ ¥ ih Sprit Kis bi cn his way BR. A. Halburt, Prescott, is spendin a fsw daysUin the city. = A t 'twentv-nve Va, for =a r._nunt Mrs Lount will leave « and | for Bermuda next week, tb, remain for THORSDAY. NOVEMBER 13 RAILWAY DEVELCPMENT. Canada Needs Railways North And South. Toronto, Nov. 13.--The discussing the nced of extensive rail wav development in The building of transcontinental lines | mav be followed or accompanied by the construction of. railwavs running north and south. The railway fiom North Bay to the head of Lake Tem iscaming will certainly be extended he fore lone to James Bav. andthe same point will be reached bv the Clergue railwavs in Algoma. It 'mav be taken as certain that British Columbia will have a railway crossing the transcon tinental lines and connecting the Yu kon with the rest of Canada. This will Running Globe, ini make us independent of the United States, so far as that matter is con cerned, and minimize the importance ol a dispute over the boundary. The wheat" of fCanadian praivies and fruit en! fish / of British Columbia, and manufactures of older Canada, will enter the Yukon bv a Canadian rail vay, and the question of Skagwav and | ilvea will not be of vital importance. | At present the attention of the rail- wav promoters is devoted lareely to the carriage of grain from the west to the Atlantic. But Pacilic trade also | possibilities, British W su~oests great Columbia and the Yukon mav become important markets for western erain, and across the Pacilic there are com- mtmities gevrécating nearly five huned ved millions of people, a slight change in whose habits of livine would pro- duce a tremendous demand for many thines Canada could supnlv. It rumored this arrangement is being discussed § the erection is for of nalatial offices on the site recently se- cured by the Canadian Northern in | which will be accommodated the head ! offices of Mackenzie & Mann, contract- ors, the Sao Paulo Railway Co the Ontario Electric Power Co., and some other important concerns in which To ronto capitalists are interested. KING FOR FEDERATION. The Desire Is '" Deep In His + Heart. London, Nov. 13.--lmperial federa- tion fresh stimulus from the ad dress of the Duke of Connaught be Trinity College Historical Soci oets fore ety. "Speaking as a brother of king,' he remarked, "1 should that the desire for imperial federation is very deep in his majesty's heart." Such an utterance is taken as mean- ing a roval command to endorse the movement on the eve of Mr. Chamber win's departure for South Africa. Royal sanction, it is claimed, is thus civen to the darling ambition of the chief of the federationists and the "oreatest of modern empire builders. the savy REFUSES RECOGNITION. Will Not Agree to Treat With Labor Bodies. Washington, Nov. 13.--The renly of he Delaware, Lackawanna & Railway company to President Mit chell's statement to the anthracite coal strike commission was made public to- | dave lt objects' to making the lrecog nition of the'union one of the issues to he considered by the commission | and declares emphatically, that un- der no condition will the companv re- | cognize or enter into anv agreement with the United Mine Workers or anv! branch thereof. Monkeyed With Gunpowder. Cornwall, Nov. 13.--A ery painful accident happened at the "home of George Bourget, near Iroquois, the other dev, when his young son, Wil frid, nearly blew his face "to pieces. The vounyg chap deposited a bottle of gunpowder in a hole in the ground. | With his head extended over the hole | heslit the powder, with the result that the contents of the bottle were blown it-was founa that-his-eyesight. can be saved. Look Out For It. Abernethy's sale,s Wednesday, No- vember 12th. Men's Goodyear welts, 50. Women's Colonial slippers, §1.- | - A. Abernethy: } A-------------------------- | Miss Mary Wee living at Carleton | Place for several years, died Tuesdav nicht, after a br illness, being in seemingly perfeet health last week. | she Miss Ellen Terry will.not accompany Sir Henry Irving on American tour. his forthcoming THE SYSTE Cen er ELS pS £5. pIsPE- alo WEARERS OVERCOMES <TIPATION ABTA A oe ITs BENE AL EFFECTS BUY THE GENUINE --MANFD BY | AURRNIAFIGSYRVP PR Party Eu the winter months! Canada savs: | » ee aa Western ¥ RRS lle ell ef RRR LE [fm ead oR brated een a every stove. [FREER RREEEEE =r, Hl] oR RR RIS REEERRTREREAREERRERRARER : time, energy and money. SOUVENIR the heat is made to do its work around the oven--not up the chimney. only range with the improved cele- cooking power--goes in most ranges-- . ~ AERATED OVEN The most perfect baking and cooking apparatus ever made. that Souvenirs will give you a satis- factory and perfect service that we are willing to give a written guarantee with Sold by leading dealers everywhere, or write us for particulars. S. J. HORSEY, Local Agent, Princess St, Kingston. THE . GURNEY-TILDEN CO., LIMITED, 5 Stove, Range and Radiator Manufacturers, Hamilton, Ont. WHOLESALE BRANCH ES--Terento, Montreal and Winalpeg. ERR RERRERIENEREFEERERE FRRFEPEREREERRERR ERR E the way careless "housekeepers waste Ia The We are so sure ul DR. J. COLLIS BROWN'S : CHLOR ODYNE THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE. CHLORGDYAE CHLORODYNE CHLORODYRE into his face." It was thought at the |' : time that he would lose both his CHLORODYNE eves, but on examination at Montreal CHLORODYNE CHLORODYNE is admitted by the profession to be the most wonderful and valuable remedy ever discovered. is the best remedy known for Coughs, Consumption, Bronchitis, Asthma. effectually checks and arrests those too "often fatal diseases: Diphtheria, Fever, Croup, Ague. 7 acts like a charm in Diarrhoea and is the only specific in Cholera and Dysen- tery. ; effectually cuts short all attacks of Ep-' ilepsy, Hysteria, Palpitation and Spasms, : is the only palliative in Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Gout, Cancer, Tooth- ache, Meningitis, etc. From W Vesalius Pettigrew, M.D., formerly Lecturer at St. George's hos- pital, London--*'I have no hestitation in stating that I have never met with any medicine so efficacious as an Anti-gspasmodic and a sedative. I have used it in consumption, Asthma, Diaarhoea, fectly satisfied with the result." "Earl Russell communicated to the ceived .a despatch from Her Majesty's Council Cholera has been raging fearfullv; andthat the only service was CHLORODYNE.-- See Lancet, December 1st, and other diseases; and I am per- College of Physicians that he re- at Manila to the effect that REMEDY of any 1864. CAUTION-BEWARE OF PIRACY AND IMITATIONS. 'CAUTION--Vice Chancellor Sir W. Page Wood stated that DR: J. CoT~ LIS BROWNE was undoubtedly. the inventor of CHLORODYNE ; that the whole story of the defendant Freeman was delibertaely untrue, which he re- gretted to say had been sworn to.--See Times, July 13th, 1864. Sold in bottle of 1s. 14d., 2s. 9d., 4 8. 6d., and 11s. each, Nine is genuine without the words "Dr. J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne' on the Government i 1 Stamp. Overwhelming Melical Testimony accompanies each bottle. SOLE MANUFACTURER--J. IT. DAVENPORT, 33 Great Russell street, Bloomsbury, London, Eng. ~ MOORE'S oe $A Rak ¥ THOUSANDS IN USE Reliable - Perfect Economical HAPPY Home HAPPY HONE RANGE WHY. THE "HAPPY HOME" IS POPULAR : It is economical on fuel. Satisfactory to operate. . Artistic in appearance. Large ventilated oven. A powerful water heater. Every range guaranteed by the makers. . " SOLD ONLY AT ELLIOTT BROS. 77 Princess St. "CRY WAR, WAR!" , Until CANADA FOR CANADIANS, Tariff for Tarif and made in Canada, means something. THE CANADA METAL CO'S Solder, Babbit, Lead . Pipe. helps toward that end. One thought in all lines-- PERFECTION.' roe sats vas poe s pmes soc adorn, + CANADA METAL C0., WILLIAM STREET, TORONTO, ONT.