EDMOND ROSTAND, Author of "Cyrano de Bergeruc, "L'Aig- Jor." ete, writes: "Mariani, your wine is digestive, comforting and toe, I always have u bottle handy to mv work-table." Bracing Body,. Brain and Nerves, giving New Force to overworked men and weak women--benefiting the entire system--it is a marvelous tonic. All Drugurists substitutes AOR CE TSI RTC TRY OUR 0YS 00TS x ; : : Allen, Wolie Island, Nov, 1ll.--FEarm- Boys are COnHng right ors are busy pressing rs The Gilt iS 9 U x dee cheese tactory closed Fridav, A this v ay f r Tree number attended E. McCarty's «ale at Marvsville on the 10th inst. i he sloop Maguie 1 Kingston, was 1 2 Powén harbor &loading grain for s > Lichardion hog home Murphy, or 1 seriously ill, 0 improving James They krow where the kuna. oneof the oldest residents of dave' 3 < the iskand, passed away Saturdav, be Boys Boots . are. re Le a Thi st to be found. SHOE clermoll's > stone Capriaes Carriages EVERYBODY Who has rubber carriages are Well pleased with the ease and comfort they enjoy in driving, if yoi have not got tire8 on their them on your carriage you should send to LATURNEY and have them 'on and enjoy your drives. : JAMES LATUNEY, CARRIAGE MAKER, «00 Princess St. « Kingston | cently "f Eo Simmons, FOR SALE. ICE YACHT, ONE YEAR OLD. APPLY P.O | Box 88. ! 'OUR NEIGHBORS | NSHAT WHIG CORRESPOND- ENTS TELL US. | fhe Tidings From Various Points In Eastern Ontario -- What People Are Doing And What They Are Seying. Successful Dances. Point Road, Nov. 11.--The dances given in the town hall, Barriefield, last Thursday and Friday, weré a grand success. About forty couples graced the floor on both occasions. V. Fowler and J. Shortell spent Sunday in Railton, visiting friends. H. Mur- ray has the contract oi buying calves for Mr. Campbell, Barriefield, who is guing very extensively into that busi- ness. Turner intends going on: a tip to the old country for a few | months to visit relatives. S. \ Preached First Sermon. | Wilton, Nov. 12.--Mr. Woodsworth, Belleville, is visiting at G. A. Lucas'. | Rev. G. Milligan, St. John, N.B., re- given a call by Harrowsmith, and Wilton congregations, preached in the Presbyterian church last Sunday evening. Stanlev Rose, in Kingston General Hospital under- going an operation for appendicitis, was brought home last Sunday. He is «till very low. The Methodist Sabbath school has commenced practice for a Christmas entertainment, Glenvale, Result Of The Case. Nov. 11.--The in which James was hrvutally attacked while alone, go ing to his work, came before Justices of the Peace McNeely, Toland and Campbell, last week. The defendants, John GG. McFarlane and his son Wil- liam, were both found guilty and. fin- ed ten dollars each, with costs. . John Joveeville Mullen Joyceville, assault case, (i. McFarlane, his son, William, and Mrs, William McFarlane testified in behalf of defence, while Dr. Sullivan, Kingston, and Mr. Heaney gave testi mony for Mr. Mullen. Cole Lake Locals. Cole Lake, Nov. 11.--Our cheese fac- tory has closed after a successful sea-| son. T. Thompson and family have re- turned to visit friends after a number of years absence. J. Shillington has to Che plean after visiting who is ill in Kineston Gen- returned his father, eral Hos pital. (i. Porter, Eloinbur purchased a valuable colt from 'I. Coulter. Mrs. Marks and Mrs. Killins have returned from Wolfe T:land, where thev were visiting friends. Mrs, Robert Killins has returned home af- ter visiting friends in Bedford and Cole Lake. GG. W. Killing has return- ed from Ardoch. Northbrook Norices. Northbrook, Nov. 10.--A number nom here are taking acvantage of the hunting season. 'The temperance ture by Rev. Mr. Higgs on Wednesaay evening was not so well attended as had been expected. Robert Paul, Camden, paid our town a visit on Thursday. Marshal Presiey spent Fri- day and Saturday last in Tweea. Mrs. Watertown, is spending with her - mother, Mrs. Mis. George Williams, guest of her father, A little boy has come Ruttan's. Laurence «ded in capturing: a had a bee on Mon Andersén, Selby, was a Ruttan's last week. a few days John Williams. Kingston, is g tobert Abbott. to stay at 2 Rolufs has _ su deer. Luke Shier aay. Thomas guest at William M. Brown and iamily have taken their departure for Kaladar Station. Albert = MeKim! Tamworth, spent Sa turday at-John Mehim's: Hartington Tidings. Hartington, Nov. 12.--The cheese factory "will run on through: this month. The milk drawers are making a trip now every other day. Colin Creg, Verona, has taken a contract from the Pennsylvania Mining company to draw 30 tons of feldspar from the vi cinitv of "Hallitord, to loaded at this - station. ~John Botting is in--the General Hospital, having. a fever sore treated on his leg. Mrs. Alex. Myers, with friends in this vicinity for the past two months, expects to return, to-morrow, to her homg in Rome, N; Y. Mrs. E. Freeman is home from visiting friends in Kingston. Mrs. Cars allen, Sr. is confined to her bed ring with agsore foot, caused from a hroekn leo, some vears ago. The tion has been placed on 'its' found: mm acain.- The. wall for, Benjamin ( ampsall's ny barn is Tit arly com i leted, -M. Clow expects-to go to Mon- treal this week on a husiness trip. he Death Oi Old Residents. | Friday funeral took place on Monday to St. Mary's church, Marysville, where mass was celebratea' 'by. Rev. Fr. Spratt. The remains were afterwards placed in the vault. T. Cummings intends moving to the village for the winter. The patrons of Gilt Edge cheese fac- torv intend to hold a meeting next week. On Sunday last Mrs. M. Flvun, an old and respected resident, passed away after a lingering illness, The funeral took place on Tuesday to the Roman Catholic church, Marys- ville, , where a requiem mass was sung 'by © Rev. Fr. Spratt. after which the remains were placed in St. Mary's vault. Pastor Inducted. Harrowsmith, Nov. 11.--Halloween passed over very quietly this year and the young people did not indulge in much mischief. Several of the bovs and girls enjoved a Halloween party wiven by Minnie Sproule, Kingston. Sharbot Lake, Sydenham and Harrow- surith being represented. Music and ganes oecupied the attention of the little folks for several hours. Last the Rev. G. S Milligan was in the Presbyterian church. The ministers present were : Revs. Macgillivray, Laird, Wilkins, Reannie, McTavish and 'Binnie, Presbyterian, and Revs.. Perly7and Day, Methodist. The newly induetéd pastor preached last Sabbath to good sized congrega- tions. Miss Flora B. Stewart has re- sumed her lessons on the pipe organ in Kingston. Barstowe . Bros., are building a new stable and drive shed on their property. There is a little bahv hov at Thomas Howland's, and a baby girl at Daniel Babcock's. N. Charlton has moved into the house va- cated bv H. Allport. Minnie Spraule is visiting friends at Sharbot Lake. A meeting of C.O.C.F. will be held Tues- day evening, November 25th. inducted Some Strathcona Sayings. Strathcona, Nov. 12.--NMrs. A. Grant of Kinoston, spent Sundav with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Morgan; their mo ther, Mrs. Stewart came here from Rose Hill, Prince Edward county, for a visit during the summer. She was taken very ill and unable to return home. Archie Pvbus has recovered from an attack of fever. Robert, Tho- mas and John Pvbus have the sym- pathy of their neighbors in the death of their sister, Mrs. McCabe, Napa- nee, ill a' vear. Mrs. George Rook was standing on a chair hangine « picture, when she had the misfortune to fall breaking two ribs and otherwise bruising herself. Although suffering, hopes are expressed for her spéedy re- turn to health. A large number from attended the concert at New- burgh, given by the Jubilee sinoers, Saturday. George Madden, ill tv- phoid fever, will soon he able re turn to his store. Some pupils of the St. Jude Sunday school, (Mr, Rich- ards, superintendent) intend coing to Napanee to try an examination in theology. Mrs. Robery Ramsa= sufier- ed from a hemorrhage last week. She was under the doctor's care for sever- al days. here ol to A Pleasant Ewening. Mills, Nov. 11.--Mr. and Mrs. Dool, California, are visiting friends. here. Mrs. Lindsay, Oxford Mills, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. Paton en Sunday last. Miss Mag- Yishop's oie Woods and Miss { oulter visited friends in Algonquin last week. Rev. D. A. McKenzie and Rev. J, Chis holm, Kemptville, exchange pulpits on Sunday next. The A.0.U.W. hold an opening meeting on Saturday evening. Short addresses were given and some vocal and instrumental music rendered. The evening was an enjoyab le one. Mr. and Mrs. John Sherrard spent last week visiting re latived in Montreal, Mrs. J. Greer visiting her daughter in Oshawa, returned home: Mrs. Andrew Me Lelland has gone to Manitoba to 're- with her daughter, Mrs. Lundy. J. Alexander, Smith's Falls, called on here to- say good-bye before to-Now York--city--to-take a course: in vocal music. . Mrs. and Miss Rishop. Smith's Falls, have come to reside in our village: Mrs. Vander is visiting her has friends going water, Governeur, N.Y., father, R. Mchelland. James Me- Kenny has fsecured" a position in Smith's Falls. Miss: Dora Dool is vis: ing relatives in North Augusta. Ball On The Island. Amherst Island, Nov. 11.=The annu- al 5th of November ball was given by the "Prentice Bovs last week, and as usual tt was well attended, not only bv islanders, but by Kingstonians and others. First-class music was «upplied hy Crosby and Thornton's popular orchestra, and all report a wood time. The concert. under the auwspives of the. Women's Institute of the island took place this evening be- crowded house. Mrs. D. Mac- fore a Donald, the able president of the Wo men's club, and the teachers, are de- serving, of muck praise in the 'success wi their efforts in getting up such a programme Most of the long pro aramme was rencered by. the pupils of the varions schools, and so well that it would be hard in judging to spe- cialize. ,~ Credit ix also due these--who <0 ably took part in the dialooues. About fifteen bandsmen stationed in the gallery supplied music between acts. (, Fowler's phonograph selec- tions were ako swell received. Thomas THE DAILY WHIG, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER iS. me -------------- 1 MacCormack is dlowly recovering from serious illness. Visifors: Miss E. Pogue, Fistsicr. at J. Miller's; Miss Cochrane at Mr. Strain's; Mrs. Mont- gomery, Deseronto; at her sister's. Amherst Island Notes. . 12.--The Stella, NOV. Methodist missionary meeting was well attend ed. Rev. Dr. Anthifi and Rev. JJ. Fol lick were ' present. The Prentice Boys held their annual ball on Novem- ber jth. On 5th inst. a lecture 'was delivered by Rev. Mr. Leach, Picton. A large audience listened to a very ex- cellent lectnre. Rev. Mr. Spence, Bath, occupied the Methodist church pulpit Sunday. Rev. Mr. Bowan spent Sunday in Bath. The concert on Monday evening under the manage- ment of the Ladies' Institute, was a grand success. Victoria hall was crowded to the doors, and a fine pro- gramme was well rendered by the pu- pils of the various schools of the isl- and, assisted by the teachers, Mrs. Scott, Miss Moutray, Miss Filson, Miss Stevenson, Miss Gibson and others. The 'band gave some choice selections, and also did C. Fowler, on his graphophone. Mr. McKee, Kings- ton, is painting the Methodist church. Mr. McGratten has about completed a fine new house for E. Fleming, and also one for Mrs. Brown. He is now building one for B. Wemp and Mr. Moutray. Miss T. Baker removed Irom here to Bath on Monday. 'I. McCormick, very ill last week, is some better, PRODUCE AND PRICES. The Rates Which Govern the Local Markets.' Kingston, Nov. 11.--Theré is scarte- ly any change to be noted in this week's local produce marker prices, Fruit--Jamaica oranges, 20c. to 10c. a dozen; apples, 15c. to 25¢. a peck or SI to $2 a barrel; lemons, 20¢. to 30c. a dozen; bananas, 25¢. a dozen; grapes 25¢. to 30c. a basket; cranberries 12}ec. a quart. Vegetables-- Potatoes, 75¢, bag ; cabbage, 5c. a head ; beets, ete., 5c. a bunch; bag. irain -- Wheat, Manitoba, 75¢. to SOc. a bushel ; white winter and Canadian spring, Gc. to 67c. a bushel; local soft wheat, 65c. a bushel; Northern, No. 1, 70c. a bushel; buckwheat, 45c¢. a bushel; bar- lev, 40¢."a bushel: peas, 65¢. to 63c. a bushel, 30c. a bushel; rve, 47c. a bushel. Flour and feed--Bakers' strong and farmers' flour, $2 to $2.10 a cwt.; Hungarian patent, $2.20 to $2.30 a cwt.; oatmeal and rolled oats, $4 to £5.50 a bbl; corn meal, $1.40 to $l1.- 60 a cwt.; bran, $16 to $18 a ton: shorts, $20 to $22 a tan; hay, 26.50 to 87.50 ton; straw, #4 to $6 a ton. Hides--These prices are given by John McKay, Brock street : Beef hides No. 1, Te. 4 lb: lamb skins, 40c. to 5c. each: horse hides, to $2.25 cach: rendered tallow, s. a lb; un washed wool, 6c. to Te. a lb.; washed wool, Ile. a 1b; washed wool in trade, 15¢. a Ib.; dekin skins, 50c. to tlc. each. Fish--White fish, trout, 12¢. a Ib.; salt salmon, salt trout, salt mackerel, ciscoes, pickerel, 10¢. a lb.; sea salmon and Seattle sal- mon, 20c. a Ib.; salt codfish}, Te. to 15¢. a lb; Kkippered herring, 40c. a dozen: perch, 20¢. a dozen: pike, Te. a Ib.: halibut. 15c." a Ib.; bloaters, 30c. a' dozen; finnan haddie, 10c.-a lb; blue fish; 124e. a lb; oysters, 40c. to 60c. a quart; shell clams, 20c. a dozen; shell oysters, 20c. a dozen; smelts, a lb. Poultry--Turkeys, cach; geese, each: fowl, 50e. to a pair; to 90¢. a pair. Meat--Beelf, hindquarters, a thf forequarters; Se. to choice cuts, 124c. a Ib; mutton, to Sc. a. lb.: spring lamb, Ye. ito a lb.y hogs, live weight, 6c: to ib. pork. Seta Ye a 1b; veal, dc to~6ec a 1h tongues, 2 cach. to 90ec. cary onions, 7c. a a ts, No. 1 oats, mackerel, salmon 81.50 and Soe. to chickens, ducks; oe. Tie: He. to Te. EE Ge. 10¢. io. Ge. 6c. 5c. ~ Butter. Creameny, Ate. a Me, a lb; in 1b.; rolls, Wholesale farmers' in prints, Ise--atb: Retail--CUreamery; ers' in prints, 2 a lb.s Hy. rolls, farm 20¢. 23e. a a lb. m Eggs. Wholesale--18¢. -a dozen. Retail--20¢. to 25¢. a dozen. Markets Elsewhere. Toronto, Nov. 10.--~Wheat, jer bush. Tlie: wheat, réd, per Tile; wheat, per bush., 67dc.; wheat, go per bush., 66e.; bush., 351c. to 36e; barley, 7c. to Alc: rye, per ; . buckwheat, per bush. timothy, ton, 812 to mixed, Ler 86 to 810; ton, to 813.25; seeds, AlsiKe, «choice, No: 1; 86.75 Alsike, No. 2. $5.75 to $6. Si red clover, 84.50 to 86; timothy, to Si per bol. 1 Gres SU to SN; dozen, J0= to : butter, to 2le. butter, v : chickens, p per pair, white, bush., wing, to Hve.: oats, per bush. ish., 31} : hay, hay, per per ton, S16; straw, bush... 300: ror apples, to sed hous Sp of dairy, 20¢ fer Ite to to 73¢c.; fhirkers, wehs, r ih. to Vic, HH to 12 ; petatoes, ph. Te. to 8). I -- per bag, ¢ 'Perfectly killing." "What do vou think of my new Why, automobile ?" \ " Of Course. ' KNUAL TED "OIL il Ei The World Burning Oil For Fuel. Pierpont Morgan and the Rocke- es in regard to the oil situation. illions of homes burning oil for Clear-sighted, hard-headcd financiers like J. fellers find no difficulty in reading the signs of the tim With steamships, locomotives, factories and mi fuel, the price of oil stocks will advance. Present Allotment of Eastern Consolidated Oil Co, Stock at 50c. a Share is ALMOST GONE, and is Certain to be Oyersubscribed. The Chances Now Are That The Price Will Advance to $1 a Share by December Ist. Scarcely one month-.-probably less time---to get in your orders before the price advances 100 per cent | Facts That Force Up the 'Price of This Stock. DIVIDENDS--This Company has paid investment to stockholders in ten months. IMMENSE HOLDINGS--Over land in Ohio and California, million dollars. Al these ) ties of the com pany. ENORMOUS PRODUCTION--107 richly producing oil fornia. wells, with production sold for cash. The followin + DEVELOPMENT--Over development of oil properties. KERN RIVER--Two big wells now, * by Christmas. _OHIO FIELD--1,200 acres proven oil land - Thousands of barrels of oil monthly. wells. OVE RSU BSCRIPTION of present allotment re. Orders filled in the order in which a share is they are received. 21,000 acres of valued at over half a $150,000 already expended for e Land worth $10 gn acre three vears aco now valued at $5,000 an acre. have made the 20 p.e. on' the is to-day. Such men Lieutenant Gov ernor Hoa. Charles J. : . egislature for rich oil Legisl: xpect 15 wells RICHARD ELLIS W. B. HARDISON L. G. PARKER 105 oil at 30 e. CERTAINTY--No "iis," "ands" or puesswork, but CLARK & BRYAN solid facts. Those who subscribed avear aco took all the risks; You have a chance to pick the plums. - ed Oil Co., five terms, prominent envelope manufacturer, on the rectors give weicht and character. ge ntlemen EDWARD STRASBURG 3,500 His Profits Brains, Energy, Push and Perseverance Fastern Consolidated 0il Co. what it Earnest Cady, ex- as the Hon. for President ; of Connecticut, Noyes, speaker of the Massachusetts and Hon. Lewis A. Corbin, board of di- have visited all the proper- President Cady is now in Cali- FORTUNES MADE IN OIL. rartial list shows what fortunes can be made in good oil investments™ INVESTED. SENATOR BULLER $9,500 His Profits $100,000 EDWARD DOBERRY 100,000 31,620 150,000 100,000 120,000 2,700° Their Profits = 75,000 1,700 His Profits 100 His Profits 6,000 His Profits 480 His Profits Is not this a lesson for von? Eastern Consolidat- offers 'just as great opportunities ! | « wom sia -------- . | 10; onions, per bag, Tc. to THe. eqr- | TO-LET. ¢ [ MONEY AND So rots, per bag, 35¢. to dUc; parsnips, | . ' er bag. 23. to Sci turnips, per | 40oD FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH OR LIVERPOOL, - 2 J0c.: cabbage, per dozen, without board, 101 Queen » -_ 187,318. ; cauliflower, per dozen, | = ee Lan celery, per dosen, 25. to | POUR GOOD FURNISHED. KOOMS, WITH foley, hapllir ot ol ME El a . ; = he board; wi all modern conveniences, at Farm and Citv Property insured of lowest iUc.: heel, hindquarters to 88: beet, 191 University Avenue. ' Possible rates. Belore renewing old or forequarters, to beef,' me- } ---- new get rates from dum, carsase, 0 te 36; beef, choice, | 43 KING STREET, WEST, BEAUTIFULLY STRANGE & BTRANGE, Agwmta carcase, 86 lamb, SH. to 86; situated, facing the Harbor. Hemt $240 mutton, $475 to Su; choice, $7. W to SY. Montreal, Nov. 10.--There were ab- wat 600 head of butchers' cattle, 25 calves and 900 sheep and lambs ofier- veal, d for sale -at the Fast End abattoir to-day. A few of the best cattle sold at front "de. to nearly 4c. per lh, with pretty cood stock at. 33 to d¢., ana the © common anunals at from 2c. to 3c. per lb, while: the lean 'ons and small balls were bought hy he canners at from lic. to 2c. per b. Calves sold at from $2.50 to 310 cach, or from Jc. to 3c. per lb. Sheep old at from 2fc. to near 23c. per lb. | and the lambs at from 3c. to 5 little wer de. per 1b. Good lots of fat hogs sold at about 6c. per 1b., weighed off the cars. Tupper The Prophet. Dundas Banner. Sir Charles Tupper, + speech in Winnipeg, nven to Mr. Borden, leader, 'predicted a sweeping for the conservative party at the next reneral election." ~The dear old soul. isn't this just li Sir Charles of old? He was always creat on predicting things--things that never. happened, of course, but what of that ? That did not bother Sir Charles a particle. He kept right on predicting. Dut it not an inspiring (thing to a mah. who on thi eizhtv-second up steam*in 'the in the course at the the conservative bhangtiet victory going 1 \ + to. Keep wav Sir Vednesday others Auction sale' 166 head cattle, dav, Nov. 22nd, at fair grounds, ston, Wik. Murray, Rat King Jr., auctioneer. vear, | DOMINIO, and taxes. Apply to Kirkpatrick, Rogers & Niokle. : HOUSE, 7 ROOMS, NO. 56 BAY STREET between Bagot and Rideau streets; also stable and sheds in rear. Apply 4 Wil- liam street. 215 STUART STREET, 9 ROOMS: HOT water = heating; Also other wellings, stores and offices. J. 8S. R. McCanu, &1 Brock St. TORE OCCUPIED BY R. ALEXANDER, NO. 111 Brock street, with refrigerator, tures, ete., for pe and meat trade. Ap- ply to Johm McKay, Jr., 161 Brock street. HAIL SEA JAVERIaL SERVICE | Colonian .... Nov. 15th *Irishman . Nov. 22nd Californian Nov. 29th {| *Norseman .. Dec. 6th *Turcomaun..... .Dee. 13th Colonian ae . . Dec." 20th Steamers marked * 30 not Carry passengers. RATES OF PASSAGE--Saioon. $65 and wpwards, single according to steamer end servioe, Salopn, $37.50 and up- wards, single, ocording to steamer and ser- | vios. Third clase, $26. FROA MONTREAL. *Ottoman ,. : Nov. 15th *Roman ... .» Nov, 19th FROM BOSTON. Merion ... Nov. 12th Merion ..... . ...Dec. 12th "Boston to the | NEW SZ cRHGE Se oman, Vancouver . . Nov. 29th w England | Dec. 6th Midship, Saloon, Elecuria light, Spacious | promenade decks. | J. 'P. Hanley, ' J. P. Gildersleeve, 42 Clarence Bt. Gen. Agts mtreal and Portiand. Agt. a gation, D. TORRANC a a land+ of John McRory, Front Road, Pittsburg, on Saturday, November 22nd, at rooms of Wm. Murray, Jr., auctioneer, Mar- et Square, Kingston. LINE MONEY TO LOAN IN LARGE OR SMALL at low rates of interest em oily granted om manager of Frontenas Offices op i 2 TWO HUNDRED gis ROLLARS =a a0 - GODWIN'S Sn tik var Express Office. I; TENDERS FOR S BA THE UNDERS iD WI RECEIVE tenders up to noom on MONDAY, 24th inst. for = ine piles of butchers' meat, creamery b ir, oatmeal, potatoes, the following institutions r 1903, viz, :- the Asviums for the Insane in Toronto, lon, Kingston, Hamilton, Mimico, Brock- , Cobourg and Oriiliag' the Cenfral Prison Mercer Reformatory, Toronto; vi Re- formatory for Boys, Penetanguishene; ine stitution= for Deaf and Dumb, me ae and the Blind at Brastiord. Exception--Tenders are not required for the supply. of meat to the asylums in Toronto, London, ston, Mamilton and Brockville, nor for the. Central Prison and Mercer = Re formatory, Toronto. A marked cheque for five per 'osnt. of the estimated amount | of the contract, vahle to the order of the Honorable the Provin. inl "Secretary, 'must be furni by each ten lorer as a puarantee of his bona fides, Two safleient sureties will be required for the due fulfilment of each contract, and choukl anv tender be withdrawn before the contract is: awarded, or should the tenderer f to furnish such' security: 'the amount of » 1 ow Jorfeitid, * r wil 8 r 1 forms ol tender mav be tion. to the Department of the tary, Toronto, or to the wrtive institutions a wer not necessarily ac- SPApers Inning thin advertiseme L without authority from the Department, will not be paid for it J. R. STRATTON, Provincial Secretary Buildings, Toresto, Nevember Parliament 10th, 1902. Q