$2 IN HARDWARE Given to the First Person Reading Sign in our Wind- ow Correctly. Prize®will be given and proper reading will be in window Satur- day night. W.A MITCHELL'S HARDWARE. "Price," "Capability," "Satisfaction." A Successful Combination That Merits a Share of Your Trade. People know from past experience our "CAPABILITY" to supply promptly and "SATISFACTORILY" anything in the jwelry ling required bv our patrons, and our "PRICES" are certainly right. SMITH BR.OS.. Jewelers and 350 King Opticians. St. EYES CAREFULLY EXAMINED. We Have No Coal we have samples touched with gold. These are given awuy with every sale of gas lieating stoves, consuming from 1 to 2, cents worthy of gas per hour. We bave stoves from the natural pas region to displace your Lall stove. No trouble: no dust; no stor- age; cheaper than coal. And we can give vou sowe light on the question by using the Kern Burner, consuming one-half the gas =i other buruers, and giving three times the light. Open evenings. Call and inspect. KING J W. OLDFIN.»s x xa FREE! OUR 400 PACE, CLOTH BOUND, ILLUSTRATED - "Guida fo Investors" and "Daily Market Letter" A most valuable aid to investor or specu- lator. Correspondefice, also STOCK, GRAIN AND COTTON Orders, all amounts. HAIGHT & FREESE Bstablished Malan Office 1890. CO. : 53 Bway. STOCKS, BONDS, GRAIN, COTTON. Klagston, Ontario, "Det. 3 the and A ial respousibility of your broker, is as impor- 3 + THE 5 PA. EDITION. SECOND EDITION NEWS ALSO ON PAGE FIVE. COMMERCIAL MATTERS. What Is Going On In the Business World--The Market News. Cheese sales: Peterboro, 12¢:; Woodstock, 124c.; Pigion, 12¢. ~ ' Great Britain buys 11,000 tons of German toys annually, while the United States ranks . next, 'with an imfortation of + about 6,000 tous. | Return of traffic earnings of the Canadian Pacific Railway cowpany from November lst {pom THE DAILY WHIG THURSDAY. AWAY WITH "IT. THE ANTI-BAR ROOM CRU- SADE IS ON. Close the Bar-Rooms and Stop the Treating System -- Special Ob- jects of Liquor Act of 1902. Supplied by the local prohibition committee This is the desire of every true pa- triotic Canadian citizen. 'lhose who claim the privilege of taking a glass of beer in their own home and see no harm in such indulgence (and there« are many who take this view), are strongly opposed to the open bar and WEYLER TO REMAIN. emb.r Tth: 1902, '$910,000, 1901 $847,000; increase, $63,000. Mackinzi-, Maun & Co. have closed a con tract with Gerald Lower, Moutreal, acting ot one himdred pounds, tern Ontario points. Alsike is being bought of farme! 26.8 bushels per acre, suggesting a crop of 2.542,516,000 bushels. earnings continue to show Street railway large gains over last year. The gross earn in~s of the following roads from January 1st to October 31st, with increases, are, as follows © Earnings. ' b AOD Toronto ra'lwav .. .. ... 81,496, Juz Montreal St. railway. .. 1.308 , 7 Twin City vr aie ae 29,954,100 Wi hin the past decade Canada has attain wi a marked position in tne manufacture of leather of various classes, savs the Canadian In other line 3 in facilities no the Shoe arsl Leather Journal. has there been such prog {of production and the charagger of the out | put. It wad ouce our reproach that most of the leathers used in tne higher grades of shoes were imported from the United States, while in all lines we are now not only hold- ing our owf, but meeting our competitors in the foreign market and taking trade from tiem. Big Wheat Cargo. The Montreal Transportation com- panv's barge Hamilton has landed in Montreal the largest cargo of wheat ever brought through the inland wat- erways from the lakes. The barge started from Fort William some ten davs ago with 71,000 bushels on board, but it was not thought safe to carry this amount down the St. Law- rence canals owing to the possibility of the tugs not being able to held her in the currents, so 11,000 bushels was taken out, leaving an even 60,000 bus- hels of No. 1 hard wheat, which was bronht throuch and delivered to the Ogilvie Millin~ companv. The record up to this time was 50,000 bushels, Bath Road Concert. tant as the selection of right stocks." COMMERCIAL. MONTREAL STOCKS. *~ Nov. ' 12th BUY. SELL. Canadian Pacific. 13138 131% Montreal Street Ry . 235 274 Toro 116 114} 1 1023 101 130° 1135 114 Unitndc =, Ont: Nav... ial - Cable Telegraph. ..... oll Peicphone. as Sais v3 Montreal Power ETE 934 Dominion Steel & Iron... .. 96% Dominion Steel & Iron, Pid... 96 Nova Scotia Steel... z ho reps bé Fulp 100 treal Cotton. 135 den Cotton 35 20 iicn Coal Domucon Coal, PRL Interealonial Could... EN Steamer leaves Kingston 2:30 nm. Molar yp Special trains of elegant day coaches Morchants of Halifax and Pullman sleepers will run through Eriereattunke 2 to: Boston 'on fast schedule without vehelaga ak 137 } . ein . change of cars, arriving at Boston carly following mosning. Secure fur- NEW YORK STOCK: EXCHANGE. : ey rl, . TO EXCHANGE, ther = particulars from F. A. Folger, OPEN. CLOSE | agent, Kingston, Ont. Union Pacific i St. Paul 3 . Janbieten : Settled With The Widow. LR. Transit . aor . g Sutar ans) » Mrs. Catherine Ross, widow of Wel Piople's Gas lington Ross, a fireman, killed on the : g Sa Prof C.P.R. at Haveloek some time ago, Fin Coal ot Iron has settled with the company for $2, Miss Dux 100. Southern Pacific -------- Ont, & Woste po : : : Ne : Yoarern The first American casualties as" a result. of the Colombian revolution, occurred on Wednesday. One man was : Nach . killed and several hurt. The guns of Pennsylvania Ry the Yankee warships then opened fire T. vos dy Pacific on the enemy, and killed every man in AtohicotN sich , Cus 1 fignt, Aroal Quebee was visited bv a heavy fall m-- -- ¢ A message from Toronto tells of the disagreeable weather the attendance 'was very small. The city delegation will go out again next Wednesday night. made their appearance, About eighteen Kingstonians drove out to a concert and oyster supper held in Frank Trueaell's hall, Bath Road, on Wednesday night. Rev. J. G. Evans, this city, occupied the chair. Among those from the city who as- sisted in the programme were Sergt. Turrer and Pr. Hart, of " bat- tery: V. Daly, Hehry Carr, S. Sals: bury, Thomas Graham and -W. H. Pritchard and daughter. Owing to the Boston Excursion, Nov. 18th. For this trip via New York Cen- tral lines from Kingston, Ont., low rates 'and return limit leaving Boston, Springfield, Palmer, Worcester © or South Framinchan,, November: 28th, permitting . those who désire to spend Thanksgiving day in New England. f snow on Wednesday, and sleighs birth of a daughter on Monday last, to Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Lambert, form erlv of Kingston. Leod's drug store. "Pird seed. Our stock is well cleaned and we mix it to suit, Ge. per lh. Me- Youth's, : Ww a large expécta before than cl the ave: The tend of Liv Come in a = 312, Livingston Bros, 7 Young Men's and Men's Never before have we shown such Overcoats as we have this season. Our sales this fall in our Custom and Ready-to-wear Department are far ahead of class goods, well made and good fitting, have been fully apprecia- ted. There is no commodity, , more extensively advertised to-day he buys with a large amount of trustfulness, deceives him loses Lis custom Our prices are constantly beyond competition. LOOSE OVERCCATS at We invite inspection. 5.77-79 Brock -St.- inter Overcoats and fine assortment of our most sanguine tions. Our efforts to place our, customers the highest othing and there is nothing rage man knows less about; and the house that ingston's Store is incessantly upward. nd see our stock of LONG, STYLISH, $13.50 and Si5. behiali of German makers, for about 40,000 | pen are led into evil habits, and those tons of stecl rails and fastenings for their | who aré weak in the presence of tem- requirements on the Canadian Northern and | ptation ave kept down and wrecked, it their Nova Scotian roads. is because of the public bar-room and Montreal houses are, says the Trade Bulle: | (he treating system. tin said to be buving red clover at $9 per Close these, stop these and you re- on board cars at Wes- » | enness, and lift the heart-burden from the Bull tin says, at $6.50 to $7.50 in the many a home. same way, and timothy at $4 per 100] Kyery true citizen should and. we nounds. believe would rejoice in the accom- The United States goverment report, is- | plishment of these two ends--closing sted yesterday afternocn, makes average | the public bar-room, stopping the vield of corn per acre 26.8 bushels, quality treating system. ¢ ¢ 80.7 per cent. Festimated that about one: These ave the spec ial objects, we ninth of corn crop of 1901 is still in hands | might say the sole objects, of the The area is 94,870,000 acres, at »| the treating system of the day. They Lnow that these are the cause of the - | sorrow and ruin which prevail through i | the influence of strong drink. If young move at once the great cause of drunk- hquor act of 1902. Whatever the con- diticn of the *'act,"" they are for the purpose of reaching these ends. : Why then should there be division of view and action on these points? Why, for reasons that should have no weight in view of the vital aim, cry down and strike at an "Act" that means so much of good and appeals so strongly to the conscience and hu- manity. of every noble-hearted citizen. He who supports the liquor act of 1902 is the helper of bis brother. A man among men lifting up and sav- ing. He who opposes the act bars the progress of people, defends and nour ishes what he knows to be the chief cause of moral ruin in our land, gives his. sanction te the most dangerous and damaging temptation of the age. It is high time that citizens waked up and in view of all that this "act" means thoughtfully considered their duty. Questions of seli interest, of presum- ed personal rights, of monetary gain, of compensation when viewed in the light of the high value of this "Act" to the best interest of the country every way, become trivial that it is. astonishing how any thoughtiul citizen can for a moment be prejudic- edd by them. teferences to the failure of prohib- SO Madrid, Sagasta. formation cabinet. ministers, itory laws in other parts, to divorces in prohibitory states, to imaginary evils if the Liquor Act of 1902 should be passed, a mere conjuring up of dark spi the outlook of a be- clouded vision, and should thus be treated. As arguments bearing on the and not by reason. Study the "Liquor Act of 1902," how it strikes at that great evil ol intemperance, how it destroys the bar-room and sweeps away the treat ing system, Note the careful pro- visions made in it for 'the execution of the law and the punishment of oi- fenders, No liquor act ,so thorough, definite ana stirring has ever before been com- mitted to the people of this province. Ii ever a conservative electorate voted for a good measure they have it in this. 'Act.' A full 'meeting to-night of men' from the wards interested in voting Yes on December 4th. Every man who knows of any one favorable to the abolition of the bar- room is earnestly asked to meet with us at headquarters, corner Princess and. Bagot streets, 7:30 this evening. Watch for notice of W. P. F. Fergu- son, one of the first temperance re- form orators of the United States, who speaks to men in City hall, Sun day next, 'at 1:15 pom. > The Toronto Globe says Mr~Ferou- son is not only an able and eloquent speaker, but also a strong advocate of close and friendly. relations between Great Britain and the United States. |t f MAY SELECT OTTAWA For the Paper Mill For the Kansas City Star. Ottawa, Nov. 13.--Mgr. Falconio leaves: on the 15th, for Toronto, and will go to Washington from there by way of Buffalo. He will receive several addresses before leaving Ottawa, Recently it was announced that the Kansas City Star proposed erecting a paper mill to manufacture its own pa- per... That the company will 'erect it on a Canadian loeation jis eviaenced by the fact that 4 C.P.R. official has been written to. as to the prospects of securing power and pulp limits con venient to Ottawa. . At the rate of expansion revealed hy the trade returns of the four months which ended on October 31st, Canada's aggregate foreign commerce will show v Ss k a gain of not less than 837,000,000 when the fiscal vear closes eight months from 'mow. Taking the four months in question, the increase in our roregate trade, on the basis of im- ports for consumption and exports of domestic produce only, was R11,578.- 615, as compared with the same peri- od of last year. Th#& exports exceeded the imports by over $10,000,000, The gain in imports as compared with the first four months of the previous fiscal vear was $4,116 The increase in exports was 87.761 957, A Donald Locke has been avnointed to N bureaw of location der the grants from the ernment. fell City, Pa., had both lees cut off close tothe body, and died half -an later, begging is always being snubbed. Bevington, tion. Emperor Nov. again receive the war portiolio, viaed Senor Sagasta succeeds in form- ing a cabinet. That the general is to be included in the new ministry is due to the fact that Marshal Lopez Dom- inguez declined his support to Senor The Will Have Old Portfolio if Sagasta Forms Cabinet. SENOR SAGASTA. 13.--Gen. Wevler will pro- reconstruction of the cabinet is progressing rapidly. The Duke af Tetuan and Marshal Lo- pez Domingues have absolutely declin- ed to support Senor Sagasta in the of a liberal concentration Senor Sagasta was received in audi- ence by King Alfonso and subsequent- ly said he hoped to be able to form a cabinet with the | Romero Robledo. He expects to pres ent' the king to-morrow with a list of assistance of Senor PITH OF THE NEWS. ac Willi The Very Latest News Culled From All Over The World. CM Bowman, M.I'.P., likely to be chosen by liberals as the whip in the Ontario legislature. Anierican capitalists are after - three million acres of land for colonization scheme. The estimates for the University of Toronto, as ment, show ,, deficit of over $15,000. Miss Louise Hoge, Evanston, Ill., is dead as a result of Christian Science treatment, and lack of medical atten- in New Ontario lopted by the govern- am, who is pheasant- shooting in the Sandringham preserves is a crack shot, keeping three loaders busy. The stean tween Vict tune 'of twenty-thrée to six, before crowd numbering nearly Veterans of With a Negotiatio Nina J. Howard S under a or dis wer nia garden Mayor-elect George by, Conn., scaled the verandah of Mrs. Mary Walsh's home on Wednesday, and put out a fire. hs fi leer, CO hi 1) Rosalie, running be- anl Seattle, collided case now hefore us they have no | on Wednssday night, with a freighter strength whatever, and he who uses | {i Victoria Harbor. > them or is influenced by them is Watertown took All-Swvracuse into prompted by an innate opposition camp, Wednesday afternoon, to the a 1,000 people. have decided to open a information regarding the land in New Ontario un- Ontario gov- hose in his teeth, Sullivan," of Der- or establishment of steamship service between Canada and France are not progr the annual subsidy of £10,000 promis- ed hy. M. Delcasse to Sir Wilfrid Lauf® ier; has not vet been granted. Danforth, was sentenced | nine months in the Cambridge; Mass., House of Correction, for shooting and killing Andrew J. Emery, who propos- ed to her, but whom found was a married man. ssing rapidly, as to the afterwards aged thirteen, who il train at Mahonoy hour s father's forgiveness n going on the track. The Times'Vienna correspondent. says hat C.. NH. ws with The the ( Shawmut ol ard Mattis Champaign, wad swindled out of 82, 500, by a clever land deal this week. while German-Austrians are dis- appointed at Britain's attitude peror William, it will do Germany no harm to be left, out in the cold, as she more accomunodating ater to Em- six in for about Trunk RR. irand various capacities, and more recently superintendent been appointed superintendent of Pittsburg, way of Pennsylvania. Trevitt has the & Northern rail- tke Rutland, Pank of Inspived by a desire to emulate bor- Earl hot, and Ni perhaps Fdward Lille, of South Bend, Ind. der outlaws, as they appear in dime novels, seventeen, wounded aged fatally xon, Reports from Skagway sav the Yu- on is frozen solid, the steamer La- france being caught in ice near Minto. Five hundred pounds mail which Dawson, October 25th, in g 'canoe, has heen lost, the canoe beino caught ice jam and crushed near Forty Mile the carrier narrowly escapine. left in Hugie Bourquin, head of old Hugue- assassit influence, said shots, but knew a consequence four men are under sur- -eillance. Mrs. J. not family, and owner of large estates, was eaped convict, suspicion, \! week. An ated last es- who was arrested on vhen put under hypnotia he had not fired the Pierpont the expense of the 'operation, on Louis who had done so. As Morecan wil bear rvinnast, ww ho-e the government service as metallurgist | Gardoer, a Milwaukee 3 3 and for the present will be attached | spine was huit in falling from a8 hai to the geological survey. He is noi | zontal bar In London last year? Two associated with Dr. Barlow in an in- | years. ago Gan stoprel a runa quiry mto the resources of the nickel | Wav team a't 1 to the Morgan district of Sudbury. Mr. Locke is a | carraze, in which a hoy of six. New Zealander, and won an important He refused ewan] at the t me yt scholarship at the Svdney school of | Mrs. Morzan, who sav re mines, : determined to beirien Lhe cabinet. has decided to Jot the {alos \ law take it ourse in the case of -- Rose, centénced to be hanred gt Ross . Died At Brantiord. land, on the 21st inst rntford Ont... New 13-1 N Rm Prom------------ ry i the DB v The new steam 1 owned hy Co., place. the Sun Oil cong touched at Port [Vi7ht, of typhoid fever. Mr. n Colborne on Wednesday, en route to was well knawn among bicycle manu- Galveston, Texas. Her cabacit ; is 0 facturers "throughout. the dominion, gallons, and her cost, 825(),000., having been at one time manager of Bott's malt extract is pure and costs a company here which manufactured only 10. per bottle. Mcleod's drug § wooden tires for bieveles. He- laaves store only. i a widow and ome child. NOVEMBER 13. TERRIBLE FATE, BOY DIES FROM EXPOSURE IN OPEN BOAT. Two Comrades Nearly Dead -- Knew Very Little That Hap- pened During the Long Hours Until Morning. Hamilton, Ont., Nov. 13.--Monday morning Claude Stewart, a lad, was sent to a store to pay a bill by. - his mother, who gave him $2. Instead of doing this he got his brother, Ernie, and Haliord Marcey, and after buying some candy they went to the Beach to have a good time. In the afternoon they took a rowboat, which had been pulled up on the shore, and started for -home. There was a heavy sea run- ning, and they soon got chilled through, and unable to row any long- er, they allowed the boat to driit. When it became dark they were cold, wet, and frightened, and still a long distance from shore, One after anoth- er they became so exhausted that they lapsed into a semi-conscious condition, and what happened during the leng hours until daylight appeared they. know very little about. Claude Stew- art maintains that the boat upset and that they were in the water all night, but later developments showed that this could not have been the case, al- though the condition of their clothing bore out the story. The Stewart boys went to sleep in one of the outhuild- ings in connection with the smelting works, where they were found Tues- day morning by John Gompf, an em- ployee. The boys were almost dead from exhaustion and exposure, and could scarcely speak. Ernie Stewart was nude, having removed his clothes to let them dry. Gompf carried them into the works, where they were made as comfortable as possible. The boys said Marcey had gone home, but lat- er George Hayward found his dead body in the boat. It is supposed that when the boat drifted ashore Marcey was too much exhausted to accom- pany the other boys, and that he died from exposure. The Stewart bovs are both in bad shape, and it is a question whether they will recover- When the police arrived at the smelt- ing works they disrobed them of their wet clothing, wrapped them in warm blankets, and without. any loss of time, remove them to the Citv Hos- pital, where Dr. Glassco is attending them. SCARES THEM INTO BAPTISM. Great Fire in a Chinese City Has a Curious Sequel. Victoria, B.C., Nov. 13.--Mail ad- vices from China report a fire at Kwe- lein, Kwangsi, causing great loss of life and property. The fire originated in a fire-cracker shop where the men were testing the powder. An explosion followed and then a fire, which spread and burned several hundred houses. Many Chinese were burned to death. The fire burned houses all around the Christian Alliance mission, which was unscathed. The result of this freak of the fire is that manv Chinese have since come to the mission to be bap- tized. Grand Trunk May Buy It. Montreal, Nov. 13.--Hon. Mr. Tarte writes as follows in La Patrie: "I am in a position to say that the Grand Trunk is looking to the pur- chase of the Mackenzie & Mann rail way system. Senator Cox, James Ross and other capitalists are ating in concert with the Grand Trunk in this matter." An Exciting Time. Paris, Nov. I3.--Intense excitement was caused in the Chamber of De- putics, to-day, by the firing of 'a "pis- tol in the lobby. The members crowd- ed to the seené of the shooting and found that an officer -of a colonial re- giment had emptied Kis revolver in the air while shouting, *Vive la Patrvie."" Hes believed to be crazy. Cooking pears are very low in price at Carnovsky's: Seal rand the stomach. . (1 b.and 2 Ib. cans) Because of its ABSOLUTE PURITY Dyspepties drink it fearlessly. It tones and strengthens Coffee Imported, Roasted and Packed by CHASE & SANBORN, MONTREAL AnD BOSTON. WEIGHT IN UNDERWEAR Is not the only warmth-giving quality. Comfortable fit means more than uncomfortable weight. We are now showing Underwear that is properly made and finished and at prices that are the lowest in Kingston. i [ Il \ \ AINA Wh . ----- Ladies' Vests and Drawers, Properly shaped and correct 35C., 4ACH" lengths. 25c., 50, 69c., 75¢. Threa Fine Makes At goc., ggc,, $1.25in Vests and Drawers. Ladies' Combination Suits Three different styles. Children's Vests and Drawers, ) size. JOHN LAIDLAW & SON 170-1272 Princess Street, Kingston. Three different makes. from the smallest right Ww Eleece-Li 35¢.. 39¢: and on up. Men's Underwear, A most complete stock now ready, Three different weights in Light, Medium and Heavy Wool ; also in Union and Natural Wool. Babies' Very Fing- Cashmere and Wool, Six different styles. 25C. up to 59c. each. Boys' Warm Undershirts and Drawers, 5C.» 35C, 39C,, 45C, 49¢. 33¢, ool at 2 ned at 2s5c., 30c., Sizes in each make up to girls' largest Prices from IN THE COURT OF APPEAL FOR ONTARIO. THE ONTARIO CONTROVERTED ELECTIONS ACT. ! ELECTION *OF A MEMBER FOR THE Lesislature of the Province of Ontario = for the FEleetoral District of "the riding of Fron- tenac, holden on the 22nd day of May and the 29th duy of May 1902. Deminion of Canada Province of asanie| ELECTION. To Wit: PETITION Between Henry Doyle, James E. O'Brien and Alexander Grant, Petitioners, amd John S. Gal- lasrher, Respondent. And between J. Gal- lacher, Peutioner and W. J. Shibley, Res- pondent. Take notice that the ulove petitions will be tried at Osgoode Hall in the City of To- ronto an SATURDAY, the 22hd dav of No- vember, 1902, wt the. hour of hali-past ten of the clock in the forenoon, and on such other subsequent davs as may be neediul ember, 19002, IN THE COURT OF APPEAL FOR ONTARIO. THE ONTARIO CONTROVERTED Lockett Shoe Store. Women's Felt Women's Felt Laced Boots, faced with fine Pebbled Leather, $1.25. Dated thé 11th dav of November, 1902. Jv onder. , i JAMES 'S. CARTWRIGHT. Women's Felt Gaiter Boots, 75c. Kevistrar «of the Court of Appal. [and $1. All persone havine "business at the above mentioned court will gove themselve une fours Wil tovem unmwlves w Women's Felt Button Boots, $1, THOMAS "DAWSON, " . _. Sheriff. of Frontenac. Sheriff's office, Kingston, Ont., 13th Nov F. C. LOCKET Laced . Boots, heavy lining and faced with good | Leather Soles, 25¢., 50¢., 75¢., $1. Kid, $1.50. --AT THE-- Women's Felt good soles, $1.50. Slippers, Men's Felt Gaiter Boots, with with Men's Felt Slippers, 75c. to $2. Misses' and Children's Felt Slip- pers, 25c. to 50c. TRUNKS AND ELECTIONS ACT. MEMBER' FOR THE of the Provinde of Ontario for El ctoral district of the Riding of Kine ton hoklen --on - the Ziel dav of May and the OF A 2¢th day of Mav, 1 i Domiaton ot C *\ ELECTION o n ° 8 - To Wirt) PETITION Between J. M. Shaw, Petitioner, and FE. J Poise, Respondent. And twtween Alfred S Martin, Rg Wilfiam H Miller, P forsan Shaw pe ttion will te on TUESDAY, 1002, at the ck | the su in Avs JANES IStrar S. CAR of the ine bus will govern court THOMAS DAWSON Sheriff County Rrontenne, 'Cherifl's ember, 1902. Tho . Kingston, Ont, 13th Nov- JOHN LABATT'S | ondon The Ideal Beverage VALISES. Porter Full of the Virtus of Malt and Hops. Perfectly Agreeable to the: Most Desicate Palate. KING STREET, KINGSTON. \ i JAS. 'cPARLAND, AGENT,