Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Nov 1902, p. 1

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69TH YEAR. NO. 267 KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15. 1902. LAST EDITION THE MAIN IDEA And Obj ct is 10 Please Our Customers. This fprings us Success and Makes Friends, and our Goods an Prices Always Please. : See our 18x18 Solid Oak Table, $1.50. ' See our 24x24 Solid Quarter Oak Table, $2.50. . . See our Fancy Shaped Top Table at $3.50. Others from $6.50 to $10. Solid Oak and Mahogany. Robt. J. Reid, "The Leading Undertaker. Two Doors Above the Opera House. Telephone 877. OUR SMALL HAND COLORED PICTURES (OUR OWN COLORING: Are particularly suitable for wedding and birthday gifts. It will be a pleasure to show them to you. KIRKPATRICK'S ART STGRE. AUGTION SALE. UNDER INSTRUCTIONS FROM THE OWN- er that valuable and well-known tavern, "THE CLARENDON HOUSE," Brock street, Kingston, will be sold by the undersigned on the premises, on WEDNES- DAY, the 26th day of November, at 11 am. The lot ds 224 feet by 66, and there is a wight of way from Brock street to rear. There will be one reserved bid. Terms and conditions made known at time ofl sale. Immediate possession. WM. MURRAY, JR. Auctioneer. Nov. FOR THE LATEST DESIGNS IN Overcoatings and Suilings MADE TO ORDER From $14 to $22. -- John Tweddell, Tailor apd Importer, 131 Princess Street. Boot and Shoe Store JUST OPENED At 207 Princess Street, Opposite T. H John's Grocery, 7th, 1902. With. a full line of up-to-date stock. Please call and inspect goods. Mm TA EW JOYCE. DON'T WAIT TILL WINTER Before vou think of getting your sleighs and cutters ready for the first sleigh drive. Ilave them made ready now. Winter will come with a rush shortly, Send them to ue for a new coat of paint and varnish. We are "also prepared to store through the winter all kinds of carriages and vehicles. Lots of room: Call "and sce us. W. G. FROST, Carriage Painter, 402 King Street East. CATIONAL CLASSES. A.,, CORNER SYDENHAM us streets, will hold a Bible Liter- ature Class on Tuesday evenings, aut & p.m. conducted by Rev. Eber Crummy, and on Friday eieniigs at 8 p.m, a Shakespeariun clare conducted by Prof. John Marshall. Ad mission to both classes for full term, $1.50. For either class (singly), $1 The gymnasium is open to the public. and register BUSINESS PERSONALS. FREE BOOKLET GIVING DETAILS OF AN inexpensive and sure remedy for men, no drugs, marvellous results, mailed to any address, sealed envelopes Address The lovigoiator Col, 317 Queen street, W Toron-o EDU Y, 5 Come in 1087 ON SUNDAY EVENING BETWEEN ALFRED streot- and St. Andrew's church, A GOLD BROOCH, with an opal stone in the centre. The finder: will be rewarded on leaving it at the Whig Office. BOARD. GOOD ROOMS AND FIRST-CLASS BOARD: also table b . May be had at Mrs. Breden's, 24 Stuart street. LARGE FRONT ROOM, ALSO TWO SINGLE rooms, with modern conveniences. cen- tral, not far from Citv and Macdonald Parks. Suitable for a party of from to five. 195 Earl strent WANTED. GENERAL SERVANT APPLY TO MRS. W A. Michell, 53 Clergy street. rq GOOD. GENERAL SERVANT. APPLY rs. A. llanley, 81 Wellington street. TO BOYS WHO WANT STEADY WORK. APPLY at Gould's {actory. Smith street, oppo mte 730 Princess strect. GENERAL SREVANT. NO WASHING Aphly in the evening after Mr... 1 IM Gildersloove, OR 730 15 A ing wk to Gore sirect FOR ing. ot 66 terms. Price Brock street BUYER BRICK. 7T-ROOMED DWFLL i av. 120, and bars Easy $630." J. 8S. R. McCamir, 51 ENERGETIC MAN CAN FARN FROM $15 to $12 a week selling our goods Large demand. Write for. particalars. C . R. Fegan. Fenwick. Ont AN La TANDY MAN DESIRF furnaces in leiels buildings. a ahle employment where he Address at Whig office. CARE or office of anv honor can be useful OF A cas LOCAL MEMORANDA. The Daily Note Book For Whig Readers to Post Themselves By. Anniversary, Queen street Methodist church, Sunday. Address in behalf of temperance, City hall, 4:15 Sunday. Anniversary services io" Cooke's Presbyterian church, Sunday. Officers farewell at Salvation Army bar- rarks, Sunday eveniog. Sometimes it is h's lic-abilities that in creases a man's assets. Any small boy in his first pair of trousers feels sorry for his mother : Much of the charity that besins at home is too fecple to .get mext door. x Bu- vour Christmas presents at St. An- drew's Bazaar, December 4th. The shin-dep beauty of the rhinoceros isn't calculated to make him vain. Women, like the poker players, raise the blind to sce what their neighbors have gut. Special sale of new Dunlap' style stiff hats tonight at ~icorge Milis & Co., Wellmgton street, . The sun rises Sunday at 6:56 am, amd sets at 1:33 pm. Monday at 6:38 a.m. aml scts at 4.32 p.m. After a wonan months six for willow look has ben a her neighbors begin, to weeds on the late lamented's grave, The eves are the wimtows of the soul--and some imes they look like stained glass win- dows after the scrap is over --Chi News, This day in the world's history--Winston Church li capturd by Bours, 1899; ° Queen of Scotland died, 1093; Louis Riel, Canadian rebel, hang d at Regina, 1885. revolution in Prasi', 1889; John Bricht torn, 1811: Bri ti h defiat Bors at Esteourt, 1899: mas acre of Armenians by Turks, IS; Queen Victoria received colonials, inclwiing Can. adians, oat Win'sor Casde, 1% Gustavus Adolphus slam; 1632; Henry HI, did, 1272; Queen Cha:lotte diel, 1818; New Zealand first 17469; Boston tea part 1773; v Edwin oceng id, Rattle of Fort ugtan, 1776: Booth, slayer oi n, born, 1833: Boers oceuny Colesberg, 1899. DINNER SETS. We have a handsome variety of every shade and color, beautiful sets from $5 up. Don't fail to see them. ROBERTSON BROS. (CaaS OPERAHOLSE.] TUESDAY, Nov. 18th J. FREDERICK THOMAS PRESENTS® THE SWEET SINGER, : HERBERT E. DENTON, IN A GRAND SCENIC REVIVAL OF GREAT IRISH DRAMA, "THE Sec the flight of the eagle with its pre prey Murty Kerrigan makes his ter- THE ic leap for life. Hear Mr. Denton sinz. The lass from the County Mayo. Yeur dear old Irish mother. The Ivv Leaf Prices 25¢., 35 S508. Scats on sale at Hanlev's. THURSDAY, NOV. 20 Just a Jolly Bit of Foolery. RICE'S 5% SHOW "o¢'CoNics GIRL BY R. A. 3 Months at Wallack's, 'N.Y. BARNETT. "One of the most~enjovable and really funny performances the this Montreal Tom- seen in city year. '-- Star. COMPANY OF 100 ARTISTS. SUPERB SCENIC ENVIRONMENT, BEAUTI- . FUL CHORUS, CONTINGENT. TINKLING MUSIC. $1, £1.50. 10 am, Prices--23¢., Ste, Tic. Monday its on sale at lan- QUEEN'S ATHLETIC GROUNDS, SATURDAY, NOV. 22 Queen's II vs. McGill II. Final game for Intermediate In- ter-collegiate Championship of Canada. * CARD OF THANKS. "1 BEG TO GRATEFULIA ACKNOWLEDGE the prompt and courteous settlement hv the Crna Fan Onder of Home Circles through Kingston Circle No. 105, of the beneficiary certificate of . 81.000 due on the death of mv late wif Elizabeth Pogue, and cordially re commends the society to all int nding as, suns GEORGE POGUE BUSINESS CHANCES. THN DOLLARS INVESTED IN YOUR OWN home will give vou employment the vear round Writ wsgow Woollen Company Toronto, Gana +Bibby's."" Oak Hall. 'Bibby's."" Westminster," the new custom made overconts, SIN S12. 812.50, $11. R13. The H. ND. Fibhy Co." » Roval Cul Ic, or 3 lbs, 81, at Gilhe t's Tarlor for the host fresh chocolates, n ten, IVY LEAF." ASADILINESS. sn. E. A. Rikley, Napanee, , Stricken With Paralysis NEAR TO DEATH. NAPANEE CURLERS HAVE OR- GANIZED. Great Demand in Apple Barrels-- Health Improving in the West --A Teacher Resigns--Notes About People. Napanee, Nov. 15.--E. A. Rikley was stricken with paralysis last even ing about six o'clock while attending to the decoration and refreshments about to he 'served in the Masonic rooms. He was in his usual health all day, but unusually busy superin- tending the work for which he was the caterer. Two "long flights of stairs had to be ascenaed and de- scended a number of times, which it is supposed was too much for his strength. A ruptured blood vessel in the brain caused an almost instant collapse, and Mr. Rikley had to be carried to his home, and doctors sum- moned. He lies in an unconscious state and is in a very critical condi- tion. There was no cheese boarded at the regular meeting of the cheese board h yesterday aiternoon. 'The board adjourned to meet the first Wednesday in May. Dr. N. J. Sills this week re- moved his dental rooms to the new premises over F. W. Smith & Bro s. newly erected block. Newton Sil Hay Bay, fell from a building he was erecting as an addition to his home, and sustained very serious injuries. He was unconscious for about three hours after his fall. The curlers held their annual meet ing in the public library last Monday nicht. The treasurer's report showed a balance of $11.50 on hand irom last on. The following were elected of- Se ficers for 1902-3 : Patron, W.'A. Bell- house; patroness, Mrs. W. A. Bell- house; president, W. S. Herrington, K.C.; vice-president, W. Smith; sec- retary, A. Alexander; treasurer, W. F. Hall; chaplains, Rev. Messrs. MacDon ald and Hogan; executive committee, Messrs. Bellhouse, Dr. Leonard, Rob- inson, Ham, Daly; ice committee, Messrs. Ham and Smith. It was ae- cided to postpone the election of skips until the members of the club were called together at a later date. Thé president, vice-president and sec- retary were appointed a committee to revise the rules governing the inter- rink matches, and report at a meet- ing held in the public library next Monday night, 17th inst. Hugh Hill, Conway, purchased this week the William Secker farm at Hawley for the sum of $0,500. The case of Wagar vs. Ferguson, an action to recover damages for loss of life, was tried on Tuesday. Judgment for defendant. T. B. German for plain- till: W. S. Herrington and -H. M. De- roche for defendant. Charles Stevens has been kept hust- ling for the past few weeks 'making iebarrels. He has made this_iall over 13,000 apple barrels, and still the demand keeps up. Miss Ada Reid. teacher: at the River school, South Napanee, has had to give up her schoo owing to poer health. Mrs. John Row, nee Sara Allen. is spending a few days in town this week. Mrs. JJ. . Allen is visiting friends in Belleville. Mrs. D. C. Me- Henry, Chicago, is visiting her many friends in town. The many friends of Miss Fannie Al lingham will be pained to hear that she = was obliged, through failing health, to leave her position in Chica- vo, and seek a. warmer climate She left this week' for Southern California. Charles Wilson, who left recently for Denver, Col. for his health, writes that the climate is just what he wish ed for, and that he had gained four pounds in a we stay. | Dangerously Ill. Paris, Nov. 13.--A dispatch from St. Petersburg says it is reported there that the Grand Duke Michael has been taken suddenly ill. His con- dition is said to be very serious. The Russian 'doctors are of of.inion' that there is little chance for recovery. As all the ezar's children are girls the grand duke, who is about twenty-four vears old, and is the only brother of the Emperor Nicholas, is the heir-pre sumptive of the throne. "Bibby's.""" Oak Hall. '"Bibby's." "The Westminster," perfectly tailor- el overcoats, 8, £10, $12. 812,50, 14, ) ' £15. The H. D. Bivby Co. Endeavors wiil Le male to have the Piitish House of Lords strike out the amendments to the Education bill. It is not likely this can be done, . as Premier Ralfour accepted the changes under good advice. The bill will go into operation in April, but there will b> no opportunity, until October, for the malcontents to refuse to pay the rates and challenge the local authori- ties to sell their household furniture and turn them out of their homes. The Crown perfumeries. Special odours in 1 oz. glass stoppered bot tles, Crab Apple Blossoms, English Roses, Pra de Fspagne. 3c. per bot tle. McLeod's dg store In Britain the reccints from the flour and grain regiitracion duties, are! likely to exceed £3000 000 cterhing The fa ility wish.' whith this new soiree of rivesne has heen developed, | without increasing thus far the'@ost of | inead, impresses, tories, who assert the corn: duties will never be taken .off With their consent! The Grand Trunk envineers and fire | men' have obtained a new schedule of N. wares 01.C.. 2? Ihe. Jahan or bluek tea, | 2c., at Gilberts. | i BRAZIL'S PRESIDENT. Was Inaugurated With Cere- mony. DR. F. RODRIGUES ALVES. hio de Janeiro, Nov. 15.--Dr. Fran- cisco de Paula Rodrigues Alves was to-day inaugurated as president of Brazil, the installatian being marked with the customary ceremony and the dav b ing observed as a general holi- dav throughout the republic. The new president has chosen a ¢ cabinet that enjoys the confidence of all the busi- ness and banking interests and it is oenerallv felt that Brazil is about to enter upon a new era of prosnerity. The ministers, notably Baron de Rio Branco. the minister of fordion af fairs. and Senor Leopoldo Buthoes, the minister. of finance, have travelled extensively in the United States and Europe and are generally recognized as liberal and progressive statesmen. Dr. Rodrigues Alves, the new presi- dent, for manv vears has been a con- spicuous figure in the pe litics of Bra- zl... He a native of the state of Sao Paulo and has lately been gover- nor of tRat prorressive and rich state. As a financier, it is said by his friends that Dr. Rodricues Alves has no su- perior in South America. His ability was recognized by President Peixoto, who appointed him minister of finance in his cabinet. President Moraes re- tained him in that place. Dr. Rodricues Alves is a lawyer and has occupied a leading place at the bar. He was the candidate of the republic an party and his election is considered a eoreat triumph because of the high standing and prominence of his defeat - od opponent, Dr. Ubaldino do Amaral. 1s ---- MIGHTY DUST STORMS. Hardly Possible to Breathe While They Raged. Sidney, N.8.W.. Nov. -15.--The south- orn parts of Australia have been visit- ed bv unprecedented dust storms. The dryness which has prevailed for seven years is reaching iis limax this year. The terribly destructive drought has destroyed the herbage in large areas; laying the land bare. A heavy gale on November 13th, raised tremendous quantizivs of dust from these tracts and drove vast clonds of red powder- ud earth far and wide. The atmosphere was oppressive and it was hardly pos- sible to breathe. The darkness was intense while the dust clouds were passing." The inhabitants of numerous towns were badly frighténed by the darkness and hid in their houses. Ar- titicial light. was 'necessary in the streets of Melbourne, where there was much ball lightning, which ignited several builiings. 1t was very dark in Sydney. The clouds extended twelve miles seaward. The railroads in some places weré blocked by heaps oi dust. After the wind subsided the atmosphere was brilliantly pink _ and the temperature fell suddenly. The lack of rain continues. ACTIVE AND STRONG. How Mgr. Bruchesi Found His Holiness. ; : Nov. [I5.--A letter has by the canons of the of Montreal from Mgr, Rome, stating that he found the pope more active and stronger than on his last visit to Rome five years ago. A seat on'. the Montreal stock .ex- change has been sold by McCuaig & Co., to C. 8. Garland, for "825,000. The last seat sold for £23500. The Richelien & -Ontario steamer Quebec, which went agrouna on Thurs- day, has not yet been floated, but is expected to he got off today or to morrow. - She 'is on a mud bank and the company are using their own men Montreal, heen received archdiocese Bruchesi in and apparatus. for the work, as the company 1s not' pressea for steamers at this season. TO ASK RATEPAYERS. Whether They Will Vote $50,000 for Sanitarium. Toronto, Nov. 13.--At the request of the Toronto anti-consumptive lea- one the board of control has decided tu submit a by-law to the ratepayers whether the city woull vote £50,000 towards establishing a sanitarium for consumptives. The proposition of the Lake Simcoe Water Supply Syndicate, to furnish water to the ty, was rejected by the hoard of control vesterday. (ity En- gineer Rust reported that the adopt- ior of the scheme would entail an ex- penditure of $T/B,000 a . vear, more than the «i'v now pays for its water supply. while, in his opinion, Lake Simcoe water was not superior td the present supply. A Clergyman Dead. Ont.. Nov. -15.-- Rev retired Presbvteri Perry, McMechan, Port John a | an minister who had served the church in Canada for a period of nearly half a century is dead here. He leaves a widow, four sons: and two' danchters Young' men's hats. latest and hest. Géorae Mills & Co., Wellington street. A rihiwes <r onoe will wear for years. Ir, 124 Prive s trp, ned figs, 2 Deo, ie. at Gil turn from jto return the kin#s visit LEFT HER RICH. mss, She Was A Matrimonial Bureau Bride, GETS $300,000. n---- THE DENOUEMENT OF A HAP- PY ROMANCE. Chicago Girl Weds Aged and Wealthy Man, Who Dies and Leaves Her Rich--Three Daugh- ters Ignored by Will. St. Joseph, Mich, Nov. 15.--The death of Miles Beebe, the wealthiest citizen of the village of Paw Paw, Mich., thirty miles north of ehis city, is the denouement of a roman:e which began a short time ago. Beebe was se- venty years of age, a widower anl anxious to spend his last years in domestic happiness on his farm, two miles east of the village. A few months ago he wrote to a matrimonial journal for a wife, which ended in his meeting a train from Chi- cago, one evening and escorting Miss Mav Burns, a voung Chicaco woman; to his home on the farm. She was a oirl of twenty-four summers, brunette, with shrewd, black eyes. The bride- elect was pleased with farm life, and the marriage followed. To all appearances the couple seem- ed happy and contented, until a few months ago, when the aged husband arrived from the field one dav and found that his young wife had des- erted him, taking along $3,000 of his money. Later she attempted to cash cheques, but, failed in her mission. Later, he persuaded his wife to return to his home and Beebe was stricken with apovlexy and died. It is said the vouno wife received property ' valued at £300,000 hv will. Three daughters were ignored in the will by their fath- er. PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest News Culled From All Over The World. Harry Ross was found dead in the farme elevator at Kincardine. R. D. Benson was struck by a G. T. R. train at Pickering and killed. Thomas Ransom, a farmer near Iro- quois committed suicide by shooting. James Mitchell, registrar of the high court at Cayuga, died on Friday night. Kilgour's furniture . factory at Beauharhois, Que., was burned; loss 50,000. The Dominion. line will establish a weekly steamship service from St. John this winter. ' James Daly has been appointed ap- praiser at St. John, N. B., in the place of the late Mr. Everett. Emperor William has inherited about two million marks in estate and cash from a private citizen of Dresden. J. B. Renaud, Hull, Que., alleged to have been brutally assaulted by NMNi- chael Ryan has died of his injuries. The C.P.R. has appointed W. W. Hubbard to travel through the mari- time provinces and lecture on agricul: tural topics. Sir 'William Van Horne, president of the Central railway of Cuba, has of- fered -&350,000 for the construction of an hotel at Havana. Thomas Dunning, St. John, N. B., has been appointed cashier of the In- tercolonial railway in the place of the late Mr. Thompson. It develops that -G. Muir, presi dent of the Montreal Coal and Tow: ing company was killed by the 'dis- charge of 'a rifle he was cleaning. The Toronto board of trade is greatly dissatisfied with the Trunk Line Association's notice reducing the number of grades of Canadian grain. Following out the spirit of resolu tions passed bv the Trades Assembly a Schenectady, N.Y., firm discharged a workman because he served in the Na- tional Guard. William Stewart, the at Toronto, in an interview with Lient.-Col.- Sherwood, statea that the police have captured all the counter- feiting plant. The press is publiching appeals for the establishment of cotton factories in Liverpool, and for the release of the port from its dependence upon the manufacturing centres, It transpires that the gréat fire at St. Pierre, Miquelon, on November Ist, was due to incendiaries, who have attempted to blow up the pow- der magazine there, In the French Chamber of Deputies M. Pelletan, minister of marine, was attacked for suspending the construe tion of the three battleships. The minister defended his action fin ancial grounds. Henry Irving and his theatrical comnanv performed before King Ed- ward, Emperor William, and 250 of thé king's cuests, at Sandrincham on Fridav. They weresfollowed by © the Bourchier company in "Doctor John- counterfeiter on son. Details of the loss of the SS. Eling- hamite show that she sank in fifty- five fathoms. off West King island. Wreckage was met ninety-two miles away. A raft, found at Penguin, con- tained originally sixteen persons, but eirht died before being rescued. The survivors are doing well. : The Rritish government has no idea of takine over the territories of the British Chartered companv. anil also the administration of Rhodesin as a crown cofonv. Mr. Chamberlin does not expect to be able to visit Rhol- esiq in the time at his disposal. President Loubet will meet Kine vauel after the former's re- 1 The vlace where the interview will. take nlace has not been Victor Fm nis derided on. Kine Victor Fmmannel will! visit: Paris ta esl on the vreei tent. The rresident will vo to Rome ENCROACHING UPON CANADA. United Charge Made Against States Surveyors. Victoria, B.C., Nov. 15.--Fhe Pro- vince says: °° : "In the quietest possible manner aml with every precaution to secrecy, United States survevors have en- croached upon Canadian territory to the northeast of Cape Fox, and appro- priated thousands of square miles of land lying within the boundaiics of British Columbia to the westward of the Portland canal. "The line from Portland canal runs northeasterly for a short distance from that body of water, and then turns and runs nearly due west and} finally it connects with the Ykoot riv- er at the confluence of that stream with the Sitkine river. At the same point there is to be found an old post ° supposed to be erected by the Hudson Bav companv. and by running the ling to that post it is apparently the claim of the American government that the post in question was placed in position by the Russians, although the survey I'ne is distinctly marked by squared and cut granite monuments. The monuments run to an apex and mounted on the apex of each is a copner rod, which surveyors state was placed in position. "with a view of marking exactly the spot where the American survevors placed their in- struments when running the line. "It is hardly possible to believe, in view of the vresence 'of a British Col: umbian government official at Port ! Sjjanson, that Americans can have oc- cupied this territory without such ac- tion havine come to the knowledge of the ocovernment agent and by him transmitted to the provincial govern- ment and thence to Ottawa." MINISTER ARRESTED. Dominie Accused of Abduction of Young Girl. Atlanti:, lowa, Nov. 15.--Rev. D. EF. Knapp, a Weslevan Methodist min- ister, of Guthrie Centre, lowa, and cota 'Teaney, a fifteen-year-old gil n the same place, were arrested in this city yesterday. 'The pair leit Guthrie Centre, Tues- day morning, and went to Audubon, where they tried to procure a license to marry, but could not. They will be taken back to Guthrie, the man to answer a charge of abduction and the girl to her parents. The minister has heen in Guthrie Centre for a year and has charge of the pulpit of the church of his denom- ination there. He is a widower and has 'four children. For six months the girl has been kis house-keeper. WORE A MASK OF DEATH. ¢ Paint Caused Blood Poisoning and Child Succumbed. Orpnze, N.J., Nov. 15. -- Freda Henke, fourteen-year-old daughter of Otto Henke, ix dead at her home here as a result of blood poi orving, con tracted by weaiing a papier mache mask at a Hallowe'en party she gave to her friends. Perspiration on the little girl's face melted the paint on the mask and she was inoculated through an abrasion on her upper lip. fler face and head became greatly swollen. FATALLY WOUNDED. A Neighbor Shot by a Man Who Turned Insane. Edmonton, W.T., Nov. 15.----Rob- ert Heddell, a farmer, who lived near Leduc; was shot and fatally wounded bv a neighbor, Charles A. Buekle, whe afterwards became violently insane. Luckle had shown symptoms of in- sanity for some time. After shooting Heddell he pulled the revolver on an- t ther neighbor, but the weapon miss- ed five. She Saved 2,000 Dimes. New - York, "Nov.=15.-Siice the death of Mrs. Katherine Sipe, in this city, on Tuesday. her relatives have discovered that she was by no means so poor as they had supposed. Search ing the ho vesterday they found various tre » boxes, and in one of Mrs. Sipe's dresser drawers 2,000 dimes were stowed away. Money was found in every room of the house, as well as in the cellaf, and finally, in Mrs. Sipe's mattress, the bed upon which died, $2,000 was found, » part of it in govern- ment bonds. "Did Not Kill Latimer. : New York, Nov. 15.--The man who recently surrendered himself to the po-. lice of Brooklyn as the murderer of Albert C. Latimer, confessed that his name was Ralph E. Doughty. He de clared that he is the son of wealthy péarents/in Cape May. He is unable to éxplain why he accused himself as the Latimer murderer. Can Bury Wife Alive. Emporia, Kan, Nov. 15. ---Judge Madden in the circuit court last night decidled that acman had the right to bury hjs wife alive. The city, asked for and was refused an injunction to prohibit a "professor" giving' sn ex- bi ition of hypnotism bv burying his wife for six days. 4 Young men's hats latest and best. George Mills & Co., Wellington street. "47" ¢¢ Seventy-seven Dr. Hum- phrey's Specific, breaks up Colds, Grip, Influenza, Catarrh, Pains and soreness in the head and chest, Cough, Sore Throat, Gen- eral Prostration and Fever. 25c., all Druggists. COLDS "" WEATEER PROBABILITIES. Toronto; Ont., Nov. 15th, (11 a.m.) --Fresh to strong westerly to northeriv winds, cloudy and becoming cooler, a few light scattered showurs. Sundav mostly fair ovol. There Is Only One Best In Everything. Ladies' Knit-to-FEit Combination Suits They excel in fit; wear, warmth and finish. We would like you to examine them on our Underwear counter. The Newest in Kid Gloves One large Pearl Clasp Pique Sewn, a remarkable Glove at the price, in leading colors. Price, Special, 15¢. PAIR, Inspection invited. BORN. HERRINGTON--AL - Des ronta, M and Mrs. Albert Y2th, a on Nov. Herrington, daughter. STEVENSON--At Deseronto, on Nov. 2ud, to Mr. and Mrs. Joscph Stevenson, a son. DIED. DELISLE--At Descronto, on Nov. 4th, Frank Dil sle, aged seventy-six. PERSONAL. USE OUR HARMLESS REMEDY layed ; it ean or evi Trial free. Paris Chemical Co., Wie. LADIES : for dela) not fail. Milwau 5 YOU CAN CARRY IT. Buving a house may seem like quite a large undertaking, but we have the plan which will heli to do the carrying without incon venience. It will pav to sew us. Now is the tine to buy cheap. 0%ce open Saturday to 9 o'clock J. S. R. McCANN, ° 81 Brock Street. Nove ta Wihde'g, vou on evenings from 7 "Bibby's."" Oak Hall. '"Bibby's." New overcoats, new hats, new cloves. The: H. D. Bibby Co. { The Latest ¢ ¢ Arrival. : $ Our Fine Leather Wrist $ 4 and ' . 4 i Chatelaine ' . : i Bags | New shapes in very | fine quality of leather. 30 Different: ' Patterns. ! FROM ' 1750. 10 $8 each. D.C. JOHNSTON & BR.

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