The very best medi- cine for the relief and cure of chronic coughs and bron- chitis; dry, harsh throat coughs; irri- tating coughs of ' grippeand consump- tion; whoeping. cough; croupy coughs of children, is Angier's Petro- leum Emulsion. It soothes and heals the in- flamed and irritated mem- branes of the throat and air passages, promptly relieves the cough, removes foul mu- cus, makes breathing easy, and puts the respiratory organs in a strong, healthy condition, so that they are able to resist further attacks. It is pleasant to take, agrees with weak stomachs, aids di- gestion, and has a healthful action upon the bowels. Aungier's Petroleum Frulsion is indorsed par scribed by physiciing, used ia hospitals, and sol druggists everyw! ANGIFR CHEMICAL COMPANY, BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS, U.S. A. FOR COLD WEATHER You want a reliable heater. You also want one that is a fuel saver, at the same time heating the house in a satisfactory manner. This Our Oil Heater Will Do. Is economical in the long run. It is clean, convenient and re- liable at all times. CORBETT'S HARDWARE. PN ; WV '"'Social"" Brand Teas and Cof- fee's, in 1 1b. and } lb. packages, 25¢., 40c., 50c. 1b. 'Social' Brand Baking Powder and Cocoa, 15¢., 20¢., and 25c. tins. Premium Coupons in each pack- age. Jersey Cream Yeast Cakes. RETAIL. THE STARR CO. 185 WELLINGION ST." SEALED TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED at the office of the County Clerk, Court louse, Ningston, up to 9 o'clock a.m. of the 22nd day of November, 1902, for the undermentioned supplies for the jail for the year 1903 (-- Bread, ba:ley, oatmeal, cornmeal, salt, pepper, -bect, pork and mutton, at- per pound. Milk, molasses and American coal oil, at per gallon Straw, hand threshed, at--------per bundle of 12 pounds Peas, carrots and potatoes, at per bushel. Brown family soap, at----------per box of 60 rs. x : e whole of the above supplies to be of goad quality, to be delivered at the jail as roqyired, and to be subijeat to the approval of the jailer, or some other, nerson appointed bv the County Council Separate ten lers will the above supplies Security required for fulfilment of contract. J; W. EDWARDS, W. W. PRINGLE. Esq County Clerk. Chairman Com. C. Prop. Kingston, Nov. luUth. Ibu2. be reccived for parts ol FURNISHED ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD; ALSO TARLE board. Apply 168 King street West, pear City Park. FOR SALE. ICE YACHT, ONE YEAR OLD. APPLY P.O Box 83, THE WHIG -- 68TH YEAR. DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published each evening, at 306-310 King Bueat, it 9e per i Cl vear. Editions at 2:30 and 4 © WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG. 12 pages, pub ti-had every Thursday morning at $1 a year, Attached is one of the best Job Printing t)ffices in Canada: rapid, stylish and cheap work; mine improved Proares. - EDW. J. B. PENSE, PROPRIETOR. HE DAILY WHIG. Opiter per Orbem Dicer.' ------------------------ ---- GREAT SOCIAL EXPERIMENT. In ithe diterature which is not print ed and circulated by the parties in- terested in the prohibition campaign, comes the story of social reformation which is very interesting. The Colo rado Fuel and Iron company 'is a great corporation, having large and extended interests, and also between fifteen and twenty thousand employ- ees. These different races, whose social condition has been employment of men latter represent improved by the and women, whose business it is to lcok after their education and amuse- ment. The social agents are experts in their reformatory methods. They do not force themselves upon people. But they are available for consultation, and they engege in activities whose in- fluc e beneficial. Their success in converting the people from intemper- ate habits ix thus outlined by a con- the Chicago Inter-Ocean : "iiading that prohi.ition did not jrohiic 1 the towns where its em- overs dwelt, the company resol. ed to tight drunkenne s with diink. = A purdculurly bilaiovs and prolonged "spree ia ove town, in which neaily every man seemed to be engaged, with the enect of shutting down the mins oy seve al days, led to the establish ment oi a dubhouse, ojen to all em- ilosees. Liquors are scl!, of the best quality, and at the lowest prices, but no man is encouraged to drink, no wan is permitted to get drunk, and no treating is al oweu. "As a vesul(, only two or three cases is temporary, of drunkenness have occurred in that town since, and these on liquor pro cured elsewhere. Furthermore, the public sentiment has arisen that it is "had form' to get drunk. The aver- age frequenter of the club takes a drink when he comes in, plays a game or two, perhaps takes another drink hefore leaving, and then goes.home. 'I he mah who takes more than two or three i die of an evening becomes an object of social sus; i ion. Men who formerly "regarded drunkenness as an (sential feature of social relaxation are now ashamed to get drunk. The experiment has worked so well that the company is now building a similar (lubhouse at another town populated chiefly by its employees. "Kindergartens, cooking school, sewing school, reading-rooms, gym- naviums, travelling libraiics, travel ling at collections, popular lectures, pi:1:° clubs, and boys' clubs have been orga ized. These things are not done by way of almsgiving. The employees pay a fair price for them. But be cause the company organizes them, backs them, and assumes financial re sponsibility the price is low. The cconomies of. large organization have been extended to the education and amusements of the people. As a re- sult homogeneous communities are be- ing formed out. of the most diverse elements, and the standard of citizen ship is steadily rising." It has been added, very wisely, that the Colorado Fuel is net a benevolent institution 'and is and Iron company not at work for any sentimental rea- It is a business concern which finds that the better the social condi tions of the the better they are cared for, the better educated and led, the better they serve as employees "and citizens. It simply pays to exalt sons. people; the masses. THE PROVINCIAL FORES' now" dividing Any public. question the opinion of the peaple into oppos- ing parties must yield the place of honor to that which relates to the ad- ministration of our forest domain; and in the discussion of this there is probably but one party in the coun: understood tay. Let it be clearly that in thé development of * the re: sources of New Ontario the govern- ment of the day will endeavor to avoid the errors of the past, will be alive to the vast trust to be managed | for the public benefit, and alert to | direct "the activities of business enter to withstand pri prise while astute {ate greed and intriguing policyi--and a unit in So much the country will be found supporting its leaders, is to be gained to 1 sary, so much to be won for the fu- ture happiness: and prosperity of the which will occupy that the province, that it will be the sheerest community section tof folly to oppose coun sels of prudent expansion gnd careful ly planned enterprises The new territory is a forest region: is little different that respect from the country which the pioneers of On- in tario first occupied along the banks of the St. Lawrence and Pay of Quinte, saving a smaller size of tim- ber, and the timber trade then and now. Taking a retrospect of the period since the first raised his different. conditions of ' United Empire Loyalist axe against the forest, it is plain that jor the lattdy hali of the period no thing can be said to excuse the reck loss destruction of woodlana, so much | oreater in ratio during this the earlier period. About IS50 a well] than in intended but illy-execnted plan of colo nization of the interior, betwen Lak the Ottawa. practically summea Ontario and was entered Its resule up is that the value of the labor the settlers for hall not approximate the value of the tim upon. of a century does ber Gestroved in that time. A costly | { lesson "has been learned which may | a | the provincial trea L profitably be applied to protect the province from further loss and guide the efforts of the colonists of the New Cntario in maintaining forest - re- serves which will be a permanent source of wealth and, fountain of in- dustrial enterprise. Nothing can he done so well for sound exploitation of the forest re sources of New Ontario as the foun dation 'of a "Forestry school in con nection with Queen's University; and not only for the benefit of New On- tario, but also for the various exten- sive lumber interests throughout the dominion to which the science of the forester points the best "methods for managing reserves. In no other wav can the permancnce of the great lum- ber interests of Ontario, in which the whole community is interested, be protected from . the waste which at- tends ignorant management. The subject of the equipment and aims of a School of Forestry is well discussed in Ernest Bruncken's "North American Forests and Forestry." The notion that the Agricultural College at Guelph is in virtue of its course of study qualified to take up the teach- ing of forestry is thus answered by the author : "Forestry as a profession and the pursuit of agriculture have but little in cammon. Nor does forestry belong jroperly with the department' of sci ence. Its true relations are with eco- nomics or civics.' To the profe ional student the correlation of forestry with other departments of the univers- itv will perhaps make little difference. But it will be of great importance in attractiny _ to its. comprehensive courses those students from. whose numl er will come the future leaders in public affairs, and who are not orain arily found in the scientific depart: ment? 'The scientific men, botanists, and others, have heretofore taken so prominent a part in the American forestry movement that it may scem natural to some university men to make forestry instruction a branch of physical and hological science teach- ine. To me this would appear to be a mistake that might prove ga seriouse hindrance in the work." In fact this writer sets before clearly that the aim of the profes sional forester is not sylbiculture, but the management of forests by such methods as 'will make them most pro- national us ductive, and factors of wealth. "It is not," he says sary to impress upon Americans the truth that the higher life of a nation, development, the life of ana aesthetic "neces- --its moral the spirit, intellectual aspirations--must rest foundation of material achievement." "The forester's work is primarily concerned with material things. He is exploiting the gifts of nature to sup- ply the material wants and luxuries of man, and in doing so to get his portion of personal benefit. But if he has truly grasped the significance of his profession, he realizes that his work is not done for himself alone, nor merely in order that the lower desires of others may be gratified. He knows that he is an integral neces- sary part of the grand organization upon a solid of the American nation, taking his appointed place to do 'his appointed work." + What the special features are which city as the proper site of Forestry commend this a Provincial School acquainted with the history of the great * timber trade which has its centre in the Ottawa Valley. It is of the first importance that every thall awake to the importanee of the placing - the foremost re- for will occur to all public spirited cifizen movement in favor of cult of forestry in the vard of the Provincial legislature: EDITORIAL NOTES. The Doukhobors- are looking for will © know and a location where they obey no law save that of God. Is it to be- found in the world to-day ? Prefontaine "has been only Hon. Mr. in the government a few days, and he talks of founding a school of naviga- tion. Is his, too, a master mind ? The that the recent advance in coal, made by them, operators announce will he abandoned presently, as scon as the mines are running smoothly. | Thanks, thanks. a-- Mr. Ross is not going to issue special circular or letter in regard . to the liquo¥ act.- Why should he ? Is his whole life and record not an evidence any of his consistency ? me-- Rev. Mr. Macdonald, of The West. minster, is out with a special appeal to the liberaly to vote for the liquor act's enforcement: Another evidence that there is mo politics in the cam paign ! Montreal stocks have recently dde- clined in value to the extent of 87, 000,000. Some speculators have suf fered great financigl pains. Sows of the little margin chaps have been put out of business for the time being. -- Germany has begun a tariff war up on all and sundry who have been dis criminating against it. Uncle Sam surprised. He did not expect it) He's sorry he played to the gallery durine Lrince Henry's visit to America. 15 Toronto » University has submitted its estimates to the government, and there is according to them, A prospees tive deficit of £11,110. The Globe in- timates that the institution should be wiven' all it. wants. Why ? Because the province i< wealthy. It is the mileh Teow that is not expected to run drv: ee Young men's hats Large oranges, 23¢. a dos., at Gil bert's. latest and best. | | George Mills & Co., Wellington street: THE DAILY Wi HIG, S:TUBwA:. NOVEMBER 15 AT LONSDALE'S THE KAISER IS THE GUEST OF THE EARL Why the Emperor Shows Favor to My Lord--His Social Prestige is Very Great in Germany and at Ome London. Nov. "15.--Emyperor William has concluded his if to the king at Sandringham and next werk will be the guest of Lord Lonsdale at Low- ther castle. near Jenrith. The Earl of l.onsddle enjovs particular favor with the emperor. in fact he is the only British nobleman whom the emperor honors with a visit, ana it is needless to say that no expense is spared in providing entertainment for the imper- ial guest. On the occasion of the em- peror's four days' visit to Lowther castle, in 1895, it is known that Lord of China, at Gehol, is called "the aradise of ten thousand trees," and Lord Macartney, ambassador to Chi- na, im one of his letters, savs: "Ii any place can be said in any respect to have similar featmes to the west- ern park of Van Shoo Yeen, it is Lowther." INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked up by Reporters On Their Rounds. Ta:lor puts up prescri tions. Snow apple jue, a gal, Gilbert's. Young men's hats latest and best. George Mills & Co., Wellington street. A party of Queen's mi. ing students visited the nica mines ut Sydenham at 2-1. tins rears, 10c., at Gilbert's. ~Lever's Y-Z (Wise Head) Disinfectant Soap Powder is a boon to any home. It disin- 1ts and cleans at the same time. » "B," "C," and "E' companies, 14th Regiment paraded last night and were LOWTHER CASTLE. Lonsdale expended, closé upon a mil- lion dollars and there is reason to be- lieve that an even larger sum will be spent on the present occasion. Lord Lonsdale owes his favor with the emperor chiefly to the fact that he was the first member of the Brit- ish nobility to display an active in- i other than terest in German affairs political. He was one ot the first of British vacht-owners to go to Kiel and to join the Imperial Yacht Club, and as he has , beautiful craft the emperor frequently visited him. on board, sailed with him gnd became his friend. Kach year since then Lord Lonsdale has been invited to the army manoeuvres, where, no matter how many German and foreign kings, rul- ers and princes of the blood may be present, the earl always is accorded a place in the very front rank, with offi- cers and servants to wait on him and imperial horses and carriages at his aisposal. The marked distinction with which the earl is received everywhere in Ger- many has had the eliect of greatly raising his social prestige in England. Prior to the time the emperor made his acquaintance he cannot be said to have enjoyed either the regard or re spect of his fellow-countrymen. He had been mixed up -'in all sorts "of queer affairs' and unsavory scandals, in -controversies and: brawls (notably his fistic encounter with Sir George Chetwvna in Hyde Park on the sub- ject of Mrs. Langtry), so much sp. indeed, that on one occasion the cur ate of a well-known and fashionable parish was dismissea by his rector for having been seen in the earls. com The emperor's friendship, how pany. ever. has resulted in people in Eng land looking upon the earl with a good deal more favor and indulgence. I owther Castle, where the earl will entertain his imperial guest and the brilliant party that has been: invited to meet him, is one of the most im j.osing 'mansions in the north. Its great terrace ix nearly a mile in length, ahd "is carried alone the brink of a steep cliff, which overlooks a part of the park, with forest trees of #mmense growth and well replenish ed with deer. The park of the Emperor Delicious Drinks and Dainty 'Dishes, ARE MADE FROM =e BAKER'S BREAKFAST. COCOA ABSOLUTELY PURE TV nequaled for Smoothness, Delicacy ,and Flavor § Our Choice Recipe Book, sent free, will teil you to make Fudge and a great variety of dainty~ es from our Cocoa and Chocolate. ADDRESS OUR BRANCH HOUSE Walter Baker & Co. Ltd. 12 and 14 St. John Street MONTREAL, P. Q. --- , exercised in the "attack" by Sergt. Instructor Lingla n. The habit that manv of the school loys have of running across lawns and jumping over the walks has brok- en out again. The teachers might weli give the boys a little talk on the sub- ject. Allen's clarified cider, 20c. a gal., at Gilbert's. At Deseronto Rev. M. Maceillivrav told the public that the Kingston liquor interest had had printed 60,000 copies of a pamphlet for distribution, This should be met by anti-bar-room literature. To get relief from indigestion, hili- ousness, constipation or torpid liver without disturbing the stomach or purging the bowels, take a few doses of Carter's Little Liver Pills, they will please you. The papers in' the civil service exam- inations, which closed on I hursdav afternoon, were regarded, as very fair. It is not expected that the re sults will be given out till near the end of December. There is excitement at Cobden and Renirew, because a body of a man was found in a' trunk checked from Cobden to Kingston: The trunk was in charge of students. Gravevards in the locality are being searched .to learn whose remains have Teen taken. Do not despair of curing -- vour sick headache when vou can so easily ob- tain Carter's Little Liver Pills. They will effect a' prompt and permanent cure. (Their action is mild and natur- al. b For the vear ending June 30th last, the Kingston gas® supply was the third best in Ontario, Woodstock and Owen Sound exceeding it in candle power. The average brilliancy for the Kiigston gas for the vear was 21.81 candles. Tts 'highest was 22.40 and lowest 21.12. : Gollen dats," 3 Tose; at Gi- bert's. The strongest life. insurahee company in the world de-ites to arrange with 'an active men as di-tiit agent for Frontenac county. Alo local agents wanted. . Experience not essential. At- tractive terms. Address Y. Dens negn, general manag 90. Yonge «rect, Toronto. Roger: Greer (1) Does the referendum count for weasure; (2) What majority is requir ed to carry. In answer (1 Against the referendum: (2) To carry there must be a majority for it' and of the. Whig : po'led for the aguinst ° the enquires vote not or we say: the vote for it must not be liss than hali the total vote east in the logis lature election of 1898, That is, 213. M2 votes must he cast in eny case for the referendum, but if 500,000 vot s are cast 250,001 will Le rejuired to carry the measure. Sydenham News. Svdenham, Nov. 11.-The jubilee -ingeis were oreeterd with ronded house. "At least 100 were in attendance. The KE. L. is to be con gratulated upon the success of the en terta ment. Bryant Wood, junior foreman in the mia house here, finds Lit necessary to take a rest. He is go- ing to the Adirondacks for a month. Canadimn a J. P. Lacey has been confined to the house for weeks. He i: ia a precan- ous state of health. Tt is reported that one of Sydenham's fair maidens is to weld a gentleman. from Ottawa about Christmas time. & company of mining students from Queen's are to ¥\i<it the mine of the General Mia Co. ion Saturday, 15th. The marriage of Horning took | 1. Tawrence to Mrs. R. [most people by surprise. A temper | ance mass meeling is to iw hell here on Wednesday evening, the 19th inst. Fall Importation Of 1902. Prevost, of the New York clothing | store, Brock etreet, has received al' his fall importation for order work in his tailoring. department. Hi: , I department ie well assort sd and a large.assortment to choos- from. For low price and durability | ha defies competition at Gil x Fancy cho-olites, 23. a lb, TTT 44] HH Hit and health, without which, the = is always an easy prey to colds, "chills and influenza, which are engendered in moments of weakness and ondue fatigue. Bovril is not mere- ly a stimulant, but a highly nour- ishing food, containing all the strengthening properties of beef in a most convenient and ap- petizing form. in i ganbe tail. THE H. D. Canada, means something. The Short, The Medium, The Long Coats. It isn't possible to improve on the style, workmanship und perfec- tion of fit of our Overcoats. are absolutely correct in every de- THE CANADA METAL CO'S Solder, toward that end. One thought in all lines-- PERFECTION." CANADA METAL 0. 'WILLIAM STKEET, TORONIO, ONT. Le % They These Overcoats were made by specialists--men who make Overcoats and nothing else. $7.50, 38, $10, design and $12, $12.50, 514, 315. BIBBY CO'Y., ONE PRICE CLOTHING ROUSE, OAK HAL _---- "CRY WAR, WAR!" Until CANADA FOR CANADIANS, Tariff for Tariff and made in Babbit, Lead Pipe helps INFANTS' DELIGHT SOAP Sup:riorte all other for the Toilet and Nursery. Made by x John Taylor & Co., Teronto, ™ oC] [oF Toe Fo 10 Fo [a PRESS NOTES. i 90} 90 { 90] 30 {3 {0g {00 3 {0 {90 Right To Their Miu Ottawa Free Press. Now let" us see the torv papers mor alize over that deficit of $10,000,000 in Australia. Deficits used to be rather a common thing when they were in pow- er in provinces and dominion. Game To The End. Lotdon News. The tories appear to be decidedly afraid of their chances in North Perth. Cheer up, old boys! Don't get in the hole till you're shoved in. Be game ! So It Will Be. Toromto Star. "Made in Canada" ed on Canadian products should be stamp for export. A Vivid. Analogy. Syracuse Post-Standard Devery speaks: "Ever go into a market «n a cold morning and pick up a fish? Yes? Then you've shaken hands with Hill." Awaiting Discovery. Montrial Herald. 'the Hon. J.P. Whitnev, who con fidedd to the public a month or so ave, that it was all a mi=take, and that he was the premier of Ontario, ix lale to to be dug out at any moment, A John The Baptist. Ottawa Journal. Principal MacVicar of Montreal calls attention to a great truth when he de: lares that Quehee needs free schools, Shall it be the voite of one. erying in the wilderness ? Best 75c. Gloves And finest two dollar hats at George Mills & Co's, Wellington St. ST DE EERE | "Price," "Capability," "Satisfaction." A Successful Combination That Merits a Share of Your Trade. People know from past experience our *CAPABILITY" to supply promptly end "SATISFACTORILY" anything in the jewelry line _ required by, our patrons, and owe "PRICES" are certainly right. SMITH BR.OS., Jewelers and 380 King Opticians. St. EYES CAREFULLY EXAMINED. Electrical Repairs We have the workmen, the equip- ment and the experience to do your work promptly and well. You won't ned to send a second time before you get satisfaction. OUR WORK and OUR PRICES always give that at the first opportunity. BRECK & HALLIDAY, P~*"gre. Street. a RRNA % DON'T WASTE MONEY On poor, ill-flavored but- | W ter, when you can get a ' y Eg ® pound of the best Clarified Butter, sweet and finely- o flavored, for 25¢. Try a pound and see how pleased : you will be. 'Phone 567. Brock & Bagot §! Swi Le GD) MOTHER HENDY'S ALL HEALING OINTMENT Will Cure Burns, Frozen Limbs, Cuts, Salt Rheum, Broken ' Breasts, Cracked Nipples, Children's Sore Heads, Boils and Bealing F.ngers. PRICE--25¢ ----m--_ 0 5 Lint EH as ------------------------