Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Nov 1902, p. 5

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The ling of Ranges-- * Buck's Happy Thought" - If time, trouble end labor count _with you ; if the cost of coal is worth considering ; then you are the person we wish to address: Call upoa the leading stove dealer of your place and see The 44 appy Thought" Range Look into its ingenious pat- ented contrivances for saving time and fuel, satisfy yourself that it will pay you grand returns as an investment. Take the trouble to do this once and your kitchen troubles will be done forever. ~The makers will be glad to write you personally if you let them, The shortest cut we know. to household happiness is The '" Happy Thought" Range. Many thousands of Canadian families have found this out, why not enquire further, it is eminently worth while. Write the Manufacturers for Illus- trated Catalogue. : THE WM. BUCK STOVE °% Limited, #¥ Brantford. ere Sold Only by ' M'KELVEY & BIRCH,' 69-71 BROCK ST, =] " KN EXCELLENT FOOD, } admirably adapted to the Wants of Infants.'] SiR Cras. A. CAMERON) C.B., M.D. Professor of Chemistry, R.C.5. 1, Ex-Fresident of the Roval College of i Surgeons, Irecand. For Infants, Invalids, And The Aged. GOLD MEDAL, WOMANS EXHIBITION, London, 1900. DR. BARNARDO says: -- ¢" We have alreddy used Neav *s Food in two of our Homes (Babies' wd tite Village Home), and I have noh ion in saying it has proved very sati factory." July 27th, 1001. USED IN THE ! Russian Manufacturers :- JOSIAH R. NEAVE & CO., Fordingbridge, England. Wholesale Agents: --THE LYMAN BROS. #& Co., Ltd; Toronto and Montreal. Imperial Nursery. | MEN OF ALL AGES suffering from the effects of early folly quickly restored to robust health. man- hood and vigor. Lost Manhood, Pre- mature Decay, Weak Memory. Errors of Youth, Night Losse, varicocele, forever cured. . '$1.00 BOX OF MEDICINE FREE. OLD DR. GORDON'S REMEDY, FOR! MEN in a few days will make an old maa of 60 feel zo years younger, Seat sealed oy receipt of 12cents to pay post- regular one dollar box. with r 1 book rules for health, nd what' to avoid. No duty, no inspection by Custom House, reliable Canadian Company. Write at once ; if we could not help you we would not make this honest offer. QUEEN MEDICING co. P.O. Bi X A. 947, Montreal. STAMPS AND MARKERS. RUBBER STAMPS, OF ALL KINDS, SEI ohare; Linen Marken, Dates. Seals. Senate. semat, JOHN OFFORD, Whia Rey WOMAN'S WORK OFTEN LEADS TO A BREAK- DOWN IN HEALTH. Severe Headaches, Loss of Appe- tite, Dizziness, Palpitation of the Heart and Other Distress- ing Symptoms Follow. Woman's cares about the household are many- and often worrying, and it is no wonder that the health of so many give way under the strain. To weak, tired-out, depressed women everywhere, the story of Mrs. Geo. L. Horton, the wife of a well known farmer living near Fenwick, Ont., will come as a message of hope. To a reporter who interviewed her on the subject, Mrs. Fenwick, said: "Yes, 1 am quite willing to give my testi mony to the great good Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have done me, as my ex- perience may help some other sufferer. A couple:of years ago my health be- gan te give way, and I suffered from anaemia, with most of the depressing symptoms of that trouble. 1 became much emaciated, had distressing head- aches, and a very poor appetite. . At first I thought the trouble would pass away, but in this 1 was worse. taken, as | continued to grow worse. My heart began to palpitate violently at the least exertion; my rest at night was broken and finally a bad cough set in, and 1 was scarcely able to do a bit of work about the house. An aunt in England who had been ill had written: me that Dr. Williams Pink Pills had restored her to health, and 1 determined to give the pilis a trial. After the use of a few boxes | noticed a distinct improvement in my condi- tion, and after using the pills for a few weeks more the trouble had com- pletely left me. 1 could sleep well at night, the cough left me; the head- aches that had made me so miserable vanished, my appetite returned, and 1 housework could again perform my with ease. 1 shall always feel grate- ful for what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have dome for me, and strongly re- commend them to other ailing wo- TH } men. Dr. Williams" Pink Pills have ac- complished just such good results in thousands of other cases among ail ing men and women, and sufferers from any of the numerous ailments resulting from poor, watery blood who will give these pills a fair trial will soon be on the high road to health and strength. Imitations are some- times offered by unscrupulous dealers, who care more for their own profit than for their customers' health. Be sure that the full name, "Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills for Pale People," is found the wrapper around every box you buy. If your dealer does not keep these pills send to the Dr. Wil- lias' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont., and they will be mailed post paid at 0c. per box or six boxes for $2.50. on PERSONAL MENTION, Movements Of The People--What They Are Saying And Doing. Mi- Susie Heaney, Deseronto, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Albert Dean, of this city. W. H. Godwin, Kingston, visited kis daughter, Mrs. Rev.) Miller, Egan- ville, for a couple of days the past wack. Miss N. Grant, for tween Kingston, "to spend days. Rev. J. H. Hall, Sarnia, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. D.7A. Cays, Alived street, for the last few days, leit yes- terdav for home. Edgar Birch and Alexander Thorn ton have returned from Gananoque, where they spent the past four and a bali months. C. Lockett, representing a Que- bee shoe firm on_ the road, arrived in the city to-day to spend Sundav with his father, F. G. Lockett, Wellington street. E. Deb. Panet, Ottawa, and G. T, Jennings, Toronto, graduates of the Roval Military College, have been ap pointed to commissions in the -royval Canadian Artillery. W. PP. F. Ferguson, Chicago, the famous © temperance reform advocate, will speak to morrow evening in Sy- denham street church in connection with the regular service. D. H. McRae, Con. Millan and E. P. Brannigan, were 'among those: who went down to Ottawa last night to witness the football match to-dav, be- tween Ottawa City and Ottawa Col lege teams. The Atlanta Constitution, in speak- ing of the singing of Leslie "Conley, son of RT. Conley (formerly of King- <ton), local manager fer the Pitts- burg Plate Glass company at Atlanta, says. His voice is rich and clear and thé effort is very impressive." Adjt. Bliss succeeds Adjt.- McNama- ra as head of the Kingston Salvation Army corps. Stafi-Captain McNamara and Capt. Hoole go to Picton. The new oflicers at near points are: Na pance,: Capt." Randéll; Deseronto, Capt. Liddell: Ganamoque, Lieut. Duncan; Belleville, Capt. Clark. Bath to her who lived in vears, has moved the rest of over HAWAIIAN OFFICIALS SHORT. Secretary of Interior Receives Re- ports of Defalcation. Washington, Nov. 13.-- Official re ports on defaleations by two promin- ent officials. of the Hawaiian govern ment are received by the secretary of the interior from Governor Dole. William H. Wright, the treasurer oi the territory. admitted "he was &17.- 050 short. and DB. H. Wright, chief clerk of the de nent of public works of Hawai charged with em- bezzlement of 88272, The former has not been found. but the latter was arrested and will he teed. [------ Crosse & Blackwell's. marmalade," 1 Ib." pots. Crosée & Ib. tins. Cairns hdme-made' marmalade Caitn's Seotch marmalade, 7 lh. tins. Cairns Tangerine warmadade Cairn's green fig and ginger. Cairns pineapple "and ginger: Bishop's grape fruitate. Bishop's orangeaiel Jas. Redden & Co » The Roval Blue Baltimore and .Uhio Blackwell's marmalade, 7 fiver, avrecked at Washinogton. Several persons burt, ope killed. THE DAILY WHIG, SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 15 rr "ADVANCE ALL ALONG LINE. 'The Anti-Bar-room Crusade Bound for Victory. Supplied by the Local Prohibition Committee, W. P. F. Ferguson, Chicago, one of the foremost temperance campaigners and orators of the United States, reaches the city to-day for a week's campaign. The following is the = pro- gramme of meetings for Mr. Ferguson: Sunday, Nov. 16th (to-morrow)--A mass meeting for men at 4.15 p.m. in the City Hall. Singing bv a male quartette; a general mass meeting at 8.20 p.m., Chalmers church. Mondav. Nov. 17th--Meeting in On- tario Hall, at 8 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 18th--Meeting in Sal- vation Army Barracks, at 8 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 20th--Meeting in Cooke's Preshyterian "church, at 8 p. m. A special invitation given to stu- dents and voung people. Friday, Nov. 2Ist--Meceting in City Hall. at same hour. n Tuesday, at 3 p.m., Mr. Fergus- on will address a meeting for women in the old Collegiate room. On Wednesday evening heswill speak in Sydenham under the auspices of the county executive. Mr. Ferguson was the author of "The Canteen in the United States Army," the boek that forced the abo- lition of the military saloon and sav- ed the army from the iniquity of the canteen. Mr. Ferguson addressed the cili'ens oi London several evenings on the drink trafic. One writing from there says: "Scldom have addresses been given, so packed with accurate infor: mation and sustained in logical force. 'there was not a tedious mo- nent from start to finish in his splen- dill address." The address of Mr. Ferguson, heiore an audience of 10,000 people, in Rock- ford, ilincis, was pronounced to be "one of the most masterly orations ever delivered: irom that famous plat- form." : An opportunity will now be the citizens of Kingston to hear a sO given new voice. Let the indifferent and those in doubt go and hear Mr. Fer cuson. Let those who are opposed to this great reform of closing the bar room and doing away with the treat ing system not fail to hear this ad vocate of temperance. If they wish to state thier objections, an opportunity will be given. let every man be hen- est and show his colors. What is needed is courage to act according to conviction. God save the land from the curse of strong drink. "God Save the King." to-nicht, 7:30. At "'Leadquarters' lists wil meet Workers on voters' without fail. QUEEN'S II. TOOK IT. And Are Virtually the Intermedi- ate Champions. Montreal. Nov. 13, (Special to the Whivr--Queen's 11 virtually won the intermediate championship -of the In tercollegiate Rugby union by defeat- ing McGill 11 here, this morning, bv 7 to 0. The McGill athletic grounds were quite soggy, but the play was as good as a dry gridiron ever al- foraed. Queen's had a slicht breeze in the first hali and held the play in the Montreal team's territory most of the time. The only score made be- fore hali-time was by Crothers, 'whose kick over MeGill's goal line forced a rouge. Queen's, 1; McGill, 0. For five minutes of the second hali McGill were the aggressors, and then Queen's Indians began their usual on- ward rush. The play swept down the field: to McGill's thirty-five-yard line, where Strachan kicked the ball. be tween the Montreal poles. One point resulted. Queen's, 2: McGill, 0. In five minutes" time Pannell "stole around the line and, untackled. scored an easy touch, hut Strachan did not convert. Queen's, 7: McGill, 0. The . remainder of the play was mich in Queen's favor, though McGill tried. hard -to score. Strachan's kick- ing was the best seen in Montreal in many a day. Referee. umpire, S. McCallum, Toronto; 5, "Foronto. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. -- Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. A fine rink is to be built in Picton by Wellington Boulter. Younes men's hats latest and best. George Mills & Co., Wellington street. The Toronto Star says the petitions in. North Ontario and -in Kingston will likely not go on. Charles Stringer, Peterbere, former- lv of Kingston, appointed a district manager of the Bell. Telephone com- panv., New cor new canned new canned are canned tomatoes, new canned peas, beans. Our new canned goods artiving daily. J Redden & Co. Hon. Charles Fitzpatrick, minister of justice, is expected to make an official visit to the Kingston penitentiary next week. : Cream of 'wheat, 1c. kert's. At 'midnight on Tuesdav. Miss Nel Lie Bell and William €. Millard, mem bers of the Marks Dramatic company, were married at Gouverneur, N.Y Rimmel"s Oatmeal and Almond meal powder, 15¢. and 23c¢. McLeod's drug store. Fresh butter was very =carce on the Gil- a Ib, at Bros. market to-dav. The ruling price was 25¢. a lb., although some of the far- mers were ashing 30c. a be for their product. : Boston Excursion, Nov. 18th. For this trip via New York Cen: tral lines from Kingston, Ont. low rates-gnd return limit leaving Boston, Springlield, Palmer Worcester on Framingham, November 25th, permitting those who desire to spend Thanksgiving day in New England. Steamer leaves Kingston 2:30 mm. Specialytrains of elegant day coaches ! and Pullman sleepers will run thfough to 'oston on fast schedule without change of cags, arriving at Boston early "following mosning. Secure fur- ther-- particulars from-F. "A. Folger, agent, Kingston, Ont. South J A 'Premier Sagasta has so far failed to form a new Spanish cabinet. Baker's bulk a, 0c. j Guibert s. a li at co _---r:rLLLk> { 'when cured. "ENTERTAINING WAS THE PERFORMANCE IN GRAND OPERA HOUSE tees. The Clever Dancers Won the Ap- preciation of a Critical Au- dience--Some Fine Stage Ef- fects--Some of the Periormers. Last evening a large audience greet- ed the Musical Carnival, presented in aid of the Infants' Home, under the mamagement of Mesdames Walkem, Mc- Cammon, Wade, McGowan and Bogert. The opening scene was the ever po- pular stately minuet, the ladies' cos- tumes being especially beautiful. Those taking part were : The Misses B. and M. Smythe, G. Oldrieve, L. Dalton, G. Drury, B. Tendy, J. Taylor and E. Hendry, and Messrs. Clarmont, Pense, Tandy, Lynwood, Drury, Patterson and C. Betts. Certainly one of the prettiest fea- tures of the performance was the woodland scene, with numerous fairies in bright attire, bespangled from head to feot; not during the evening was there any more graceful dancing than these little girls executed. Britannia. rose-bedecked, and wielding a golden wand, was charmingly represented by Miss Marjorie Pense. The tinv queen was the beautiful little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Campbell, whose mar- velously clever dancing was the ad- miration of all: Marjorie was presented with a handsome bouquet of pink and white carnations, which the little maid richly deserved. Master Harry Wade was the royal looking little Lins: Miss Fanny Sullivan looked ~racefullv sweet and petite. Bright and quaint were the Japan- ladies, especially the "six little « Vera Mundell, Ina 'aylor, Lena MeMahon, jossic Dowsley and Nan Patterson, Mr. Lynwood taking the principal part with his comical attinlant, Tom Deyie. As a laughable feature, this was the hest of the evening, the youth- ful portion being convul ed with theic funny anti s. Through softly shaded pink lights, with a black background, to Intag in ctriking relivf, the srowy costumes of both ladies and gentlomen, the "Ga- votte" was an undoubted success. Those taking part were: Misses M. Campion, M. knicht, G. Lickson, L. Martin, K. Drummond and G. Oldrieve and Messrs. McCammon, Pense, Betts, Linwood, Manhard and Pwitchell. The *Bohemian gitls" were very attractive with their gaily decorated temborines, their dancing being very graceful; the principal characters be- ing Mr. Lynwood and the Misses L. McMahon and W. Paterson. Perhaps the most elaborate display of costumes was in the *Vestals." The garland girls in pink and white performed some effective designs, with their ropes of roses. The pantomine work of Miss Eva Reid was very cle verly done, Miss Ara Drury, was the beautiful "liigh Priestess," and Mi-s Madeline Campion was the Vestel. Mr. or, OSE wives," Shaw, Tot Lynwood sang "Rest, Rest, to the Weary," in splendid voice, also "Wait," which was enthusiastically encored. The clever, bricht, musical sextette was especially catchy, with a "com- plete lack of anything amateurish, the performers being Misses M. Knight, (i. Dickson, L. Mar{in, M. Campion, K. Drummond, Massie, and Messrs. Lyn- wood, McCammon, Twitchell, C. Betts, D. Paterson and Manard. This gay little company responded to an encore. The last scene was a war-dance a number of Indians, in truly Indian style and = costume. A short tale of Indian love was presented. the. prinei- by pal characters being Miss Mabel Strachan, whose pantomime acting was very clever. The chief of the tribe was Mr. Lynwood, "and the In- dian girl's = father, Lieut. Clarkson. Miss Jean Paterson was the efficient accompaniest. Miss Mona Knight's solo was much admired, her song being "Ave Maria" in the Vestals. Little--- Eaward Dolan, as "God of Love," made a pretty picture, The want of programmes general dissatisfaction. causea Americans, employed in responsible positions under the government of the Yukon territory, have been required to hecome natural- ized British subjects or step out. A Lirge number have taken the oath of allegiance, thereby secming their re: tention. The London Evening News announc- es that the Crown Prince of Siam is engaced to the eldest daughter of the Emperor of Japan. The princess is fourteen years of age. At a sale in London £75 was paid for a Canadian twelve-penny stamp of 1551, and £14 for a New Brunswick stamp oi the same denomination and year. It is unofficially reported that cith- er the Duke of Somerset or Lord Windsor will be appointed governor- general of the commonwealth of Aus- tralia. Edward Wallace, a Nvack millionaire has paid 83,750 to settle a lawsuit® in stituted by Mrs. Lovatt, whose hus- band was hurt by Wallace's automo bile. Joseph Swain, LL.D. installed president of College, Philadelphia. Young men's hats latest and best. George Mills & Co., Wellington street. A large outbreak of small-pox is re- ported trom South Plantagenet: BR. Hepburn, Picton, was a city visitor to-day. AN HONEST DOGTOR. Editor: If any of your readers suf- fer from sexual weakness resulting from vouthful folly, premature loss" of strength and memory. weak back, varicocele or emaciation, my Latest Method: Treatment will cure them, So positive am I that it is an infallible cure, that nothing need be paia until the cure is effected; this is certainly a fair proposition, for if 1 had any "doubts as to its efficacy, T could not make this offer for patients to pay It makes no difference who has failed to cure them, let them write'me and I will send my book and blank for home treatment free. They can aadress me in confidence, Dr. Goldberg, Dept. M., 208 Wood- ward Ave., Detroit, Mich, : About twenty was, to-dav, Swarthmore at OE aed Herlile Hare Deen jared They are in most cases either for treatment Two-thirds of the inmates of our hospitals are women. y advanced stages of female troubles which have resulted in ovaritis, or for an operation, made necessary b « tumor, or displacement of the womb. "AN OPERATION NECESSARY." How these words after the examination strike terror to a woman's soul, and with what regrets she hears them, when she considers that the operation has become necessary through her own neglect. Female derangements cannot cure themselves, and neglecting the warnings of nature only means putting it off until there is no cure. The woman who lets her trouble make headway pays the penalty of a dangerous opera- tion and a lifetime of impaired usefulness jat the best, and the operation often proves fatal when her life might have been saved by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. When women are troubled with irregular, suppressed or painful menstru- ation, weakness, leucorrheea, displacement or ulceration of the womb, that bearing down feeling, inflammation of the ovaries, backache, bloating (or flatu- lence), general debility, indigestion and nervous prostration ; or are beset with such symptoms as dizziness, faintness, lassitude, excitability, irritability, ner- vousness, sleeplessness, melancholy, and ' want-to-be-left-alone "' feelings, and the blues, they should remember that there is one tried and never-failing remedy; Lydia E. Pinkham's Compound at once removes such troubles. ' READ THE FOLLOWING LETTERS. "Drar Mrs. Prxemax:--1I cannot tell you how much good you have done me and how thankful I am to you for it. For five years I have not been free from pain for a day. I have had backaches, headaches, and those awful dragizing sensations with leucorrheea, and when menstruation appeared I was in such a operation was necessary. " Two months ago a friend su o b condition I could hardly sit up. I doctored all the time, but nothing helped me, and I was told that an ggested that I try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. No one knows what it has done for me and how thankful I am for it. It brought me the first well days I have had for five years. It did for me what doctors could not do, and I want every suffering woman to know about it." -- Louise NAvuERr, 751 E. 166th St., Hew York City. "Dear Mrs. Proviso: -- I wish to thank you for what Lydia E. Pinkhain's Vegetable Compound has done for me. I had terrible hemorrhages, being lacerated from the birth of my chidd. The doctor told me that if I would have an operation I would be well and strong. I submitted to it, but was worse than before ; no one knows what I suffered. Finally a friend advised me to try your Vegetable Compound ; I did so, and commenced to feel better; I continued its use, and it has done for me what doctors could not do. I am strong and well. If women with any kind of female troubles would only consult you before submitting to an operation they would be spared many hours of pain and suffering. what you have done for me." -- Ax~a Kircunory, 156 1. 100th St., New York City. $5000 CO FOR EIT if we cannotforthwith produce the original letters and signatures of above testi a eir absolute genuineness. WISE 1S THE WOMAN WHO HAS FAITH IN Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. MR. TATE'S REPLY. He Hits the Strikers Hard--An Absurd Claim. Kingston, "Nov. . 15.--(To the Edi- tor) : Allow me space' to contradict Mr. Stockhill in his rather remarkable literary effort of Friday last in paper. At no time did I pose as. the repre: | sentative of the Scranton. schools, merely making the statement that Mr. Stockhill had written them re my working at the Locomotive Works, This position I still occupy, and there never has been any question of my leaving, and as far as the strikers are concerned, I will stay just as long as 1 wish. The way Mr. Stockhill the question, seeking to drag in mean pm sonalities, shows the weakness of his cause, and I wish to say at the out set that I will not be a partv to any such mud slinging. The statements made re Mr. Hopkins are worthy evades of the source from which thev arise, cal- culated, in my mind ta ruin his repu- tation, commercially, at least. The absurdity of the claim 'that the strike is stil on," must be readily auparent to anyone 'conversant with affairés Upon my arrival early in' Au- gust, I applied for a position and was irftoramed 'that there was only one va- cohey, . which was caused by "young Whalen goine to Montreal, to attend the funeral of his sister. 1 submit that these men are out for a principle re pugnant to civilization. 1t cannot pro perlv be called a strike, because; in reality, it is a boycott against one Graham. The companv refused man, to dismiss this man; therefore, these men refused to work with him and walked out. Mr. Stockhill in his self- appointed task of detective mav find much to interezt and instruct him, ii it is possible for him to be taught anvthing. The public, as well as the companv, owe a febt of gratitude to these very men who broke 'the strike, for when any body of irresponsible men seek to alect themselves the ar biters' of the lives of men. working with them and condemn them to life long laboring shecause of the absence of an apprenticeshup, it is time they were taught there ave limits even to the wildest flichts of fancy. legretting the necessity of having to write this, I wish to sav in conclu sion that as far as [ am concerned I consider the correspondence. closed Yours truly, R. C. TATE, FE latest and best. Wellington street cigars vou = Young men's hats (ieorge Mills & Co., With some. fivecent least -ix scents. James . Ls, Scarth, Toronto, is dead. your * | | cannot thank you enough for 'monials, which will prove Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, YOU WANT S------ All Kinds of Rubber Boots for Men, Women A. and Children, ABERNETHY. Trunks and Valises. FURNITURE REPAIRED. JAMES REID, The Leading Undertaker. A. | Have your repairing 'sent in and made like new. It lastsa life-time. Telephone 147. JUST ARRIVED Florida. Oranges. Havana Red Pineapples, Hallowee a.nd Arabian Dates, FINEST QUALITY. J. REES, Princess St. s Telephone RUBBERS We Have the Best.

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