Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Nov 1902, p. 6

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iy i ---- CONSUMPTION ¢ i 56 B CAN EDITOR'S NOTE.--The Slocum System of Treatment for the cure of Consumption, Pulmonary Troubles, Catarrh, General Debility, and nearly all the ills of life, is medicine reduced to an exact science by the world's foremost specialist. : By its timely use thousands of apparently hopeless cases have been permanently cured. The Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil is needed by some, the Tonic by THE The honor of thus effectively arresting the progress of this fatal malady rests with the wonderful system of treatment which. has been reduced to an exact science for the cure of Consumption and for the cure of Catarrh and other prevalent conditions h pave the way for Con- sumptios t successful method evolved by Ameri sreatest scientific physician, Dr. T. A . whose great liberality, through his Free Trial Treatment, s broadcast throughout this broad land, has contributed most to the rout of the most potent agency in the destruction of human life in this hemisphere. His Free System of Treatment has arrested the hand of death in the cases of thousands of consumpiives and has pre- vented the disease in countless instances. The Slocum Treatment consists of four distinct remedies for the cure' of Cone sumption, Weak Lungs, Bronchitis, Catarrh, and all pulmonary and wast= ing diseases, and is based upon principles essential to the correction of function, the rebuilding of the 'tissues, the overthrow of FREE TRIAL t | nent russ bedi Bey = & a ture ty thers) the Countess of Minto, owing to a se- » - four, or any three, or two, or any one, may be used singly or in com- bination, according to the needs of the case. Full instructions with each set of four free remedies illustrated here. Our readers are urged to, take Dr. Slocum's generous advantage of offer. ATEST op RE ?Jowies =) c A raRany [oF BR craR AN VIE lishment of health in all the departments of the human body. The four preparations embody all the necessary elements of a complete treat- ment for Consumption--its cure and pre- vention--as well as for most of the chronic and wasting ills of life. Apparently hope- less cases are cured by their timely use. These free remedies comprise the great curative forces discovered by the emi- physician, Dr. Slocum, they represent acme of the pharmacist's skill and with them will be found explicit directions for their use in any case. yoy are invited to test what this system will db for you, if you are sick, by writing fora FREE TRIAL TREATMENT and the Four Free Preparations will be for- warded you at once with complete direc- tions for use. Simply write to the T. A. Slocum Chemi- cal Company, Limited, 17) King Strect West, Toronto, giving post office and express address, and the free medicine (the Slocum Cure) will be promptly sent. Persons in Canada seeing Slocum"s free offer in'American papers will please send parasitic nnimal organisms and the estab. for samples to Toronto. All Copper, Nickel Plated, Patent Cold Handle, Beau- tifully Finished, Nice Assortment, McKELVEY © COFFEE \ Very Durable. Prices Moderate, & BIRCH, rock Street, 69 and 71 B 5 It is contr Company 1 ~ E water is not sold that | combines the purity, excellence and beneficial qualities of the MAGI CAL- | | EDONIA WATERS. Sold by best dealers everywhere. At The Same Old Place ROCK STREET F PD THE BEST DISPLAY OF he of Fresh pork ese | 2d white bad 1 home made) Frank 'Phone 870, ' yl bacon ures, po v EPPS The only re medy know to science FSTORINE, ** by Dr. Jules Koh, H rawer 4 2341, Montreal, THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. EPPS'S COCOA Canadian Woman's From the Can an Syndicate. *Ottawa,' Nov. 15.--Her Excellency, vere cold, was obliged to cancel reception which concludes the state dinner, celebrating his majesty's birth- day. The reception is held for the wives and daughters of the men who are his excellency's guests at the din- ner. Lady Minto's/cold had been trou- bling her for some days previous, and only the most heroic efforts had en- abled heér to keep up for the teas giv- en during the week before. Much of the time layers of cotton wool worn un- der her elegant gown served to pre- vent harm from cold after applications of linseed poultices, but finally she was compelled to yield to the inevi- table, and at the lagt moment to can- cel, to her own as well as her guests, disappointment, the state reception. Lady' Cartwright, wife of the new privy councillor, is one of the most picturesque figures in the society of the capital, and in a period of fas- hionably dressed and elaborately coiffured women it is a rest to look at her simple gowns and quaintly ar- ranged hair. In the latter particular she follows the style of forty or fifty vears ago, parting the hair in the middle, brushing it down towards the cars, and turning it under at that point. In connection with the rumor that Sir Richard Cartwright will suec- ceed Sir Oliver Mowat as Licutenant- Governor of' Ontario, everyone is say- ing or thinking that Lady Cartwright would make an ideal 'mistress for the gubernatorial mansion, but it is most improbable that this will occur, for Sir « Richard thinks he is just as young as ever and does not want to retiré¢ from active political life. Sir Richard and Lady Cartwright are very fond of each other. being just as much in love it is said as on the day of their marriage. The approaching departure of Mgr. Falconio, the apostolic delegate to Canada, is a matter of sincere regret to all who have come within the cir- cle of his excellency's influence. Am- the warmest friends 'which he leaves behind him "are the members of the Alumnae Library Association of the Rideau Street Convent, an organi- zation in which the delegate has taken a deep interest since its inception a couple of vears ago, and of whose work and influence be always spoke in terms of emphatic commendation. The Catholi¢ Indian Association, organiz- ed by Miss Katherine Hughes of Otta- wa, also. loses a warm friend in Mor. Falconio. His excellency was one of the first to see the importance of the proposed movement, and has given it his cordial support since it was brought to his attention. - - - - ong The prospects. of the Ottawa Wom- an's Art Association, which have heen very gloomy of late, have begun to brighten, thanks to the good offices of her excellency, the Countess of Minto, and it is now confidently hoped that its troubles are at an end. At the be- ginning of the present season, the pre- sident, Mrs. Irwin, insisted on resign ing, after a year's faithful and efii- cent and the problem of find- ing proved serious. The duties of the office are not very ardu- ous, but as the society has been in a continual struggle, financially, all through want of appreciation of#the it is doing, the responsi a successor cood work bility of steering it through those low waters, was, one that few of the members were anxious to assume. There was some talk of 'giving up the society altogether, but as it had only heen reorganized for a few years, and had been able "to -strugele along and do a good work in spite of its many diseouragements; -- the members felt that it should not be allowed to lose the stand. it "had gained, In this dil emma Lady Minto was asked to come to the rescue and help solve the diji- iculty by requesting some lady to take the office of president for the pre- semt_vear. Her choice fell upon Nurs. Stanley Maude, who to. the delight and relief of evervone concerned con sented too step into the breach. She was formally "elected this week. The members of May Court Club ave arranging a series of papers on the famous women of the nineteenth cen- tary, to continue the studv of those of the eichteetth century given last vear. The first of the series, on Lady Eastlake, the clever wife of the brated artist and director of the Brit- ish National = Museum, who died in 1565, was given at the first club morn ing of the scason, held this week, Miss" Griffin, daug cele by vhter of the parlia mentary librarian, and the next will Tr | fos be about Jane Austen. The May Court | they were here repairing the lock | wa v : is a body of voung society girls of Ot-] gates. J. H. Martin, tax collector, | a l Ke ntucks nome, tawa, haniled together for helpfulnessf was aro last week, "and rates are | ©! Ne Chegre and mutwral improvement. The clul | hot @ y expected... I. Powers | th : The njgre ; was orvanized hy Ladv Aberdeen, and | and P. 00 Quinn, Micaville, were vis | ¢ ey Tene ination every May Day she sends over the] itors here last week. Joseph Hender- | t popular when pretty enamel locket to he worn by] S0n and S. McCann' paid friends at | n ( they were last the queen of the year. Three queens | Chafiey's Locks a visit. Me. Grephon | Moht. shde trol Iv have there heen, Miss Ethel Ha | and wife were at Avdmore on Sunday . i tenor milton, daughter of the Bishop of Of fand Marie | afta soloist, tawa, Miss Ethel White, daughters of Have You A Skin Disease ?™ Hn pany I ny the comptroller of the North-West Totte 1; 1 vine (1 : Mounted Police, and Miss Millie White, | 1ctter, salt rheum, scald head, ring- | & ex ) ; rn worm, eczema, itch, barber's itch, Ul- | of OWEr fneG- Ss laughter of the late Hon. Thoma era, Glotohe | or das. Lived wi ta god & White. The Miy Queen, who is choses] (oF: Hoteles, chronic erysipelas, liv- | » fo gond for more an he 3 selects ' : > . = 5 mn Hon th ny : mate, ol oo au eruptions of the skin-----what Dr. Ag | he Imperial Orchestra, Cr / / 57 /° c p : : ; pL (w's Uintme as done for others it male. member f ap 1 / YZ € a tive is elected hy the eluls, The ®luca- 2 » 1 joi ng he | » 357 othe i : . Si ronl or i 5 © caniced, Ce z oN ~~ O74 072, id azz? ? . . & ) © you--care nm. e applice { mber of select tye Work eonsisi® of the morning re ll ives y lief 230 Ye wo osale by i I'n ' enj i=. The pro Hie 4 - unions, where papers ave read aml | Tavi : r Horo We eos?" ti hout v ereditahl hr C 2, i i ] . b. Tavlor anc enry Wade. .. | throughou a creditable one, 4 3 s _ disc Soden nducted jipon current isan iad ih } tise. whe: listened to #1 went hott Galrllosliend 1530. events, and also a monthly ¢ourse of : 1 i Iw satisticd. > lectures, during the winter... In the - Rifle Club Scheme. i ict philanthropic work the members of Major-General Hutton, now the | / the junior branch join heartily, and | commandant of the military forces of | ounge men's hat latest: and hey éD. D . 3.000,000. on wa ' vali 1 = 1 ; 1 - - - » also in the annual exhibition of work, the commonwealth of Australia, oo | Mills & Co. Wellington street Sourd.p Capital] L = ! which is usually opened hy a tea, with eting a rifle club scheme. That | rs i information only aiter | 5 Lady Minto, if in town, as guest of clubs mav not "take on too (re pe # ois diffcrent with] /scips Stund, . - £3,000,000. honor. Her excellency takes much in- | much military color" it is proposed to ¢ omen. f 4 terest in the club, and frequently | create three scparate grades. Men be Siam ---- " - 3 -------- v sn mt 1 Prepared from the finest selected Oocoa, and distin- guished everywhere for Delicaoy of fiavour, Superior quality,and highly Nutritive properties. Sold in quarter-, pound tins, labelled JAMES EPPS &Co., Ltd., Hommo- pathic Chemists, London, England. 'S COCOA BREAKFAS SUPPER. « News Letter. the | ~ + gives cosy lidtle teas at Government ! House, for the purpose of meeting the members, » - - - The Amerigan papers mention that the women of Jersey City are endeay- oring to secure the 'appointment two women on the city school board. 4 This fact recalls the long and fruitless } struggle in New York for the same ob- , dect, and invites a comparison with » our jthat we are hopelessly behind the in the Dominion, according to the last report of the National Council, twen- ty women school trustees. There ave, {or were until very recently, two in Toronto, -one in. Victoria, one or two in New Westminster, and sixteen' in the province of New Brunswick. In the United" States, there are, all told, quite a large number of women such positions, all their cities not and New York, but in proporiion to their poprlation, they do not appear to come ahead of Canada, while Great Britain is far in advance of both, wo- men not only having been elected, but sought after/to serve on British school boards" during the last twenty-four years. The National Council of Wo- men has had much to do with the ap- pointment of women school trustees, in Canada, and in the banner province of New Brunswick, the St. John local council is responsible for legislation requiring that there shall be two wo- men trustees in all incorporated cit- ies. Distant Relations. "Do vou know." said the rabbit, "I believe we [ut he related ? We resem- ble each other so much as to ears." "That's so," acreed the mule. "And I think my owner is going to intro- duce vou to another relative of mine, Mr. Shotgun, one of these days. Mr, Shotgun has. ghout the same kick as ! have, and he also has a muzzle." Kingston's Good Streets. "I have just returned throngh Northern New York." said a citizen to-day, "and 1 came back with golden _opinions<of the superiority of our city on the average. Of course, where paved streets exist, they are eminently superior to our macada ste But ovpr there in the absence of -macadam, "the roads are wretched... Take such an important thoroughfare as State street in Wa tertown, for instance: It is in the very. heart of the city, yet mud exists from curb to curb; axle deep. 'Lhe worst country road to he found in Kingston district is not in as* bad a condition as that Watertown street) That is only one of many | met with in my travels. On the whole, Kingston streets are very good and compare fa vorably with unpaved streets of other cities, streets, ots. nizea Along The Rideau. Nanvueon the Riaean, Nov. 12.-- Messes, Scott and Merkley, from the Mountain, * are in the vidnity with theiv threshing nachine. The. govern went has riised the dam here with stone supplied from EF. Grennon's quarry. The farmers from the front are taking home their stock, that. was of the conditions in .Canada. In spite of | firm conviction in this country, | people .of the United States, we have | in | being as conservative as Jersey City | from a trip LL & THE DAILY WHIG, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15. PITA SoA Rae TI Tn a I % your druggist. LEN SMITH, Montreal. io DoneRcia) SHUk oF Whith tha boon trans ratatal Hotere O08! ul ony. gis) alah of Whiohs (Signed) Rev. J. FREDERICK Ruxavp, 82 St. Herbert Street, Montreal, P, Q, There is no other way of proving the value of a preparation, so valuable, so positive, than by investigating the statements made about it and finding out if the facts are just as they are repre- sented. We always solicit the freest possible investigation of the claims we make for Ozone, and to widen the scope of such an undertaking by you, we suggest that you make enquiries of Oftentimes cases come under his notice that he can refer you to. may net have had our attention, you will get an absolutely unbiased opinion of this great drugless preparation--Powley's Liquified Ozone. 500. and $1.00 a Bottle, at all Druggists. THE OZONE CO., of Toronto, Limited, Toronto and Chicago. Mrs. Ellen Smith of Montreal, was a fearful sufferer from eczema for many years. She was tortured so severely at times she contemplated putting an end to her existence. Thanks to Pow- ley's Liquified Ozone, she did not do so because it cured lier completely and for all time. She is a great believer in Ozone now, and so is her pastor, the Rev. J. Frederick Renaud, who has known her for twenty years, 'and w \ ho is quite conversant with her cure by this drugless pro- duct. He vouches for the facts in' her case and 'gives Ozone great praise. Mrs, Ellen Smith Writes: "Having been greatly benefited by Powley's Liquified Ozone, I feel it. my duty to allow it to be known to the putlic at large. "I had n a fearful sufferer from eczema for many years. The disease centered in both limbs, below the knees. Tho left especially, was swollen to alarming dimensions, while the inflam- mation, irritation, and hard, scaly condition, induced a degree of suffering which only the mercy of God prevented me from ending in suicide. : "1 spent the best of three years on my back, besides differ ent periods in three hospitals, Then at home I tou far as the next room without the aid of crutches, and altogether my case was considered pasthelp, for I had had the best skill in the country to no purpose. : "I have now used five bottles of Ozone, and I rejoice to say that both limbs are reduced to their normal size, the burning is entirely gone, and: I gant walk alone with perfect ease, although I am now sixt: rs of age. "The pan en advanced stage of liver disorder, and I am willing at all times to tell my experience to other suf- ferers, (Signed) Mrs. ELLEN SMITH, The Rev. J. Frederick Renaud's Corroboration. "To Whom it May Concern: "I beg to state that I have known Ellen Smith for over twenty years, and for the past nine years she has suffered from e tried Powley's Liquified Ozone, to As these cases ld not go as- 31 St. Andre Street, Montreal. iA il I pe | THE JUBILEE SINGERS Gave a First-Class Entertainment' Last Evening. Though. there were several other en tertainments that attracted the eit last evni still. the City hal was comfortably filled by an audience which listened with. génuine delicht 1, the vood gguramme rendered: by th Zens north of here, on pasture for the past season. Much of the stock came from near Brockville. John McCann has erected, new implement house. Tho mas Carty was in Smith's Falls with the government carpenters. On Friday er spots, pirurico, psoriasis, or other | , 20, Canadian "Jubilee Singers and hnpar ial Orchestra. 'The entertainment was n in the interest of the public hbrary, and the "1 ers ther his no re nto bh ashamed - of their venture. "1 programme included choice st ons. of -- song solos, duets, 1 cho S The nearly The old favorites, every on S. J. HORSEY, THE SOUVENIR ...is a day in and day out, year round and year round demonstration of the "good goods" idea--a Souvenir with the aerated oven is the par excellence of stove building--the result of 55 years experience--the most perfect cooker--the faultless baker--and the easiest of all ranges on the fuel pile and the cook--coal or wood--Nearly 400 different styles and sizes in the Souvénir complete line --Get a Souvenir booklet and post yourself--' One will last a lifetime--Sold by good dealers everywhere. =, el The Gurney-Tilden Company wp Limited HAMILTON BRANCHES AT TORONTO, MONTREAL AND WINNIPEG Local Agent, Princess St, Kingston. The Acme of Comfort REGISTERED 8 PATENTED COMBINATION UNDERWEAR Is full fashioned and fits like a glove. materials, all sizes, all weights. MANUFACTURED BY A Is only to be had in a combination gar- ment and in that, only when properly made.. All THE KNIT-TO-FIT MFG. C0., 613 Lagauchetiere St., Montreal. Cte Londen Cty and ond unk onging to the first Will be offered in lucements to put ] in a limited nun HOW'S THIS 2[i 7 hii ® | sociated with the military We offer Ona Hundred Dollars Reward for | The secord grade will 'be an intern an i Catarrh that eannot be cured by | diate stage Aetween this class and the ! hE NEY & Co. Tolado. 0. 1 civilian vifle club shots whe are We } dersigned, have known F. 1} constitute the thivd erad Che nd 3 aaa . ¥ imi y r Pepew Favors Reciprocity. ne Toled Springfield; Mass, Npv. 4.¥a: an nicht fast wnivht Senator be le Drug-[ ad i a scale of recipr 3 Cory t it with Canada fir ¥ uj he blo nel -- surface of\ the svsten Tesamonial H. Cunningi , une from free. Price YQ). ver bottle. Sold by ail vingham, piano t r yn rding house where ¢ treated gs one of the ram Ve Deuogret Hall's Famly Pills are the best. ®@hickering' ceived at McAuley's bookstors, York. Orders re | New " My hair came out badly, and was fast turning gray. | tried Ayer's Hair Vigor. It stopped the hair from com- ing out and restored the color."-- Mrs. Mi. D. Gray, No. Salem, Mass. i $1. All druggists. J. C. AYER GO,, Lowell, Mass. | ES' TABLISHED 1890. ° STOCK AND BOND BROKERS, - 'PiiONE MAIN 4303. Lost Hair WET DEVER & CO. p \ 19 Wellington Street East, Toronto. Main Offices --47 Broadway, New York ; 60 State St., Boston. Particular mailed daily (4 p.m.) on application. letters vited, . Bought and Sold ior Cash or.on Margin. attention given to Canadian Securities. Correspéndence STOCKS, BONDS AND GRAIN Market in-

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