Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Nov 1902, p. 5

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WHIG., MONDAY. NOVEMBER 17 ee EDUCATIONAL. ~ |KINGSTON LADIES' COLLEGE KINGSTON, CANADA. Residential and Day School for Girls. Address MISS M. GOBER, M.A., KINGSTON COLLEGE BUSINESS KINGSTON. TORONTO COLLEGE BUSINESS TORONTO. : Lergest and best equipment in Canada Unequalled facilities . for securing poditions 821 Queen BStrect, Kingston. SEND FOR CATALOGUE Confederation Life Buildings, Toroato. TO-LET. Principal HOOD FURNISHED ROOMS, Sil" Oi without board, 101 Queen stress. FOUR GOOD FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH board, wi modern conveniences, at 191 University Avenue. , 43 KING STREET, WEST, BEAUTIFULLY situated, [acing the arbor. Rent $240 and taxes. Apply to Kirkpatrick, Rogers & Nickle. HOUSE, 7 ROOMS, NO. 56 BAY STREET Letween Bagot and Rideau siceets; also stable and sheds in rear. Apply 48 Wil- liam street. leaving the two voung men, Crawford and Wilcox and Nellie had been quarreling for speaking terms. The girls had refused 1156 STUART STREET, 9 ROOMS: y HOT water heating; Also other dwellings, stores and oflices. J. 5. R. McCann, 51 Brock St. STORE OCCUPIED BY R. ALEXANDER, NO. 111 Brock street, with reirigerator, fix tures, etc., for pork and meat trade. Ap- ply to Johm McKay, Jr., 151 Brock street. MONEY AND BUSINESS. LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE FIRE Insurance Company. Available asscte, $61,187,215. n addition to which the policy holders have for security the un- limited liability of all the stockholders. Farm and Citv Property insured at lowest possible rates fore, renewing old or giving new_ busine es get from STRANGE & STRANGE, Ag rates ents. MONEY TO LOAN IN LARGE OR SMALL sums, at low rates of interest on city and farm property. Loans granted on city and county debentures. Apply to 8B. C. McGILL, manager ol Frontenae Loan and Investment Sociatv. posite the Post Office. THOUSAND DOLLARS IN one thousand to ten thous For particulars appiv JRANCE EMPORIUM. Market Bemare HUNDRED ware from an] dollars JIDWIN'S INS er Express Offica TWO ~ ARCHITECTS. : WLANDS, ARCHITECT. OFFICE, second, floor over Mahood's Drug Store corner Princess and Bagot streets. En trance on Bagot street. & SON. ARCHITECTS, WERCH Bask Building, corner Brock and "Phone 212. POWER ants' Wellington streets. OFFICE ARTHUR ELLIS. ARCHITECT, 2 of site of Naw Drill Hall, near seorner Queen and Montreal Streets. ARCHITECT, ETC. HENRY P. SMITH, "Phen Anchor Building, Market Souare. HN Universal Remedy for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, i Influenza, Whooping- ye Cough, Hoarseness, etc. ° fung Tonic IMPORTANT NOTICE. CAUTION. --It is of the utmost importance vou should use the word "OWBRIDGE" when E buving Lung Tonic, a Take No Substitute. 4 am Prepared by . W.T. OWBRIDGE, Hull, Eng., : and sold by all drupdists. 35¢.,75¢. bot. "Half A Bottle 'Cures The Worst Cold." "1 have used it for seven years and ules. Half of the Dawkes, atisfactory re children Mes. always with bottle old and ec Bucks. cures my ugh,' u worst Olney, -------- ee COLONIAL REMEDY. No taste, No Odor. Can be givem in giuss of water, tea, or coffee, without patien"'s knot Colonial Remedy will cure or destroy eased appetite for alcholic _stimulents, wheth tient is a confirmed inebriate, ""tippler, rinker or drunkard. Impossible for anyon= to have an appetite for alcoholic liquors after using Coloi il Remedy. Indorsed by Members of W. C. T. U. Mrs. Moore, Superintendent of the w Christian Temperance Union, Ventura, Cal. w "*1 have tested Colonial Remedy on very obstinate drunkards, and the cures have been many. In many cases the Remedy was given secretly. 1 cheerfully recommend and indorse Colonial Remedy. Mem bers of our Union are delighted to find a practical and economical treatment to aid us in 'our temper. ance work." « Sold by druggists everywhere and by mail. Price $1. Trial package free by writing or calling on Mrs. M. A. Coa (for years member of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union), 2204 Ste Gathering St,. Montreal, um ww smotn by J.B. Mcleod, Price HE water is not seld that combines the purity, excellence and beneficial qualities of the MAGI CAL- EDONIA WATERS. Sold by best dealers everywhere. % \ FOR SALE. The Prisoner Once Convicted and again. sitting-room. brought bv Wilcox. Th ing special for a week or two. Office op |, was entirely circumstantial; that tention to the evidence or to the pres- TOLL GATES ARE BARRIERS. Reasons Why the experience | whom 1 them why they did not do their mark- that we need pay twenty-five cents to coe and <a, . farm stufi gre dumped off at the doors ' ont : 3S that, lev if toll -cates were removed, would be marketed in-the city in the ordinary The Westminster gramme choice IN OUR OWN CIRCUIT. News Of The Districts On Botb Sides Of The Line. W. T. Guest will be manager. of the new mill at Renfrew. Near Shannonville, on Thursday, the marriage of E. S. Sherry and Miss El- la Maude Leverton occurred. Mrs. Louis Piercy, Brockville, aged pins fe vears, died Thursday night. ath was due to paralysis. . Out in Perth the scarcity of turkeys is attributed to the plentitude and ac- tivity of foxes in the rural districts. Mrs. McKinnon, on the teaching staff of the Perth public school for the past fourteen years, sent in her resignation. Miss Isabel Hay, Peterboro, has ceived the Royal Humane society's medal for conspicuous bravery in sav- ing life of y drowning companion. The greyhound *'Laurice,"" owned by W. T. Ross, collector of customs, Picton, was poisoned last week. The TO BE NEW TRIAL WILCOX ACCUSED OF MURD- ERING CROPSEY Sentenced to be Hanged--An Appeal Taken and the New Trial Ordered. Elizabeth" City, N.J., Nov. 17.--The term of court -whith commenced here to-day promises to be of extraordin- ary interest as the case of James Wilcox, once convicted of the murder of Nellie Cropsey, comes up for trial Wilcox is the son of ex-Sheriff Tho mas P. Wilcox of this town. He went to the home of William H. Cropsey, a well-to-do man of this place, on the richt of November 20th, last, to call on Miss Nellie Cropsey, to whom he played the devoted lover since 1598. | animal was formerly owned by J. H. When he arrived the family was in the | L. Bradshaw. of Paardeburg fame. Rov Crawiord was there At Deseronto. on Friday, Mayor calling on Miss Olive, a sister of Miss | Rathbun presented medals to Sergt. Niltie. Soon after nine o'clock the Gaylord and Corpts. Chapman and members Of the household, except the Allen, in commemoration of their vis two sisters and Miss Carrie Cropsev, | 't to K ngland on the occasion of the a New York cousin, retired. At 1:30 | coronation of King Edward VII. o'clock. Miss Canse went to 'het room, A New York firm has purchased the old mill jroperty and the DeRenzy block at Sand Point, and will erect a stave and hoop mill to employ be tween seventy-five and one hundred men. The mill will be run by electric ny. y A man in Kitley township who tool a city paper in prefevence to a loct paper because - he more for hi money, was attracted by the zdver tisement of a fire escape which would be forwarded on receipt of $2 He sent the cash and in a few days re ceived g copy of the New Testament. Mra. DD. 7. Bath, gave an enjoyable pedro party of six tables on Tuesday. The rooms were brightened with vases of beautiful vellow chry santhemums and open fires aaded to the comfort of the guests. The first prize. Mrs. J. Graham won and Mr. Murdoch ofi the gentleman's prize. Jobn Gould, youngest Gould. of Smith's Falls, and a bro the of Mayor Gould, of that town died in Cape Town, South Africa, on the Sth inst. "He went to shat coun try with the fifth Canadian contin gent last spring, when the wan was over. accepted yg position with the Cape Colony government in the stores department. : Wilcox, with Olive and Nellie. a month or more and were not on to accept the fruit had been pay- to Miss Carrie the day before attention got Without having said anvthing to the «iri" during the evening Wilcox put on his hat shortly after Mi:s Carrie had retired and asked Nellie if would not speak to him in the hall. She said nothing but went. The door was clos- ed behind them. The girl disappeared and was never seen alive again bv anvone except Wilcox. Her body was found thirty-seven days later in =~ the Pasquotank river, not more than 100 vards from the heuse. Wilcox 'was arrested and tried the murder. Public feeling was very intense and speedy trial resulted ina verdict of guilty and a death sentence I'here was some fear at the time of mob violence. In grantine a new trial, the supreme court said the evidence the the at- she Rowse, or carried on of .J. wid : and to have oiven and vigilant did not seem cautious ry necessary ntation of the prisoner's case bv :ounsel and that the conduct of the spectators in and about the court was sufficient to prejudice the jury. Desert Lake Tidings. Desert Lake, Nov. 14.--Farmers arc through ploughing and many are cut ting wood to haul to the station a- soon as sleighing comes. Mining ex perts visit this vicinity occasionally and with favorable results. Albert Amey has moved from Kingston back to his farm here. Mrs. William Snook and her niece, Miss Lottie Snook. have returned from visiting friends iy Sydenham. John Snook has returnec from the United States, where he spent the summer, Miss, Hvland. Kingston, visited friends here recent lv. A fine baby boy has gome to st. at the residence of E. H. Snook. E. Albertson is quite ill. The cheese fac- tory has closed for the season; witl H. W. Reynolds as proprietor, and N Norris for cheeseina' '¥, the patrons are well satisfied with the season's make of cheese. Roads Should =-- Be Free. "I noticed R. H. Toyve's argumént in the Whig a night two acainst the abolition the gate," remarked ga Kingston chant this morning. "Let me tell that Mr. Tove's arguments are entire Iv misleading. 1 will tell you of. an met with this summer : met some people with acquainted,. and asked or aso. toll mer- vou ol At Odessa 1 was ting in Kingston. 'Oh,' said they 'Kingston has not so much improved it. That is what our toll am aunts to if we market in Kingston, we can do as well in Odessa as n Kingston." The result is that farm rs who wonld ordinarily come to Kinoston trade their produce at Odes several loads A Great Magazine. The Christmas Delifeator, published bv the Butterick company, New York, marks the thirtieth anniversarv of the publicationg It is a oreat number, and is declared" by critics to be the niost complete, and at the same time the most beautiful magazine for women ever produced at a popular price, It contains over 200 pages of interesting matter; including thirtv-four full-page illustrations; of which twenty are in color. The magnitude of this number. for which 723 tons of paper and six tons of ink have been used, may be understood from the fact that ninety- one presses running fourteen hours »p day, have. been required. to-print-it binding alone of the edition ¢ 015,000 copies representing over 2. 000,000 which 'had to be g thered individually by human hands Met With Painful Accident. Chafiey's Locks, Nov. 14.--A party of local duck hunters have returned; they captured about one. hundred ducks. On Monday last, while Lillian Fleminy was returning from school sha was thrown from the waggon, the bd wheel rumning over her back and shoulder, breaking one of her ribs and fracturing her collar bone. 1. F. Gray and T. Simmons have returned home after spending the season on steamer Rideau King, which made her last trip, on Tuesday last. Visitors : Miss €0 Kennedy, Mr;© McGuire, Philipsviile; © Misses Mary and Maud Simmons, Newboro. ana twice 5 woek of w-- Kinoston commision bajerchants under ordinary. circumstances, if Way. Choir Concert. Kingston, Nov. 17.--(To the Eai tor) : Referring to 5 paragraph in the Whig, of Fricay.evening, in which a trustee of Chalmers church' complains oi the secular on thé nro the concert Westminster choir, 1 beg to say that the frusteds exonerate Mrs." Bobbs, the organist, of all responsibility for the of programme. Mrs. Dobbs, ftom the very outset of negotiations with the choir, stipulated for 4 purely sacred concert, and #7 was indignant that such was not farnished on Thurs day evenin The ammes having been print od: in England, it not thought necessary to intimate to colonial au i place in KNIGHT, tees, S0oNgs, of givin, by the sections pre was iences that applause would be out of sacrea edifice. A. "Pp Board of Trus a Chairman "The Ivy Leaf.' for his sweet could resist Mr. is tenor No the combination of a manly presence anl tender voice, such as Mr. Dep ton's and when, in addition, he "dar noly rescues the heroine from a ruin ed tower, where she has-been abducted a vengeful suitor, his victory is I'te and all ends as it should ix seene in the tower, where Denton the Ivv Leaf song ant on leaps to seeming certain deatn the heroine, is one of unusual At the Grand to-morrow. noted maiden Denton voice, What Is Being Done. committee the Board of Education is discussing teachers" salaries, and it - hopes bring down 4 scheme giving increases as well as shortening the number of vears in reaching the maximum salar: The mdximum salary may also be i. The management of hy to famous ve creased. -- A "CORNER IN PORK." ICE YACHT, ONE YEAR OLD. APPLY P.O Bex 83, NEWS OF WORLD TELEGRAMS FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF EARTH. Matters That Interest Everybody --Notes From all Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered. Bishop Spalding, Peoria, Ill, has de clined an archbishopric, it is said. Mrs. Annie Besant, will visit India to present her cult, Theosophy. The SS. Montiort, from Bristol, in? vard, at Father Point, at 1245 c clock to-day. The SS. Benger Head, from Swan- wea, passed Father Point, inward, 2:30 p.m., on the 15th inst. " The St. Louis exposition commission had decided to invite President Lou bet to visit Awmericg, Jesse Grant, son of Ulvsses Grant, has made & fortune out nining operations at Nome. Dominion Mealygpdist church, Ottawa, zave 81.200 on Sunday towards the St. James' church debt, Montreal. Mrs. Benjamin Layman, Hot Springs, Va., was blinded by the ex- losion of g pot full of beef stew. New York fire engines threw water, on Saturday, to the top of the Flat- iron building a height of 304 feet. A special train with 'a eargo of silks valued at $9,750,000 passed through Winnipeg on Sunday, for the east. Arnold Stevens, a Milton, W. Va.. lesperado, felled his jailer with a pas ripe, stole his revolvers, and escaped. The receipts at C. P. R. points in the west, on Saturday, totalled 252, 560 bushels of wheat and 131,000 bush- els of oats. The civic elections in Winnipeg are beginning to assume a busy look. Mavor Arthbutnot und ex-Ald. Mit- chell. are definitely in the field "for navoralty. Harlan Buckles, who was sentenced nm Saturday to life anprisonment at Elizabethtown, Ky.. for the murder of Robert Reid, was hanged by a mob m Sunday. * A boycott has been pmced on the Schenectady railway company. Union men are prohibited from riding on the 'ars, or using oas or electric light made by the companv., The Barcelona police have nipped wm incipient Carlist uprising. Many members! of the Carlist organization have been thrown into prison and a juantity of arms and uniforms have een seised. Robert, McWade, Philadelphia, who nas served the 'state department as United States consul at Canton since January, 1900, is to be made consul- rencral at the same post in recogni tion of his excellent service. I'he police of Newark, N..J., are in- izating an attempt to-kidnap Tom v, twelve-year-old of T )'Learv, of that place. The hoy es aped from his captors at Palmyra, horrowed » wheel gnd rode home. The will of Lawrence Watson, the iinety-vear old hermit of Maple Park, l1l.. has been found with a niece at Visconsin. Several Roman Catholic in- stitutions in Chicago are henafielnries, I'he archbishop of Chicago! also comes in for a large share. Chicago society much exercised over the fact that prospective brides wind have for two years been retting anonymous letters reflecting on the character of the one to he chosen as partner for life. The author is thought to be woman mentally de ranged. - Jt is reported that a number of Ger man ship brokers and owners, jealous of the progress made hy the Hamburg: American ie, propose t6%establish a imion of shipping interests in opposi tion to the line; also to start a ship ing and commercial newspaper to re- resent their ijterests. It is propesed to harges' against the officers of | the Schenectady labor union, which ex- pelled from its membership a man who wad served with company "F," 2nd re- siment, during its recent sepvice in wreserving order during the strike on the Hudson Valley railroad. George William and Lewis Reach. of S. of son 18 grooms a bring treason Kokomo, Ind., were abducted by their iather in '49, and taken to the Cah- fornia gold. fields. # latter dix in 1865, without disclosing his identity: The three son after many fru:tiess ef to find their mother, liscoverad her 'last week in the county poor house. They have taken her: to thoir home -in Kearsey. forts CANNOT BE DIVIDED. Anglo-Saxons Stand Back to Back For Good Cause. W. . I. Ferguson, who spoke in the itv hall, - Sunday afternoon, in be holi of the cause of temperance, the happy gift of being able to, tell a sood story "and always at the proper time. In opening his address he took ip the question of Kinship of the peo les of Canada and the United States and well did he blind the Union Jack and Star Spancled banner to atther, that the audience became en ) "warmed" to him at he doscribed 'the Dewey's fleet into preparation to mentioned anoth taking up a from then "Yankee col the has =O thused, and Graphically of Admiral day. and the Then he battleships the and brass bands discoursed "to cheer the American diere, while . overhead floated Union Jack of old England. Another incident de with a small lad in Chicago, who had wandered in a district occupied by foreigners and was instantly made the object of rap. 'Though the average Yan- og boy feels that at all times he '¢ for fifteen or twenty foreign- still thiz boy that-he was outelaszeid in numbers." Taking up a flight -of steps he call a Yankee in this answer. Again he call American in this no Present Iv a small advanced and said, Here he a Pritish boy." "Come up the i anil tha Vankes hov, once entrance Vunila io battle er line of position' in hay, wehs Doodle roed ors, new yosition on a there 2? No «|, "Is there an rowd 7' Again hov out hov how answer. 'anada wm questions," «ll stand he iif out rum annot fix an tive hoéun v tween the Anglo-Saxons, though it be, in imagination, as wide as the Atlan- tle." i the of afi DEATH AT NAPANEE. An Insane Man Was Lodged im Jail. Najanee, Nov. 17.--Donald McLiver, one of Napanee's oldest and most re- spected citizens, passed away on Sa- turday morning. For several weeks he had been confined to his bed, having suffered a slight, stroke of paralysis ahout three weeks ago. Deceased was in his ecighty-first vear. A wife and two daughters are left to mourn. De- ceased was one of the charter members of the [.0.0.F. lodge. The funeral takes place this afternoon. Mrs. William Tilley, mother of Mrs. WW. S. Herrington, lies quite low at the residence of her daughter. She also suffered a stroke of paralysis recently and very little hopes are entertained of hes recovery. E. A. Rikley is very little Letter, although some hopes are entertained of his recovery. John Ni- colle, D.D.G.M. of Kingston, paid a fraternal visit on [Friday night last to Union lodge, A. F. & A. M., Napanee. The evening was spent with toasts and speeches, and an oyster supper at the close marked 4 very pleasant and profitable time to all present. John McGurn, of Marysville, was vesterday -taken-in charge and lodged in jail as being of unsound mind. For several weeks past he has been around the town and acting "queer." Late H. H. Allison. Napanee Express. Henry Hover' phustown, November his seventy-eighth year. Mr. Allison was born on lot 17, 1st concession, which place was drawn by Joseph Al- lison the first as a United -States Loyalist and on which farm he lived and died. For many years Mr. Allison was engaged as grain merchant, he having owned what is known as Alli- son's wharf and storehouse, and has handled the principal part of the grain grown in his locality, and has as well held many offices of trust, having been rceve of the township for years, and for twenty-five vears continually held the office of school trustee, and during that time was retary-treasurer of same, and with all his dealings with and for the people he was considered an honest man. He married Martha Wright, daughter of the late Solomon Wright, who survives him, with two sons, Fred, who lives at the home: stead, and Harry, who lives in South FPredericksburgh. Mr. Allison was a Methodist in principle. and in politics a staunch reformer. On the 13th © of November, Rev. TR. Allen conducted service at his late residence, and he was followed to his last resting place, the family mausoleum, by many sur- viving friends. d'lius ends the life of a good citigen, a true friend and a loyal subject of our country. Allison died at Adol- 11th, 1902, in se Edna--Do you think your marriage with Miss Lotta Coyne, the heiress, will hatc a pleasant outcome ? Edwardé-I can't sav--but the thing that attracts me is the income. Rich In Nitrogen. Clark's delicions pork and beans, plain or with Chili or tomato sauce, ave rich Tn hitrogen. They're a fine cold weather food. The French government has decided: to establish a French=American indus- trial school in the United States and Chicago has been decided upon as the place of. location. The Nurse Testifies To Personal Benefit As Well as That of Patients Who Have Used Dr. Chase's Kidney- Liver Pills. te None are better qualified to point to results obtained from any particular treatment than the nurse in attend- ance, especially if the nurse is experi enced and 'observant. The doctor may have a better idea of what a certain medicine is expected to do. hut he is not present tostudy the and observe the actual re- ults. The work of a nurse is often heavy and trying. Mrs. Nash's back gave out and her kidneys were strained, and deranged =0 as to much keen sufferir She proved for herself the prompt and lasting benefit to be ob- tained from the of Dr Chase's Kidnov-Liver Pills, and has since witnessed manv remarkable cures a- mong her patients. ; Mrs. C. Nash, the well-known nurse, 391 King street, Ottawa, Ont, states: "I consider Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills a splendid family medicine. keep them---on hand all the time, and do not think I could do without them. T used 18 suffer u great deal from back, caused by deranged kidneys ick case cause use weak and at times had severe licine always er knew it to fail $ Dr. Chase's verecommens iatioy results." Dr. Chase's Kiiney-Liver Pills are considered an invaluable family medi in_a hundred thousand houses. One pill a dose; 25 cents a box. At hate used pill with eqns 13 Requires nourishment in a concentrated, palatable and easily digestible form. Bovril should therefore form one of the chief items on the diet list of every invalid, as it is the embodiment of all these qualities. Bovril is not merely a stimulant to prop up the flagging spirits for the passing hour. It is a highly nourishing food, containing all the strength - giving properties of the best lean beef in the most palatable and easily digestible form. Bovril 1s Liquid Life. Pungent aad delicious, clear- drawing and delicate. The flavor of OOLONG TEA suits a refined taste. A most attractive tea for the 5 o'clock cup. 50c. and 60c. per Ih. Stroud Bros., 109 Princess Street, Kingston. All Copper, Nickel Plated; Patent Cold Handle, Beait tifully Finished, Very Durable, Nice Assortment. Prices Moderate, McKELVEY & BIRCH, 69 a.nd 71 Brock Street. RUBBERS We Have the Best. All Kinds of Rubber Boots for Men, Women and Children, A. ABERNETHY. JUST ARRIVED Florida Oranges. Havana Red Pineapples, . Hallowee and Arabian Dates, FINEST QUALITY. Trunks and Valises . Telephone all dealers, ° or 'Edmanson, Bates & Ce , Toronto. F > ~ a A. J. REES, Princess St. Ne. 88,

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