RAT TRAPS This is the time of year rats and mice come into the house. The OUT-OF-SIGHT TRAPS will catch them all. Rat Traps, Only 20c. Mouse Traps, Oaly 0c. | Bargains in HARDWARE and SPORTING GOODS. Prices always lowest. Ww. A. Mitchell. A Cosy Bright Fire Is an attraction for every ome. The cheer: glow and intense heat of our Coal wil make itsell felt with pléneure during the cold weather. It's just the kind te ooob with, too. Let us fill vour bin with BOOTH'S COAL. "Phone 133. Foot | Wast Streat 'At The Same 0ld Place 56 BROCK STREET YOU WILL FIND THE BEST DISPLAY OF cooked ne the city. Fresh pork sau- sages, « black and white pud- dings, we 4 cheese (ull home made) Frank- furts, bacon and hams. 'Phone 570. CAPILLI FORMA WONDERFUL, HAIR PRODUCER. PRE- vents falling .and gray hair; Cures Dandruff, Eczema and Neuralgia, Head and Face Mas- sage. Ladies shampooed at home if desired Mme. Hilger. New York, 166 Princess St . BOARD. ROARD; Mrs GOOD ROOMS AND FIRST- CLA also table -board ay be had at , Breden's, 24 Stuart street. ROOM, ALSO TWO SINGLE rooms, with modern coavepiences, cen tral, not far from Citv and Macdonald Parks. Suitable for a party of from three to five, 195 Earl street. LARGE FRONT COMMERCIAL. NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. Nov. 17th OPEN. cLosi Union Pacific St. Paul Munhat an US. Ten, Steel, Pref... Coal ww Irom Miss. Pacilic Southern Pacik Unt. & Western Western Union Lurie ' Je fe ling. i or & Nash Peamsvlvania Ry. Texas & Pacific Atchison Col. 1 & F, Amal. Copper MONTREAL STOCES. Canadian Pacific buluth, SS. & Com, Tolede L. & IP ' Detroit Un Montreal Street Joronty Street Pid Roch & Commercie ne Montreal Bell Teleph Monreal ion n Steel ax ova Scotia Steel Moiitreal Cotton Dominion Cotton Ca ar ored Cotton Dominion 1 Lominion Momtreal . Bak Ontario Bank Hochglaga bau Bank iron, PK Hobe HELPING ON THE CENSUS. Three Pairs of Twins and Quadrup- . lets. Petersburg, Nov. 17.- News has veceived of a remarkable fa mily in the village of Dozenknowa. Un wil recently" it consisted of father and fuother and three pairs of twins, but it has been increased hy the birth of quadruaplets-- thr and one girl All the infants and appar ently thrivin St st been bovs are alive oe ------ The anplication for summonses against' certain alleged. liberal bribers was not gone on with on Saturday. Linpdom and JHE 5 P.M. EDITION SECOND EDITION NEWS ALSO ON PAGE FIVE. COMMERCIAL MATTERS. What Is Going On In the Business World--The Market News. Cheese sul «South Fiuch, 123¢ 12% The gold will agvrezate Jeplins' 812 worsted, every The Dominion of this week; will the St. Law A mili iér the Portland cement, 10.000 barrels, next The is said Persh, outpwt in the Yukon this vear $12,000,000 heavv ail wool size perfect fitting. Coal company. by the end have sent 1,200,000 tons wo marl on. manufacture with a daily be ercc overcoats, thi: sca of a grade capacity rence of of will ted in Manitoba year past month in sad in Toronto $1,000 a for the speculators It decline in stocks Toronto JO, to have cost of dealing would aggregate many millions coin. is Canadians in stocks their heal. are and losses of the showed with for the net earnings for October in comparison 'The output the. output 50,000 It 4s said that the Dominicn Coal company increase of $50,000 same month of 1901. 1902, an the October, excecded of same mon Lh of 1901 by tons Fhé three! great produc St Th tries pract Iv eighty the Since 1880 States has increased her output the world are the United three per Germany coun cent. oi the © United by 221.000, 103,000,000 R0,000,- produce workl's coal. tons, Germany by the Umited Kingdom G0 short tons, and by OOO. Farewelled On Sunday. A farewell was held in the Salvation Army barracks on Sunday to mark the departure of Stafi-Capt. Macnamara and Lieut. Hoole. The at tendance was large, both morning and evening. A farewell social is to be held this evening. Stafi-Capt. Macnamara has had charge of the Kingston corps and the district for the past vear, and has proved herself to be a faithful and energetic officer. She goes from here to the Picton corps and Belleville trict, and will He succeeded here Adjt. and Mr Ploss, Ottawa. Adjt Rloss is well known in Kings on, hay ny beer stationed here about six vears ago. as an assistant to Stafi-Capt Archibald. Stafi Capt. Macnamara will leary for Picton on Wednesday, after which she will enjoy a two weeks' far lough. service dis by "The Show Girl." This performance on Thursday nicht next is described by a Montreal paper Three hours of music, and drol- with never a minute that is slow and dull; comedians who are genuinely funnv and chorus girls that have some point to them and music, that rings pleasantly in the car long after has heard it, strikingly effective tumes, stage pi tures that always please the eve, and snatches of bur- lisque that one can't help laughing at. That's all. But it was enough to «end home one of the largest audiences seen for some time in the highest Food humor. song ery, one COS + . Terrific Heat In Africa. Letters received to-day from Kinos- ton boys serving in the South African Constabulary state that all the boys are voll. A number of the Canadians who in troops farther north, passed through the lines on their wav home. These men were, for. the most part. from. the North-West. One writer states that the heat: in Africa 1 terrifie, his summer in that country; a the soldiers, con fined in barracks. as" they are, sufier much more the heat than they did while on active service. were is now from Addressed The Students. At Saturday nicht's Alma Mater Society of lege, J. Fras Wvatt, representative of the Britich "Empire Navy League; addressed the students on the aims of tke leagwe.- He hax secured a- great many new members in Kingston. meeting of the Queen's Col Found Guilty. Fit-Reform clothier found guilty last an overcoat for [IN elsewhere | DE in this \ week Jenkins, ey. was selling a man which vorth Thespenalty inflicted. was the loss of 86 which he might have chargea. Lots moire; come and see them. S)2 was Broke His Arm. Whill playing. foothall," on Saturday, Howard Asselstine, son of W. H. As- seistine, corner of Johnston.and Al fred streets, had the misfortune to break his arm. Our VALUE FOR ESS ME new shipment of - British Suitings will stand the very closest scrutiny. Tweeds and Mahoney Serges. English and Scotch Fancy Our special prices for these splendid ma- terials, made up in very latest sacque style, $20 AND $22 Are values that prove arghinents for quick orders. Lrees C. Livingston & Bro. Tallory and Haberdashers, 78,77 and 79 Brock Street. "of THE DAILY WHIG MONDAY. AVERT ACTION BY WHICH HEAVY BRUTY PUT, ON LUMBER The Matter May Be Discussed by . Sir Wilfrid Laurier -- Hopes That Provincial Government Will Act. Toronto, Nov. ~The Mail and Empire to-day savs a negotiations are on foot to avert the threatened imposition of a duty of $4 per 1,000 feet on Canadian' sawn lumber by the United States government, as a repri- sal for the action of the provincial governments of Ontario and Quebec in placing an embargo on the export oi The visit of Premier Ross to Ottawa, a few davs ago, according to the paper, was in counection with the matter. Sir Wilivid Laurier, the Ler says, is anxious that the gov- ernments of both Ontario and Quebec should take some steps that will miti- gate the alleged grievance of the Unit- ed States pulp men. It is possible that on his coming © trip to Virginia Sir Wilfrid will discuss the matter with the United States government. The court of appeal, to-day, is hear- ing the Bell Telephone company's ap- peal from the judgment of Justice Ntreet (in its action against the ardine the erection of poies wires .without leave from : the ety. Judge Street held against the com- pany and the appellants rely on a re cent judument- in an action between the city of Montreal and th¢ Stand- ard Licht and Power company. Chatlss H. Cornel', a butcher, 200 Kobert street, was seen to shoot him self through the mouth with a revol- ver in the Rosedale Ravine drive this morning. When the police anived he was still alive, but died shortly. He was a married man. The provincial secretary great increase in the amount for for the incorporation of com- panies in Ontario. The fees for ten months, this year, have been 389.7 and it is expected the twelve months will total $105,000. Last year S88, 643 was received in twelve months: in 1900, the amount was STN997; in 1899, 867.551, and in 1598, only $28.520, I he dental student, named Herbert Brown, arrested on Saturday night for disorderly conduct, this morning, fined £1. There is no con- nection between this affair and the Halloween fracas. When the the former pulpwaod. city toy and reports a received fees was, Alived McDougall, Ontario' solicitor to the treasury, was called m the police court this morning, 5 doctor's certifi- cate was presented that he was much too ill to attend. The case was en- larged a week. Asked, recarding the case of Walter Herbert, who pleaded guilty of sisting in the murder of Joseph Sift- on. for which Gerald Sifton has just Leen acquitted 'at London, Attorney General won, this morning, said that Herbert would be brought up for sentence at the next London assizes, After the sentence.it would be for the minister justice to consider how far the sentence should be mitigated in consideration of Herbert's evidence for the crown at the Sifton trial. How- ever, the verdict of "not guilty' in the Sifton case left. Herbert's testi mony dishelieved by. the jury and com plicated the case considerably. case of as- DEATH OF CAPT. R. L. SEWELL A Well-known Belleville . Man Who Served in the Northwest. Belleville, Nov: 17=By the death of Capt. Ro Lo Sewell on Friday. night this city one of its best-known and most citizens. Deceased was. a son late Dr. James A: Sewell, for many vears dean of the facultv of medicine at Laval Univers ity; Montreal, and was born in Que bee fifty. years ago. Capt. Sewell was a veteran of the North-West rebellion, having served' as captain with Col. Williams. -He was at thé battle of Fish Creck, where "his company Tost heavily. Deceased was formerly teller the Pank of Montreal in -this eit Leing transferred to Winnipeg. Later he returned to live here, and married Mrs. Charles Bell; daugnter of the late city treasurer, who with three children him. The late Mr. Sewell was an enthusiastic lover of sport, and introduced - the game coli in this city. lost respected 'of "the survives of COSTLY POTATOES. Northern Star Now Brings $2,500 a Ton in England. London, Nov. 17.- Country eribes the history of the as-the Northern Star as one of the | romanees of finance. It was broucht out in 1901 by a Fifeshire grower, who parted with a few tons 'at the éxtra- ordinary price of £1,120 a ton. This about ten shillings a pound, at which rate two were purchas- ed by a Lincolnshire dealer. From thia two pounds there will be grown this Life de potato known pounds feommarded INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. Hon. Mr. Harty leit this afternoon for Toronto on gu business trip. Mrs. Isaac L. Fair, Ostego, N.Y., is visiting fiends on Barrie street. tev. Eber Crummy preached in the Eastern Methodist church, Ottawa, on Sunday. Rimmel's Oatmeal and Almond meal powder, 15c. and 25¢. McLeod's drug store. J. A. McAndrew, the inspector of government in the city to-dav. larry Angrove and wife, © Arch street, returned Ris morning after spending several days in Montreal. Monkey Brand Soap makes copper like gold: tin like silver, crockery like "marble, and windows like. crystal. Mrs. (Dr.) Herriman, Mrs. Burke and two sons of. Dr. Clarke are all ill of typhoid fever at Rockwood hospi- tal. Mrs. Uglow, Johnston street, callea to Ottawa this morning message telling of the serious of her father. Membership in new Ontario legal offices, was by a illness the Briti-h Empire Navy 1 © still being solicited. Already the local branch has a mem- oership of about i100. Mrs. Richard DD. is Anglin, Montreal, died on Saturday, aged forty-one Peceased was the wife of Dr. Anglin's second cousin. + Cape Vincent boat eartied large complement of -passenge her this afterncon. on this route keeps up well. The chief of police has recdived no- tice to keep a lookout for a bicyele stolen in Chirago, and believed to be in this vicinity. The poli e believe they have track of the wheel not far from Kingston. "Tom' Clancy, Ontario street, en oaged all summer in "rescuing" tim- ber from the bottom of Cataraqui riv- er, has had a disagreement with his Trafic trip across partner, and was in the police station | this afterncon in search of law. Nearly every day of late several drunks have been éndeavoring to walk up and down Princess street. Whether by accident, they generally l'an up against the prohibition head- quarters for a rest. "Weary of Earth," was the title of an by the choir of St. evening service Sunday. was acceptably taken by Herbert Tandy. Lhe anthein was creaitably rendered by the efficient choir. design or hy Dudley Buck, anthem rendered James" church at The tenor solo SENT CONSCIENCE MONEY. Young Minister Pays For Purse He Stole. St. Catharines, Ont., Nov. 17.--A "voung minister" has sent Ald. Pet- ric $1, conscience money with the con- | fession that when a bov he had stole a purse worth 10c. from the alder- man's store. The letter continues: I am now a voung minister and 1 feel that God will not my work un- less T make right what I can with my fellow man. I shall not sign my name to this letter. The Holy Spirit has told me many a time to write vou and make it right, but I did not do so. T walit my ministry to he a fruitful one, and I fee] that this has kept me from receiving manv a blessine which I should' Rave received. hless The Late Capt. Knapp. Wolfe Island lost one of its sidents. on November, Sth, in som of Capt. sis Knapp. born at Cherry Valley, N.Y, Wolfe Island when three ve his parénts. and lived for vears on Knapp's Point. teen years aco he removed to ville. In his. early davs Capt. various steamers, having been built by himself, and were used for transporting stone for the fine masonry in the Rideau and Beau- harnois canals. He was also a man of military spirit," and in" 1837, saw ac- tive in Kingston. He rose to the rank of captain before he retired. He was known for his sterling charae- fo The deceased was married twen- ty-four vears aco to Miss Mary Me- aia of Williamstown, Ont; Tn pol ities he was a ONIN giive and in re- ligion a Roman Catholic. Requien mass was sung for the repose of' his soul at the Roman Catholic church, Wolfe Island, November 10th. best re- the pee- Deceased, came to rs old with over fifty About if Marvs- Knapp, several service on With The Advertisers. The Kuro Medicine latest to talk. Piso consumption cure contracts being renewed, The Wisconsin Telephone company is doing general advertising. J. H. Gregory & Son, Marlbank, Mass; are advertising generally. Flake® Ota and Téa-Ette are newest thinos in advertising , ranks. A new advertiser Dr. Miles association, Elkhart, Indiana. Richards company, Boston, is again company is the are vear 130 pounds The dealer was so pleased with the result that he bought a further quantity at £500 a ton, which is the rate of 1902, To Can 5,000 Indian Ponies | Nov. 17 A fir business one proposes using fat ot to Ind 1s improve its hereaiter the firm has 5.000 Indian mining wild I the "hee" manu Indian ponies will for. the of the week he. past closed ponies, greater" tactured be sent Japanese a contract which are portion from "the to Japan army. of lise Killed On The Railway Ont., Nov. 17.--Stephen Corbett, an old man andga laborer of this city. 'wag struck, morning by an east Hound Grand 1 press train and sinsgantly Kille two Chatham, mi cast of was unngls th express, v Tes Been Rem Chatham, Ont, Nm 13 Bovd was, this morning arr on the charge of huricoing Mr. JHe man. Winnipeg, out of $2,000, a complainant did not appear Bovd was fursher remanded .for'a week, while Mr. Herriman will be summoned. putting out hall page rebus advertise- ments. Quaker Oats company is about surprise Canadians by extent of advertising : * The Paris Medicine ssful with L.: about to exploit to company, Broma-Quiniie, intment [RO SUe- Cr ANA IVe is Przo Injured His, Hand, Fravers Qely pater h had the misfortune to hurt his hand quite badly in the machinery of his steamboat one dav "last night. Quarterly was held at © last Suglay afternoon. Miss Blakeley, clerkine at W. H. What tam's store the past summer, has turned: home. Farmers are busy pick- ing apples. John Minaker has new mikado. Mrs. N. Minaker has heen spending this week with her daughter, Mrs. John Dulinage. Mr. Mrs John Church at J, J. Bongard's: Mrl, P. D. Ostrander Mrs. A. Wl banks at Isaac, H Mrz. .Jacob ks at Wait Hud Paint Chur service re a and and Bur vivi ng Member.' ertan church i ILV-3IX vears setvice in the church vesterday « pray were offered thai Mrs Robinson might long continue to remain an attendant. Mrs. Robinson link that. connects the past with present. ago. "During is a the ts a { which the | | Bedford, Franklin | its | of anaan Ethel | | fice NOVEMBER 17. CAMPAIGN . ON REMEMBER THE DATES FOR PUBLIC MEETINGS. { The Anti-Bar-Room Crusade--The Aim Is to Save the Boys-- Hear the Great Advocats of Prohibition. Ww, P. F, address mass meetings this city at follows : : (Monday), Nov. at eight o'clock. Nov. Isth--Salvation Army at eight o'clock. . Nov. 20.--Cooke's Presby- at eight o'clock. 2ist--City Hall, will in of Chicago, week Ce rruso Ferguson, Lue Tonight tec io hall, Tuesday, Barracks, Thursday, terian church, Friday, Nov. eight o'clock. On Tuesday at 3 p.m., will address a women's old collegiate rooms. Come and hear this great advocate cf prohibition. Now is the opportu- nity fob the indilierent to be aroused, the undecided to come to full decision, those lacking informaticn to be in formed and those opposed to state their views. Mr. Ferguson is anxious to meet them all. Come and hear. Re member these ! 17th--On- at Mr. Ferguson meeting in the meetings ! The masy meetings vesterday were miticent. The addresses most con- in arcument and persuasive in spirit and power. i Let no citizen miss this opportu nity of hearing this questicn clearly, candidly and fully discussed by one who states what he knows. Meeting of the special polling sub- division committees at the prohibition headquarters at seven o'clock to- night. : me Kingston Skating Club. The reorganizing meeting of the Skating club was held on Saturday evening with a very good attendance. Reports were read and the election of officers for the coming season took place : © Honovary presiaent, H. Rich ardson, re-elected; vice-presiaents, Mesdames J. B. Carruthers, R. E. Kent, J. M. Strange, and R. Macken- ie; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. J. H. L. Jocart; manager, Mr. Almon. The executive all new and will be com posed of the following : Mrs. R. W. Garrett, Miss Frances Macaulay, Miss Jrownfield, Capt. Symons, represent ink the RMC.. Capt. Bogart, Queen's, and E. Gildersleeve, the city. There some talk of having the re ffeshments looked after by a caterer, and if this is done the fees will have to be raised. A meeting will be held on Friday evening to discuss this question. . is Accepted Service. The. writ in the bv M. J. Haney, Toronto, against Hon. William Harty, J. o. Harty and Cornelius Bermincham was 'ed Monday morning upon J. L. . Whiting. K.C., on behalf' of the first two named defendants. Trial is set down for Torvontq, Hon, Nr. Harty was with Tespect to the suit brought against the company by Mr. Haney, but he refused absolutely to.say any- thing about the matter. action broucht of Se interviewed A Large Gift To St. Mary's. The late Mrs. Ward, Johnston street, bequeathed, in her will, a con- siderable sum of money to St. Mary's cathedral. Though the exact amount is not vet known, it is likely .to be in the neighborhood of $8,000 to $10, 060. It was only. a few, months aco that 'the now deceased fady contribu- ted SI,000 to the building fund of the cathedral. Her latest gift comes at a time in the history 'of the. church when it will be greatly appreciated. Wanted It For The Boarders. A funny incident' occurred Market Square on Saturday. offerea for sale a large owl, which he haa recently captured. An old lady approac hed him: and enquired ; : 'How much for that cat-taced tur: kev 2" Hits ed. I don't care how I want it fer the the woman, on the A farmer an owk™ the. farmer explain- ould it might he; boarders," replied Notes From Queen's. The Alma Mater Sodiety has decid ed to appoint a hoard of arbitration, whose duty it will _be 'to assess. the damace done to the college property in student scraps, to the right par- ties. In past years, science and medi cal 'students have come to the arts' concirtsus and broken property, for the arts' society always had to vay. Now a svstem. of arbitration will be established. Returned To Asylum. Patrick McDonald, was brought a resident of to the citv on Monday morning, with arms and legs bound. Ten or twelve vears ago. he was liberated from Rockwood hsylum, but is acain seriously wrong mentally. After examination hv physicians here, he was removed to the asvium. Was Elected Senator. Pr. T. E. Bell, Hammond, Ind. sc John Bell, Pine stre elected ite tor for Porter He near We States wm! was mty but ago, vear: mothe wan as born throol the H was in end the politics are of wint United Nin years sston a funeral of his the repul Has Been Incorporated. New lad; King by the The Co., York & Canadian Copper camtal, {T0000 0600, head of ston, has: been incorporated Ontario government. A building in Globe village, a burb of Fall River, Mass, collapsed this morning and ten men were buried in the ruins, Four men have already heen taken: out. One dead and the hers: are Seriolsiv su is ot hurt entry of catta ha a { | | | Yr g ! ar row taking action against this illegal custom The Sultan of Jahore, sula, will make a tour 194, and will visit the position. Malay penin-- : of America in St. Louis ex Seal Brand Coffe (1 Ib.and 2 1b. cans) is selected from the very highest grades grown. It is HIGH GRADE. PURITY--its fragrance proclaims its excellence. CHASE & SANBORN, MONTREAL AnD BOSTON. ALL GOOD (GROCERS. We expect a busy week among the cold weather goods. Underwear, Flannels, Blankets, Knitted Gloves for men, women 'and children. Having what the people want, at the time they want it, at the price they want it, applies to every kind of cold weather goods. HOSIERY The Largest Stock in Kingston of Hosiery for Men, Women .and Children. Boys' Scotch Knit Stockings. Known as the "Leather Knit" Brand. Prices ringe from 28c. up to 85c. a pair, according to size. Boys' Yarn Knit Winter Stockings. Prices 15¢c. up to 25¢. for the largest sizes. Boys' Heavy English Cashmere Stockings. 4-Fold Knees and Heels, just the thing for rcugh wear. Prices very moderate. All sizes from 0 to No. 10. Girls' Cashmere Stockings. 5 different makes, in fine ribb., plain Cashmere, all sizes. > JOHN LAIDLAW & SON 170-172 Princess Street, Kingston. Jo canna a APMIS ALAS ASS ASI SNAY POPULAR PRICES --AT THE-- LOGKETT SHOE STORE. Ladies' Aged Laced Kid Boots at $1.50 different styles of Ladies' Laced Kid Boots at $2.00 Ladies' Laced Kid Boots at 32 30 Boys' and Girls' Bools at Popular Prices. We consider our present stock the best in value and most attractive in styles we have ever shown. | wide ribb., and i i 3 ¢ i ] ] | 1 % different styles of 7 9 different styles of |F.C. LOGKETT, PRINCESS ST., KINGSTON. The Ideal Beverage JOHN LABATT'S | jondon Porter Full of the Virlue of Malt and Hops. , Pertec tly Agreeable to the Most Beticate Patate. . JAS. T1cPARLAND, AGENT, KING STREET, KINGSTON.