FOR GOLD WEATHER You want a reliable heater. You also want one that is a fuel saver, at the same time heating the house in a satisfactory manner. This Our Oil Heater Will Do. Is economical in the long run. It is clean, convenient and re- liable at all times. CORBETT'S HARDWARE. CA a RS Gril rh "Social" Brand Teas and Coi- fee's, in 1 1b. and } Ib. packages, 25c., 40c., 50c. 1b. '"Social'"' Brand and Cocoa, 15c., tins. Baking Powder 2Cc., and 25c. Premium Coupons in each pack- age. Jersey Cream Yeast Cakes. RETAIL. THE STARR CO, 185 WELLINGTON ST. FROM ALL OVER You hear our customers urging' their friends to go to Jos. Silver's for their clothes and furs: A GOOD REASON WHY Our stock is choice, select and fecu. we treat cvervbody alike: per Our price is low and above all, Ii you vo dway from us not suited, with either price or quality, we don't see that-anybody lie can: A trial call will convince you, JOS. SILVER, (Successor to B. Silver,) 102 PRINCESS STREET. P.S.--~When you are about to pur- chase your furs don't forget us. We are sure to please you, SEALED TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED at the office of the. County Clerk, Court House, Kingston, up to 9 o'clock a.m. the 22nd day of November, 1902, for undermentioned supplies for the jail for year 1903 -- Bread, barley, pepper, beet, pork pound. 2 Milk, molasses and American coal oil, per gallon. Straw, hand threshed, of 12 pounds. Peas, carrots bushel. Brown family soap, at--------per box oi 60 ars. The whole of the above supplies to be of good quality, to be delivered at the jail as required, and to bc subjeot to the approval of the jailer, or some other nerson appointed bv the County Council. Separate tenders will be reccived for parts of the above supplies. . Security required for fulfilment of contract. JI W. EDWARDS, W. W. PRINGLE, Esq. suntv Clerk. Chairman Com. C. Prop. Kingston, Nov. 10th, 1902. Electrical Repairs We have the workmen, the equip- ment and the experience to do your work promptly and well. You won't ned to send a second time before vou get satisfaction. OUR WORK and OUR PRICES always give that at the first opportunity BRECK & HALLIDAY, "cer Street. STRAIGHT BUSINESS W. MURRAY, Jr, Auctioneer and Commission Mer- chant. Market Square. ol the the aatmeal, cornmeal, _ salt, and mutton, at------ per at at per bundle and potatoes, at per FOR SALE. FLOUR AND FEED BUSI condition. Good rea, Apply through ' Whig A GROCERY, * ness in flourishing sons for selling. Otlice/ For scrofula, ans- mia, stomach and bowel disorders, and wasting diseases, Angier's Petroleum Emulsion with Hypo- phosphites is pre- scribed by physi- cians, It is pleasant to take and agrees with the stomach. - It prevents and corrects dis- ordered conditions of the stomachandintestines,checks fermentation, cleanses away foul mucus, destroys or coun-. teracts poisonous matter in the blood, alleviates the irri- tation and heals the diseased membranes. It also aids di- gestion, improves nutrition, regulates the bowels, and helps create firm, healthy flesh. Ask your druggist for it. Tam using Angier's Petroleum Emulsion whenever and wherever I can, and with universal success. It is such an excellent preparation that it must force itself to the front as almost a specific in throat, lung and stomach troubles.-- Albert Atkinson, M. D., Baltimore, Md. Angier's Petrol mulsion i: nym Em the kid bY Stein ting Angier's. Large size, $1.00. Small, soc. ANGIER CHEMICAL COMPANY, BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS, U.S.A. Material and Style united with Fit and Finish Shirts the acme of shirt perfection. Look fcr this name inside the Collar. For sale at all best dealers. HAVE YOU TRIED MALT BREAKFAST F000 2 Young and Old Are Delight ed With It. - pr The purest, most delicious, health- ful. nutritions, and altogether the most satisfactory breakfast cereal ever placed before~the publie is Malt Break- tast Food. Have you tried it? If not, vou gre missing one of the luxur ies of life that costs little monev--an agent" that keeps the "digestion of voung ana old in perfect condition as no other breakfast food can do. Malt Breakfast Food is economical; one package makes a meal for twenty- five people. Recommended by thou sands of physicians as a true health food. Your Grocer sells it. A GUARANTEED CURE FOR ALL FORMS Or KIDNEY DISEASE. We the undersigned druggists are fully prepared to give the following guarantee with every 50 cent bottle of Dr." Pettingill's Kiilney-Wort Tablets, the only remedy in the wyrld that po- sitively cures all troubles arising' from weak or diseased kidney : "Money cheerfully returned if the sufferer is not relieved and improved after use of one bottle. Three to six bottles efiect astonishing and perman- ent cures. If not relieved and cured, vou waste no money." HENRY WADE, Prsgist. our. G. W. HAHOOD, Druggist, Kingston. FHHHIGIC ISHSIIIIISIIIRNIcK } CYRO" » {PHOTO PAPER. PRINTS AT NICHT BY ANY LICHT. hb Sample dozeh, 4 x 5, witn # package of Developer and $ photo, mailed for 25¢. Sold QUEEN ST. W, ES. VISE, Sqn CANADIAN AGENT. HEROIN RSE N HAHA A AANA HARD COAL The Old Re'iable SCRANTON, Un- equalled for Heating and Cooking. S. ANGLIN & CO. Foot of Wellington St. oc 00c000000ee exc bund since | the church makes all the school | pointments THE DAILY WHRIG, TUESDAY. NOVEMBER i8 evening, at lished every Thursday morning at $1 work; mine improved EDW.- Opifter per Orbem Dicor.' BB. KING DODDS IN EVIDENCE. "There are no politics The asserted. trary is the case. the conservative liquor men general election. opinion of thé sportsman, is quite na that his tario. This was a manly declaration city (Toronto) did legislation of the last parliament. ion at all, would be opposed to liberal government on this and other question. the local elections special candidate in posea as a adviser Licensed Victuallers' Association thinks the conservative members With this the tionists will not find any fault. inaifference. prohibi of campaign the better satisfied. -------- RECONCILED TO THE BILL. The imperial government the education bill through the mons with the aid of the closure. This gov- com instrument, in the hands of the ernment, is as efiective as the gag. It silences every time. 1t puts the dis contents and troublers out of action. M:. Balfour allows the discussion co along for a time, and it may be lively enough, but when he has tired of the be applies the brake, this closure, and the -question carries. The major- The into proceedings as usual. ity is as mechanical crowded dissidents have been Birmingham when Mr. Chamberlain going through, was going to stand a fall by it. was a sudden, a surprising, and effective hold-up: Amendments guing through, but it that they will be cast out by the lords are in its influence. The state church in the bill vrovides. The Catholic church, favour of it. This is by the statement a distinguished priest wo, is also in raade- apparent Rev. Fr. Carr; irom Fngland, now on a visit Montreal. "The bill," said he, very decided step in "is a alist members in refusing to vote for the measure I consider a scandal Catholicism and a disgrace to Ire: I am a Home Ruler myseli, but views in land. I should like to make my this- matter clear. Not only did English archbishop ask the members to vote for the bill, but the whole pre- se that they knew the bil would pass, and they toek this means waion policy towards Ireland." The conclusion is, from that the masses are agreeable to the teaching of religion in the schools, and that the attitude of 'the Nonconfor- the working of ed since the agitation in regard to it began. ------ EDITORIAL TIPS. ceived 20,000 cards. The wave is tig, tional bill is that while the ve shilings ap Does anvhody really believe that D Sutherland, M.P.P., South Oxford { change in | was member his politics ¥ He But' he is public notice. and he jis getting it. looking ' eta A painter 'ia Sche and of teen expelled by Kis the union and his work Le ause he turned out THE WHIG -- 68TH YEAR.' DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published each i 306-310 King Street, 88 36 per year. i tion: t 2:30 and 4 © WEEKLY BRITISH WING, 12 pages, pub- a Attached is one of the best Job Printing Offices in Canada; rapid, stylish and cheap presscs. J. B. PENSE, PROPRIETOR. I'HE DAILY WHIG. in the On- tario Liquor Act campaign." So it is Canadian Sportsman tries its best to prove thatthe con- Its position is that have a right to. baulk because the liheral liquor men supported Mr. Ross in the This feeling, in th- tural. "The leader of the conservative party," it observes, "has fairly stated personal experience of the working of the Scott Act had proved to him that a prohibitory law would not be beneficial to the people of On- , Why vet despite it certain prominent men, connected with the liquor trade in this their best to de- feat him." They did this because they realized that Mr. Whitney was trim- ing for votes, hecause he took oppo- site sides with Mr. Ross in the" hope of marshalling to his support the men whose trade might be affected by th: It must be remembered that the Canadi- an Sportsman, if it offered an opin- the anv Its editor is E. King Dodds, who has run gs a conservative and of the in the Scott Act and other elections. He ot that association are justified in their The less opposition there is to their plan they will be is forcing to the debate ends, them since that memorable meeting in told them that the education bill was that the government It an is understood which is overwhelmingly ecclesiastical the Lords is strongly represented, and it wants the school system for which of to the right direc- tion. The action ol the Irish Nation- to the lates and clergy of the church in Ire- land, but they refused, giving as their of protest against the government's co- late observation, mists will not seriously interfere with the education bill. Public sentiment has somewhat chang- The Montreal Witness has been con- dacting what it calls > pledge crusade the end of October has re- temperance -------- The weakness of the" English educa: people pay fifty-five shilings to the church's of the cost of support, was approached and with a view to a save he | for a little a National Guard, has lost With his corps to suppress a labour trouble | Taylor's, 124 Princess street. at Gkn Falls. He had to turn out. He could not help himself. The moral is evident. Hon. Mr. Mulock's post office com- parisory was between the service of the late government and the service of the present government, omitting At- lin and the Yukon, which were not administered in 1896. The result is a surplus of $5,000. It is very much to Mr. Mulock's credit. Rev. Canon Welch in a resolution before the Lord's Day Alliance at Tor- onto, spoke of "the inestimable value of the Sabbath." Hie, there, some of your humbler clerical brethren' will be calling vou down. You mean Sundav. don't you, canon? ae gentlemen are very particular, ---- The Spectator governorship says the lieutenant-. generally given to broken-down politicians. Was Hon. J. B. Robinson' such? Or Sir: George Kirkpatrick when he acceptea office ? The office requires experience in the occupant,. and it is not to be had in youth. is ---- should domestic science he taught to the public school pupils of Hamilton at the government's pense ? The trustees provide half the teacher's salary, education department pays salary and finds all the Hamilton is thus getting special favours. -- Scores of children, cripples, and suf- ferers congenital dislocations, are the arrival of Dr. Lovenzo, the great Vienna surgeon, to be operated upon. San Francisco, and will of will ex- class- rooms and and the half the equipment. from awaiting He is now in in passing east zive the poor children the benefit his skill gratuitously. His visit be kindly remembered. WHAT EDITORS SAY. That Will Do. London News. : Mrs. Elizabeth Cunningham, of New York, looks at a cat, her (not the cat's) jaws become locked. What is this woman--a cataleptic ? Takes A Stand Occasionally. Ottawa Journal. It is perfectly evident that James J. Hill, who thinks 30,000 Chinese should get into the United States every vear, is not the Hill who is in politics. -- In Quizzical Mood. Hamilton Times. ow, dear reader, if the banks | do isuue a lot more money how much more of 'it will you have when you go to pay your butcher's bill ? They Had Better Not. London Advertiser. If Premier Ross succeeds in that scheme for locating 50,000 Americans: in New Ontario his opponents will de- nounce him as an annexationist. One Too Many. Hamilton Herald. And now the Knights of "Labor have split up and elected two sets of officers. This will prove to be a case in which 'two heads are not better than one, The Only Inference. Montreal Herald. Can't you hear the Sultan's large, , amiable smile, when he reads that pe- tition ? They can't be subjects of any earthly ruler, so they're taking the shortest route to end their pilgrimage. PROHIBITION MEETING. Challenge Issued to John Mudie. The prohibition. meeting in the On: tario hall last evening was attended by about 200 people. John McIntyre, K.C., presided, and W. P. r. Ferguson, Chicago, was the speaker. He spoke of the great -possibilities of Canada, and of the necessity of saving it from the liquor curse ere it was too late. He hoped the people would not allow things to go on as they had in the United States, but rally to the polls and give a decided voice against the further sale of intoxicating liquor. Mr. 'Ferguson then spoke of the pamphlet issued by John Mudie against prohibition, and stated that he would be pleased to meet Mr. Mu- die in debate on the Salvation Army barracks. platiorm, Tuesaay. evenine, When seen this morning, Mr. Mudie stated that he had received, Mr. Fer: guson's letter, but was undecided as to what he would do. Some {ime ago he had come to the conclusion not to go on the platform durine the campaicn. The challenge would require his most careiul consideration. He cer- tainly was not given much time to prepard for a platform debate. The Poultry In Montreal. Regarding the ceneral situgtion of the poultry market jn Montreal a re port says: The market is firm for fresh killed turkevs, which are scarce and high. A lot of 3,000 1hs. of fresh-killed turkeys had a bid of 12¢. turned down, the seller demanding 13e. -- A few lots. of turkeys have been received by com- mission houses and sales of same are reported at 10}e. to lle; but the birds were small and on the lean side. Chickens sold at Se. to 9c. English buyers have been paving Tic. to Se. alive; farmers preferring to sell that way. Geese sold at Te. to Se. and ducks are nominal at 9c. to lle. | To Build Mighty Boats. { .-London, No It is expected | that ore of the two fast Cunard { steamships will be built on the Clyde, { and one by Vickers Sons ana Maxim. | Calculations by experts show that the | horse power necessary td produce the | speed of twenty-five. knots an hour | will be greater than had been antici [raed It is likely that the hoats will have. three screws. They will be le » in the world in "| leng have the { power. of any afloat. ai -- Powder, 10c. a tin. Is. createst | Finest Talcum » x PITH OF THE NEWS, The Very Latest News Culled From All Over The World. The king of Portugal is visiting Kins Edward and Queen Alexandra. W. H. Hocking, postmaster at Lis- towel, died in his ninety-third year. The Ogilvie company will build hig mills and an elevator at Fort William. Rev. Hugh Price Hughes, the fam- The Torontogcity council has opted a graduated laundries. Belleville teachers want promotion examination a their schools. An extra session of the United States congress will likely be called to consider tariff revision. Editor Morrison, . Lawrence, Mass., recovered 8750 damages because his .sen was expelled from school. The Temiscamingue freight blockade has been raised and the C. P. R. an nounces that freight will be aceepied. Sir Wilivid and Lady Laurier, Hen. ry Lamir and Sir William Mulock leit Ottawa on Monday, for Hot Sprines, Virginia. An illuminated address and hand- some gold Cross were presented to Mgr. Falconio by the Knights of Col- umbus of Ottawa. Sir Gilbert Parker and Dw Parkin sfo'.c al a dinner in the Hotel Cecil, London, in celebration of Trinity Uni- versity's jubilee, Representative Connor will, un undoubtedly, be elected speaker of the fifty-seventh session of the United States congress. Henry Saxe and David Levy were acquitted, at Montreal, of the charge of conspiring to defraud the creditors of M. Saxe & Sons. Fort Ontario at Oswego is to be re built at 5 cost of about £300,000. It is expected that it will be completed in about three years. A Philadelphia magistrate has fined forty-four men and boys each $20 and costs for throwing advertising hand hills about the streets. An enthusiastic farewell reception was accorded Hon. Mr. Chamberlain at Birmingham, on Monday, prior to his departure for South Africa. The Royal Ulster Yacht club, Bel fast. has accepted the conditions of the New York Yacht club for the races next year for the America's cup. Sixty-six hotels: under way in New York city will cost, land and build- ings, more than 850,000,000. The average constructional cost is $750,- 000. The chairman of the Robinson South African bank considers business conditions in South Africa are such as to warrant the reduction of the bank's capital by £3,000,000. Sir Henry Strong has retired from the supreme court bench. A number of changes in the judiciary follow, and J. J. Maclaren, K.C., Toronto, is. ap- pointed judge to the court of. appeal. News is received here of the death, near Brantford, of the father of Dr. Bryce, the provincial medical official. and the Rev. Dr. Bryce, moderator of the Preshyterian general assembly. Major Hamilton Merritt spoke upon the wealth of South Africa before the (Canadian Institute at Toronto, on Saturday evening. He predicted an era of ereat prosperity for that countrv. Sir William Van Horne and a party: of railway officials are going over the Cuba: Central railway with govern- ment inspectors' preparatory to the opening of the line. At Santa Clara an ovation was given to Sir William. Eleven thousand eight hundred dol- lars was subscribed at a meeting in the Metropolitan church, Toronto, on Monday night towards the home mis- ston fund of the Methodist church. Hon. Clifford Sifton spoke on the west, The Russian ministry of the interior is preparing to revise the laws gov- erning" life insurance companies;r with the object of curtailing the activity of foreign companies. These, especially the American, aré seriously affecting the business of the Russian com- panies. 3 1 ad- license fee for only one year in The Company Incorporated. Another million dollar venture, in which United States' and Canadian capitalists are interested is the New York and Canadian Copper company. limitea. which has been granted incor poration. The provisional directors are Messrs. Benjamin W., Henry and Vrederick A. Folger, of Kingston: William G. Pollock, of Cleveland, and P. L. Kimberley, of Sharon, Pa. The mines are in the Rainy River aistrict, and were described in 'last Friday's Whig. Mis. Mi hael Kehoe, Hungerford, died on Sunday after a'fewt hours' ill- ness. Deceased, whose maiden name was Marsh, was born in Hungerford some fifty-two years ago. | A Wonderful Medicine. ; J )eecham's = Pills FOR ALL ~ Bilious and Nervous Disorders, Sick Headache, Constipation, Wind and Paias in Stomach, Impaired Digestion, Disordered Liver and Female Ailments. PREPARED ONLY DY THE PROPRIETOR, Thomas Beecham, St. Helens, Eng., | Sold by all Druggists in Canada and U. S. America. In boxes, 25 cents. ous Wesleyan minister, died suddenly. . fH! WEVE CA Now that we have got Perfe NEW OVERCOATS, * NEW SUITS, =~ mm m-------- KANT Every Pair Guaranteed. HT YOUR EYE it, we want to say to you" that our ELEGANT OVERCOATS, our New Rall and Winter Suits, our Smart Haberdashery, our Correct Hats--all are here awaiting a call from you. We trust you'll be in to see the new things. ct Beauties, $7.50, $8, $10, $12, $12.50, $14, $15. $7, $7.50, $8, $10, $12, $13, $14, SIS. THE H. D. BIBBY CO., ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, OAK HALL. tment KRACK RUBBERS Sold in Kingston by A. Abernethy only. Also New York Good Year Grove Brand, A. ABERNETHY. Trunks and Valise S S Soli bo Golden Oak Finished Side- boards, regular $8 for Golden Oak Finished Side- boards, regular $10, for ... THIS WEEK IDEBOARDS $6.50 $8 $15 d Oak Finished Side- ards, regular $18, for All grades reduced this week, Wn &{ JAMES REID. Paine's Celery Compound Cures Rheumatism. The Only Medicine That Pre- vents a Return of the Terr.ble Disease. Rheumatism, which does its terrible work in" the muscles, joints and tis sues, is" caused by uric acid which ga thers in the blood. To get #id of this poisonous acid, which produces the jr- ritation:, painds, agonies, inflamma tions and swellings peculiar to rheu- matism, Paine's Celery © Compound should be used without:delay. No oth- er medivine gives such prompt, cheer ing and. happy resmlts. It is the only medicine that prevents a return of the dreaded: disease. Paine's Celery Compound braces the nervés, the blood is cleared of all irritating poisons, tis- sue. ahd muscle are built up" and the digestive organs are perfectly toned. Do not treat with indifferencé the slightest, svmptoms; early use of Paine's Celery Compound will prevent weeks and months of suffering. G. WJ. McDonald, Cornwall, Ont., writes as follows : For three years 1 terribly from rheumatism. lt seemed to me that T was forced to endure all the ag ohies and pains that a mortal could possibly experience from the disease. While suffering, I tried many of the advertised doctors' suffered medicines, also prescriptions, but never found a cure until T procured a supply of Paine's Celery Compound. It worked like a charm. and seemed to strike at the very root of my trouble. I am now cured : all pains are banished, and in every respect I an a new man." Auction Sales. SAVE MONEY BY EMPLOYING ALLEN & BROWN, Auctioneers, "DON'T WAIT TILL WINTER | Before vou think of getting your and cutters readv for the first sleigh Have them made rexly now. W come with a rush shortly. Send th and get them painted, uimmed and repaid We are also prepared to store through th winter ail kinds of carriages and vehicles Lots of room..Call a tee us i 0 ur 402 King Street East. W. @G. FROST, Carrlage Painter, 1. ZACKS, iH | ATTENTION ! HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR NEW and Second-Hand goods, Clothing, Furniture, Stoves, etc. Always on hand, new clothing, Gent's Furnishings, Dry Goods, Jewelry, Musical Instruments, at slaughter prices. I have a large stock of Second-Hand Stoves and Furniture that must be sokl for want! of space. I have everything from a needle to an anchor to suit the .publie. Give .me & eall. ; ssn 271 and 273 Priacess St. Second door below Corbett's. S001 0+ Of O}s OF OOo 0+§040l TROUSERS | Best Selection, Prices Right. 'CRAWFORD & WALSH, TAILORS. We Have No Coal But we have samples touched with gold. These are given away with every sale of gas heating stoves, consuming from 1 to 2 cents worth gas per hour. We have stoves from the natural gas region to displace your hall stove." No trouble: no dust; no stor- age; cheaper than coal. A . vou some light on the Jeetion 4 using the Kern Burner, consuming oue-hall fhe other burners, and giving thres bry Mehler evenings. Call and fin J. W. OLDFIN,»* SIRI # DON'T WASTE MONE { On poor, ill-flavored |but- ter, when you can . pound of the best Clari Butter, sweet and |finely- flavored, for 25c. Try a pound and see how pleased you will be. | Clarified Milk ¥ _ 'Phone 367. Breck & B om i oe ox oe (oe Toe a Co.,' ~ w g LJ CAPILLI FORMA WONDERFUL HAIR PRODUCER. PRE- vents falling and gray hair Cures Dandruff, Eérsma and Neuralgia, Head Face Mas- sage. Ladies shamiooed at Home il desired. Mme. Elder, New. York, 16h risen st.