A GOOD SAMARITAN. Being Helped Himself Wishes to Help Others. The papers were never so filled with advertisements of remedies that will cure every known disease, as they are to-day; these are invariably. accom- pani=d by letters from the people, tes- tifying in the strongest terms to the virtue and meris of the particular pre- paration advertised; but because =o much is claimed for the medicine, it has come to the point where most readers regard such tesimonials as pure "fakes" and made out of whole cloth. 3 We are glad however to vouch for the reliabiity of the following from William Lichenwalter, proprietor of the largest printing house in Canton, Ohio, regarding the Pyramid Pile Cure, for which nothing is ¢laimed ex- cept that it will cure any and every form of Piles, "For several months past I have received so many enquiries from suf ferers asking if my testimonial is au- thentic, that I am inclined to send in a bill to vou for postage and station- ery. It is now two vears since I was last troubled, and mv rectum is as clear and clean as any nan who never had piles, although I suffered. with pro- trading, bleeding and internal piles for twenty-seven years. I will not attempt to detail the agony I suffered, being too happy to say 1 believe 1 ayn cured, after two vears of evidence, What will cue one man will some times not cure another; whether it was the Pyramid Pile Cure that! cured me, I cannot say; but | have heen free from piles for two vears after using vour treatment. I leave sufferers to draw their own conclusions, I will answer any communics that a sufferer mav ask, and will fer to any business house, bank manufacturer of Canton, Ohio, concer ning my identity, among whom I have lived for fortv-eicht vears" Pyramid Pile Care is sold hy fifty cents a package, or will to anv address hy Pyramid ( Marshall, Mich., upon re ipt of price, Drop this firm a eard, asking for their little book deseribing- the cause and cure of piles. PORTER Good porter is one of the very best tonics known. Carling's Porter is the very best porter that made. &# Its purity com- mends it to physicians--its flavor to those who drink ion Ire Oy 3 . drug gists for be mailed Sole agent of Kingston, Henderson. : pl dey ON THE MARKET AT ALL SHOE STORES ¢ .. ALL COLORS - 13 = 2s%zeS Carriages Carriages EVERYBODY Who has rubber tires on their carriages are well pleased with the ease 'and comfort they enjoy in driving, if you have not got them® on your carriage you should send to LATURNEY and have them on and enjoy your drives. JAMES LATUENEY, CARRIAGE MAKER, 390 Princess St, Kingste: , A Cosy Bright Fire AGAIN SHOWS ACTIVITY A Magnificent Spectacle--Eruption is Accompanied by a Terrific Explosion and Immense Flow of Lava--Flames Rise and Il- luminate the Surrounding Sea. Rome, Nov, 1S.--A fresh eruption of the volcano Stromboli occurred, Sun- say evening, accompanied by a terti- It formed a magnificent ern part of Sicily, the flames from the volcano illuminating yunding sea. rising the sur of the Island They are iw the washing ashore of great quan- ious, turbance. «ther places have visited the waters | surrounding the island te allow those | en board to view the eruption. The Kilauca Active Again. Honolulu, Nov. 11, via San Fran- cisco, Nov. IN. --A wi SS message - ceived from the island of Hawaii states that the vdleano Kilauea has hroken out in the most violent erup- tion for the past twenty Kil- | vaca has shown mild intermittent ac- tivity since the outbreak of St. Pierre. vears, | DIPHTHERIA STARTED. | From Unsanitary Conditions in | Barriefield. Jarrieficld, Nov. 17.--The township council me# on Monday and had a wv lively time over the appointment of a constable for the village. A. Rie- key was offered the position at a good salary, but has not 'vet decided if he will accept. Mr. Rickey acted as'town ship clerk jn the absence of Mr. Bel through itlness at his home, The | contractors, Messrs, Tait Bros., »ius have been crushing =tone for the town=hip roads closed their work for the sec and treated the members of the council to an oyster supper, on Monday evening gt Mr. Byrne's Hotel. Mrs. Hunter has returned home after visiting her daughter at Streetsville. J. Woods last week distributed | a couple. of hundred dollars' worth of fruit and flower trees through Pitts burg. Diphtheria started in Barriefield, where pig pens poisoned the air. Coun cil men have no business to take office if they are not willing to appoint a man or to it themselves that un- sanitary pools are not allowed to fes- ter during the hot weather, filling the alr 'with poisonous odors and disease germs, which have kept the centre of the vil ¢ in quarantine for the last three months. H. Leheup has almost finished the frame work of a beauti- fully designed sofa composed of pol ished ox horns. wa see DOWN THE RIVER. Budget of News From Thousand Island Park. Thousand Island The. walls of the new hotel-are com plete l. Capt. Brown, one of the contractors of the new hotel, has arvived back, having been away buy ine building mateial. J. Gard ner and Capt: rg Cup . who have heen away duck | + return ed with plenty of o . Prats cottage, corner of Rainbow and' Out Lok nee completed. rarrell's new cottage Cvrstal ! Mitchel', recover Park, Nov. 17. - Georoe Jay new avenues, is ing uy, Thomas who has been seriously i is is completed. ing. Mrs. H. VM. case, are here for Sanford. Kemp. has left for Syracuse, where he has secure Job in a meat matl et Connecti are now with Clayton with Garduer's- najitha launch Kittie." Eller, A. F. Pennock; of* this place, attended . the olden welding of his parents.at Natural Bridee a few davs ago. J. R. Robin son has returned from Brockville, Miss Fita 'lidd, of this place, is visiting friends in Carthage, N.Y. 1%:s Mabel Nunn has returned from visiti friends at Clifton Springs. Presiding Flier A. OC. Danforth will visit the Park next Sunday. [ee and daughter, Svra a two weeks' visit made. An Action For Divor:e. N.Y.; Times. 1 her atto Josephine (KE. | at asl Marin, + parties Po arid that. = Septen hes) Alexandr i March the 1laigti 1 , Bradlev Wins Martin, com- has her hushand Horee. at for aha hirte { Lans donne, } came "to 184, wher defend 1806, os and ith, oon to have which the They rears, one y ot motner I to have but with to state and the publica found by he served Martin Honus cannot will be U.S. Hog Market. 17.- Chicago, Nov. Receipts, 25,000; Is an attraction for every one. The cheer glow and intense heat of our Coal: wil | make itesl! folt with plemeure during the | cold weather. It's just the kind to ooo} with, 00. Let us fill your bin with BOOTH'S COAL. 'Phos 138. Foot { West Street FUEL LOG. CALL AND SEE. IT AT STRACHAN'S HARDWARE. INVESTMENTS --IN---- REAL ESTATE Mining and Oil Stocks See GEO.CLIFF, © 115 BROCK STREET. bulk or sales, 86.2 ! higher: strong: mixed | TOTS vood to $6. 13a 6.65; rough. light, 86. 10at. 0; @hH.45. 17.-- Receipts, 12,618 heavy, liva ld steady: heavy, fas. 3: York roughs, 8. butt hirs , heavy, L860 HH and chou heavy Buffalo, Nov. t. market gctive; others about 385: mixed, 86 ers and S620 ah pigs, SOB I New ints 12.615 t steady; State hogs, 86 3; outside sales, 86.60. Miss dred Hopkins (formerly Bediord Mills, short nan, last after was the eldest da rnd Mes. Leéomprd Cha put. twee tiv=one vears of «i was marriad Mr one and a half irs' ago. J. H. Mills tioneer, a 'sale of farm stock township, 26th inst. So far President Roosevelt has not had a single shot at bears in the Mis- sissippi swamps. Cha: \ Hness of Mr an and age! Deceas: Hopkins only a She ter was to h Kingston GREAT VOLCANO OF ITALY The situation of the fw inhabitants of Stromboli is precar- | especially frightened | tities of dead fish, which have appar- | ently been killed by a submarine die -A nutiber of yachts from Naples and | | fic explosion and a great flow of lava. | ¢ spectacle, | which was visible from all the north- THE COUNTESS OF TANKERVILLE AND HER SON, LORD OSSULSTON. The Countess of Tankerviile is Ame- vican by birth, for she belongs to one Knickerbocker families ia New York, the Van Marters. Lord iankervi le was still Lord Bennet when" he married Miss Leonora Van Marvier, but succeeded to the ttl: four later. Lady Tanker mistress of the most of the ollest son vears vida one of splendid of British historic homes, vamely, Chiliingham Castle, the park oi which is noted as being the resting place of the last herd of wild cattle in England. Lady Tankerviile's little on. Lord Ossulston, a charming boy i of fiv was the prettiest as weil {as the youngest page at the corona- 1 tion. yea THINGS THEATRICAY General Comments About and Players. Plays H. Sothern will begin his New York engagement at the Garden tre, December "20th, with "Hamlet." Cecilia Loftus will he the Ophelia. "The Show Girl drew crowded houses at the Montreal Academy all last week. It is ill of comedy from beginning to 'end, has s pretty chorus airls and catchy music. The New York wramatic papers show that Proctor"s Montreal theatre ix ahout closing as' 3 stock house and will hereafter play attractions not in the bier synuwcate, with which the other houses are connected. "Sherlock Holmes," which was. at the Kingston Grand last Thursday, ix gan a week's engagement at the Mon teeal Academy, Monday night. Their excellencies, the Governor-General and Lady Minto, occupied 5 box. Herbert Keleey and KE laying Sherlock secured a new play, which thev will act iirst in New York. It is a trans- lation from the German, and the plot around a biblical incident. The cast will call for 100. players, The Dublin newspapers refused to rs tract what they said about "Saphe," which Miss Olgy Nethersole is playi They callea it immoral and told tl to from it. Miss Nether suit, and the news the acuress "tie Shannon, now j 12 woven prope stay sole threatened papers invited ahead. Rin roto, io Morean Wood. formerly of preached 3 sermon Ohio, and. stated maticr ol To in Cleve that in the usefulness the the stace second, and Most = the who never and, infin was-first, tpn hivd. age, nee and press t 1 the eriticism reacher, is zo to the thea of the said from thos Lie. there has never the <0 Ureat een theatre in ane so vood a hit : history of when \nierica varrety ff legitimate dramas and eomedies has | before been put N the people of the' Uni as during the past ten During that time "also the me cal x theatre have more doubled rates sotrees of the than Returned From The West. Soperton, Nov. 12. =O acher, Miss Lucey heen re-engaved for g i Murphy in wnths, has pular v, has ohn Pe sche 1 South id tak- ilv i requ residence | he night on lal Thoma have hou Frankville, Fry's tenomen "iano has arrived at J. Davis is all smiles over another daughter. Forgive. born 1783 are m deeds forgone up 1 mv trembling soul, ir is driven ? a essad e forgiv on release voice replied, Lord, are firce and fell their pride vil for my good deride, Ring! and pein driv my patience be the proud in "Forgive I" tHe a thou would be To Play In Kingston. The O.RF.U. has orderad the: Welleslevs. to sudden-death game at Kingston with the Limestones, in the semi-finals the iunior series, on' November 22nd, the Kingston club to guarantee £30 executive of Toronto, | towards the Toronto team's expenses. thea- Holmes," have > - { ders irom a period an the | in variety | | equipment several | that to | | "and | they | | : Farms Change Hands. | play a | of | IN OUR OWN CLRCUIT, News Of The Districts On Both Sides Of The Line. Miss Morton, evangelist, has closed a series of services in the Lyn Metho- dist church. = Rev. I E. Burke, Lyn, has been operated on at the Brockville General Hospital, and is resting comfortably. Francis Curry, an old resident of Gaford township, died on Wednesday lust from cancer of the throat. About 200 guests enjoyed a ball in Pembroke town hall last week. It was a fine affair, conducted by the leading voung men of the town. Rev. Rural Dean Wright, Athens, is Jlawly recovering from the serious ill- ness by which he was attacked in Brockville a few weeks ago. . J. Ro Brown, a native of Kitley, lied recently near Lovelock, Nevada, aced sinty-four years. Deceased was a son of the late Archibald Brown, of Nitley. J. D. Wagar, postmaster at. Enter- prise for twenty-two years without | complaint, has been retired. The office | will be transferred on December 1st, | to Timothy Kenny. Abraham Burns, a well-known re:i lent of Glen Buell, died on Sunday, aved about forty years. His S | was the result of a hemorrhage. | Burns was unmarried, The firm of North & [-men, Westport, has "orth retiving., J. Muliille has urchased his interest. The new firm ~ styled Adam & Mulville. Mrs. A. R. Boyes, nee Frank Me- Kim, Dawson City, (formerly of Na- vance), was recently. presented with a I eautiful diamond ring, in recognition of her services as a singer in the chur ches of the city of the far north. thomas Tompking has received or the Canadian- Pacific rail way company to remodel the whole of the old -portion of the big hotel at Lanfi, N.W.T., making it in keeping vith the new addition now truction. demise Nr. Adam, livery- been dissolved, Oil As Locomotive Fuel. New York Engineering and Mining Journal. As an cxample of the extent to which oil is replacing coal for locomo may be cited the present fuel cost of the west ern division of the Southern Pacific railroad. KRixty-three locomotives are operafed by oil burners and hty-three are yet to be o from coal burners to oil burners. It is that with the present equip a saving in fuel 10,L00 anonthly has resulted: nth of September of the eur- cntsvear- the ot-burning enomes --on the western division travelled about {200,000 miles, and coal 4) | tive firing, and nOW conver stated ent of over During cost the 1 thi take ¢ compaced oal, for each 100 miles, a ratio of nearly tive barrels of oil to one ton of coal. ihe saving with cach 100 miles from S16 The burning question of the ih<titution of oil for coal, particu arly in localities where the latter i i hich costy has been di ed ad lib in recent vears, and it is satisfactory to note the increasing use of : pre- eminently superior fuel. 117 in the t few vears., a suflicient supply of ap oil had been available .at east- ports, so that manufacturing con erms would have been justified in go- ine to the expense of changing' from firing to oil firing, much of the inconvenience and sufferiig which re sulted from the recent anthracite coal i ~trike would have been obviated: Ox Pacific prices of coal have ays been hich, =o that the propor- ie saving greater than would : been the case clsewhere. hurners twenty-four to five which I on y N20, ars m onal the coast 18 13. apples. Shannon visited we Mr. and Snider spent Sunday at Violet. Baker has moved onto Vie- | toria street having rented MNugh : farm: | movid to Napance. Fred | bought a farm on Roblin's e. John § cup's farm, the spring. ng hay last week. Farmers are " Renben r View, ' Nox. shipping theie Mrs, last Hiiksve and Loucks' L.onucks | Lewis LLowery's Wales has Hill, and mmons has and will nas mov 1 ented Ge move th Loucks was pres Stewing oysiers, 30e. Carnovsky's. under con- at | Rehert-Denison-hasa + Shyler | .. HAS BEEN CASTIGATED. The Dean of Ripon y Creed. London, Nov. 18.--The Bishop London has ordered the prosecution of Rev. Middleton Evans, vicar of St. Michael's, Shoreditch, for the intro- ductioR of Roman services into the re- gular liturgical use of the English church. The bishop himself will be the prosector, under the church discipline act of 1840, and the services of ag- grieved parishioners will be dispensed with. 3 The Bishop of London by a single pointed protest has enforced discipline informally against Dean Fremantle for expressing heretical views respecting the incarnation, miracles and the re- surrection. Dr. Fremantle at once shifted the responsibility for heresy up- on the reporter who took notes of his address, but was subsequently left in 'an awkward position by the pro- duction of evidence that the report was submitted to him before pubMfca- tién., and the INSURANCE CASE. The Company, on Appeal, Had to Pay the Policy. London, Nov. able insurance claim came before court of appeal. On September 18th, of last vear, Mr. Stuart, the assignee of an insur- ance for £2500 on the life of the Hon. Francis Lawley, paid the premium on the policy to the General Life Assur- ance company--a dav late--and ob- tained a receipt. At the time, howev- er, Mr. Lawley was dead. He had ex- pired at two o'clock that day, but neither Mr. Stuart nor the company was aware of the fact. The company refused to pay, Justice Ridley entered judgment for them on the ground that the policy was void owing to the premium being overdue. The court of appeal, howev- er. held that the policy was valid and cave judement for Mr. Stuart for £2,500, with £100 interest and costs. 18.--A very remark- the and Another New former Policeman In Trouble. York. Nov. 18.--The case of Captain of Police Moynihan came up for hearing to-day before Justice Holbrook. Monyihan is ac- cused on the oaths of former police- men and others with accepting money to permit disorderly houses to run on the upper Fast Side. Owing to the fact that several former police officials are now serving terms in Sing Siang for the same crimes with which Monyi- han is charged considerable interest is manifested in the case. Monyihan ad- mits being worth a quarter of a mil- lion dollars, but declines to give anv details as to how he acquired his wealth. Advance In Wages. Watertown, Nov. 18:--The division superintendent of the Rome, Water- town & Ogdensburg railroad has is- sued a circular announcing that the pay of freight conductors has been in- creased from $2.75 to $3, the pay oi through freight brakesmen from $1.75 to £1.85 and the pay of freight brakesmen from $1.95 to $2.05 a day. This increase, effective from Novem- ber Ist, is the second voluntary in- crease that the New York Central has given the train service employees on the ome, Watertown & Ogdensburg division within a month. Fall Importation Of 1902. Prevost, of the New York clothing store, Brock street, has received al his fall importations for order work in his tailoring - department. His ready-made department is well assort- ed and a .large assortment to choose from. For low price and durability he defies competition. Rubber spfdnees give entire satisfac tion. Taylor, 124 Princess street. Rev. T. Wilbur Price, B.A.. formerlv of Newburgh, and till recently a pro- bationer in the Bay of Quinte confer- eneey-was ordained in Calgary, Alber- ta, on November 5th. | Bleeding Piles. Not Only Painful and Annoy- ing But a Menace to Life Itself---Can Be Cur- ed by Dr. Chase's Ointment Pile of hemorrboidal tumors, like varicose veins, in other parts of the body, sometimes burst and permit the escape of blood from. their central These constitute bleeding "piles, hemotrhages are sometimes ex profuse, so as to even ns Such ceedingly danger the liie of the patient. 'The victim of piles should rich and stimulating foods and drinks and should keep the bowels slightly re- laxed, as constipation is one cause of this ailment. Some people do not think of trying Dr... Chase's Ointment for bleeding piles, though they know of its won- i darful power in curing other forms of this horrible complaint. The best proof.of the efficiency of Dr. Chase's Ointment in this regard is the testimony of persons who have been actually cured of bleeding piles hy it. The statement of Mr. Jackson given below is that of a well known and responsible bhusiness man who feit so grateful for the benefit de- Tived from Dr. Chase's Ointment that he determined to do what he could to l-t others know about it. James Jackson, of the Laurie Spool | company, St. Alexis de Monts, Que. j writes © 'You may put my name to any praise vou can give to Dr. Chase's Ointment, for it _has done me more roond-than any medicine: I ever tused. "lI was troubled for two years with that' cruel disease, bleeding piles, and after using Dr. Chase's Ointment, 1 | can saw I am entirely rid of it. It is | 4 treasure to all suffering from piles." | Dr. Chase's Ointment, 60 cents a i box. At all dealers, or Edmanson, "Bates & Co., Toronto. en- avoid using a of | REASON IT OUT Why -is 4 that some one article in each line of manufac- ture has always the largest sale? Is it because its a poor article oragoodone? Don'tyouthink the reason of it is because its better constructed than the others? That's whatall people will think. The "Happy Thought" : Range is the People's Popular Range of Canada. It's used by more cooks --has more features of merit--and uses less fuel than any other Range built in the world. If you don't believe this ask some of your neighbors who are using them. Weite the Manufacturers for an Illustrated Catalogue. THE WM. BUCK STOVE CO. "='%.xrvons 3 8% McKELVRY & BIRCH, 69-71 Brock St. --] _-- So ---------------------------------- ESTABLISHED 1890. PHONE MAIN 4303. W. F. DEVER & CO. STOCK' AND BOND BROKERS, 19 Wellington Street East, Toronto. Main'Offices -47 Broadway, New York ; 60 State St., Boston. STOCKS, BONDS AND GRAIN Bought and Sold for Cash or on Margin. . Particular attention given to Canadian Securities. Market letters mailed daily (4 p.m.) on application. Correspondence in- vited . JUST ONE FOR YOUR LIFETIME ifyou buy a "Souvenir." Down the gauntlet! Who'll try te a oar refite the claim of the makers, or the almost universal voice of the Canadian people, that "Souvenir" Ranges are dest. by com- porison--in style--appoint- &] ments und general. appli- ances--and best by test in completeness--durability-- economy--goodcookingand baking qualities--and for all-round satisfactory ser- . vice? If you contemplate buying a range you owe | yourself the satisfaction of & buying thebest --Aerated ® Ovens arc a special fea- ture, = Sold everywhere. S. J. HORSEY, Local Agent, . Princess Street, Kingston. Ove GR 13) x 2 Made by THE GURNEY-TILDEN CO. Limifed Hamiton, Canada Stove, Range and Radiator Manufacturers. Wholesale Branches--Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg. m------------ HAPPY HOME RANCE oe WIY THE "HAPPY HOME" IS POPULAR : It is economical on fuel. Satisfactory to operate. Artistic in appearance. Large ventilated oven. : - A powerful water heater. DS IN USE Every range guaranteed by the Reliable -Perfect- Economical makers. 'SOLD ONLY AT ELLIOTT BROS., 77 Princess St _ » TEA COFFEE All Copper, Nickel Plated, Patent Cold Handle, Beau- tifully Finished, Very Durable. : Nice Assortment. * - Prices Moderate, McKELVEY & BIRCH, 69 and 71 Brock Street.