wr vgs Rp oP LAN a aT Good Healthy Action is easy to have by taking this famous old remedy--To look "well and keep well, use Beecham's Pills. Sold Everywhere, In boxes, 25 cents. You take chamces with your health and spoil your baking when you use ingre- dients of doubtful purity. If you use | Empire Soda best for baking the result will be light, healthful, delicious baking. One part Empire Soda and two parts cream of tartar makes the strongest { and most healthful leave- ning agent you can use. Cheapest too, for Empire Soda only costs 5c. a packet. Ask your grocer for Em- 'pire Soda and insist on get- -- THE UNDERSIGNED WILL RECEIVE tenders up to noon on MONDAY, 24th inat, for supplies of butchers' meat, creamery but: ter, flour, oatmeal, potatoes, cordw , €tC., ete., for the following institutions during the year 1903; viz. i -- . At the Asyvlums for the Insane. in Toronto, London, Kingston, -llamilton, Mimico, Brock- ville, Cobourg and Uriiliag the Cenural Prison und Mercer Reformatory, Toronto; the Re- formatory for Boys, Penetanguishene: the in- stitutions for Deaf and Dumb, Belleville, and the Blind at Brantiord. > Exception--Tenders are not required for the supply of meat to the asylums in Toronto, London; Kingston, Hamilton and Brockville, yor for the Central Prison and. Mercer te- formatory, Toronto. A ae for five per cent. of the hv mount of the contract, pavable ou oi the. Honorabls the Provin- cind mist be furnished by "each a guaranties of his in <« will be required for eaclr contract, and withilrawn before the contract is d, or should the tenderer fail to furnish such security. the amount of tive deposit -avill- be forfeited, Speeifications. and formsoi tender may. be had on a we Department of the Provincial foronto, or to the rsurs of "th spective institutions. The lowest or any tender not negessarily ae- inserting this advertisement from the Department, will it R. STRATTON, Provincial Toronto, Newspapers without authority not be paid for J Secretary. Parliament November Youki, 1902 Buildings, COLONIAL REMEDY. No taste. No Odor. Cam de given tn giass o water, tea, or coffee, wil komt patient's knewielys. Colonial Remedy will cure or destroy the cs. eased appetite for alcholic stimulents, wheth patient a confirmed inebriate, '" tippler,' soc drinker or drunkard. Impossible for anyone to ha an appetite for alcoholic lignors after using Color ial Remedy. ' indorsed by Members of W. C. T. U. Mrs.. Moore, Superintendent of the Woman's Christian Tem; Union, Ventura, Cal, writes : «1 have tested Colonial Remedy on very obstinate drunkards, and the cures have been many. In many cases the Remedy was given secretly. 1 cheerfully recommend and indorse Colonial Remedy. Mem- bers of our Union are delighted to find a practical and economical treatment to aid us in our temper- ance work." ¢ . Sold by dru, everywhere and by mail. i . kage free by writing or callin Price fT Chage Lf a of 1 on Mrs. M. A, Cowan (for years mem Woman's Christian Temperance Union), 2204 St. "athering Ste. Mi Sold m Kimpton by J. B. Mcleod, Prin INVESTMENTS REAL ESTATE Mining and Qil Stocks See GEO.CLIFF, 115 BROCK STREET. me Neston COLLEGE KINGSTON. = TORONM iri COLLEGE TORONTO. Largret and best equipment in Canada. Unequalled facilities for securing Dositions 821 'Quesn Street. Kingwton. , SEND FOR CATALOGUE Ooplederation Life Buildiogs, Toromte. bona fides.' e------ ans " a +0000 TOLD IN THE TWILIGHT. One always feels diffident about sug- gesting dh to which one is un- able to give a helping hand, but it is hoped that the following suggestion may be taken in good part. Noticing time and again. the unpresentabls na- ture of garments in which the child- ren of the poorer classes are so often dressed, and realizing that a couple of needlefuls of cotton with, and often without, a patch would make them quite respectable, the writer has been seized with a desire to make a remark suggesting the healing of the rent to the maternal parent of said children, but has been deterred by the fear of causing offence, and also by the knowledge that the poor mother had probably little time to "apply the needle to the torn and "thread-bare sleeve," even if she knew how. Now there isn't any reason at all why the little girls in the family should not be able to mend their tatters them- selves, provided they know how, and always provided they are not too im- possible. The "know-how" is the main thing, and if only some of our young girls, who have time and means could give up a Friday or Saturday after- noon, once or twice a month, get to- * gether some small girls, and while making the thing so pleasant that the children would want to come, would teach them to patch, and darn, fine-draw, and otherwise repair, they would be doing an awfully good work. Could not some circle of King's Daughters do this ? (One speaks as a "rank outsider," totally ignorant of the aims 'or the scope of the order). Untidy. ragged little girls, grow up into slatternly, dirty-looking women, who have no more care for the ap- pearance of their homes, than they have for the appearance of themselves, and the consequence is, that the hus- band finding. nothing attractive at home, goes to the place that the pro- hibitionists want to shut up on De- cember- 4th. The connection between mending and drunkenness may seem far-fetched, but it really isn't. And the teaching of children to make clothes may seem more important than mending of the same, but it isn't either, for in a great many cases par ents are unable to buy new material jor their children's clothing, and the little ones have to depend on the hali-worn garments given them by the charitably disposed. Will any one take this matter up, if the idea is thought at all feasible ? . "oe Miss Winslow, who has been staying in Ottawa, expects to leave for her home in Fredericton on Saturday. She was the guest of honor at a girls' tea aiven by Miss Fielding yesterday. Mrs. A. D. Cartwright has been in Ot.awa with the Right Hon. Sir Rich- ard and Lady Cartwright. Princess Irene of Prussia is better provided for in the matter of god- fathers than any other woman in the world. | She can boast of no fewer than 4,000 godfathers, and how she came to obtain so many is a pretty story. When she was born the 'war of 1566 was drawing to an end, and pupce being concluded just at the time oi her christening her father, Prince Henry of Hesse, requested all the offi- cers and men of the regiments under his command to stand godfathers to his "little daughter, whom he named Irene (1 yin commemoration. of the end of the war. The president spent Sunday quietly with his camping party--nearSmedes, Binner-- was served al fresco, . and hears' paws were on the menu. The ro cooly: caused 7 much," amuse- ment bv announcing that as there were not enough knives and forks to oo round, he had simply distributed those in stgek to the "Colonel," as President Roosevelt, is called, and to the "foreign gentlemen." A "Rugby Dance" wi'l be held in Toronto "an December 3rd, and a foot ball dinner, with decorations," gh sug- gestive of "the autumn sport, was 'given in one of our large cities lately. : - . * . . great Miss Bianche Drury left on Monday for New York. and sailed yesterday for Encland, where she will spend the winter. The gowns and the presents at the Baukes-Livingston - marriage at Lon: don 'are being published. The bride wore white satin, with court train of <lver tissue and lovely lace, "and -her ornament was a magnificent of pearls. The bridesmaids wore. cream Oriental satin, trimmed with sapphire velvet and sapphire vel vel hats. The presents-ineluded lace flounces, Jace fan, and a diamond spray and rine from the bride's moth- ory pearband diamond ornament and alver tray, tea and coffee set, from her un lo and aunt. Mrs. Molton Mac pherson, silver-mounted decanters from Lady Kirkpatrick, silver bon-hon dish; Sir Gilbert and Lady Parker: crowa only strong v THE DAILY WHIG, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20. Derby tea set, from Mr. and Mrs. Pil- kington, and set of silver salvers and decanters from Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Macpherson. She also received two pearl and diamond bracelets and her gift from the groom was an- anchor brooch, entwined with *"F.. E. in pearls. ; Lady Minto wore a lace dress at the play at the Academy of Music, in Montreal, on Monday evening, and in her hair and on 'her corsage, clusters of 'pink roses, aud a jewelled spray was also in her hair. As she is still suffering from a cold, she kept on her wra cloak, of green velvet, with er- mine collar. Her 'excellency was the guest of hbnor at a tea given by the Woman's Antiquarian Society in the Chateau de Ramezay on Tuesday. The dart and Countess of Minto have ex- tended their patronage to the piano recital to he given by Mr. Stratford, Il'awson in Windsor Hall, en Tuesday, November 25th. - t may not be generally known that Charles Dickens passed through King: ston in 1841, and described it as a town "one-half of which was burned down, and the other hali not quite built up. He, of course, alluded to the result of the great fire of 1840, and the building operations ineident on the city being made the seat *of covernment. Col. Warburton, who was here 'about this time, was a bit un- complimentary regarding the accent of the inhabitants, which he said was impregnated with a strong twang. What a pity he couldn't happen along now and hear some of the lovely English accent which flourishes in our miast., . : . . ® Miss Mowat gave a small teg in To- ronto, this afternoon for Miss Hardy, daughter of the late Hon. A. 8. Har- dy. . An interesting number on the pro- aramme of the Ladies' Musical Club meeting in Toronto yesterday, 'was a solo by Mr. Percy Coward, the alto with the Westminster Abbey choir. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Branscombe were the guests of Mrs. Stewart Hous- ton, auring their stay im Toronto. Perhaps some people may ynot have heard that Miss Marie Hooton, the con- tralto with the Westminster choir, who has won such a warm place for herself with Kingstonians, is one and the same with Mrs. Branscombe. » - - The marriage of Miss Constance O'Connor, eldest daughter of the late H. P. O'Connor, K.C., ex-M.P.P., to Mr. Paul M. Goraon, of Chesley, took place at Walkerton to-day. The engagement is announced of Miss Lena West, of Toronto, to Dr. Harvey Hassard, of Sidney, Man. The engagement of Miss Robertson, of Rossland, B.C., to Dr. Walter Coultharc is announced. - - Amateur cooks who are afraid of at- tempting the really simple batter for cream puffs are advised to try the fol- lowing. The result, if the oven is richt, wili speak for itself, and is much nicer, as well more whole- some, to use with cut-up-peaches or other ripe fruit than sweet cake : Pui half a pint of boiling water 'in the double boiler or granite saucepan; stir into this hali a teaspoonful of salt and halt a cupful of butter. When at boiling point beat in gradually a cup- iul and a half of . sifted flour; when smooth set i to cool; then beat in five eggs, one at 4 time. Drop this batter from the wooden spoon on to a buttered pan in long shape, allow: ing » small.spoonful for each, as they should puff up to double size in bak- ing. When cold cut off the .top and fill with fruit and whipped cream. For a delightiul change bake: this in a pudding dish or cake pan and sérve in slices, . This makes a pretty (lessert, or-tea cake, and is much less trouble than the individual: pufis. as asiae A dodge which may be 4 new one to many is to put a little gelatine dissolved "in cold water, into a not- too sweet svrup. Pour this over the quarters of tart apples which have been- previously steamed till tender, and' then put in the syrup for a few minutes; and when cold, your apples will be-embedded in quivering jeHy. ae . ow Don't throw "away ¢hifion, as. many ao, when it hecomes soiled. Quantities of this expensive and lovely material wasted each year that could be saved and brought to do auty again, almost as "good as new. lt requires 'care and a little extra trouble, but it is ¢ertainly worth both of these. Make a lather of good white soap and: let it stand until nearly cold. Put "thd chiffon in gently around in the water, passing it between the fin gers, but not rubbing it. Now shake it out in clean waiter, changing the baths until there is no trace of cloud iness in the water. Fill 4 cup hali- full of water; drop .in a morsel of pure:gum arabic, and let this dissolve, Add to it a few drops of white vinegar. Dip in the chifion. Do not lay it between Very soft white muslin and gently 'pat | it with the hand. Have gn iron moderately hot and iron are o% squeeze or the fabric \on the wrong side, haying wring it dev, but= "civen by Rev. tissue papes between it and the iron. Embroidered mousseline de soie and other flimsy tissues can be renovated by the same process. Savory eges is a dainty maae as follows : Koil some eggs quite hard, shell them, cut in halves and take. out the volks. Pass through a sieve, mix with choppea ham, parsley, a little bit of onion, pepper and salt and a little cream. Then put back in the whites. Place on little rounds of bread ana butter and serve cold. VERONA VIEWS. Hunters Return--An Interesting Lecture Given. : Verona, Nov. 17.---S. Asselstine and William Stanford have returned from | their hunt, bringing home some fine deer. James Assclstine and family, late of this village, and who located in Mauitoba, have all secured posi- tions and are prospering in the North- | West. James is receiving $3 'per day doing carpentering work. Mrs, S. Walker and family have located and a fine dweliing has been erected on their homestead. She writes she is very much pleased with her western home. There was a large gathering at the Free Methodist church on Friday nivht, to listen. to the fine lectures Mr. Perley, Harrow- smith, and Rev. Mr. Cunningham, Free Methodist minister, in the inter- est of the temperance cause. E. M. York made an able chairman, Short speeches were also given by Dr. Claxton, H. W. Reynolds, and others. The occasion was enlivened by a duet by 8. Walker and wife, a recitation by Mi:s Edith York and a duet by Mis. Dr. Claxton and Mrs. B. Walker. On Wednesday death entered the home of Levi Storms, smd the spirit of his daughter, Rosa, passed to the hright home beyond. She was attack- ed on Tuesday with acute PEright's disease. The funeral, a very large one, took place on Thursday to the Me- thodist church. Rev. Mr. Richards of- ficiated. The remains were placed in the vault. William Percy is addifig an addition to his dwelling, which he in- tends to utilize as barber shap. Jacob BB. Snider and wife and Mrs. D. Snid- of have moved frem their farm into the village. Donald Craig has the contract of drawing the feldspar from the Walker mine to Hartington; he has a number of teams at "work. An- <on Charlton has had a cancer remov- ed from his lip. . The American company up feldspar mines on G. Borde's and Al. Emery's property. Bert Grant is home from Watertown and has secur- od a position on the K. & Pp. M \ anluvan, formerly an employee on the G.T.R., is in charge of the station here. William Abrams is visiting with fijends on University avenue, King- ston. His Farewell Address. Miseissipp 17.--Death has again entered our midst and carried off the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam Kirkhath. David Olmstead took his eldest son, Elmer, to the Kingston General Hospital, for medi- cal treatment, and he was very much fenetited by his week's stay, and is once more able to be out. 'Andrew McPhee and family have left to re side at Sharbot Lake. Mrs. L. Mar- gucrat and brother, Wilfiid, Harper's | Corners, are paving a few days' visit here. Hunters do not report as good luck as last vear. Miss Maggie Wil- con has leit for Winnipeg to reside with her si'ter. The "Peddlars' Par- ade," in Minto. Hall, October 18th, proved very successful. and was the means of adding about twenty dollars to the funds oi the church. Some of the vendors succeeded: in selling nearly all their war Rev. James Binnie gecupigd=the chair. The choir discour- cod sweet melody. 'The duet by Mis Mabel Hopg and Miss Bella Gray was very fine, Instrumental selections were given by Roy "Allan and Miss Mabel Allan. Mr. Schofield gave an original _ address, entitled, "The Fu- ture of Young Canada." Rev. James Pinnie preached © his fareweli 'sermon to a large and attentive congregation on Sunday. All regret his departure: Exterminated Fast. "Poronto. Nov. 20.--Capt. 'McAulay, of the cruiser Gilphie, reports tothe Jisheries department that much difficulty in enforcing the season for white fish and salmon trout during Noveinber, when fishing for herring is permitted, as in many cas those who are ostensibly fishing the latter catch and sell all Kinds. Therefore, Capt: McAulay strongly re- commends that al] kinds of lishing be prohibited during the otherwisé he thinks the Georgian Bay will be a past before' many | vears. close close season, white thing of the -------------- After a competition with British and German firms, the Westinghouse London of the district railway. ficure at which .the contract was =e cured has not been announced, but it it is understood to be £300,000. VE TaN She-- How did he come to got into coilege y | He--They needed a full-back. without taking an extrance examination ? 2 nsh of | com- | panv has secured the contract for the | equipment of electrical sub-stations in | The | i= opening | HE ATE HIS LEG. FORCED TO EATIT CAPTORS. / BY HIS Filipinos Torture Spaniard Until Death Relieves Him~--Murderers Released Under the Amnesty Act. Washington, Nov. 20.--The supreme court of the Philippines has liberated Jose and Isidro DeGuzman, of the province of Isabella, under the amnes- ty act. The men were sentenced to imprison- ment for life for forcing a Spaniard, Lieutenant Piero, of the guards civil, to eat part of his own flesh. They were also order to pay to the family of the victim £1,000. The case has been fought bitterly in the courts. It appears that the lieutenant had in- curred the displeasure of the twb men. Later® when Isidro became governor of the province the lieutenant was placed under arrest, his hands were tied behind his back and he was fas- tened to a stake for three days. At the end of that time, having been without food, a piece of flesh was cut from his leg. The meat was cooked fe- fore the victim's eyes and he was then forced to eat. Finally he was dragged by the heels through the town and his body dumped into a hole. -- To Honor Gen. Molineux. New York, Nov. 20.--Gen. Molineux is to be the guest of honor to-night at a banquet given by the United States Post, G.A.R. of Brooklyn. The affair is in recognition of the public plea- cure felt at the acquittal of Gen, Molineux's son, Roland B. Molineux, at his recent trial for the murder of Mrs. Kate Adams. During the entire four vears of the aged general's wor- | rv and expense in connection with his son's misfortune, his old war com- rades stood steadfastly by him. Am- ong other things they oltered to inr- nish the funds necessary to meet the immense expense of the second trial. which offer, however, the valiant old fichter declined with thanks. Poisoned Before His Love. New York, Nov. 20.--VWilliam C. Mahoney, twenty-three years old, sdid {o be a member of a wealthy Boston -aduate of Harvard, family, and a g | has committed suicide in this city be- there is | for | | within | cause a woman who had refused to marry him and had ce his arrest twice recently for persisting in his at- tentions, had declared her purpose of marrying another. The woman, whose Lome is said to be in Paris, was em- ployed in this city as a designer. Ma- honey called upon her, entered a vio lent protest against her intended mar- riage, and then poisoned Finself mm her presence. ---- London Delegates At Toronto. Toronto, Ont., Nov. 20.--The party of distinguished members of the Lon don Chamber of Commerce which 186 | came over recently to attend the de dication of the new home of the New Chamber of Commerce, arrived in Tor- onto to-day and were received by the city officials and represc ntatives of the local commercial organizations. The visitors are to rémain in Toronto two days, spending the. time in viewing the various - industrial enterprises of the eity and concluding their visit with a banquet to-morrow evening. With The Advertisers Bell's special seasoning is being heralded. Kerosene soap is being exploited from a, Joston agency: Uoniracts are being renewed with newspapers for Bucklen medicines and jor Kemp's" balsam and Lane family remedies. The rate per page per issue ef Argosy Magazine he been increase 1 f om S150 to $200 per pa It has 200.000 ¢irenlation, 'Munsey"s and Me- lure's alone exceeding it. ° 'there ape no better.made-up nor more dective advertisements anywhere than those of Laidlaw, of Kingston. The Store work: behind them-mabkes them tel -for all they are worth: a barcain is always found to be "is placed in the prompt re- § 3 announced renuine and reliance announcements, securing sponse. i------------ Loyalty to Kingston is best shown Lv doing businesy with whe people ' s and encouraging in it. everything helpful | AcTseeNY GQ LIVER KIDNEY BOWELS THE SYSTE | CLeANSESerrecTuaLLy 19 a5 £5 olSPF oP CHE n5; ¢ HEA, (EVER es NSTIPATION ABITUAL ""ogrmanenmy 9 <0 GE a BUY THE GENUINE =MANTD BY QURRNAiGSYRP Q "acy FL ASV} Fle v Nv. FOR SA sn Tia Canada's i NW NWN NN eve! Sn Sa A Se SR SN NSN NNUAL on Most Po sular Range 22 of the manufacturers of The * Happy Thought to make each and Range turned out by them a standing advertisement. ¥ y his is one of the many reasons why there are more avhy ) ) Thought' Ranges used in Canada than all other makes combined. y ) xss The WM. BUCK STOVE CO. 42¥ronn. bas been Canada's: most ular Ran; ENA Rs - 23Pita" titier % The. aon Po » onits merits and the superi- ality of its oT wave been the [ oN > £ McKelvey & Birch, 69-71 Brock St. rr CHLOR CHLORODYRE CHLORODYNE CHLORODYNE CHLORODYNE CHLORODYNE CRLORODYAE any medicine so efiicacious as an fectly satisfied with the result." CAUTION--Vice Chancellor. Sir W. without the words "Dr. J. Bloomsbury, London, Eng. Nice Assortment, McKELVEY PY HOME AERIAL] THOUSANDS IN USE Reliable - Perfect- Economical "ELLIOTT BROS, it in consumption, Asthma, Diaarhoea, and "Earl Russell communicated to the ceived: a despatch from Her Majesty's Council Cholera has been raging fearfully, and that service wag CHLORUDYNE.-- See Lancet, December 1st, 1864. . CAUTION--BEWARE OF PIRACY AND IMITATIONS. LIS BROWNE was undoubtedly the inventor of CHLORODYNE ; whole story of the defendant Freeman was delibertaely untrue, which he re- gretted to say had been sworn to.--See Times, Sold in bottle of 1s. 13d., 2s. 9d., 4 Collis Browne's Chlorodyne" Stamp. Overwhelming Medical Testimony accompanies each bottle. SOLE MANUFACTURER--J. T. DAVENPORT, DR. J. COLLIS BROWN'S ODYNL THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE. is admitted by the profession to be the most wonderful and valuable remedy ever discovered. is the best remedy known for Coughs, Consumption, Bronchitis, Asthma. effectually checks and arrests those too often fatal diseases: Diphtheria, Fever, Croup, Ague. acts like a charm in Diarrhoea and is the only specific in Cholera and Dysen- tery. effectually cuts short all attacks of Ep- ilepsy, Hysteria, Palpitation and Spasms, ot. is the only palliative in Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Gout, Cancer, Tooth- ache, Meningitis, etc. From W Vesalius Pettigrew, M.D., formerly Lecturer at St. George's hos- pital, London--""I have no hestitation in stating that I have never met with Anti -spasmodic and a sedative. I have used other diseases; and I am per- College of Physicians that he re at Manila to. the effect that the only REMEDY of any Page Wood stated that DR. J. COL- that the July 13th; 1864. 8. 6d., and 11s. each. Nine is genuine on the Government 33 Great Russell street, -- = COFFEE. All Copper, Nickel Plated, Patent Cold Handle, Beau- tifully 'Finished, Very Durable. Prices Moderate. & BIRCH, 69 and 71 Brock Street. MOORES H af HAPPY HOME - RANGE i -- WHY THE "HAPPY HOME" IS POPULAR: It is economical on fuel. Satisfactory to operate. Artistic in appearance. Large ventilated oven. A powerful water heater. Every range guaranteed by the makers. SOLD ONLY AT 77 . Princess St Florida Oranges. |A. J. REES, Princess St. JUST ARRIVED Havana Red Pineapples, Hallowee and Arabian Dates, \ FINEST QUALITY. Telephone Ne. 58, A ih