Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Nov 1902, p. 1

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THI DAIL KINGSTON, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21. 1902. BR ---- a ---------- ee ---- ITISH LAST EDITION 69TH YEAR. NO. 272 Not Guilty. Yes! we are guilty of giving best value in Overcoats In the city. Our special for this week in a heavy worsted, grey cloth, $12. Regular price for this quality is $18. y JENKINS 3 ~114 Princess Street, - aaa A GLEAN SWEEP. A new broom always sweeps clean. We opened up our new place of business on Saturday last at 263 and 265 Princess street. We saw the s0 we wttendid a great sale of etaple dry goods Sd bonubl sone al a very low price. The benefit of our purchase we: intend to give to our new customers and while the articles last we are offering them at she jollowing low price 200 sich hourd rovers, Sue. euch, Wool flecoed varda all © wool ladies J0S. ABRAMSKY, 0rrgiss sotia 263 and 265 PRINCESS STREET. $10,000 Bankrupt Stock 'Will be Sold by Auction at 184 Princess St.,NexitoMclLeod's Drug Store. The largest Bankrupt Stock ever brought to Kington, consisting of Clothing, Gents' Furnishings, Diy Goods, Furs, Boots and Shoes, Rubbers, Private sale at Fo tion Sals prices every day. Auction sale at 2 p.m. on Thursdays and Saturdays, and each evening at 7 o'clock. Commencing Saturday, Nov 22nd. Everyibing to be sold. No reserve HORSE FOR SALE. HAVE BEEN INSTRUCTED TO Auction, on SATURDAY, NOV. 22, Market Square, one horse, the stables of the Roval Canadian Artillery, Kingston. Sale at Terms cash. MURRAY, the . 4 to hunt up customers, fancy and difficulty all colors, worth for a gros, ndervunr, worth The. dress SELL w At from Ficld o'clock a.m. WAL DON'T WAIT TILL WINTER Before you think of getting .your sleighs and scutters ready for the first sicigh drive. lave them made 'ready now. Winter will come" with a rush shortly. Send them to us and pet them" paint&l, uimmed and repaired, We. are also prepand fo store through the winter ail kinds of carriages and "vehicles. Lots of¢ room, .Call and see us. W. G. FROST, Carriage Painter, 402 King Street East. CAPILLI FORMA WONDERFUL HAIR PRODUCER. PRE- vents falling and gray hair; Cures Dandruff, Eczema and Neuralgia, tead and Face Mas sage. Ladies shampooed at home if desired. Mme. Blder, New York, 166 Priocess St. NOT THE SAME OLD PLACE BUT THE SECOND DOOR ABOVE, YOU will find the variety. of cookd meats in city. also fresh pork, sausages, tender bologna, 1 le mild cured hams bacon Give us a hi al vers' new store, 60 Brock street, Phone BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COM- pany of New-York, assets over $352,000, G0U. Amount paid polic y holders over €569.- 000.000. Has ppenings for active agents in Fuastern Ontarid. | Verv liberal contracts. Apply to Thomas Merritt, Manager, 33 Bank of - Commerce Building, Toronto, Canada. my rooms, JR. Auctioneer. best SERVANT, U8 Bagot A GENERAL "A. Strachan, APPLY To MRS str iL. K NURSE; MIDDLE AGED WOMAN PRE- ferred. oly Mrs. Hugh Nickle, 130 Bagot street. A A POSITION Apply YOUNG off ce Whig Ofl A 4 MN. MAN WISHES rk, or pianist, BOYS WIIO WANT STEADY WORK. APPLY at Gould's éactory, Smith street, oppo- site 730 Princess strect FOR own APOUT EIGHTEEN employment. Apply Box 48, Whig Office, YOUNG MAN office, steady handwriting. in FOR BRICK, 7-ROOMED DWELL ing, lot 66 Lv 120, and barn. Easy terms. Price $650. J. S.. R. McCann, 51 Brock street. BU R COUNTRY BY olf uscful: un cows. Ad EMPLOYMENT IN a man willing derstands care dress at Whig Oilice. TOWN k and DO OUR WORK $5 to $10 per two cent. stamp AND GENTLEMEN spare tine; Address with London, Ont. LADIES at home, wee! "Box '240, CARE OF or « hong useful HANDY MAN DESIRES furnaces in private . residences puikditigs, and will be glad of anv ohle employment where he ean be Address at Whie office TE ACHER FoR SENIOR 1 of Sel bic 1503, class { hapmen A A hoii prof Sia! 8 SCHOOL SEC Duties to Apply stat Chambwrs, P.O. '1D TEACHER. FOR No. 2. Township of Oso. commence' January Sth, 1903. i ATV to John expected, > 3 v-treasurer, Oso Station b t and By-laws, subscript nto By 19 se Sa th A A us S 0 a.m. The sun 4:28 pm. Ww. City hall, Sale by ter, be 16 LOCAL MEMORANDA. ial Auction grounds, Bid adieu to morrow 01-2. Tenders Limestones vs, £ wlurday. Fount m., H, 2:3¢ Tenders Saturday. at P. ts Bank:ul aturday, Some "Why * hut Employees ev busi Members of Prince Edward chapter, M., Don't avator acy ty F icket mit pass Ti ir {ivorge bombard laf CO « milit Murray, are visit fi ld, wr chloroform The Daily Note Book For Whig Readers to Post Themselves 2 Jenkins for overcoats. Campbell Bros. Kingston skating club meeting to-night: Speci for hats and furs. meeting of bicyele club, 8 p.m. sale of cattle Saturday, at fair to county council of for iail supplies close at 9 am. Saturday. Welleslevs, cricket field, 2:30 champion-hip match, Queen's--Me- | pom. dur county supplies received till 9 rises Saturday at 7°03 am, and F. 8 Ferguson, orator, p.m. horses temperance and work horses 11 of clothing i mto is able be minding ry two Saturday, ale p.m. a.m. pt by Salter begins and p.m. the world asking to answer. > men come no one mav not mekllesome, vet always somebody els AF. & Frontenac and Cataraqui chap- 8 p.m. looks look, because he green. but snub a man hag right melon a similar is heart. We Saturday, d to help de s. the history: len-Powell, 1809; 1812; , tween y six first England, bora, all at Toronto, will of The nas vs. hat Death of Canadians in wor Fort Niagara, steambarge St. ched persons drowned, 1847: 1840. used, Princess of DINNER SETS. We have a handsome variety of every shade and color, beautiful sets from $5 up. Don't fail to see them. ROBERTSON BROS. L. Al QUEEN'S ATHLETIC GROUNDS, SATURDAY, Nov, 22nd, QUEEN'S I vs. At 2:30 p.m., Final game for Intermediate In- ter-collegiate Canada. Admission whies Imissic Championship of to west side and grand stand ar to east side and blecchers...... VOTE N REFERENDUM NO. Let the law stand as it is. good sensible law. Its VOTE NO On December 4th NOTICE. LIMES Lang STONE Rooms, at hls in Bethel LODGE SUNDAY to attend Church and in- AOUW Nects at MORNING, Divine service Members of Kingston: Lodge other A.OU.W. members are vited to attend, By W. H. GODWIN, Recorder order, ¥ i of KINGSTON SKATING CLUB. AN ADJOURNED GENE RAL MEKTING HAY m., to OF eld TO-MORROW, irs rink at 8 of . Constitution Ye. dae arrears. Increase 82 "ETHEL M. BOGART, 116n.-Sec.- Treasurer. will HT, at upon ch ne club NIC v ba of Der MR. mes i Mr. minutes ¢ JOHN MCINTYR PUBLIC DEBATE ON THE QUESTION OF THE HOUR. FERGUSON Mudie AND iree public detate EVENING, MR. MUDIE WILL at the City Hall, on Nov. 221d, at 8 Mr. one ach for hour: 20 Ferguson to. have one hour, and a'trwards reply. . K.C., Chairman. old, Terms cash, bu, A CROCKERY, in ness sons Oilice. AUCTION SALE OF HORSES | SATURDAY, MoV. 22, HORSE, guy 1 AM. YEARS Square. HORSE 6 on Market JR. 5 YEARS OLD, and harness WM. MURRAY, Auctioneer. FOR SALE. FLOUR AND FEED BUSI- flourishing condition, Gaod rea- for selling. Apply through Whig GOOD also Breden's, ROOMS ad at Mrs 24 Sunart street. FRONT ROOM, ALSO TWO SINGLE moder Jonvenientes, cen from City and Maddenald ile for a party of from three Parl streat looge 812 Good 1 hack, , S13. butter at Carnovgsy's. MeGILL Il THE WEATHER Has Brought Distress In Many Cities. NEED CHARITY ARE OUT FOR MANY PERSONS OF WORK. To Go as Governor of the Aus- tralian Commonwszalth for One Year--The Education Bill Has Passed the Committee Stage in the House of Commons. London, Nov. 21.--The continuance of the cold weather in Great Britain, although it is not yet extremely se- vere, has already brought distress in many cities. The depression in many trades is causing lack of employment, and the 'number of persons out of work is considerably above the aver-' age. The Salvation Army labor bureau in Whitechapel, reports that daily ap- plicants for work, chiefly mechanics and laborers, average seventy to eighty. The outlook is exercising char- ity organizations, which fear that there will be much distress during the coming winter. Two thousand per- HEFT EEE P EEE EEE b+ Awarded Damages. Paris, Nov. 21.--The civil courts have awarded ex- Col. Picquart, prominently identified with the Dreyfus case, 30,000 francs ($6;- 000) damages against the Jour, for publishing an ar- ticle suggesting that he was guilty of treason. HEPA EPIL I Eee +44 +44 e 444444 +444 44444444 shoemakers, are out of work in Lei 5,000 persons are idle in Newcastle and a similar condi- tion of affairs prevails elsewhere. The appointment of Lord Tenny- son, son of the late Baron Tennyson, the Enclish poet laureate, as covernor -general of the Australian common- wealth in succession to Lord Hope- toun, the first incumbent of office, who ned, is limited, by Lord Tenny- SOI own request, to one year. He was inducted to the office in July last prior to which time he had been gov- ernor of South Australia. After forty-five days discussion of details the equcation bill has passed the committee stage in the House of Commons, the final vote that the hill be reported to the house being 212 to 86. Notice was given that several am- endments would be made in. the re- port stage of measure. The president of the Argentine: Re- public sent a telegram in'which he ac- cepts the conditions named By Right Hon. Robert William Hanbury, presi- dent of board of agriculture, undet which Argentine cattle may 'be im- ported into England. Conditions are that Argentine shall adopt the DBrit- ish diseases of "animals act, inspect her own flocks and prohibit the mov ing of infected amm from the dis- tricts in.which they _are.located. It is. expected that this will result in the importation of cattle from Argentina in three months and that it will mate- sons, principally ster; res United States and Canada. Sir Saville Crossley, M.P., appointed payvmaster oeneral ceed" the Duke of Marlborough, has resiencd. "The duke is going to the Delhi Durbar with the Duke of Portlana, Lord Lonsdale, and others, as the guest of Lord Curzon, the vice- roy. It reported the duke has been © disappointed from a political standpoint, because Mr. Balfour has not appointed him to a more import- ant oflice. It was thought when Mr. Jaliour became premier that the Duke of Marlborough wou Id be remembered in the distribution of COTS. The Chronicle recognizes the truth of the declaration of President velt, that the United States would as soon abandon Alaska _as the Philip- pines, and it hopes that Filipi- nos willbe content with. the amount of individual liberty that United States rule, according to the nresi- dent, has brought them, "Free Cuba," the paper aads, somewhat doubt- ful as to the henelit of «hanging the casy-voke--of Spanish misrule for the bit of the United States financier." has bein to suc- who Roose- saves AMERICAN CONGRESSMAN. Speaks of 'Canada's Around Hudson's Bay. Winnipeg, Nov. 21.--Frank G. Eddy, member of congress, of Minnesota, who is visiting Winnipeg. in an inter- view vesterday pooh-poohed the talk of annexation, but he continued : 'You people do not realize vour greatness or prehend the half of your resources. Why, your agricultur- al riches are bound to make vour country one of "he granaries of the world. Then in the Hudson's Bay bas- in vou have untold wealth in lumber 'and minerals. Just around James' Pay alone there's more timber than ever there was in Minnesota and Mich igan put together. Do vou know that there's pulp wood. enouch around Hudson's Bay to supply the sweorld's market for centuries ¥" m--p------ Heritage \ cor , The annual meeti 1 of the Deceronto Reform Acso held Novem 15th, Offic tel were : Hon M.P Py; pre was nw Dr. Fic He the property. = oll house in on. rially afiect the importations from the BAD FIRE AT BATH. Evaporator Building and Three Houses Destroyed. Bath, Nov. 20.--Our village has again been visited by the fire fiend. On Tuesday afternoon, about, 3.30 o'clock, the fire alarm was sounded, and on investigation the building used as an evaporator was found to be on fire. In a short time a crowd ga- thered, but it was found that all ef- forts to save the buildings were use- so the three houses adjoining the evaporator were soon emptied of their contents by the willing citizens. At the time the fire bricade (which was organized last spring) engaged in protecting Mr. Shibley's residence, which was in great danger for a time, but fortunately the south-east wind blew the flames away from the main part of the village. As it was the large building in which 'the evaporator: was located, and three houses occupied by Cyrus Barraige, Robert Mott - and George Young, were totally destroyed. If the wind had been in the west, nothing could have saved the village. The building in which the evaporator was located for years was known as the block. The buildings occupied by Robert Mott and George Young were owned by Mr. Mott, and the house occupied by Cvrus Barraice was owned hy Robert Caldwell, of Syden- ham. Mr. Mott was unfortunate, this being the seephd time he has suffered loss by fire, having had the contents of his store burned on Mav 17th, 1901. Great praise must be given to the e bricade, also to the citizens for the way in which thev worked during the procress of the fire. Mr. and Mrs. W. Thorigal, Deseronto, are visiting at Nicholas Meyer's. Rover's BACKED OUT. Bride's Motives for Marriage Were Mercenary. Hamilton, Nov. 21.--A wedding that was to have taken place last night at 215 Herkimer street, the residence of the prospective "bride, Mrs, William McGee, failed to materialize, owing to the groom hacking out at the last minute. The gentleman in question is Charles . Vosj a resident of Barton township, who has a meat stall in the market. The guests and minister were assembled for the ceremony. Mr. Vos- per explains his action by stating that Mrs. McGee wanted him to make over to her part of his property, which he refused. He declined to have the ceremony take place bécause he thought her motives in marrying him were mercenary. ¢ Manchester - Martyrs.'* Philadelphia, Pa. Nov. 21.--The Clan-na-Gael and other Irish organiza- tions of Philadelphia have completed great preparations for the anniversary exercises to be held in the Academy of Music to-night in honor of the me- mory of the "Manchester Martyrs." Rev. Eugene Sheehy, of County Lim- erick, Ireland, will deliver the chief oration, ahd other speakers to be heard include Col. Blake, leader of the Irish brigade in the Boer war, and Francis W. Reitz, ex-secretary of the Transvaal Republic. ? Biggest U.S. Fleet. Washington, D.C.; Nov. 21.--There is now assembling in the Caribbean sea the most formidable fleet of warships ever brought together under the Suars and Stripes. Within-a few days Ad- miral Dewey will hoist his pennant on the fle ip of this big force as -com- mander-in-chief. The general plan of' the manoeuvres is similar to that pursued in the North Atlantic offi the. coast of New --Fag- land "Takt summer, but-the present mo- bilization to be. conducted _on a mirch larger scale than ever before at- tempted by the American navy. Wreckage Found. Victoria, B.C., Nov. 21.--Light keep- er Daykin, at Carmanah, reports that two miles west of that place the stern of a large ship's boat painted white with the words, "Ericson, Cardifi" in black letters and several long, new ash oars, all broken, were found. Also part of 'a mast, which looks like the topmast of a large vessel. The oars have no marks. Very Satisfactory. Victoria, B.C., Nov. 21.--Mr. Dear: love, who has conducted the test of the Pacific cable, at Bamfield Station, is here on his way to London. He has found the cable entirely satisfactory and has formally taken it over forthe cable board from the construction company, A speed of 110 letters a minute was obtained which is ten per cent. higher than was expected. Burial Of Mr. Maxwell. Vancouver, B.C., Nov. 21.--The. late George R. Maxwell, M.P., for Burrard, was buried yesterday afiernoon. The funeral was under the auspices of the Masonic lodges and was one of the largest ever held here, Service was held in the First Presbyterian church, of which Mr. Maxwell was formerly pastor. : To Survey A New line Winnipeg. Nov. 21.--A party of hs left Mcl.e wd, Alberta, to run 4 trial line for a proposed new railway trom Macleod to connect with the 'Great Northern system in Mon tana. & sur- vevors The Award Is Ready. The Hague, "Nov. The award. of Councillor Asser, the arbitrator in the matter of the Russian-American 3e- | hring fisher wm, will, it is be public next Sat sea announced, urday. questi made He Has Them All. fe tre are fruit laver es, Kinds, ned grapes, bananas, Ring street. necessities r table cakes, of all Malaga layer yout s dates, ete. Ferguson, There are cicht vacancies in the Do ¢ minion patliament. > Simm ssi, Comes To Us From All Quarters. FEW BRIEF ITEMS TELEGRAMS FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF EARTH. Matters That Interest Everybody --Notes From All Oven--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered By The Dear Public. Belleville's drill hall has been demned. krank Lee has been appointed signal engineer of the C.P.R., a new ofhce. A Minneapolis mill has been bonded to grind nothing but Canadian wheat, The London Chamber of Commerce delegates reached Toronto last night. Urme & Sons' plano warerooms, at Ottawa, were burned. Loss $60,000 or $70,000. Mis. Carmie Nation created at the New York horse show put out of the builiing. Lhere aie labor diinculiies wego starch works and many emy loyees have quit work. con- a scene and was Os- the at of WORLD NEWS PLP te et Pt rr error rere ed Drowned At Sea. Bucharest, Nov. 21.--The Universal states that the steamer Bornia sank in a gale on Tuesday in the Black Sea. Her crew and passengers, numbering 150 were drowned. FEI 4 4444+ "+ + + + "+ + + + 4 + + * THEE The King of Servia is reported to he plotting to dismiss parliament, and to reign as an absolute monarch. The Ross memorial hospital, the gift of James Ross, of Montreal, was for- mally opened at Lindsay on Thursday, Fog at Toronto delayed two coal harges outside the harbor for forty- eight hours and stopped a football match. A Middletown, N.Y., man was asses- sel $200 on We lnesday for stealing a kiss from a middle-aged woman of that city. The business section of the village of Lysander, a few miles north-east of Syracuse, was wiped out by fire on Wednesday morning. : A disease called the "face scab' has broken out in Aliion, N.Y. and _ the physicians are puzzled how to treat it. Many of the ci.i ens are allli:tel. It was otficially announced, in I on- ldon, that the Grand Trunk railway [Sind ailies wi'l build a new trans:on- tinential line from North Bay to the Pacific. Fhe body of Noah Hale, dered kis son, Frank, at Sault Marie, early in. October, has found in the woods by a party hunters. Eleven aldermen of Denver were -ar- rested on Wednesday for disregarding an injunction affecting street car fran- chise. They 'were bailed in $10,000 bonds each. The Clean, N.Y., water works ie- partment has sunk a well that fur- pishes more than 1,000,000: gallons. of water a week. The supply is turned into the mains. y The city council of St. Thomas has taken over the street railway, which has not been operated for sixty days. The city gave the company a bonus of £50,000. The city is also negotiating for the control of the gas plant. The board of health of Geneva, N. "., has ordered rummage sales to he stopped on the ground that the arti- les + are gathered from cellars and garrets and are dangerous to public healih. who mur- Ste. been of Rival Steamship Lines. New - York, Nov. 21.--Rival steam- ship lines * plying between New York and South Africa are waging a vigor- ous war in rates. To-day a ton of general cargo can be shipped to Cape Town for money than a merchant can bring half a ton of potatoes to this city from' the Carolines. The rate on general cargo tothe South African ports has béon cut repeatedly, until now it is only $2.43 a ton. less *¢ Bibby's." Oak Hall. Joys' men's, by Co. 't Bibby's." the D. Bib- overcoats, same stvles as 83.50 to ¥3.50. The H. The story f.om Washington, | "dealing with the rumored intention on the part of Morgan to consolidate the cotton; silk, ship-building, and other great industries of the world ic re- carded-as al ogether too fantastic for se ious consideration. In vi*w of the establi-hmeént along the Baie Verte coast of northern New Brunswick of a new industry, the can- ning of smelts, the fisheri & depart- ment 'has sionitied its willingness to jermit Tshing with bags for smelts during November. William W. Mirer, of Granhv, Que., has been gppeinted sub-collector at that port, vice JJ. D. Quinn, who has? «n holding both the sub-colleetor- pn of enstoms and the collectors land revenue. erything i: ready in london comylstion of the shipping and the launching of the al Mercantile Marine ¢ The tariff assed oni be of ¥ the for trust Internntion- GMmTanY wil lifels as-th German be he wil ing ore as in other parts of this issue. The Grand Union. Antiseptic Tooth Paste in tubes, 10¢. McLeod's drug store. Punlop, EE TO COME TO TERMS. Asking for Better Wages on 'the C.P.R. Montreal, Nov. 21.--The general com- mittee of C.P.R. conductors and trainmen have not succeeded in reach- ing an agreement with' the company, although they have been in confer ence for several weeks. 'The men are asking for an increase of twenty | per cent. in wages east of Fort Wi! ham. The company, at first, offered seven per cent. and has since increas- ed this to ten per cent, but the wen have not accepted the offer. There no doubt, however, that an agree ment will ultimately be reached that will be geceptable to all parties. It is announced that the 'All Red" Patific cable will be ready for public business in December, and the rate will be fifty-eight cents a word from all points in Australia. The coroner's inc juest into the death of J. B. Vanallen, Morrisburg, Ont., at Gabei le Mission sanitarium, re- sulted to-day in a verdict that the de- ceased came to his death through peritonitis and absolving Miss Ga- beille from blame as Vanallen was not a fasting patient. The jury found, however, that all sanitariums should be under government supervision. = KILLED ON A BRIDGE. An Accident Near C.P.R. Crossing at Lachute. Lachute, Que., Nov. 21.---The C.P.R. east bound train, due here gt 11 a.m., struck anl instantly killed a man by the name of Hen Riddell, a retired farmer, about sixty-five years of age, on the West River railway bridge, about one mile west of Lachute. Rid- dell was cros-ing the bridge and when he noticed the train apuvroaching he attempted to retrace his steps, but was caught by the train alout thirty feet from the approach to the bridge. He leaves a wife, three sons and four daughters. ACCUSED OF CRIME. Declared the Prisoner Doctored Some Whiskey. Winnipeg, Nov. 21.-- Neil Morrison is being tried at Brandon on a charge of poisoning Joseph E. Bacon. Morri- son was tending bar at Strathclaire. Upon February 26th, Bacon boupht a flask of whiskev from him. After drink- ing the liquor Bacon says he was tak- en violently ill and he believes that the whiskey was doctored. Ill-feeling had existed between the two men. Big Writ In Oxford. Woodstock, 'Ont., Nov. 21.--Mesasrs. McKay and Mahon issued a writ yes- terday for .Mrs. Eleanor Stover, who claims $100,000 damages in connection with the removal of the E. H. Thom- as & Co., Ltd., industry, from Nor- wich to St. Thomas, for which St. Thomas gave a honus of $20,000. Da- maces are asked by Mrs. Stover and other Norwich shareholders for wrong- ful possessicn and removal of the plant and appliances. This is the largest writ ever issued in Oxford. Long Term For McNutt. ; Halifax, Nov. 21.--Morton Mec- Nutt, found "guilty at Truro vester- day of attempting to murder, his wife, was sentenesd to twenty vears' impris- onment in Dorchester penitentiary. He al-o received five years additional for shooting at Mrs, Hamilton, his moth- er-in-law, Will Make Restitution. Ramilton, Ont.; Nov. 21.--George H. Fox, collector for the Magpe-Wal ton lee and Coal company, who went away two years ago with 8124 of his employers" money, has surrendered. The police magistrate let him go on a promise to make restitution. Died In Buffalo. Buffalo, - N.Y., Nov. 2L--John_H. Mcech, of this city, for many vears known the country over as one of the most prominent and successful of the theatrical managers, died this morn- ing of bronchial troubles after an ill ness of three weeks. Another Steamer Disaster. Belgrade, Servia, Nov, 21.--A Dan- ube steamer sank offi the Island of Orsova, Nervia, to-day. Five Tersons were rest but the remainder of the passer and . crew, numbering thirty were drowned. Jenkins' Overcoats. Boys raglans to hand this morning, dark grey, vertical pockets, cuffs sleeves, $1.50, 85.50, 26.50. Overcoats. value, UR Jenkins' fitting, extra 'k, very swagger, long, $12, Mrs. Lawra Hardi has been grant- od an absolute divorce from her hus- band, William 'Harding, more com monly known as "'Chunkey' Harding. The young couple were married at Prescott about ten years ago! On Tuesday last Henry Hunt, & Hill "Island, near Rockport; narrowly escaped being gored to death by = bull. He was knocked down and trampled upon before parties came his I'a.id his home, No. New York%, early Wiliam Clark, a West Indian, who boarded with the Robb familv. Robb acersed Clark with being toa fan . anl a quarrel followed. to rescue. Robh and killed at OTH street, this morning, by shot East was 203 with his wife, Clark has fel. The Philadel hia Pre the next five veirs the ompany wil handle zl ness of the Lelich Valli The 1 h lmiuralty awaraed son Scholar, # dvaging the eriean line fgenland. The civic re light was meet at o'clock and the fin- ance o'clock to night. "Psy trust coal busi 8 sSavs: Girard the compsny. aourt has line steamer Am- the ia IS 000 Yor steapwry |} nittee on | to afternoon, at eight COM? summoned this comimitiee Kale and leks at Carnovs on Toronto, M WEATHER PROBABILITIES, Ont.,, Nov. 21, (1k am)-- wlerate to fresh, west to south .west winds. and mild to-day amd Saturday. SPECIALS SATURDAY SHOPPERS SIEACY"S -Iilack fashionable color. Kid Gloves and every See our spe- vials, 75¢c., $1, 81.25 pair. -- rim ---- et Sable Ruffs--Extra values, best quality skins, $10, $13, 818, $22. New to hand, Winter $5, 87, Coats--.Just $10, $12. New Handlkerchiofs dainty styles, exira values e., -------------------------------------------- 1 For exverfthing new and up-to- date 1,000 dozen , 10e., 15c., in dry-goods inspect - our stock. PARKS wt Rednerville, on Nov. BORN. 12th, Mrs. Tice Parks, a daughter. MINAKER---WILLIAMS--A¢ MARRIED. # Picton, on Nov, 13th, Miss Flora May Williams," Picion, to Jacob Minaker, of Hallowell, JC 30 oe [3 ec fas 3. MOORE--In Funsral DIED. + Nav. late Picton, on 14th, third daughter of the Dr. Ewilv, Thomas Moore. YHASTON--Suddenly,at of John Johnston, from the Parrott, Violet; Violet, Brock St., residence of on-Saturday, Marv, wife Kingston. Nr. Miles at Ham. EH EA Epecial For Saturday. Those Fig Layers were very satisfactory. Will have them fresh for Saturday. Order early. = Remember they are not a cheap cake. WwW. J. CROTHERS. jx v BBWS Dw THVT VETTACVTVEANTVLLTLTVLLLLV LCL VOLVO | 1 | | 3 A Home. for $25 And small monthly payments. A Single Brick, 6 Room Dwelling, Cellar, Good Drainage. 100. St. Catherine Street., J S. R. McCANN, Lot 30 x Will sell for $700. No. 10, 81 Brock Street; Next to Wade's. Open Saturday Bvenling, he din EA ETS Of the richest designs and highest * guaran.eed quality. We mention ouf. Bead Pattern 5-Piece Set, full size, plain with grace- ful ofitiines. Reduced to $23. A. C. JOHNSTON & BRO.

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