Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Nov 1902, p. 4

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| THE DAILY WRIG, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21 When It Comes To Carving Y+<u want a knife which will cut and you want one which will stay sharp. It takes good steel to mak: a knife of that kind. Here are carv- ing sets made of the best material. You will enjoy one of them and you will find it a pleasure to use them. GORBETT'S HARDWARE. "Social" Brand Teas and Cof- fee's, in 1 1b. and } lb. packages, 25c., 40c., 50c. 1b. '"Social'"' Brand Baking Powder and Cocoa, 15c., 20c¢c., and 25c. tins. Premium Coupons in each pack- age. Jersey Cream Yeast Cakes. RETAIL. THE STARR CO. 185 WELLINGTON ST. SEALED TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED at the oilice of the * County Clerk, Court House, Kingston, up to Y o'clock am., of the 22nd day of November, 1902, for the undermentioned suppligs for the jail for ~ the year 1903 :-- Bread, barley, oatmeal, cornmeal, salt, pepper, beet, pork and. mutton, at per pound, Milk, molasses and American coal oil, at per gallon, Straw, hand threshed, at------per busdle of 12 pounds. Peas, carrots ' and potatoes, at per bushel, Brown family soap, at per. box of 60 bars. The-whole of the above supplies to be of good quality, to be delivered at the jnil 'as required, and te be subjeat to' the approval of the intlor. or come Siler person appointed bv the County Council. Separate te wii be received of the above supplios. Security required for fulfilment of contract J. W. EDWARDS, W. W. PRINGLE, Esq Coufity Clerk. Chairman Com. C. Prop Kingston, Nov. 10th. 1902. (arriazes Carriages EVERYBODY Who has rubber tires on their carriages are well pleased with the ease and comfort they enjoy in driving, if you have not got them on your carriage you should send to LATURNEY and have them on and enjoy your drives. JAMES LATURNEY, CARRIAGE MAKER, 290 Princess St. = Kingston, 1 The Place to Buy Gas and Electric Fix- for partt pl tures is at Breck & Halliday's. Thev carry the finest stock between Mon treed and Toronto A visit 'to our show rooms will reveal this fact, and everv ditic zen will Le cordially welcomed. _ BRECK & HALLIDAY, P'=g5n : ' Street. HARD COAL The Old Relliabie SCRANTON, Un- equalled for Heating and Cooking. S. ANGLIN & CO Foot. of Wellington St. WHO IS YOUR AUTCIONEER ? W. MURRAY, Jr. s serving rlv: every bx ow i line. He las a reputation for good sale prompt returns ard satisfactory settle Youn will be monev in: pocket by employing W. MURRAY, Jr. ABSOLUTE Cenuine Carter's Little Liver Pills Must Bear Signature of Sore Fre See Fac-Simile Wrapper Below. Very small and as easy 10 take as sugar. FOR HEADACHE. FOR DIZZINESS. FOR BILIOUSNESS. Clark's Plum Pudding A perfect Christ- mas delicacy--Put up in neat airtight tins. No cooKing needed. Heat an serve. cS READY TO EAT oe SOLD BY ALL GROCERS- Do you know Clark's deli- cious Pork and Beans? Rubbers Ghat Wear And made on new sty- lish lasts, fitting perfectly the latest shoe shapes. Enough better than other Rubbers to make you come back for another pair sometime. This is the weather you need them. HcDermotts Sore ATTENTION ! HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR NEW and SecondsHand goods, Clothing, Furniture, Stoves, etc: Always on hand, new clothing, Gent's Furnishings, Dry Goods, Jewelry, Musical Instruments, at slaughter prices. 1 buve a large stock of Secomd-Hand Stoves and Furniture that must be sold for want of space. | have evervthing from a necdle to an anchor to suit the public. Give me a eall. and 273 §. ZACKS, Second door below Corbett's. A Incipient illness is check- ed and vigorous health maintained bv drinking the MAGI Caledosia Waters, Sold by best dealers' everywhere. ~ SECURITY. = Princess St. | DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published each evening, at 306-310 King Asest, She per o'clock. year. Editions at 2:30 and WEEKLY BRITISH WiMG, 12 pages, pub lished every Thursday morning at $1 a one of the best Job Printing Offices in Canada: rapid, stylish and cheap work; nine improved presses. EDW. J. B. PENSE, PROPRIETOR. I'HE DAILY WHIG. Opifer per Orbem Dicor.' Attached is a THE VALUE OF TRUSTS. Mr. Moseley, who is heading a de putation of English artizans. in the study of Ameri-an industry, and in- dustrial methods, is in favour of the He thinks they have contribu- the 'ee trusts. ted to the commercial success of United States. He would like to the capital and laborer of England organized, so that they could manage things on a huge scale and to the advantage of the greatest number. As a result of their partnership, pre- suming that they can agree. upon general terms, there will be: "First, a minimum wage for labor; second, in- terest for capital invested in an indus. try; third, a fund for depreciation of buildings, machinery and other items of the means of producing; fourth, old age pensions for workers; fifth, the palance of the wealth equally divided between the employers and the em- ployvees." Mr. Mosely is somewhat verdant. He must not con:lude that the great cor- porations exist for the sake of "the masses. The Morgan banking house does not work for the community but the firm. annually for those who constitute The $25,000,000 it makes does not go to the people, nor even a small* percentage of it. The colossal schemes of the great magnates are not projected for the public benefit, and there is no distribution generally of the wealth they make among the em- ployees. In odd cases there is a divi- ion of the profits, with the men who help to edrn them, but the amount ix And the hour world is interested in the great industries. A crash in the steel ness, in the billion dollar concern, for exceedingly limited. vet la busi- instance, would pe nothing short of a national calamity. : ---------- GOOD TIMES AND KAPENSES. The great railway corporations have the proposal to and under consideration the freight The nature of tne advance not indicated, the railway companies have not yet' reached advance passenger rates. is because an agreement upon the subject and con- the companies as for the labour unions. certed action is as necessary for The workingmen, from the trackmen the engineers, have been accorded an increase in wages. The clerical staff, in all the offices and departments Of railway government, will demand and to to receive a proportiongte addition their rewards, The result is the increase of manage- ment expenses, in some cases by many thousands of dollars a year, and in some cases by many millions of dol lark. Viee-President Bosworth, of the Canadian Pacific railway, explains the result --the inevitable raising of the tolls for travel afd: transportadion and- to an extent which is at least equal to the increase" in expenses. The workingmen desire more salary because the cost of living has been in- increased. The railway companies de- sire more revenue, because the cost of operating their plant has been increas ed. -- The the manufac- turer want-more for their goods and merchant and merchandise because the cost of trans: portation Each charge is an incentive to the syndicate to add to the burdens 'of the people. It is a question whether the condi- has © been increased. tion of the average man has been im- proved. There i a tendency to raise prices and wages, and the one ofi-sets the other so that it is doubtful if the individual is any the better off. 1t is very apparent, at any rate, that boom times do not add materially to the savings of the masses. One earns mare, but he pays out more. Comparing is the clerk and mechanic in a' he notes, position, Jinancially, than the better was in seventies ? --------a---- COMMITTING. THE INSANE. The com- olained to the haye been committed to the provincial secretary has attorney-general that persons lunatic asylums who are not dement- od. They are degenerates, defective in mental power, and so-a burden to their friends, but they are in not luna- the lus. A remedy is called for. It that ties, and should not be asy- de mandled increased vigilance be to the totally unsound can be admitted the publ Fnstitutions, There danger of making the -test too exact- is ing, obstructive and injurious. Some cases are hard to define or describe. The patients are rational enouch on certain exhaustive will be to add immensely i | | ; @ 1 it is heavy en | to the cost oi it, and it is heavy { ouch already. The safeenard lies with lim anthorities. The superin | | tendent and his medical assiztants are exercised to the end that only the men | THE WHIG -- 68TH YEAR. | formation : : | yoints and exceedingly wary. i To make the preliminary examination | control of friends. This aprlies, of course, to the public institutions. The law 'can, however, be exercised to- wards the private asylums, of which there are several in Canada. The fact must be demonstrated that nowhere in Canada shall any one be incarcerated in an asylum, unless he be a lunatic, and has been pronounced such aiter careful tests and by the highest medi- cal authority. TO OUTSHINE ROYALTY. Mrs. and Miss Leiter to go Delhi, Durban. London, Nov. 21.--No royal person- age of modern times ever carried such an exten-ive wardrobe on thar trav- els as that which Mrs. Leiter and her daughter, Miss Daisy, carry with them to India, where they are to be the glests of Lady Curzon, nee Miss Mary Leiter, during the approaching Dur- bar festivities. Members of the British to JSS DAISY LEITER. EDITORIAL NOTES. It is insinuated that Judee MacLar- en was given office in order to take him out of the Liquor Act campaign. Surely not ! The idea is too absurd for consideration. A eet J. J. MacLaren's elevation to the bench is generally endorsed. He was not talked of for judicial service, but now that he has been appointed he appears to be a popular choice. There is to be a great temperance s *hool of demonstration of the Toronto 30th. them are expected to he in line. King children on the Thousands ston's children should he massed some what on the same day. The conservative papers are making great sport of the alleged purchase of votes in Lennox with pigs. Hadn't they better wait until that strange charge has been established ? Election rumours are not sometimes true. Mr. Prefontaine is a second Tarte in He days in! office, the energy with which he works. has only been a few and already he has in hand the light- ing of the lower St. Lawrence and the organization He of a small navy. shouldn't go too fast. Chancellor Burwa:h, of Vitoria Col- lege, thinks it a serious matter to re- ject the proferred service of any man who feels that he has been called into The Methodist had refused men some time ago, the ministry. church and now they were not available. The -assi tant receiver scaring people hy talking of the pen- Why redeemed ? general is alty of passing offi. bad money. not dell how it People come. into possession of mutila- ted Must they punished for getting rid of them may be coins honestly: he 2 Sutherland, of South ty '" offered 'a Donal Ox- he was good thing financially," to desert his party What was it? Why. does he not tell all about it? And, by-the way, what is his party ? ford, says as an During the election he was an inde- pendent. -- The strike generally, even the union men, not sympathized with the effort of the Trades' 'Council to force the employees Schenectady street railway has been a failure. 'The people have of the railway into the labour organi- zation. The strike was a serious er- rot of judgnient. 2nd. Saturday Special. Our last Saturday bargain was so popular and successful, that we have decitted to havernumber two to-more In going through our stock this we have culled out a lot of men's and youths' odd suits. 'Orphans and ends of different lines, but every one of them worth full price. They number about seventy-five suits, and range in price from $7.50 to $12--and the sizes run from 31 to 44 inches, chest measure. The Saturday price will be 85.90 -and on no condition will we sell a suit of them before or after that dav for that price. Dunlop, The Grand Union, 122° Princess street. Persian Lamb Jackets. Plain or trimmed with anv kind of far, manufactured on the premises | from extra choice skins. The quality, style and fit of our jackets is seldom equalled and never surpassed. If con- templating the purchase of any fur article it will be to vour advantage to come in and consult us. Prices and in- cheerfully given. Campbell dros., the manufacturing furriers ¢ Bibby's."" Oak Hall. " Bibby's." Men who come to buy a single shirt, buy twos They can't resist our fall heanties. 30c., 73c., 81. The H. D. Bib- by Co. i ' = New .Fall Hats. See our swell st™es in derbys and fedoras at 1.50, 82, 22.50. Campbell Bros.. 84 Princess street | experts in the business and can under- | | stand the cases better than the aver vhysician, "The only legislation re d is an enlargement "of tHe in «tructions to these experts to release anv patient who is capable of self government and 'submissive -------- onlv. to-morrow it eontinues 2590 for what von pav $10 and 812 to the |glsewhere. Grand Union, inducement | royal family will be present at Delhi, together with any number of the no- bility, but it is safe to assert that the costumes and jewels of all of these will be eclipsed by the trappings of the two United States women who, as members of the vice-regal family, will be central ficures at the festivities. Mrs. Leiter and her daughter were passengers on the Pehinsular and Ori- ental liner China, which sailed for In- dia to-day. During the past two days van after van has been driven to the P. & 0. docks, loaded with trunks be- longing to the Leiters. It id stated as a matter of fact that the baggage of these two women numbers more than 200 pieces. The many trunks are said to contain more than 100 separate cos- tumes, to say nothing of the smaller pieces of finery. All of these costumes have been made in Paris or London. Among them are a dozen lace gowns, that have occupied years of the lives of lace makers, and also several white satin gowns embroidered in jewels. These are in addition to the regula- tion' court robes that. are taken along. Then there are the strong boxes con- taining the Leiter jewels, and an idea of the value of this part of the bag- gage may be had from the statement that the insurance aggregates $2,000,- 000. One rope of rubies alone is worth 'hundreds of thousands of dollars. To this is added five diamond necklaces and long ropes of pearls, with a dozen diamond brooches and pendants and a coronet of diamonds and other rare jewels, of fabulous value. When Mrs. Leiter and Miss Leiter reach Simla, where the summer pal- ace of the viceroy is located, thev will be met by an escort, who with imposing grandeur will accompany them to Delhi. Christmas Is Coming. Are you already looking "for Chiist- mas presents. Our stock this year will surpass anything we- have ever_ had, part of it has already arrived. See our window, Taylor, successor to E. C. Mitchell, 124 Princess street. The-Jersoy City railroad has greats lv increased the wages of its employ- Skin: on Fire With Eczema. McDougall Was For Twelve Years a Dreadful Sufferer -- Now Proclaims the Virtues of DR. CHASE'S OINTMENT Exzéema's itch is torture, the skin seems on fire with the burning, sting- ing humor; at times it becomes almost unbearable, and in desperation, = you could tear the skin to pieces. You dare not exe e for fear of aggrava ting the itching, neither can yoy sleep, for no the body on warm than the trouble begins, and in- stead of restful, refreshing sleep, iv is scratch, scratch, serateh all night long. There is scarcely a moment's respite from this maddening malady at any time. Of course you have tried nearly all the washes, salves, lotions, and medicated soaps, but like thou- sands of others have been disappoint ed and disgusted. Alex. McDougall, postmaster, Proad Cove Marsh, N.S, writes: *'For twelve years | was a great sufferer from eczema on the side of the Theré was a raw patch of flesh about three inches square. and the 'itching was something fearful. One half-box of Dr. Chase's Ointment. completely cured me, took away the itching, and healed wp the sore. 1 have no hesita- tion in recommending it as a wonder- ful cure for itching skin dis * You may be sceptical regarding the ability of Dr. Chase's Ointment to cure 'vou. Most people are, after try- ing in iin to get relief from a host of remedies, but Dr. Chase's Ointment will not disappoint you. You will be surprised at the marvellous control, which it has over all itching, burning Mr. sooner does Vi inflammation of the skin, and the heal'ng POWers. Ww hi h it possesses. It takes time to thoroughly cure eczema, but Dr. Chase's Ointment wi"l do it. You will find relief after a few applications, and oraduallyv and na- turally the cure' will follow. Besides theing a positive cure fer-ecrema: Pr. | Chase's Ointment. comes useful in. a | hundred ve ifi every home for every form of skin irritation and 'eruption, chapped skin. and chilblains. 60 cents a box, at all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & €Co., Toronto Lpecessity. We know that vou are favor- of "such an @pointment, and know that you wil convey to the public through your _ paper what Some clothiors think that "in orde to conduct a retail clothing business, it is necessary to advertise, day afte day, week in and week out. Men's $15 Overcoats, Special to-day $10. Men's $10 Overcoats, t Special to-day $5, . These values exist on paper only, and the in fact he never expects to find them. thod of advertising. customer never gets them ; People are disgusted with this me- WHAT MAKES TRADE ? It's the pleased customer telling his and where his money was well spent. We treat our them scripture measure for their money, andl gnarantee every clothing we sell. One tells another and s friends where he was treated right patrons fairly--give article of o our business grows. THE H. D. BIBBY CO., ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, OAK HALL. TRY OUR MEN'S SHOES It's time for Fall Footwear. Don't you begin to feel the cold through the soles of your now shoes ? You should : 2 equipped with Winter Shoes--what store will do it best ? If you have $2 to spend for Winter Shoes com: right-here, for we believe we have the best $2 Shoe on carth---and you can rest as- sured that, whatever our get the best Shoe for yo anywhere. If you have $3 to here for the same reason. If you have $3.50 to here for the same reason. pr.ce may be, you'ul ur money to be had pay for Shoes, come pay for Shoss, come If you have $4 50 to pay for Shoes, come here for the same reason. Come here and you CAN'T go wrong. J. H. Sutherland & Bro. Popular Shoe Store Chocolates Chocolates 8 Ganong"s G. B. Chocolates Are the highest grade made and cannot be discounted for quality and flavor. COME AND SEE THE BEST AND LARGEST ASSORTMENT IN THE CITY. Telephone No. §8. A. J. REES, Princess St. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. The Local Views Held by the Plumbers' Union. Kingston. Nov. 20.--(To the Editor): As the boom of a plumbing inspector is on the vo, we thought we might as well be in the swim and express our opinion with the several others that have appeared in the local papers. Some call it absurdity, but we call it in twerity experienced mien in the plumb- ing line think on the subject. we know that it needs no practical man to ihspect the awv-ecarth closet, as anvboay with a nose can do the trick. "Now, -we-elaim withthe hoard of health and the trades and labor council that 4 practical plumber should he appointed, one right up to date, a man who, without 1ear or ia vor, insists that all plumbing work should be done properly. 'H such an officer was appointed we will guaran tee that it will cut off about one half of the strect-tearing up have at the present time. Also for the honed of the clerks we have in our principal who stana over cellars that contain receptacles, hardly fit for the nuisance grouna. Now, Mr. Editor, we rel of to to any charitable institution, that one half the does not get as far as that monu we stores, will Let a bat flour, go age ment of Dr. Sullivan's, viz, the Prin- cess street drain, Draw the attention of such to a practical man; there is | work for him to do. Don't wait till { the new house is built to get him to work. He will have his heaa and hands full. Don't worry about hia | being idle. He will do the worrvine, | There are honses being done with the tin-pipe ob and the dummy vent. [It is surprising how the cheap builder | will get the cheap: plomber = even time, ana also how the public will | employ the tin-pipe and trapless plumber. Tt would probeply be ec | well fo order their work from then butcher or grocer... How are respor sible plumbers to compete with® th above class ? Dv appointing an, ex pert. There are honses in this town vou would not live in or near. Ve » ' Auction Sales. SAVE MONEY BY EMPLOYING ALLEN & BROWN, Auctioneers, Seem MEN AND WOMEN. Use Big & for unnatural tations or ulce gant or poisonous, Sold by Druggists, sont in plain PPT, Ee on request, N rUEL LOCH CALL AND SEE IT AT STRACHAN'S HARDWARE. guess vou would keep the storm sash on all the vear round. Ac regards flushing sewers, awe know it rains in Kingston, and we know that 'flushes some cellars in addition to drain<, gnd water and soil. will not yun up hill. You sce the outlet from the cellar is lower then the main drain. : "We will now conclude . by #tatine that in our opinigr the pracucal plumber is required ghd wish to con; | vev thanks to the/board oi health and their energetyd chairman, J. Mc | Intvee, for theyfourteous manner In which he treated our deputation last prin. amd rectifying a glaring pice plummoing 'brought to hi notice on that . oceasion=~Plumbers™. Union, UC: VEALE. Secretary, P.8.--1 might av, Mr. Editor, we | have a. man in the field, T. Blomley. a nan with seventeen vears' experience « Bibby's.'! Oak Hall. '* Bibby's."' | Overcoats. The short, long I pieddi- tum lenoths, § ), 88, R10, 212.- 50, X14, 815. The H.: D. Bibby Co. NRE, Tavlor sells purest drugs. v

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